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  • Keskisaari, Oona (2023)
    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas with a lifetime of 121 years and radiative efficiency of 219 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2). Nitrous oxide concentration has increased in the atmosphere from the 1800’s, in recent decades with increasing rate. Pristine mires have detected to have small N2O emissions, but drained peatlands are a major source of anthropogenic N2O emissions. Peatland restoration has been detected to be a tool for climate change mitigation. Peatlands act as a major carbon storage and carbon balance of pristine and drained peatlands has been widely studied. Nitrous oxide is one of the major peatland related greenhouse gases but has not been studied as intensively from restored peatlands in the boreal zone. Peatland restoration area has increased in Finland in recent decades due to biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation. The total impact of peatland restoration on all greenhouse gas emissions has not been thoroughly studied. Nitrous oxide has received less attention than methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide. This thesis aims to gain more information on N2O emissions from restored peatlands and evaluate which factors affect the emissions. N2O flux data from 25 restored peatlands from Southern and Central Finland was analysed. The data was collected during May–August of 2022 from forestry-drained restored peatlands. Measurements were conducted on former strips and ditches of restored peatlands. Measurement sites had been divided into drained peatland forest types according to vegetation. The research indicates that N2O fluxes from rewetted, forestry-drained peatlands centre to small positive and negative values. Variation is wider than with pristine mires, but mean values for this measurement period were not significantly higher. Drained peatland forest type had a weak impact on N2O emissions, nutrient-rich sites had higher mean N2O emissions compared to less fertile sites of the study. Highest N2O emissions were measured from nutrient-rich site ditches. Less fertile sites of the study acted as a net sink of N2O on both strip and ditch. Environmental factors as water table (WT) level and soil temperature had an impact on N2O emissions, thus WT level as the only individual explanatory variable explained the variation in N2O emissions the most. N2O emission seemed to slightly decrease with years passing since restoration activities. This trend was the most visible with nutrient-rich sites. C/N ratio had a slight negative trend with site mean N2O emissions on both strip and ditch during the measurement season. Future research is needed to understand the dynamics of higher spatial and temporal N2O emissions.
  • Turtiainen, Tiia (2010)
    The study was performed to clarify if women consumers´ objective and subjective knowledge and general attitudes to their attitude have effect, and if the attitude to the information desire about the genemodified crops (=GM-crops) has effect. The results could be utilised in the informing about the GM-crops. The about 13 000 members of Marttaliitto ry was chosen as a sample which represents Finnish women consumers. The material was collected as email survey and the female interviewees' answers that were used for analysis came altogether 2 241 pieces. In a multinomial logistic regression analysis the attitude towards the GM-crops (=the GM-attitude) as explanatory variables was obtained, subjective and objective information, general attitudes towards nature, plant breeding and organic food, and confidence to information about the GM-crops given by the journalists, researchers, the European Union and environment organisations. From demographic variables the age and the place of residence explained the GM-attitude. The information desire was explained by the GMattitude. The woman consumer's subjective and objective knowledge and the general attitudes towards nature, plant breeding and organic food affect an attitude towards the GM-crops and the attitude affects an information desire about the GM-crops. In the K-means cluster analysis it was formed based on the GM-attitude, four different women consumer segments: green opponents, green fighters, non-green supporters and acceptors. The green opponents and acceptors wanted to have information about the matter areas concerning GM-crops more than the non-green supporters and the green fighters from the segments. The results can be used as help for the communication when the women consumers informing of the matters which are related to the GM-crops. More information is wanted so there should be it easily available. To maximise the effectiveness of the communication, communication should be focused according to different consumer segments. In the future it would be interesting to know how women consumers will be reacted to the information about the GM-crops if there is information from the desired sources available. Would the women consumers use information and would they be interested in the information for real?
  • Paaja, Pipsa (2015)
    Over 60% of all the forest land in Finland is owned by private forest owners and most of these forests are owned by families. Private forest owners have been studied in Finland quite a lot, but there are still quite few studies about women owning forest land. The theory is based on previous Finnish, Swedish and American studies about female forest owners. The goals of this study were to describe women and their behaviour as forest owners as well as explore how they use forest consultation services, which background characteristics influenced the usage and how it differed from men’s behaviour. The data used in this study was Suomalainen metsänomistaja 2010 and it has been gathered during 2004-2008 via postal survey. The sample, 13,000, was divided into 13 forest centres. Valid responses were obtained 6318, so the percentage of responses was 49,2%. The background characteristics and behaviour of female forest owners were explored by using means and cross-tabs. Linear regression model and logit-model were used to describe the usage of forest consultation services and the background characteristics influencing it. On the supposition that the amount of the female forest owners has been under estimated in previous studies (25%), the purpose of this study is also to determine more exact number. Previously, the amount of female forest owners has been estimated on the strength of the respondent of the postal survey, but it hasn’t been taken into account that men are more likely to answer the survey than women. This study showed that 38% or 44% of all forest owners in Finland were women depending on the calculation method. Female forest owners were older and better educated than men, but they sold less wood as well as did less maintenance work and also their estates were smaller. Women used the forest consultation services less frequent than men. Women’s goals of owning forest were also different from men’s, since over a third of women used their forest for recreational purposes. Women were more passive forest owners than men. This can be partly explained by the large amount of women using their forest for recreational purposes. Women could be encouraged to be more active through a women’s own network. These kinds of networks have been put into practice for example in the USA.
  • Kaikkonen, Riina (2012)
    Osuuskuntien toiminnalla on ollut huomattava vaikutus kehitysmaiden köyhien elinoloihin tarjoamalla työtä ja vähentämällä köyhyyttä. Maatalousosuuskuntien toiminnan avulla kehitysmaiden köyhät maatalousyhteisöt ovat harjoittaneet yhteisöllistä liiketoimintaa ja ylläpitäneet alueen maataloustuotantoa. Naisten pienimuotoinen tuotannonharjoittaminen on lisääntynyt kehitysmaissa ja monet kehitysmaat ovat ottaneet tämän huomioon toimintasuunnitelmissaan. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää naisvetoisen tuotannonharjoittamisen kannustavia ja rajoittavia tekijöitä afrikkalaisessa kehitysmaassa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on löytää hyödyllistä tietoa Tansaniassa sijaitsevan Kalalin maito-osuuskunnan liiketoiminnan kehittämiselle. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat naisvetoisten maito-osuuskuntien haasteet Tansaniassa, jota on tarkasteltu yhdestä maito-osuuskunnasta kerätyn aineiston avulla. Kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen aineiston keruumenetelmänä oli avoin puolistrukturoitu haastattelu ja strategia-workshop. Avoin puolistrukturoitu haastattelu ja strategia-workshop järjestettiin Tansaniassa sijaitsevan Kalalin maito-osuuskunnan naisjäsenille. Tansanialaisen naisvetoisen osuuskunnan tuotannonharjoittaminen edellyttää tietoa tuotannosta, tuotekehityksestä ja markkinoiden tuntemisesta sekä riittävää kirjanpito- ja liikkeenjohtamistaitoa, teknologiaa, pääomaa, yhteistyöverkostointia ja koulutusta. Liiketoiminnan menestymiseen vaikuttavat yrittäjän demografiset tekijät kuten ikä tai sukupuoli, yrittäjän ominaisuuksista henkinen pääoma sekä strategisista tekijöistä mm. tuotekehitys. Tutkimusaineiston tutkimusteemoiksi nousivat: kannattavan liiketoiminnan edellytykset, yhteistyöverkostointi ja naistuotannonharjoittajan haastava toimintakenttä. Tuotannon- ja markkinoiden koulutusta sekä nykyaikaisemman teknologian käyttöön ottamista pidettiin tärkeänä liiketoiminnan kannattavuudelle. Toisaalta riittämätön pääoma koettiin esteeksi uusille investoinneille ja koulutukselle. Naisen suuri työmäärä kodin ja sen ulkopuolella ja omaisuuden hallinta-asiat koettiin esteinä toiminnalle. Tuotannonharjoittamisen avulla naiset kokivat saavansa itsenäisemmän roolin, tuloa ja hyvinvointia perheelle. Naisten pitkä kokemus maidontuotannosta ja motiivi sitoutua työn tekoon edesauttavat tuotannonharjoittamista. Tutkimustulosten perusteella naisten tuotannonharjoittamisen tukeminen kouluttamalla, ohjeistamalla ja mahdollistamalla pääsyn rahoitukseen tukevat lopulta alueen koko köyhän yhteisön toimintaa.
  • Kuusjärvi, Siiri (2020)
    Background and the aim of the study: Based on previous literature, the cooperation between catering workers and early childhood educators is essential for providing special diets and food education activities in day-care centres. This cooperation is scarcely studied. Furthermore, while some research has been conducted in the school environment, the perceptions and roles of catering workers on food education have not been previously studied in the early education environment. Therefore, this thesis aimed to examine how catering workers and early childhood educators perceive their cooperation and to observe their dynamic in the day-care environment. Additionally, the aim was to explore what perceptions catering workers and early childhood educators have on food education, their role as food educators, and the relationship that children have with catering workers and the kitchen. Material and methods: The study was qualitative by design with an ethnographic emphasis. Observation and interview data were collected from four day-care centres in the Pirkanmaa region. In each day-care centre, data was collected for two days by observing a group mealtime and interaction moments between catering workers and early childhood educators. Mealtime observations were recorded using a form developed based on the Environment and Policy Assessment and Observation (EPAO) -tool. The children in the mealtime observation groups were mainly 2-5 -years old, though one group of 1-3 -years old was also studied. Besides observations, two interviews were conducted in each day-care centre: one with a catering worker and the other with an early childhood educator. Interviews (n=8) were performed as thematic interviews. Interview and observation data were combined in the analysis phase. The analysis was data-based content analysis. Symbolic interaction theory was used as a guide in data collection and as a reflection point for the results. Results and conclusion: Early childhood educators strongly emphasised mealtime related topics and the children’s role in food education during interviews. There were slight differences between early childhood educators´ descriptions of food education, which were similarly reflected in mealtime observations. Catering workers emphasised the properties of food and food appreciation more often than early childhood educators. Catering workers and early childhood educators experienced their cooperation to be rather good, though perceptions on what good collaboration included differed. Staff interactions were subject to constant change and cooperation was unique to each day-care centre. Data analysis from both observation and interviews revealed “the symbols of cooperation” as a common theme, which was divided into four categories: 1) flexible interpretation of the service contract, 2) staff parties, 3) a shared break room, and 4) an open kitchen door. Catering workers and early childhood educators considered children to perceive catering workers divergent from other adults but not unfamiliar. The kitchen was considered a place that interested children but remained a somewhat unfamiliar and forbidden place for them. Results provide new insight for the perceived and observed cooperation between catering workers and early childhood educators and their perceptions about food education. Despite the potential for cooperation and food education, childrens’ relationship with catering workers was described to be distant and, therefore, provides opportunity for further studies.
  • Mäenpää, Stina (2018)
    Nanomateriaalit ovat hyvin pienikokoisia materiaaleja, joiden koon tuomat erityisominaisuudet ovat teollisuuden kannalta hyödyllisiä. Nanomateriaalit reagoivat eri tavalla myös biologisen materiaalin kanssa, joten samat teollisuuden kannalta suotuisat ominaisuudet on otettava huomioon toksikologisesta näkökulmasta. Nanotitaanidioksidia ja nanosinkkioksidia käytetään aurinkovoiteissa, kun taas nanohopeaa käytetään haavahoidossa ja vaatteissa. Näille materiaaleille voi täten altistua ihon kautta. Ihon yksi tärkeimpiä tehtäviä on suojata meitä ulkoisilta haitoilta ja iholla on omat mekanisminsa tätä varten. Iholla on myös oma mikrobiyhteisönsä, joiden poikkeavuudet ovat yhteydessä erilaisiin ihosairauksiin. Ihon mikrobien sekä nanomateriaalien välistä yhteyttä ei ole tutkittu kattavasti ja tässä maisterintutkielmassa tutkittiin tätä yhteyttä. Karvattomia, SKH-1-kannan hiiriä altistettiin nanotitaanidioksidille, nanosinkkioksidille tai nanohopealle. Osa hiiristä lopetettiin vuorokauden sekä osa seitsemän päivää altistuksen jälkeen, ja hiiristä kerättiin ihonäytteitä mikrobi-DNA:n ja hiiri-isännän RNA-eristystä varten. Hiiri-isännän ihopalojen RNA:n eristystä optimoitiin erilaisilla helmihakkausputkilla ja RNA:n laatu tarkastettiin. RNA:sta tutkittiin metallotioniinien ja tulehdusta edistävien sytokiinien geenien ilmentymistä kvantitatiivisella PCR:llä. Mikrobi-DNA eristettiin ihopaloista ja puikkonäytteistä, ja eristystä optimoitiin kolmella eri menetelmällä. DNA:sta monistettiin 16S rRNA-geeni, sekvensointiin Suomen molekyylilääketieteen instituutissa ja käsiteltiin R-ohjelmistolla. Myös sekvenssidataa käsiteltiin kolmella tavalla ennen kuin saatiin varsinaiset tulokset. Hiiren ihon geenien ilmentymisessä ei havaittu erityistä muutosta. Sen sijaan ihon bakteerien kokoonpanossa havaittiin muutos. Bakteereita tarkastellessa vuorokauden titaanidioksidi- ja sinkkioksidiryhmät erosivat hieman naiiviryhmästä, ja seitsemän päivän hopearyhmä erosi naiiviryhmästä selkeästi. Erityisesti Corynebacterium-bakteerien osuus nousi hopea-altistuksen myötä, kun taas osan bakteerien suhteellinen osuus laski. Tämän tutkimuksen menetelmäoptimoinnin avulla saavutettuja tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevaisuuden ihon mikrobiomitutkimuksissa ja tarvittaessa tutkimuksia voi tarkentaa esimerkiksi käyttämällä tautimalleja.
  • Varis, Jutta (2017)
    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an economical, sustainable source of vegetable protein. Antinutrients and unpleasant flavor restrict its use for animal feed and human consumption. Addition of faba bean flour or other protein rich bean flours has a big influence on the structure and flavor of baked products. The aim of this study was to find out how the structure and sensory profile changed when native faba bean (NHP) flour or fermented faba bean (RHP) flour was added to wheat bread. The study was organized into two substudies 1) The wheat breads were baked with 0–50 % faba bean flour (NHP0, NHP10, NHP30, NHP50) 2) The breads were baked with 30 % faba bean flour fermented with four different lactic acid bacteria (R1HP, R2HP, R3HP, R4HP and control sample NHP30r). Generic descriptive analysis (GDA) was used for evaluations (n = 12). NHP breads were evaluated with 13 attributes: five related to an odour, two to colour, four to texture and two to taste. In RHP evaluation, three attributes were added: musty odour, crumb musty taste, and crumb sour taste. The analysis of variance showed that the amount of faba bean or the type of fermentation had an effect in each attribute except in odour of yeast in RHP breads. NHP30 control samples were evaluated similarly in both substudies. High levels of faba bean (NHP30, NHP50) made the intensities of odour and flavour stronger and texture less smooth compared to wheat bread with lower levels of faba bean. Weissella confusa fermented bread (R1HP) differed considerably from other fermented samples in texture, specific volum, colour and in some odour and flavour attributes. The Weissella confusa E3403-strain, used in bread R1HP, produces exopolysaccharides, which transforms the technological attributes of faba bean flour more suitable for wheat baking. The Weissella confusa E3403-strain also excludes the negative side effects affecting the taste and texture and enables the high faba bean and protein level in wheat bread.
  • Sun, Mengyi (2016)
    As the sustainable energy is becoming increasingly important, utilization of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuel production is the central part of this area. Fungal enzymes play an important role in lignocellulose degradation. Glucuronoyl esterase (GE) is a less studied fungal enzyme which degrades the ester linkage between lignin alcohol and hemicellulose side chain 4-O-methyl D-glucuronic acids. Genes encoding GE have been identified from various fungal species and they have been expressed in different production systems to be able to study their biochemical properties in detail. The gene encoding GE from the basidiomycete litter-decomposing fungus Stropharia coronilla was cloned and heterologous expressed in Pichia pastoris yeast. The expression and secretion of GE was induced by growing S. coronilla on lignocellulose supplemented cultivations. ScGE activity can be detected after the fifth day cultivation and it peaked on the 14th day. The heterologous expression of ScGE in P. pastoris showed that ScGE was produced as an enzymatically active protein. The commercial K-URONIC kit supplemented with a GE specific substrate benzyl-D-glucuronate was used to determine GE activity.
  • Aalto, Satu (2014)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli validoida natriummääritysmenetelmä Tullilaboratorion käyttöön elintarvikkeiden suolapitoisuuden määrittämiseen. Uuden lainsäädännön mukaan elintarvikkeen suolapitoisuus tulee määrittää natriumpitoisuuden kautta, jolloin suolapitoisuuden analyysitekniikka muuttui kloridimäärityksestä natriummääritykseksi. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa käsiteltiin natriumin ja suolan esiintymistä, merkitystä elintarvikkeissa ja merkitystä ihmisen terveyteen sekä sen lainsäädäntöä. Myös natriummääritysmenetelmiä tarkasteltiin, mutta pääasiassa keskityttiin ICP-OES-tekniikkaan. Kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa menetelmän validoinnissa käytettiin kahta eri varmennettua vertailunäytettä (BCR-383®, papujauhe ja ERM-BD150®, maitojauhe). Lisäksi menetelmää testattiin kahdella FAPAS-näytteellä (säilykeliha-ateria ja omenamehu). Näyte märkäpoltettiin vahvassa hapossa (69 % typpihappoa ja 30 % vetyperoksidia) ja laimennettiin 1 %:seksi typpihapoksi. Näyte analysoitiin ICP-OES-tekniikalla, jossa huuhteluliuoksena käytettiin myös 1-prosenttista typpihappoa. Menetelmän validoitavia parametreja olivat spesifisyys, herkkyys, lineaarisuus ja tarkkuus. Lisäksi määritettiin mittausalue, toteamisraja ja määritysraja ja menetelmän epävarmuus. Näytteiden tuloksia verrattiin vielä vertailuarvoon ja näytteille laskettiin z-arvot. Menetelmä oli tarkka, sen määritysrajaksi muodostui 2,5 mg/100 g. Menetelmän laajennetuksi epävarmuudeksi saatiin kaksi arvoa; 29 % pienille natriumpitoisuuksille ja 5-12 % suurille natriumpitoisuuksille (lisätty suola). Kaikkien menetelmässä käytettyjen näytteiden z-arvot vaihtelivat välillä 0,3-2,1. Menetelmä testattiin toimivaksi ja sitä tullaan jatkossa käyttämään elintarvikkeiden suolapitoisuusmäärityksissä Tullilaboratoriossa. Menetelmä myös akkreditoidaan syksyn 2014 aikana.
  • Juusela, Maija (2016)
    Sodium chloride is considered to be one of the most important ingredients in sausage production in terms of safety and quality. It is the biggest source of sodium in sausages which has been proven to have negative effects on health. In Finland meat dishes and products are responsible for one third of the sodium consumption per day for men and one fourth for women. Finland is going to begin applying the EU regulation on the provision of food information to consumers by the end of the year 2016. This regulation concerns nutrient information in the food packages. According to the regulation the new threshold value for sausages containing less salt than usual is 1,5 %. The objective of this study was to develop a sausage within the new threshold containing less than 1,2 % added salt and examine changes in sensory properties caused by salt replacements. The sensory method used in this research was quantitative comparison of multiple samples. The variable in the pork meat sausage samples was different potassium chloride salt replacers. Changes in sensory properties were examined by comparing the taste and texture of the samples to a reference sample. The taste properties assessed were saltiness, bitterness and metallic taste. Textural properties under evaluation were firmness and juiciness. The texture was also studied by firmness tests with Instron texture analyzer. According to the statistical results with applied Bonferroni correction, the only significantly differing property was saltiness. Two of the three replacer samples were assessed as less salty than the reference. However, compared to the hidden reference samples, no significant differences were detected. According to the results from the texture analysis, the sample containing the highest potassium chloride content was the least firm. On the basis of the sensory analyses, potassium chloride could be a considerable alternative to sodium chloride as a salt replacer.
  • Forstén, Elina (2015)
    Tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin suolan (NaCl) teknologisiin ja aistittaviin vaikutuksiin vehnä- ja ruisleivonnassa. Lisäksi tutustuttiin suolan korvaamisessa käytettyihin menetelmiin kuten mineraalisuoloihin ja suolan maun intensiteetin nostamiseen eri menetelmin. Edelleen käsiteltiin suolan vaikutuksia terveyteen ja keinoja suolan saannin vähentämiseen. Natriumia saadaan ravinnosta Suomessa reilusti yli suositusten. Noin kolmannes suolasta saadaan viljavalmisteista, siksi suolan vähentämisellä leivästä olisi suuri merkitys natriumin saantiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tarkoituksena oli puolittaa ruispalaleivän suolapitoisuus kaliumkloridin (KCl) tai kaliumsitraatin avulla rakenteen kärsimättä ja parantaa leipien makua pintasuolausmenetelmällä. Pintasuolauksessa leivän pintaan suihkutettiin suolaliuosta heti paiston jälkeen niin, että natriumkloridipitoisuudeksi leivässä tuli 0,3 %. Ruispalaleipäresepti jäljitteli kaupallisten ruispalaleipien reseptiä. Käytettiin kolmea pitoisuutta natriumkloridia, ja natriumkloridi korvattiin ekvivalenttisesti kaliumkloridilla tai kaliumsitraatilla. Taikinoiden konsistenssia tarkastettiin farinografilla ja leivistä määritettiin tilavuus, painohäviö, murenevuus, sisuksen kovuus sekä pH ja happoluku. Lisäksi leipiä arvioitiin aistinvaraisesti ruispalaleipiä varten kehitetyn laatuarviointilomakkeen avulla. Pintasuolausmenetelmän soveltuvuutta sekä mineraalisuolojen virhemakuja arvioi aistinvaraisesti kolmihenkinen asiantuntijaraati. Ruispalaleivät, jotka sisälsivät 0,6 tai 1,2 % natriumkloridia tai ekvivalenttisesti korvattuna kaliumkloridia tai kaliumsitraattia, olivat tilavuudeltaan, sisuksen kovuudeltaan ja aistinvaraiselta rakenteeltaan laadukkaita. Kaliumkloridia tai kaliumsitraattia sisältäneiden leipien maku oli kuitenkin suolaton ja leivissä oli virhemakuja kuten karvautta ja metallisuutta. Kaliumkloridia tai kaliumsitraattia sisältävien leipien makua pyrittiin parantamaan pintasuolauksella. Pintasuolaus ei kuitenkaan häivyttänyt kaliumin makua, vaan osa raatilaisista koki varsinkin kaliumkloridia sisältävät leivät epämiellyttävänä. Siksi kehitettiin vielä leipä, jossa vain osa natriumkloridista oli korvattu kaliumkloridilla tai kaliumsitraatilla taikinassa ja joka pintasuolattiin. Nämä leivät olivat maultaan hyväksyttäviä ja kuitenkin natriumkloridipitoisuus jäi tavoiteltuun 0,6 %:iin. Kaliumkloridi tai kaliumsitraatti sopivissa pitoisuuksissa ja pintasuolausmenetelmä ovat siis käyttökelpoisia keinoja suolan vähentämisen avuksi ruispalaleivissä.
  • Äijö, Meri (2019)
    Nurmipalkokasvit kiinnostavat valkuaislähteinä ja niistä yleisin on puna-apila. Puna-apila on haastava säilöä sen korkean valkuaispitoisuuden ja puskurikapasiteetin sekä alhaisen sokeri- ja kuiva-ainepitoisuuden vuoksi. Klostridit tulevat rehuun usein maaperästä ja sel-viävät melko happamissa olosuhteissa. Klostridit tuottavat säilörehuun voihappoa. Kas-veissa luonnollisesti oleva nitraatti hajoaa säilönnässä ammoniakiksi, nitriitiksi ja typen oksideiksi. Nitriitti ja typpioksidi vaikuttavat ehkäisevästi klostridien kasvuun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää natriumnitriitin soveltuvuutta puna-apilasäilörehun säilöntään verrattuna muurahaishappoon tai painorehuun. Koe tehtiin kahdella erilaisella rehun kuiva-ainepitoisuudella (KA1 ja KA2). Lisäksi tehtiin klostrideilla kontaminoituja rehuja, jolla pyrittiin varmistamaan riittävä klostridien määrä rehussa. Rehu korjattiin Viikin opetus- ja tutkimustilan pellolta ja se oli 66 %:sti puna-apilaa ja 31 %:sti nurmiheiniä, timoteita ja nurminataa. Raaka-aineesta määriteltiin kuiva-ainepitoisuus, tuhka, raakavalkuainen, liukoinen typpi, NDF (kuitu), orgaanisen aineen in vitro -sulavuus ja D-arvo, vesiliukoiset hiilihydraatit, nitraatti, puskurikapasiteetti, fermentaatiokerroin ja klostridien määrä. Säilörehuista määriteltiin kuiva-ainepitoisuus, pH, ammoniumtyppi, sokeri, maitohappo, haihtuvat ras-vahapot, etanoli, klostridit ja aerobinen stabiilisuus. Kuiva-ainepitoisuus oli KA1 –rehussa 200 g/kg ja KA2-rehussa 314 g/kg. Sokeripitoisuuksien ja fementaatiokertoimien perus-teella KA2–rehu oli melko helppoa säilöä, KA1–rehu taas haastava. Klostrideja oli raaka-aineessa oletettua enemmän, joten lisätyllä klostridikontaminaa-tiolla ei ollut vaikutusta tuloksiin. KA2–rehuissa luontainen nitraattipitoisuus oli todennä-köisesti riittävä estämään voihappokäymistä kaikissa rehuissa. KA1-rehuissa muurahais-hapon annostelu oli mahdollisesti liian alhainen suhteessa kuiva-ainepitoisuuteen, mistä seurasi voihappokäymistä ja etanolia. Natriumnitriitillä säilöttäessä etanolin määrä oli alhainen ja voihappoa ei esiintynyt. Painorehussa ei ollut voihappoa. Aerobinen stabiilisuus oli kaikissa rehuissa hyvä. Tutkimuksen mukaan natriumnitriitti soveltuu säilörehun säilöntään ehkäisten klostridien tuottaman voihapon muodostumista.
  • Kokkonen, Hannes (2023)
    The concept of natural capital encompasses resources found in nature, both biotic and abiotic. Natural capital accounting is a method to assess these assets in monetary terms. Currently, natural capital accounting is not mandatory, but it offers a valuable tool for a holistic valuation of the asset base. Scholars have noted that the current unsustainable use of natural capital resources may ultimately lead to reduced profits due to natural degradation and natural capital accounting is a step to make the difference to reveal nature’s true value. Natural capital accounting is suggested as a beneficial tool for quantifying natural capital assets in monetary terms. Natural capital accounting is currently future-oriented method to answer possible legislation changes and offers a portfolio-like view of assets for different stakeholders. Forests holds various resources that produce a variety of benefits, not limited to trees alone In many countries worldwide, forests are primarily publicly owned. However, in Europe, especially in Finland, forest ownership is predominantly private. Many of natural capital accounting guidelines lack a private perspective. Therefore, this study aims to develop natural capital accounts for a Finnish forest property entity of 3808 hectares in the Pirkanmaa region. The framework employed for this purpose is the Corporate Natural Capital Accounting (CNCA) framework by eftec. From a corporate standpoint, the CNCA framework proves effective in providing a comprehensive overview of natural capital assets. CNCA assigns value for asset owners and for society while maintaining flexibility for further analysis and extensions. In this study, natural capital accounting for private forest owners is addressed through the accounting of forest holdings. Asset valuation was assembled using quantitative data from open sources and third-party data, employing meta-analysis. Prices were determined based on market prices and meta-analysis. This study also emphasizes the importance of discounting in valuation. It's worth noting that the discount rate is not expected to be identical for a company and for society due to the concept of intergenerational discounting. This concept prioritizes present sustainability for the sake of future generations, underscoring its greater significance.
  • Makkonen, Pinja (2023)
    Forests provide important ecosystem services for humans. As climate change continues, disturbances such as extreme weather conditions and drought become more common all over the globe. This causes pressures to forests and forest owners whose incomes might depend on the harvesting profits. This thesis studies natural disturbance risk in profit maximizing forestry and optimizes forest rotation time by maximizing the bare land value while including the risk. The thesis aims to answer what is the optimal rotation with natural disturbances, how the results change when another tree species is introduced and how the share of trees changes the results in the case of natural disturbances. The optimization problem is first analysed analytically and then numerically in MATLAB. In the analytical part, first the optimum is solved for the normal Faustmann rotation model and then the Faustmann model is modified to include a mixture of two different tree species. After that the optimal rotation and bare land value are solved for normal Faustmann model with natural disturbance risk included. Lastly the natural disturbance risk is included to the two species rotation model. Numerical calculations are done for all the four cases: normal Faustmann, Faustmann with a mixture of two species, natural disturbance risk for one species and natural disturbance risk for the two species mixture. The data for mathematical calculations is from Bollandsås, Buongirno and Gobakken (2007) study and the Finnish parameter values are modified. The studied tree species in the numerical model are spruce and birch. The results show that when a second species, in this case birch, is added to the Faustmann-like model for two species mixture, the rotation gets longer and the bare land value decreases. The model with disturbance risk is studied with different disturbance risk probabilities and the results indicate that when the risk increases the rotation time gets shorter and the bare land value decreases. When a second species is added to the natural disturbance model, the results are calculated for different salvage shares. The risk this time depends on the share of birch and the risk decreases when the share of birch is increased. The results show that when the salvage share increases in the optimal solution, the share of spruce and bare land value increases. However, the optimal rotation time does not change that much. The results are similar in other studies that study a similar topic. When the natural disturbance risk is included, the optimal rotation gets shorter, and the bare land value decreases and these results are aligned with other studies. The results with natural disturbances and two tree species are new, as the rotation time does not change much between the different salvage shares. The results indicate that dependency between risk probability and the share of birch appears reversing the effects of birch lengthening the rotation time and risk probability shortening the rotation time.
  • Kiianmaa, Sampsa (2005)
    Establishment of Pinus kesiya Roy. ex Gord. plantations in Thailand began in the 1960s by the Royal Forest Department. The aim was to reforest abandoned swidden areas and grasslands in order to reduce erosion and to produce timber and fuel wood. Today there are about 150, 000 ha of P. kesiya plantations in northern Thailand. Most of these plantations cannot be harvested due to a national logging ban. Previous studies have suggested that Pinus kesiya plantations posses a capability as a foster environment for native broadleaved tree species, but little is known about the extent of regeneration in these plantations. The general aim of the study was to clarify the extent of forest regeneration and interactions behind it in Pinus kesiya plantations of the Ping River basin, northern Thailand. Based on the results of this study and previous literature, forest management proposals were produced for the area studied. In four different pine plantation areas, a total of seven plantations were assessed using systematic data collection with clustered circular sample plots. Vegetation and environmental data were statistically analysed, so as to recognise the key factors affecting regeneration. Regeneration had occurred in all plantations studied. Regeneration of broadleaved trees was negatively affected by forest fire and canopy coverage. A high basal area of mature broadleaved trees affected the regeneration process positively. Forest fire disturbance had a strong effect also on plantation structure and species composition. Because of an unclear future forest management setting as regards forest laws in Thailand, a management system that enables various future utilisation possibilities and emphasises local participation is recommended for P. kesiya watershed platations of northern Thailand.
  • Sainio, Mette (2021)
    Cattle breeding has become much more effective in recent decades thanks to the development of reproductive biotechnologies and genetic testing. In 1970s it was discovered that embryo transfer techniques make it possible to produce plenty of offspring from top quality females which intensified dairy cattle breeding. Nowadays, there is two embryo transfer techniques in use, MOET and OPU-IVP. A genomic selection has also made genetic improvement of cattle populations more intense than before. Genomic selection is a method that utilizes single nucleotide polymorphisms that appear in individual genome. Today both the embryo transfer techniques and genomic selection are essential elements of cattle breeding all over the world. Genomic selection has typically been carried out on newborn calves. During the recent years, selection has been increasingly carried out and studied on embryo level. Embryo genomic selection always starts with a biopsy taking. After this, sample needs to be genotyped and the results needs to be analysed. Biopsy size has effect on quality of the genotyping outcomes. When the biopsy size grows, quality and reliability of the results will get higher. The aim of this study was to determine if there was any difference in genotyping success between embryos and newborn calves and is it possible to predict embryo-calf genotype similarities via embryo call rate. Material included SNP-genotyping results from a total of 214 embryo and 13 corresponding calves. R programming language was used to statistically analyse the results. Embryo call rates, SNP call rates and embryo-calf genotype similarities were determined from the data. Embryos and their corresponding calves had high similarity with their genotypes, 91,7 % on average. This supports the hypothesis that embryo and their corresponding calves will not have major differences in their genotyping results. Embryo call rates were also in high levels (on average 90,3 %) as was found also in the previous studies. Hence, results from this study confirmed the hypothesis that genotyping of the embryos is a reliable and successful method. There was no clear relationship between embryo call rates and embryo-calf genotype similarities; embryo-calf pair with weakest genotype similarity results, had good embryo and calf call rates. On the other hand, embryo call rates of the two following pairs that got the second and third worst results were clearly below average. In the cases with overall weakest embryo-calf genotype similarities, it was not possible to improve it by eliminating the worst embryo genotypes. Reliable genotyping of embryos enables prediction of genomic breeding values for embryos. Instead of making decision on embryo purchase according to breeding values of the parents of the embryo, purchaser can select embryos according to their own breeding value. Thereby, in the future, embryo genomic selection is likely to become more common than today.
  • Saarimaa, Kaisa (2018)
    Maisterintutkielman kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin naudan jauhelihan laatuun ja pilaantumi-seen vaikuttaviin tekijöihin alkaen naudan kasvatuksesta ja päättyen valmiiksi jauhelihapak-kaukseksi. Tutkimuksen kokeellisen osan tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat jau-helihan säilyvyyteen nykyisessä prosessissa ja millä tavoin säilyvyyttä voidaan parantaa. Tutki-muksessa valmistettiin rasvapitoisuudeltaan 17 % naudan jauhelihaa kolmella eri reseptillä. Resep-teistä valmistettiin näytteet kahdella eri prosessinopeudella. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin 12 vuorokauden säilyvyyskoe kuudelle eri näytteelle. Aistinvaraisessa arvioinnissa näytteiden väriä tutkittiin 3- ja 7-portaisilla asteikoilla sekä näytteiden värivirhettä 9-portaisella asteikolla, n=3 (asiantuntijaraati). Kolmiportainen asteikko oli kuvattu arvosanoilla hyvä, tyydyttävä, huono. Seitsenportaisessa asteikossa joka toinen sana oli kuvattu väreillä kirkkaanpunainen, punainen, harmahtava ja harmaa, ja asteikon tueksi oli laadittu värikart-ta. Värivirheasteikossa joka toinen sana oli kuvattu: ei värivirhettä, hento värivirhe, pieni värivirhe, kohtalainen värivirhe ja äärimmäinen värivirhe. Laboratoriotutkimuksissa mitattiin pakkauksien suojakaasuista happi ja hiilidioksidi, määritettiin näytteiden kokonaisbakteerit sekä mitattiin pH ja rasvapitoisuus (%). Näytteitä tutkittiin valmistuspäivänä ja kun niiden ikä oli 4, 6, 10 ja 12 vuoro-kautta. Tuloksissa huomattiin, että reseptillä oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä p<0,001 ero aistinvaraisten arvi-ointien tuloksiin. Massan jäähdyttäminen hiilidioksidilla huononsi jauhelihan väriä. Lisäksi se nosti hiilidioksidin ja laski hapen määrää pakkauksessa. Pakasteraaka-aineen osuuden lisääminen kasvat-ti näytteiden kokonaisbakteerien määrää. Prosessinopeuden nopeuttaminen auttoi ylläpitämään jauhelihan punaista väriä pitempään.
  • Heikkinen, Aatu (2018)
    The target of this study was to examine if it is technically and financially sensible to co-digest separated cattle slurry solid fraction with cattle slurry in a biogas plant. The purpose of this work was to investigate would it be sensible to build a centralized biogas plant and bring only separated solids to the plant from a distance because separated manure has bigger methane potential. The second goal was to investigate if there is some influence on energy balance when reactor mixing is paused or mixed with biogas. The Maaninka biogas plant consists of a reactor and a post-digestion unit, both having a liquid voloume of 260 m3. The plant is desgned for treating the slurry of 120 cows plus addi-tional feedstocks. From measurements and with the help of literature, cost of separation, transport of separated manure, silage, excess silage and price of digestate nutrients were calcu-lated. On the grounds of results, profitable transport distance for separated manure, influence of separation cost on profibility and separated manure costs compared to silage and excess silage were calculated. Study lasted 20 weeks. The target loading rate of 10 t slurry and 1 t solid fraction per day was realized after 10 weeks, so measurements and influence of reactor mixing modes were studied during weeks 11−20. During that period, the average methane production was 1600 kWh/vrk and the highest gas production was 1600 kWh/d. On average, 84% of feedstock me-thane potential (BMP) was realized. Separated manure decomposed aerobically when manure was stored and its BMP was 1010 kWh/t – 1780 kWh/t of organic matter. When reactor mixing was continuous (on weeks 11−14), mixing power was increased to 73 kWh/d because digestate total solids concentration increased. In stage two (on weeks 15−18), paused mixing of reactor used 26% less electricity, while methane production was the same as in continuous mixing. The electrity usage was still decreased in stage three, pneumatic (biogas recirculation) mixing (weeks 19−20) but the effect on methane production was unclear. The separation cost was 9 €/t separated manure, when the annual separated mass was 730 t/v (slurry 365 t/v + 365 t/v digestate). Transportation and handling cost for the separated manure was 0.5−2.5 €/km/t depending on the transported cubic metres (4 m3 or 20 m3). The cost of silage feed was 57.3 €/t, the cost of excess silage was 36 €/t. The profitable transport distance was 9 kilometres when chips were replaced with biogas as heating energy. When oil was re-placed, the profitable distance was 30 kilometres.
  • Taipale, Sanna (2011)
    The objective of the literature review was to study the background of the greenhouse effect and map earlier studies of the greenhouse gas emissions of beef and other meat products. The objective of the literature review was also to study life cycle assessment used in previous studies to calculate the carbon footprint of food products, following the ISO 14040-standard. The aim of the experimental work was to calculate the carbon footprint of the beef processing chain in Finland from the farm gate to the consumer´s table. In addition the aim was to understand the importance of processing chain emissions compared to the whole beef production chain and different steps in the processing chain. The functional unit in the study was 1 kg of beef. The work was carried out by studying in detail one beef processing chain in Finland. Emissions were calculated based on real processing data from the collaborating company. The data was collected with an information form by visiting two production plants in the collaborating company and conducting further interviews. The carbon footprint of the beef processing chain was 1240 g CO2-ekv/kg meat. Most emissions were produced by refining (310 g CO2-ekv/kg meat), slaughtering (280 g CO2-ekv/kg meat) and transporting meat products to the consumer (210 g CO2-ekv/kg meat). The processing chain represents only 4 % of total beef production chain emissions as the emission from birth to the farm gate are, according to literature, over 30 000 g CO2-ekv/kg meat. In the future, the carbon footprint of the beef could be reduced mainly by developing the process from the birth to the farm gate. The results were very similar to previous research of the chicken processing chain in Finland (Katajajuuri et al. 2008). This was as expected because there were no significant differences in the processing chain. Previous studies of the beef processing chain were not available.
  • Kyöstilä, Juho (2022)
    Tuottajan asema perinteisessä tarjontaketjussa on heikko muihin ketjun jäseniin nähden. Suora-myynnin avulla voidaan lyhentää perinteistä tarjontaketjua poistamalla ketjusta välikäsiä, ja täten parantaa tuottajien asemaa. Lyhyen ketjun kautta tuottajan on mahdollista saada tuotteen hinta kokonaisuudessaan itselleen. Naudanlihantuotannon kannattavuus on tällä hetkellä huono, joten keinoja sen parantamiseksi tarvitaan: erikoistuminen suoramyyntiin voikin olla yksittäisille naudanli-hantuottajille keino parantaa kannattavuuttaan. Suoramyynnin toteuttamiseksi on olemassa useita vaihtoehtoja. Tämän tutkielma tavoitteena onkin selvittää, minkälaisia suoramyyntimalleja suomalai-silla naudanlihantuottajilla on käytössä, ja mitkä ovat heidän käsityksensä mallien vahvuuksista ja heikkouksista. Lisäksi tarkastellaan esimerkkilaskelman avulla suoramyynnistä saatavia tuottoja sekä siitä aiheutuvia kustannuksia. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimustavan valintaan vaikutti aikaisem-man tutkimuksen vähäinen määrä sekä tutkimuskysymykset. Teemahaastattelu valikoitui aineiston-keruumenetelmäksi. Haastateltaviksi valikoitiin kymmenen yrittäjää, jotka harjoittavat naudanlihan suoramyyntiä. Haastateltavat valikoitiin verkkosivujen perusteella ja haastattelut suoritettiin etäyh-teydellä. Aineiston perusteella ennakkotilauksiin perustuva myyntitapa on yksinkertaisin toteuttaa ja se olikin usealla yrittäjällä käytössä. Muita toteutustapoja olivat tilamyymälä, verkkokauppa, itsepalveluun perustuva automaattikauppa/itsepalvelukioski, REKO ja myymäläauto. Itsepalveluun perustuvien myyntitapojen uskottiin yleistyvän tulevaisuudessa. Markkinointikanavina suoramyyjät käyttivät pää-sääntöisesti digitaalisia kanavia kuten Facebookia ja Instagramia. Yrittäjät kokivat suoramyynnin vahvuudeksi kanssakäymisen asiakkaiden kanssa, koska se mahdollistaa tuotannon erityispiirteiden esiin tuomisen kuluttajille ja luottamussuhteen rakentamisen kuluttajan ja tuottajan välille. Suora-myynnin kysyntä koettiin vakaaksi ja sen uskottiin hieman kasvavan tulevaisuudessa. Uhkina pidet-tiin kustannusten nousua, mediaa ja arvaamatonta politiikkaa. Suoramyynnin toteuttamiseksi on olemassa useita variaatioita, joista yrittäjän on mahdollista valita itselleen sopivin tapa. Suoramyynti voi toimia osalle yrittäjistä keinona parantaa kannattavuutta, mutta sillä ei voi ratkaista yleistä naudanlihantuotannon kannattavuusongelmaa, koska suoramyyn-nin markkina on suhteellisen pieni, eikä myynti- sekä markkinointityö sovi kaikille tuottajille. Aineiston perusteella kaikki yrittäjät eivät olleet täysin tietoisia oman toimintansa kannattavuudesta, joten suo-ramyyntimallien kannattavuudesta olisi tarpeellista tehdä jatkotutkimusta, jotta toimintaa voidaan kehittää palvelemaan entistä paremmin niin kuluttajia kuin tuottajiakin.