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Browsing by Subject "psykologinen joustavuus"

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  • Nissilä, Laura (2017)
    The aim of this study is to investigate the interrelations between students' academic emotions, cognitive attributional strategies and psychological flexibility. According to previous studies, cognitive attributional strategies are linked to learning related emotions and learning outcomes. However, it is still unclear how students' ability to deal with emotions influence the cognitive strategies they use in learning. Therefore, it is reasonable to attach psychological flexibility as a part of the study, and to explore, how these factors are interrelated with one another. Cognitive attributional strategies are suggested to have a mediating role in psychological flexibility-academic emotions association. The data was gathered with an online questionnaire in the Faculty of Humanities and Arts during November and December 2013, as a part of a research project at the Centre for Research and Development of Higher Education. The sample consisted of 231 students. The hypothesized model was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). At first, the original models of psychological flexibility, cognitive attributional strategies and academic emotions were analyzed separately by confirmatory factor analysis in order to examine the factor structures more closely. Secondly, all the three models were placed into same path model to analyze the interrelations between these variables. Significant regressions between these constructs were found and the path model fitted the data fairly well. The results support the hypothesized claim that psychological flexibility predicts optimistic cognitive attributional strategies. In turn, students who are less psychologically flexible are more likely to use self-handicapping strategies. In the light of this study, it seems that optimistic strategy predicts pleasant studying-related emotions. Surprisingly regression between optimism and boredom was nonexistent. Optimism also predicted unpleasant emotions negatively. In contrary, self-handicapping predicted unpleasant academic emotions, shame, anxiety and boredom. It also predicted enjoyment negatively. Self-handicapping did not predict hope significantly. The results supported the claim that cognitive attributional strategies have a mediating role in psychological flexibility-academic emotions association. Students' emotional experiences should be considered in university context because they affect the students' learning process and general well-being. For example, open discussion about emotions with other students and teachers could help the individual to be more aware of their emotions, and thereby, learn to accept emotions as part of learning. Courses which concentrate on emotion regulation could be personally useful for graduate students who often experience high levels of stress and are at risk of burnout.
  • Poranen, Nea (2022)
    More and more university students are experiencing symptoms of burnout. The symptoms of burnout can start already in the first year of study. This is worrisome because exhaustion has been found to be linked to, among other things, depression and university dropout. Preventing burnout is important for students' well-being. Psychological flexibility has been found to be associated with lower burnout. Psychological flexibility (based on Acceptance and commitment therapy, ACT) means the ability to be present in the moment and live according to one's own values. Most of the research on psychological flexibility is based on the work environment, so research on psychological flexibility among university students is necessary. The aim of this study was to investigate the burnout of first-year students and the connections between psychological flexibility and study burnout. The aim was to investigate whether psychological flexibility alleviates study burnout. The data has been collected through the HowULearn questionnaire (n=261) prepared at the Center for University Teaching and Learning HYPE at the University of Helsinki. The research questions were: How exhausted are first-year students at the beginning and end of the 1st year? 2. In what ways are college students' psychological flexibility and study burnout connected? 3. How does perceived burnout differ in different profiles of psychological flexibility? Student burnout was found to have increased significantly between the measurement carried out in autumn 2020 and spring 2021. The research results showed that study burnout and psychological flexibility were statistically significantly connected. The study showed that psychological flexibility is important for the level of study burnout. The burnout of the most psychologically flexible students was at a lower level in both the initial and final measurements. However, burnout increased in all profiles of psychological flexibility. The impact of psychological flexibility on burnout indicates that ACT-based interventions implemented with university students would be a good solution for preventing student burnout. In addition to this, increasing students' awareness of burnout symptoms would be a good way to prevent study burnout.
  • Savolainen, Venla (2021)
    This study did focus on examining the pharmacy students of Helsinki University and their own experi-ence of their self -efficacy, psychological flexibility and wellbeing through exhaustion. This study also focused on the connections of self-efficacy believes, psychological flexibility skills and exhaustion. The research material used in this study was prepared by the HowULearn survey that is prepared be re-search and development unit (YTY) of the university of Helsinki. The first research question examined pharmacy student’s own experience of their psychological flexi-bility, self- efficacy and experience of exhaustion. Answers to the first research question were found by using frequency analysis and basic numbers such as mode and median. The normality of the used data was tested whit Kolmogrov-sminov test. The second research question examined the connections between oself -efficacy, psychological flexibil-ity and exhaustion. Answers to this second research question were found by using correlation analysis and regression analysis. According to the results obtained in this research pharmacy students experienced having good psychological flexibility skills and experienced good self-efficacy believes. Better self-efficacy believes and better skills in psychological flexibility associated whit low exhaustion or no exhaustion at all and vice versa. Self -efficacy believes, skills in psychological flexibility seem to have an important connection to the well-being of pharmacy students. For this reason it is important to increase understanding of the relationships between self-efficacy, psychological flexibility and experience of exhaustion on students.
  • Kauravaara, Kati (2022)
    Toiminnalliset häiriöt ovat elämänlaatua heikentäviä sekä työ- ja toimintakykyä haittaavia oireita ja oireyhtymiä, joiden syy ei selviä somaattisissa tai psykiatrisissa tutkimuksissa ja joiden taustalla ei ole rakenteellista elinjärjestelmän vikaa. Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin Toiminnallisten häiriöiden poliklinikka tarjoaa kuntoutujilleen erilaisia kuntoutusvaihtoehtoja, joista yksi on poliklinikan toteuttama psykologin ja sosiaalityöntekijän ohjaama Psykologisen joustavuuden ryhmäinterventio. Sen sisältö perustuu hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan, ja interventiossa pyritään lisäämään kuntoutujien psykologista joustavuutta. Tutkimuskysymykseni on seuraava: Miten toiminnallisista häiriöistä kärsivät henkilöt kokevat hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapeuttisen ryhmäintervention suhteessa omaan kuntoutumiseensa? Kuvaan tutkimuksessani toiminnallisista häiriöistä kuntoutumista ryhmäintervention avulla ja erityisesti tarkastelen kuntoutujien subjektiivisia kokemuksia liittyen ryhmäkuntoutukseen. Lopuksi pohdin psykologisen joustavuuden taitoharjoittelun merkitystä toiminnallisesta häiriöstä kuntoutumisessa sekä terveyssosiaalityöntekijän roolia tervehtymiseen tähtäävässä kuntouttavassa työssä. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen, ja sen aineisto kerättiin toiminnallisten häiriöiden poliklinikan ryhmäkuntoutusinterventiossa syksyllä 2020. Ryhmä kokoontui kuusi kertaa puolitoista tuntia kerrallaan. Tutkimukseni on virittäytynyt etnografisesti ja perustuu metodologisesti pääosin lyhyeen osallistuvaan havainnointiin ja teemahaastatteluihin. Analysoin tutkimusaineiston sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tämän tutkimuksen aineiston perusteella toiminnallisista häiriöistä kärsivät henkilöt kokivat hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapeuttisen ryhmäintervention omaa kuntoutumistaan tukevana. He saivat konkreettisia työkaluja toiminnallisten oireidensa kanssa toimeen tulemiseksi ja oireiden vaikutusten vähentämiseksi omaan elämäänsä. Lisäksi he oppivat psykologisen joustavuuden taitoja. Aineiston perusteella toiminnallisesta häiriöstä kuntoutumista tukevat vertaisten olemassaolo, ryhmän moninaisuus, luottamuksellinen ilmapiiri, tervehdyttävän tiedon saaminen ymmärrettävässä muodossa, erilaisten kokemuksellisten harjoitusten tekeminen yhdessä sekä kotitehtävinä, harjoitusten reflektointi, rauhallinen eteneminen sekä valmius suunnitelmien muuttamiseen, kaksi ohjaajaa, pieni ryhmäkoko sekä tapaamiskerran pituus puolitoista tuntia. Lisäksi tutkimukseni tulokset kertovat siitä, että psykologisella joustavuudella on merkitystä toiminnallisesta häiriöstä kuntoutumisessa. Tutkimuksen mukaan terveyssosiaalityöntekijällä on paikkansa myös sairaudesta kuntoutumiseen tähtäävässä työssä. Tutkimukseni perusteella kuntoutuskäytäntöjä ja sosiaalityöntekijän toimenkuvaa poliklinikalla voidaan kehittää. Tutkimukseni hyödyttänee tätä laajemminkin toiminnallisista häiriöistä kärsiviä henkilöitä, koska se kannustaa kokeilemaan kuvatunlaista kuntoutusinterventiota toteutettavaksi eri tasoilla ja eri ammattiryhmien yhteistyönä. Tutkimukseni paikantuu erityisesti sosiaalitieteisiin ja sosiaalityöhön, mutta se on hyödynnettävissä myös psykologian ja lääketieteen aloilla.
  • Mukala, Elina (2015)
    In Finland, the vast majority of students complete their university degree later than the target times propose. This has been acknowledged to be problematic on a societal level. In previous studies, students' self-regulatory skills have risen as a main factor when the impeding and enhancing factors of studying have been explored. In addition to self-regulatory skills, students' academic emotions have been found to influence study performance. According to earlier studies, it is also relevant how students deal with their emotions. Psychologically flexible students are able to embrace their emotions and they are capable of living their lives according to their values. The aim of this study is to explore the self-regulatory skills, academic emotions and psychological flexibility of students in the Faculty of Humanities in University of Helsinki and the relationships between these concepts. In addition, a point of interest is how these factors are linked to study performance. The research data was collected by a survey. In addition the information of students' average scores and the amount of student credits were collected from the study register. 258 students responded to the questionnaire. Dimensions of self-regulation, academic emotions and psychological flexibility were explored by factor analysis and the links between these dimensions were examined by correlation analysis. In addition students were grouped based on their self-regulatory skills, psychological flexibility and experienced emotions by using two-step cluster analysis. The differences of the groups' study pace and means of grades were examined using one-way analysis of variance. Students felt that they are psychologically quite flexible, and they experienced more positive emotions than negative emotions. They also had rather good self-regulation skills. Psychological flexibility was associated with a feeling of hopefulness, and emotions were found to correlate with each other. However, there was no correlation between psychological flexibility and the regulation of learning. On the basis of cluster analysis, the students were classified into three groups: 1) hopeful, self-regulating and psychologically flexible students 2) students who have a contradictory attitude towards studying and have challenges in the regulation learning, and 3) students who experience feelings of anxiety and shame. There was no difference between the groups in the number of credits and the averages of grades. In the future, more information is needed about why some students experience a lot of negative emotions related to learning, and how important psychological flexibility is to the well-being of students and to study performance.
  • Anttila, Maria (2019)
    Objective of the study. Psychological distress and psychological problems are common among university students. Web-based treatments offer a possible efficient and low-cost solution for supporting university students´ well-being. Acceptance and commitment therapy is a cognitive-behavioural approach, which by promoting mindfulness and acceptance skills and values-work aims to develop psychological flexibility, that is, ability to stay in contact with the present moment and persist or change in behaviour in the service of chosen values. There is already a considerable evidence-base of the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy, also delivered in web-based format, in alleviating distress, depression and anxiety and improving well-being of university students. The aim of this study is to further investigate the potential of acceptance and commitment therapy in improving university students´ psychological flexibility and well-being. The purpose was especially to explore the effects of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy on the sub-processes of psychological flexibility and on well-being among different types of student groups. Methods. The data was collected from the web-based course Towards better studying provided by University of Helsinki in 2018. In the course the students worked with a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program designed to alleviate stress and composed also reflective writing assignments of their process. The study sample (N=10) consisted of one group of students scoring high and another group of scoring low in psychological flexibility in the quantitative measurement of psychological flexibility at the beginning of the course. The data consisted of the writing assignments composed by the students. Based on this data four different profiles where identified that represented the students´ psychological flexibility and well-being at the beginning of the course. Both, the students scoring low as well as the students scoring high in psychological flexibility where divided into two sub-groups based on qualitative data. The effects of the course overall as well as the effects among the four different student profiles on psychological flexibility and well-being where investigated by using qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. Web-based acceptance and commitment therapy had remarkable positive effects on university students´ psychological flexibility and well-being but the effects differed to a great extent among different student profiles. Also, the students´ psychological flexibility at the beginning of the course looked somewhat different from the perspectives of quantitative measurement on one hand and qualitative measurement on the other.
  • Talarmo, Jutta (2016)
    Students' self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs and psychological flexibility were examined in this research. The participants were 250 students from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Helsinki. Research data were collected in autumn 2013 through a questionnaire developed at the Helsinki University Centre for Research and Development of Higher Education (YTY). Factor analysis was used to explore the validity of the scales measuring self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs and psychological flexibility. The first research question concerning the correlations between self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs and psychological flexibility were analysed by Pearson's correlation coefficient. This was followed by K-Means Cluster Analysis to form student profiles comprising of self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs and psychological flexibility (research question 2). After formation of student profiles Oneway ANOVA was used to analyse whether the student profiles differ from each other in terms of study success, age and sex (research question 3). According to the results all correlations between self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs and psychological flexibility were statistically significant. Especially between self-efficacy beliefs and psychological flexibility a strong correlation (r2 = .30) was found. Four student profiles were identified and they were named as unsure (n = 41), self-confident easygoing (n = 95), self-confident distressed (n = 51) and self-confident efficient (n = 63) students. A statistically significant difference in study success was found between unsure (M = 3.22) and self-confident efficient (M = 3.91) students. With regard to age there was a statistically significant difference between self-confident easygoing (M = 25.6) and self-confident efficient (M = 29.9) students. Student profiles didn't differ with regard to sex. The results imply that self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs and psychological flexibility have a great significance for students' coping and well-being in their studies. Therefore it is important to increase understanding of the interplay between self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs and psychological flexibility to find means to support students' coping under the economically challenging circumstances facing Finnish higher education.