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  • Peltonen, Hanna (2018)
    The current Act on Upper Secondary Education does not provide any specific information on the organization of special education. This is why the special education programs vary between upper secondary schools. Not all secondary schools have special education teachers and this might place students with special needs at a disadvantage. There have been only a few researches on special education in upper secondary schools in Finland during the last decade and the studies have focused on the need of special education in upper secondary education or, the job description of a special education teacher. The purpose of this study is to describe the perceptions of the students’ regarding the challenges that they face in their studies and the support they have received. The aim is also to look at the special education from a student point of view and clarify, how the need for support is recognized, what kind of challenges does the student with special needs meet and who provides the support and how. The data for this qualitative study was collected by inteviewing 14 upper secondary school students over the age of 18 with special needs. They all studied in the same upper secondary school in southern Finland under the guidance of the same special education teacher. The topic was approached by using phenomenography which enables clarification of variations in individual views and investigates different understandings of reality. Students view on the recognition process of special needs in upper secondary school was based on a reading assesment and diagnostic evaluation done by the special education teacher. The recognition of reading difficulties was a relief for most of the interviewed students. They felt that early recognition gives them more time to benefit from the support. The interviewed students found it hard to work with the subject teachers, because they felt that the teachers could not offer them enough support. The results showed that the amount of the support depends on the attitudes and skills of the subject teacher. Other challenges were problems with concentration, reading difficulties and fatigue. Students found the special education teacher to be the keyperson that provides them support. The new Act on Upper Secondary Education secures everyone´s right to special education and the services of a special education teacher. In the future, special education teachers will have an important role as consultants or intermediators between the students and subject teachers, so that students with special needs get the help they are entitled to.
  • Räsänen, Elina (2016)
    The National Core Curriculum of Finnish comprehensive school's is a document that guides teachers and pupils on their actions. There is an interpretation that divides curriculum into three layers: planned, executed and realized layer. Every person in the school is an individual having their own individual needs and skills of learning. Focus of this research is to illustrate how each curriculum layer of individual learning is shown in the context of home economics education and how the teachers experience that they can support their pupils on their individual learning. The empirical part of this research was conducted as a theme interview for eight home economics teacher in the capital city area. The interviews were carried out as a face to face interview and they were audiorecorded. The research is a qualitative research. Analysis method chosen is a content analysis. The collected data were analysed more extensively with theming the data by research questions. The aim of the research is to familiarize the teachers to understand more about individual learning and its execution. The teachers' views on individual learning were diverse. Teachers had no problem on naming the parts of the curriculum text that emphasis the individuality and individual learning. Also the executed acts were easily reasoned with curriculum text. All in all, the curriculum was seen as a support when talking about individual learning. Significant to this research is to realize that acts that did not support the individual learning were found from the hidden curriculum. The reasoning for these kinds of acts was based on the models of behaviors that were adapted without any written pedagogic background. Instead they were adapted from the work community and are usually the things that have always been like that. They are the models of behavior that sometimes help the school community to work, but sometimes they also tie people and their freedom of development. It is important to evaluate these patterns of behavior and change the ones that do not help the school community to evolve.
  • Pruuki, Iris (2014)
    Objectives. This thesis was made in cooperation with the Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE). The thesis aims to reply to the need for indepth information on the chapter of the concepts of learning in the outline of the general guidelines of the Finnish national core curriculum 2014 (POPS). Different concepts of learning have a significant effect on the everyday work of teachers. Therefore it is essential how the concepts of learning are presented in the core curriculum, which guides the teachers work. This study examined on which concepts of learning the POPS 2014 outline chapter of the concepts of learning is actually based on. In addition, this study discovered where education providers thought the above mentioned chapter had succeeded and where they considered it to be in need of improvement. The study is based on the literature of both didaktik and different concepts of learning. This way it is possible to stimulate discussion on the meaning of the concepts of learning in the everyday teaching-studying-learning process. Methods. The research data of this qualitative case study consists of the chapter of the concepts of learning in the outline of the general guidelines of the POPS 2014. The other part of the data consists of the feedback, given by 65 providers of education, on the above mentioned chapter. The feedback was gathered at the end of the year 2012 by the FNBE. The concepts of behavioristic, social, humanistic and constructivist learning were sought through theory-based content analysis from the chapter, which was subsequently grouped into themes. These themes were used in the analysis of the open-ended answers, which were given by the providers of education. Results and conclusions. The POPS 2014 outline chapter of the concepts of learning was found to be in part both constructivist (individual and social) and humanistic. The outline represents a learner-centered view, where the student's metacognitive skills, different learning strategies and the meaning of interaction play an important role in learning. The education providers saw success in the chapter's views of the active student and the meaning of interaction as well as social learning in the learning process. Need for improvement was seen in clarifying concepts (e.g. interaction, learning to learn, learning strategies) as well as the roles of the teacher, student and teaching. When developing the curriculum it is recommended to note the unclear concepts, the social learning theory and the theory of didaktik - what are the teacher's and student's roles in the teaching-studying-learning process?
  • Alanko, Akipekka (2022)
    Achievement goal orientations depict studying motivation and they are related to academic achievement. Yet, the means to support the developing achievement goal orientations in childhood require further examination especially in the case of children with special educational needs (SEN). Musical and physical activity may enhance learning but the associations with achievement goal orientations remain unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine what kinds of goal orientation groups occur among 3rd to 4th graders within one and half years, and how integrated music and physical education are related to the achievement goal orientations. Migrant background and SEN were observed as demographic factors. Finally, between groups comparisons were analyzed in terms of academic achievement in mathematics. The participants (N = 52) were comprised of four classes of which three received integrated music and physical education three times a week for two school years. The fourth class received usual curricular education during the experiment. Twenty students had special educational needs and eleven spoke some other language than Finnish as their first language. Teacher questionnaires were used to collect data from students’ achievement goal orientations and mathematical achievement was evaluated using RMAT and MATTE tests in three time points. Goal orientation groups were formed using K-means cluster analysis and between groups comparisons were analyzed with cross-tabulation and nonparametric tests. Three distinctive goal orientation groups were found in each time point: mastery, performance and avoidance goal oriented. No significant difference was found between the integrated education group and the usual curricular group in their achievement goal orientations. Instead, goal orientations tended to develop more maladaptive among students with SEN – especially if their first language was other than Finnish. Mastery oriented students’ mathematical achievement differed significantly from the avoidance oriented ones’.
  • Marttila, Sari (2014)
    Objective. The objective of this study is to investigate the use of online learning journals in the context of vocational adult education. The research questions were: What was the meaning of online learning journals for students learning? What aspects influenced the learning experience of students when using online learning journals as part of the activities of the communities of practice? The writing of learning journals was studied using Bereiter and Scardamalia's (1987) theory of writing as knowledge telling and knowledge transformation. Online learning journals were studied as part of activities in communities of practice. They were regarded as artifacts that supported the activities of a community. In the courses investigated blogs were used to facilitate the learning journals and online learning journals were used according to blended learning tradition. Methods. The views of students of three Jollas Institute training courses were studied. Eleven students were interviewed and the information was complemented with interviews of three instructors. Interviews were conducted as focused interviews and the material was analyzed using inductive content analysis. Outcomes and conclusions. Online learning journals had a major impact on students learning. Writing and reading learning journals helped to revise course content, to share experiences and to clarify thoughts. Learning from face-to-face meetings was enhanced by writing the online learning journal. Online learning journals worked as a good tool for the communities of practice. With them students could read and comment on each other's postings. It was important that only the members of the class saw the online learning journals. This created a safe environment to write and comment. Learning assignments can be submitted into the online learning journal. The best kinds of assignments for this are those with concrete subjects that encourage sharing experiences and giving ones opinions. Writing was improved if it was not instructed too precisely and when the grammar did not need to be flawless. The use of online learning journals can be activated by submitting all the assignments into the journal. When using online learning journals, special attention should be paid to creating a closed and safe learning environment, to integrate work based learning with learning journals and to ensure that the technical environment functions well and that it supports the activities of a community. Instructors should play an active role.
  • Helenius, Jaana (1999)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, voidaanko oppimispäiväkirjaa käyttää kliinisen laboratoriotyönkäytännön opiskelijaohjaustoiminnassa oppimisen apuvälineenä. Tutkimuksessa lähdetään liikkeelle teoreettisten tietojen ja käytännön taitojen yhdistämisen tärkeydestä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan oppimista kokemuksellisen oppimisen näkökulmasta ja kuinka se auttaa laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijaa laatimaan mieleensä käytännön opiskelun skeemoja ja kuinka ne toteutuvat heidän käytännön taitojen karttuessa. Tutkimukseen osallistui vuoden 1997 aikana HYKS:n laboratoriossa käytännön opiskelujaksolla olleita laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoita. Heitä pyydettiin laatimaan käytännön opiskeluohjauksestaan oppimispäiväkirja. Laatiminen oli vapaaehtoista. Oppimispäiväkirjamerkinnöissä kiinnitettiin huomiota, kuinka he oppivatkäytännön taitoja ja kuinka heidän oppimisprosessinsa kehittyy heidän itsearvioimana. Jotkut laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat halusivat laatia useammalta käytännön opiskelujaksoltaan oppimispäiväkirjan, joten oppimispäiväkirjoja (n=9) on enemmän kuin tutkimukseen osallistuneita laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoita (n=6). Tutkimuksen keskeisenä menetelmenä on kvalitatiivinen analyysimenetelmä. Sisällönanalyysiä ja luokittelumenetelmää käyttäen pyrittiin löytämään käsityksiä ja niistä edelleen käsitysluokkia. Käsitysluokat tukivat sitä käsitystä, että oppimispäiväkirjaa voidaan käyttää apuvälineenä laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoiden oppimisen tukena kliinisen laboratoriotyön käytännön opiskelussa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että oppimispäiväkirjat toimivat laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoiden tiedon jäsentäjinä käytännön opiskelujakson aikana. Oppimispäiväkirjan avulla laboratoriohoitajaopiskelija selventää itselleen kokonaiskuvaa kliinisen laboratoriotyön prosessista. Oppimispäiväkirjan avulla voidaan kerrata jo opittuja asioita ja voidaan suorittaa itsearviointia ja reflektoida oppimiskokemuksien antamia hyötyjä ja haittoja. Oppimispäiväkirjoissa tuli esille se, että laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat selkiyttivät oppimiaan asioita ja omiaajatuksiaan suhteessa työelämään silloin, kun he kirjoittivat oppimispäiväkirjojaan. Oppimispäiväkirjojen kirjoittaminen koko käytännön opiskelujakson aikana tuki myös muiden käytännön opiskelujaksojen tavoitteiden asettamista. Oppimispäiväkirja on ammatillisen kehittymisen kannalta hyvä kertauksen, kriittisen ajattelun ja reflektoinnin väline. Oppimispäiväkirjoissa tuli kuvauksia itsearvioinnista, laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat asettivat itsensä alttiiksi omalle arvioinnilleen hyvinkin helposti ja esittivät kriittisiä kannanottoja työskentelytapojen kehittämiseksi, huolellisuuden, tarkkuuden ja vastuuntunnon vahvistamiseksi. Tärkeimmät lähteet taustateorian kannalta olivat Engeströmin, Hätösen, Lonka & al, Leino-Kilven, Rauste-von Wrightin ja Silven & Kinnunen & Keskisen teokset. Tutkimusmenetelmän kannalta tärkeimmät lähteet olivat Hirsjärvi & Remes & Sajavaara, Lincoln & Cubanja Varton teokset.
  • Lääti, Ville (2023)
    Economic competence is seen alongside reading, writing, and numeracy as one of the key future citizen skills. As the prevalence of financial difficulties and the digitalization of everyday life increase among adolecents, concerns about their economic competence have arisen in public discourse. Proposed solutions include introducing a separate subject on financial literacy and using games for teaching purposes. Compared internationally, Finnish adolecents have a good level of economic competence, but this topic has not been studied in the context of primary school. Gamification is an emerging trend in the education market, and learning games have been developed for improving economic competence. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the Taloussankari Junior -educational game enhances the economic competence of fourth-grade students. Since adolecents’ economic competence has been found to be related to mathematical and language skills, the study aims to determine how these factors influence learning outcomes gained by gameplay. This thesis was conducted as a quantitative case study in a primary school in Tampere. 58 students participated in the initial test, and 54 students took part in the final test. Between the initial and final tests, the students played the 'Taloussankari Junior' educational game developed by Talous ja Nuoret TAT. The survey included 15 multiple-choice questions divided into three areas of economic competence: economic knowledge, economic behavior, along with economic attitudes and responsible consumption. In conjunction with the test, students reported their most recent grades in Finnish language and mathematics to measure the impact of linguistic and mathematical skills on economic competence. Participants already had a high level of economic competence before the learning period began. Although students' economic competence improved during the learning period, the repeated measures analysis showed that the changes were not statistically significant. As exceptions, students' perception of scarcity of money became clearer and impulsive spending decreased significantly. Consistent with previous research findings, the Kruskal-Wallis test demonstrated that linguistic and mathematical skills were statistically significant predictors of economic competence. Based on the study, it is recommended to incorporate Taloussankari Junior -alongside other teaching methods for the instruction of economic competence.
  • Kuismin, Tuulia (2017)
    Previous studies have shown that using serious games in the classroom setting have a positive impact on students' engagement and learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to plan and conduct a gamified intervention in a middle school history class where the test group was taught using a serious game and the observation group was taught with traditional learning methods. The research questions guided by the study are: What kind of development can be found in students' school engagement and learning outcomes due to the implemented intervention? What kind of development did the teacher perceive in students' school engagement and learning outcomes due to the intervention? This study was carried out using a mixed methods approach. The focus group that took part in the gamified intervention consisted of two groups of students from parallel grades (N=36) and the history teacher teaching both classes. The quantitative data was collected using a Schoolwork Engagement (EDA) scale. The collected data was analyzed using paired samples t-tests, univariated analysis and comparisons of means and frequencies. The qualitative data of the study consisted of teacher interviews, fact knowledge scales for students and open response questions for the test group students. The acquired material was analyzed using content analysis and factual analysis. The results of the analyzed quantitative data showed no statistical improvements or declines in the focus group's school engagement or learning outcomes and the occurred alterations were entirely coincidental. However the paired samples t-tests showed a statistically significant decrease within one of the claims on the school engagement scale for the test group. These results can be explained by the size of the sample and with problems that arose from the serious game that was conducted. The qualitative data indicated that test group students evaluated their school engagement and learning outcomes in a more positive light than the qualitative data attested. The teacher perceived no developments in school engagement or learning outcomes between the test and observation group but she did notice a positive impact on certain individuals' school engagement within the test group. The open response questions of students' supported the teacher's perceptions. The results are found to have consistency with the findings of previous studies.
  • Savola, Pasi Juhani (2015)
    Kiinnostus pelejä kohtaan ja aiempi kokemus pelien ja oppimispelien laatimisesta johdatti tutkijan selvittämään oppimispeleihin liittyvää tutkimustietoa. Tutkielmassa esitelty tutkimustieto painottuu oppimispelien hajanaiseen tutkimuskenttään ja oppimispelien laatimisesta sekä matemaattisista oppimispeleistä tehtyyn tutkimukseen. Inspiraationa toimi erityisesti Krokforssin, Kankaan ja Kopiston (2014) toimittama teos, johon on kerätty laaja valikoima tuoreita artikkeleita oppimispeleistä. Tutkielmaa varten laadittiin myös yksi matematiikan oppimispeli ja selvitettiin mahdollisia poikien ja tyttöjen välisiä suhtautumiseroja kyseisen oppimispelin kohdalla. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään, oppivatko oppilaat matematiikalle keskeisiä sisältöjä ja käsitteitä vain pelaamalla kyseistä oppimispeliä. Tutkimus suoritettiin Kuitinmäen koulussa syksyllä 2014. Suhtautumiseroja mittaavaan kyselyyn osallistui 85 oppilasta ja oppimistuloksia mittaavaan osioon 43 oppilasta. Tutkimusaineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin laadullisia ja määrällisiä menetelmiä. Vertailuarvoja ei käytetty, sillä vastaavanlaista vertailukelpoista peliä ei löytynyt tai sellaista ei ole. Tutkimuksessa selvinnyt positiivinen suhtautuminen kyseiseen oppimispeliin sekä pelaamisen aikana tapahtuva oppiminen viittaavat siihen, että vastaavanlaiset pelit voisivat antaa samanlaista hyötyä. Tulokset eivät ole yleistettävissä kaikkiin oppimispeleihin.
  • Hassan, Shadiya Mohamed (2023)
    Tavoitteet.Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia ja tarkastella matemaattisten oppimispelien vaikutuksia motivaatioon opetuksessa. Tutkimuksen aikana käyn läpi teoriaa opetusmenetelmistä, joiden perusteella arvioidaan oppimispelien korrelaatiota osana positiivista oppimiskäsitystä. Oppimispeli pelattiin osana kertaustuntia, jossa oppilaat saivat palauttaa aiemmin vuoden aikana opittuja murto- ja desimaalilukujen laskutoimituksia. Tutkimuksessa käydään läpi tiivistäen esiin nousseet oppimispelien hyvät puolet sekä mahdolliset ongelmakohdat. Oppimispelit valittiin tutkimukseen aihealueen sopivuuden mukaan ja tarkoituksena oli, että oppimispelissä olisi ollut hyötyä jo osatun aiheen kertaamisessa. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksessa vastauksia kerättiin 7. luokkalaisilta oppilaita. Vastauksia kerättiin 10 kappaletta. Kysely toteutettiin kyselylomakkeella koulussa, missä oppilaat saivat vastata annettuihin kysymyksiin oppimispelin pelaamisen jälkeen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että oppimispelit koettiin pääosin hyvänä tapana harjoitella ja muistutella mieleen osaamista kertaamisen muodossa. Oppilaat kuvailivat omia tuntemuksiaan oppimispelaamisen jälkeen kyselylomakkeeseen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan pitää tutkimuksen kannalta sitä, että tarvitaan oikeanlaisia oppimispelejä, ja oppilaat innokkaasti haluavat hyödyntää oppimispelejä erityisesti kertaamisen aikana. Oppimispeleissä on haasteena erityisesti sopivan haastavien pelien löytäminen.
  • Manninen, Kirsikka (2017)
    This is a qualitative research that focuses on the views of five preliminary teachers' opinions on learning games as a part of preliminary teaching in primary schools. The goal of this research is to figure out what kinds of learning games teachers have used during their preliminary lessons during the autumn period of 2016, what are the most suitable learning abstracts to learn with learning games and what kinds of consequences there have been after the pupils have started playing these learning games. The study discusses how often learning games are used in the classroom and what kind of beliefs do these teachers hold concerning learning games' cognitive, informative, social and technical aspects. How can a teacher evaluate immigrant children's learning process through a game play? For the purposes of this research, preliminary teaching means separated education that lasts max one year and which is offered to an immigrant pupil whose Finnish language skills are not developed enough for them to be studying in a same classroom with the Finnish age-mates. The access to get preliminary teaching is legislated in Finnish education law (§ 628/1998). Usually a preliminary pupil is a child, who has just moved to Finland. The inspiration behind this research is personal. I used to be a preliminary teacher for the immigrant children in one primary school in Helsinki. There I noticed how much using learning games boosted the pupils' motivation to learn Finnish language and how they gave a new rhythm to our preliminary classes. I also researched class teachers' opinions about learning games in my Bachelor's Thesis so this felt like the natural next step. Methods. This is a qualitative case study. The research material is collected and combined from the questionnaire answers given by five preliminary teachers. The teachers answered to a digital questionnaire where there were different statements and claims considering learning games and questions about preliminary teaching as well as the most played leaning games and the time used with the learning games. In the questionnaire form there were also open answer areas where the teachers could answer to the questions in their own words. The main theory in this research is a model of (learning) game pedagogy (Krokfors, Kangas & Kopisto, 2016, 214; Krokfors, 2006; Kangas 2010; Lakkala, 2010) which focuses on the cognitive, informative, social and technical sides of a learning game and the evaluation process on game playing and learning. The other source of background influence on this research is the newest national curriculum for primary schools (2016) where learning games are mainly discussed as a learning method and a tool for digital development. Conclusions. Most of the teachers used learning games as a part of their teaching many times during the school week. Learning games were clearly most used for teaching Finnish language (alphabets, reading, writing, listening and learning singular Finnish words). Also mathematics and natural science was taught with a learning game. Learning games were seen as a good tool for individualizing education. The teachers told in their answers that not only do the learning games develop pupils' skills step by step but a pedagogically good learning game also saves teachers time resources enabling them to focus on each pupil at a time. The most used games were all digital. The Finnish language learning games, Ekapeli and Ekapeli Maahanmuuttaja were the most played games. Also digital Ville -learning environment and Kahoot -the quizzing game environment were mentioned.
  • Toivanen, Antti-Ville (2022)
    The aim of this study is to examine parents’ learning-related mindsets and parental praise in two different neighbourhoods. The framework for this study comes from Carol Dweck’s (1999, 2006) mindset theory which proposes that people hold different implicit beliefs about the malleability of human attributes, such as intelligence and giftedness. The characteristic of human nature is the capability to change and grow. A person with a growth mindset believes that qualities are malleable and can be developed over time, but having a fixed mindset, core qualities are perceived as built in and fixed by nature. This research context centres around the findings of increased social segregation and differentiation in education across families, and hence concern about educational equality. Mindsets develop in the environment where people grow up, most notably at school and home. Previous research has established that parents’ implicit beliefs about learning play an essential role in child’s development, and parental praise is a significant vehicle to support the implicit beliefs of children and improve learning. The data of this quantitative case study (N = 693) was collected with a questionnaire during the years 2016–2017 as part of a Copernicus research project. K-means clustering was used to form intelligence and giftedness mindset groups and differences between groups were analysed using Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis -tests. Based on exploratory factor analysis, the different ways of parental praise were compared with Mann-Whitney U tests and linear regression analysis was utilized to identify how given feedback is related to parents’ mindsets. Cronbach alpha was used to evaluate the internal reliability of the sums of variables. The results indicated that there were significant differences between the mindsets that caregivers hold and groups of fixed, growth and mixed mindset were found. Intelligence is perceived as a more malleable trait than giftedness among parents. This study also revealed gender and socioeconomic differences in mindsets. Four ways of parental praise were discovered: neutral, process, person and luck praise. The parents were more likely to adopt neutral and process praise, but differences between schools were also found. Parents’ growth mindset indicates at least partially given process praise and luck praise is explained by fixed mindset. Findings suggest that parents might not know how to actualize their growth mindset in process-focused praise.
  • Penttinen, Emma (2022)
    Goals. The aim of this thesis was to find out how adolescents' perceived learning difficulties are connected to their social participation. Social participation stands for the social dimension of inclusion. The basic assumption of inclusive education is that it provides better opportunities for social participation for pupils with special educational needs. Previous research has shown that along with inclusion, social participation of pupils with special educational needs is still lower than their classmates without special needs. Social participation of pupils with learning difficulties has been studied in the past mainly on younger pupils. In these studies, learning difficulties have been based on either teacher's assessment or diagnosis. This thesis will provide information on whether the social participation of an adolescent with perceived learning difficulties is lower than other adolescents. Methods. This study is a quantitative Master's thesis. The research is based on data gathered from 8th and 9th graders in the School Health Promotion study (N = 87215) conducted by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare in 2019. The data was collected using a questionnaire during the school day. IBM SPSS Statistics 27 was used for data analysis. The analysis methods of the thesis were Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient and the t-test. Results and conclusions. The results of the thesis showed that adolescents' perceived learning difficulties were linked to their social participation. The strongest connections were measured between perceived learning difficulties and social self-perception. The more adolescents experience difficulties in writing, reading or counting, the more likely they are to have weaker social self-perception. The results also showed that young people with very high levels of perceived learning difficulties differ from other young people in terms of social participation. The findings show that in the future, in comprehensive education teachers should pay attention to adolescents with perceived learning difficulties and provide them with support for both perceived learning difficulties and potential challenges with social participation.
  • Krajushkin, Mirva (2014)
    Problems might emerge in the learning of students and support is then needed. In order to give sufficient support for students, several different instructions and regulations have been made to insure this, for example the model of Learning and Schooling Support. This model is meant to act as a guide for organizing the support and also to enhance early recognition of difficulties through assessment. Teachers are expected constantly to assess learning and difficulties in learning process of the students, and therefore tools of assessment are important in the supporting process. This thesis examines the tools of assessment used by special education teachers. It also examines how they evaluate these tools and what kinds of differences there are in the use of the tools between schools in the city of Espoo. In addition, this thesis studies the processes of Learning and Schooling Support, what kind of measures the special education teachers take if difficulties in learning or schooling are detected. The data in this study consist of questions answered by special education teachers working in primary schools in the city of Espoo. An electric questionnaire was used to collect the data. Questions were answered by 35 special education teachers who represent almost 50 % of all primary schools in Espoo. The data has been analysed in the means of quantified qualitative analyse. Both qualitative and quantitative information has been collected. Microsoft Excel software and manual arrangement has been used to produce different categories and to construct models of supporting. The intention was to create a description of the changes in the utilisation of diagnostic tools during the past 10 years and how well the procedures of the special education teachers were in line with the given instructions and regulations. The study points out that there is a variety of different assessment tools in use in Espoo and that there was no common policy for assessment tools in use even if the school had a plan for assessment. The city of Espoo only demands the use of Ala-asteen Lukutesti, and therefore schools and teachers were allowed to choose which tools of assessment they utilised. Despite the miscellaneous tools and the lack of precise instructions, special education teachers found these tools important when defining learning difficulties. Teacher also had mostly positive attitude when talking about assessment tools. The processes of support differed between teachers and subjects. Some deficiencies in the supportative processes were found even among those special education teachers who acted according to laws and regulations. In my opinion more time is needed for the correct procedures of supporting seen in the model of Learning and Schooling support to become established. In order to give effective support to students I suggest that teachers are trained and co-operation between different professionals is enhanced.
  • Gustafsson, Jasmine (2017)
    Objectives. Based on the theory behind drama education, the learning potential of drama resides in working in fictional environments. The natural tendency of children to play and imagine is at the center of drama education, so the defining of play and fiction in relation to working in fictional environments were crucial. The aim of the study is to develop and test the Fictional Work Meter, which can be used to examine the different aspects of working in fiction on drama lessons; fictitious realities and fictional roles, planning fiction, ways of creating fictional environments, the clarity between fiction and reality, and the pupils' commitment to working in fiction. The study also examines the level of fictional work on eight 1-3 grade drama lessons using the Fictional Work Meter. Methods. This study is a qualitative case study using the numerical analysis of the Fictional Work Meter that is based on the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) classroom observation tool. The eight filmed drama lessons used in the research were analyzed both verbally and in numerical values in the different categories of fictional work. The reliability of the research results was enhanced by making the analysis in co-operation with another analysist. Results and conclusions. The Fictional Work Meter developed for this study was well suited for analyzing the various aspects of working in fiction on drama lessons in the research material. All the analyzed drama lessons contained either moderate (4-5) or high (6-7) levels of working in fiction. Based on the high values, it could be assumed that teachers specialized in drama teaching were able to use fictional work on their drama lessons. The positive attitude and high intensity of the students towards working in fictitious reality supported the assumption. A result of this study was also the creation of a design template to raise the level of working in fiction on drama lessons.
  • Supponen, Sanna (2014)
    Tutkin Pro Gradu -työssäni valdolaisten oppineisuutta sekä kokonaisuutena että erityisesti katolilaisten kirjoittajien näkökulmasta noin vuosien 1170 - 1210 välisenä aikana. Vastaan kysymyksiin siitä millaisen kuvan lähteiden pohjalta saa valdolaisten oppineisuudesta ja toisaalta millaisia motiiveja katolilaisten kirjoittajien taustalla vaikuttaa, kun he kuvaavat valdolaisia oppimattomina. Aihe on kiinnostava, koska valdolaisten oppineisuutta ei ole tutkittu liikkeen varhaisten vuosien osalta kokonaisuutena. Toisaalta tutkimukseni lähtökohtana on kiinnostava ristiriita katolilaisten kirjoittajien teksteissä. Samoissa teksteissä, joissa katolilaiset kirjoittavat valdolaisten olevan oppimattomia, he myös kertovat kuinka valdolaiset opiskelivat Raamatun tekstejä ja käyttivät niitä saarnaustoimintansa tukena. Tutkimukseni pääasiallinen aineisto on katolilaisten oppineiden valdolaisia koskevat aikalaiskuvaukset, joissa mainitsemani ristiriita esiintyy. Näistä tärkeimpiä ovat Alanus ab Insulin ja Bernandus de Fontcauden kerettiläisvastaiset tutkielmat sekä Gualteri Mapesin kronikka. Lisäksi käytän vertailevana materiaalinen valdolaisten omia tekstejä sekä katolisen kirkon virallista kantaa edustavia kanonista lakia ja paavi Innocentius III:n kirjeitä. Valdolaisista voidaan sanoa heidän olleen sekä oppineita että oppimattomia ensimmäisinä vuosikymmeninään. Maallikko-oppineisuuden tutkimuksessa termi oppineisuus voidaan käsittää laajasta näkökulmasta, jolloin otetaan huomioon myös kristinuskon tuntemus muuten kuin itse tekstejä lukemalla. Maallikot oppivat kristinuskon sisältöjä yhteisöllisesti esimerkiksi tarinoiden ja liturgian kautta. Tämä oli katolilaisesta näkökulmasta riittävää uskonnonharjoittamisen tarpeisiin, muttei aktiiviseen toimintaan kuten saarnaukseen ja opettamiseen. Valdolaiset olivat kuitenkin maallikoihin ja jopa osaan papistosta verrattuna oppineita, sillä he tunsivat laajasti Raamatun tekstejä ja mahdollisesti myös kirkkoisiä. Katolilaiset kuitenkin esittävät, etteivät he ymmärtäneet oppimaansa tai ymmärsivät sen väärin, koska opiskelivat itsenäisesti. Sosiaaliselta taustaltaan ensimmäiset valdolaiset lienee olleen kaupunkilaisia maallikoita, vaikka lähteiden mukaan heidän joukossaan on kuitenkin ollut myös papistoa. Katolilaisten näkökulmasta tämä valdolaisten maallikkotausta teki heidän saarnaustoiminnastaan ongelmallista erityisesti, koska he eivät totelleet papiston antamia saarnauskieltoja. Lisäksi valdolaiset toimivat kansankielellä, josta kertoo heidän teettämänsä Raamatun käännökset. Katolilaisten oppineiden ajattelussa sekä latinantaidottomuus että maallikkostatus liittyivät hyvin läheisesti oppimattomuuteen, ja niitä koskevat termit, illitteratus ja laicus, viittaavat myös oppimattomuuteen. Valdolaisten joukossa oli kuitenkin myös aikalaisiin verrattuna erittäin oppineita henkilöitä, jotka kykenivät jopa kirjoittamaan latinaksi laajoja tutkielmia samaan tapaan kuin oppineet kirjoittivat valdolaisia vastaan. Nämä tekstit kuitenkin edustivat valdolaisten oppineisuuden huippua, jonka takia niistä ei voida vetää yleistyksiä koko liikkeeseen.
  • Hakkarainen, Jussi-Pekka (2011)
    Tutkimuksessani tarkastelen kolmen Helsingin yliopiston slavistin, kirjastonhoitaja Andrei Igelströmin, kansan-runoudentutkija Viljo Johannes Mansikan ja kielentutkija Jooseppi Julius Mikkolan, kansainvälisiä tieteellisiä ja poliittisia verkostoja. Nämä verkostot muodostuivat venäläisten tiedemiesten avustamiseksi perustetun Suomen Yliopistollisen Avustuskomitean kansainvälisen toiminnan ja siihen keskeisesti liittyneiden venäläisten tieteellisten julkaisujen välityksen ja Helsingin yliopiston konsistorin alaisen Venäläisten kirjaston ostohankkeen ympärille vuosina 1921-1925. Tutkimuksessani olen pyrkinyt vastamaan kysymyksiin: Millaista kansainvälistä tieteellistä ja poliittista yh-teistyötä suomalaiset slavistit Avustuskomitean yhteydessä harjoittivat? Millaisia tavoitteita Igelström, Mansikka ja Mikkola asettivat Suomen Yliopistollisen Avustuskomitean toiminnalle? Millaisia poliittisia ja tieteellisiä toimintamuotoja Avustuskomitea slavistien ohjaamana sai, mitä ulkopuolisia tavoitteita avustustoimintaan liittyi, ja lopulta miten Avustuskomitean toiminta heijasteli kansainvälisen tieteellisen yhteistyön muutosta uudessa valtiollisessa tilanteessa 1920-luvun alussa? Aihettani olen jäsentänyt verkosto-käsitteen ja verkostoteorian mallien avulla. Keskeisiä lähteitä ovat olleet Igelströmin, Mansikan ja Mikkolan Avustusko-miteaa käsittelevä kirjeenvaihto, Avustuskomitean kirjanpito ja avustustoimintaan osallistuneiden yhteisöjen julkaisemattomat ja julkaistut raportit sekä muistiot. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty historiantutkimuksen mene-telmiä, ja se liittyy Helsingin yliopiston slaavilaisen filologian oppiaineen ja Venäläisen kirjaston historiaan. Tutkimus osoitti Igelströmin, Mansikan ja Mikkolan kansainvälisten tieteellisten verkostojen olleen ratkaisevassa asemassa Suomen Yliopistollisen Avustuskomitean muodostamisessa ja kansainvälisen avustustoiminnan järjestämisessä. Tieteellisistä verkostoista keskeisessä asemassa oli Pietarin Tiedeakatemian tieteellisten julkaisuiden myynti ja vaihto. Painotuotteiden vaihto länsimaisten tieteellisten instituuttien kanssa järjestettiin Venäläisen kirjaston ja sen kirjastonhoitajan Andrei Igelströmin välityksellä. Vuosina 1921 1923 Igelströmin hallinnoima vaihtokeskus oli kansainvälisesti ainutlaatuinen ja rakensi uudelleen tieteellisen yhteistyön Suomen ja Venäjän välille sekä loi edellytyksiä kansainvälisen tiedeyhteistyön elvyttämiselle venäläisen tiedeyhteisön kanssa. Poliittisten verkostojen näkökulmasta suomalaisten slavistien kontaktit T ekkoslovakian ulko-asianhallinnon kanssa paljastuivat läheisiksi ja yhteistyö ulottui avustustoiminnan lisäksi myös Suomen kau-pallisten etujen edistämiseen ja kysymykseen venäläisten emigranttien asemasta T ekkoslovakiassa 1920-luvun alkuvuosina. Venäläisten emigranttien asema Prahassa ja Suomen Yliopistollisen Avustuskomitean välinen yhteys konkretisoitui Venäläisen kirjaston ostohankkeessa. Kirjastonostohankkeen syyksi on tässä tutkimuksessa osoitettu T ekkoslovakian ulkoasianhallinnon action russe -politiikka ja T ekkoslovakian valtion pyrkimys luoda edellytyksiä uudelle tieteelliselle orientaatiolle, johon slavistisen tutkimuksen ja kielitieteiden kehitys 1920-luvun Prahassa liittyivät. Aloitteentekijöiksi kirjastonostohankkeeseen on osoitettu Helsingissä ja Prahassa toiminut ukrainalainen emigrantti Vladimir Tukalevski, joka yhdessä Igelströmin ja T ekkoslovakian varaulkoasiain-ministerin Václav Girsan kanssa suunnitteli Venäläisen kirjaston ostamista ja sen siirtämistä Prahaan.
  • Heiskanen, Maria (2010)
    Rahapelit antavat mahdollisuuden tavoitella ylimääräistä rahaa ja ovat suurimmalle osalle pelaajista viihdettä. Rahapelaaminen saattaa kuitenkin johtaa ongelmapelaamiseen tai peliriippuvuuteen. Peliongelmat näkyvät esimerkiksi velkaantumisena tai terveydellisinä haittoina. Rahapelaamiseen liittyvien haittojen vuoksi rahapelien tarjontaa rajoitetaan monissa maissa. Suomessa rahapelejä saavat tarjota kolme yksinoikeusyhtiöitä ja rahapelaamisen tuotot ohjataan esimerkiksi sosiaali- ja terveysalan järjestöille tai urheilukasvatukseen. Yksinoikeusjärjestelmät ovat vastoin Euroopan unionin palveluiden vapaan liikkuvuuden periaatetta, mutta rajoitukset sallitaan jos kansalliset rahapelijärjestelmät todella vähentävät rahapelihaittoja. Internet on laajentanut rahapelimarkkinoita ja lisännyt pelitarjonnan määrää. Nettipokeri on peli, jonka suosion kasvu on tehnyt siitä jopa eräänlaisen ilmiön. Nettipokerin pelaajista suurin osa on harrastajia, jotkut tekevät pelaamisesta ammatin ja osalle peli muodostuu ongelmaksi tai riippuvuudeksi. Internetin on arveltu rahapeliympäristönä sisältävän erityisiä piirteitä, jotka valvomattomina saattavat lisätä rahapelihaittoja. Tutkielmassa tuodaan esiin ongelmapelaajien ääni. Suomalainen rahapelijärjestelmä vastaa nettipokerin suosion kasvuun avaamalla oman nettikasinonsa, jossa pelaamiselle voidaan asettaa erilaisia rajoituksia. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää millaisia ongelmia nettipokeri saattaa aiheuttaa; miksi ja miten nettipokeri kehittyy ongelmaksi; millaisia seurauksia ongelmalla tai pelaamisella on ollut; sekä miten nettipokerista aiheutuneita haittoja olisi mahdollista ennaltaehkäistä ja vähentää. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja aineistona on haastatteluita, kertomuksia ja internetin keskustelupalstan viestejä, joita analysoidaan sisällönanalyysillä. Nettipokerin liiallinen pelaaminen aiheuttaa erilaisia haittoja esimerkiksi rahan ja ajan menetyksen vuoksi. Peliongelma saattaa vaikuttaa voimakkaastikin pelaajan ja hänen läheistensä elämään ja siitä voi aiheutua yhteiskunnallisia kustannuksia. Nettipokerin haittoja voidaan pyrkiä ehkäisemään esimerkiksi teknisten ratkaisujen avulla tai valistuksella. Rahapeliongelmaa ei sosiaalipolitiikassa ole kovin paljon tarkasteltu. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan rahapeliongelman ehkäisyä ja hoitoa sosiaalipolitiikan ja hyvinvointivaltion teorioiden pohjalta. Sosiaalipolitiikka painottaa usein nykyisin yksilön omaa aktiivisuutta, ja kun hyvinvointivaltio on joiltain osin kohdannut laajenemisen rajansa, on epäselvää, ovatko rahapeliongelmat hyvinvointivaltion vastuulla.
  • Kaartinen, Ella (2023)
    The enactment of Finland's first Compulsory Education Act in 1920 was significantly influenced by educational scientist and Member of Parliament Mikael Soininen. Previous studies have underlined his significance in passing the law, but there is no detailed analysis of how his speech influenced the passage of the law. The aim of this study is to find out what kind of discourses about compulsory education appeared in Soininen's speeches during the three discussions of the law in parliament in 1920. In addition, it will be also examined what kind of discourse order they form and how the discourses appeared in Soininen's speeches. The premise of the thesis was that Soininen's discourses on compulsory education played an essential part in the fact that the law passed despite the inflamed social situation. The thesis committed itself to the tradition of critical discourse analysis. In the implementation of the analysis, Pynnönen's (2013) three-phase discourse analysis process model was used. The examined material consisted of Soininen's plenary speeches during the debates on the Compulsory Education Act in 1920. In the analysis, four discourses were found: the discourse of protection, the discourse of progress, the discourse of inevitability and the discourse of patronage. Compulsory education appeared in the light of the discourses as a protection against social threats, as a promotion of Finland's status, as something that happens unstoppably like a natural phenomenon, and as a duty of the elite towards the common people. The discourse order formed by the discourses is the same as their order of presentation above. Apart from the patronage discourse, the discourses were strong which was evident for example in how they effectively suppressed opposition to compulsory education and the discussion of alternative ways of implementing compulsory education. The appearance of the discourses was focused on the speeches in the first and second parliament discussions on the Act. Discourses also escalated the further the handling of the law progressed. In terms of the passing of the law, the two opposite representations of the future of Finland appeared to be significant in the light of this study. The representations were created by the discourses of protection and progress. By presenting compulsory education as a feature of vitality, development, civilization and Western culture, passing the law gained more importance.
  • Natunen, Mirja (2018)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää miten Pohjoismaiden matkailun markkinoinnista vastaavat viralliset organisaatiot kuvailevat joulua internetsivustoillaan. Keskityn tutkimuksessani siihen, mitä sisältöä jouluaiheisissa teksteissä painotetaan ja mitä kielellisiä keinoja kyseisen sisällön ilmaisussa on käytetty. Lisäksi tutkin onko pohjoismaalaisille matkailijoille ja kansainvälisille matkailijoille suunnatuissa teksteissä eroja. Aineistoni koostuu internetsivustojen jouluaiheisista teksteistä. Pohjoismaalaisille matkailijoille suunnatut tekstit on kirjoitettu joko ruotsiksi, norjaksi tai tanskaksi ja niitä on yhteensä 13. Kansainvälisille matkailijoille suunnattuja englanninkielisiä tekstejä on kuusi. Tutkimuksen metodina olen käyttänyt kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin ja tyylianalyysin yhdistelmää. Lisäksi tekstien genre on määritelty lyhyellä genreanalyysillä. Tutkimuksessa tehty analyysi on aineistolähtöinen. Aineiston aihetta ja erityispiirteitä valotetaan tutkielman teoriaosuudessa, jossa käsitellään Pohjoismaiden jouluturismia, internetmarkkinointia ja kolmea turismiin keskeisesti liittyvää teemaa: elämyksiä, autenttisuutta ja ainutkertaisuutta. Lisäksi esittelen aiempaa turismiin liittyvistä ja internetissä julkaistuista markkinointiteksteistä tehtyä tutkimusta. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella teksteissä painotetaan erityistä tunnelmaa sekä autenttisia ja ainutkertaisia jouluperinteitä. Niiden ilmaisussa käytetään visualisointia, assosiaatioita, kontrasteja, erilaisia tyylikeinoja sekä adjektiiveja. Osalla adjektiiveista on positiivinen merkitys ja osalla taas korostetaan ainutlaatuisuutta, aitoutta tai kuvattavan asian merkitystä. Eri kielillä kirjoitettujen tekstien välillä ei ole suuria sisällöllisiä eikä tyylillisiä eroja. Pohjoismaista joulua markkinoidaan siis käytännössä samalla tavalla sekä pohjoismaisille että kansainvälisille matkailijoille. Vastaavia markkinointitekstejä on tutkittu jonkin verran, mutta hyvin vähän kielitieteen näkökulmasta. Tulevaisuudessa aihetta voitaisiin tutkia monitieteellisesti, koska se yhdistäisi eri alojen aiheeseen liittyvän osaamisen.