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Browsing by study line "Taloustieteellisen tutkimuksen opintosuunta"

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  • Rautala, Martta (2021)
    This thesis studies possible factors associated with the earnings differences between Finnish and Swedish immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States. Economics literature has provided multiple explanations for the economic assimilation of immigrants. Fundamentally immigrant assimilation in economic theory is seen as a process of country-specific human capital accumulation. Many factors, however, can affect this process. In this thesis, I will test whether the earnings differences between Finnish and Swedish immigrants were associated with their location choices, size of the immigrant communities, English skills and linguistic distance between immigrant’s mother tongue and English. In addition, I test whether even within industries, the earnings differences persist and whether in addition to Swedes, Finns also differ from other Nordic immigrants. To do this, I will use a longitudinal dataset of 28 621 European male immigrants observed in 1900, 1910 and 1920 and use pooled OLS to estimate the earnings differences of Finnish and Swedish immigrants at different stages of their migration period. First, I find that at the time of arrival or at most 5 years after it, Finnish immigrants earn more than otherwise comparable Swedish immigrants. After more than 30 years in the United States, however, Finns earn substantially less than their Swedish counterparts. Also, not only did the Finns diverge from the earnings of the Swedes with the time spent in the United States, but also from their initial level of earnings. I then find that controlling for location choices and the size of the immigrant communities slightly reduce the earnings gap between long-term Finnish and Swedish immigrants. Differences in English skills, on the other hand, are not found to be associated with the earnings differences. Instead, I find that long-term Finnish and Swedish immigrants have almost equal probabilities of knowing English and that Finnish immigrants accumulate language skills at a substantial rate after arrival. The negative earnings gap among long-term Finnish and Swedish immigrants persists even within industries. However, although remaining negative, controlling for industry fixed effects reduces the earnings gap by over 50 %, suggesting that a large fraction of the negative earnings gap was associated with Finnish immigrants being active in low-paying industries. Finally, I find that the similar pattern applies not only to Swedish immigrants but also to other Nordic immigrants. At the time of arrival, Finns seem to earn more than otherwise comparable Nordic immigrants but after more than 30 years in the United States, Finns earn substantially less than their Nordic counterparts.
  • Jokiluoma, Antti (2022)
    During the past decade, central banks have become even more central to modern economies than before. Their main goal is price stability, and they try to achieve it with various methods. The effectivity of the traditional methods, especially controlling the short-term interest rates, has become smaller due to the zero lower bound constraint, and new unconventional methods have been introduced. This thesis investigates the effects of the unconventional monetary policy actions of the European Central Bank. Structural vector autoregressive models are one of the main tools in studying the effects of the monetary policy. To identify a monetary policy shock, one traditionally needs to impose restrictions to the model. However, that requires restrictive assumptions about the dynamics of the model which is being studied. To overcome this issue, one can identify the shocks statistically by some properties of the data, without any additional restrictions. A key benefit of statistical identification is the possibility to test the plausibility of previously used sign or zero restrictions. In the empirical application of this thesis, a Bayesian vector autoregressive model identified statistically based on non-normality of the error terms is utilised to study the effects of the European Central Bank's unconventional monetary policy. The Bayesian estimation was performed with a Differential Evolution Markov Chain algorithm, allowing fast calculation. The empirical analysis resulted in two key findings. First, the impulse response functions implied by the model are in line with previous studies and the statistically identified model gives support to the previously used sign restrictions. Second, the model is sensitive to the sample period which suggests that the effects of the European Central Banks policy actions might have changed over time.
  • Silvennoinen, Erkka (2021)
    Since 1991, Finland has subsidized homeownership with first-time homebuyer’s stamp duty and transfer tax exemptions. Under certain conditions, buyers with ownership shares of at least 0.5 are exempted from paying a tax of 2% on the free-of-debt price for housing company dwellings and 4% on the free-of-debt price for directly owned houses. The previous empirical literature suggests that transfer taxes may lead to large reductions in housing transactions, household mobility, and housing prices. This thesis studies whether there is evidence of similar effects among first-time homebuyers by focusing on the first-time homebuyer’s transfer tax exemption. The analysis is based on microdata provided by Statistics Finland and Tax Administration on all permanent residents in Finland and housing company shareholdings. Therefore, this study is limited to housing company dwelling transactions, and it does not cover the effects on directly-owned house transactions. The effect on the first-time home purchase decision is studied using a regression discontinuity design among a subgroup that has not lived in owner-occupied dwellings in adulthood except potentially in the household of their parents. The effect on housing prices is studied using a fixed-effects regression model. The findings show that first-time home purchases drop by roughly 30% at the age threshold of 40 years, where buyers become ineligible for the tax exemption. Similarly, covariate-adjusted estimates show that tax-exempted purchases are on average roughly 1% more expensive than purchases without the tax exemption. If the underlying identification assumptions hold, these estimates can be interpreted as the causal effects of the tax exemption. However, there are potential threats to internal validity. The credibility of the assumptions is studied by conducting graphical and formal tests that typically accompany regression discontinuity designs. There is some evidence consistent with the possibility that the assumptions do not hold, but the evidence is also consistent with alternative explanations related to data limitations. Neither possibility can be ruled out definitively.
  • Janatuinen, Miia (2021)
    The electricity sector plays a central role in climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. At the same time, it is also affected by the climate. The ongoing clean energy transition has made the link between electricity sector and weather even stronger since the increasing intermittent renewable energy production is increasingly weather dependent and cannot respond to abrupt changes in demand. Therefore, understanding how the electricity demand reacts to the changes in the climate is crucial for designing policies that support sustainable transition to the net zero economy. The thesis sheds light on these challenges and studies the effects of temperature on the intra-day electricity load in four European countries, Finland, Germany, France and Spain. The research questions are how temperature affects the hourly electricity consumption and whether these effects are different at different hours of the day. The sample consists of data on aggregate hourly electricity load and hourly population weighted temperatures over a period of over 10 years. The hour-specific effects of temperature on electricity load are estimated with a linear regression model of high-frequency fixed effects that allows credible identification of the short-run effects. However, the approach can not address the role of changing behavioural, economic or technological factors which are left for future work. The effects are estimated for each country separately, which also allows to capture the heterogeneity between countries. The results confirm the finding in the previous literature of the non-linear relationship between temperature and electricity load. In particular, electricity load is estimated to be more sensitive to temperature at the extreme temperatures and a comfort zone at which the electricity consumption is estimated to be insensitive to changes in temperatures is found for all countries. However, in Finland and France, the temperature effects are more pronounced at the cold temperatures, whereas in Germany and Spain, the effects are more symmetric. Moreover, in France, Germany and Spain, a comfort zone is estimated to be at colder temperatures in the morning and to shift to warmer temperatures in the afternoon. This implies that, at temperatures approximately between 10℃ and 20℃, heating is more sensitive to changes in temperature at the afternoon hours whereas cooling is more sensitive to changes in temperature at the early morning hours in the three countries. In Finland, the effects of temperature are relatively constant between hours. In conclusion, the results imply that temperatures contribute to the changing dynamics in the electricity sector, affecting both the intra-day variability and the level of the electricity consumption. However, the role of temperatures in these dynamics is relatively moderate.
  • Korpela, Heikki (2020)
    Tutkielmassa arvioidaan, miten työttömyysturvan enimmäiskeston rajaaminen vuonna 2014 on vaikuttanut työttömyyden pituuteen. Enimmäisaikaa lyhennettiin tuolloin 100 päivällä niiltä työttömiltä, joilla on alle 3 vuoden työhistoria. Tutkimuksen aineistona on käytetty henkilötason rekisteriaineistoja työttömyysetuuksista ja ansaintajaksoista. Toimenpiteen vaikutusta arvioidaan vertaamalla, miten ero lyhyen ja pitkän työhistorian henkilöiden työttömyysjaksoissa muuttuu vuonna 2014. Erotukset erotuksissa -asetelmassa ei tunnisteta tilastollisesti merkitseviä vaikutuksia jaksojen pituudessa. Lyhyen työhistorian työttömien havaitut keskimääräiset työttömyysjaksot pitenivät selvästi sekä verrattuna edelliseen vuoteen että suhteessa pidemmän työhistorian työttömiin. Käytettyä tutkimusasetelmaa rasittavat muut samanaikaiset muutokset työttömyysturvassa, suhdannevaihtelun mahdollisesti erilaiset vaikutukset ryhmiin sekä luokitteluun liittyvä mittausvirhe. Kokonaisuutena arvioiden tutkimusasetelman oletuksia ja siten asetelman luotettavuutta kohtaan jää vakava epäily. Lisätarkasteluna tutkielmassa esitetään ennen–jälkeen -arvio siitä, miten työttömyys on muuttunut vuonna 2017. Tuolloin työttömyysturvan enimmäiskestoa lyhennettiin kaikilta 100 päivällä. Tässä tarkastelussa havaitaan, että työttömyysjaksot ovat lyhentyneet merkittävästi useissa kohdin työttömyyden aikaprofiilia. Keskimäärin jaksojen pituus on vähentynyt jopa yli 20 etuuspäivällä tai 20 prosentilla. Muutos on suunnaltaan sopusoinnussa aiemman tutkimuskirjallisuuden kanssa. Enimmäiskeston rajauksen mahdollista vaikutusta ei tässä tapauksessa voida kuitenkaan luotettavasti erottaa muista työttömyyden pituuteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä.