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(2023)Tutkielma käsittelee opin Kirkon välttämättömyydestä pelastukselle kehitystä Vatikaanin toisen kirkolliskokouksen (1962–1965) asiakirjoissa. Opin kehitystä tarkastellaan verraten kirkolliskokouksen aiheesta lausumia seikkoja sellaisiin aiempiin katolisen kirkon oppilausumiin, joita voidaan pitää kirkon virallisena opin julistuksena. Keskeinen tutkimuskysymys on, voidaanko äkkiseltään tarkasteltuna suurehkolta vaikuttava muutos katolisen kirkon suhtautumisessa oman näkyvän rakenteensa ulkopuolisiin pelastusväyliin nähdä loogisena opinkehityksenä 200-luvulta lähtien esiintyvälle kirkon ulkopuolella ei ole pelastusta -oppilausumalle. Toisin sanoen kysymyksenä on, voidaanko tästä silminnähden huomattavasta muutoksesta huolimatta johdonmukaisesti väittää, että opin ydin on pysynyt samana eikä sanan varsinaisessa mielessä muuttunut? Tutkielman aineisto koostuu Vatikaanin toisen kirkolliskokouksen konstituutiosta Lumen Gentium, dekreeteistä Ad Gentes ja Unitatis Redintegratio sekä julistuksesta Nostra Aetate, jotka jokainen omasta kulmastaan ottavat kantaa Kirkon ulkopuoliseen pelastukseen. Menetelmänä on poimia jokaisesta dokumentista vain aiheeseen liittyvät kohdat ja jäsennellä ne loogiseksi kokonaisuudeksi, jotta muodostuisi käsitys siitä, mitä kirkolliskokous aiheesta sanoi. Tätä verrataan aiempaan katoliseen opetukseen, ja lopuksi pohditaan kirjallisuuteen tukeutuen, onko Vatikaani II mahdollista yhteensovittaa sen kanssa tutkimuskysymyksen tarkoittamalla tavalla. Tutkimustuloksena ilmenee, että on vaikeaa uskottavasti selittää jotain niin valtaisaa pelastusopillista siirtymää kuin Vatikaani II:ssa Kirkon ulkopuolisen pelastuksen suhteen tapahtui, pelkäksi opin kehitykseksi vailla opin ytimen muutosta. Huolimatta Kirkon sinänsä merkittävän monipuolisesta opetuksesta jo ennen Vatikaanin II kirkolliskokousta sekä erinäisistä historiallis-kulttuurisista tekijöistä, jotka auttavat ymmärtämään kirkon ulkopuolella ei ole pelastusta -oppilausuman jyrkkyyttä, sen konkreettista sanamuotoa on hankala selittää pois. Tutkielma päätyy ratkaisuehdotuksenaan esittämään kysymyksen, olisiko mahdollista luoda toimiva katolinen systeemi, jossa Kirkko voisi tunnustaa erehtyneensä historiallisissa oppilausumissaan.
(2013)Rhazya stricta Decne. is a small evergreen shrub belonging to the Apocynaceae family. The plant grows in South Asia and the Middle East, and in these areas it is used in traditional medicine. All parts of the plant are used in different preparations for a variety of purposes such as infections, bowel diseases, itching and diabetes. R. stricta synthesizes about a hundred different alkaloids, of which only a fraction has been studied closer. Some of the analyzed alkaloids have showed some interesting pharmacological properties such as antibacterial and cytotoxic properties. Because it is often both economically and ecologically unsustainable to cultivate or to collect large amounts of medicinal plants from nature, cell cultures have been developed from plants. The properties and synthesized substances of the cell cultures can be analysed and modified in laboratories. In the experimental part of this work, a system was developed for alkaloid extraction, fractionation and isolation from dried cell material from cultured R. stricta hairy root-cells. The goal was to develop a functioning system that eventually enables identification of the alkaloids synthesized by the cultured cells under given conditions. Alkaloids were extracted from 26 g of dried and ground cell mass. The fractionation of the alkaloids was performed with medium pressure liquid chromatography (MPLC) and the fractions were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The alkaloids were purified by horizontal TLC and preparative HPLC. Ion-pair chromatography was used for analyzing the extract, fractions and purified alkaloids. Five components from two fractions were eventually isolated. One of the components was tentatively identified as vincanine, but further analyzes have to be performed to identify all components reliably. In total, hairy root-cells seem to synthesize approximately 20 alkaloids with variable polarity.
(2014)The European Court of Human Rights has brought a revolutionary aspect to the extraterritorial application of its Convention by extending it to cover the state parties’ actions abroad. By opening the door to the application of the European Convention on Human Rights to activities of a member state beyond its territorial borders, the Court has changed its case-law practice from more restrictive to more allowing. The major authority on the extraterritorial application of the ECHR has thus far been the Bankovi? v Belgium case from 2001. In Bankovi? the Court decided on the claims against 17 NATO states for the bombardments in Yugoslavia in 1999. The Court dismissed the claims on the basis of jurisdiction as it held that the jurisdictional threshold of Article 1 of the ECHR was not met. Contrary to Bankovi?, the Court decided on Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda positively on the application of the Convention outside of its direct territory. This is a big change in the practice and will have an even bigger impact on the states and thus it is now time to reevaluate the issue in light of these new cases. The incoherence of the Court’s judgments places the states, and individuals, in an unpredictable world as the meaning of ‘within their jurisdiction’ as set out in Article 1 of the Convention remains controversial. The two identities of the Convention as a regional, European instrument and as a universal human rights mechanism create a challenging relationship. This thesis explores the change in the Court’s interpretation views through the case law concerning the extraterritorial application of the ECHR. For a global comparison other human rights treaties and their jurisdiction clauses are reviewed in order to evaluate the status quo in this field and the impacts on states’ actions and respective policies thereof. The Article 1 plays a fundamental role in this context and thus it is reflected throughout the thesis.
(2024)Due to the accelerating environmental crisis and the frequency of environmentally harmful activities having negative extraterritorial impacts, the traditional notions of state responsibility and jurisdiction are being tested. Restrictive interpretation of jurisdiction within international environmental law and human rights results in gaps in protection, with respect to both individuals and the environment. A significant gap, particularly evident in relation to climate change, also remains between the aspirational promises and agreed targets, on the one hand, and the level of implementation and action, on the other. Climate change does not adhere to political boundaries, thus requiring a transnational approach in relation to the establishment of accountability for environmental damage and resulting human rights violations. This thesis explores the scope of due diligence obligations of states in the interplay of human rights and international environmental law as well as the notions of jurisdiction and control influencing the territorial reach of responsibility. The research is conducted by investigating the environmental due diligence standard under the human rights, international environmental law and climate law regimes. Despite its wide acknowledgement, the concept of due diligence has been relatively understudied in international law. The increasing incidence of transboundary and global environmental harm as well as phenomena such as relocation of harmful activities and carbon leakage prompt the question of the scope of existing due diligence obligations of states – both within and outside territorial boundaries. International environmental law is based on guiding principles, such as prevention and precaution, having the ability to create obligations of customary international law character. It is argued that the standard of due diligence provides a promising way to hold states accountable for environmental harm – even beyond territorial limits. By combining the ambitious environmental policies, often lacking in bindingness, and the effective human rights systems through the standard of due diligence, it is concluded that the already existing legal frameworks may be utilized for environmental protection objectives. Furthermore, the mutually reinforcing relationship between international environmental law and human rights has contributed to the emergence and development of environmental due diligence standard of extraterritorial nature. Instead of a vague 'buzzword', absent of identifiable obligations and enabling the evasion of responsibility in relation to environmental harm and ensuing human rights violations, the case law in relation to the due diligence obligations of states presents evidence that such evasion of accountability is no longer acceptable nor possible. As human rights regimes should not be interpreted in a vacuum, consideration must be given to developments within international environmental law. The Paris Agreement is founded on the highest possible ambition of the member states. It is this due diligence standard against which the actions of the state are evaluated. The known and/or admitted risks of environmental harm, coupled with inconsistent measures against non-state actors’ activities, could establish state responsibility before such risks materialize. Of relevance is the actual ability to regulate or influence over the harmful activities, which may result in a jurisdictional link and individual responsibility.
(2015)This thesis addresses the role of home states in relation to extraterritorial human rights violations committed by their corporate nationals, more specifically transnational corporations (TNCs). This thesis examines the difficulties of holding TNCs directly accountable for the violations they commit. Secondly, this thesis explores whether and to what extent home states of TNCs can become responsible for extraterritorial human rights violations committed by TNCs domiciled in their territories. This thesis approaches the issue of home state responsibility from two separate points of view namely the law on state responsibility and international human rights law. Growing corporate power and its possible detrimental impact on the enjoyment of human rights has not gone unnoticed. TNCs’ corporate structures are as the name says, transnational, and their operations are commonly global. This in turn leads to a situation in which the operations of a TNC existing under the laws of one state may impact the lives of people located in other the countries hosting the operations of the TNC. Although some attempts have been made in the international legal sphere to keep corporations directly accountable for the human rights violations they commit, under the current state of international law, no legally binding provisions exist to keep corporations directly accountable. Focus has therefore been on states’ obligations to ensure the adequate protection of human rights and this thesis stresses the obligations of the home state. The two separate approaches to state responsibility examined in this thesis are built on very different premises. Firstly, the law of state responsibility provides the circumstances pursuant to which the acts of TNCs can become attributable to the home state as an act of state. As a general rule, private acts are not automatically imputable to the state, but may under certain circumstances be considered as such. This thesis explores the exemptions to this basic rule of non-attribution and the conditions when a state can be held responsible for the acts of TNCs. Pursuant to the rules of state responsibility, acts of TNCs may become attributable to the home state in four situations, namely when the TNC has the status of an organ of the state de facto or de jure; when the TNC has been authorized to exercise governmental authority; when the TNC has acted under the instructions, direction or control of the state and when the home state acknowledges and adopts the conduct as its own. However, as this thesis demonstrates the criteria for attribution of TNCs’ conduct to the state are rather strict and the practical usefulness of the law of state responsibility for the purposes of keeping home states responsible for human rights abuse is rather speculative. The second approach adopted in this thesis finds its basis in human rights law. It is widely acknowledged that states are under an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil human rights. Of these three aspects, the obligation to protect is central to this thesis as it concerns the state’s duty to protect human rights of individuals from infringements of non-state actors such as TNCs. The positive duties to protect human rights have traditionally been perceived to apply in the domestic territories of the state, and this thesis examines whether the home states of a TNC can be under an obligation to extend this protection to the human rights of people in third states and thus to control their corporate nationals by means of e.g. legislation. The recent developments in this field signal of a willingness to recognize and strengthen the duties of home states’ extraterritorial obligations. This is perhaps due to the fact that recent initiatives have on the one hand abandoned the idea of direct corporate accountability and relied solely on the permissibility of home state regulation, which is insufficient and gives rise to governance gaps. However, the work of various human rights treaty bodies signal of the possibility of recognizing such home state obligations and is also discussed in this thesis. Conclusively, the discussion in this thesis provides that home states can incur state responsibility under certain rather strict conditions. The conclusions also highlight that of the two approaches addressed in this thesis, international human rights law is perhaps a better tool in this regard. Nevertheless, the existence of legally binding norms is still an unresolved matter. Therefore the conclusions of this thesis observe the need to clarify the precise scope of the extraterritorial obligations of home states with regard to control of TNCs.
(2023)A number of institutions, regulations, treaties, and courts impact how human and environmental rights are discussed, steered and enforced. The recent proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence, published by the European Commission 23rd February 2022, is a potentially significant contribution to the directions these rights will take going forward. A particularly intriguing point about the directive is that it aims to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour in the whole supply chain, often having a global reach. This extends to non-EU companies who fall under the directive by meeting certain thresholds and conditions. The directive has an emphasis on the protection of human rights and the environment not only inside, but also outside, of the European Union. To realise the governance of corporate behaviour inside and outside the EU, cross-border considerations inevitably come to the forefront and with this, an old legal concept and doctrine – extraterritoriality. This paper examines to what extent one can detect extraterritoriality at work in different fields of law, most notably how the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice have applied this notion and ultimately, to what extent extraterritoriality could be applied to the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. Methodologically, the paper follows a legal policy research framework with regards to analysing different approaches to which the proposed directive could base its interpretation on extraterritoriality. In line with this approach, the paper will outline and analyse; the UN Guiding principles of the on Business and Human Rights; Professor Ruggie’s Report on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises; the European Convention on Human rights; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; recent case law of the European Court of Human Rights; case law of the European Court of Justice on competition law; the European Commission’s decisions relating to mergers and finally, recent case law of the European Court of Justice where extraterritoriality has been explicitly mentioned. The above highlighted so as to discover the level of precedence for the way in which extraterritorial jurisdiction might be construed in the coming directive. The paper will conclude by suggesting in what ways the directive could gain in extraterritorial scope and application in order to foster the protection of human rights and the environment.
(2016)Already since the 1980’s, in order to combat irregular immigration states have emphasized controlling immigration at source, also with the assistance of private actors. One of the oldest of these extraterritorialization and privatization methods is carrier sanction legislation, which imposes document control activities to transport companies by threatening them with financial penalties. This method is nowadays endorsed in several international conventions. The downside of the extraterritorial border control is its severe implications on refugee protection. Refugees are often unable to obtain the proper travel documents and therefore cannot resort to international protection. However, due to states’ growing control over their borders and on the other hand detrimental effect on refugees, the scope of the human rights and refugee rights obligations has come under debate. This thesis is participating in the discussion by evaluating can the norms of refugee and human rights protection apply extraterritorially, and if yes, can carriers’ border control actions breach these rights or are refugees’ rights already taken into account efficiently. Refugee rights and human rights obligations rise from international and regional conventions, which impose obligations mainly to the sovereign states. Thus, the first issue in establishing responsibility is whether carriers’ conduct could be attributed to the state according to the customary rules of international law codified in Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts. Secondly, the scope of the international obligations must be established. Carrier sanctions have been widely criticized for circumventing the non-refoulement principle recognized in the Refugee Convention and several human rights treaties and also described as the cornerstone of refugee protection. Besides, the carrier sanctions affect the obligation not to penalize refugees for illegal entry recognized in Refugee Convention, right to leave a country and the right to seek asylum. However, whether these obligations apply only on the territory of the state or also in the situations of extraterritorially is not always crystal clear. Even if state´s obligations could apply extraterritorially, states can clearly be responsible only for violations they can impact on. Thus, the third threshold of state´s extraterritorial responsibility is establishing extraterritorial jurisdiction. There is no case law on attribution of carrier’s actions to states and creation of extraterritorial jurisdiction is still an exceptional thing applied inconsistently by different courts. In cases where the attribution is not possible or jurisdictional link is weak, the last chapter of this work discusses if states’ human rights due diligence obligation could still provide a layer of protection and mitigate the negative effects on refugees. Accepting extraterritorial effects on refugee protection would have massive effects on the Western states asylum regimes. It would also create problems targeting responsibility between states and increase the phenomenon of jurisdiction shopping. On the other hand, states’ extraterritorial control might create a human rights vacuum where persons are artificially blocked from protection.
(2016)An intense storm named Mauri swept over Lapland, Finland on the 22nd of September 1982 causing 3 Mm3 forest damage and two fatalities. There were thoughts that Mauri originated from a category 4 hurricane Debby but the linkage between Debby and Mauri and their connection to climatic conditions have not been investigated before. In this thesis, a climatic overview of September 1982 in comparison to 1981-2010 Septembers is provided. The calculations are based on ERA-Interim reanalysis data produced by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. The track of the storm is determined from ERA-Interim data from the time Debby occurred until Mauri crossed Finland. The evolution of Debby is also presented with the storm track data by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to comparison. Extratropical transition (ET) and phase diagram of Debby and the synoptic evolution of Mauri are examined. ET is defined to start when the cyclone loses a symmetric hurricane eye feature to form asymmetric fronts, and ET is completed when the warm core of the storm turns cold. A comparison between Mauri and two other intense storms that have affected Europe is briefly presented. It was discovered, that Debby completed ET before rapidly crossing the North Atlantic. However, near the UK ex-Debby started to lose its cold core and asymmetric structure typical to an extratropical cyclone. Ex-Debby phased back to warm cored while crossing Sweden, and at the same time it was rapidly deepening up to 27 hPa in 24 hours defining the storm as a meteorological bomb. Ex-Debby developed a frontal structure along a pre-existing cold front before hitting Lapland. It merged with the pre-existing low pressure center from the Norwegian Sea and proceeded right ahead of an upper trough, a region for cyclogenesis. These made the storm, now named Mauri, more intense as it crossed Lapland, and led to 30 m/s winds based on Finnish Meteorological Institute. Meanwhile, an occluded bent-back front approached Mauri, wrapped around the storm trapping the warmer air inside it and formed a warm seclusion. Due to that, Mauri regained the symmetric structure before reaching the Barents Sea. Examining the climatic aspect, positive surface pressure and temperature anomalies over central Europe caused the jet stream to shift northward. Also, positive NAO and AO phases changed the storm track in general to higher latitudes. Hence, climatic conditions favoured the storm track to move more north. The results of this thesis suggested that Mauri was the remnant of a hurricane Debby. It was shown that ERA-Interim was successful in locating the evolution of a cyclone and analysing its structure whereas it underestimated the surface pressure and wind speed values. Future work is still needed, for instance comparing these results to different reanalyses and collecting a statistic examination of hurricane originated storms in Europe, in order to adapt these methods and climatic indicators to future cases and storm predictions.
(2020)New alternatives for meat as the main source of protein are needed due to the negative impact of meat production on the environment and its high utilization of land sources. Vegetable proteins offer a more sustainable choice for meat and they can be processed into a structure that resembles meat using extrusion technology. The aim of this study was to produce a minced meat analogue using extrusion technology. The goal was to gain more information on the textural properties, colour and sensorial features of the meat analogue. In the experimental part, extrudates with replicates were produced from plant protein and fibre concentrate. Three differently processed samples were analysed. Texture analyser was used to measure the gumminess, springiness, chewiness, hardness, adhesiveness and shear energy of the samples. In addition, colour and moisture content were measured and a sensory experiment was conducted. According to the results, the content of the plant protein and fibre concentrate affected the textural properties and the colour of the samples. The results also showed that the composition of minced meat analogue had different effect on the textural properties depending how the sample was processed. In the sensory experiment, the reference sample (minced meat) had significantly higher score of pleasantness compared to extrudate containing samples. No significant differences were observed among the extrudate containing samples. This study showed that a product with some similarities to minced meat can be produced using extrusion technology with plant protein and fibre concentrate. For the development of the meat analogue, a more comprehensive sensory analysis would help to gain more information about the development targets of the product.
(2018)Objective: There are few studies on the effect of Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) therapy on eye symptoms in sleep apnea patients and the conclusions of these studies are inconsistent. We evaluated by questionnaire, possible changes in eye symptoms with PAP therapy. Methods: Consecutive sleep apnea patients referred for PAP initiation were asked about their eye symptoms at baseline, four days and two months of PAP therapy. We used a Visual Analog Scale. Zero value means no symptoms, whereas a value of 100 indicates severe eye dryness or severe eye watering. During a PAP preparation session, a sleep nurse tried to choose the most suitable mask interface for a good mask seal and to avoid eventual air leak toward the eyes. Results: We included 46 patients (14 women) with a mean age 56.0 ± 15.9, BMI 31.7 ± 6.0, apnea and hypopnea index 34.1 ± 21.8. No significant changes in dry eye symptom values at baseline (27.5 ± 26.6) compared to four days (28.7 ± 26.0) or two months (30.0 ± 28.2) of PAP therapy were observed. Eye watering values also showed absence of significant changes with PAP therapy. Five patients discontinued PAP therapy within two months; dry eye symptom and watering values at baseline in these patients did not differ from those who continued. Conclusions: When assuring a good individual PAP mask interface adjustment, short-term PAP therapy did not increase eye symptoms in sleep apnea patients. Patients who discontinued PAP had the same eye symptom values as those who continued beyond two months.
(2012)Islannissa purkautui Eyjafjallajökull-niminen tulivuori 14.4.2010. Purkauksen voimakkuus ja siitä syntynyt tuhkapilvi pysäytti lähes koko Euroopan lentoliikenteen Suomi mukaan lukien. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa kerrotaan, miksi juuri Islannissa purkautui tulivuori, ja mitä vaikutuksia purkauksella oli. Tutkielma esittelee erilaisia menetelmiä havainnoida ja mallintaa tuhkan kulkeutumista. Tulkitsemalla ja yhdistämällä erilaisten mallien ja menetelmien tuloksia pyritään vastaamaan kysymykseen: oliko Suomessa tuhkaa vai ei? Tutkielma painottuu kaukokartoitusmittauksiin sekä satelliiteista että maanpinnalta. Satelliittiaineisto on peräisin Ilmatieteen laitoksen (IL) Lapin ilmatieteellisessä tutkimuskeskuksessa vastaanotettavista satelliiteista. Käytetyt satelliitti-instrumentit ovat MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) ja OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument). Maanpinnalta tehdyt kaukokartoitushavainnot on tehty Brewer-spektrofotometrilla ja PFR-aurinkofotometrillä (Precision Filter Radiometer). PFR-mittauksia on sekä Sodankylästä että Jokioisista ja Brewer-mittauksia Sodankylästä. Kaukokartoitusaineiston lisäksi tutkielmassa käytetään kahta numeerista mallia: IL:n SILAMia (System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition) sekä UK Met Officen NAMEa (Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modelling Environment). Näiden lisäksi IL:n rikkidioksidimittausverkostoa käytetään sekä vertailussa satellittiaineiston kanssa että trajektorianalyysissä. Tutkielmassa käytettiin erilaisia lähestymistapoja tuhkan olemassaolon ja määrän selvittämiseen. Minkään yksittäisen mittauksen tai mallin perusteella ei kuitenkaan voida varmasti sanoa, oliko Suomessa vulkaanista tuhkaa vai ei keväällä 2010. Tätä voidaan pitää tutkielman tärkeimpänä johtopäätöksenä. Tulivuorten purkausten havainnoimisessa ja monitoroinnissa onkin tärkeää yhdistää erilaisten mittausten, ja mallien tuloksia ja tarkastella näitä suurena kokonaisuutena.
(2013)The objective of this study was to develop functional method for producing doupled-haploid plants for faba bean. Microspore culture is an advanced method to produce doubled-haploids and it is based on the totipotent nature of plant cells, since even a microspore, which is an immature pollen cell with haploid genome, can develop into a plant. This plant is either haploid or doupled haploid depending on whether there has been chromosome doubling or not and because the chromosomes either do not have pairs or the pairs are pure copies of each other, the plant is completely homozygous. Doubled haploids are already used in breeding programs with several crops such as wheat, barley and oilseed rape. Faba bean is an important legume for food, feed and crop rotation. Together with other legumes it has the potential to replace soybean imports entirely in Finland. Faba bean yield stability and anti-nutritional factors restrain its use and active breeding is required to improve the crop. In Finland, where pea and faba bean are the only grain legumes actively cultivated, the breeding of faba bean has been recently reactivated and its objectives are earliness, higher yield, protein content and improved quality factors. Big bottle neck in faba bean breeding is the creation of pure homozygote lines because the partial cross-breeding in the species sets restrains for the procedure. In this study promising pea and chick pea protocols that were developed in 2009 and an efficient rapeseed protocol were applied with faba bean. The interaction of various stress treatments and two different induction media with five genotypes of faba bean on microspore culture were analysed. Pro-embryos and cell divisions were observed from the cultures. Heat shock was the most effective stress treatment. Effects of density and induction medium were high and cultivar’s low tannin content seemed to impact positively to induction efficiency. These results suggest that for faba bean microspore culture is as suitable method as anther culture is and that there is hope to produce doubled-haploid faba beans in the future.
(2022)Previous studies have demonstrated that legume proteins have high potential to lose their native functional properties during conventional wet fractionation, since heating and drying in the processes can lead to protein aggregation and solubility reduction. However, the effect of this process on faba bean protein has not been investigated thoroughly before, according to the literature review. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of wet fractionation process with and without spray drying on faba bean protein gelling properties. The hypothesis was that protein isolate produced with isoelectric precipitation without spray drying would have better solubility and gelling properties than spray dried isolate. Faba bean protein concentrate (FBPC) was used to prepare faba bean protein isolate with alkaline extraction followed by isoelectric precipitation, which was then dispersed into water and neutralized (faba bean protein slurry, FBPS). Some of FBPS was spray-dried (pilot faba bean protein isolate, FBPI-P). Commercial faba bean protein isolate (FBPI-C) was used as a reference sample. Their (FBPC, FBPS, FBPI-P, FBPI-C) functionality was studied by measuring thermal denaturation (DSC), protein solubility, particle size and light microscope pictures. In addition, glucono delta lactone (GDL) induced oil-in-water emulsion gels were prepared from FBPS, FBPI-P and FBPI-C. Water holding capacity (WHC), rheological and texture properties were measured from the gel samples. Surprisingly the obtained results of faba bean in this study were different from previous research on other legume proteins. It was found that spray-dried FBPI-P showed better gelling properties than wet based FBPS. This might be due to differences in thermal denaturation. Based on DSC curves, FBPI-C was found to be fully denatured and in a poor solubility. Interestingly, GDL-induced gels had strongest gel properties, which might be highly related to industrial manufacturing process of FBPI-C. When considering the theoretical environmental impact of these processes, FBPS could show potential of being more environmentally friendly process, as it could be more energy efficient than processes which require drying and heating. It was demonstrated that FBPS showed almost as good functional properties as the pilot spray-dried isolate. Hence, FBPS could work as functional and more environmentally friendly option for food industry. Future study could be conducted in near future about FBPS safety, technological applications, process optimization and environmental impact.
(2023)The literature review detailed the theoretical background for this study, identified the possibility about development of faba bean protein stabilized emulsion for food products and studied the effect of increased oil addition on the structure of emulsions. The practical work was divided into three parts emulsion analysis, emulsion gel analysis and sensory evaluation. Various research methods were applie d to support this study, including droplet size distribution , droplet charge ζ potential), texture evaluation, and rheological analysis. This study showed that oil addition increased emulsion droplet size, as well as the absolute value of ζ potential . Emulsifying activity index (EAI) and emulsion stability index (ESI) decreased with increasing oil concentration. F aba protein stabilized emulsions were better stabilized by oil addition , compared with those without oil additi on . From texture analysis of gel properties, firmness improved with increasing oil concentrations (0% 30%). In addition, rheolog ical analysis for faba yogurt samples showed that increasing oil concentrations improved the viscosity of the faba yogurt samples. T he results also illustrated that increasing oil concentrations led to increased deformation meaning the emulsion gels were more easily destroyed with increasing oil concentrations (0 30%). Oil addition resulted in higher whiteness when compared with samples without oil. Sensory evaluation by a professional panel for faba yogurt samples indicated that samples with 20% oil concentration w ere the most preferred and had the highest overall quality .
(2016)Hydrogels are promising biomaterials for tissue engineering. Concerning hydrogels chemical structures, the hydrogen bonding towards water makes them hydrophilic compounds. Hydrogels contain 95% ~ 99% water as the swelling agent and have the characteristics of extracellular matrix. Therefore, they are suitable for cell growth and appropriate for forming cell culture. Hydrogels can mimic the cell microenvironments and promote cell differentiation by interactions with cells. Cells can get oxygen, nutrients exchange as well as removal of metabolic waste to live. Hydrogels can be categorized into natural hydrogels, synthetic hydrogels and hybrid hydrogels by sources. Agarose, Collagen and Calcium alginate are the most popular natural hydrogels. Polyethylene (glycol) and its derivative Polyethylene (glycol) Diacrylate (PEGDA) are indispensable synthetic hydrogels. In this thesis, hydrogels are studied for their chemical structure, physical and mechanical properties and gel formation. Typical hydrogels, i.e. agarose, polyethylene (glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA), collagen and calcium alginate, are reviewed for their methodology of formation, mechanical properties and applications. Since hydrogel is a solid containing a given amount of water, it has viscoelasticity. Rheology test mechanism is described for viscoelastic materials. Micropatterning methods of hydrogels are investigated in variety of approaches. How the patterned surfaces affect cell behaviour is discussed in our literature review. From the experimental results, agarose and polyethylene (glycol) diacrylate are successfully fabricated and their micropatterned hydrogels show promising properties. In addition, impact of mechanical properties, such as water diffusion in hydrogels, how temperatures influence hydrogel structures and durability of the structures storage are investigated. Hydrogel viscoelasticities are measured by rheometer. Hydrogels are also tested in chips and cell wells for future cell growth study. Finally, this research has successfully fabricated the 3D micropatterned hydrogels for cell culture.
(2020)Social media and its online communities and various platforms are actively used by hobby craft makers. Previous research has shown, that social media offers its users a place to meet people with similar intrests, an opportunity to share and receive information, and to showcase and receive feedback on their own crafts. Social media is also a place to find new inspiration ja ideas for future craft projects and serves as a virtual diary. The aim of this study was to find out how sewing-focused Facebook groups are used as part of the different stages of the sewing craft process; creating ideas, planning, makeing and evaluation, what kind of information, help or feedback is received from Facebook groups, and how this information is used in the sewing hobby. I was also interested in what kind of things is find to be meaningful in Facebook sewing groups. My research questions are 1) How are sewing-themed Facebook groups used at different stages of the sewing process, and 2) What issues group members find to be important in Facebook sewing groups. The data was collect througe semi-structural online survey, that included a call for volunteers to write about their experiences of how they use facebook groups during their sewing craft process. A link to the survey was shared in five Finnish Facebook sewing groups. There were 73 respondents. The writings were analyzed qualitatively, by means of content analysis. According to the research results, the groups are utilized in different ways in different stages of the sewing process, but the aims behind these different ways are very similar between the different stages: The groups are utilized to support progress in craft process, increase knowledge and as a helpt to clarify vision. In addition, a deliberate retrieval of feedback is identifiable in the evaluation phase. In the sewing groups, it was find to be importat to find new ideas and inspiration, learn new skills and develop oneself, seek information, meet people with similar intrests, and share information and help others.
(2020)Tekoälypohjaisten järjestelmien käyttö on merkittävästi lisääntynyt viime vuosien aikana. Vaikka tekoälypohjaisia järjestelmiä kehitetään ja käytetään perinteisesti yksityisten toimijoiden toimesta, myös viranomaiset ovat alkaneet hyödyntämään tekoälypohjaisia järjestelmiä enenevissä määrin. Samalla, kun näiden järjestelmien käyttöaste kasvaa, on herännyt huoli siitä, kuinka vastuullisesti algoritmit toimivat. Vaikka kasvojentunnistus ei ole uusi ilmiö, on sen käyttö huomattavasti lisääntynyt viime vuosina tekoälypohjaisten algoritmien antamien tehokkuushyötyjen vuoksi. Etenkin rajavalvonnan osa-alueella kasvojentunnistuksen hyödyntämisen merkitys on kasvanut ja sen lisäämisestä keskustellaan laajemmin Euroopan Unionin alueella. Helmikuussa 2020 Euroopan komissio painotti Euroopan digitaalista tulevaisuutta rakentamassa -hankkeen yhteydessä luottamuksen ekosysteemin muodostamista tekoälyn suhteen. Hankkeen taustalla vaikuttaa muun muassa se, että lukuisat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että tekoälyn kehitysprosessin aikana tehtävät toimet vaikuttavat siihen, miten järjestelmä oppii malleja sekä tekee päätöksiä. Tämän osalta etenkin koneoppimista varten tarvittava harjoitusdata määrittelee hyvinkin laajasti sen, miten järjestelmä toimii tulevaisuudessa. Näin ollen huomiota on alettu enenevissä määrin kiinnittää siihen, sisältääkö harjoitusdata mahdollisia piileviä ennakkoasenteita tai muutoin syrjiviä elementtejä. Etenkin kasvojentunnistuksen osalta on käynyt ilmi, että tällaisia elementtejä sisältäviä datasettejä on käytetty kasvojentunnistusjärjestelmien opettamiseen, joka puolestaan on johtanut näiden järjestelmien kykenemättömyyteen tunnistaa esimerkiksi vähemmistöjä. Yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen 35 artiklan perusteella rekisterinpitäjän on ennen henkilötietojen käsittelyä toteutettava arviointi suunniteltujen käsittelytoimien vaikutuksista henkilötietojen suojalle. Vaikutustenarviointi on toteutettava etenkin silloin, jos käsittely todennäköisesti aiheuttaa luonnollisen henkilön oikeuksien ja vapauksien kannalta korkean riskin. Kasvojentunnistuksen käyttäminen rajavalvontatarkoituksiin on korostetun perusoikeusliitännäinen aihealue, joten 35 artiklan vaatimukset mitä todennäköisimmin täyttyvät. Kyseisten vaikutustenarviointien toimivuus on kuitenkin laajasti kyseenalaistettu, ja on esitetty, että algoritmien vaikutustenarviointi pystyisi paremmin arvioimaan tämän tyyppisten käsittelytoimien vaikutuksia. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selventää yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen 35 artiklan perusteella tehtävien vaikutustenarviointien suhdetta algoritmien vaikutustenarviointeihin. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, miten kyseiset arvioinnit eroavat toisistaan ja voidaanko ne katsoa erillisiksi arvioinneiksi, vai ovatko kyseiset vaikutustenarvioinnit läheisesti liitoksissa toisiinsa. Tutkimuskysymyksiä lähestytään lainopillisen metodin näkökulmasta siten, että ensin tarkastellaan kyseisten vaikutustenarviointien normitasoista sääntelyä. Tämän jälkeen tutkielmassa selvitetään, mitä ongelmia yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen 35 artiklan perusteella tehtäviin vaikutustenarviointeihin liittyy ja samalla selvitetään, olisiko algoritmien vaikutustenarviointien lisääminen oikeudelliseen viitekehykseen tärkeää algoritmipohjaisten järjestelmien tuottamien laajojen, yli tietosuojan oikeudenalan menevien vaikutusten arvioimiseksi. Tutkimuskysymyksiä lähestytään rajavalvonnassa käytettävän kasvojentunnistusjärjestelmien näkökannalta, mutta kuitenkin siten, ettei jo olemassa olevia niin sanottuja pelkkiin todentamiseen perustuvia järjestelmiä tarkastella lähempää. Tutkielman tarkoituksena ei ole selventää, milloin kasvojentunnistusta voidaan käyttää rajavalvonnassa, vaan tarkoituksena on arvioida edellä mainittujen vaikutustenarviointien käytön toimivuutta silloin, kun kasvojentunnistusta käytetään. Tutkielman keskeinen johtopäätös on, että yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen tietosuojakeskeinen viitekehys rajoittaa tietosuojaa koskevien vaikutustenarviointien laajuutta siten, että 35 artiklan perusteella tehtävät vaikutustenarvioinnit ovat kykenemättömiä arvioimaan rajavalvonnassa käytettävien kasvojentunnistusjärjestelmien aiheuttamia vaikutuksia. Tämän pohjalta tutkielmassa suositellaan, että algoritmien vaikutustenarviointi tulisi saattaa osaksi tekoälypohjaisia järjestelmiä koskevaa oikeudellista viitekehystä.
(2023)Despite that curiosity is beneficial for learning, researchers found that it is declining among adolescents. The aim of this thesis is to identify the prominent environment facilitators for youths’ curiosity from an Ecological perspective that includes both family and school. To further understand the developmental effects, two age cohorts (10-year-old and 15-year-old) were compared. In total, 5482 Finnish students (3034 aged 10, 2448 aged 15) from the OECD Survey on Social-emotional Skills were chosen and their family and school factors related to basic psychological needs were surveyed (autonomy, competence, relatedness). Using Complex Two-level Hierarchical Linear Modeling, results demonstrated that (1) parents’ criterion-referenced evaluation, relations with both parents and teachers were associated with youths’ curiosity, whereas autonomy support was not; (2) parents’ criterion-referenced evaluation played the primary role in younger youths’ curiosity, but its effect was much smaller in the elder cohort; and (3) relations with teachers was a vital driving factor for elder youths’ curiosity, though its effect was weaker on the younger. Findings extend the literature by identifying the prominent need-based supporting factors in different age periods for youths’ curiosity facilitation.
(2013)The World Trade Organization (WTO), established in 1994, has been criticized for not sufficiently accommodating other values of international law such as the environment or human rights. This study examines interaction and possible collisions between the WTO and other special regimes of international law from the viewpoint of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Both normative and jurisdictional conflicts are studied. The purpose is to analyze the means available in international law to solve these conflicts and whether they actually are working. There is no hierarchy between international tribunals and no codified rules on how to solve conflicts of jurisdiction. Treaty clauses may be of some help, but often the clauses are too vague to offer any guidance in practical situations. Traditional principles governing jurisdiction, such as res judicata and lis pendens, might solve conflicts inside one regime, but they seem to work poorly in conflicts of jurisdiction between different special regimes. Parallel proceedings can be avoided if one of the tribunals shows deference to the other, or if the parties manage to agree on the relevant tribunal. Paradoxically, politics and diplomacy seems to play an important role in solving conflicts of jurisdiction between international tribunals. Normative conflicts can be defined either narrowly or broadly. This study advocates a broad definition of conflict in order to realize conflicts between obligations and permissions, and to avoid solving conflicts by merely defining them narrowly. Conflicts can be avoided through interpretation in the light of other rules of international law applicable between the parties, also known as systemic integration. Systemic integration could be especially useful in smoothing friction in the interaction between the WTO and other special regimes. However, so far the WTO panels and the Appellate Body have not made use of systemic integration to the extent possible. Actual conflict rules become necessary when interpretation fails in providing harmony between two conflicting norms. It is concluded that conflict rules, such as lex posterior and lex specialis, can be of use when solving conflicts inside one regime, but their applicability to conflicts between special regimes is problematic. Possible conflicts between peremptory norms and WTO law are also discussed. It is concluded that solving jurisdictional and normative conflicts has more to do with political decision-making than with the application of legal rules. It is suggested that the interaction between the WTO and other special regimes could further be enhanced by a broad definition of conflict and the utilization of systemic integration to its full extent.
(2017)From the perspective of symbolic interactionism gender identities are negotiated in interaction. This study illustrates how transgender individuals negotiate on their gender identities in everyday interaction. The emergence of communication and interaction technologies and development of various online settings provide essential and unique contexts for these ongoing identity negotiations. This study focuses on how transgender individuals negotiate on gender identities in offline and online settings. As minority identities and online settings relate closely tor regulating privacy, special attention is directed to the relation of identity negotiation and privacy. This study is based on semi-structured intensive interviews of ten Finnish self-identified transgenders. The interviewees self-identified as transfeminines, transmasculines and non-binary and their ages ranged from 26 to over 60 years. Interview data is analysed with constructivist grounded theory analysis. The findings highlight the importance of online settings for gender minorities as it provides necessary privacy, tools to control interaction and presentation of “authentic self”. The automated face-recognition, friend recommendation systems in online settings and fear of confrontation in offline settings complicated the efforts to control interaction and presentation of self. This resulted continuous balancing between strategies to protect and disclose in order to construct a desired identity. These findings portray the relation of safe environments, personal control and identity negotiation. The findings suggest that individual´s identity negotiations are bounded in situations and contexts. It was discovered that online and offline contexts set various and differing boundaries and possibilities for identity negotiations. Online and offline settings are interwoven entities where transgenders manoeuvre flexibly to express themselves while protecting their safety and privacy.
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