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  • Eloholma, Mikko Aleksi (2017)
    In the 1970s information technology started to become part of everyday life and as a result of this process, computer programming has become an important theme in the digital society both in the labor-market and on the educational field. In this study, I examine high school students' everyday conceptions of computer programming and technological development. I explore these conceptions relying on the theory of social representations which is focused on defining how people make foreign technical and scientific phenomena familiar. I interpreted the meanings produced by the high school students in relation to the cultural history of computer programming and especially in relation to the general meanings given to computer programming on the educational field. As a separate research question I examined computer programming in relation to meanings that are connected to technological development. The aim of this study is to offer more understanding about how computer programming is made familiar in an increasingly digital society where it has emerged as an important skill, especially through education. I produced my data by interviewing seven high school students who had attended a voluntary high school course combining electronics and programming. I analyzed the interviews discourse-analytically by defining oppositions that describe the social representation of programming. I also produced concepts that seemed to synthesize the oppositions and examined subject positions that were constructed in the speech. Besides, I analyzed how the representations of programming and technological development were connected in the speech. The representational field of programming was constructed by the oppositions of human-computer, material-virtual, technical-playfulness and proximity-remoteness. I defined the opposition human-computer to be the most fundamental themata of the social representation of computer programming. Programming was perceived as taking technological development to the next level. Technological development was seen as a partly autonomous process but humans were still given the most fundamental role in the definition and delimitation of technologies. On the basis of this study it can be summarized that high school students saw programming as an important phenomenon which at the same time was difficult to approach and define. This observation r a challenge for the establishment of programming both in education and in the wider society.
  • Liimatainen, Markus (2017)
    Tutkimuksessa perehdytään Espoon kaupungin ympäristötavoitteisiin sekä ympäristöjohtamiseen. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on kestävä kehitys, joka on monimuotoinen ja usein vaikeasti määritettävä käsite, kuten tutkimuksessa havaitaan. Tavoitteena on löytää vastaus siihen, milloin Espoo on ottanut kestävän kehityksen mukaan tavoitteisiinsa, mitä termillä on tarkoitettu eri aikoina ja millaisia toimenpiteitä tämän seurauksena on tavoitteisiin asetettu. Tätä seurataan myös vasten kansallista ja kansainvälistä keskustelua aiheesta. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten Espoon ympäristötavoitteet ovat sisällöllisesti muuttuneet ajan myötä, ja millä tavalla ympäristöasioiden hallinto on muuttunut erityisesti sen jälkeen, kun vuoden 1995 kuntalaki ohjasi kunnat johtamaan toimintaansa uudella tavalla strategioiden kautta. Aineistona ovat Espoon kaupungin tuottamat ympäristöohjelmat vuodesta 1979 vuoteen 2000 sekä kaupungin strategiat siitä eteenpäin vuoteen 2017 asti. Näitä analysoitiin erilaisilla laadullisilla menetelmillä, erityisesti sisällön-, diskurssi- ja retorisella analyysilla. Tuloksena selviää, että kestävä kehitys näkyy ensimmäisen kerran Espoon tavoitteissa jo pian termin yleistymisen jälkeen, ja termin sisältö seuraa ajan myötä hyvin kansallista sekä kansainvälistä keskustelua aihepiiristä. Tavoitteet ja toimenpiteet kestävän kehityksen edistämiseksi kuitenkin vaihtelevat ajan myötä, ja jotkut ongelmat, erityisesti liikenne, pysyvät tavoitteissa koko ajan. Ympäristöohjelmien sisältö muuttuu ja kehittyy ajan kuluessa, mutta siirtyminen strategioihin vuonna 2000 aiheuttaa selkeän muutoskohdan ympäristötavoitteissa, kun laajat ympäristöohjelmat vaihtuvat suppeisiin strategioihin, jotka eivät palvele ympäristönsuojelua samaan tapaan. 2000-luvun kuluessa strategiatkin kehittyvät, ja sen myötä ympäristöasioidenkin näkyvyys ja hallinto palaavat osin vanhaan malliin. Tavoitelistauksista koostuvien strategioiden muuttuminen tarinallisiksi Espoo-tarinoiksi vuonna 2013 on ollut selkeä muutos kaupungin tavassa viestiä itsestään ja tavoitteistaan. Espoo-tarinatkin kuitenkin sisältävät avoimesta luonteestaan huolimatta paljon retoriikkaa, jolla peitetään usein ideologisia valintoja. Johtopäätöksinä voi esittää, että Espoo on tavoitteissaan osoittanut jo varhain kestävän kehityksen olevan sille tärkeää, mutta kaikilta osin tämä ei ole siirtynyt toimintaan. Ympäristöjohtaminen Espoossa on ollut suuressa muutoksessa 2000-luvulla, ja kaupungilla on ollut paljon opettelua asian suhteen. Strategiamalli siinä muodossa kuin se Espoossa otettiin käyttöön, ei selkeästikään ole ollut toimiva ympäristöasioiden hoidon suhteen. Ongelmat on kuitenkin tiedostettu, ja niihin on vastattu esimerkiksi ottamalla ympäristöohjelmia taas käyttöön sekä luomalla pitkäaikainen ympäristöpolitiikka. Nämä eivät kuitenkaan ole jääneet pysyviksi käytännöiksi, joten tällä hetkellä tahtotila asiassa on epäselvä. Ympäristöasioiden hoito on joka tapauksessa selkeästi aiempaa hajautuneempaa.
  • Malkamäki, Sanna (2020)
    As shown by prior research, primary school student teachers feel a lack of practical experience in their studies. Nowadays the part of practical training in teacher education studies is becoming even smaller. This thesis argues for the advantages of working on a summer camp for primary school student teacher’s professional development during their studies. This thesis describes how working on a summer camp affects a student teacher’s professional development and what factors they consider important for their own professional development. The presumption for the research was that working on a summer camp has positive and important effects on the professional development of a primary school student teacher. The method used in this thesis was a qualitative case study. The data consisted of interviews with seven primary school student teachers that had worked on a summer camp during the past three years. The interview was a half-structured individual interview. The data was analyzed by using thematic analysis, and six themes were found from the analyzed data. Due to the diverging answers of the respondents, the thematic analysis was extended by categorizing the test subjects into four different groups. The factors affecting a primary school student teacher’s professional development of working on a summer camp were increased experience, reflection, co-workers and teamwork, difficult cases, interaction with children and the young and reflection on teaching. The respondents experienced that working on a summer camp was beneficial for their professional development. Based on their answers, the test subjects were categorized into test subjects with converging answers and test subjects with diverging answers. The first group consisted of four respondents that emphasized the six main themes in their answers. The second group consisted of three answerers and they were named further as self-reflector, novice teacher and the exceeder. Based on this study, working on a summer camp can be recommended for all student teachers. This study can act as inspiration for applying for a job on a summer camp and as a reason for hiring student teachers.
  • Malkamäki, Sanna (2020)
    As shown by prior research, primary school student teachers feel a lack of practical experience in their studies. Nowadays the part of practical training in teacher education studies is becoming even smaller. This thesis argues for the advantages of working on a summer camp for primary school student teacher’s professional development during their studies. This thesis describes how working on a summer camp affects a student teacher’s professional development and what factors they consider important for their own professional development. The presumption for the research was that working on a summer camp has positive and important effects on the professional development of a primary school student teacher. The method used in this thesis was a qualitative case study. The data consisted of interviews with seven primary school student teachers that had worked on a summer camp during the past three years. The interview was a half-structured individual interview. The data was analyzed by using thematic analysis, and six themes were found from the analyzed data. Due to the diverging answers of the respondents, the thematic analysis was extended by categorizing the test subjects into four different groups. The factors affecting a primary school student teacher’s professional development of working on a summer camp were increased experience, reflection, co-workers and teamwork, difficult cases, interaction with children and the young and reflection on teaching. The respondents experienced that working on a summer camp was beneficial for their professional development. Based on their answers, the test subjects were categorized into test subjects with converging answers and test subjects with diverging answers. The first group consisted of four respondents that emphasized the six main themes in their answers. The second group consisted of three answerers and they were named further as self-reflector, novice teacher and the exceeder. Based on this study, working on a summer camp can be recommended for all student teachers. This study can act as inspiration for applying for a job on a summer camp and as a reason for hiring student teachers.
  • Malmirinta, Lotta (2017)
    This master’s thesis explores the development of religious interpretation among Finnish women who have converted to Islam and examines whether this development can be analyzed by dividing it into different stages. Another topic of interest in this work is how the diverse interpretations of Islam that converts embrace reflect the development of Finnish Islam in general. The theoretical premise is Islam researcher Anne Sofie Roald’s theory on the process of religious development that converts go through. The theory categorizes the post-conversion process in four stages: love/zealotry, disappointment, maturity/acceptance, and secularization. The applicability of this theory is examined with the methods of qualitative content analysis by mirroring it to the research data that consists of semi-structured interviews with seven Finnish Muslim convert women. The interviews focus on the women’s ideas on how their lives and interpretations of religion have changed after conversion, how they interpret Islam today and what the meaning of Islam is for their lives from a broader perspective. Other themes discussed in the interviews are gender roles and the impact that being Finnish and being Muslim have on one another. Based on the research data there are considerable differences in the religious interpretations of the converts, as the informants represent different theological and interpretational currents within Islam. Based on the data the interpretations of Islam can be roughly divided to conservative and liberal. Whether or not the informants feel that they are a part of the Finnish Muslim community follows this line of division as well. The interview data paints a rather conservative picture of the Finnish Muslim community, for the more liberal converts feel that it is difficult for them to find a place in it for their interpretations. Along with the issue of belonging to the Finnish Muslim community, gender roles and the position of women emerge as themes that divide the informants. Regardless of the different interpretative emphases, there are many things that unite the women in their experience of Islam, such as the idea of the importance of practicing Islam, a personal relationship with God and having faith in the power of this relationship to carry them through hardships. According to the research data, Islamophobia has increased in Finland in the past years. Despite this, ‘Finnish’ and ‘Muslim’ do not appear as mutually exclusive identities to the informants, but rather the women see parallels between them. A recurring theme in many interviews is the inability of born Muslims to separate between their culture and Islam. The process theory that categorizes the post-conversion religious development of Muslim converts into four different stages turns out to be a useful tool for analysis, but it also becomes subject to criticism. When brought under closer scrutiny the theory appears to suggest that secularization is an inevitable result of religious development. The findings of this research do not support such a conception. An alternative process model based on the research data of this study is proposed in the conclusions, consisting of three post-conversion stages: commitment to Islam, disappointment and the reaction to that disappointment, whether that means a renewed commitment to a certain interpretation of Islam or a widening of the convert’s perspective that leads to exploring different ideas of what it means to be Muslim.