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  • Enwald, Joel (2020)
    Mammography is used as an early detection system for breast cancer, which is one of the most common types of cancer, regardless of one’s sex. Mammography uses specialised X-ray machines to look into the breast tissue for possible tumours. Due to the machine’s set-up as well as to reduce the radiation patients are exposed to, the number of X-ray measurements collected is very restricted. Reconstructing the tissue from this limited information is referred to as limited angle tomography. This is a complex mathematical problem and ordinarily leads to poor reconstruction results. The aim of this work is to investigate how well a neural network whose structure utilizes pre-existing models and known geometry of the problem performs at this task. In this preliminary work, we demonstrate the results on simulated two-dimensional phantoms and discuss the extension of the results to 3-dimensional patient data.
  • Fatemeh, Ajallooeian (2018)
    Pollen samples from Lake Lavijärvi (sediment core LAV16-05) located in western Karelian Russia were examined. 21 pollen and spore types were identified in the process to reconstruct the past ~3000 years vegetation cover and consequently understand major climate pattern of the area. The pollen diagram was divided into 4 zones determined by the main vegetation changes: Zone A (2700 to 1400 cal BP or 750 BC to 550 AD) representing a consistent arboreal forest; Zone B (1400 to 650 cal BP or 550 to 1300 AD) demonstrating a transition from forest to forest-steppe vegetation; Zone C (650 to 10 cal BP or 1300 to 1940 AD) illustrating fluctuations of vegetation patterns; and finally, Zone D (10 to -66 BP or 1940 to 2016 AD) showing the recent post-war relaxation of land-use. Pinus, Picea, Betula, Alnus, Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae are among the major pollen types. Throughout the core changes in vegetation patterns and slash and burn cultivation are well represented. The Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age are also moderately present in the pollen frequency and variety. The anthropogenic effects of farming are displayed by large abundances of Poaceae and Cerealia pollen especially in Zone C, eutrophication of the lake and the absence of Picea pollen due to fires. Today, the lake’s surrounding is mainly pasture with arable farming taking place moderately. The climate of Lavijärvi appeared to have had long winters with excessive snow cover especially in the early stages (2600 to 1000 cal BP or 650 BC to 950 AD) and a moderately dry temperature due to Chenopodiaceae growth though maintaining enough soil moisture for cultivated plants. Other geochemical indicators such as TIC, TN and C/N of core LAV 16-05 were measured. The geochemical findings represent a silt loam sediment profile for the core along with an organic rather than inorganic carbon available together with steady yet low levels of TN and TS. Lake Lavijärvi is a good example of shifting from dense arboreal forest to steppe-like vegetation and finally pasture throughout a window of 3000 years and can reveal useful information on the land-use history of the area.
  • Kaistinen, Sanna (2012)
    Tutkielmani käsittelee goodwill-vahingon korvaamista kansainvälisen tavaran kaupan kontekstissa nk. YK:n kauppalain (CISG) vahingonkorvaussäännösten mukaan. Goodwill voidaan käsittää sopimusosapuolen kaupalliseksi maineeksi, jonka vahingoittuminen sopimusrikkomuksen seurauksena voi aiheuttaa haltijalleen välillistä taloudellista vahinkoa. CISG artikla 74 ei eksplisiittisesti määrittele goodwill-vahinkoa konvention mukaan korvattavaksi vahingoksi, mutta vahinkolaji voi oikeuskirjallisuudessa vallitsevan kannan mukaan tulla korvattavaksi. Korvauksen saamisessa goodwill-vahingosta ilmenee kuitenkin käytännön ongelmia, sillä esimerkiksi vahingon luonnetta ja sen näyttämiseen liittyvää problematiikkaa ei ole käsitelty kattavasti oikeuskäytännössä tai oikeudenalan keskeisessä kirjallisuudessa. Tutkielmani käsittelee pääasiassa CISG artiklan 74 pohjalta kolmea pääkysymystä: 1) millaisessa muodossa goodwill-vahingon tulee ilmetä, jotta se on CISG:n mukaan korvattava vahinko, 2) milloin kyseinen vahinko on ennakoitavissa sopimuksen- tekohetkellä, ja 3) miten goodwill-vahinko tulee näyttää korvauksen saamiseksi. CISG artikla 74 määrittelee vahingonkorvaukseksi rahamäärän, joka vastaa sopimusrikkomuksen vuoksi toiselle sopijapuolelle aiheutunutta vahinkoa, menetetty kauppavoitto mukaan lukien. Yleiseksi rajoitukseksi korvattavaksi tuleville vahingoille artikla säätää vahingon ennakoitavuuden vaatimuksen: vahingonkorvaus ei saa olla suurempi kuin se vahinko, jonka sopimusta rikkonut osapuoli sopimusta tehtäessä ennakoi tai joka hänen olisi pitänyt ennakoida sopimusrikkomuksen seuraukseksi niiden tosiasioiden tai seikkojen valossa, jotka hän silloin tunsi tai jotka hänen olisi pitänyt tietää. Sovellettava vastuuperuste on ankara vastuu force majeure -poikkeuksin ja lähtökohtana vahinkoa kärsineen osapuolen korvauksen laskemiselle on täyden korvauksen periaate. Ensimmäinen tutkimuskysymys pohtii goodwill-vahingon aineetonta ja toisaalta taloudellista puolta. Oikeudenalan kirjallisuudessa vahinkolajia on käsitelty sekä aineettomana että taloudellisena vahinkona. Tutkielma esittää, että kaupallinen maine sinänsä on luonteeltaan aineetonta, mutta maineen vahingoituttua sopimusrikkomuksen seurauksena voi vahinkoa kärsineelle osapuolelle syntyä taloudellinen vahinko, joka johtuu esimerkiksi asiakkaiden ja siten kauppavoiton menetyksestä. Johtopäätöksenä siitä, millaisessa muodossa goodwill-vahingon tulee ilmetä, jotta se olisi CISG:n mukaan korvattava vahinko, esitetään, että vahingon tai sen seurausten tulee ilmetä taloudellisena vahinkona eli rahallisena menetyksenä, jotta vahinkoa kärsinyt osapuoli voi saada vahingostaan korvauksen. Keskeisenä perusteena johtopäätökselle esitetään CISG artiklan 74 sanamuotoa. Toinen tutkimuskysymys käsittelee goodwill-vahingon ennakoitavuutta sopimuksentekohetkellä. Oikeudenalan keskeisessä kirjallisuudessa ei vallitse yksimielisyyttä siitä, miten asiaa tulisi tarkastella. Kirjallisuudessa esitetään yhtäältä, että goodwill- vahingolle alttiina olevan osapuolen olisi aina ilmoitettava sopimuskumppanilleen kyseisestä riskistä sopimuksentekohetkellä, jotta vahinko voisi olla ennakoitava ja siten tulla korvattavaksi. Toisaalta esitetään, että vahinkolajia voidaan käsitellä yleisesti ennakoitavana. Tutkielma pohtii lähestymistapojen perusteltavuutta ja esittää, että goodwill-vahinkoa tulisi käsitellä yleisesti ennakoitavana ainakin silloin, kun tapauksen erityiset olosuhteet puoltavat vahingon ennakoitavuutta ilman erityistä ilmoitusta kyseisen vahingon riskistä. Myös tälle lähestymistavalle esitetään perusteluksi CISG artiklan 74 sanamuotoa, jonka mukaan ennakoitavuuden piiriin kuuluvat sellaiset vahingot, jotka sopimusta rikkoneen osapuolen olisi pitänyt ennakoida. Tutkielma esittää, että sanamuoto asettaa kansainvälisen kaupan toimijoille tietyn minimiedellytyksen mahdollisten vahinkolajien ennakoitavuudesta. Kolmas tutkimuskysymys perehtyy goodwill-vahingon näyttämiseen. Tutkielma esittää ensinnäkin, että goodwill-vahingon näyttämistä koskevat kysymykset kuuluvat CISG:n soveltamisalaan. Oikeuskirjallisuudessa esitetyn kannan mukaan vahinkoa kärsineen osapuolen tulee näyttää vahinkonsa kohtuullisella varmuudella. Luvussa käsitellyn oikeuskäytännön perusteella voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että goodwill-vahinkoon käytännössä sovellettava näyttökynnys on tätä korkeampi.
  • Ulmala, Minna (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2012)
    eBusiness collaboration and an eBusiness process are introduced as a context of a long running eBusiness transaction. The nature of the eBusiness collaboration sets requirements for the long running transactions. The ACID properties of the classical database transaction must be relaxed for the eBusiness transaction. Many techniques have been developed to take care of the execution of the long running business transactions such as the classical Saga and a business transaction model (BTM) of the business transaction framework. Those classic techniques cannot adequately take into account the recovery needs of the long running eBusiness transactions and they need to be further improved and developed. The expectations for a new service composition and recovery model are defined and described. The DeltaGrid service composition and recovery model (DGM) and the Constraint rules-based recovery mechanism (CM) are introduced as examples of the new model. The classic models and the new models are compared to each other and it is analysed how the models answer to the expectations. Neither new model uses the unaccustomed classification of atomicity even if the BTM includes the unaccustomed classifying of atomicity. A recovery model of the new models has improved the ability to take into account the data and control dependencies in the backward recovery. The new models present two different kinds of strategies to recover a failed service. The strategy of the CM increases the flexibility and the efficiency compared to the Saga or the BTF. The DGM defines characteristics that the CM does not have: a Delta-Enabled rollback, mechanisms for a pre-commit recoverability and for a post-commit recoverability and extends the concepts of a shallow compensation and a deep compensation. The use of them guarantees that an eBusiness process recovers always in a consistent state which is something the Saga, the BTM and the CM could not proof. The DGM offers also the algorithms of the important mechanisms. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS): C.2.4 [Distributed Systems]: Distributed applications
  • Sysikaski, Mikko (2019)
    The thesis discusses algorithms for the minimum link path problem, which is a well known geometric path finding problem. The goal is to find a path that does the minimum number of turns amidst obstacles in a continuous space. We focus on the most classical variant, the rectilinear minimum link path problem, where the path and the obstacles are restricted to the directions of the coordinate axes. We study the rectilinear minimum link path problem in the plane and in the three-dimensional space, as well as in higher dimensional domains. We present several new algorithms for solving the problem in domains of varying dimension. For the planar case we develop a simple method that has the optimal O(n log n) time complexity. For three-dimensional domains we present a new algorithm with running time O(n^2 log^2 n), which is an improvement over the best previously known result O(n^2.5 log n). The algorithm can also be generalized to higher dimensions, leading to an O(n^(D-1) log^(D-1) n) time algorithm in D-dimensional domains. We describe the new algorithms as well as the data structures used. The algorithms work by maintaining a reachable region that is gradually expanded to form a shortest path map from the starting point. The algorithms rely on several efficient data structures: the reachable region is tracked by using a simple recursive space decomposition, and the region is expanded by a sweep plane method that uses a multidimensional segment tree.
  • Kangas, Katariina (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2008)
    Koliikki eli ähky on yleisin hevosen ruuansulatuskanavaan liittyvistä oireyhtymistä, mutta vain pieni osa ähkytapauksista on luonteeltaan kroonisia ja / tai toistuvia. Kroonisten ja toistuvien ähkyjen taustalla voi olla patofysiologialtaan hyvinkin erilaisia aiheuttajia, kuten toiminnallisia, infektiivisiä tai neoplastisia sairauksia tai parasiittitartuntoja. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsitellään yleisimpiä hevosen kroonisia ja toistuvia ähkyjä aiheuttavia sairauksia ja oireyhtymiä, joita ovat impaktiot, motiliteettihäiriöt, tulehduksellinen suolistosairaus (inflammatory bowel disease, IBD), mahahaavat, parasiitit, enteriitit/koliitit, peritoniitti, kasvaimet ja grass sickness. Perusteelliset anamnestiset tiedot ja järjestelmällisesti suoritettu kliininen perustutkimus sekä laboratorionäytteiden tulkinta ovat välttämättömiä toimenpiteitä lopulliseen diagnoosiin pyrittäessä. Kroonisten ja toistuvien ähkyjen aiheuttajien erotusdiagnostiikassa hyödyllisiä menetelmiä ovat mm. ultraääni- ja röntgentutkimukset, vatsaontelon nesteen analysointi, mahalaukun tähystys, hiilihydraattien imeytymistesti, laparotomia/laparoskopia ja biopsiat (mm. suolisto, imusolmukkeet). Eläinlääketieteellisen tiedekunnan kliinisen laitoksen ja Helsingin yliopistollisen eläinsairaalan suureläinklinikan tutkimusprojektissa oli mukana 12 toistuvista koliikeista kärsivää hevosta. Hevosille tehtiin perustutkimuksen lisäksi mm. ultraääni- ja röntgentutkimukset, mahalaukun tähystys, ksyloosin imeytymistesti ja peräsuolibiopsia. Suurimmalla osalla hevosista oli muutoksia ksyloosin imeytymistestissä ja / tai peräsuolibiopsiassa. Tehtyjen tutkimusten perusteella arvioitiin tulehduksellisen suolistosairauden (IBD) olevan yleisin toistuvia koliikkioireita aiheuttava oireyhtymä tutkimuspopulaatiossa. Käytössä olleet diagnostiset menetelmät ovat hyödyllisiä erotusdiagnostiikassa, mutta peräsuolen limakalvon biopsialöydösten merkitystä koko suoliston tilaa arvioitaessa ei tule yliarvioida.
  • Roselius, Alisa (2023)
    Effective utilization of organic materials can advance the transition away from fossil dependency which is critical in order to restrict the global increase in temperature. Household biowaste can be reutilized through anaerobic digestion to produce organic nitrogen fertilizers for agriculture, which reduces the large, often fossil-based, energy inputs required in the production of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. Properly recycled biowaste can additionally be used as a raw material for biogas, which can be used as an alternative for fossil-based energy sources. Regardless of these considerable opportunities, large amounts of household biowaste remains unrecycled. Though previous research has shown that recycling behavior is a result of several factors and cannot be depicted entirely accurately, different interventions have demonstrated their capability to improve recycling performance. These interventions have the ability to change either one or more of the three domains that have been theorized to be critical for any behavior to happen: capability, opportunity and motivation. This thesis strives to understand behavioral barriers for biowaste recycling in households and propose targeted behavioral change interventions in Helsinki metropolitan region where nearly 40% of the household mixed waste was unrecycled biowaste in 2021. This is done by analyzing the data derived from an external consumer behavior survey commissioned by Helsinki Region Environmental Services and conducted by Innolink. This research focuses on evaluating the suitability of nudges, enablement, incentives and communication/marketing through social media as means to enhance biowaste recycling performance in Helsinki metropolitan region based on the results from the data-analysis. Area specific research on behavior barriers is required to introduce suitable interventions as recycling behavior is complex and behavior barriers might vary between different groups. Results from this research show that household biowaste recycling performance can be enhanced by using nudges to improve social opportunity as well as automatic motivation, service provision to improve physical opportunity, fiscal measures to improve automatic-, and reflective motivation, and social media to improve reflective motivation. Successful delivery of these interventions can advance the fulfillment of the requirement in the HSY area that oblige biowaste separation in residential properties.
  • Pietinen, Otto (2019)
    Tämä tutkielman kohteena on Kongfutsen käsitys ihmisyydestä. Esitän, että se perustui Zhou-dynastian esi-isäkultin luomaan poliittiseem subjektiuteen, ja tulkintani perustaksi tutkinkin muutoksia rituaalisissa järjestelmissä, jotka toiminnallaan legitimoivat poliittista vallankäyttöä Zhou-dynastian perustamisen ja kevään ja syksyn -aikakauden päättymisen välillä (1045-476 eaa). Erityisen huomion kohteena on väkivallan käyttö, sekä konkreettisessa että symbolisessa muodossa, poliittisten yhteisöjen ja subjektien rajojen muodostamisessa. Tutkielman aineiston muodostaa kirjallisuuskatsaus sekä Kongfutsen sanomisia ja tekemisiä kuvaavan Lunyu -teoksen vanhin kerrostuma. Rituaalien ja rituaalisuuden kehitystä kuvaan Catherine Bellin ritualisaatio-käsitteen avulla. Bell näkee ritualisoinnin strategisena käyttäytymismuotona, jonka avulla toimijat voivat vaikuttaa itsensä, yhteisönsä ja ympäröivän maailman välisiin suhteisiin lisätäkseen omaa vaikutusvaltaansa näihin kaikkiin. Rituaalit ovat ennen kaikkea toimintaa, ja tämä toiminta toisaalta jäsentää tilaa kuvaamaan tiettyjä symbolisia valtasuhteita, ja toisaalta taas kirjoittaa nämä suhteet takaisin toimijoiden kehoihin. Zhou-dynastian esi-isäkultti perustui eliitin omaksumalle väkivallan monopolille. Dynastian synty ja sen tulevaisuus riippuivat molemmat tämän monopolin ylläpitämisestä, mikä tapahtui ravitsemalla sitä konkreettisesti ja symbolisesti lihalla, jonka hankkiminen ja kierrättäminen vaihtoverkostoissa oli eliitin identiteetin tae. Dynastian edetessä löyhään patrilineaaristen kulttien liittoon perustuva poliittinen järjestelmä ei kuitenkaan pystynyt säilyttämään sen yhtenäisyyttä. Niinpä 800-luvulta eaa alkaen eri toimijat yrittivät uudistaa rituaalijärjestelmää poliittisen vakauden saavuttamiseksi. Myös Kongfutsen ajattelu liittyy näihin uudistushankkeisiin. Hän pyrki luomaan uutta poliittista identiteettiä luopumalla vallan perinnöllisyydestä perinteisen sukulinjan merkityksessä, ja sen sijaan ohitti sen luomalla henkilökohtaisen yhteyden dynastian perustajakuninkaisiin kanssaihmistensä kautta. Kongfutse esitti, että yhteinen kulttuuriperintö loi perustan, jonka pohjalta yksilöt voivat rakentaa solidaarisuutta keskenään ja hylätä väkivaltaan perustuvan vallanperimyksen.
  • Geyer, Lukas (2020)
    Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyz society got entangled in discussions about what it means to be Kyrgyz. Even though Kyrgyzstan has experienced a surge in nationalism over the last decades, it is only since recently that non-heteronormative sexualities are increasingly constructed as a threat to the continued existence of the Kyrgyz nation. Based on five in-depth interviews with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) individuals, I explore how they rationalise the increasing homophobia in Kyrgyz society and what kind of behavioural strategies they adopt to cope with the hostile environment. In particular, I assess whether the discursive exclusion of LGBT individuals from the Kyrgyz nation alters their relationship with the nation and the state. The research participants demonstrate an awareness for the connection between increasing nationalism and worsening attitudes against LGBT people and report corresponding adjustments in their behaviour, ranging from adaptation and hiding strategies to activism and emigration. While all respondents have a negative relationship with the Kyrgyz state, most report a decreasing sense of belonging to the Kyrgyz nation amid growing homophobia as well. These results suggest that the increased emphasis on the purportedly heteronormative nature of the Kyrgyz nation succeeds in redefining individual belonging to the nation and shifting the imagined boundaries of the nation.
  • Mikheyshina, Maria (2014)
    The research is centered on the problem of redevelopment of the grey belt of derelict and underused industrial land around the city centre of St. Petersburg. The redevelopment process in St. Petersburg, although lasting for more than 15 years, is described as being still in its initial phase due to extremely large scope of industrial heritage. Obstacles that hinder redevelopment of old industrial areas in St. Petersburg include multiple land ownership in industrial zones, economic risks for developers that make them avoid complex and long-lasting projects and a variety of administrative and institutional barriers in the bureaucratic system of construction approval. After a decade of very pro-development and pro-investment entrepreneurial policy that included declarations about necessity of redevelopment of old industrial areas, the city government shifted to a conservative policy of keeping the industry on its current location. Currently the city does not initiate any projects itself due to lack of finances and does not encourage any changes in status quo of industrial enterprises. There is a lack of cooperation between city government and business community, therefore common projects and partnerships are inexistent, and the overall institutional capacity for strategic planning of the future of the city is very low.
  • Mahó, Sándor István (2021)
    This thesis analyses the alterations of vertically integrated atmospheric meridional energy transport due to polar amplification on an aqua planet. We analyse the energy transport of sensible heat, latent energy, potential energy and kinetic energy. We also cover the energy flux of the mean meridional circulation, transient eddies and stationary eddies. In addition, we also address the response of the zonal mean air temperature, zonal mean zonal wind, zonal mean meridional wind, zonal mean stream function and zonal mean specific humidity. Numerical model experiments were carried out with OpenIFS in its aqua planet configuration. A control (CTRL) and a polar amplification (PA) simulation was set up forced by different SST (sea surface temperature) patterns. We detected tropospheric warming and atmospheric specific humidity increase 15-90° N/S and reduction of the meridional temperature gradient throughout the troposphere. We also found reduced strength of the subtropical jet stream and slowdown of the mean meridional circulation. Important changes were identified in the Hadley cell: the rising branch shifted poleward and caused reduced lifting in equatorial areas. Regarding the total atmospheric vertically integrated meridional energy transport, we found reduction in case of the mean meridional circulation and transient eddies in all latitudes. The largest reduction was shown by the Hadley cell transport (-15%) and by midlatitude transient eddy flux (-23%). Unlike most studies, we did not observe that meridional latent energy transport increases by polar amplification. Therefore, it is stated that the increased moisture content of the atmosphere does not imply increased meridional latent energy transport, and hence there is no compensation for the decrease of meridional dry static energy transport. Lastly, we did not detect stationary eddies in our simulations which is caused by the simplified surface boundary (i.e. the water-covered Earth surface). The main finding of this thesis is that polar amplification causes decreasing poleward energy transport on an aqua planet.
  • Kekki, Roosa (2024)
    Light-sensitive liposomes have gained attention for their ability to deliver cargo to tissues, offering spatiotemporal control over drug release. Red-light wavelengths have been utilized as an external trigger in light-sensitive reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated drug delivery, due to their favorable properties, such as the low light absorption by tissue chromophores. The ROS-sensitive drug delivery systems use photosensitizers (PS), which upon light exposure generate ROS in the presence of molecular oxygen. Palladium(II)phthalocyanine (Pd(II)PC), a new second-generation photosensitizer, can upon light irradiation generate relatively high singlet oxygen concentrations, enabling the efficient oxidation of the unsaturated lipids. The oxidation of the lipids leads to the disruption of the liposome bilayer and eventually, the release of the encapsulated cargo. To gain deeper insight on the phthalocyanine-labeled liposomes in drug delivery, a red light-triggered cationic liposome formulation encapsulating Pd(II)PC was formulated. The characteristics of the liposomes, the release mechanisms, and the release quantities of calcein (623 Da) and fluorescent-conjugated dextrans (4 000-70 000 Da) were studied following red-light exposer with 630 nm, 450 mW/cm2 laser while utilizing varying Pd(II)PC-loading quantities. Following oxygen removal and temperature-induced release studies, the mechanism of release of the liposomes was principally observed to be light-triggered reactive oxygen species-mediated. In the light-induced release studies an effective release of the calcein, and a relatively effective release of the Rhodamine B dextrans (10 kDa, 70 kDa) were observed from the liposomes via the Pd(II)PC-generated and reactive oxygen species-mediated oxidation of the unsaturated lipids. The release of the biomacromolecules from the liposomes was observed to require longer irradiation times than that of calcein. The longer irradiation times likely lead to deeper oxidation of the unsaturated phospholipids, resulting in a comprehensive eruption of the liposome bilayer. The comprehensive eruption of the liposome bilayer eventually enables the sufficient release of biomacromolecules from the liposomes.
  • Rikberg, Jon (2018)
    The Red List Index (RLI) has widely been recognized as a useful tool in keeping track of extinction risk trends of large taxa. The RLI is an index based on IUCN’s threat categories. Functional diversity (FD) is a way of measuring biodiversity that describes species´ traits that are linked to species´ ecological roles. In this work I have mapped the spatial distribution of the RLI and functional diversity for Finnish vascular plants. I first produced species distribution models (SDMs) for all 1194 species of vascular plants in the Finnish Red List 2010 based on records from the Kastikka and Hertta databases and environmental data. A functional tree incorporating 971 of those species was calculated using seven functional traits. The traits that I used were life form, maximum plant height, seed mass, seedbank longevity, life span, specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf dry matter content (LDMC). The trait data was gained from the databases Leda and TRY. Based on the SDMs, the functional tree, and the Finnish Red List, taxonomic and functional diversity and RLI were mapped for the whole of Finland using 10 x 10 km cells. This was the first time FD and RLI were mapped for vascular plant species across Finland. Null models were used to compare observed values with the ones expected if species (and consequently traits) distributions were random accross the country. Taxonomic diversity (TD) was higher than expected in southern Finland and lowest in northern Finland, suggesting a strong latitudinal gradient. TD correlated with the same environmental variables as FD. Thus, it is likely that both TD and FD are dirven by the same environmental variables. FD was higher than expected in southern and western Finland and lower in the northern and eastern parts of the country. A strong environmental filtering in the north might cause low FD by limiting species´ distributions within many clades and favouring species with similar traits that allow them to survive in extreme conditions. In southern Finland, competitive exclusion might limit the co-existence of species with similar traits, thus increasing trait divergence. The RLI values were lowest in the Åland islands, along the southern coast, in a few sites in eastern Finland (e.g. Koli and Kuusamo areas), around Kemi and the Gulf of Bothnia and in Kilpisjärvi. Thus, these sites have high concentrations of threatened species. The low RLI sites correspond well with areas with either limestone or dolomite deposits, which explains why many of these areas are floristically unique and present high concentrations of threatened species. In addition, many of the sites with low RLI are geographical extreme areas in Finland, corresponding to the distribution limits of many species. The RLI was high in Ostrobothnia and in large parts of Lapland. In Ostrobothnia, centuries of forest management and a homogenous bedrock and topography have resulted in a vascular plant community based mostly on common species. It is possible, that regional extinctions have happened in Ostrobothnia already before red listing measures began, thus explaining the high RLI values today. On sites with more variety among habitats and bedrock, the RLI values were significantly lower than in the rest of Lapland, suggesting that the high RLI values for parts of Lapland are due to homogeneous plant communities in the northern boreal forests that host only few threatened species. The spatial distribution of the RLI and functional diversity for vascular plants in Finland were mapped for the first time. A strong latitudinal gradient was found for TD and FD. Low RLI values were found on calcareous soils and on geographic extremes in Finland. To track possible changes in the RLI it would be crucial to remap the RLI in 2019 when the next Finnish Red List is published. A comparision between this work and the remapping based on the 2019 assessment would track changes in the extinction risk across Finland. The current limitation with RLI is that it only considers taxonomic diversity. However, in future work it is possible to incorporate the functional tree used in this thesis into RLI to calculate a functionally weighted RLI.
  • Hansen, Andreas (2019)
    This study is meant to tell the story of the Scandinavian Communist Federation and its threat to Moscow’s status within the Communist International. An organization of Nordic Communist Parties within the Communist International. The circumstances of its creation in 1924 coincide with the shift of politics within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the death of Lenin. The Scandinavian Communist Federation was not organized centrally by the Executive Committee of the Communist International (ECCI) but by the member parties themselves. Forcing the ECCI to change its statutes and creating together with the Balkan Communist Federation a precedent. The initial assessment by the ECCI is that these two federations serve two different purposes. While it was clear that the Balkan Communist Federation longed to create a Yugoslavian/Pan-Baltic superstate, such is not clear for the Scandinavian Communist Federation. The only intent which is clear is the wish to organize as a “Scandinavian Battlegroup” and coordinate one struggle together. The Scandinavian Communist Federation was met with skepticism by the national Communist Parties and was therefore not fully fledged supported by its members. Only the Norwegians seemed seriously committed. Also, on the side of the ECCI, there have been some considerations about an ever-increasing fragmentation of the Communist International, due to contradiction with national ambition by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and its tighter grip on the ECCI. This paper examines the ideological Realpolitik of the Soviet state and its effect on the Scandinavian Communist Federation, but also the ideological feasibility of a Scandinavian nation-state.
  • Holmqvist, Ira (2022)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat– Abstract Covid-19 conspiracy theories have figured actively in the media and the public debate during the first two years of the pandemic. One of the main functions that such conspiracy theories of society and politics perform is cultural work – they create new representations of reality that give rise to new identities and collectivities. Researchers are increasingly interested in exploring how conspiracy theories come to be so compelling and how people through them create meaning and construct their identities. Qualitative studies that examine the contents of these conspiracy theories and the possibilities for identity construction that they provide are of crucial importance in forming such an understanding. This thesis responds to appeals from researchers to investigate the ways in which gendered identities are implicated in modern conspiracy theories. Critical discursive psychology is employed as a theoretical framework to explore the ways in which men and women are positioned in a Covid-19 conspiracy theory discourse. The material consists of video recordings of two online conferences where 29 influential actors of 9 different nationalities discuss the pandemic as a conspiracy. The results indicate that the Covid-19 conspiracy theory, as represented in the seminars, largely possesses similar characteristics as modern conspiracy theories more generally, blending political subject matter with spiritual or religious descriptions. The pandemic is depicted as confirmation for the existence of a global totalitarian conspiracy that is escalating into an apocalyptic scenario, a development that can only be averted if humanity undergoes a spiritual awakening, collectively reclaiming their individuality and agency. Men and women are positioned differently within this story. Women are positioned primarily as mothers, whose duty it is to protect their children from the conspiracy, as well as to inspire other women to do the same. This maternal identity is depicted as empowering, spiritual and influential, representing a compelling subject position. In addition, the pandemic, that has placed restrictions on the public sphere, is depicted as a threat to a hegemonic masculinity that emphasizes the role of men as providers and (violent) protectors. Men are positioned as effeminate weaklings who have capitulated to the Covid-19 conspiracy without putting up a fight. A return to traditional, heteronormative gender roles is thus represented as central to resisting the conspiracy. The study provides insight into the ways in which gender identity contributes to the formation of modern conspiracy theories and collectives, and particularly into how feminine identities may be engaged in a right-wing populist, anti-conspiratorial political project.
  • Valto, Kristian (2023)
    Microservices have been a popular architectural style to build server-side applications for quite a while. It has gained popularity for its inherent properties that countered the downsides of matured monoliths that are harder to maintain and further develop the larger the monoliths get. A monolithic application consists of a single unit. It usually is split into application tiers such as client, database, and server-side applications. The properties countering monoliths come from splitting a service into smaller services. These smaller services then form the server-side application by communicating with each other. The goal of a single microservice is to focus on "doing one thing well" and only that. Together they form a loosely coupled group of services to achieve larger business goals. However, the fact is that distributed systems are complex. With software architecture we can separate the complexity of distributed systems and business functions.
  • Vuori, Larissa (2019)
    Microplastic pollution is a globally increasing issue in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. One of its pathways to ecosystems is urban wastewater, as the treated effluent has been observed to contain remarkable quantities of plastic particles. In addition, as the treatment process separates the nutrients and solids into a sludge, the particles have been found in the sludge as well. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the costs of removing microplastic particles from the wastewater, and to assess the total microplastic pollution mitigation potential of selected wastewater treatment and sludge management methods. To examine this, I conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis, in which I constituted five different technology scenarios and calculated their incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. The ratios were then compared against a business-as-usual baseline scenario and each other to define the lowest cost of removing microlitter. The cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted for four different wastewater treatment plant sizes. The technology scenarios constituted of combinations of three wastewater treatment and two sludge management methods. The wastewater treatment methods were conventional activated sludge, rapid sand filtering and membrane bioreactor, and the sludge management methods were anaerobic treatment followed by land application as a fertilizer, and sludge incineration. The cost data on the selected wastewater treatment and sludge management methods were obtained from various documented sources, whereas two studies on the microlitter content in wastewater (Talvitie et al., 2017a & 2017b) comprised the effect data. To achieve an overview of the magnitude and the mitigation capacity of the issue, I compared the costs and the quantity of released microlitter of each technology scenario to the baseline scenario. In addition, to assess the impact of changing economic attributes and wastewater quality on the cost-effectiveness ratios, I performed a univariate sensitivity analysis. The results of the analyses prove that removing microplastics from wastewater is both feasible and cost-effective. The membrane bioreactor combined with sludge incineration resulted the most economical scenario in all circumstances and in each wastewater treatment capacity.
  • Yeboa-Mensa, Seree (2012)
    This research aims at discussing some of the ways in which both the Basic Needs Theory of development in Jeffrey Haynes and the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) in John Rees, seek to reduce poverty in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). The Church´s role of providing basic needs within the Comprehensive Development Framework was also discussed. Conceptual and argumentation analysis methods were used. Most countries in Africa are confronted with worsening poverty, hunger, ill health and high unemployment. According to the World Bank (2009), about one in two persons lives on less than US$1.25 per day, with almost 70 percent living in rural areas, thirty-two out of the forty-eight poorest countries are found in SSA. The International Labor Organization (ILO) in 1976 sought to alleviate poverty by Basic Needs Theory of development which urged the various governments to endeavor to provide basic needs (food, housing, clothing, and public services, and so on) to their citizens. According to Haynes, the theory failed because the developmental agenda became absorbed into the wider cold war ideological division, and also because of the unwillingness of the ruling elites and their supporters in many developing counties to facilitate the necessary financial transfers upon which the successful delivery of basic needs strategy pivoted. This led to the redefinition of the role of the state since it could not provide basic needs solely. As a result of this, Poverty Reduction Strategies such as Structural Adjustment Program (SAP), Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) initiative, and others were birthed. These Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) process was the main basis for implementing the CDF principles which are intended to translate a country’s poverty reduction strategy into a focused action plan. The CDF was proposed by the World Bank in early 1999 as a means by which countries can manage knowledge and resources to formulate and execute effective strategies for economic development and poverty reduction. The CDF, among others, stresses strong partnerships among governments and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other development actors of which the church is part. According to Rees, the church (example the World Council of Churches) is skeptical to associate with the secular institutions including International Financial Institutions (IFIs). However, the Catholic and Lutheran churches’ social ministries mandate it to work with non-church institutions to bring about development. Thus the church has a holistic mission which allows it to seek justice to bring about transformation through empowerment and works for peace and reconciliation. In some parts of Africa, some churches have been very proactive in terms of provision of basic needs comprising the material, social, psychological and bodily as well as spiritual well-being. This is done through support and advocacy. The IFI´s decision to involve the church in its efforts to reduce poverty is not only laudable but also realistic since the church has long been involved in the provision of basic needs in SSA. Keywords: Poverty Reduction, Basic Needs, Comprehensive Development Framework, Church.
  • Autio, Antti (2020)
    Hiukkasfysiikan standardimalli kuvaa alkeishiukkasia ja niiden välisiä vuorovaikutuksia. Higgsin bosonin löydön (2012) jälkeen kaikki standardimallin ennustamat hiukkaset on havaittu. Standardimalli on hyvin tarkka teoria, mutta kaikkia havaittuja asioita ei voida kuitenkaan selittää standardimallin puitteissa. Supersymmetria on yksi houkutteleva tapa laajentaa standardimallia. Matalan energian supersymmetriaa ei kuitenkaan ole havaittu. Supersymmetria vaatii toimiakseen niin sanotun kahden Higgsin dubletin mallin. Tavallisessa standardimallissa on yksi Higgsin dublettikenttä. Higgsin dubletissa on kaksi kompleksista kenttää eli yhteensä neljä vapausastetta, joten voisi olettaa, että siitä syntyy neljä hiukkasta. Kolme vapausasteista kuitenkin sitoutuu välibosoneihin W+, W− ja Z, jolloin jäljelle jää yksi Higgsin bosoni. Kahden Higgsin dubletin malleissa dublettikenttiä on kaksi. Koska se lisää teoriaan yhden neljän vapausasteen dubletin, Higgsin hiukkasia on siinä kaiken kaikkiaan viisi: kolme sähköisesti neutraalia (h, H ja A) sekä kaksi sähköisesti varattua (H+ ja H−). Tässä työssä keskitytään varattujen Higgsin hiukkasten etsintään malliriippumattomasti. Tutkimuksessa käytetään LHC-kiihdyttimen (Large Hadron Collider, suuri hadronitörmäytin) CMS-ilmaisimen (Compact Muon Solenoid, kompakti myonisolenoidi) keräämää dataa. Sähkövarauksellisten Higgsin bosonien etsintä keskittyy lopputiloihin, joissa varattu Higgsin bosoni hajoaa hadroniseksi tau-leptoniksi (eli tau-leptoniksi, joka puolestaan hajoaa hadroneiksi) sekä taun neutriinoksi. Niin sanottu liipaisu on tapa suodattaa dataa tallennusvaiheessa, sillä dataa tulee törmäyksistä niin paljon, ettei kaiken tallentaminen ole mahdollista. Eri liipaisimet hyväksyvät törmäystapauksia eri kriteerien perusteella. Liipaisusta aiheutuu merkittäviä systemaattisia epävarmuuksia. Tässä työssä liipaisun epävarmuuksia pyritään pienentämään käyttämällä sellaisia liipaisimia, joiden epävarmuudet ovat pienempiä. Tätä varten analyysi on jaettava riippumattomiin osiin, joiden epävarmuudet käsitellään erikseen. Lopuksi osat yhdistetään tilastollisesti toisiinsa, jolloin kokonaisepävarmuuden oletetaan pienenevän. Tässä työssä tutkitaan, pieneneekö tämä epävarmuus ja kuinka paljon. Näitä menetelmiä käyttäen kykenimme löytämään pieniä parannuksia analyysin tarkkuuteen raskaiden varattujen Higgsin bosonien kohdalla. Lisäksi odotettu raja, jota suurempi varatun Higgsin hiukkasen tuotto tässä lopputilassa olisi havaittavissa, paranee yllättävästi. Tätä rajan paranemista tutkitaan liipaisua emuloimalla. Työ on tarkoitus sisällyttää koko Run2:n datasta julkaistaviin tuloksiin.
  • Anttila, Kamilla (2020)
    Most machine learning projects consist of four distinct phases: data preparation, model training, model validation, and inference serving. Even though all of these phases are vital components of a successful machine learning project, the focus of most machine learning work is solely on the training of models. The other phases often need to be implemented with ad-hoc solutions, which can easily lead to technical debt. Technical debt is a metaphor for describing the quality of a software project. It describes the state of a project by comparing it to a financial loan. During software development, a loan can be taken to add value to the present state of the system. However, the loan comes with interest and has to be payed back. A loan can be taken, for example, by writing low quality code to meet a deadline. The loan has to be payed back by rewriting the code later, or else it will start to grow interest. The interest can be seen in the code functioning poorly or requiring substantial amounts of time to be understood. If a loan is not payed back, the interest keeps increasing, making it more and more difficult to pay the loan back later. In this thesis, we study the effect machine learning frameworks have on technical debt. We describe the machine learning project lifecycle and the various sources of technical debt associated with it. We review available machine learning frameworks and their mitigation strategies for the technical debt in machine learning projects. Our insights demonstrate how frameworks can be used to reduce the overall technical debt in machine learning projects.