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Browsing by Subject "psykofysiologia"

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  • Järvelä, Simo (2017)
    Tässä työssä tutkitaan psykofysiologisella menetelmällä ja itseraportoinneilla saatujen tulosten vastauskoherenssia pelattaessa pitkiä pelijaksoja digitaalisia pelejä. Emootioiden valenssia ja virittyneisyyttä voidaan mitata molemmilla menetelmillä, ja niillä saatujen tulosten on todettu mm. kuvankatselukokeissa korreloivan melko voimakkaasti. Digitaaliset pelit ovat kuitenkin stimuluksena ja tutkimuskohteena huomattavan erilaisia kuin staattiset kuvat, sillä ne ovat luonteeltaan interaktiivisia, nopeatempoisia, kompleksisia, ja lisäksi niitä pelataan tavoitteellisesti ja päämäärähakuisesti. Psykofysiologisessa pelitutkimuksessa on aiemmin huomattu kuinka vastauskoherenssi näiden menetelmien välillä on melko vaihteleva, mutta sitä ei alalla kuitenkaan ole toistaiseksi systemaattisesti lähdetty tarkastelemaan. Työssä analysoidaan neljän eri digitaalisen pelin osalta kuinka vahvasti psykofysiologisella menetelmällä mitatut kasvonlihasaktiviteetit sekä kämmenistä mitattu ihon sähkönjohtavuus – vakiintuneet tavat arvioida valenssia ja virittyneisyyttä – korreloivat puolen tunnin mittaisten pelijaksojen päätteeksi täytettyjen valenssia ja virittyneisyyttä mittaavien itseraportointien kanssa. Aineiston otoskoko on 36, ja koehenkilöt ovat ikäväliltä 18-34 (ka = 24,0, s = 4,35) ja he ovat kaikki miespuolisia aktiivisia peliharrastajia. Psykofysiologian ja itseraportointien vastauskoherenssin lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan sitä ovatko itseraportoinnit vahvemmin yhteydessä välittömästi vastaushetkeä edeltäviin ajanhetkiin psykofysiologisesta mitta- aineistosta kuin koko mittausjakson keskiarvoon. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että vastauskoherenssi on systemaattinen ja oletetun suuntainen, mutta efektikoot ovat huomattavasti kuvankatseilukokeita alhaisempia riippumatta siitä mihin ajanjaksoon fysiologisesta mitta-aineistoista vertailu tehdään. Johtopäätöksenä esitetään, että psykofysiologisia mittareita pelitutkimuksessa käytettäessä on syytä toisaalta olla hyvin harkitsevainen saatujen tulosten tulkinnan suhteen, sekä toisaalta pyrkiä tiukkaan kontrolliin koeasetelmasuunnittelussa, jotta mahdollisuus mielekkäiden tulkintojen tekemiseen säilyy.
  • Kivikangas, J. Matias (2006)
    This study explored the possibilities the psychophysiological methodology offer to flow research. Facial electromyography has often been used to index valence, and electrodermal activity to index arousal, the two basic dimensions of emotion. It was hypothesized that these measures can also be used to examine enjoyment, a basic component of flow experiment. A digital game was used to induce flow, and physiological activity of 32 subjects was measured continuously. Flow State Scale was used to assess flow. Activity of corrugator supercilii muscle, an index of negative valence, was negatively correlated with flow reports, as hypothesized. Contrary to hypothesis, skin conductance level, an index of arousal, was unrelated to self-reported flow. The results for association between flow and zygomaticus major and orbicularis oculi muscle activities, indices of positive valence, were inconclusive, possibly due to experimental design where only tonic measures were available. Psychophysiological methods are recommended for future studies of flow. Specifically, the time series approach may be particularly viable in examining the temporal aspects of flow, an area currently unexplored. Furthermore, it is suggested that digital game research would benefit from psychophysiological study of game-related flow.
  • Kuutti, Leo (2021)
    Abstract: Aims and objectives: Resilience is linked to better health, mental health and coping at work. Thus, there is use for a high-quality resilience assessment method, as better ways of assessing resilience and a better understanding of the phenomenon could help people to identify their strengths and to develop their weaknesses. This master’s thesis aimed to examine the relationships between the developed Sisu-resilience questionnaire and its subcategories, the psychophysiological variables measured during the laboratory study designed for perseverance assessment, performance in six tasks used in the laboratory study and overall performance in the laboratory study. Due to the novelty of the experimental design, precisely directed hypotheses were not at the epicentre of the thesis. This thesis is part of the Sisu-questionnaire validation project and in the general part of resilience research. Methods: There were 54 test subjects (47 women) in the laboratory phase of the study. The subjects were university students with a mean age of 26.0 years. The experiment consisted of six different tasks for measuring perseverance, which the subjects performed using the instructions given. Of all the psychophysiological variables measured during the experiment, measures of electrodermal activity and facial electromyography were used in this thesis. Electrodermal activity is considered to reflect sympathetic activation. Measures of facial electromyography are connected to emotional valence. Subjects had completed various personality and health assessment questionnaires and the Sisu-questionnaire before to the laboratory study. Results: During the laboratory study, tonic skin conductance of those with more beneficial sisu was lower vis-à-vis those with less beneficial sisu. Beneficial sisu was also associated with better performance in the handgrip endurance task. Tonic and phasic skin conductance of those with more harmful sisu were lower compared to those with less harmful sisu, but the links between harmful sisu and skin conductance were focused only around its “harm to others” subcategory. Beneficial sisu was not associated with positive emotion during the laboratory study. Positive emotion was assessed by orbicularis oculi -activation. Conclusion: The association between higher beneficial sisu and lower sympathetic activation indicates that the questionnaire reaches some property of the nervous system, and it is in line with previous research. Unlike harmful sisu, none of the subcategories of beneficial sisu were associated with phasic skin conductance, which can be interpreted to tell about the independent explanatory power of harmful sisu. The link between better performance in the handgrip task and more beneficial sisu could indicate more beneficial sisu leading to adaptive stress management. Given the widely-known connection between positive emotion and resilience, it is surprising that beneficial sisu was not associated with positive emotion during any subtasks.