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  • Holms, Sara (2014)
    The aim of this study was to examine how different enrichment objects affect the behaviour of finishing pigs towards enrichment objects and other pigs and also the occurrence of tail- and ear-biting within the pens. Another aim of this study was to examine the stress level of finishing pigs by two different methods. This experiment was carried out in two piggeries; in Huittinen and Pöytyä. The pens were divided into different treatments depending on which enrichment object was in the pen. There was a straw rack in every pen and in Huittinen there was also a simple metal chain in every pen. In the control pens of both piggeries there were no other objects besides these. The enrichment objects in Huittinen were wooden pieces of young birch in different lengths, polythene pipe, simple metal chain and branching metal chain. In Pöytyä the enrichment objects were wooden pieces of young birch and polythene pipe. Data collected in both piggeries were tail and ear lesions and tear staining under the eyes. Only in Huittinen the pigs were videotaped to observe behaviours during contact with each enrichment object and oral manipulation of other pigs. Only in Pöytyä the pigs were measured the latency to approach an unfamiliar human to assess fear of humans. Statistical analysis was accomplished by SPSS-software. In Huittinen the prevalence of tail- and ear-biting and also tear staining was lower in pens with wooden enrichment objects. The use of enrichment objects was the most active in pens with wood and with polythene pipe. There were no differences between the enrichment objects on the oral manipulation of other pigs. In Pöytyä the prevalence of ear-biting was also lower in pens with wooden enrichment objects. However, in tail-biting there was only a tendency for an improvement. Also in tear staining there was only a tendency for an improvement on the left eye in pens with polythene pipe compared to the control pens and there were no differences on the right eye between the enrichment objects. Pigs in pens with wooden enrichment objects were less fearful than those with other enrichment objects and approached the unfamiliar human faster. According to this study wood had the greatest impact as enrichment object for finishing pigs. Polythene pipe as enrichment object was used as frequently as wooden enrichment objects but its efficacy in lowering the prevalence of tail- and ear-biting and also stress level was less. Metal chain was used by the pigs least and there was no difference in the activity of use when a simple metal chain was compared to a branching metal chain. There was less tail- and ear-biting and also lower stress level in pens with wooden enrichment objects compared to other pens.
  • Havukainen, Joonas (2018)
    Tutkielma perehdyttää lukijan Steinin menetelmään normaaliapproksimaatiolle sekä esittää tämän avulla todistuksen Berry-Esseen-lauseelle. Steinin menetelmä on todennäköisyysteorian piiriin kuuluva nykyaikainen ja tehokas tapa tuottaa ylärajoja kahden eri todennäköisyysjakauman väliselle etäisyydelle. Tutkielmassa esitetään todennäköisyysjakaumien etäisyydelle kolme eniten käytettyä mittaa, jotka ovat Total variation, Kolmogorov sekä Wasserstein-mitat. Tämän jälkeen käydään läpi Steinin menetelmä aloittaen Steinin lemmasta, joka karakterisoi normaalijakauman Steinin operaattorin avulla siten, että operaattorin arvon ollessa nolla, on tarkasteltava jakauma normaali. Seuraavaksi esitetään Steinin yhtälöt, joiden ratkaisujen avulla saadaan Steinin rajoitukset jokaiselle käytetylle kolmelle mitalle. Näiden rajoitusten avulla voidaan päätellä asymptoottinen normaalijakautuneisuus myös silloin, kun Steinin operaattorin arvo on lähellä nollaa. Berry-Esseen-lause on keskeinen raja-arvolause, johon on erityisesti lisätty suppenemisnopeus Kolmogorov-etäisyyden suhteen. Tämä suppenemisnopeus todistetaan tutkielmassa käyttäen hyväksi Steinin menetelmää. Lopuksi käsitellään vielä ylimalkaisesti Steinin menetelmää moniulotteisen jakauman tapauksessa. Huomataan sen olevan hyvin paljon samankaltaista kuin yksiulotteisessa tapauksessa.
  • Narkevich, Dmitry (2021)
    Hypernymy is a relationship between two words, where the hyponym carries a more specific meaning, and entails a hypernym that carries a more general meaning. A particular kind of verbal hypernymy is troponymy, where troponyms are verbs that encode a particular manner or way of doing something, such as “whisper” meaning “to speak in a quiet manner”. Recently, contextualized word vectors have emerged as a powerful tool for representing the semantics of words in a given context, in contrast to earlier static embeddings where every word is represented by a single vector regardless of sense. BERT, a pre-trained language model that uses contextualized word representations, achieved state of the art performance on various downstream NLP tasks such as question answering. Previous research identified knowledge of scalar adjective intensity in BERT, but not systematic knowledge of nominal hypernymy. In this thesis, we investigate systematic knowledge of troponymy and verbal hypernymy in the base English version of BERT. We compare the similarity of vector representations for manner verbs and adverbs of interest, to see if troponymy is represented in the vector space. Then, we evaluate BERT’s predictions for cloze tasks involving troponymy and verbal hypernymy. We also attempt to train supervised models to probe vector representations for this knowledge. Lastly, we perform clustering analyses on vector representations of words in hypernymy pairs. Data on troponymy and hypernymy relationships is extracted from WordNet and HyperLex, and sentences containing instances of the relevant words are obtained from the ukWaC corpus. We were unable to identify any systematic knowledge about troponymy and verb hypernymy in BERT. It was reasonably successful at predicting hypernyms in the masking experiments, but a general inability to go in the other direction suggests that this knowledge is not systematic. Our probing models were unsuccessful at recovering information related to hypernymy and troponymy from the representations. In contrast with previous work that finds type-level semantic information to be located in the lower layers of BERT, our cluster-based analyses suggest that the upper layers contain stronger or more accessible representations of hypernymy.
  • Haga, Maija (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2016)
    Avhandlingen innehåller en forskningsdel och en litteraturöversikt som ger insikt i besiktning av häst. En besiktning av häst inför köp och försäljning utförs av en veterinär för att få veta hästens nuvarande hälsotillstånd. Undersökningen görs för att hjälpa den potentiella köparen att fatta beslut. I denna avhandling ges en generell beskrivning i hur en besiktning går till med fokus på ortopediska problem och röntgenundersökning. Mycket få studier har i helhet undersökt en besiktning, där man tagit i beaktande alla fynd både i den kliniska undersökningen och röntgenundersökningen och jämfört dessa med besiktningens slutresultat. Det finns litterära verk som beskriver hur en besiktning skall gå till samt olika studier som behandlar ortopediska problem hos unghästar på fölauktioner. I den retrospektiva undersökningen besiktades 27 hästar av halvblodstyp för att hitta de vanligaste avvikelserna och deras samband. Alla hästar genomgick en klinisk undersökning. Hästarnas nedre extremiteter undersöktes i vila och rörelse samt genom böjprov. Röntgenundersökning gjordes hos 78 % av hästarna. I resultatet kan man se att vid proximalt och distalt böjprov reagerade 70 % av hästarna. Största delen av reaktionerna var milda. De flesta röntgenfynden förekom i hasen och kotleden. Den totala mängden hästar med initialhälta var 33 %. Besiktningarna kategoriserades och 22 % godkändes utan villkor, 41 % godkändes villkorligt och 37 % underkändes. Inget statistisk samband förekom mellan hästar som reagerat på böjprov och olika röntgenfynd. Inte heller mellan initialhälta och böjprov eller ledsvulland och böjprov. I studien hittades en stor del milda fynd, men de förekom lika frekvent hos halta som hos friska hästar. Avvikelserna ledde sällan till underkännande förutom vid initialhälta. I tidigare forskning har man inte funnit korrelation mellan böjprov, röntgenfynd och framtida hältor. Besiktningar är omtivstade eftersom man endast med en undersökning borde förutspå hästens framtida användbarhet. Det krävs stor nogrannhet och yrkesskicklighet för att kunna avgöra avvikelsernas betydelse för hästens framtida hälsa. För att få bättre forskningsresultat borde besiktningsfynden noga dokumenteras och hästen följas upp i framtiden. Alla veterinärer utför besiktningen individuellt, men det finns några generella principer som är bra att känna till. Studien kan vara till nytta speciellt för nyutexaminerade som vill ha en inblick i ämnet.
  • Lehvonen, Annika (2017)
    I Finland beskattas utbetalningar ur livförsäkringar både genom inkomstbeskattningen och genom arvs- och gåvobeskattningen. Betydande ändringar trädde i kraft i början av år 2017 gällande livförsäkringarnas beskattning vid arvs- och gåvobeskattningen genom en större revidering av arvs- och gåvobeskattningen i enlighet med RP 175/2016 rd. Ändringarna i ArvsskatteL gällde upphävande av lagens 7 a § 2:a och 3:e mom. genom vilket de nära anhörigas skattefriadel av försäkringsutbetalningen vid arvsbeskattningen upphävdes. Ändringens syfte var att göra placeringsformens beskattning mer neutral gentemot andra placeringsformers beskattning. Ifall denna ändring kommer att påverka tecknande av livförsäkringar får framtiden visa. I och med den allt mer globala världen har det blivit enklare för privatpersoner att placera pengar i andra länder och i och med detta flytta sitt sparkapital till länder vars skattereglering skiljer sig mycket från den finländska lagstiftningen. Tävlingen om det internationella investeringskapitalet har lett till att skatteparadis uppstått där beskattningen på investeringskapitalet är lågt eller noll. Dessa länder har länge inte haft några skatteavtal med andra länder gällande beskattningen och på grund av den starka banksekretessen har det varit möjligt för investerare att hållas anonyma. Sparlivförsäkringar är en attraktiv placeringsform på grund av att fondernas och värdepapprens förväntade avkastning är hög samt på grund av skattefördelarna med försäkringen. Sparlivförsäkringars beskattning i gränsöverskridande situationer blir intressant, eftersom placeringsformen är populär och det inte är ovanligt att man under sin livstid flyttar mellan olika länder. Intressanta situationer uppstår då man har en livförsäkring i en stat och bor i en annan stat gällande vilket land som har rätt att beskatta inkomsten. För att de i dessa situationer inte ska uppstå dubbelbeskattning och för att lösa tvister gällande vilket land som ska anses vara den skattskyldigas hemviststat ifall personen bor i flera länder har upprättas internationella bilaterala och multilaterala skatteavtal. Som modell för flera av skatteavtalen gällande undanröjande av dubbelbeskattning vid gränsöverskridande situationer har stått OECD:s modellskatteavtal gällande inkomster och kapital. I OECD:s modellskatteavtal förskrivs inte skilt om livförsäkringars eller försäkringars beskattning och därmed beskattas de enligt OECD:s 21 art. gällande övrig inkomst. Fastän bilaterala avtal ingåtts mellan länder kan det uppstå situationer där dubbel- eller noll-beskattning uppstår vid livförsäkringars beskattning i gränsöverskridande situationer. Situationerna är dock mer komplicerade ifall inget avtal ingåtts mellan länderna, eftersom i dessa fall ska ländernas inhemska lagstiftning tillämpas och fastän det i den inhemska lagstiftningen skulle finnas regler gällande undanröjande av dubbelbeskattning i gränsöverskridande situationer kan dubbelbeskattning uppstå. Dubbelbeskattning kan även uppstå pga. kvalifikationskonflikter som leder till att avtalsländer tillämpar olika artiklar i avtalet. Vid gränsöverskridande situationer kan det uppstå problem ifall inte försäkringstagaren själv erhåller inkomsten, utan någon annan erhåller inkomsten som försäkringens förmånstagare i en situation där försäkringstagaren som själv är den försäkrade avlider. Detta eftersom det ingåtts ett fåtal internationella skatteavtal gällande undanröjande av dubbelbeskattning vid arvsrättsliga situationer och beskattningen i dessa situationer långt baserar sig på ländernas inhemska lagstiftningar.
  • Thodén, Johan (2022)
    I denna magisteravhandling har jag granskat hur privata personer beskattas då de är verksamma med virtuella valutor. Syftet med denna avhandling har därmed varit att granska hurdana praktiska hinder de skattskyldiga stöter på då de är verksamma med virtuella valutor. I arbetet har jag även kortfattat granskat hur virtuella valutor beskattas i Sverige samt i vilka situationer som virtuella valutorna anses överlåtna. Den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan i avhandlingen är om den gällande lagstiftningen är för begränsande i förhållande till användningen av virtuella valutor. Därtill har jag även granskat vad man kunde göra med den finska beskattningslagstiftningen för att tillgodose användningen av virtuella valutor i praktiska sammanhang bättre. Avhandlingen har huvudsakligen baserat sig på rättsdogmatisk forskning. I avhandlingen har jag använt mig av de lege feranda metoden för att diskutera hur lagen kunde ändras och om det partiskt taget är möjligt. Genom denna metod har jag granskat de huvudsakliga forskningsfrågorna för denna avhandling Inkomstskattelagen tar inte direkt ställning till hur virtuella valutor skall beskattas. De noggrannare riktlinjerna har därmed givit i Skatteförvaltningens anvisningar. Som en huvudregel för beskattningen av virtuella valutor kan man konstatera att beskattningen realiseras då den skattskyldiga på ett slutligt sätt överlåter äganderätten av den specifika virtuella valutan till någon annan. Som svar på mina forskningsfrågor har jag konstaterat att den gällande lagstiftningen inte är för begränsande vad gäller beskattningen av virtuella valutor. Hur lagen eventuellt borde ändras beror i stor på hur användningen av virtuella valutor kommer att utvecklas med tiden. Förtillfället tillgodoser därmed den nuvarande lagstiftningen de behov som användningen av virtuella valutor kräver.
  • Koskinen, Pia (2021)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan besluta-verbin kahden eri taivutusparadigman (arkaistinen: besluta, besluter, beslöt, beslutit ja moderni: besluta, beslutar, beslutade, beslutat) käyttöä suomenruotsalaisissa ja ruotsinruotsalaisissa sanomalehtiteksteissä. Tavoitteena on selvittää, onko eri taivutusparadigmojen käytössä vaihtelua suomenruotsin ja ruotsinruotsin välillä, ja onko arkaistiseksi luokiteltua taivutusparadigmaa perusteltua pitää finlandismina. Tutkielman pääpaino on suomenruotsissa, ja ruotsinruotsalaiset tekstit toimivat vertailuaineistona. Tutkimusaineistona käytetään kahden eri sanomalehden, Hufvudstadsbladetin ja Göteborgs-Postenin, korpuksia. Aineistoon on valittu viisi eri vuosikertaa molemmista lehdistä 1990-luvulta 2010-luvulle. Korpukset ovat osa Göteborgin yliopiston ylläpitämää korpusaineistoa. Korpuksista on Korp-työkalun avulla etsitty kaikki besluta-verbin taivutusmuodot. Hufvudstadsbladetin ja Göteborgs-Postenin esiintymiä vertaillaan toisiinsa kvantitatiivisesti, mutta tuloksia analysoidaan myös kvalitatiivisesti. Tutkimus osoittaa, että taivutusparadigmojen käyttö on sekä suomenruotsissa että ruotsinruotsissa epäjohdonmukaista ja eri taivutusmuotoja käytetään ristikkäin. Suomenruotsalaisessa aineistossa on esiintymiä molempien taivutusparadigmojen kaikista taivutusmuodoista. Preteritimuodossa arkaistinen beslöt on tavallisempi kuin moderni taivutusmuoto beslutade, ja sen käyttö on pysynyt melko tasaisena 1990-luvulta 2010-luvulle. Preesensmuodossa puolestaan arkaistisen taivutusmuodon besluter käyttö on vähentynyt merkittävästi ja 2010-luvulla moderni besluta, on huomattavasti tavallisempi. Muutamia yksittäisiä esiintymiä lukuun ottamatta supinimuodoista käytettiin pääasiassa vain modernia taivutusmuotoa beslutat. Ruotsinruotsalaisessa aineistossa ainoastaan preteritissä käytettiin arkaistista muotoa modernin muodon rinnalla ja kaikissa muissa aikamuodoissa käytettiin vain modernia taivutusmuotoa. Tutkimuksesta voidaan päätellä, että arkaistiset preesens- ja preteritimuodot ovat käytössä 1990-luvun ja 2010-luvun suomenruotsalaisissa lehtiteksteissä, mutta arkaistisen preesensmuodon käyttö on vähentynyt merkittävästi vuosituhannen vaihteen jälkeen, kun taas preteritimuodoista arkaistinen muoto on modernia tavallisempi edelleen 2010-luvulla. Arkaistinen supinimuoto esiintyy vain kahdessa vuosikerrassa ja esiintymät ovat vähäisiä. Arkaistinen preteritimuoto on käytössä myös ruotsinruotsalaisissa lehtiteksteissä, mutta moderni preteritimuoto on tavallisempi. Arkaistisen preteritimuodon käyttöä molemmissa kielivarianteissa selittänee se, että arkaistinen preteritimuoto on edelleen kielenhuollon hyväksymä ja se esitetään myös Svenska Akademiens ordlistassa vaihtoehtoisena preteritimuotona modernin taivutusmuodon rinnalla. Muista aikamuodoista sanakirjan viimeisin painos (2015) esittelee vain modernin taivutusmuodon. Arkaistisen preesensmuodon käytön merkittävää vähenemistä 2000-luvun alussa selittänee osittain se, että Hufvudstadsbladet aloitti vuonna 19994 yhteistyösopimuksen Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskuksen (nyk. Kotimaisten kielten keskus) kanssa.
  • Mechenich, Michael (2017)
    Ecometric analysis allows one to identify relationships between traits measured in organisms and conditions measured in the organisms' local environment. In developing an ecometric model, one selects phenotypic features of organisms which potentially are adaptations to local environment, aggregates measures of these features by organismal community, and quantitatively relates these to measures of the environment via statistical modeling, such that organismal traits may be used to predict environmental conditions. Once established, these models may be applied to fossil assemblages, to reconstruct local paleoenvironment using traits preserved in the fossil record. In this ecometrics case study, we addressed a number of related research questions: what bioclimatic and threshold measures of temperature and/or precipitation are most closely correlated with large, herbivorous mammal communities' mean hypsodonty (HYP) in sub-Saharan Africa? Do these correlations differ at differing spatial scales; specifically, do mammal communities in Kenya's national parks and reserves together relate differently to local environment than do communities in the Afrotropics ecoregions? Finally, what do results obtained by ecometric analysis suggest concerning organismal evolution and dispersal in sub-Saharan Africa? In pursuing answers to these questions, we also pursued the case study's primary objective: we developed and implemented a set of best practices for ecometric analysis, based on an assessment of the sensitivity of ecometric models to model-building decisions, and to uncertainty in source datasets. Ecometric analyses frequently make use of raster datasets - continuous coverages of temperature, precipitation, productivity, and other environmental properties - in characterizing local environment at study localities. Thus we primarily asked: are ecometric results dependent on raster resolution or resampling algorithm? Results of these sensitivity analyses are encouraging. Using the recommended mean resampling algorithm, change in linear regression equations with raster resolution is predictable, and not significant until very low resolutions, in which the average raster cell area is an order of magnitude or more greater than the average locality area. Moreover, using the recommended area-weighted averaging in calculating environmental observations at localities ameliorates this predicable trend in derived regressions. In working 'behind the scenes' addressing these methodological questions, we enable more informed interpretation of ecometric results, and allow future researchers to proceed to the real business of ecometrics with a vetted set of analytical methods. Moreover, in promoting better understanding of ecometric results, we promote better understanding of the complex relationships between organisms and environment, essential to understanding the biosphere's past and present, and to protecting it in the future.
  • Eklund, Mira (2016)
    I syfte att utreda misstänkta konkurrensbegränsningar får konkurrensmyndigheterna göra inspektioner bl.a. i näringsidkares företagslokaler. Enligt 44 § i konkurrenslagen får ett beslut om förrättande om en sådan här inspektion inte överklagas. I avhandlingen granskas detta besvärsförbuds förenlighet med europarätten samt de nationella domstolarnas handlingsutrymme enligt den gällande lagstiftningen. Avhandlingen har två huvudsakliga frågeställningar: För det första granskas besvärsförbudet i 44 § i konkurrenslagen i ljuset av europadomstolarnas praxis. Den konkreta frågeställningen lyder: Är besvärsförbudet i 44 § i konkurrenslagen förenligt med europarätten? För det andra granskas de nationella domstolarnas handlingsutrymme enligt den gällande nationella lagstiftningen. Frågan jag söker svar på är följande: Hur kan en nationell domstol eliminera den eventuella normkonflikten mellan besvärsförbudet och europarätten ifall en näringsidkare, besvärsförbudet till trots, skulle överklaga inspektionsbeslutet? Tre olika alternativ granskas, nämligen domstolens möjlighet att göra en människorättsvänlig tolkning av besvärsförbudet, att lämna besvärsförbudet utan tillämpning på basis av grundlagens företräde samt att lämna besvärsförbudet utan tillämpning på basis av EU-rättens företräde. Ifall besväret inte tas till prövning kan Finland göra sig skyldig till en kränkning av människorättskonventionen och EU-rätten. Metoden i avhandlingen är rättsdogmatisk och det huvudsakliga forskningsmaterialet består av rättspraxis från den Europeiska människorättsdomstolen och EU-domstolen, nationella förarbeten samt såväl nationell som utländsk rättslitteratur. På basis av forskningsresultaten i avhandlingen rekommenderar skribenten att besvärsförbudet i 44 § i konkurrenslagen upphävs. Ifall man anser att besvärsförbudet förbjuder överklagande både enskilt och i samband med behandlingen av huvudsaken, vilket dess formulering tyder på, verkar det klart att besvärsförbudet är oförenligt med europarätten. Även om överklagande i samband med huvudsaken vore möjligt är besvärsförbudet problematiskt på flera olika sätt, bl.a. eftersom tillgången till rättsmedlet är osäkert och oberoende fördröjt med åtskilliga år. Även granskningen av domstolarnas handlingsalternativ för att eliminera normkonflikten mellan besvärsförbudet och europarätten talar för att besvärsförbudet borde upphävas. Det verkar inte möjligt att göra en människorättstolkning av besvärsförbudet pga. dess entydiga formulering och tillämpning av GL 106 § kräver att det finns en uppenbar konflikt mellan tillämpningen av en lagbestämmelse och grundlagen. Således borde en nationell domstol dels harmonisera tolkningen av grundlagsbestämmelserna med människorättskonventionen och även bedöma om det s.k. uppenbarhetskriteriet uppfylls. Detta kan vara mer problematiskt än man först anar. EU-rätten däremot kräver företräde förutsatt att det handlar om en situation då EU-rätten blir tillämplig.
  • Kujala, Tarja (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1993)
    Syventävien opintojeni tutkielma sisältää kirjalliuuskatsauksen sekä osuuden. Opintyöni tarkoitus oli selvittää kestävätkö betaiinia rehussaan saavat porsaat paremmin ripulin aiheuttamaa dehydraatiostressiä (lievemmät ripulivaikutukset, parempi painonkehitys ym.). Betaiini on aminohappojohdannainen, jonka on havaittu toimivan osmoregulaattorina mm. mikrobiendehydraatiostressitiloissa, jolloin selviäminen kuivuudesta on ollut parempaa. Kirjallisuskatsauksessa käsitellään suolen anatomiaa ja fysiologiaa sekä ripulin patofysiologiaa. Ripulimekanismeja käsitellään yleisesti sekä tarkemmin perehdytään bakteeri- ja virusripuleihin. Käytännön kokeessa käytettyjä aineita(betaiini, senna) tarkastellaan myös kirjallisuustietojen perusteella. Kokeellinen osuus suoritettiin EKK:n kotieläinhygienian opetusnavetalla. Kokeessa oli 4 pahnuetta, jaettuna koe- ja kontrolliryhmiin. Kaikille porsaille aiheutettiin keinotekoinen ripuli laksatiivia (senna) käyttäen. Koeryhmät saivat rehun mukana tutkittavaa betaiinia, kontrolliryhmä söi samaa rehua ilman betaiinilisää. Ryhmien painon kehitystä, rehun syöntimääriä ja ripulin tilaa seurattiin. Ripulin voimakkuutta tutkittiin kliinisen tilan ja veriparametrien avulla. Veriparametrien perusteella ei koe- ja kontrolliryhmien välille saatu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa, eli betaiini ei vahvistanut porsaita itse ripulia vastaan. Betaiinirehua syöneet porsaat kompensoivat kasvutappion kontrolliryhmää nopeammin, joten palautuminen ripulista normaalitilaan olibetaiinin vuoksi nopeampaa. Betaiinilla oli havaittavissa myös lievä kasvua parantava vaikutus. Betaiinin merkitys dehydraatiotilan osmoregulaattorina voisi olla parempi, jos ripulin voimakkuus saataisiin koejärjestelyissä paremmin vastaamaan käytännön tilannetta sikaloissa. Sennalaksatiivi ei kokeessa saanut aikaan halutun voimakasta ripulia ja mahdollisesti tästä johtuen betaiininoletettu teho ei päässyt oikeuksiinsa.
  • Woivalin, Anne (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1990)
    Målet med denna studie var att reda ut hur kalvars sociala beteende utvecklas från födseln till 6 månaders ålder då kalvarna inte utsätts förden stress som modern djurhushållning orsakar. ~ En hjord på en tjur 4k or, 7 kvigor samt deras kalvar hölls på ett 20 ha:s skogsområde i sydvästra Finland. Kalvarna föddes inom mars-september 1989. Åtta tjur och två kvigkalvar observerades under två timmar per dag vid 1, 3, 7, 14,21, 29, 61, 91, 122, 152 och 180 dagars ålder. De sociala kontakterna registrerades kontinuerligt. Kalvarnas sociala aktivitet ökade till 7 dagars ålder. Kontakterna med modern minskade kraftigt under den första månaden medan kontakterna med andra kalvar ökade i motsvarande man. Kalvarna bildade sina egna grupper som höll ihop största delen av dagen. Frekvensen av kontakterna med de vuxna i flocken förändrades inte. Nosande var det vanligaste sociala beteendet mellan djuren. Lek utgjorde 20% av kontakterna mellan kalvama. Digivningen stod för 12% av kontakterna med modern. De vanligaste beteendena, förutom nosandet, som kalvarna visade mot övriga vuxna var sexuellt och undvikande beteende. Vuxna kor och tjuren var mest aggressiva mot kalvama. Kalvama själva var mycket sällan aggressiva. Avvikande beteende sågs endast enstaka ganger. Kalvarnas beteende utvecklades mycket under den första månaden. En tydlig förändring i beteendet sågs också dåkalvama blev 6 månader gamla och kom in i puberteten. Otillfredställt behov av sociala kontakter i den moderna mjölkboskapsuppfödningen kan leda till olika avvikande beteenden som orsakar bl.a. hälsoproblem.
  • Ruoho, Tiina (2020)
    The weathering of concrete by alkali-aggregate reaction is a process of deterioration recognized also in concrete manufactured in Finland. Alkali-aggregate reactions (AAR) are deleterious reactions between the alkali hydroxides (NaOH and KOH) in cement paste and silicon dioxide in aggregate used in concrete. The alkali hydroxide in cement paste will dissolve the crystal structure of silicon dioxide, and the dissolved silicon dioxide hydroxylates to orthosilicic acid. In the presence of impurities, the orthosilicic acid can form covalent bonds and coagulate to form silica gel. The expansion caused by swelling of highly hygroscopic silica gel will lead to excess of yield stress and thus deleterious cracking of concrete. The atomic features of fracture surfaces in natural aggregates will determine their reactivity in concrete. The surface in reactive mineral has unstable equilibrium and has crystallographic defects or insufficient crystal structure. Practically all natural aggregates used in Finnish concrete are heterogeneous mixtures of silicate minerals. The surface features of silicate minerals are composed in various rock forming geological processes. Rocks that are crystallized by slow cooling have more stable equilibrium than rocks that have undergone a low metamorphosis. The geological features and strength measurements are the base of good quality natural aggregate ratings. On the grounds of observations, even the high quality aggregates can cause deleterious alkali-aggregate reactions. It is recommendable to use aggregates that have stable equilibrium state, a low alkalinity cement and additives such as fly ash, blast-furnace slag or silica fume to concrete structures exposed to moisture.
  • Hyytiäinen, Hanna-Mari (2018)
    This paper studies discourses about suburbs that occur in newspaper writings about 1960s and 1970s infill development. The study aims to find out how writings about infill development are structured in the local newspaper Helsingin Sanomat between 2000 and 2016. The objective is to discover how a high-rise suburb appears as a site for infill development, and what kinds of discourses appear in newspaper writings about infill development. The paper uses discourse analysis to examine how high-rise suburbs built in 1960-1970 are discussed in Helsingin Sanomat between 2000 and 2016, using writings about infill development in Helsingin Sanomat in that period as research material. Due to the choice of newspaper, the addressed suburbs are found in the Helsinki metropolitan area. In recent years, Finnish urbanization has led to regional economic marginalization, which in the Helsinki metropolitan area is concentrated in the high-rise suburbs of the 1960s and 1970s. In addition to economic marginalization, these suburbs are seen to suffer from decreasing and aging population, and a need for renovations. The stated aims of infill development include urban unification and social diversification of the suburbs in order to prevent the cycle of economic marginalization. Combined with deterioration of apartments built in the 1960s and 1970s, structural and social problems in high-rise suburbs have led to a societally challenging situation. The writings contained four discourses about suburbs: potential of the suburbs, defense of the suburbs, the suburb as problematic, and the suburb as a conflict-prone site for infill development. The most powerful discourse was about potential. The defense discourse emphasized the uniqueness and meaningfulness of the suburb as the environment and home of its inhabitants. The conflict discourse refers to writings where the suburb is seen as an infill development site that causes conflict. While most of the newspaper writings mention the age and deterioration of the period’s suburbs, the problem discourse did not dominate the research material. Based on the research, the ways of talking about the suburb depend on the speaker, the speaker’s motives, and the subject. The discourses allowed a crucial observation that the suburb is an arena for wielding power where a contradictory and naïve attitude towards developing suburban social life is a major problem slowing down the prevention of economic marginalization. Because the suburbs of the Helsinki metropolitan area are very different, the research doesn’t reveal what suburbs are really like. Instead, the research shows how the suburbs of the metropolitan area appear in the context of writings about infill development, and reveals the persons featured in writings about infill development as well as the suburbs that are interesting to the media. The study also examines how different parties react to infill development, and seeks to shed light on the motives behind the remarks of different parties.
  • Hämäläinen, Mirja (2019)
    The coffee industry provides insights into the relationship between commodity trade and development, a topic that has been a part of developmental discussions for decades. This master's thesis is a case study on a niche inside global coffee business. Its topic is the Third Wave Coffee, a subculture formed around high quality coffee. In its essence the is creating a new kind of relationship with the coffee producers in the global South and the people selling and consuming coffee in the global North. The study's purpose is to portray the views that form the bases of ethics of trade in the subculture. The aim of the study is to understand the networks that tie the global North and South together in an age where consumers see the knowledge about the origin of a high-end product as a part of a quality experience but persistent inequality of power and resources still seem to be a permanent feature of commodity trade relations between the global South and North. The material consists of eight semi structured interviews from coffee professionals and from material of seven websites of organizations connected to the people interviewed. The material was analyzed with discourse analyses as a tool. Theoretical framework consists of cosmopolitanism, Bourdieusian Approach and commodity Fetishism and "double" commodity fetishism. The findings demonstrate that the coffee professionals in the North hold beliefs about how material quality of coffee and ethical trade are intertwined in a way that they secure one another. The professionals define the story about the coffee sold to the consumer and in the Third Wave this based greatly on this presumed link between quality and ethics, cosmopolitan values are often present in the discourses and "double" commodity fetishism is constructed when explaining the origin of coffee. Third Wave coffee professionals in the North are critical of certification schemes related to sustainability and trade ethics and offer personal relationships with the producers as an alternative for them. The effects of this model on the livelihoods and communities of the coffee producers in the global South are a subject of a further study.
  • Tabarracci, Daniela Andrea (2012)
    In 1987, the United Nations concerned with global challenges to human development called for a new model of growth to be erected upon the notion of sustainable development. Today, twenty five years later, the world continues to be beset by these global challenges and a governance gap around this issue has become manifest. Overtime, the international community came to the realization that, first, tackling these challenges requires the collective action of a multiplicity of relevant actors. And second, that the private sector, with its resources, know-how, experience and jurisdiction, could have a pivotal role to play to this end. The problem with these assumptions was the scepticism generated by mainstream interpretations of corporate nature and rationality. Despite the potential for contribution, corporations as self-interested agents in the struggle for the maximization of individual advantage could not be expected to contribute to the promotion of sustainable development; let alone through collective action. And yet contemporary evidence shows, that this scepticism is unwarranted. For that reason, the main purpose of this descriptive study was to account for the existing cases of collective action, and identify by listening to corporate actors, what was the rationale that underpinned their decisions to engage in these forms of collective action. In doing so, the aim was to assess the current suitability of mainstream approaches to reflect reality. Because of that, special attention was devoted to the notion of corporate self-interest (the key concept used by mainstream approaches to nurture the egoistic interpretation of the corporate actor). In listening to corporate actors two related qualitative analyses were conducted. On the one hand, a set of archival material - corporate responsibility reports and codes of conduct - was approached through a story-line narrative technique the purpose of which was to set the contextual and notional framework for the content analysis of interview transcripts that was to follow. On the other hand, semi-structured elite interviews were conducted on corporate executives of four transnational corporations, all of which are leaders in their respective industries and have a record of collective action that contributes to sustainable development. These corporations were Novartis, UPM, Tetra-Pak and Nokia and the overall purpose of the analytical chapter has been learn from corporate actors themselves what drove them to engage in these forms of collective action. At first glance the results of the analyses revealed that the rationale behind corporate engagement, continued to be explained by reference to corporate self-interest; just as mainstream approaches suggested. However, the point of divergence between these two interpretations was to be found in the way corporate self-interest was defined. According to mainstream approaches, corporate self-interest was defined in terms of profit maximization. Conversely, the findings unveiled in this study highlight the necessity to separate interests (instrumental reasons) from corporate self-interest (teleological reasons). In line with that differentiation, self-interest is defined as long-term survival, and all other interests are interpreted as instrumental to it. These findings have encouraging implications on the relevance of mainstream approaches to represent. Insofar a reassessment of the notion of corporate self-interest is undertaken to account for teleological reasons as distinct from instrumental reasons, mainstream approaches would be able to provide a fairer account of contemporary circumstances than they do today. In the absence of such an update, not only do they run the risk of not being able to reflect reality and becoming irrelevant, but they would also run the risk of rendering themselves unsuitable to account for changes in behaviours and interests, ultimately, downplaying rather than strengthening the rationality of actors. All in all, if what unrevised mainstream standards provide us with is an account for corporate rational behaviour, then what this study contributes is the possibility of moving past scepticism and understanding the potential for corporate behaviour to be better than rational.
  • Lampiranta, Samu-Ville I.G.; Lampiranta, Samu-Ville I.G. (2023)
    The main research question of this thesis is what implications deregulating the Finnish gambling monopoly could have in terms of competition in the gambling industry, and in terms of player protection. I will examine the current state of the gambling monopoly in Finland, how it came to be, and where it is headed. It examines the potential consequences of deregulating the monopoly on the industry, with a focus on competition and responsible gambling practices. The research aims to analyze the legal frameworks governing the gambling industry and its socio-economic effects. I will also propose new ways in which the gambling industry could evolve to become better for companies and players. The study scrutinizes the legal standing of the monopoly and whether it fulfills the requirements set for monopolies in the EU law. I will also discuss controversial business practices of Veikkaus, such as aggressive advertising strategies. In addition, I will explore alternative approaches for a more competitive market. To gain insights into potential policy changes, I will compare Finnish gambling regulations to those of other Nordic countries, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. These comparisons highlight the different degrees of market liberalization and player protection measures adopted by these countries. My conclusion is that as there is no de facto monopoly anymore, there is also no justification to treat it as such. Holding on to the monopoly violates EU competition rules and harms the players and the state. Establishing a new legal regime to control gambling would also give Finland a chance to become a leader in player protection practices.
  • Paricio Montesinos, Marta (2022)
    This study aims to make a preliminary assessment of the role that the new ILC Draft PERAC principles could play in the OPT. It argues that the application of standards and norms protecting or compensating for the environmental damage in times of armed conflict has been highly influenced by the political context. At the same time, it finds that two of the main causes of the environmental challenges in the OPT are Israel’s activities and the lack of environmental regulations for companies operating in the occupied territory. In addition, the Palestinians face serious difficulties in accessing justice. There is a domestic lacuna since Palestinian courts have limited competences and the Israeli Courts have showed bias towards Palestinians. Internationally, it is highly unlikely that Israel will accept the ICJ’s voluntary jurisdiction, and it is doubtful that the case before the ICC is adequate to tackle the systemic oppression in the OPT. On the other hand, since Palestine is becoming a party to different agreements and treaties, it can now use the dispute settlement mechanisms established in MEAs which Israel has also ratified, such as the Basel Convention. This has enabled Palestine to bring complaints against the illegal transfer of hazardous waste by Israel to the OPT. This showed that what is required is a change in the Israel’s practices and policies or more available dispute settlement mechanisms. Finally, it finds that the ILC Draft PERAC principles are unlikely to force a change in Israeli practices. At the same time, for the time being, they do not establish any forum or dispute settlement mechanism. Thus, their role and impact on the OPT is limited. Nevertheless, because of their innovations and clarity, they offer a new framework of understanding that can be highly beneficial in diplomatic relations, educational purposes, and in the formation of expectations and demands. Moreover, it will support and offer an additional legal language in the different strands of activism ad advocacy led by Palestinian NGOs.
  • Ala-Krekola, Wilhelmina (2018)
    Tämän pro-gradu tutkielman tarkastelun keskiössä on ”2.5D teatterina” tunnettu japanilaisen populaarikulttuurin ilmiö. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on esitellä ilmiön historiaa ja pääpiirteitä sekä avata lukijalle sen asemaa japanilaisen populaarikulttuurin piirissä nykypäivänä. Aiheen esittelyn lisäksi tässä pro-gradussa toteutettu tutkimus keskittyy pohtimaan millaisia yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia ilmiöllä on kahden muun japanilaisen populaarikulttuuri-ilmiön, mangan ja animen, ilmaisukeinojen kanssa. Tutkielma käsittelee kysymystä siitä miksi yleisö haluaa kokea samat tarinat yhä uudelleen ja uudelleen erilaisten adaptaatioiden muodossa, sekä pyrkii selvittämän miten kyseiset narratiivit tunnetiloineen ilmaistaan kolmessa hyvin erilaisen taiteenlajin muodossa. Näitä kysymyksiä lähestytään tutkielmassa ristianalysoimalla kaksi alkuperäisessä Kuroshitsuji-mangassa nähtyä keskeistä kohtausta kolmessa eri medialajissa printistä animaatioon ja teatteritaiteeseen. Pro-gradussa käytetty aineisto koostuu vuosien 2015–2016 aikana kenttätyöskentelyn avulla kerrytetystä materiaalista sisältäen muun muassa osallistuvaa havainnointia sekä haastatteluja 2.5D teatterin alan ammattilasten kanssa. Analyysiaineistoon puolestaan sisältyy manga-pokkareita, anime-jaksoja sekä filmatisoitu teatteriesitys. Kenttätyöskentely on toteutettu japaniksi ja kaikki analyysiaineisto on myös koostettu alkuperäiskielisestä materiaalista. Tutkielmaa tukevana lähdeaineistona käytetään japanilaiseen populaarikulttuuriin liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa käsitellään mangan, animen ja teatterin yksilöllisiä ilmaisullisia konventioita joiden avulla kukin taiteenlaji toteuttaa oman versionsa samasta perustavanlaatuisesta tekstistä. Näiden keinojen avulla gradussa toteutetaan poikkimediaalinen analyysi jonka tarkoituksena on demonstroida eri taiteenlajien ilmaisullisia eroavaisuuksia. Media-analyysin pohjalta saatujen tulosten pohjalta käy ilmi, että printissä, animaatiossa ja esittävän taiteen muodossa ilmaistuna samaan narratiiviin pohjautuva teos toteutetaan pitkälti kunkin taiteenlajin omin keinoin alkuperäistekstiä vaihtelevassa määrin kunnioittavasti muovaten. Mangassa keskeisenä ilmaisun keinona toimii taiteilijan piirrosjälki ja kyky hyödyntää taiteenlajille ominaisia visuaalisen kerronnan tyylejä kuten erilaisia ikoneja, paneeleja sekä kuvakulmia. Animaatiossa puolestaan ilmaisun keskiöön sijoittuu teknisten keinojen lisäksi myös ääni- ja musiikkisuunnittelu. Teatterissa sen sijaan pääasiallinen narratiivinen ja emotionaalinen ilmaisu painottuu teknisten ratkaisujen ohella näyttelijäsuorituksiin, sekä yleisön ja esiintyjän välillä vallitsevaan yhtäläisyyden ja läsnäolon tunteeseen. Yhteistä kaikille formaateille on tavoite pyrkiä vuorovaikutukseen lukijan, katsojan tai yleisön kanssa muodostamalla kognitiivisesti palkitseva yllätyksellisyyttä ja tuttuuden tunnetta yhdistävä kokemus.
  • El Dieb, Randa (2017)
    The Syrian civil war was a byproduct of peaceful calls for moderate living and political freedom turned into an on-going devastation leaving behind traces of death, destruction and millions of refugees. While the Syrian citizens remain to be the main victims of this war, the media has played a crucial role in framing this crisis. Thus, the choice of investigating the Russian intervention can be attributed to the unprecedented involvement of Moscow in the Arab region. The involvement of both the U.S-led coalition and Russia gave the Syrian civil war a global status prioritising it as a crisis unfolding a new chapter in the world’s political order. Additionally, the social and political formation of Syria where the “breakdown of state institutions and the deepening communal rift" has often bred waves of violence and instability in the entire region. The primary aim of this study is to examine and analyse the framing of the Russian intervention in Syria as covered by Russia Today (RT) and Al Jazeera (AJ). It investigates the framing of different combatants involved in the war given the intricate nature of the crisis in Syria and the involvement of multiple global and regional superpowers and different politically and ideologically driven factions. In addition, the study investigates the sources incorporated by the two aforementioned news outlets while broadly looking upon reasons for the different coverage of the war by examining the historic and contemporary geopolitical formation of the region. It lays out the process of research design and data collection in the timeframe between September 2015 and January 2016. Subsequently, a background account of the establishment of RT and AJ is provided as a means of understanding the internal and external dynamics that unquestionably contribute in its agenda-setting. The literature review looks at concepts such as objectivity, credibility, source selection in addition to the emergence of user-generated content. As a background reference, the study examines the US invasion of Iraq and the reintroduction of embedded journalism. Similarly, the study compares the media portrayal of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and Syrian president Bashar Al Assad. The main findings of this study has shown that the introduction of user-generated content has played a notable role in this war as found by the examination of AJ which depended largely on the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights for its news stories. RT, on the other hand, opted for a traditional role by depending primarily on military sources.
  • Timonen, Meri (2021)
    The aim of this thesis is to research Japan-U.S. Security Treaty protests in 1960 in global context. The Anpo-protests were selected as research topic because not much research was found of the protests. Anpo-protests begun in 1959 and ended in late 1960. The main motive was to oppose revision of U.S.-Japan Security Treaty but eventually protests led to resignation of the prime minister Kishi Nobusuke. The protests were the largest in Japanese history and left their legacy to Japanese political history and civil society. Scholars have researched Anpo-protests to some extent. However, the Anpo-protests have not been analysed in Worldwide context of Cold war which is why transnational history got selected as primary theoretical framework for this thesis. This thesis uses the Japan Times as the primary source. The Japan Times is Japan’s oldest English language newspaper firstly published in 1897. As for main method theory-guided content analysis was used. Analysis was carried out with coding in which Atlas.ti software was used. Theory of historical study of images got selected as second theoretical framework after transnational history because this thesis aims to construct comprehensive image of the Anpo-protests from the lens of the Japan Times. The research question asks how the Anpo-protests are portrayed in the Japan Times. The goal of the research question is to find out whether the Anpo-protests were portrayed as transnational in the Japan Times. This thesis is interested if the Anpo-protests had transnational influences. The results of the analysis indicate that the Japan Times is mainly interested certain issues, such as who are protesting, why they are protesting and how the protests are carried out. The codes that appear most frequently are communism, students and protests techniques. During the analysis over 1200 codes were reduced into 16 categories which were evolved further into themes. The themes are social unity of Japanese people, legitimacy and transnationalism. Social unity represents how people who were breaking the cohesion of society are judged on the newspaper. Legitimacy deals with the issue of what is legal and what is not. Transnationalism pays interests on transnational influences of the Anpo-protests such as peace activism, communism and democratic ideals. All themes express change in Japanese society. Results explain how the conception of peace, democracy, authority, violence and social unity changed due the Anpo-protests. The results indicate that Anpo-protests were portrayed transnationally to some extent on the Japan Times. Thus, Anpo-protests may have had some transnational connections. Broader analysis would offer more reliable results and thus this thesis serves only as a brief outlook to the Anpo-protests. However, this thesis offers valuable information of the Japan Times itself and of the major change in Japanese society that has often left without notice. Anpo-protests itself served as transnational influence on other protests which evolved later in the 1960s.