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  • Blom, Henri (2016)
    Intelligent transport systems 'ITS' are becoming more common within city traffic. Urban transport has historically relied heavily on use of private cars during the past decades which transport planning and transport policy decisions have supported. The aim of the new transport policy has been to strive for public transport`s and light traffic`s modal shares of growth. However, the policies do not change quickly. Intelligent transport innovations shape citizens` preferences of the different modes of transport and by the introduction of them it is seeked, inter alia, safer and more environmentally friendly urban transport. I examine in this thesis the KutsuPlus intelligent transport service carried out by HSL in 2012-2015 and, more generally, intelligent transport innovations that have been in use in the metropolitan area of Helsinki. The research question is whether an individual intelligent transport innovation, like Kutsuplus here can affect people's choice of transport mode in the urban space and thus increase the competitiveness of public transport.
  • Saarinen, Noora (2018)
    The differences between Finnish schools have been small compared to other countries in in-ternational comparisons. In contrast, the differences between classes have been remarka-ble. These differences have also been discovered to grow over years and thereby differenti-ate learning results of pupils. Potential reason for the differences is that the pupils of different performance level and background are divided into classes unevenly. In Finland, pupils re-ceiving special support are increasingly being taught inclusively in general education class-rooms instead of separate special classes. One objective of this study is to find out if the proportion of pupils receiving intensified or special support is related to the average perfor-mance of the class. The main objective of this Master’s Thesis was to find out whether there were differences between classes in performance and motivation, and which factors explain the possible variation. In addition to the proportion of pupils receiving intensified and special support, this study takes into account the proportion of pupils with immigrant background and the educational background of pupils’ mothers. The research data was part of the Centre of Educational Assessment’s Learning to Learn Assessment data from 2016. The participants of this study consisted of 1888 6th graders in 95 classes in one municipality in Southern Finland. The performance of the pupils was measured by their average grades in theoretical subjects and their performance in logical reasoning tasks. Motivation was assessed by a goal orientation questionnaire. Variance components analysis and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. This study discovered differences between classes in their average grades and perfor-mance in reasoning tasks. There were also smaller differences between classes in learning orientation and achievement orientation. According to this study, the higher education of the pupils’ mothers and the proportion of Finnish-speaking students in a class predicted higher grades and performance in class-level. Surprisingly, the proportion of pupils that received special support had a positive connection with the average grade of the class. However, it was not connected to the performance in reasoning tasks at class level. The proportion of pupils receiving intensified support was not connected to performance in class-level.
  • Vainiola, Minna (2016)
    The teacher-pupil interaction affects the quality of the pupils' school attendance and school performance significantly. The teacher-pupil interaction has been studied extensively, but the pupils' own perspective on the topic has received less attention. This study examined the pupil's perceptions concerning the teacher-pupil interaction during lessons. The teacher-pupil interaction is affected by several underlying factors such as the school, the class as a learning environment, as well as gender of the pupil. In addition, previous research has shown that school transition affects the quality of the teacher-pupil interaction. The study also looked at the differences in pupils' experiences regarding the quality of the teacher-pupil interaction between schools, class, upper and lower grades and between girls and boys. This study was conducted as part of the Education, Agency and Pedagogical Well-being in primary school - research project (Pyhältö , Soini & Pietarinen , 2010). The authors study involved nine classes from three different schools. Four eight grade and five sixth grade classes. The schools were located in different parts of Finland. The data was collected using images about lesson situations, to stimulate the pupils' writing about these situations. A total of 167 pupils answered the image-projection-task. Two different lesson-situations were selected into the study. The pupil descriptions of the circumstances were first analyzed via content analysis. The findings of the qualitative analysis composed were three different teacher-pupil interaction pro-files. These profiles were given numerical values , which allowed the examination of differences of the pupils' experiences between, gender, class, grade and school. The three teacher-pupil interaction profiles were termed as follows; the qualified, the cynical, and the teacher functioning as a part of the machinery. The interaction profiles were distributed very evenly across the data. There was a statistically significant difference between all the analyzed factors in the interaction profiles. In particular, the experiences about the teacher-pupil interaction between girls and boys proved to be virtually contrary. A more targeted research regarding the topic on a large sample size is needed. Future research would advisably be linked to the introduction of the new curriculum (POPS 2014), which aims to influence the teaching methods and practices and thus inevitably also effects on the teacher-pupil interaction.
  • Fernström, Niina (2021)
    Goals. The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of subjective wellbeing based on Seligman’s (2011) PERMA-theory among sixth and ninth grade girls and boys. Previous studies have shown that girls experience lower wellbeing than boys and that the subjective wellbeing decreases as the children move on to higher grades. This study creates an understanding of the state of subjective wellbeing among sixth and ninth graders and the factors that affect it. This study provides knowledge to those working with children and youth on which elements of wellbeing should be taken in consideration in order to promote the wellbeing of children and youth. Methods. This study was conducted as a cross-sectional study. Sixth and ninth graders (N = 175) from three schools in the Helsinki metropolitan area participated in the study. Their experiences of subjective wellbeing were mapped using a questionnaire. The EPOCH wellbeing measure (Kern et al., 2016) based on the PERMA-theory was used as a measure of subjective wellbeing in this study. Mann Whitney's U-test was used in the analysis of the data. Results and conclusions. Majority of the participants in this study seemed to be doing well, although unlike in previous studies, girls were experiencing more wellbeing than boys. Also, unlike in previous studies, grade levels did not differ in the experience of wellbeing. Sixth grade girls experienced engagement and connectedness, and ninth grade girls, in addition to the above, also experienced perseverance and happiness more often than boys of the same age. Gender differences in the experience of subjective wellbeing and its elements can serve as indicative results which, however, are still in need of further research in order to be able to better understand the factors affecting youth wellbeing and thus allowing us to effectively promote it.
  • Ronkanen, Lauri (2016)
    During past decades, new theories of information have put pressure on Finnish schools to adjust the content of teaching. The Schools have responded by putting more emphasis on developing different skills required to process information. In history teaching this has meant putting historical thinking in the focus. Acquiring knowledge from the past requires analyzing different remains that contain information about past events. That is why students are taught to work like historians. The abilities to interact with historical sources are called historical literacy skills. Previous studies have shown that young students are beginners in analyzing historical sources, but researchers also have agreed that even young students have the capacity to think historically. Historical thinking and understanding the nature of historical knowledge have been made top priorities in the curriculum but the goals and criteria of learning have been criticized for being too demanding. Pessimistic estimations have also been made about their realization in the field. The purpose of this study was to examine 6th graders skills of making interpretations from historical sources. 22 student from the same class took part in the study. The students were given an assignment in which they examined two conflicting sources depicting the same historical events. The student's task was to evaluate the credibility of the sources and distinguish the motives of their writers. Student's answers were analyzed using qualitative methods. VanSledright's and Afferblach's theory of cognitive activities in evaluation of sources was used as a frame of reference. Results were in line with previous studies regarding young student's abilities to analyze historical sources. 14 students ranked in the lowest stage of cognitive activity and eight students in the next stage called identification. The students in the lowest stage regarded all information as knowledge and failed to distinguish the righters motives. While some answers contained glimpses of more advanced thinking, students were ranked in to the stage which their righting expressed the most. The results indicated that the students lacked strategies to interpret historical sources but some students were able to draw conclusions from the sources independently.
  • Bergström, Anna-Mari (2015)
    Goals. The goal in my thesis is to describe how six-graders give peer feedback when learning to write. My focus is especially on textual concepts the pupils are using in their feedback comments and on the ways readers express their evaluative experience. In regard to this I analyse what sort of learning this feedback represents. To give my thesis a background and a context I introduce previous research on cooperative learning, feedback and concept learning. Methods. My research is a qualitative case study and my method is content analysis. My data has been collected as a part of RokKi-project and it contains 23 stories and 119 peer feedback comments given to them. The feedback comments have been written not only by pupils but also two student teachers, a teacher of didactics and the class teacher. Majority of the feedback comments have been given anonymous, so it is possible that there could be some comments in my data that have been written by adults. I reflect the concepts in the feedback comments on the curriculum and three textbook and exercise book series used in fourth and fifth grade. Results and conclusions. Six-graders use textual concepts when giving peer feedback on each other's stories. There are 16 different textual concepts in my data and they are mentioned 109 times. The most used concept is a story (tarina). One peer feedback comment can have many targets and there can be various textual concepts in it. The target in a six-graders feedback comment is often related to the plot (juoni) and the beginning (alku) and the ending (loppu) of a story. A six-grader can analyse a story's chain of events and understand the chronology of a story. The use of textual concepts specifies and deepens the meaning of feedback to the writer of the story. It also reveals how the feedback's giver can use textual concepts they have learned. Reader's evaluative experience starts dialogue between the writer and the reader which completes the feedback comment. This lifts the writer's voice to the center and on the focus which can lead to the writer's voice growing stronger. All in all, peer feedback in writing is useful not only to the receiver but also the giver.
  • Brandt, Ella (2014)
    Tutkielmaan kuuluu kaksi osaa: opetusvideon tekeminen nuoren hampaiden hoidosta ja tutkimus, jossa selvitettiin, minkälaisia asenteita ja tietoja kuudesluokkalaisilla on hammasterveydestä ja miten he käytännössä huolehtivat hampaistaan. Näkyykö tietotaito nuoren hampaidenhoidossa? Työssä selvitettiin myös, mitä nuoret pitävät Terve suu on cool – opetusvideosta. Videossa kerrotaan hammasterveysfaktoja ja kannustetaan nuoria pitämään huolta hampaistaan. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että nuorilla on hyvä asenne hampaiden hoitoon ja hammaslääkärissä käyntiin. Hampaiden pesun suositus 2 x 2 min on nuorilla hyvin tiedossa, mutta happohyökkäys ymmärretään huonosti ja kariogeenisinä ruoka-aineina pidetään lähinnä vain herkkuja. Ksylitolituotteiden käyttö on alle puolella suositusten mukaista. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että melkein jokaisella tytöllä oli negatiivista sanottavaa hampaistaan, pojista alle puolella. Harva on kuitenkaan kuullut negatiivista kommentointia hampaistaan. Opetusvideo sai hyvän vastaanoton ja nuoret pitivät sitä hyödyllisenä. He suosittelisivat sitä sisaruksilleen ja kavereilleen.
  • Elomaa, Nora (2022)
    My master's thesis examines the dimensions of well-being in sixth-graders (school engagement, self-esteem, school burnout and depression) as well as their relations to each other. This thesis focuses on how social factors can predict the dimensions of well-being. Previous studies have shown that adolescent's school engagement has a positive effect even later in working life. According to research the support of classmates, teacher and family is related to the well-being in adolescents. The results of this study can be used to develop tools for support the well-being of adolescents. In addition, it might be useful for the future research of adolescents’ well-being. This is a quantitative study, and the research material was collected as part of the #Uuttakoulua - project. However, my thesis is not part of the project. The data was collected in three different schools in the metropolitan area surrounding Helsinki, and it consist of 156 respondents; 99 of them belongs to the experimental group with strength-based education and 57 belongs to the comparison group. Participants in the study were sixth-graders and their answers were filled by an online questionnaire. IBM SPSS Statistics 27 was used for data analysis. I used statistical methods to answer my research questions (independent sample t-test, means - standard deviations, Pearson correlation coefficient, linear regression analysis). The results showed that the well-being of sixth-graders is generally good. They experienced more school engagement and higher self-esteem than school burnout and depression. The dimensions of well-being correlate statistically significantly with each other, for example self-esteem and depression had a quite strong negative correlation. Based on the results, support of the family seemed to have a more significant impact on students’ well-being than other social factors.
  • Rekonen, Olli (2020)
    Tutkielma on sosiologisesti kehystetty laadullinen kuvaus kuudesluokkalaisten lasten kännyköiden käytön yhteydestä sosiaaliseen koheesioon heidän vertaissuhteissaan. Se ammentaa uudesta lapsuuden sosiologiasta, jolla pyritään tuomaan lasten omat äänet kuuluviin. Aineisto tutkimusta varten kerättiin fokusryhmähaastatteluilla ja koostuu viidestä haastattelusta, joihin osallistui yksi luokallinen oppilaita, yhteensä 28 lasta. Aineistoa analysoitiin laadullisella teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysillä ja sitä lähestyttiin faktanäkökulmasta. Tutkimukselle keskeisiä näkökulmia ja käsitteitä ovat rituaalit, autonomia (erityisesti suhteessa aikuisiin), faattinen vuorovaikutus, yhdistetty läsnäolo ja maaninen yhdistyneisyys, ja sen teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu erityisesti Richard Lingin ajatuksiin kännyköiden ja sosiaalisen koheesion välisestä yhteydestä. Analyysin pohjalta tutkimuksessa päädytään siihen, että kännyköiden ja sosiaalisen koheesion välistä yhteyttä voidaan kuvailla kahdeksan eri teeman kautta. Neljä näistä teemoista liittyy siihen, kuinka kännykät tukevat sosiaalisen koheesion rakentumista lasten vertaissuhteissa. Kännykät tukevat sosiaalista koheesiota lasten vertaissuhteissa siten, että niiden kautta lasten on mahdollista kommunikoida tilassa, johon aikuisilla ei ole pääsyä. Lisäksi ne mahdollistavat faattisen vuorovaikutuksen muotoja sekä rituaaleja, jotka tukevat koheesiota. Kännykät myös mahdollistavat koheesiota ylläpitäviä yhdessä tekemisen ja muistojen luomisen muotoja. Tutkielmassa kännyköiden yhteyttä sosiaalisen koheesion hiipumiseen havainnollistetaan myös neljän teeman kautta. Selkeimmin tämä yhteys tulee näkyväksi siinä, ettei kaikilla luokan oppilailla ole pääsyä kännykkävälitteiseen kommunikaatioon, jolla koheesiota rakennetaan. Lisäksi kännykät ovat uhka sosiaaliselle koheesiolle sen takia, että kännykkävälitteisen vuorovaikutuksen tempo on joillekin lapsille liian nopea ja sen sisältö on joillekin luonteeltaan liian faattista. Kännykät ovat yhteydessä sosiaalisen koheesion hiipumiseen myös uusien kiusaamisen muotojen kautta. Tutkielmassa tuodaan myös esille, että kännyköiden ja lasten vertaissuhdekoheesion välisessä yhteydessä on jossain määrin havaittavissa sukupuolittuneisuutta sekä tyttö- ja poikatapaisuuksia. Lisäksi tutkielmassa kuvaillaan, millä tavoin lasten kännykkävälitteiset sosiaalisen koheesion työstämisen muodot voivat olla yhteydessä kaupallisiin prosesseihin ja yritysten voitontavoitteluun. Kännykkäsovelluksista tutkimuksessa nousevat erityisesti esille WhatsApp ja Tellonym.
  • Sallamaa, Susanna (2018)
    Objectives. The aim of this study is to examine sixth graders’ perceptions of economic inequality and its different forms in children’s everyday life. Furthermore, the aim is to gain an understanding of children’s agency in relation to economic inequality. Only a few Finnish studies consider the issue from a child’s viewpoint, namely the studies of Hakovirta and Rantalaiho (2011, 2012), Hakovirta and Kallio (2014) and reports conducted by the organizations Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (2010) and Save the Children (2015). More research has been done in Sweden (e.g. Olsson, 2007; Harju, 2008), Great Britain (e.g. Ridge, 2002) and the United States (e.g. Pugh, 2009). Economic inequality has increased in Finland over the past three decades and since it can affect the population in several ways, for instance through unequal distribution of health and education, children’s points of view in relation to the issue should not be disregarded. Methods. The material for this thesis was obtained through 29 empathy-based stories and 9 focused interviews conducted in two sixth grades in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. The study was conducted in the frameworks of childhood studies and phenomenography. Both narrative and thematic strategies were applied in the process of analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the sixth graders, economic inequality is connected to children’s everyday life through consumption and peer relationships. Challenges in consumption caused by deprivation could have a negative effect on peer relationships and result in discrimination and feelings of shame. Children understood economic inequality mainly through outward appearances, like clothing and other materia. It was more challenging for the participants to consider the effects on inward characteristics, such as mood and behavior followed by it. The sixth graders believed that children can endeavor to better situations of economic inequality by saving money, helping a friend economically and showing support to people who suffer of deprivation. In the end, however, relationships with friends and family were seen as the most important buffer against economic inequality. Children’s conceptions of inequality as a social issue varied: some believed it is an unfair phenomenon which divides people, while others saw it as a normal part of society. As economic inequality seems to appear and have a profound effect in children’s lives, awareness of the issue should be raised. Adults working with children should also be able to recognize the issue, the complexities behind it and discuss it with children.
  • Loukomies, Johanna (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia kuudesluokkalaisten oppilaiden kirjoitustaitoa ja sen yhteyttä äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden arvosanaan. Tutkimusongelmana on selvittää, miten norminmukainen yleiskielen hallinta näkyy kuudesluokkalaisten kirjoituksissa ja millaisina kuudesluokkalaisten oppilaiden kirjoitustaidot näyttäytyvät suhteessa todistusarvosanaan. 2000-luvulla Opetushallitus on laatinut useita raportteja peruskoululaisten äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden taidoista. Tutkimuksia on tehty sekä ala- että yläkoululaisten äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden osaamisesta. Kaikissa edellä mainituissa tutkimuksissa havaitaan, että peruskoululaisten äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden taidot ovat heikentyneet 2000-luvun aikana. Erityisesti ovat heikentyneet kirjoitustaidot. Poikien heikko osaaminen on myös noussut esille. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena lähtökohtana toimivat kirjoittamisen kehikon ja kirjoittamisen kompetenssin teoriat. Kirjoittamisen kehikossa kirjoittaminen jaetaan osa-alueisiin, jotka ovat keskenään hyvin erilaisia. Osa-alueita ovat kirjoittaminen taitona, luovuutena, prosessina, tekstilajin tuottamisena, sosiaalisena toimintana tai sosiopoliittisena toimintana. Kirjoittamisen kompetenssin teoriassa kirjoittaminen jaetaan karkeasti kolmeen osa-alueeseen: tekstiin, prosessiin ja sosiaaliseen toimintaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkitaan kirjoittamista tekstin, eli sanojen, lauseiden ja virkkeiden tasolla. Kirjoitustaidon lukuisista osa-alueista tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään kirjoitetun kielen hallintaan, jolloin päähuomion saavat tekstin kieliasu ja sisältö. Kirjoittamisen kehikon ja kirjoittamisen kompetenssin teorioiden pohjalta aineiston analyysia varten laadittiin analyysikriteeristö. Analyysissä käytetyt kriteerit valittiin teoriasidonnaisista kriteereistä aineistoon tutustumisen jälkeen. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 43:sta helsinkiläisen kuudesluokkalaisen kirjottamasta tekstistä. Tekstilaji oli ääneen luetun sadun pohjalta kirjoitettu referaatti. Teksteistä etsittiin yleiskielen vastaisia virheellisiä ilmaisuja ja toisaalta yleiskielen mukaisia ansioita. Kaikki tähän tutkimukseen valikoituneet norminvastaisuudet ja norminmukaisuudet luokiteltiin taulukoihin arvosanakohtaisesti. Lopuksi tekstien piirteitä verrattiin sekä todistusarvosanaan että kirjoituksesta annettuun arvosanaan. Lisäksi tutkittiin arvosanojen jakautumista sukupuolittain. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että oppiaineen äidinkieli ja kirjallisuus arviointi on vaihtelevaa, ja opettajat vaikuttavat painottavan arviointikriteerejä eri tavoin. Hyvän osaamisen kriteerit arvosanalle kahdeksan eivät toteutuneet kaikissa hyviksi tai erinomaisiksi arvioiduissa teksteissä. Äidinkieleen ja kirjallisuuteen kuuluu paljon muutakin kuin kirjoittaminen, mutta tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voi sanoa, että normitetulle arviointityökalulle olisi tarvetta.
  • Saragosa, Susanne (2016)
    Goals. The most integral component of the theoretical background for this study is the concept of self-efficacy, which was first introduced by Albert Bandura in Social learning theory (1977). Self-efficacy is understood in this study in a holistic way to consist of the context-specific competence-beliefs one has concerning his or her capabilities. Self-efficacy beliefs have been found to have a wide spread influence on motivation, achievement, goal setting, persistence in achievements and choice of tasks. In addition to the concept of self-efficacy, this thesis will review the concept of self-concept and competence-beliefs on a more general level as well. The main aim of this study was to find out what the general level of academic self-efficacy of sixth graders in Helsinki is. Another question of interest was whether subject-specific self-efficacy in any certain subject correlates more strongly with a broader sense of school-related self-efficacy than self-efficacy in other subjects. The goal was also to examine how student's self-efficacy beliefs vary between genders and between different classes. This study aims to produce information concerning the current level of students' self-efficacy. Methods. The data were collected in March and April of 2015 and in April and May of 2016 from 11 different sixth grades (N 204) in Helsinki. The method for collecting the data was an electronic survey that was filled out by the students while the researcher was present. Aver-ages from the data were examined to find out the general level of self-efficacy, a Mann and Whitney's U-test was conducted for finding out the differences between genders, a Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted in order to find out whether there was variety between the different classes, and correlations were looked for between the subject-specific and a more general sense of school-related self-efficacy. Results and conclusions. The results of the study were quite positive and showed that the level of sixth grader's school-related and subject-specific self-efficacy is fairly high. Self-efficacy in math, Finnish and biology and geography correlated with the general school-related self-efficacy slightly more strongly than self-efficacy in the other subjects. The differences in self-efficacy between classes and genders were fairly small and statistically significant in only a few subjects.
  • Virtanen, Pentti (2016)
    Objectives. As the national curriculum states one objective in elementary school geography and biology is to understand the map of the world and learn its essential nomenclature. Previous studies have mainly focused on children's mental maps of the world drawn on paper so it's interesting to examine whether there are differences on how children perceive map of the world in two-dimensional and three-dimensional format. The objective of this study was to examine sixth graders' mental maps of the world first drawn on paper and then on spherical surface. Differences between those two drawn maps were also examined. Methods. 19 sixth graders from two different classes in one school were part of this study. They draw mental map of the world on paper from memory. Later they did the same but this time drawing was made on spherical surface. Mental maps were given points in five different categories. General quality of the maps was also given a grade. Differences between maps drawn on paper and spherical surface were examined by statistical methods. Results and conclusions. Results of this study revealed that as previous studies have stated, most common flaws were related to the size and shape of the continents. There was no statistical significance between the general quality of the maps drawn on paper and on spherical surface. There was statistical significance between maps drawn on paper and on spherical surface in a category that measured how well continents were drawn on correct hemisphere as maps drawn on spherical surface got lower scores. Results of this study point out that there seems to be very little difference on quality of children's mental maps whether those are drawn on paper or on spherical surface.
  • Tiitinen, Alex (2022)
    This research focuses on 6th graders self-efficacy in different fields of mathematics. Focus is on what is overall efficacy in different fiends of mathematics and does gender make a difference on that. Interest is also on does individuals have different self-efficacy in different areas of mathematics. Self-efficacy is Albert Banduras theory where individual evaluates one’s efficacy ahead of a task. Former research shows that there are four aspects that influences to self-efficacy and those are: performance outcomes, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological feedback. Performance outcomes are centric to self-efficacy in mathematics. In this research there are four fields of mathematics: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and statistics and those are from the Finnish curriculum. There are loads of research about self-efficacy and mathematics but almost none of it compares different fields of mathematics or even evaluates efficacy in different fields. Most of the research focuses on how to improve self-efficacy in different fields if mathematics is separated to different fields at all. Researchers often measures people’s ability to count and separates mathematics into different areas and people experience different areas differently. Self-efficacy is related to a specific task and that’s why in this research I’m going to explore self-efficacy in different fields of mathematics. 69 sixth graders took part to this study and 33 of participants were girls, 32 boys, 2 non-binary and 2 didn’t want to give this information. This study was made as a survey where participants had to evaluate one’s self-efficacy on 12 different mathematic exercises. From every field of mathematics there were three questions that were differing in challenge. To get suitable math exercises I used primary school material. Participants saw the exercises for a particular time so that they couldn’t count the exercises but only assess their efficacy. The scale was from 1 to 5. Participants self-efficacy mean in different fields of mathematics was above four in every field and tests showed that there wasn’t statistically significant difference between genders in self-efficacy. Repeated measures variance analysis showed statistically significantly that individ- ual’s self-efficacy is different in arithmetic and algebra as well as in arithmetic and statistics. Self-efficacy seems to be dissenting in different fields of mathematics.
  • Häkkänen, Matias (2019)
    Objective. The aim of this intervention study is to examine which character strengths sixth graders spot in themselves and how do they present the character strengths in their everyday lives. The effect of the intervention is being determined as the changes in an observation group are discussed. This study is a part of Tämä Elämä –project, which emphasizes co- working and aims at preventing social exclusions of teenagers. Method. The study was carried out with a sixth grade class (19 students) in the Spring 2019. The class was given lessons on character strengths for a week with the help of Huomaa Hyvä! –materials which are composed for the purpose of bringing out the strengths of an individual. The students filled out an online form both at the start and in the beginning of the week so the effect of the intervention was opened for evaluation. The observation group of 24 students took part in the study. They didn’t receive classes on character strengths during the week. Results and conclusions. The most presented character strengths in the class are fairness, prudence and creativity. The students discussed the strengths through the topics of me-oth- ers, values, cognitive skills, emotions, emotional skills and attitude. The activities they pre- sented discussing their character strengths were e.g. games, activities with friends, home- work and exams. The knowledge and usage of character strengths expressed by the students was tested with repeated measures ANOVA in the software of Statistics Analysis Software SPSS. The factors of time or being a member of either of the groups was not classified as primary effect. The knowledge and usage of character strengths expressed by the students didn’t change signif- icantly.
  • Seppänen, Suvi (2023)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kuulemma-partikkelin käyttöä internetin keskustelupalstavuorovaikutuksessa. Tutkielman keskiössä on kuulemma-partikkelin avulla tuotetut referoivat vuorot ja niihin vastaaminen. Tavoitteena on kuvailla, miten kuulemma-partikkelin yhteydessä tuodaan julki referaatin lähde ja toisaalta, miten referoituun asiantilaan ja itse referaattiin asennoidutaan sekä referoivassa viestissä että sen saamissa vastauksissa. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty Kauppalehden keskustelupalstalta, ja aineisto koostuu monia erityyppisiä aiheita sisältävistä keskusteluista: niissä pohditaan esimerkiksi sijoittamista, ilmastonmuutosta, asiakaspalvelukokemuksia ja pihatöitä. Tutkielman menetelmänä on hyödynnetty keskustelunanalyysia, jotta kuulemma-partikkelin avulla referoitujen sisältöjen tuottamaa vuorovaikutusta on saatu näkyväksi. Kuulemma-partikkelin valinta referoinnin keinoksi mahdollistaa referaatin lähteen julkituomisen, mutta referaatin tuottavan henkilön ei ole välttämätöntä tuoda julki tiedon lähdettä. Tämä valinta voidaan kuitenkin nostaa keskustelussa tarkasteltavaksi, ja muut keskustelijat voivat kyseenalaistaa referaatin esittäjän tiedollisen pääsyn. Kuulemma-partikkelilla tuotetun referaatin sisältävät vuorot vaikuttavat myös keskustelussa kielellisesti ilmi tuotuihin asenteisiin. Referoivan kuulemma-partikkelin sisältämät vuorot itsessään voivat osoittaa referoijan asennetta kyseiseen asiantilaan, mutta koska keskustelupalsta on vuorovaikutuksellinen ympäristö, muut keskustelijat tuovat esille omia asenteitaan vastauksissaan. Vastausviesteissä voidaan osoittaa myötämielisyyttä joko referoitua asiantilaa tai itse referaattia kohtaan, mutta myös kyseenalaistaa, epäillä tai suorastaan vastustaa referoivan viestin osoittamaa asiantilaa tai sen kirjoittajaa, joskus jopa alkuperäistä lähdettä kohtaan. Jatkotutkimus kuulemma-partikkelin käyttöön keskusteluissa on tarpeen, sillä tämä tutkielma perustuu vain yhdeltä keskustelupalstalta poimittuihin keskusteluihin ja jättää näin ollen auki tarpeen esimerkiksi kasvokkaiskeskusteluissa käytetyn referoivan kuulemma-partikkelin tutkimukselle.
  • Parikka, Laura (2022)
    Finnish grammar schools were partly gender-segregated during the independence time, because 35 finnish-language girls’ schools operated in Finland and at the most approximately 40% of all pupils studied in these girls’ schools. The task of this thesis is to find out, using the methodology of oral history, the significance of the girls’s schools as an educator in the memories of pupils from 1930s to 1970s. My thesis is based on qualitative research, where I describe and analyze school memories with a phenomenon- and event-focused research method and I use oral history to interpret broad cultural and social phenomena and events. The focus of my thesis is school history and social development viewed from a microhistorical perspective. With the oral history data I form a longitudinal picture of the individual as part of the girls’ school culture and I examine the transitions of the education culture across generations and find out what the girls’ school’s education has meant to different generations of women in the past. The source of my thesis is the survey material on girls’ and boys’ schools experiences collected in the Finnish Literature Society’s folk poetry archive’s tradition and contemporary culture collections in 2005-2006, which consists of girls’ school memories written by 26 women. The research material includes seventeen different girls’ schools located in ten different cities. The school memories I studied represented a strong narrative of experiences of teachers’ educational practices towards their pupils. The girls’ school pupils of 1930s and 1940s took the educational ideas of the school to be humility, necessary submission and the interest of the homeland as a matter of course. The teachers in the school memories were harsh and demanding, the punishments were based on blaming and creating shame. In 1950s the school’s educational culture sought uniformity and unity, and the teachers’ educational task emphasized the maintenance of the school’s operating culture with strict discipline and control of order. Restrained behavior was a demand internalized by the pupils from the school of the time. In 1960s the educational culture of the school began to change, although the teachers’ actions were still based on restrictive pedagogy and eradicating arrogance from the pupils. It was only at 1970s that the democratization of the school changed the teachers’ attitude towards their pupils and they were met as individuals. Throughout the decades, special sexual morality education was emphasized in the educational mission of the girls’ school. The pupils saw the schoool’s mission to raise kind, obedient, innocent and well-mannered girls.
  • Turkkila, Roosa (2023)
    The purpose of this study was to examine how inverting the face upside down impacts the perception of audiovisual speech and especially the integration of sensory information during such speech perception. It is well known that face perception involves specialized mechanisms, and it has been suggested that inverting the face would impair the use of to these mechanisms. On the other hand, speech perception is also known to be a specialized process, categorized by a strong audiovisual summation. The aim of this study was to find out whether the strong integration of sensory information in the perception of audiovisual speech is one such specialized mechanism that impairs when the face is inverted. The potential difference in audiovisual summation between upright and inverted faces was investigated using subthreshold summation paradigm. In this paradigm, single and multisensory discrimination thresholds were measured by presenting subjects video clips of spoken syllables [pa] and [ka] masked with audiovisual noise. The task was to identify which of the syllables were presented. Then, by fitting the Minkowski metric to the separation thresholds it is possible to derive different summation models that describe the strength of summation. The study’s results suggest that visual speech perception was poorer when the faces were perceived upside down. However, the audiovisual summation was equally strong for both upright and inverted faces. These results align with the previous knowledge that visual speech perception is considerably impaired when the face is inverted. While there is limited previous research on the effect of inversion on audiovisual summation using a similar setup, this study indicates that auditory and visual speech are combined in the same manner for both upright and inverted faces. Therefore, it seems, that the mechanisms responsible for the strong summation taken place in audiovisual speech perception appear to be distinct from those processes that are impaired in face inversion.
  • Koskinen, Oskari (2020)
    Kuulojärjestelmä suorittaa jatkuvasti ääniympäristön valvontaa, joka tapahtuu valikoivan tarkkaavaisuuden suunnasta riippumatta. Oleellinen osa tätä valvontaa on rekisteröidä äänet, jotka ovat joillain tavoilla muista poikkeavia. Poikkeukset voivat olla signaali merkittävästä muutoksesta ympäristössä. Jotta tämän toiminnon suorittaminen olisi mahdollista, on kuulojärjestelmässä oltava hermostollinen mekanismi, joka tallentaa muistiin ennusteen ympäristössä esiintyvistä äänistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin kuulojärjestelmän rajoitteita rekisteröidä ääniä, jotka rikkovat erilaisiin abstrakteihin sääntöihin liittyviä ennusteita. Mittaukset tehtiin elektroenkefalografialla (EEG). Tulkinta tehtiin mismatch negativity (MMN) -vasteen perusteella. MMN-vastetta pidetään fysiologisesti mitattavana merkkinä siitä, että kuulojärjestelmä on onnistuneesti rekisteröinyt ennusteesta poikkeavan äänen. Ärsykkeinä käytettiin kahden siniäänen pareja. Parien äänien korkeudessa oli yhden sävelaskeleen suuruinen ero ylös- tai alaspäin. Parit oli jaettu kahteen virtaan, joita kutsuttiin matalaksi ja korkeaksi. Molempiin virtoihin kuului viisi eri korkuista paria. Koetilanteita oli yhteensä neljä. Koetilanteet suunniteltiin siten, että ne olisivat teoreettisesti kuulojärjestelmälle asteittain vaikeampia suorittaa. Koetilanteessa A korkean ja matalan virran pareja esitettiin vuorotellen. Poikkeava tapahtuma oli kahden samaan virtaan kuuluvan parin peräkkäin esiintyminen. Koetilanteessa B esitettiin nousevia pareja molemmissa virroista. Poikkeavat parit olivat laskevia. Koetilanteessa C esitettiin korkean virran nousevia pareja ja matalan virran laskevia pareja. Poikkeavat tapahtumat olivat korkeassa virrassa laskevan parin ja matalassa virrassa nousevan parin esiintyminen. Koetilanteessa D esitettiin vuorotellen nousevia ja laskevia pareja. Poikkeavissa tapahtumissa esitettiin samaan suuntaan muuttuva pari kahdesti peräkkäin. Kaikissa koetilanteissa koehenkilö katsoi äänetöntä ja tekstitettyä elokuvaa. Abstraktia sääntöä rikkovien äänien rekisteröinti onnistui koetilanteessa A, mutta ei koetilanteissa B, C ja D. Jännitevasteiden näönvarainen tulkinta tuki jossain määrin MMN-vasteen esiintymistä kaikissa koetilanteissa. Tilastollisten testien tulokset eivät kuitenkaan olleet merkitseviä lukuun ottamatta koetilanteen A tuloksia, jotka olivat erittäin lähellä tilastollisesti merkitsevää. Tuloksien tilastolliset merkitsevyydet heikkenivät sitä mukaan, kun koetilanteet vaikeutuivat. Oletus koetilanteiden vaikeusjärjestyksestä oli oikea. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan esittää, että kuulojärjestelmä on selvästi rajoittunut kyvyltään rekisteröidä abstrakteja sääntöjä rikkovia ääniä. Tulokset ovat osittain ristiriidassa aikaisemman tutkimuksen kanssa, sillä niissä MMN-vasteita on rekisteröity osin samantapaisissa koetilanteissa.
  • Turunen, Kati (2012)
    Objective. Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic health problems, and the number is increasing as a result of population aging. Hearing aids are regarded as the main rehabilitation method for hearing loss. The goal of this follow-up study was to review the experiences of working aged new hearing aid adopters. The focus was to map out the expectations and satisfaction towards the hearing aid, and the disability experiences caused by hearing loss. This thesis is a part of Minna Laakso, Eila Lonka, Johanna Ruusuvuori and Tarja Aaltonen's research project "Communication with Hearing Aid". Also the data was collected as a part of the project. Methods. The population consisted of 42 working age hearing aid first time users (37 64 years). 16 of them were women. Before the hearing aid fitting the participants filled up two self-assessment questionnaires: Denver Scale and Expectations towards hearing aids. Two to three weeks after implementation of the hearing aid the participants filled up the second Denver Scale questionnaire and also IOI-HA questionnaire. Thus it was possible to compare the expectations, disability experiences and satisfaction. The research also studied the construct of Denver scale by using statistical principal component analysis. The model was then utilized in the other statistical analyses. Three participants were also interviewed. Half-structured interviews provided more detailed information about the experiences towards the hearing aid and the hearing loss. The contents of the interviews were then compared to the questionnaire data. Results and conclusions. The expectations towards the hearing aid were high in the study population, although there wasn t any correlation between expectations and short-range satisfaction. Changes in the disability as the result of hearing aid intervention weren t statistically significant. Principal components of the Denver Scale didn't follow the model introduced in previous studies. The contents of the interviews were moderately consistent with the questionnaire data. In this research it was noticed, that the high disabilities due to hearing loss can also be seen after the hearing aid intervention.