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  • Kuan Kiat, Chew (2019)
    Proteostasis is used by cells to maintain proteome health and understanding the biological mechanisms underpinning proteostasis is important. Despite many studies on small molecule-mediated inhibition of Sec61-dependent protein translocation, a knowledge gap exists in the quality control pathway(s) of pharmacologically-displaced secretory polypeptides. Genetic screens can be used to discover proteostasis regulators of pharmacologically-displaced secretory polypeptides. Near-haploid human HAP1 cells with an inducible Tet-on GFP reporter (reporter HAP1 cells) can be used as a cellular tool to screen for human host factors pertinent to proteostasis of secretory polypeptides. The isolation of haploid-enriched reporter HAP1 cells ensures that the inability to efficiently recover bi-allelic gene trap mutants is avoided. The use of haploid-enriched cells is a prerequisite to gene trap mutagenesis screens. Here, I present data on the isolation of haploid-enriched reporter HAP1 cells that could be used as a cellular tool in gene trap mutagenesis screens. A workflow for the isolation of haploid-enriched reporter HAP1 cells was optimised using a diploid reporter HAP1 cell line as a control. Both DNA content analysis and karyotyping showed that the isolated HAP1 reporter cell lines were haploid. In the haploid-enriched HAP1 reporter cells, the GFP-reporter compartmentalised in the ER, and a Sec61-translocon inhibitor CT8 could inhibit the GFP-mediated fluorescence. The haploid reporter HAP1 cell lines produced in this study are suitable for future gene-trap mutagenesis experiments.
  • Döhla, Julia Maria (2013)
    Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) is a transcriptional coactivator involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, oxidative stress response, and energy metabolism. PGC-1α is part of an energy sensing network that translates environmental influences into alterations in gene expression of mainly mitochondrial molecular pathways. A role in neuroprotection has been implicated for PGC-1α in the context of mitochondrial expression networks. Our research group has previously established a transgenic mouse line with stable overexpression of PGC-1α in brain neurons. Transgenic overexpression of PGC-1α is associated with an enhanced functional state of mitochondrial energy production. In the context of neurodegenerative processes, brain neurons of PGC-1α transgenic mice are protected against oxidative stressors in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson's Disease. To further characterize the transcriptional activity of PGC-1α regulated gene networks in brains of transgenic mice, a quantitative real-time PCR based system was established. Gene expression was measured for a subset of genes found to be differentially regulated in a microarray based screening of RNA obtained from hippocampus and cortex of PGC-1α transgenic mice. Increased PGC-1α gene expression was found in hippocampus and cortex of PGC-1α transgenic mice, and their translation into protein was confirmed immunohistochemically. Expression analysis revealed significant changes in mRNA levels of PGC-1α controlled molecular pathways involved in mitochondrial energy production and antioxidant responses. Furthermore, alterations in the expression of some non-mitochondrial genes with established links to neurodegeneration were observed. Furthermore, a change in GABAA receptor subunit expression was detected. In accordance with previous studies on the PGC-1α transgenic mouse line, these findings suggest that differential gene expression associated with PGC-1α overexpression contributes to an enhanced functional state of neurons in hippocampus and cortex of PGC-1α transgenic mice. Increased knowledge about the transcriptional modulation of neuronal genes regulated by PGC-1α can lead to better insights into mechanisms governing neurodegeneration and neuroprotective pathways. Pharmacological modulation of PGC-1α activity may be a feasible approach for neuroprotective treatments in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's Disease.
  • Ragab, Basma (2020)
    Lymphedema is a progressive disease, resulting from abnormalities of the lymphatic system. It is characterized by swelling of one or more parts of the body, due to impaired lymph transport. Lymphedema has no definitive treatment and it can have serious effects on the patients' quality of life. However, the recent knowledge expansion of the molecular mechanisms regulating lymphangiogenesis provides new possibilities for the treatment of lymphedema. One of these mechanisms is the angiopoietin-TIE system. It has been shown recently that ANG2 is essential for the formation of lymphatic vasculature. Mice ANG2-deletion caused widespread lymphatic dysfunction, resulting in subcutaneous edema and chylous ascites. Lymphatic development is also regulated by TIE1 receptor, as its deletion in mice resulted in malformed jugular lymph sacs and severe edema. In this study, a model of autocrine TIE receptor activation has been established in endothelial cells to investigate the effect of the WT-ANG2 and four ANG2 mutants (T299M, N304K, C435S and R492Q) in TIE receptor phosphorylation and lymphedema. The role of these variants in direct cell adhesion has also been investigated in vitro using HeLa and lymphatic endothelial cells. The findings revealed that WT-ANG2 and soluble ANG2 variants induced both TIE2 and TIE1 activation in endothelial cells. We also found that N304K, C435S and R492Q mutants are secretion-deficients and retain the co-expressed WT-ANG2 inside the cells, causing a dominant negative effect in both TIE2 and TIE1 receptor activation which is likely associated with the lymphedema in the patients where the mutants were identified.
  • Myllymäki, Tuija (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1992)
    Supistuessaan lihassolu käyttää energianlähteenä ATP:a, jonka konsentraatio lihaksessa siten laskee rasituksen aikana. Samalla kertyy ATP:n hajoamistuotteita lihakseen ja verenkiertoon. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, mikä näistä hajoamistuotteista sopisi parhaiten rasituksen voimakkuuden mittaamiseen hevosella. Tutkimuksessa määritetään lämminveristen ravihevosten plasmasta ATP:n pilkkoutuessa syntyvien puriinien (hypoksantiini ja virtsahappo) sekä niiden lopullisen hajoamistuotteen allantoiinin konsentraatioita rasituksen aikana ja sen jälkeen. Lihassyykoostumuksen vaikutusta hypoksantiinin, virtsahapon ja allantoiinin konsentraatioihin tutkittiin vertailemalla suomenhevosia ja lämminverisiä keskenään. Tiedetään, että kylmäverisellä hevosella on enemmän hitaita aerobisesti energiansa muodostavia lihassoluja kuin lämminverisellä. Kontrolloidussa rasitustestissä juoksumatolla hypoksantiini- ja virtsahappokonsentraatiot eivät muuttuneet merkitsevästi. Kaikilla hevosilla korkeimmat konsentraatiot saavutettiin rasituksen lopettamisen jälkeen. Allantoiinikonsentraation nousu korreloi lineaarisesti sydänfrekvenssin nousuun ja oli merkittävästi korkeampi rasituksen jälkeen kuin leponäytteissä. Yksilöllinen vaihtelu ajassa, jossa korkein konsentraatio saavutettiin, oli pienempi allantoiinilla kuin hypoksantiinilla tai virtsahapolla. Ravikilpailujen jälkeen otetuissa näytteissä hypoksantiini-, virtsahappo- ja allantoiini- konsentraatiot olivat merkittävästi korkeampia lämminverisillä kuin suomenhevosilla. Rotujen väliset erot konsentraatioissa johtuvat todennäköisesti erilaisesta lihassyykoostumuksesta. Hypoksantiini- ja virtsahappokonsentraatio nousi osalla hevosista molemmilla roduilla vielä 30 minuuttia kilpailun jälkeen. Allantoiinikonsentraatio ei yhdelläkään hevosella ollut 30 minuutin näytteessä korkeampi kuin 15 minuutin näytteessä. Sekä hypoksantiinilla, virtsahapolla sekä mahdollisesti myös allantoiinilla rasituksen voimakkuus vaikutti konsentraatiohuipun esiintymisaikaan, joka piteni rasituksen koventuessa. Tulosten perusteella allantoiini sopii hypoksantiinia ja virtsahappoa paremmin rasituksen voimakkuuden ja ATP häviön osoittamiseen hevosella.
  • Shrestha, Bideep (2020)
    Cornea is transparent layer of cells lying in front of lens. The corneal epithelium, a squamous epithelium, covers the ocular surface and ensures proper vision by preserving the integrity of the eye. Corneal epithelium is renewed continuously throughout life from a pool of stem cells (SC). There are still conflicting theories about the localization of stem cells required for the growth, renewal and maintenance of the corneal epithelium. Previous studies demonstrated that the limbus, located in the periphery of the cornea, serves as the stem cell niche (SCN) in adults. However, contrasting evidence from clonal analysis proposes that, in early postnatal life, renewal is fuelled by SCs located in the basal layer of the central cornea. There are alternate patterns of renewal in young and adult mouse cornea and that there is an important, transitional time frame called cornea maturation, when the adult patterns of gene expression, cell dynamics and tissue renewal are established. In the cornea, solid SC markers are still missing, yet studies on human limbal cells have suggested Bmi1 and C/EBPδ as limbal SC markers. There are, indeed, long-lived SCs in the central cornea and that the gene Bmi1 plays a role in these central corneal SCs. However, the physiological importance of these Bmi1+ cells remains obscure. The main aim of this project is to understand the fate and dynamics of these Bmi1+ cells and study the chronology of maturation of the cornea. In this study, I have also tried to correlate the growth of eye size with proliferation of corneal epithelial cells This study was conducted using few different kinds of transgenic mice (Mus musculus). To study the fate of Bmi1+ cells, two different mouse lines were crossed: Bmi1-CreER and ROSA26-LacZ. Mice carrying both alleles were used for lineage tracing experiments. Moreover, Hematoxylin-eosin staining was used to follow the eye morphology. Immunohistochemistry was performed to follow the chronology of maturation of the cornea, proliferation of corneal epithelial cells and the location of Bmi1+ cells in corneal epithelium. From this study, we can propose that cornea maturation is completed by the time of eyelid opening, which take place two weeks after birth. Krt19 is perfect for studying the chronology of the corneal epithelium, immunostaining of Krt19 separates the territory of limbus from central cornea enabling to distinguish limbus distinctly. Proliferating cells reside in basal layer of cornea. Bmi1+ cells found throughout the basal layer of the cornea that locally renews the corneal epithelium concluding Bmi1+ cells as the progenitor cells.
  • Lindelöf, Anna-Emilia (2019)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Background. Platelets are known to contain ample amounts of brain derived neurotrophic factor. Previous spectrophotometric studies carried out in Pia Siljander’s lab have shown that BDNF is secreted from activated platelets packed in extracellular vesicles. For this project we wanted to 1) confirm that BDNF really is secreted in extracellular vesicles (EVs)2) find out how the choice of agonist affected the BDNF cargo of the platelet derived EVs, and 3) find out if the BDNF is packed into EVs of certain densities rather than others. Methods. The platelets were isolated from platelet concentrates by size exclusion chromatography. The isolated platelets were then activated by thrombin and collagen co-stimulation (TC) and by Ca2+ionophore, respectively. The platelet activation produced extracellular vesicles (PEVs) which were isolated by differential ultracentrifugation. The isolated PEVs were then analysed by flow cytometry, ELISA and Western blot for EV typical membrane surface proteins and for their BDNF content. As we were interested finding out whether BDNF is enriched in PEVs to certain populations, density gradient centrifugation was performed. These samples were also analysed by Western blot and by ELISA. The size distribution and concentration of PEVs in all samples was analysed by Nanoparticle tracking analysis. Results and conclusions. This study confirmed that platelets secrete PEVs as a response to agonists. PEVs with higher BDNF concentration were produced using TC co-stimulation as compared to PEVs derived from the Ca2+ionophore. The result implies that BDNF is actively packed into PEVs for instance as a thrombogenic response. Based on the density gradient results it seems that BDNF was packed into certain population of PEVs with a density between 1.112 g ml-1 and 1.132 g ml-1 corresponding to a particle diameter of less than 500 nm. The finding that BDNF is actively packed into TC co-stimulation derived PEVs of a certain population is interesting from a theragnostic point of view, since EVs are likely to be key players in the development of new cell-based therapies. Had there been more time, it would have been interesting to optimize both the density gradient protocol and the ELISA analysis. This optimization of methods would make the process more efficient, less prone to sample loss, not to mention that there would be less intra-assay variation.
  • Jha, Sawan (2014)
    Lymphangiogenesis is the process that leads to the formation of lymphatic vessels from pre-existing vessels. Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C), the ma- jor lymphangiogenic growth factor, is produced as an inactive precursor and needs to be proteolytically processed into a mature form in order to activate its receptors VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2. A deficiency of VEGF-C during embryonic lymphangiogenesis results in embryonic lethality due to the lack of lymphatic vasculature. Hennekam lymphangiectasia-lymphedema syndrome (OMIM 235510) is in a subset of patients associated with mutations in the collagen- and calcium-binding EGF domains 1 (CCBE1 ) gene. CCBE1 and VEGF-C act at the same stage during embryonic lymphangiogenesis and their deficiency results in similar lymphatic defects. The mechanism behind the lymphatic phenotype caused by CCBE1 mutations is un- known. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential link between VEGF-C and CCBE1 that could contribute to the lymphatic phenotype. In this study, 293T cells were used to observe the effect of CCBE1 on VEGF-C pro- cessing. The co-transfection of constructs coding for CCBE1 and VEGF-C showed processing of the inactive pro-VEGF-C into the active, mature form. However, this processing was efficient only in 293T cells. When CCBE1 from 293T supernatant was purified, A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 3 (ADAMTS3) co-purified with CCBE1. The levels of pro-VEGF-C and active VEGF-C were monitored by immunoblotting or immunoprecipitating metabolically labeled supernatant with specific antibodies or receptors followed by autoradiography. The activity of the processed VEGF-C was verified by proliferation of Ba/F3 cells stably expressing VEGFR-3/EpoR or VEGFR-2/EpoR chimeras. Furthermore, a VEGFR-3 phosphorylation assay was performed in PAE (Porcine Aortic Endotheial) cells to study details of the CCBE1-mediated regulation of VEGF-C. We found that CCBE1 increases the proteolytic processing of pro-VEGF-C, thereby resulting in increased activity of VEGF-C. CCBE1 itself has no effect on VEGF-C activity but regulates VEGF-C by modulating the activity of the ADAMTS3 protease. We also found that both pro- and mature- VEGF-C can bind to VEGFR-3 but only mature form is able to induce VEGFR-3-mediated signaling. In addition to cleaving VEGF-C, ADAMTS3 was found to directly or indirectly mediate CCBE1 cleavage. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the ADAMTS3-processed VEGF-C confirmed that ADAMTS3 is the protease responsible for the activation of VEGF-C by 293 cells. Hence, we have identified a mechanism that regulates VEGF-C activity. This mechanism suggests the possible use of CCBE1 as a therapeutic means to treat diseases that involve the lymphatic system.
  • Olkkonen, Juri (2015)
    Introduction: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. These are reflected in altered circadian rhythm of circulating serum cortisol, melatonin and IL-6 levels and in chronic fatigue. We hypothesized that the molecular machinery responsible for the circadian timekeeping is perturbed in RA. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of circadian clock in RA. Methods: Gene expression of thirteen clock genes was analyzed in the synovial membrane of RA and control osteoarthritis (OA) patients. BMAL1 protein was detected using immunohistochemistry. Cell autonomous clock oscillation was started in RA and OA synovial fibroblasts using serum shock. The effect of pro-inflammatory stimulus on clock gene expression in synovial fibroblasts was studied using IL-6 and TNF-a. Results: Gene expression analysis disclosed disconcerted circadian timekeeping and immunohistochemistry revealed strong cytoplasmic localization of BMAL1 in RA patients. Perturbed circadian timekeeping is at least in part inflammation independent and cell autonomous, because RA synovial fibroblasts display altered circadian expression of several clock components, and perturbed circadian production of IL-6 and IL-1b after clock resetting. However, inflammatory stimulus disturbs the rhythm in cultured fibroblasts. Throughout the experiments ARNTL2 and NPAS2 appeared to be the most affected clock genes in human immune-inflammatory conditions. Conclusion: We conclude that the molecular machinery controlling the circadian rhythm is disturbed in RA patients.
  • Korpela, Markus (2020)
    Gene therapy trials are becoming more common place with the first approved products having arrived onto markets within the last 5 years. Gene therapy trials have focused on diseases that are monogenic and curable through the reintroduction of autologous, gene-corrected hematopoietic stem cells with promising results. A popular method for gene-correction is through the integration of the wild-type gene into the patient’s genome with a class of retroviruses called lentivirus. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare, monogenic autoimmune disease that is caused by a recessive mutation within the AIRE gene coding region. APECED has a high prevalence within the Finnish population (1/25,000) and is theoretically curable through the transplantation of autologous gene-corrected hematopoietic stem cells. Therefore, creating and studying a lentivector carrying the endogenous AIRE promoter and coding region could provide insight and a preliminary foundation on how to begin to develop a viable gene therapy for APECED. The aim of this thesis was to generate and characterise the first lentivector containing the wildtype AIRE gene, specifically the proximal AIRE promoter and the AIRE open reading frame (ORF). The lentivector was constructed and then transfected into a human cell-line, HEK293T, from which qPCR and immunohistochemistry were used to detect for AIRE mRNA and protein, respectively. The presence of significant amounts of AIRE mRNA and protein indicated that the constructed plasmid was transcriptionally functional. It is the first plasmid to have Aire transcription regulated by its endogenous promoter and can provide future insight into gene regulation. As a lentiviral plasmid, it demonstrates the integrating of the AIRE gene into an existing lentiviral system and serves as a first step and a technical proof-of-concept in developing a gene therapeutic cure for APECED.
  • Singh, Abhishek (2019)
    Neurotrophic factors (NTFs) play an important role in regulating the survival, differentiation and maturation of developing neurons. Based on strong pre-clinical evidences, some of NTFs have been suggested to be efficient therapeutic agents for treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by loss of dopamine (DA) neurons from nigrostriatal pathway resulting in motor symptoms of the disease. A hallmark of the disease is the presence of Lewy bodies in the brain and they comprise majorly of aggregated alpha-synuclein (aSyn) protein. MANF, an unconventional NTF, was discovered over a decade ago and differs from traditional NTFs. Removal of MANF has been shown to trigger unfolded protein response in cells. Evidences indicate that increased endogenous level of aSyn may have a role in enhancing the process of aggregation of aSyn into Lewy body. Determining the initiation event of aSyn aggregation is an important step in Lewy body pathology and it is still under investigation. In the first part of this study, I aimed to elucidate if MANF knockout can trigger any change in endogenous level of aSyn. Transmission of Lewy bodies from cell to cell has been well studied by researchers and is suggested to spread across brain in a prion like fashion. CDNF has been neuroprotective and restorative for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive neurons in a toxin-based models of PD. However, presently exists no study which has evaluated the effects of CDNF on propagation of aSyn aggregates in vivo. In the second part of this study, I aimed at evaluating effects of long-term intrastriatal infusion of CDNF at two concentrations (1.5 μg/24h or 3 μg/24h) on propagation of endogenous phosphorylated aSyn inclusions in vivo. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated MANF knockout in SH-SY5Y cells did not yield any significant changes in the endogenous level of aSyn. Additionally, brain samples derived from MANF knockout mice yielded similar non-significant difference in level of aSyn compared to wild-type mice. MANF knockout primary DA neurons when inoculated either with only pre-formed fibrils (PFFs) or with a combination of PFFs and aSyn overexpression, showed no significant difference in the number of Lewy body like aggregates, suggesting no change in endogenous aSyn levels. Rats were injected with PFFs and then chronically infused with CDNF, 1 month and 2 months after PFFs at 2 different concentrations (1.5 μg/24h or 3 μg/24h). Immunohistochemical analysis of substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) derived from rats showed similar numbers of endogenous phosphorylated aSyn inclusions in animals treated chronically with either CDNF or PBS. In summary, only MANF knockout from cells or animals has no direct effect on endogenous level of aSyn. But external stressors may perhaps trigger upregulation of aSyn in MANF knockout cells. Furthermore, chronic infusion of CDNF either 1 month or 2 months after PFF injection doesn’t reduce the total number of phosphorylated aSyn inclusions in SNpc compared to control. Nevertheless, we need more data to corroborate this evidence.
  • Jukonen, Joonas (2019)
    Eph (Erythropoietin producing hepatocellular) receptors and their membrane-bound ligands, ephrins, form the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases in mammals. They regulate functions such as cell migration and axon guidance during development, and wound healing and tissue boundary maintenance in mature tissues for example. Due to the membrane-bound nature of the ephrin ligands, Eph-ephrin signalling can proceed in two directions: forward (Eph-expressing cell) and reverse (ephrin expressing cell). In addition to its critical physiological functions in development and tissue homeostasis, the Eph-ephrin system has also been implicated in multiple diseases, including several cancers, in which the aberrant expression of Eph receptors and ephrins are often present. The EphA2 receptor for example has been identified as an oncogene with a dual mode of action as either tumor suppressor or an oncogene through distinct phosphorylation statuses of the receptor. High-grade serous ovarian cancer is the most common subtype of ovarian cancer, and the deadliest gynaecological malignancy with a dismal five-year survival rate. High-grade serous ovarian cancer does not present symptoms at an early stage, yet it quickly progresses into forming peritoneal metastases by cell shedding from the primary tumour. Small patient cohort studies have given indications of the correlation between the Eph-ephrin system and survival in ovarian cancer. This aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the Eph-ephrin system in high-grade serous ovarian cancer using a large patient cohort mRNA expression dataset to obtain survival association data of proteins of interest used with cell-based studies and the analysis of clinical samples in the form of tumor microarrays and fresh primary samples to investigate the functions of the found proteins of interest. A 428-patient The Cancer Genome Atlas high-grade serous ovarian cancer microarray mRNA dataset was analysed using the Kaplan-Meier estimator for each Eph-ephrin family member. Cell based studies were performed with recombinant ephrin treatments and ephrin knockdowns. These data were analysed using Western blotting and immunofluorescence stainings. Clinical high-grade serous ovarian cancer samples obtained from Turku University Hospital were analysed using immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence stainings, and mRNA sequencing. EfnA5 had a significant correlation of high expression and poor survival, which is atypical to ephrins. Low EfnA3 correlated with poor survival. High levels of known oncogenes EphA2 and EphA4 also correlated with poor survival. EfnA5 treatment resulted in increased oncogenic EphA2 signaling in comparison with canonical Eph-ephrin signalling mediated by EfnA1. Knockdown of EfnA5 increased canonical, tumour suppressive EphA2 signaling, while EfnA1 knockdown increased oncogenic EphA2 signaling. Immunohistochemical analysis of tumour microarrays with multiple ovarian cancer subtypes displayed an association between the highly malignant high-grade serous subtype and EfnA5 expression. In addition to this, EfnA5 expression was increased during high-grade serous ovarian cancer progression. The Eph-ephrin system is implicated in the survival associations of multiple cancers, but the exact functions facilitated by Eph-ephrin signalling in cancer have remained relatively unknown, with the exception of EphB4-EfnB2 driven angiogenesis. This study offers insights into oncogenic Eph-ephrin signalling in ovarian cancer, displaying that oncogenic EphA2 functions can be altered by ephrins in addition to the known kinase crosstalk pathway. The noncanonical nature of EfnA5 is highlighted by its oncogenic functions in comparison to typical Eph-ephrin signalling, and the significant increase of EfnA5 expression during high-grade serous ovarian cancer progression and association with this highly malignant subtype of ovarian cancer. Although the reverse signalling effects of EfnA5 were not studied, this study highlights the importance of ephrins in Eph-ephrin signalling in cancer, presenting that the focus should not be only on the Eph receptors when studying the oncogenic signalling facilitated by the Eph-ephrin system.
  • Maran, Suveda Vignesh (2019)
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a diverse set of cell-derived membranous vesicles which have exosomes or small EVs (40 -200nm) ,large EVs (>200 nm) and larger apoptotic bodies/oncosomes (>1000 nm). They are present in most biological fluids, such as blood, sweat, and urine etc. EVs are expressed by almost all cells.Recent evidence suggests that EVs are a form of cellular communication, resulting in an intensive investigation of their role in different biological processes and also due to their biomarker potential. Ultracentrifugation (UC) is the standard method used for the isolation of EVs from different biological fluids. UC has some limitations related to laborious operation and scalability issues. Hence, there is a need for new methods for the isolation of EVs.Nanocellulose(NC) is a biopolymer obtained from wood biomass and has the ability to be functionalised with various chemical groups on its surface. The chemical groups alter the surface properties of NC for usability in different applications. Currently, It finds extensive use in different biomedical applications due to its unique physicochemical properties. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the use of functionalised nanocellulose (FNC) as a novel alternative compared to the standard method of ultracentrifugation in the isolation of EVs from conditioned cell culture media. Cancer cell lines and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) were grown in EV-depleted cell culture media after expansion in cell culture media. The EV-depleted media was collected from the cells after 48 hours and further processed by filtration to obtain the necessary conditioned cell culture media for EV isolation. Extracellular vesicles were isolated from the conditioned cell culture media by using UC and FNC. The isolated EVs from both methods were characterised and evaluated based on their different parameters using Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) assay, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA), and Western Blot. The EVs isolated by FNC were smaller in size with few vesicle-like structures around 20-40 nm compared to EVs isolated by UC 60-200nm. Most EVs isolated by UC had a higher particle-to-protein ratio which indicated more purity and reduced levels of non-vesicular contaminants in the EV isolations. The EVs isolated by FNC for many samples had a low particle-to-protein ratio indicating potentially higher levels of non-vesicular contaminants being present. Hsp70, a surface marker of EVs and soluble stress protein was observed in EVs obtained from a primary MSC and another cancer cell line among all the isolation methods. No contamination from Endoplasmic reticulum(ER) components was observed in any of the samples. The EVs isolated by FNC could not be analysed more thoroughly by some of the characterisation methods due to issues such as lack of standardised sample preparation protocols, possible interference from isolation components and sample variations. The isolation method will really benefit from further optimisation of sample preparation steps and the adoption of alternative characterisation methods for evaluation. A narrower research question with focus on FNC-EDA isolation of EVs from HOS-143B and AT-MSC will be an excellent starting point for more detailed investigations.The availability of different surface modifications, faster processing and more research on the isolation mechanism will make this novel method a great alternative to UC for isolation of EVs.
  • Ahokas, Lauri Juhani (2011)
    The Hodgkin and Huxley (HH) model of action potential has become a central paradigm of neuroscience. Despite its ability to predict action potentials with remarkable accuracy, it fails to explain several biophysical findings related to the initiation and propagation of the nerve impulse. The isentropic heat release and optical phenomena demonstrated by various experiments suggest that action potential is accompanied by a transient phase change in the axonal membrane. In this study a method was developed for preparing a giant axon from the crayfish abdominal cord for studying the molecular mechanisms of action potential simultaneously by electrophysiological and optical methods. Also an alternative setup using a single-cell culture of an Aplysia sensory neuron is presented. In addition to the description of the method, the preliminary results on the effect of phloretin, a dipole potential lowering compound, on the excitability of a crayfish giant axon are presented.
  • Heilala, Maria (2019)
    Despite the advances in the management of breast cancer, discovery of novel and targeted drugs remains a challenge. It has been suggested that drug failure rates in clinical trials might be diminished by improving the predictive potential of preclinical cancer models. Three-dimensional (3D) scaffold-based cell culture has emerged as an attractive platform for mimicking tissue-like microenvironment, since it is well-known that cells respond to the cues in the extracellular matrix (ECM). The aim of this thesis was to develop fibrin-based hydrogels and evaluate their performance in 3D cell culture of breast cancer cells. The fibrin gel formulation was first optimized by testing the effect of different buffers on gel properties. Structural properties were examined with scanning electron microscopy and mechanical properties measured with oscillatory rheometry. Three different fibrin concentrations of the optimized formulation were then used as scaffolds for DU4475 breast cancer cells. After seven days of culture, the morphology, phenotype and proliferation of the resulting cell structures were assessed by using techniques such as light microscopy, immunofluorescent confocal microscopy and Western blot analysis. The desired properties for 3D cell culture were obtained by preparing fibrin gels at high pH in the absence of calcium. The main finding of the thesis was that fibrin concentration strongly affected the phenotype of DU4475 cells, with cells cultured in the softest gel retaining their original characteristics to the greatest extent. In the future, the developed scaffold could possibly be used in drug discovery and personalized medicine by culturing tumor explants from patients. However, the methods used in the study must be further optimized and the results validated with other breast cancer cell lines and with primary tissues.
  • Jeltsch, Markku Michael (1997)
  • Hörman, Ari (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1995)
    Tällä syventävien opintojen projektilla haluttiin selvittää mahdollinen haiman ja sapen vaikutus radioaktiivisen cesiumin (Cs-134) resekreetioon ruuansulatuskanavaan hiirellä. Aiheesta jo aikaisemmin ilmestyneiden tutkimusten mukaan ohutsuolen alkuosaan tapahtuu cesiumin eritystä. Tuolle alueella eksokriinisen erityksensä laskevien haiman ja sapen vaikutusta ei kuitenkaan ole tarkemmin selvitetty. Projektissa käytettiin 7 hiirikoeryhmää. Kahdelle ryhmällä annettiin haiman toiminnan stimuloimiseksi raakaa soijaa ja kahdelle ryhmälle koolihappoa sapen erityksen vilkastuttamiseksi. Kontrolliryhmiä oli kaksi ja lisäksi yksi paastokontrolliryhmä. Puolet ryhmistä saivat rehunsa mukana cesiumsitojaa (AFFC), jolla estettiin ruuansulatuskanavaan jo erittyneen cesiumin takaisinimeytyminen. Hiiriin injisoitiin cesiumisotooppi intraperitoneaalisesti ja niiden kokokehon radioaktiivisuuden kehittymistä seurattiin päivittäin. Hiirten lopetuksen yhteydessä suoliston eri osista otettiin näytteitä, joiden radioaktiivisuus määritettiin. Tehtyjen kokeiden perusteella ei voitu havaita haimalla tai sapella olevan vaikutusta cesiumin resekreetioon ruuansulatuskanavaan.
  • Jarva, Kaisa (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1998)
    Yhdeksän valmennettua ratsuhevosta suorittivat kilpailurasitustestin juoksumattotestinä viidesti kahden viikon välein. Puoli tuntia kilpailurasitustestin päättymisestä hevosille letkutettiin mahalaukkuun vettä tai liuoksia, joista yksi oli pelkkä glukoosi-elektrolyyttiliuos, toinen sisälsi leusiinia ja kolmas propionihappoa. Yksi ryhmä sai peroraalisesti betaiinia kahden viikon ajan ennen rasitustestiä. Vuorokauden kuluttua kilpailurasitustestin alusta hevoset suorittivat juoksumatolla standardoidun rasitustestin, jonka avulla tutkittiin hevosten palautumista edellisen päivän kilpailurasitustestistä. Hevosista otettiin rasitustestien aikana ja niiden välillä veri- ja lihasnäytteitä, joista tutkittiin glukoosi-, rasvahappo-, triglyseridi-, insuliini-, glukagoni- ja glykogeenipitoisuudet ja kahden lihassolujen metaboliaa kuvaavan entsyymin, sitraattisyntaasin (CS) ja 3-hydroksiasyyli-koA dehydrogenaasin (HAD), aktiivisuudet. Lihasrasituksen keston ja intensiteetin mukaan lihasrasituksessa rekrytoidaan eri lihassolutyyppejä ja käytetään erilaisia energialähteitä. Toistuvalla lihasharjoittelulla saattaa lihasten solutyypeissä ja solujen koossa tapahtua muutoksia. Kestävyysharjoittelulla lihassolujen oksidatiivinen kapasiteetti kasvaa, ja lihassolujen hiilihydraatti- ja rasva-aineenvaihduntaa kuvaavien entsyymien (CS ja HAD) aktiivisuudet nousevat. Palautumisvaiheessa liikuntarasituksen jälkeen lihasten glykogeenivarastoja täydennetään. Insuliini lisää glukoosin pääsyä lihassoluun ja stimuloi glykogeenisyntaasientsyymiä. Leusiinin tiedetään lisäävän insuliinin eritystä. Tämän tutkimuksen aikana ei hevosten lihassolujen solutyypeissä, poikkileikkauspinta-aloissa eikä solutyyppien mukaisissa pinta-alojen prosentuaalisissa osuuksissa tapahtunut muutoksia. Seuratuista metaboliaa kuvaavista entsyymeistä sitraattisyntaasin aktiivisuus nousi tutkimuksen aikana. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin edellä mainittujen liuosten vaikutusta hevosen palautumiseen liikuntarasituksen jälkeen, mutta mikään käsittely ei merkittävästi nopeuttanut koehevosten lihasten glykogeenivarastojen palautumista. Annettu leusiini lisäsi insuliinieritystä palautumisvaiheessa, propionihappo vähensi sitä.
  • Rossi, Katriina (2020)
    HIV-1 is a lentivirus causing a serious immunodeficiency disease called AIDS to almost 38 million people in the world. Like all retroviruses, HIV has an ability to insert a copy of its genome into the host cell DNA thus having a lifelong effect on the host cell. Two identical copies of single-stranded RNA are first reverse transcribed, and then a protein called integrase inserts the DNA into the genome of T-cells of the human immune system. Studies have shown that in some retroviruses the integrase protein has a unique integration pattern favoring certain areas of the host cell genome. For example, active transcription units or promoter units are found to attract integration activity. On the other hand, with nuclear localization signals in its structure and an ability to attach to the human genome, it raises a question if the integrase could have additional functions. Regulating certain gene expression levels could support viral replication and the survival of the virus. The aim of the study was to determine whether integration sites differ from integrase genomic contact sites, which could be an indication of integrase’s additional role. Study was started by method optimization. Two chromatin fragmentation methods, sonication and endo-exonuclease treatment, were tested in order to achieve optimal sized DNA fragments for ChIP-sequencing. Two cell lines were infected with HIV-1. Genomic DNA was collected for integration site sequencing. Integrase genomic contact sites were studied with ChIP-sequencing. Next generation sequencing for both, integration sites and integrase genomic contact sites, was carried out by an outsource biotechnology company. Sequences were processed with bioinformatics platforms, such as Galaxy and Homer. Study of the effects of transfected integrase was also initiated by transfection method optimization. Treatment with endo-exonuclease resulted in correctly sized DNA fragments when DNA was first purified. In a cell lysate, a correct ratio of MNase and cells was not found, although several cell lysis methods and buffers were tried. This is why actual integrase genomic contact site samples were fragmented by sonication. In MRC-5 cell line, integration site sequencing resulted in over 2 M reads with 289 aligned, unique integration sites. Integrase genomic contact site sequencing resulted in 1.8E+6 Bowtie mapped reads. A brief analysis of the sequences including sequence visualization, comparison of localization in the genome and GO terms, showed that integrase genomic contact sites have certain patterns that differ from integration sites. Therefore, it was confirmed that the study is repeatable, as the results were in line with the study conducted several years earlier. These results also suggest that method optimization had been successful. As bioinformatics methods were used with default parameters only, more attention should be payed when sequences are analyzed more deeply. This will offer a more thorough understanding of the functions of integrase.
  • Haapanen-Kallio, Juliska (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1998)
    Iän ja harjoittelun vaikutus lihassyykoostumukseen suomenhevosella -tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten lihassyykoostumus muuttuu suomenhevosvarsan kehittyessä ja miten lihassyykoostumus vaikuttaa hevosen kilpailumenestykseen. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu muilla roduilla nopeasti supistuvien aerobisten ( IIA ) ja hitaasti supistuvien aerobisten lihassyiden ( I ) lisääntyvän ja nopeasti supistuvien glykolyyttisten ( II B ) vähenevän iän ja harjoittelun myötä. Seurantajakso aloitettiin ennen varsojen valmennuksen aloittamista kaksivuotiaana ja lopetettiin niiden ollessa neljä - viisivuotiaita. Kilpailumenestystä seurattiin kuusi - seitsemänvuotiaaksi. Seuranta tehtiin ottamalla takaraajan suuresta gluteaali-lihaksesta biopsioita puolen vuoden - vuoden välein ja tunnistamalla saaduista biopsiosta histokemiallisen myosiiniATPaasi-värjäyksen avulla I-, IIA- ja IIB-tyypin lihassyyt. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin I-tyypin solujen määrän lisääntyminen ja IIB-tyypin solujen vähentyminen. Muutos ajoittui suurimmaksi osaksi kaksivuotis- ja kolmevuotiskevään väliseen aikaan. Lihassyytyypin yhteyttä kilpailumenestykseen ei voitu osoittaa
  • Varis, Vera (2020)
    Protein kinases are signaling molecules that regulate vital cellular and biological processes by phosphorylating cellular proteins. Kinases are linked to variety of diseases such as cancer, immune deficiencies and degenerative diseases. This thesis work aimed to identify direct substrates for protein kinases in the CMGC family, which consists of the cyclin-depended kinases (CDK), mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK), glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) and CDC-like kinases (CLK). CMGC kinases have been identified as cancer hubs in interactome studies, but large-scale identification of direct substrates has been difficult due to the lack of efficient methods. Here, we present a heavy-labeled 18O-ATP-based kinase assay combined with LC-MS/MS analysis for direct substrate identification. In the assay, HEK and HeLa cell lysates are treated with a pan-kinase inhibitor FSBA which irreversibly blocks endogenous kinases. After the removal of FSBA, cell lysates are incubated with the kinase of interest and a heavy-labeled ATP, which contains 18O isotope at the γ-phosphate position. Resulting phosphopeptides are enriched with Ti4+- IMAC before the LC-MS/MS analysis, which distinguishes the desired phosphorylation events based on a mass shift caused by the heavy 18O. With this pipeline of methods, we managed to quantify and identify direct substrates for 26 members of CMGC kinase family. A total of 1345 substrates and 3841 interacting kinase-substrate pairs were identified in cytosolic cell lysates, from which 165 were annotated in the PhosphoSitePlus® database. To identify substrates for kinases with nuclear localization, ten kinases were tested with nuclear HEK cell lysate. We identified 194 kinase-substrate pairs, 141 of which were unique to the nuclear fraction and 27 annotated in the PhosphoSitePlus® database. Finally, kinases with outstandingly high amounts of novel substrates were subjected to gene ontology analysis. We were able to link the gene ontology classifications of novel substrates to the biological processes regulated by the kinase of interest. These results indicate that heavy-labeled 18O-ATP-based kinase assay linked LC-MS/MS is a useful tool for large-scale direct kinase substrate identification.