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Now showing items 7569-7588 of 33005
(2020)Subsurface sediments were investigated by radar acquisition campaigns and sedimentological investigations in Kersilö area, Sodankylä, central Finnish Lapland, in order to provide information about the sedimentology and stratigraphy of the area, and to construct the succession of events related to the glacial and postglacial development of the subsurface sediments. The study area covers an about 150 km2 area around Kitinen river. The subsurface is controlled by unconsolidated coarse-grained sediments with a mean grain-size ranging from sand to gravel. Typical thickness of the overburden varies from 5 to 15 metres, exceeding 20 metres in places. Eastern part of the study area is covered by Holocene peat of Viiankiaapa mire, underlain by clastic sorted sediments and till. Eastern river bank is characterized by sorted sediments interpreted to represent an ancient braided-river environment. Western side of the river presents extensive sorted sediment deposits, interpreted to represent extramarginal-outwash and braided-river sediments. Till beds are more dominant in the western side of the river. Stratigraphy of the Kärväsniemi test site comprises three sandy till beds, estimated to represent Early, Middle and Late Weichselian glaciations. The till units are interbedded by more sorted fluvial sediments, estimated to have Early and Middle Weichselian and Holocene origin. Absolute age determinations from the middle sorted sediment assemblage suggests Odderade Interstadial between the Early and Middle Weichselian glaciations. Ground penetrating radar, utilising 50 MHz and 100 MHz antennas, proves its suitability for investigation of fluvial deposits of a proglacial environment, with abundant coarse-grained sediments. Quality of the data enables identification of lithological interfaces within and between sediment units. Seven radar facies and facies associations are identified, and classified as organic, glacial and fluvial sediments. Fluvial sediments include five radar facies and facies associations characteristic of fluvial deposits. The sediments indicate a succession where glacial deposits alternate with fluvial sorted sediments indicating ice-free events. Fluvial activity is estimated to have been repetitious and especially intensive during the last deglaciation, possibly causing partial erosion of the till beds. Formation of organic peat started in the area after the final retreat of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Clastic surface sediments indicating deglacial to Holocene origin have experienced partial reworking by wind and floodwaters.
(2022)Northern peatlands store approximately one-third of total global terrestrial carbon (C). These peatlands were partly drained for agriculture and forestry. In drained peatland forest, beside tree stands, ground vegetation is another relevant component concerning C fluxes between the land and the atmosphere. Thus, to explore ground vegetation gross primary production (GPPGV) dynamics, its affecting factors, and impacts of the partial harvest; forest floor net exchange (NEFF) and respiration (RFF) were measured on an hourly interval with an automated closed flux chamber method were analysed. These measurements were conducted in a forestry drained peatland before (pre-harvest, 2013 – 2015) and after (post-harvest, 2016 – 2017) the partial harvest and a control area (2015 – 2017) located in southern Finland. The results showed a similar diurnal pattern of GPPGV in all three scenarios yet, with a considerably varying magnitude between these scenarios. An 83% increase in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was observed in 2016 followed by the harvest event. However, a markedly higher GPPGV was obtained in the year 2017 (139.04 mg CO2 m-2 h-1) a year after the partial harvest compared to the year 2016 (42.82 mg CO2 m-2 h-1), thereby indicating a delaying effect of partial harvest induced changes on productivity. A linear mixed effect model with fixed effects of treatment (control and partial harvest) and random effects of chambers further supported this result with a significant effect of partial harvest on GPPGV in 2017 as compared to 2016. Further, a strong positive correlation was found between the daily mean GPPGV and PAR. Additionally, types of vegetation and its share of projection cover (PC) also explained GPPGV variations between flux chambers. An increase in GPPGV after the partial harvest event showed that the ground vegetation can play a considerable role in the C cycle of a managed drained peatland forest beside tree stands. As expected, after the partial harvest more lights reached the ground layer altering productivity. Besides light availability, productivity also depends on the types and phenology of inhabiting vegetation. Thus, exploration and realization of the response of ground vegetation to the partial harvest induced changes may contribute to our understanding of natural regeneration and system recovery processes.
(2015)Bedrock fracturing is considerably extensive and distinct in Finland, and the fractures that are open, conductive and interconnected usually control the groundwater flow paths in fractured bedrock. This highlights the importance of knowing the locations and hydraulic connections of water conducting fracture zones particularly in mining areas, because they can transport adverse substances outside the mining area. In this study, it is focused on examining possible hydraulic connections of bedrock groundwater by using the stable isotopes of oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H). The study was carried out in the Talvivaara mining area in Northeastern Finland alongside a project from the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK). After November 2012, when a leakage of acidic, metal-containing waste water occurred in the gypsum ponds, there was an urgent need to study the groundwater transport routes in the bedrock fractures. The aim was to find hydraulic connections between surface water and groundwater, and to study the flow of the groundwater in the fracture zones based on the different isotopic characteristics of waters from different sources and isotopic similarities. Most of the materials used in this study were obtained from the results of the project from the GTK. These materials included geophysical interpretations of the locations and water content of the main fracture zones and the results from the geochemical analyzes. Together with the interpretations of groundwater flow direction based on hydraulic heads these materials formed a frame for this study. The isotope composition of 39 water samples from bedrock wells, shallow wells and surface water was analyzed using cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) method. The surface waters were clearly distinguished based on their evident evaporation signal, but no significant such a signal was observed in the bedrock and shallow groundwaters. However, similarities between groundwater from different depths of same well were found, in addition to similarities between different wells along same fracture zones. Although the isotopes did not indicate surface water contamination, groundwater contamination with smaller amounts of water is possible, in which case the changes in isotope composition are not yet significant, while certain elements have elevated concentrations. A NE-SW oriented fracture zone passing in the center of the study area was concluded to have the most important role in collecting and transporting groundwater outside the mining area. More detailed interpretations would require regular sampling for a longer period of time to better distinguish naturally and artificially induced changes both in the isotopic but also geochemical compositions. Also the usage of packer tests possibly together with pumping tests would be useful in obtaining more comprehensive image of the groundwater flow in the fracture zones and their hydraulic connections.
(2015)This master’s thesis examines the new group coordination proceedings established in the renewed EU Insolvency Regulation (the Recast Regulation). The theme of this thesis as such is not new, as coordination of insolvency proceedings has been studied both in national and international levels. However, for the first time it is possible to study an actual solution for coordination of insolvency proceedings of multinational groups of companies, as the European Union tries to solve the problems of group insolvency by establishing rules for coordination of insolvency proceedings. This thesis aims to answer the following ostensibly simple question: what are group coordination proceedings? Because the rules concerning group coordination proceedings are so new, this kind of basic research conducted in this thesis is in order, especially as there is no knowledge on how the group coordination proceedings work in real-life and there is no case law that would demonstrate how the rules concerning the group coordination proceedings should be interpreted. As for the relevant theoretical framework, this thesis provides analysis on the definition of a group of companies in the context of the Recast Regulation. Furthermore, the separate legal nature of group members shall be discussed and the opposing theories, the theory of legal separateness and the theory of unification shall be examined. In addition, the cross-border aspect of the thesis shall be investigated as well as different ways to coordinate insolvency proceedings opened in respect of different group members. In the thesis, these different ways are divided into three different categories: coordinated cooperation, joint administration and substantive consolidation. The chapters before the conclusions are dedicated to the specific rules concerning group coordination proceedings. Thus, opening of the group coordination proceedings as well as the tasks of the coordinator shall be discussed. Not all the problematics shall be introduced as the length of the thesis is quite limited. The aim has been to highlight the most important problematics. It is concluded that the theory of legal separateness presents itself extremely well in the group coordination proceedings, thus it is clear that the theory is followed almost to the letter. As for the group coordination proceedings as a whole, it is suitable only to large insolvency cases where to costs of the coordination can be taken care of. In addition, the choice of an outside coordinator is probably not the best solution, as it takes time for the coordinator to get to know all the relevant proceedings. On the other hand, interests of conflicts are avoided better by choosing an outsider to act as the coordinator. However, the group coordination proceedings do not necessarily lead to efficient and effective coordination of insolvency proceedings opened in respect of group members. In conclusion, the concept of the group coordination proceedings is a beautiful idea, but the situations where such coordination is used are more of an exception than a rule.
(2013)Street children´s life situations have received a lot of attention both in the media and in research in the recent years. In the literature street children are often defined as being under the age of 18. In this thesis, the focus group is the street youth, meaning the adolescents and young adults who either live full-time in the streets or are otherwise strongly connected with the street life. The research interest was to study how poverty is present in the lives of the street youth, and how their experiences of poverty in the streets and their own agency change when they grow older. A further interest was to find out how street life enables transition into adult roles in the society. The theoretical background of the thesis consists of introducing the discussion of structure and agency in social sciences as a way to understand the social life, then introducing the relevant concepts of poverty and social exclusion. Poverty in this thesis is understood in its widest sense, as Amartya Sen has defined it: deprivations of basic capacities that a person has to live the kind of life he or she has a reason to value. Also, the contemporary research on street children is introduced, where the agency perspective has gained space. The thesis also takes a look at some situational factors of the case study country Zambia, which affect the lives of the country’s vulnerable children and youth. This thesis is an ethnographic research consisting of two field work periods in Zambia’s capital city Lusaka. These field work periods took place in July-August 2011 and 2012 in an organization working with street children and youth. The informants were a heterogeneous group of street youth, aged between 14 and 28 and connected to the street life from different positions. The data consists of field notes and 33 recorded interviews with the informants. The results show that most of the street youth expressed reluctance towards their current life in the streets with little prospects for change. Income-wise their poverty seemed to vary, but the money was spent to meet one’s instant needs. Poverty was further expressed in terms of experienced public disrespect and vulnerability to violence and abuse by other street youth as well as police authorities. It also meant remoteness and mistrust in one’s social relationships. Poverty in the streets caused dependency of substances leading to decreased ability to take care of oneself as well as violent behavior. Growing older in the streets seemed to bring increased feelings of wasted years and frustration in one’s life situation, which was in contrast to adult roles in the society. Prolonged street life brought a risk of adopting illegal means and violent and harmful conduct. However, this was not necessarily so, and some of the youth had taken distance to the street life abandoned many of their earlier street behaviors. As chances for employment were small, they were, however, still stuck in the streets to earn living.
(2019)Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee Kiinaa ja sen rooleja Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien (YK) turvallisuusneuvostossa, erityisesti Pohjois-Koreaan liittyen. Tutkielman teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii kansainvälisen politiikan rooliteoria. Rooliteoriassa valtioilla nähdään olevan erilaisia rooleja, jotka vaikuttavat valtioiden toimintaan kansainvälisessä järjestelmässä. Rooliteoria analysoi sitä, miten poliittiset päätöksentekijät näkevät edustamansa valtion aseman, velvollisuudet ja normit suhteessa muihin kansainvälisen järjestelmän toimijoihin. Nämä kansalliset roolikäsitykset määrittelevät valtion ulkopoliittista toimintaa. Valtion kansallinen roolikäsitys muotoutuu sen omien normien ja odotusten sekä muiden toimijoiden odotusten vuorovaikutuksessa. Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee sitä, miten rooliteoriaa voidaan käyttää Kiinan ulkopoliittisen identiteetin analysoimiseksi, sekä sitä, millaisia rooleja Kiina näkee itsellään YK:n turvallisuusneuvostossa Pohjois-Koreaan liittyen ja miten Kiina rakentaa näitä rooleja puheissa ja lausunnoissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa Kiinan rooleja tarkastellaan analysoimalla Kiinan edustajien puheita YK:n turvallisuusneuvostossa liittyen Pohjois-Korean ydinaseohjelmaan sekä ihmisoikeustilanteeseen. Ajallisesti tutkimus on rajattu vuosien 2012–2017 välille, kattaen Kiinan presidentti Xi Jinpingin ensimmäisen kauden maan johdossa. Aineiston analyysi toteutetaan laadullisena sisällönanalyysinä, yhdistäen teoria- ja aineistolähtöistä analyysiä. Aineiston analyysi osoittaa Kiinalla olevan YK:n turvallisuusneuvostossa kolme selvästi erottuvaa roolia Pohjois-Koreaan liittyen. Nämä roolit ovat multilateralismin puolustaja, pasifisti ja uhri. Kiina rakentaa näitä rooleja monin eri tavoin. Kiina korostaa rooliaan multilateralismin puolustajana alleviivaamalla monenkeskisten neuvotteluiden tärkeyttä ratkaisukeinona Pohjois-Korean ydinaseohjelman luomaan uhkaan. Kiina painottaa myös yhteistyötä ja pitää tärkeänä, että kaikkien osapuolten turvallisuus ja etu otetaan huomioon. Kiina rakentaa multilateralismin puolustajan roolia myös painottamalla YK:n periaatteiden ja auktoriteetin merkitystä. Pasifistin roolia Kiina rakentaa vaatimalla aktiivisesti rauhaa Korean niemimaalle sekä kritisoimalla eri osapuolten toimia, joiden se näkee kasvattavan jännitteitä alueella. Kiina myös vaatii loppua kovalle retoriikalle sekä pyrkii muistuttamaan uhkista, joita tilanteen kiristyminen tuo mukanaan. Kiinan kolmas, uhrin rooli rakentuu vastauksena muiden toimijoiden odotuksiin Kiinan toimintaa kohtaan. Kiina rakentaa uhrin roolia korostamalla muiden välttelevän vastuuta ja odottavan Kiinan yksin ratkaisevan Pohjois-Korean luoman haasteen. Se kokee, että muiden odotukset ovat suhteettomia verrattuna maan kykyihin. Kiina rakentaa uhrin roolia myös nostamalla esiin, kuinka paljon se on jo tehnyt Korean niemimaan suhteen. Kiinan kolme roolia linkittyvät laajemmin sen aseman muutokseen kansainvälisessä järjestelmässä ja tämän muutoksen seurauksiin, sekä Kiinan pyrkimykseen osoittaa maan olevan vastuullinen toimija. Samalla roolit heijastelevat Kiinan perinteisiä ulkopolitiikan periaatteita ja tukevat maan tavoitteita Korean niemimaan suhteen.
(2020)This Master’s thesis is a pilot study that seeks to make a novel contribution to the existing academic literature on how whiteness operates in Denmark. This study is guided by two research questions: How do white Danish university students narrate growing up white in Denmark, and what meanings do they attach to being racially aware, and to being white? Through semi structured interviews with 5 white Danes age 23 to 28, this study reveals how the internalized whiteness and racial exceptionalism of these five white Danes is rooted in their socialisation and how it manifests itself in their lives, both personally, academically and politically. A thematic analysis of the data is carried out in order to uncover underlying meanings of how the interview participants narrate their whiteness. As in Denmark (and globally), whiteness marks itself as being the unmarked norm, the analysis will be theoretically underpinned by the critical whiteness approach. Five themes are identified, and the interview data is used to critically reflect on and explore the aspects and dynamics of Danish society that, both implicitly and explicitly, contributes to whiteness remaining normative and unmarked at the same time. This study ends by concluding that in order to truly uncover the nuances of how whiteness manifests itself in Danish society, more research is needed. It also concludes that the participants narrate their whiteness as something deeply rooted and ingrained in the socialisation they have gone through and the national narratives that Denmark brands itself on, such as the idea of (racial) exceptionalism, hygge and colonial innocence.
(2016)In this study, I analyze trade between two growing countries. One of them is technologically more advanced (technological leader), while the other is technologically behind (technological follower), but owns a significant resource bounty. The follower uses natural resources as an input and sells its output to the advanced country which produces consumption goods for both countries. What happens, if these countries integrate by trade. In this study, I prove the existence of stable and sustainable growth paths. I examine economic growth which is mutually beneficial for both leader and follower. I also explore how to generate an economic growth without exhausting a resource bounty of the follower country, but how to use trade as a channel for technology diffusion from a technological leader country. Ultimately, I examine, what happens if there is an asymmetry in the world market: when one country has resources, while other one has better technologies. So, the objective of this work is to find out how will these different economies cooperate, trade and integrate with each other. Deliberations here are accompanied by two models of technological innovation through trade and trade with environmental constraints. Calculating these scenarios through, I came to conditions under which there is a distinct possibility of gaining a unique steady-state equilibrium. These two models persuasively show that there is a way which allows two countries grow together but not exhaust their resource bounty at the same time. If two countries follow these conditions intently and firmly, then their consumption, output and natural resource price grow, while the resource stock hover around the same rate as it used to be. I came to an inevitable conclusion: the bigger an economy of technological follower is the more it is able to switch from developing its own independent research and development sector to a technology diffusion through trade approach and vice versa. It is also possible to say that the wealth benefits more in large country if it has a domestic innovation sector. This ultimately means that in a big country a resource bounty is definitely a blessing rather than a curse. Resource richness supports investments in research and development sector in a big open economy.
(2019)This thesis provides an analysis of Growth Optimal Portfolio (GOP) in discrete time. Growth Optimal Portfolio is a portfolio optimization method that aims to maximize expected long-term growth. One of the main properties of GOP is that, as time horizon increases, it outperforms all other trading strategies almost surely. Therefore, when compared with the other common methods of portfolio construction, GOP performs well in the long-term but might provide riskier allocations in the short-term. The first half of the thesis considers GOP from a theoretical perspective. Connections to the other concepts (numeraire portfolio, arbitrage freedom) are examined and derivations of optimal properties are given. Several examples where GOP has explicit solutions are provided and sufficiency and necessity conditions for growth optimality are derived. Yet, the main focus of this thesis is on the practical aspects of GOP construction. The iterative algorithm for finding GOP weights in the case of independently log-normally distributed growth rates of underlying assets is proposed. Following that, the algorithm is extended to the case with non-diagonal covariance structure and the case with the presence of a risk-free asset on the market. Finally, it is shown how GOP can be implemented as a trading strategy on the market when underlying assets are modelled by ARMA or VAR models. The simulations with assets from the real market are provided for the time period 2014-2019. Overall, a practical step-by-step procedure for constructing GOP strategies with data from the real market is developed. Given the simplicity of the procedure and appealing properties of GOP, it can be used in practice as well as other common models such as Markowitz or Black-Litterman model for constructing portfolios.
(2015)I avhandlingen undersöks de grundlagsenliga språkliga rättigheterna utgående från den statliga regionförvaltningsreformen. Först undersöks de grundlagsenliga språkliga rättigheterna på ett teoretiskt plan med utgångspunkt i grundlagens 17 § om rätten till eget språk och grundlagens 122 § om administrativ indelning. Därefter belyses rättigheterna utgående från ett konkret exempel; den statliga regionförvaltningsreformen. Den teoretiska referensramen med utgångspunkt i grundlagen och dess bestämmelser om språkliga rättigheter kompletteras med en översyn av den folkrättsliga inramningen av språkliga rättigheter på basen av de internationella konventioner som Finland förbundit sig till. Vidare redogörs för grundlagsprövning i lagstiftningsarbetet samt utreds vilka möjligheterna är för att anföra besvär över förvaltningsindelning. Den teoretiska referensramen speglas i ljuset av ett konkret exempel, nämligen den statliga regionförvaltningsreformen. Reformen genomfördes under Vanhanens II regering och är ett intressant exempel i och med att den kom att gå igenom nästan alla stadier som är möjliga för förhandskontroll av grundlagsenlighet. I och med att de språkliga rättigheterna testades i förhållande till ändamålsenlig administrativ indelning i ett flertal instanser för grundlagskontroll redogörs det relativt detaljerat för reformen.
(2016)Goal. The purpose of this study was to investigate school teachers' experience of stuttering and students who stutter. The goal was to identify school teachers' knowledge about stuttering and the characteristics of stuttering. The purpose was also to investigate what kind of knowledge school teachers feel they need about stuttering. School teachers' awareness of stuttering has only received little attention in the field of logopedics. Researchers have emphasized the teacher's important role in school children who stutter, but previous research findings have shown that teachers have a defective knowledge about stuttering. School teachers' experience of stuttering and students who stutter has not, as been claimed, been investigated in Finland before. The goal of this study is to identify school teachers' experience of stuttering and students who stutter. Method. This was a quantitative survey. All principals in the Swedish speaking primary schools in Helsinki and Espoo were contacted and asked to forward an email with a link to a questionnaire to primary school teachers in the schools. E-questionnaire reached an estimated 400 primary school teachers. A total of 40 primary school teachers participated in the survey. Responses were analyzed by suitable quantitative analytical methods. The open questions were analyzed by using appropriate qualitative methods. Results and reflection. Over half of the teachers indicated that they had no knowledge of stuttering from the past. Half of the teachers assessed their knowledge of stuttering to be poor. Majority of the respondents reported that their current knowledge of the underlying cause was poor and consequently stuttering characteristics seemed to be unfamiliar to many. Only a fraction knew the different strategies they could use in the classroom with a student who stuttered. There seems to be a need to inform and educate primary school teachers on stuttering, to improve school teachers' knowledge about stuttering and inform them about how best to respond, assist and support students who stutter in the classroom setting.
(2018)G-streptokokkeja kuuluu pääasiassa kolmeen streptokokkilajiin [1, 9, 20, 25], jotka ovat fysiologisilta ja geneettisiltä ominaisuuksiltaan sekä taudinaiheuttamiskyvyltään toisistaan poikkeavia [9, 12, 15, 20, 21, 27, 33]. Näistä erityisesti yksi, Streptococcus dysgalactiae alalaji equisimilis (SDSE), on noussut ihmisen merkittäväksi taudinaiheuttajaksi viimeisen kolmen vuosikymmenen aikana [22, 48, 64, 65]. Erityisesti SDSE:n aiheuttamien ihon ja ihonalaiskudosten tulehduksien esiintyvyys on kasvanut voimakkaasti [53]. Epidemiologiset havainnot SDSE-infektioiden esiintyvyyden kasvusta ovat johtaneet molekyyligeneettisiin tutkimuksiin lajin ominaisuuksista, niiden alkuperästä sekä yhteydestä taudinaiheuttamiskykyyn [20, 34, 43, 46, 50, 55]. Vakuuttavimmat todisteet on kerätty SDSE:n ja sen lähisukulaisen, vakavan taudinaiheuttajan, Streptococcus pyogeneksen eli A-streptokokin välisestä geneettisen materiaalin siirrosta, mikä on mahdollistanut SDSE:n nousun kyvykkääksi taudinaiheuttajaksi A-streptokokin rinnalle [15, 17, 18, 33, 38, 46, 52, 63]. Lisäksi Streptococcus pyogeneksen diagnostiikkaan nykyään tarjolla olevat antigeenin osoitustekniikkaa hyödyntävät pikatestit rajoittavat yhtä lailla oireisten SDSE-infektioiden tunnistamista ja hoitamista [15, 36, 65, 78, 79, 80]. Edeltävät seikat ovat luoneet G-streptokokin osalta tarpeen uusien, nopeampien diagnostisten menetelmien kehittämiselle perinteisen bakteeriviljelyn lisäksi [78, 79, 81, 82]. Tutkimuksessa keräsimme sadanviidenkymmenen bakteerikannan aineiston, joka sisälsi sekä nielu- että veriviljelyistä eristettyjä suuripesäkkeisiä beeta- eli täyshemolyyttisiä G-streptokokkeja. Kantojen deoksiribonukleiinihappo eli DNA eristettiin, puhdistettiin ja yhdisteltiin näytekokonaisuuksiksi geenimonistusta eli -sekvenointia varten. Käytettyjen menetelmien toimivuutta arvioitiin jatkuvasti kokeellisen osuuden aikana, ja epäpuhtaat sekä riittämättömät näytteet hylättiin yhdistelmäsekvenoinnista. Kuten tavoitteena oli, geeni-informaatiosta löydettiin eri kannoissa yleisiä, mahdollisimman vähän muuntelua sisältäviä alueita tulevaisuuden diagnostisia tutkimuksia varten. (185 sanaa)
(2012)Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan grynderiurakoinnin vastuujärjestelmän kehitystä instituution synnystä aina nykyaikaan asti. Grynderiurakointi on kehittynyt Suomessa itsekseen, eikä ulkoisen vallan tai ulkomailta kopioidun sääntelymallin kautta. Lisäksi rakennusalalla vallitseva käytäntö on muokannut järjestelmää omaan suuntaansa. Grynderiurakoitsijoista on kehityksen myötä käytetty eri nimikkeitä, kuten Gründer, perustajaurakoitsija, perustajaosakas ja asunnontuottaja. Tutkielman näkökulma on erityisesti oppihistoriallinen. Lisäksi huomiota kiinnitetään osakkeenostajan aseman kehitykseen. Työn alussa tarkastellaan grynderiurakoinnin alkua ja niitä syitä, jonka takia järjestelmä kehittyi sellaiseksi kuin se on. Sittemmin RS-järjestelmällä pyrittiin paikkaamaan toiminnassa ilmenneitä väärinkäytöksiä ja parantamaan asunto-osakkeenostajan asemaa. 1980-luvulla oikeuskäytännössä ja oikeustieteessä kehitettiin oppi grynderivastuusta, jonka perusteella grynderiurakoitsijaa arvosteltiin ankarammin edellytyksin kuin normaaliurakoitsijaa. 1990-luvulla sopimusperusteinen itsesäätely korvattiin asuntokauppalain mukaisella lakiperusteisella suojajärjestelmällä. Lainsäädännön valmistelussa hyödynnettiin kokemuksia RS-järjestelmästä ja oikeuskäytännössä vakiintuneesta linjasta. Tutkielman lopuksi esitetään lyhyt yhteenveto kehityksen yleispiirteistä ja esitetään muutamia huomioita grynderiurakoinnin nykytilasta mielenkiintoisimpine oikeuskysymyksineen. Työssä ei käsitellä perustajarakennuttamista eikä valtion lainoittamaa arava-tuotantoa.
(2024)There is a significant increase of basic education students that speak language other than Finnish, Swedish and Sami. This has increased the number of students attending Finnish as a second language classes (FSL). The discussion is mainly surrounded around the teachers and how they see FSL from their perspective, however, the guardian’s perspective is far less researched. This thesis aims to study and examine the guardian’s perspective of the FSL classes, and the guardian-classroom teacher relationship found in the context of FSL. This research seeks to understand the guardian’s perspective on FSL as they are a vital factor in the student’s education, since guardians have a long-lasting effect in their child's school career. This research is a qualitative study, and the data collection was done using a semi-structured interview method. Altogether six interviews were conducted for this thesis. The interviewees were guardians of primary school students who were studying FSL either during the time of the interviews or had studied FSL in the earlier semester. The data analysing method utilized in this study was the discourse analysis method. The results of the study demonstrated that all the interviewed guardians could name a reason for their child’s attendance in FSL-classes. However, it was mostly based on guardians’ assumptions, as the reasons behind for their child attending FSL-classes, in most cases, was not communicated by the school. Furthermore, there was not much discussion or communication between the guardians and the classroom teacher. It was also found that the guardians raised concerns over FSL-classes possibly hindering their child’s learning. Especially, factors such as lack of resources regarding FSL, weak justification when placing children in FSL classes, and the possibility of the child receiving sub-par teaching, was a source of worry for the guardians. In conclusion the study presented the need for more in-depth research of FSL especially on a national level. There needs to be more concentration on the guardian’s perspective as they are the ones that decides if the student attends FSL-classes. Also there needs to be more in-depth research on the communication between the guardians and the classroom teacher, as the classroom teacher is the one who’s mostly in contact with the guardians, during the primary school years.
(2014)Tutkielmani käsittelee keväällä 2012 Helsingin Sanomissa (HS) käytyä keskustelua Guggenheim Helsinki -taidemuseohankkeesta. 10.1.2012 julkaistiin Guggenheim Helsinki: konsepti- ja kehitysselvitys, jonka oli tilannut Solomon R. Guggenheimin säätiö. Raportissa kuvaillaan suomalaista ja erityisesti helsinkiläistä taide-elämää ja todetaan, että Helsingistä puuttuu kansainvälistä modernia taidetta esittelevä museo. Guggenheim Helsinki -museosta on raportissa kolme eri kävijämääräskenaarioita, joista keskimmäinen nousi julkiseen keskusteluun. Raportissa uskotaan vahvasti siihen, että Guggenheim Helsinki houkuttelee kaupunkiin lisää turisteja, elävöittää matkailuelinkeinoa ja tuo vireyttä suomalaiseen taide-elämään. Museo kuvataan keinona parantaa Helsingin asemaa kaupunkien keskinäisessä globaalissa kilpailussa. Tarkastelen raportin julkistamisesta alkanutta keskustelua, joka oli erittäin kiivasta. Tutkielmassani on mukana 181 Helsingin Sanomissa ajalla 2.1.2012–14.5.2012 julkaistua tekstiä, joista puolet on mielipidekirjoituksia. Näkökulmani teksteihin on se, miten eri kirjoittajat tai artikkelien haastateltavat näkevät Helsingin paikkana? Millaisia käsityksiä heillä on tilasta ja miten paikan identiteetti ymmärretään? Tämän lisäksi arvioin tekstien valossa sitä, kenellä on valta eri ryhmien näkökulmasta ja miten kirjoittajat ja haastateltavat suhtautuvat paikan prosessinomaisuuteen, siihen kohdistuviin muutospaineisiin? Teoreettisena pohjana on Doreen Masseyn aika-tila-käsitepari. Arvioinnin avuksi olen hahmottanut teksteistä viisi eri toimijaryhmää, verkostoa, joiden kautta kuvaan tutkimuskysymyksiäni. Ryhmien valta suhteessa tilaan on erilaista, kuten myös niiden keinot kyseenalaistaa toisten valtaa. Nämä ryhmät ovat: talouden ja politiikan raskaan sarjan vaikuttajat, Helsingin kaupungin viranhaltijat, kaupungin poliittiset päätöksentekijät, taidemaailman vaikuttajat ja kaupunkilaiset. Näiden lisäksi arvioin myös Helsingin Sanomien pääkirjoitustoimituksen kuvaa Helsingistä paikkana. Kaksi ensimmäistä kuukautta keskustelu liittyi selvitysraporttiin, kuten onko kävijämääräarvio realistinen ja osataanko vastaava museo tehdä itse. Maaliskuun alussa teksteissä käsiteltiin valtaan liittyviä teemoja, kuten millaista “peliä” Guggenheimiin liittyy. Museohanketta tukeneet talouden ja politiikan raskaan sarjan vaikuttajat liikkuvat aika-tila-tiivistymässä ja hyötyvät siitä. Tämän liikkuvuuden he uskovat hyödyttävän koko yhteiskuntaa. Vaikuttajat tarkastelevat museohanketta makrotasolta. Jos museo ei etene, voidaan elinkeinopolitiikkaa hoitaa jollain toisella projektilla. Keskeistä on se, kuinka Helsinki pärjää globaalissa kaupunkien kilpailussa ja tätä voidaan tukea ns. paikkojen politiikalla, eli rakentamalla kiinnostavaa kaupunkiympäristöä luovissa palvelu-ammateissa toimiville. Vetovoimainen kaupunki houkuttelee myös kansainvälisiä yrityksiä perustamaan toimistojaan. Helsingin kaupungin viranhaltijat näkyvät teksteissä lähinnä päätöksenteon luovijoina. Jos yksi keino ei edistä asiaa, etsitään toinen tapa. Kaupungin poliittiset päätöksentekijät taas jakautuvat selkeästi eri leireihin: museohankkeen puolustajiin ja vastustajiin. Pääosin tätä ryhmää leimaa kuitenkin passiivisuus: pitkin kevättä he kertovat yhä odottavansa lisätietoa kaupungin johdolta. Päätöksentekoa ohjaavat myös valtakamppailut. Kaupunkilaiset eivät näe museohankkeessa juurikaan hyötyjä, joitain yksittäisiä poikkeuksia lukuun ottamatta. He arvioivat museon tarpeellisuutta suhteessa peruspalvelujen säästöihin ja puolustautuvat voimakkaasti tilaa uhkaavalta muutokselta: turisteja ja museoita on jo nyt liikaa. Vahvaa paikan tuntua kaivataan. Taidemaailma on huolissaan omien instituutioidensa rahoituksesta ja vaikutusvallasta. Tämä ryhmä puhuu myös ristiriitaisimmin: toisaalta vakuutetaan omasta kyvystä hallita aika-tila-tiivistymää, mutta samaan aikaan puolustaudutaan ja kaivataan vahvaa paikan tuntua. Ulkopuoliset koetaan tunkeutujina omaksi koettuun tilaan, eikä oman tilan resursseja haluta luovuttaa vieraille. Poikkeuksen tähän puheeseen tuo Checkpoint Helsinki -hanke, mutta sen näkökulmat hautautuvat nopeasti kiistelevien osapuolten jalkoihin. Helsingin Sanomien pääkirjoitukset myötäilevät kaupungin kehittäimistarvetta investointien houkuttelemiseksi. Keskustelua käydään hyvin erilaisten ”karttojen” pohjalta, joissa kuva Helsingistä paikkana ja tilana on hyvin erilainen. Puoltajille kaupunki on mahdollisuuksien paikka, joka saisi museosta kansainvälisen pääoman magneetin. Kaupunkilaisille Helsinki näyttäytyy kurjistuvana palvelutuottajana, jossa rahaa tuhlataan elitistiseen museoon. Taidemaailma näkee Helsingin yhtenäiskulttuurin paikkana, jossa ei ole tilaa ”vieraalle” toimijalle.
(2020)Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sitä, minkälaisia kielellisiä valintoja ja merkityksiä suomalaisten vaate- ja asusteyritysten nimissä on ja millä tavoilla niistä tulee ilmi kytkeytyminen Suomeen ja suomalaisuuteen. Aineisto koostuu 92 Suomen tekstiili & muoti -liiton jäsenyrityksen markkinointinimestä eli niin sanotusta kutsumanimestä. Markkinointinimiä analysoidaan funktionaalis-semanttisen analyysimallin avulla. Nimien rakenteen tarkastelun perusteella nimistä voidaan tunnistaa liikeideaa ilmaiseva nimenosa ja yksilöivä nimenosa. Liikeideaa ilmaistaan useammin toimialaa tai -paikkaa kuvailevalla sanalla (esim. Flare Trading, Pikkupuoti). Suurin osa yksilöivistä nimenosista sisältää tekosanan (Makia) tai leksikaalista merkitystä kantavan ilmaisun (Pikkupuoti). Aineistossa on vain yksi niin sanottu muu erisnimi (Biancaneve). Suomalaisuuteen viitataan suoran merkityssuhteen avulla esimerkiksi viittaamalla suomalaiseen paikkaan (esim. Lapuan Kankurit), suomalaisiksi miellettyjen nimien avulla (AINO) tai suomenkielisellä ilmauksella (esim. Kutomo Holopainen). Epäsuorassa merkityssuhteessa suomalaisuus tulee esiin viittaamalla suomalaisiin paikkoihin tai luontoon (Halti, PIHKA collection), kun pakatut nimet sisältävät suomenkielisen sanan (esim. Moiko). Katkaistu merkityssuhde esiintyy aineistossa, mutta sen avulla suomalaisuuteen viittaaminen on vaikeaselkoista. Lisäksi aineiston nimet kytkeytyvät suomalaisuuteen individualisoivan, informatiivisen, integroivan, käytännöllisen ja houkuttelevan funktion avulla. Nimien kirjoitusasut myös noudattavat paljolti suomen yleiskielen normeja, vaikka monet nimistä ovatkin esimerkiksi mukakielisiä tai englanninkielisiä. Aineiston yritykset on perustettu 1900–2010-luvuilla. Nimistä pystyy havaitsemaan sen, että monet Suomen historiaan liittyvät tapahtumat ovat vaikuttaneet nimeämiseen. Lisäksi jotkin nimeämismallit, kuten nimen kirjoittaminen versaalein, esiintyvät ensin yksittäisinä ja myöhemmin valtaavat enemmän alaa. Vanhemmissa nimissä on useammin suomenkielinen aines ja uudemmissa mukakielinen aines.
(2020)Earth’s overshoot day marks the date when humanity’s ecological footprint exceeds Earth’s biocapacity for the year. As the day fell on earlier every year it shows that our current consumption pattern is unsustainable. One of the main human sources of greenhouse gas emissions is related to household consumption and thus companies play an important role in developing consumption practices more sustainable for consumers as they are the main providers of products and services. This research examines the ways three Finnish companies guide consumers towards environmentally sustainable choices as well as drivers and barriers related to consumer guidance. The objective is to enlighten companies’ consumer guiding methods as part of corporate responsibility and understand which factors encourage and hinder companies to guide consumers. The research was conducted as a qualitative multiple-case study. The case companies were Valio, S Group’s grocery stores and Fazer. The research data was collected via companies’ sustainability reports and focused semi-structured interviews by interviewing the case companies’ employees working with corporate responsibility, environmental management and communication. The data was analyzed by data-driven content analysis. The findings show that the case companies use guiding methods to steer consumers to environmentally sustainable choices: information provision, choice editing, nudging and financial incentives. The current trends related to sustainability and responsibility as well as a potential competitive advantage, the protection of brand image, the benefits of a forerunner, and a corporate strategy in which sustainability is an integral part encourage companies to guide consumers. Whereas, the principle of consumers’ freedom of choice, the responsibility of a big operator as well as risks related to the development of innovations and being a forerunner cause tensions in consumer guidance. The results confirm that various tensions are related to guiding consumers towards sustainability. Especially, the concept of consumers’ freedom of choice is firmly embedded in the mindset of business. Therefore, future research could examine the ways to bring these tensions and underlying contradictions more strongly into the public discussion to find solutions to promote sustainable consumption for consumers among companies.
(2019)On a global scale the amount of meals consumed outside home setting continues to increase, which means that food service sector has a significant role in reaching global sustainability goals. Finland has a long tradition of public food services and a significant part of Finnish people enjoy a government-subsidized daily lunch. As a student restaurant UniCafe participates in Kela-funded meal scheme, thus UniCafe’s meals follow Finnish Nutrition Recommendations’ nutritional criteria for meals. This research examines the ways UniCafe guides its customers to making environmentally sustainable choices in their restaurants. This thesis also reviews UniCafe’s environmental sustainability measures, most significant of which are offering sustainable meal options, sourcing responsible ingredients and products, proper waste sorting and reducing food waste. This research also dwells in to the reasons behind these environmental measures and examines UniCafe as a forerunner company in the food service sector. The level of acceptability of different customer guidance ways are also evaluated on a general level and within UniCafe clientele. This research was conducted via qualitative case study research approach. The data for this research was col-lected via semi-structured theme interviews by interviewing UniCafe and Ylva restaurant and support services staff. Additionally, primary research data also comprised of Ylva’s online publications on responsibility and business operations. The data was analyzed by qualitative theory-guiding content analysis. According to the results, UniCafe is a forerunner company due to its unique customer and ownership base. UniCafe is expected to take environmental sustainability into account in their daily operations and selections. Five different customer guidance ways used by UniCafe were identified in this research: forced choice re-striction, choice editing, nudging, financial incentives and informational strategies. Most UniCafe customers accept the use of these different customer guidance methods but UniCafe perceives forced choice restriction as problematic, particularly on campuses that do not have many UniCafe restaurants. The results show that UniCafe guides its customers in many ways to promote environmental sustainability of their operations and their customers. In addition, the results confirm that methods such as informational strat-egies are perceived as more acceptable but simultaneously less effective than methods that restrict freedom of choice. In general, UniCafe customers approve environmental sustainability measures and customer guidance. On the other hand, UniCafe’s unique position in the student lunch market in Helsinki metropole area means that the results of this research cannot be generalized to apply to other food service sector operators.
(2020)This thesis examines the use of sexual violence against men during the Bosnian War in 1992-1995, based on the case files of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Previous studies on the victimization of men in conflict-related contexts, including in Bosnian War, are lacking and are not researched enough. The objective is to contribute to the research on sexual violence against men in conflict-related contexts, to find the motives behind committing such actions and to combine the areas of research – conflict, war crimes and human rights studies. The primary source for this thesis is the database of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the first-ever international war crimes tribunal to indict and convict individuals with charges of sexual violence against men. The case files on individuals that have been charged of using sexual violence or include charges of sexual violence in their indictments were analysed to clarify if they fit into the criteria of this research. Sexual violence against men during Bosnian War was used as tactic, a method to create and spread fear. It was part of widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population and to dehumanise the victims. In the case of the Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Croats the data reveals an intent to forcibly remove a specific ethnic group from an area to ensure control and to depopulate certain areas. Analysis shows that in many instances the person convicted of his or her crime(s) was not directly involved in committing the crimes but bore the responsibility of the acts of their subordinates.
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