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(2024)It is increasingly common for individuals to measure their daily activities with different kind of wearable devices such as smart watches and smart rings. These devices can give individuals insight to, for example, their sleep and sport activities. Many of these devices utilize optically obtained photoplethysmogram (PPG) for estimating, amongst others, the heart rate (HR) of an individual. The PPG based approach is commonly used, as it is easy and cost efficient to implement. However, even if the PPG based HR estimates can have an error as small as 1.23 beats per minute (BPM) when the individual remains stationary, the estimates can be highly inaccurate if individual is moving extensively. The HR values estimated by a PPG based device can be indicating a HR that is as much as 40% higher than the true HR. This is unlikely desirable for recreational activities and not acceptable for any medical surveillance. To address this challenge, we have used a distributed machine learning (ML) approach called fed- erated learning (FL) for calibrating the PPG based HR estimates. We have used the FL approach, as with the FL approach no local training data needs to be sent to a central location, which signifi- cantly helps improving the individual’s privacy. In the FL approach there exists a central authority that delivers a global model to all the FL clients. After training the local models the FL clients send the local model weights to the central location for forming the next version of the global model. Our main research objective was to compare the FL performance with the conventional ML approach where the ML model is trained centrally. Our results show that we can achieve similar results with FL as with centralized learning (CL). In addition, we observed, that with local learning (LL), a kind of a derivative of the FL, we can achieve even better results as with the FL and with the CL. In addition, as one of the challenges, and as one of the key findings, we observed that the FL approach has a FL specific risk with overfitting of the local ML models, which can easily corrupt the global model if the overfitting challenge is not properly addressed.
(2014)Nanofluids are a new class of colloids that is generally classified as solid particle suspensions such that the particle diameter is less than 100 nm. In the last decade they have exhibited anomalously high thermal conductivity compared to classical models. Additionally, nanoscale emulsions have shown similar behavior but have gathered less attention than solid particle nanofluids. The optimal preparation of nanoemulsions is not straightforward. Multiple factors have an effect on the final size distribution and therefore optimization is required. Models for the anomalous behavior include effects of the Brownian motion, formation of particle clusters and ordering of liquid into a layer of high conductivity around the particles. In our measurements for nanoscale emulsions, we however observed no significant deviation from the classical models. Besides conduction, nanofluids could also be utilized in convective heat transfer applications. The research on this field is more limited but indicates that increases in heat transfer exist also in convective transport. We perform heat transfer experiments on several n-decane in water nanoemulsions and nanoscale micelle colloids in the transition and turbulent flow regime. Our results indicate that while the thermal properties of the samples were usually worse for convective applications than the reference, the heat transfer properties were similar or better especially at high Reynolds numbers.
(2022)In this thesis, we explore financial risk measures in the context of heavy-tailed distributions. Heavy-tailed distributions and the different classes of heavy-tailed distributions will be defined mathematically in this thesis but in more general terms, heavy-tailed distributions are distributions that have a tail or tails that are heavier than the exponential distribution. In other words, distributions which have tails that go to zero more slowly than the exponential distribution. Heavy-tailed distributions are much more common than we tend to think and can be observed in everyday situations. Most extreme events, such as large natural phenomena like large floods, are good examples of heavy-tailed phenomena. Nevertheless, we often expect that most phenomena surrounding us are normally distributed. This probably arises from the beauty and effortlessness of the central limit theorem which explains why we can find the normal distribution all around us within natural phenomena. The normal distribution is a light-tailed distribution and essentially it assigns less probability to the extreme events than a heavy-tailed distribution. When we don’t understand heavy tails, we underestimate the probability of extreme events such as large earthquakes, catastrophic financial losses or major insurance claims. Understanding heavy-tailed distributions also plays a key role when measuring financial risks. In finance, risk measuring is important for all market participants and using correct assumptions on the distribution of the phenomena in question ensures good results and appropriate risk management. Value-at-Risk (VaR) and the expected shortfall (ES) are two of the best-known financial risk measures and the focus of this thesis. Both measures deal with the distribution and more specifically the tail of the loss distribution. Value-at-Risk aims at measuring the risk of a loss whereas ES describes the size of a loss exceeding the VaR. Since both risk measures are focused on the tail of the distribution, mistaking a heavy-tailed phenomena for a light-tailed one can lead to drastically wrong conclusions. The mean excess function is an important mathematical concept closely tied to VaR and ES as the expected shortfall is mathematically a mean excess function. When examining the mean excess function in the context of heavy-tails, it presents very interesting features and plays a key role in identifying heavy-tails. This thesis aims at answering the questions of what heavy-tailed distributions are and why are they are so important, especially in the context of risk management and financial risk measures. Chapter 2 of this thesis provides some key definitions for the reader. In Chapter 3, the different classes of heavy-tailed distributions are defined and described. In Chapter 4, the mean excess function and the closely related hazard rate function are presented. In Chapter 5, risk measures are discussed on a general level and Value-at-Risk and expected shortfall are presented. Moreover, the presence of heavy tails in the context of risk measures is explored. Finally, in Chapter 6, simulations on the topics presented in previous chapters are shown to shed a more practical light on the presentation of the previous chapters.
(2023)Radiocesiumin erotusmateriaaleille on jatkuvaa kysyntää maailmanlaajuisesti ydinjätteen käsittelyyn ja ympäristön dekontaminointiin liittyen. Tämän takia tarvitaan edelleen lisää tutkimusta tehokkaampien ja selektiivisempien cesiumadsorbenttien kehittämiseksi. Lisäksi näiden adsorbenttien regenerointitapojen kehittäminen on oleellinen tapa vähentää muodostuvan kiinteän radioaktiivisen jätteen määrää. Metalliheksasyanoferraatit ovat paljon käytettyjä ja tutkittuja materiaaleja cesiumin erotukseen ja yhdistettynä sähköisesti ohjattuun ioninvaihtoon niistä voidaan valmistaa tehokkaita, selektiivisiä, kestäviä ja uudelleenkäytettäviä ioninvaihtimia. Työn tavoitteena oli valmistaa tällainen sähköllä regeneroitava ja selektiivinen grafeeniaerogeelistä ja heksasyanoferraatista koostuva komposiitti-ioninvaihdin cesiumin erotukseen. Työn kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin onnistuneesti erilaisia kylmäkuivattuja aerogeelejä eli kryogeelejä, joiden korkea hapettuneisuus teki niistä joustavia ja kestäviä ilmassa. Toisaalta vastaavat askorbiinihapolla pelkistetyt kryogeelit olivat kovia ja soveltuivat mekaanisilta ominaisuuksiltaan paremmin käytettäväksi adsorbenttina vesiliuoksissa. Yksi merkittävimmistä havainnoista oli sentrifugoinnin tärkeys grafeenioksidisuspension homogenisoinnin kannalta, jotta saatiin valmistettua yhtenäinen tuote. Valmistettujen grafeenikryogeelien ja indiumtinaoksidin pinnalle saostettiin nikkeliheksasyanoferraattia, jonka hapettumis-pelkistymisreaktioita mitattiin onnistuneesti syklisellä voltammetrialla. Näiden komposiitti-ioninvaihtimien avulla radiocesium voitiin erottaa vesiliuoksesta lähes kvantitatiivisesti, mutta kiinnittyneestä cesiumista saatiin eluoitua tämän jälkeen jännitteen avulla vain noin 10 %. Tuotteita karakterisoitiin myös jauheröntgendiffraktiolla ja energiadispersiivisellä röntgenspektroskopialla.
(Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2010)Ontologiat luovat semanttisen webin perustan: ne toimivat yhteisinä jaettuina käsitteistöinä, joiden avulla tietokoneet voivat käsitellä tietoa älykkäämmin. Jotta eri toimijat voivat hyödyntää yhteisiä käsitteistöjä sovelluksissaan, ontologiat on julkaistava heidän käyttöönsä. Yksinkertaisimmillaan ontologiat voidaan julkaista datana, tiedostomuodossa. Tällöin jokainen toimija joutuu toteuttamaan itse toiminnallisuuksia ontologioiden hyödyntämiseen. Osa toiminnallisuuksista on yleisiä, useissa järjestelmissä toistuvia, kuten ontologian visualisointi, selaaminen ja käsitehaku. On kuitenkin kustannustehokkaampaa toteuttaa yleisiä ontologiatoiminnallisuuksia valmiina palveluina. Palveluita voidaan tarjota ihmiskäyttäjille käyttöliittymäkomponentteina sekä ohjelmalliseen käyttöön rajapintoina, joita käyttämällä toiminnallisuudet voidaan integroida asiakasjärjestelmiin. Lisäksi käytettäessä ontologioita palveluina toimijoiden käytössä on aina ontologioiden ajantasaiset versiot. Tässä tutkielmassa kuvataan ontologioiden käyttäjäryhmien - ontologioiden kehittäjien, tiedon annotoijien, tiedon hakijoiden ja semanttisen webin sovellusten kehittäjien - tarpeita sekä esitellään ontologioiden hyödyntämiseen kehitettyjä sovelluksia. Yleisten ontologioiden käyttämiseen liittyvien toiminnallisuuksien tarjoamiseksi esitetään ontologiapalvelu ONKI, joka julkistettiin virallisesti käyttöön syyskuussa 2008.
(2021)The cooperation between Finland and Estonia is most visible in the collaboration between the capitals of the countries. The twin city development of Helsinki and Tallinn and the planned tunnel infrastructure between the cities have caused societal debates in both countries. The societal debate on the themes gained new importance when Estonia became part of the EU and NATO in 2004. The tunnel infrastructure connecting the cities became a major news topic from the mid-2010s onwards, and it was also an important part of news coverage regarding the cooperation between the countries. The progress of the public and private tunnel projects sparked interest in the major daily newspapers in both countries. The theoretical background of the thesis is based on the theories of cross-border cooperation, twin cities and spatial planning. The theoretical framework of the thesis revolves also around the strategic framing and anchor infrastructures used in the media as part of territorial cohesion. Discursive framing and regional branding in the media are both important parts of regional formation. The aim of the study was to find out the discourses used in framing the twin city and tunnel connection in the largest daily newspapers of Finland and Estonia. The conclusion of the dissertation is that geographical reality can be interpreted by studying discourses and societal significance. Media discourses convey a broader societal debate on the topics. The material of the study was articles in the online publications of Helsingin Sanomat and Postimees from 2004-2020. The study examined the articles according to the framework of content analysis and critical media discourse analysis. The study examined the forms of discursive framing through media discourses. Based on the data analysis, the tunnel infrastructure is a more newsworthy topic than the twin city. The tunnel plays an important role in shaping the discourses in the research material. The tunnel is framed as a foundational part of the twin city and wider regional context. The tunnel connection gains relevance by forming the area and enabling growth. Improving accessibility and connection to Central Europe are major parts of the Finnish tunnel discourse. Economic perspectives are part of the discourse in both journals. Major political actors in both countries, such as ministers and mayors, are most prominently present in the research material. Political agency is embodied in the framing of anchor infrastructure. The entry of the privately funded tunnel project in 2016 changes the themes of the articles. The private tunnel project is causing occasional opposition from countries’ politicians and officials, manifested in confrontation represented in the media. In Finland the criticism of the private project is focused on the alignment of the tunnel, whereas in Estonia on security policy concerns caused by foreign funding. The largest daily newspapers in Finland and Estonia serve as a platform for the societal debate. Their articles delimit and frame the topics of societal debate. The means of strategic framing and raising the news value of the topic become the focus of the research material as the media focuses more on the tunnel connection after the mid-2010s. The discursive framing of the twin city takes place through a tunnel infrastructure. The discursive framing that emerges in the media reflects the geographical significance of different actors.
(2020)Helsingin kaupungissa suoritettiin vuonna 2017 yksi Suomen historian laajimmista organisaatiouudistuksista. Uudistuksessa virastohallinto lakkautettiin ja yhdistettiin neljän toimialan alaisuuteen. Samassa yhteydessä uudistettiin päätöksentekorakenteita ja menetelmiä sekä siirryttiin kaupungin ylimmän johdon osalta pormestarimalliin. Muutos on ollut totaalinen ja konkreettinen, se on koskettanut jokaista kaupungin virkahenkilöä tai toimihenkilöä. Muutoksen mittakaava huomioiden, olen olettanut muutoksella olleen organisatooristen muutosten rinnalla merkittäviä toiminnallisia ja sosiaalisia vaikutuksia, jotka ovat voineet heijastuneet henkilöstön tehtävistä suoriutumisessa. Tässä tutkielmassa olen analysoinut, miten Helsingin kaupungin kaupunkiympäristön toimialan paikkatieto-organisaatio ja sen paikkatietokyvykkyys on muuttunut ja kehittynyt tarkasteluajanjaksolla 2015‒2020. Ensisijaisesti olen analysoinut paikkatietokyvykkyyden muutosta organisaatiouudistuksen viitekehystä. Paikkatietokyvykkyyden arvioinnin olen suhteuttanut Helsingin kaupungin paikkatietokypsyyden analyyseihin, jotka toteutettiin kaupungissa vuosina 2010 ja 2014. Toisena tutkimuskohteena olen analysoinut kaupunkiympäristön toimialan paikkatietoanalytiikan nykytilaa. Paikkatietoanalytiikan osalta olen analysoinut ketkä ja millä tekniikoilla analytiikka hyödynnetään, missä tehtävissä analytiikan tuloksia hyödynnetään ja mitkä ovat analyysitoiminnan lopputuotteet. Olen selvittänyt myös mitä vaikutuksia tai vaikuttavuutta paikkatietoanalytiikalla on ollut toimialan työtehtävissä. Keskeinen tutkielman aineisto muodostui strukturoidusta kyselytutkimuksesta, joka kohdennettiin koko kaupunkiympäristön henkilökunnalle. Kyselytutkimus sisälsi osittain samoja kysymyksiä, kuin vuoden 2010 paikkatietokysely ja vastauksista muodostui näin vertailukelpoinen aikasarja. Kyselytutkimus sisälsi kysymyksiä myös muista tutkimuksen aihepiireistä. Kyselytutkimuksen lisäksi tein 5 puolistrukturoitua asiantuntijahaastattelua kaupungin paikkatietokehityksessä mukana olleille virkahenkilöille paikkatietosektorin hiljaisen tiedon esille saamiseksi. Molemmat tutkimukset toteutettiin anonymisoituina siten, että tulokset on tulkittu tarkimmillaan toimialan tai kaupungin palveluyksikötasolle. Kirjallisten lähteiden analyysillä kartoitin kansallisen ja Helsingin kaupungin paikkatietoympäristön keskeisimmät hankkeet, joilla on selkeä vaikutus Helsingin kaupungin paikkatiedolliseen toimintaan viimeisen kymmenen vuoden ajalta. Merkittävimmät tekijät ajanjaksolla ovat olleet EU:n Inspire -direktiivistä alkunsa saaneet tietojen avoimuuteen ja yhteiskäyttöisyyteen tähtäävät hankkeet sekä näille alisteiset paikalliset hankkeet. Kirjallisuusanalyysiin sisältyi myös paikkatietokyvykkyyden näkökulmana olleen oppivan organisaation tematiikan sekä vaikutuksen ja vaikuttavuuden erojen hahmottaminen. Paikkatietokyvykkyys tarkoittaa tämän tutkielman kontekstissa organisaation kykyä hyödyntää paikkatietoja ja paikkatietotekniikan luomia mahdollisuuksia tehtävissään ja tuottaessaan palveluita tarkoituksenmukaisella tavalla. Vaikutukset ovat toimenpiteiden suoria tai epäsuoria lyhyen aikavälin seurauksia, vaikuttavuus taas pitkän aikavälin ilmiö, joka perustuu vaikutuksiin ja niiden eri ulottuvuuksiin. Tämän tutkielman tuloksissa olen tarkastellut paikkatietokyvykkyyttä segmentoiden sen strategiseksi kyvykkyydeksi, paikkatietojen hyödyntämisen kyvykkyydeksi, viestintä ja yhteistyökyvykkyydeksi sekä paikkatietotukitoimintojen kyvykkyydeksi. Yleisellä tasolla havaitsin, ettei organisaatiouudistuksella näytä olleen merkittävää vaikutusta kaupunkiympäristön toimialan paikkatietokyvykkyyteen. Vaikutus on ollut hetkellisen disruptiivinen, mutta ohimenevä. Strategisen kyvykkyyden kohdalla on viitteitä tason heikkenemisestä, kun taas paikkatietojen hyödyntämisen kyvykkyys on kehittynyt positiivisesti. Muutoin merkittävää muutosta ei ole havaittavissa suuntaan tai toiseen. Paikkatietoanalytiikan tilannekuva-analyysistä ilmenee, että analytiikka on tuntematonta toimilalalla, mutta koetaan tärkeäksi. Analytiikan osaaminen on keskittynyt kaupunkisuunnittelu- ja kaupunkimittauksen yksiköihin. Menetelmällisesti analytiikka paikkatieto-ohjelmistoilla tai internetkarttapalveluiden kuvaruututulkintaa ja tuotokset pääsääntöisesti perinteisiä tiedon visualisointeja tai rekisteriaineistojen muokkauksia.
(2018)Due to increasing population in cities transportation is facing a major challenge. Passenger car traffic cannot increase at the same rate as urban population increases. Negative externalities like carbon dioxide emissions and congestion are becoming more and more significant issues in urban areas. Only possible way to reduce these negative issues are offering sustainable transportation modes and making them as attractive as possible. Especially leisure trips have increased in past years which means that cities have become more mobile. Active and sustainable mobility like walking and cycling play key roles in transportations strategies. City of Helsinki has started to support cycling over the last few years by investing cycling infrastructure for example. In the context in which cycling has become important in urban areas several cities have opened bike sharing systems. In addition to upswing of cycling, technological development of bike sharing systems have made it possible for them to succeed. In Helsinki, the bike sharing system was launched in 2016 and in 2017 it was expanded threefold compared to the first year of operation. Understanding how recently opened system works requires a proper analysis which is made possible by the travel data produced by the system. Study design consists of revealing spatiotemporal patterns of bike share usages in Helsinki. The aim of the study is to produce important information to support operational planning of the system. On the other hand, the aim is to express the mobility and the rhythm of Helsinki by a novel data source. According to previous international studies, data mining of travel data produced by bike sharing systems has revealed clear activity patterns of bike share usage. The results show that the use of bike sharing system in Helsinki has been a success compared to other European cities for example. According to the results, bike share trips have been short which is typical to bike sharing systems. Temporally, the usage was most active during summer and spatially in the city center as well as near subway stations. The usage was found to vary considerably between weekdays and weekends. On weekdays, the usage peaked at morning rush hour and again at afternoon rush hour. At weekday morning, the rhythm of the city seems to be routine, whereas at weekday afternoon and evening mobility patterns are more complex. Spatiotemporal activity patterns revealed imbalances between departures and arrivals in few bike sharing stations. Cluster analysis revealed eight different activity patterns among bike sharing station usage. The bike sharing system has been a great success in Helsinki. City bikes are used as a part of multimodal travel chain, moving from one place to another and for leisure trips. Understanding the spatiotemporal patterns of bike share usage supports planning of bike share station network. It also tells a story of the mobility and rhythm of Helsinki by a novel data source.
(Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2008)According to the recent studies, the negative attitude of the entrepreneurs is on of the main barriers in the development of the car-free zones in the city centers of Finland. Entrepreneurs in the city center are afraid of losing their income due to the limited private car use in the city centers. The negative attitudes of entrepreneurs are the most common in the larger cities of Finland. Especially the small storefronts have regarded the building of car-free zones as a negative feature. This research explored the development of the planning of car-free zones in the Helsinki city center, the goals of the planning and how the planning and developing of car-free zones and pedestrian streets is seen by the storefronts located in the city center. The main research material was collected by a questionnaire from the storefront owners located in the city center of Helsinki. Other research material consisted of two specialist interviews, empirical observations, studies and researches concerning pedestrian areas and car-free zones, research literature concerning urban planning and urban studies and newspaper articles. The collected questionnaire data was analyzed statistically using cross-tabulation. The development of the car-free zones in the Helsinki city center has been long and winding process. Only two streets from the 1 989 car-free zone guideline plan have been changed to pedestrian streets. However, the development and the building of pedestrian streets is proceeding. Two streets in the city center are about to turn to pedestrian streets within the next three years. Pedestrian areas are under continuous improving as well. The focus of the development of car-free zones is at the moment around the Aleksanterinkatu blocks on the east side of the Central Business District of Helsinki. According to the results, the building and developing of pedestrian areas is seen positively by most of the respondents. Respondents see that the pedestrian areas affect the performance of their business positively. A small majority of the respondents considers that private car use in the city centre of Helsinki should be prevented. The storefronts located in pedestrian streets see the development of the pedestrian areas more negatively than storefronts located outside of the pedestrian streets. The reasons behind the negative attitudes are possibly the problems appeared in the pedestrian streets. The results confirm that in order to develop a functional pedestrian street the strategy has to be comprehensive. In the worst case, pedestrian streets outside of the main pedestrian area may even complicate the business performance of the storefronts. In future it would be interesting to examine how the other firms located in the Helsinki city center, e.g. department stores, shopping centers, developers and real estate firms see the planning of pedestrian areas. City dwellers and people living in the city center would be interesting to integrate in to the study as well and compare the results with results from this study.
(2013)Maankäyttö vaikuttaa vedenlaatuun. Kaupungistuminen aiheuttaa pintavalunnan lisääntymistä ja veden laadun heikentymistä. Merkittäviä kaupunkivesissä esiintyviä aineita ja epäpuhtauksia, joiden pitoisuudet kasvavat kaupungistumisen myötä, ovat muun muassa ravinteet ja metallit. Viime aikoina veden laadullisten ja määrällisten muutosten hillinnässä on alettu käyttää uudenlaisia ekologisia huleveden hallintatapoja. Nämä ekologiset hallintatavat pyrkivät veden laadullisten ja määrällisten ominaisuuksien säilyttämiseen maankäytön muutoksista huolimatta. Tutkielmassa kuvataan Helsingin Kuninkaantammen ojavesien fysikaalis-kemiallista vedenlaatua. Tutkimus toteutettiin kolmella pienellä osavaluma-alueella kesä-joulukuussa 2011. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää alueen yleinen vedenlaatu sekä tarkastella vedenlaadussa valuma-alueittain ilmeneviä eroja. Tutkimusalueella tapahtuu lähivuosina merkittäviä maankäytön muutoksia, joiden vaikutuksia vedenlaatuun ja määrään pyritään minimoimaan hyödyntämällä ekologisia hulevedenhallintamenetelmiä. Kuninkaantammi on Helsingin kaupungin hulevesistrategian pilottialue, jossa uudenlaisten menetelmien vaikuttavuutta vedenlaatuun halutaan selvittää. Tutkielma vastaa kysymykseen, mikä on vedenlaatu ennen alueen rakentamista. Vesinäytteistä tutkittiin muun muassa kiintoaine-, ravinne-, metalli- ja hivenainepitoisuuksia. Ojavesien laatu Kuninkaantammessa on pääosin hyvä. Pitoisuudet ovat luonnonpurojen pitoisuuksia korkeampia, mutta hulevesien pitoisuuksiin verrattuna matalia sekä Helsingin kaupunkipuroihin verrattuna keskimääräisiä tai matalia. Maankäyttö valuma-alueilla heijastuu vedenlaatuun. Alueella, jolla on enemmän rakennettua pintaa, fosfori-, nitraatti-, kupari-, nikkeli- ja hivenainepitoisuudet ovat korkeampia kuin vähemmän rakennetulla alueella. Kuitenkin toisella metsäisellä valuma-alueella typpi- ja fosfaattipitoisuudet sekä kromi-, rauta-, lyijy- ja sinkkipitoisuudet ovat näytepisteistä korkeimmat. Metsäisimmällä valuma-alueella epäpuhtauspitoisuudet ovat alhaisimmat. Jotta vedenlaatu myös pysyisi hyvänä ja uudenlaisista hulevedenkäsittelyjärjestelmistä olisi hyötyä, tulee toteutukset mitoittaa riittävän suuriksi. Ympäristöongelmien perimmäinen syy johtuu ihmisten käyttäytymisestä. Veden laatuun vaikuttaa voimakkaasti vesistön sosiaalinen ympäristö, joten pelkät rakenteelliset ratkaisut eivät riitä vedenlaadun kohentumiseen. Yhteiskunnalliset instituutiot, kuten muodollisten instituutioiden ympäristöasenne, vaikuttavat ihmisten käyttäytymiseen. Viestinnällä ja tietoisuuden lisäämisellä voidaan vaikuttaa asenteisiin ja käyttäytymiseen. Vaikuttava viestintä on luonteeltaan positiivista ja joko faktoihin perustuvaa tai tunteisiin vetoavaa. Positiiviset ympäristökokemukset lisäävät ympäristömyönteisyyttä, jolla voidaan saavuttaa mahdollisesti myös kaupunkivesien vedenlaadun kohentumista. Ihmisten tietoisuuden kasvattamiseen kaupunkivesien merkityksestä tulisi kiinnittää huomiota.
(Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2011)The urban heat island phenomenon is the most well-known all-year-round urban climate phenomenon. It occurs in summer during the daytime due to the short-wave radiation from the sun and in wintertime, through anthropogenic heat production. In summertime, the properties of the fabric of city buildings determine how much energy is stored, conducted and transmitted through the material. During night-time, when there is no incoming short-wave radiation, all fabrics of the city release the energy in form of heat back to the urban atmosphere. In wintertime anthropogenic heating of buildings and traffic deliver energy into the urban atmosphere. The initial focus of Helsinki urban heat island was on the description of the intensity of the urban heat island (Fogelberg 1973, Alestalo 1975). In this project our goal was to carry out as many measurements as possible over a large area of Helsinki to give a long term estimate of the Helsinki urban heat island. Helsinki is a city with 550 000 inhabitants and located on the north shore of Finnish Bay of the Baltic Sea. Initially, comparison studies against long-term weather station records showed that our regular, but weekly, sampling of observations adequately describe the Helsinki urban heat island. The project covered an entire seasonal cycle over the 12 months from July 2009 to June 2010. The measurements were conducted using a moving platform following microclimatological traditions. Tuesday was selected as the measuring day because it was the only weekday during the one year time span without any public holidays. Once a week, two set of measurements, in total 104, were conducted in the heterogeneous temperature conditions of Helsinki city centre. In the more homogeneous suburban areas, one set of measurements was taken every second week, to give a total of 52.The first set of measurements took place before noon, and the second 12 hours, just prior to midnight. Helsinki Kaisaniemi weather station was chosen as the reference station. This weather station is located in a large park in the city centre of Helsinki. Along the measurement route, 336 fixed points were established, and the monthly air temperature differences to Kaisaniemi were calculated to produce monthly and annual maps. The monthly air temperature differences were interpolated 21.1 km by 18.1 km horizontal grid with 100 metre resolution residual kriging method. The following independent variables for the kriging interpolation method were used: topographical height, portion of sea area, portion of trees, fraction of built-up and not built-up area, volumes of buildings, and population density. The annual mean air temperature difference gives the best representation of the Helsinki urban heat island effect- Due to natural variability of weather conditions during the measurement campaign care must be taken when interpretation the results for the monthly values. The main results of this urban heat island research project are: a) The city centre of Helsinki is warmer than its surroundings, both on a monthly main basis, and for the annual mean, however, there are only a few grid points, 46 out of 38 191, which display a temperature difference of more than 1K. b) If the monthly spatial variation is air temperature differences is small, then usually the temperature difference between the city and the surroundings is also small. c) Isolated large buildings and suburban centres create their own individual heat island. d) The topographical influence on air temperature can generally be neglected for the monthly mean, but can be strong under certain weather conditions.
(2018)Liikunnan väheneminen on nykymaailmassa valtava terveysongelma, jonka vaikutukset näkyvät jo lisääntyneinä terveydenhoidon kuluina. Aiempi tutkimus on antanut viitteitä siitä, että liikuntamahdollisuuksien hyvä saavutettavuus lisää liikunnan määrää. Laajalla ja hyvin saavutettavalla liikuntapaikkatarjonnalla voikin olla tärkeä rooli väestön säännöllisen liikuntaharrastuksen tukemisessa. Jos liikuntapaikalle matkustamiseen menee liikaa aikaa, saattavat muut arjen toiminnot mennä liikunnan harrastamisen edelle. Erityistä huomiota tulisi kiinnittää lasten ja nuorten liikuntamahdollisuuksiin, sillä lapsuusajan liikunnallisuudella saavutettuja terveyshyötyjä ei täysin voi korvata aikuisena omaksutulla aktiivisella elämäntavalla. Tutkimuksen toimeksiantajana toimi Helsingin kaupungin liikuntavirasto, joka nykyään on osa kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimialaa. Tutkimusasetelmassa korostuukin palveluntuottajan näkökulma ja se, että julkisten palveluiden olisi oltava oikeudenmukaisella tavalla sijoitettuja. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Helsingin liikuntapalveluverkon saavutettavuuden nykytilaa monen eri liikuntapaikkatyypin osalta eri oikeudenmukaisuuden näkökulmista. Tutkimusasetelman avulla on mahdollista arvioida erilaisten tarkastelutapojen soveltuvuutta kunnalliseen palvelusuunnitteluun. Tutkimusmenetelmänä olivat matka-aikoihin perustuvat saavutettavuuslaskennat liikuntapaikoille asutuista 250 x 250 metrin ruuduista. Laskennoissa huomioitiin yksityisautoilu, joukkoliikenne ja kävely riippuen kyseessä olevasta liikuntapaikkatyypistä ja sen palveluprofiilista. Analyyseja oli kolmenlaisia: 1) matka-aikalaskennat koko väestön osalta arkena kello 17.30–18.30, 2) matka-aikalaskennat samaan aikaan ruuduista, joissa asuu paljon 7-20-vuotiaita ja 3) matka-aikojen ja kokonaismatkaketjujen vertailu, kun harjoitusaika ja -paikka on ennalta määrätty. Hyväksyttävänä enimmäismatkustusaikana pidettiin kirjallisuuteen perustuen 30 minuuttia. Tulosten perusteella voidaan liikuntapalveluverkon todeta olevan Helsingissä pääasiassa hyvin saavutettavissa myös joukkoliikenteellä ja jopa kävellen, vaikka henkilöautosaavutettavuus onkin edelleen omaa luokkaansa. Tulokset osoittavat lisäksi, että saavutettavuus on väestön painopistealueet huomioiden parempi, kuin vain alueellisessa tarkastelussa. Myös 7-20-vuotiaat ovat sijoittuneet enimmäkseen hyvän saavutettavuuden alueille. Kolmas analyysi puolestaan todistaa, että erot autoilun ja joukkoliikenteen välillä ovat temporaalisessa tarkastelussa merkittäviä. Kokonaisuutena tutkimus osoittaa, että palvelusuunnittelua varten on tarkasteltava saavutettavuutta moni eri asia huomioon ottaen, jotta oikeudenmukaista palveluiden sijoittelua koskevat päätökset voidaan tehdä tietoperustaisesti. Saavutettavuusanalyysien avulla voidaan arvioida uusien liikuntapaikkojen sijainteja siten, että ne tukisivat väestön säännöllistä liikuntaharrastusta ja aktiivista elämäntapaa.
(2013)Longinoja brook is one of the biggest brooks in Helsinki by catchment area and it is one of the most important spawning areas of brown trout (Salmo trutta) of River Vantaanjoki. The brook and its catchment have undergone significant changes in the process of industrialization and urbanization ever since the 19th century. In the 21st century Longinoja has been restored in order to improve habitats and spawning areas of bown trout, to prevent erosion and to increase the recreational and aesthetic value of the brook. The aim of the thesis was to study the changes in Longinoja's water quality in time and space, the loadings of its side ditches and the effect of land use on areal differences in water quality. The thesis was a part of a survey made by the City of Helsinki Environment Center. The water quality of Longinoja was monitored with an automatic probe 19.4.–6.10.2010 and 4.4.2011–10.1.2012, during which time water samples were collected in every 1–2 weeks. In addition water samples were collected four times a year from different parts of the catchment, in winter, spring, summer and fall in 2010 and 2011. Water quality and loadings of the side ditches and the effect of land use on areal differences in water quality were examined on the basis of water samples collected from the side ditches. Samples were collected four times during growth season in 2011 on rainy days. Intense changes in water quality during snowmelt and especially heavy rains are characteristic of Longinoja. Also hygienic water quality alters greatly. On the basis of median concentrations, the water quality was similar in 2010–2011 than in 2004. Only the concentrations of suspended solids and total phosphorus were clearly higher in 2010–2011 than in 2004. Concentration of phosphate was quite low in comparison with mean concentration of brooks in Helsinki. Compared with Finnish headwaters the conductivity and concentrations of nitrate, iron, copper, zinc and nickel are quite high in Longinoja as they are in other brooks in Helsinki. The loading of suspended solids in spring months is about 8 times greater in comparison with fall months and about 11 times greater in comparison with summer months. The loading of phosphorus in spring months is about 7 times greater compared with fall months and about 9 times greater compared with summer months. Estimated load of suspended solids in Longinoja in year 2011 was 17 100–17 900 kg/km²/y and load of phosphorus 32–34 kg/km²/y. Few relationships between water quality and land use were found because of small dataset. Only low density residential areas could be seen to increase concentration of suspended solids. The Helsinki-Malmi Airport seems to increase loading of nitrogen (TN, NO₃-N, NH₄-N) and nickel and the industrial area in Tattarisuo seems to cause loading of some oxygen consuming contaminants. Based on the results future restoration measures should be focused in the catchments of Longinoja's side ditches Suurmetsänoja, Teerikukonoja and Lentokentänoja. With increasing runoff loading of suspended solids and phosphorus from Suurmetsänoja, phosphate, zinc and copper from Teerikukonoja and suspended solids, nickel and nitrogen from Lentokentänoja is significant.
Helsingin matematiikkaa : motivaatio ja mobiilitekniikka matemaattisessa kaupunkisuunnistuspelissä (2015)Työssä käsitellään opetuspelejä ja motivaatiota matematiikan opetuksessa. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat motivaatiota lisäävien seikkojen ja pelien ominaisuuksien yhtenevyydet. Apuna käytetään kaupunkisuunnistusta ja mobiiliteknologiaa yhdistävää peliä, jonka sisältö laadittiin lukion lyhyen matematiikan opetukseen sopivaksi. Pelistä saatiin käytännön kokemuksia peliä johtamalla ja kyselyiden avulla sitä pelanneelta lukioryhmältä. Työssä pohditaan tämän pelin mahdollisuuksia matematiikan opetuksessa ja motivaation lisäämisessä. Luku 2 alkaa pelejä käsittelevällä osuudella, jossa kerrotaan, minkälaisia ominaisuuksia peleillä on ja mitä nämä ominaisuudet tarkoittavat pelaajan näkökulmasta. Pelejä voidaan kutsua organisoiduksi leikiksi: niillä on leikinomaisia piirteitä, mutta niiden säännöt ovat leikkiä selkeämmät. Lisäksi peleissä on jokin tavoite, johon pääsemistä edeltävät erilaiset haasteet tai vastustajat. Leikin tavoin peleissä on vuorovaikutusta, joka voi olla ihmisten tai ihmisen ja tietokoneen välistä. Pelit myös kertovat tarinoita, olivat ne sitten monimutkaisia juonia tai kahden henkilön välistä kilpailua. Luvussa 2 käsitellään pelien lisäksi motivaatiota. Motivaatiota tutkittaessa etsitään vastausta siihen, miksi ihmiset toimivat niin kuin toimivat. Työssä huomio keskittyy siihen, kuinka motivaatiota voidaan lisätä. Tätä tarkastellaan sen kannalta, millaisen toiminnan on todettu olevan houkuttelevaa. Esiin nousee neljä ominaisuutta: onnistumiskokemuksien tuottaminen, uteliaisuuden herättäminen, itseilmaisuun kannustaminen ja ihmissuhteiden vaaliminen. Luvussa 3 käydään lyhyesti läpi työn ja sitä varten pelatun pelin tausta. Luku 4 jatkaa luvun 3 lyhyestä taustaselvityksestä kertomalla tarkemmin pelin kulusta ja säännöistä. Luvussa 5 käsitellään pelistä saatuja kokemuksia, joita kerättiin kyselyillä, joihin vastasivat peliä pelanneet opiskelijat sekä peliä vetämässä ollut opettaja. Opiskelijat ja opettaja vastasivat yhteen kyselyyn ennen peliä ja toiseen pelin jälkeen. Kyselyjen perusteella opiskelijoilla oli pelistä melko positiivinen kuva niin ennen peliä kuin sen jälkeenkin. Opettaja suhtautui ennen peliä hiukan epäileväisesti, mutta pelin jälkeen hänen mielikuvansa olivat muuttuneet positiivisemmiksi. Vastauksista todetaan löytyvän seikkoja, joiden perusteella voidaan arvella opiskelijoiden nähneen pelissä houkuttelevan tekemisen ominaisuuksia. Pelin käytännön onnistumista tarkastellessa havaitaan tämä sama tulos. Luvussa 6 pyritään yhdistämään motivaation ja pelien teoriat pelatun pelin kanssa. Tarkastelun kohteena on se, kuinka hyvin työtä varten pelattu peli onnistui toteuttamaan houkuttelevan tekemisen ominaisuuksia. Kaikkien näiden ominaisuuksien toteutumisen mahdollisuuksia voidaan kasvattaa. Työtä varten pelattu peli ja pelit yleensä todetaan perustelluksi osaksi matematiikan opetusta. Erityisesti pelien arvellaan lisäävän opiskelijoiden innostusta osallistua tunnin kulkuun ja näin saavan myös lisää mahdollisuuksia innostua matematiikasta.
(Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2011)Landscape is shaped by natural environment and increasingly by human activity. In landscape ecology, the concept of landscape can be defined as a kilometre-scale mosaic formed by different land-use types. In Helsinki Metropolitan Region, the landscape change caused by urbanization has accelerated after the 1950s. Prior to that, the landscape of the region was mainly only shaped by agriculture. The goal of this study was in addition to describing the landscape change to discuss the factors impacting the landscape change and evaluate thelandscape ecological impacts of the change. Three study areas at different distances from Helsinki city centre were chosen in order to look at the landscape change. Study areas were Malmi, Espoo and Mäntsälä regions representing different parts of the urban-to-rural gradient in 1955, 1975, 1990 and 2009. Land-use of the maps was then digitized into five classes: agricultural lands, semi-natural grasslands, built areas, waters and others using GIS methods. First, landscape change was studied using landscape ecological indices. Indices used were PLAND i.e. the proportions of the different land-use types in the landscape; MPS, SHEI and SHDI which describe fragmentation and heterogeneity of the landscape; and MSI and ED which are measures of patch shape. Second, landscape change was studied statistically in relation to topography, soil and urban structure of the study areas. Indicators used concerning urban structure were number of residents, car ownership and travel-related zones of urban form which indicate the degree of urban sprawl within the study areas. For the statistical analyses, each of the 9.25 x 9.25 km sized study areas was further divided into grids with resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 kilometres. Third, the changes in the green structure of the study areas were evaluated. The landscape change reflected by the proportions of the land-use types was the most notable in Malmi area where a large amount of agricultural land was developed from 1955 to 2009. The proportion of semi-natural grasslands also showed an interesting pattern in relation to urbanization. When urbanization started, a great number of agricultural lands were abandoned and turned into semi-natural grasslands but as the urbanization accelerated, the number of semi-natural grasslands started to decline because of urban densification. Landscape fragmentation and heterogeneity were the most widespread in Espoo study area which is not only because of the great differences in relative heights within the region but also its location in the rural-urban fringe. According to the results, urbanization induced agricultural lands to be more regular in shape both spatially and temporally whereas for built areas and semi-natural grasslands the impact of urbanization was reverse. Changes in landscape were the most insignificant in the most rural study area Mäntsälä. In Mäntsälä, built area per resident showed the greatest values indicating a widespread urban sprawl. The values were the smallest in highly urbanized Malmi study area. Unlike other study areas, in Mäntsälä the proportion of developing land in the ecologically disadvantageous cardependent zone was on the increase. On the other hand, the green structure of the Mäntsälä study area was the most advantageous whereas Malmi study area showed the most ecologically disadvantageous structure. Considering all the landscape ecological criteria used, the landscape structure of Espoo study area proved to be the best not least because of the great heterogeneity of its landscape. Thus the study confirmed the previous results according to which landscape heterogeneity is the most significant in areas exposed to a moderate human impact.
(2018)The changes in our society have had their ramifications in the sense of community in neighborhoods, the latest big social change being the fast alteration of the media environment. Digital forms of communications allow people to communicate almost instantly all over the world. Yet people still tend to form social ties locally, and a growing interest to local themes has been on the rise. The aim of this case study was to find out which underlying housing and socio-economic factors affect the sense of community in neighborhoods, sense of community in areal Facebook groups and the activity of use of these groups, and if there is overlapping in the factors affecting these. The other aim was to examine if communality in areal Facebook groups or the activity of their use increases sense of community in neighborhoods in Helsinki. The research was descriptive, and the objective was not necessarily to make generalizations to the whole study population. Two differing views have shaped the grand theories of sense of community in neighborhoods. In the first wave, there was a division between idealizing the feudal communities, where a strong dependency of neighborly relationships was a given and the relationships of the urban neighborhoods, where residents were seen as isolated and unsatisfied. The changing society shifted the view to examining relationships as a personal network and the form of communities in the overlapping of these networks. These two views differ most importantly in their views of the meaning of distance to social relationships, and the importance of neighborly relationships in general. In the Internet era relationships can be seen to be formed in networks, but neighborhoods and physical proximity still carry a meaning to local relationships. Two different research areas, in terms of common housing types and the amount of children in families, were chosen from neighborhoods in Helsinki; the northern study area around Paloheinä, Pakila and Torpparinmäki, and the southern area around Kallio and Vallila districts. A questionnaire was sent to three different areal Facebook groups and the total amount of responses received was 335. Sum variables were formed to indicate the sense of community among the respondents, sense of community in their areal Facebook group and the use activity of that Facebook group. These variables were then further analyzed statistically and compared to each other and the respondents’ background factors. The responses split up quite evenly between the two study areas, and the background information reported by the respondents reflected the same factors that these areas were chosen by. All the sum variables correlated positively with each other, thus indicating that those who had a greater sense of community in their neighborhood also possessed a greater sense of online community in their areal Facebook group. The respondents from the northern study area had altogether a higher sense of community, sense of community in the areal Facebook group, and a more active use of the group. The results reflected the ones from previous studies, as a higher sense of community was attached to older age, longer residence in the area, apartment ownership, having children in the family and living in a one-family house. Living in a one-family house was also attached to higher sense of community in the areal Facebook groups, as well as having children, long residence in the area and apartment ownership. According to the results in this case study, some of the same background factors produced a higher value in the sense of community in neighborhoods and the sense of community in the areal Facebook groups studied. These shared factors and the correlations between the sum variables indicate that higher sense of community in areal Facebook groups could lead to a higher sense of community in neighborhoods as well. Distance in relationship still possesses a meaning as neighbors form areal groups in social media that can develop into lively communities.
(2020)Compared to the previous decades, Helsinki has grown substantially during the 2010's, both in terms of it's population and total floor area. When the city becomes more tightly built year by year and the urbanization process intensifies, so too does the profit cycle of the capital. In these conditions, the voice of the people living in these urban areas becomes even more crucial and questions of how and on whose terms these areas are developedrise to the forefront of urban development. Legitimacy of the current system and administration, development of new participatory policies and responsible use of money all are connected to benefit from active civil society. New experiments and methods of citizen participation have been tested in Finland more frequently since the early 2000's, participatory budgeting being one of morerecent ones. Helsinki's participatory budgeting, titled OmaStadi, started 2018 and was the first large scale use of participatory budgeting process in Finland. Originally developed in Brazil during the 1980's, participatory budgeting gives fiscal and decision responsibility to the residents of the city.In OmaStadi, people can through the Internet plan, propose and vote what kind of projects they want to use money for. Process should be executed yearly with budget of 4,4 million euros. Distributing money based on activity of the residents raises questions of how just and fairly resources are allocated to areas inside the city. Do projects clusters on areas, who are populated by people with high cultural or social capital or who are otherwise in strong position socioeconomically? Or does especially lower middle class find participatory budgeting like it has been in some other countries? The goal of this thesis and stydy is to findout how votes, projects and money are spatially distributed between different areas, using GIS data and statistical methods. Although the main finding of this study is that number or price of projects or number of votes are as a rule not tied to local socioeconomical status, there are some weak signs that point that few certain variablesmight affect these. For example, more projects were proposed to areas where portion of young adults and people living in rental homes was higher. Finding more reliable results requires broader and more extensive study. When OmaStadi becomes more established method in urban planning, project managers should take care that funds are not used to compliment projects that city should take care of anyway. If that becomes the case, OmaStadi shouldalternatively be expanded monetarily, if city of Helsinkiseeks same positive benefits which have been observed in other cities around the world.
(2021)The topic of this thesis is participatory budgeting and its connection to the discussion between neoliberalism and participatory governance in the context of city development. Helsinki started its own model of participatory budgeting in 2018 and has pledged to continue the concept in the future. I examine whether Helsinki’s participatory budgeting has the potential to support the ideologies of neoliberalism or participatory governance. In practice, I am exploring the views from the city government and active members of Helsinki’s neighborhood associations. Neighborhood associations had a significant role in the original participatory budgeting of Porto Alegre. I used interview and qualitative survey to collect my data. Neoliberalism has influenced the inequality between regions and the so-called crisis of democracy. Direct involvement of citizens is seen as a solution to these problems. Neoliberalism and participation have a paradoxical relationship: they have received similar criticism. In participatory governance participation means deliberative decision-making based on exchange of knowledge, but in neoliberalism participation can be a rhetoric tool to cover up actual decision-making or a city branding technique. Porto Alegre’s original model of participatory budgeting is seen as a part of participatory governance, but many of the international models seem to be more compatible with neoliberal ideology. The city government has not reserved enough resources to the participatory budgeting. The execution was rushed and showed signs of rationalization. According to the interview and the qualitative survey, inequality between regions might be the downfall of Helsinki’s participatory model. The active members of neighborhood associations see the benefits of participation budgeting but only from the perspective of certain regions. Currently, Helsinki’s participatory budgeting works better as a branding technique than as a method of decision-making. It seems to be more compatible with neoliberalism than participatory governance.
(Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2011)The area of Östersundom (29,1 square kilometers) was attached to Helsinki in the beginning of the year 2009. Östersundom is formed mostly from the municipality of Sipoo, and partly from the city of Vantaa. Nowadays Östersundom is still quite rural, but city planning has already started, and there are plans to develop Östersundom into a district with 45 000 inhabitants. In this study, the headwaters, streams and small lakes of Östersundom were studied to produce information as a basis for city planning. There are six main streams and five small lakes in Östersundom. The main methodology used in this study was the examination of the physical and the chemical quality of the water. The hygienic quality of the water was also studied. It was also examined whether the waters are in their natural state, or have they been treated and transformed by man. In addition, other factors affecting the waters were examined. Geographical information data was produced as a result of this work. Östersundom is the main area looked at in this study, some factors are examined in the scope of the catchment areas. Water samples were collected in three sampling periods: 31.8-4.9.2009, 3.-4.2.2010, and 10.-14.4.2010. There were 20 sampling points in Östersundom (5 in small lakes, 15 in streams). In the winter sampling period, only six samples were collected, from which one was taken from a small lake. Field measurements associated with water sampling included water temperature, oxygen concentration, pH and electoral conductivity. Water samples were analyzed in the Laboratories of Physical Geography in the University of Helsinki for the following properties: total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved substances (TDS), organic matter, alkalinity, colour, principal anions and cations and trace elements. Metropolilab analyzed the amount of faecal coliform bacteria in the samples. The waters in Östersundom can be divided to three classes according to water quality and other characteristics: the upper course of the streams, the lower course of the streams and the small lakes. The streams in their upper course are in general acidic, and their acid neutralization capacity is low. The proportion of the organic matter is high. Also the concentrations of aluminium and iron tend to be high. The streams in the lower course have acidity closer to neutral, and the buffering capacity is good. The amounts of TSS and TDS are high, and as a result, the concentrations of many ions and trace elements are high as well. Bacteria were detected at times in the streams of the lower course. Four of the five small lakes in Östersundom are humic and acidic. TSS and TDS concentrations tend to be low, but the proportion of organic matter is often high. There were no bacteria in the small lakes. The fifth small lake (Landbonlampi) differs from the others by its water colour, which is very clear. This lake is very acidic, and its buffering capacity is extremely low. Compared to the headwaters in Finland in general, the concentrations of many ions and trace elements are higher in Östersundom. On the other hand, the characteristics of water were different according to the classification upper course streams, lower course streams, and small lakes. Generally, the best water quality was observed in the stream of Gumbölenpuro and in the lakes Storträsk, Genaträsk, Hältingträsk and Landbonlampi. Several valuable waters in their natural state were discovered from the area. The most representative example is the stream of Östersundominpuro in its lower course, where the stream flows through a broad-leaf forest area. The small lakes of Östersundom, and the biggest stream Krapuoja, with its meandering channel, are also valuable in their natural state.
(2019)Helsingin puistoissa on aikaisemmin tutkittu maaperän pilaantuneisuutta, mutta tutkimukset ovat lähinnä keskittyneet Helsingin keskustan alueelle. Tässä tutkimuksessa maaperänäytteitä kerättiin 50:stä eri puistosta koko Helsingin alueelta, lukuun ottamatta Östersundomia, jonka lisäksi näytteitä otettiin myös neljältä Helsingin edustan saarelta ja neljältä uimarannalta. Helsingin puistoissa, saarilla ja uimarannoilla As-, Cd-, Co-, Cr-, Cu-, Ni-, Pb-, V- ja Zn-pitoisuudet olivat pääasiassa alhaiset, mutta ohjearvoja ylittäviä pitoisuuksia löytyi Eugen Schaumanin puistosta, Kumtähdenkentältä, Paloheinänhuipulta (täyttömäki), Haaganpuistosta ja Munkinpuistosta. Alueellisesti alhaisimmat metallipitoisuudet olivat ItäHelsingissä, Helsingin edustan saarilla ja uimarannoilla. Työn tarkoituksena oli myös arvioida pXRF-laitteen soveltuvuutta metallipitoisuuksien mittaamiseen maaperän orgaanisesta pintakerroksesta ja vertailla kahden eri raekoon metallipitoisuuksia toisiinsa: < 2 mm ja < 0,06 mm. Menetelmien vertailussa pXRF-laite antoi korkeammat arseeni-, kromi-, kupari-, lyijy-, vanadiini- ja sinkkipitoisuudet, kuin ICP-MS-menetelmä. Parhaiten pXRF-laite soveltui kupari, sinkki ja lyijypitoisuuksien mittaamiseen, joten kentällä käytettävää pXRF-laitetta voidaan siis hyvin käyttää näiden aineiden kohdalla, mutta todelliset pitoisuudet tulisi tarkistaa laboratoriossa käytettävillä laitteilla, kuten esim. ICP-MS:llä. Arseeni- ja kromipitoisuuksien mittaaminen pXRF-laiteella osoittautui vaikeaksi, sillä näytteiden pitoisuudet olivat etenkin < 2 mm:n raekoossa alle laitteen määritysrajan. Kromissa raekoko vaikutti pXRF-laitteen mittaamiseen, sillä hienoaineksessa R2 oli 0,91, kun puolestaan < 2 mm:n raekoossa se oli 0,46. Lisäksi nikkeli-, kadmium- ja kobolttipitoisuudet olivat kaikki alle pXRF-laitteen määritysrajan, joten tuloksia näille aineille ei saatu pXRF-laitteella. Suomessa maaperän pilaantuneisuutta tutkitaan < 2 mm:n raekoosta, mutta maa-aineksen raekoon on huomattu vaikuttavan näytteen metallipitoisuuksiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa arseeni-, kromi-, kupari-, lyijy-, vanadiini- ja sinkkipitoisuudet olivat korkeampia hienoaineksessa, kuin < 2 mm:n raekoossa. Tämän lisäksi lyijy, sinkki ja kadmium korreloivat parhaiten < 2 mm:n ja < 0,06 mm:n raekoossa.
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