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Browsing by Subject "psyykkinen kuormitus"

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  • Hyytiäinen, Lauri-Eemil (2020)
    Johdanto Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää nuorten aikuisten terveydellisen ja sosiodemografisen elämäntilanteen yhteyttä ajankohtaiseen psyykkiseen kuormitukseen. Terveydellisen elämäntilanteen osalta tarkastelimme koettua terveyttä, elämäntyytyväisyyttä, tyytyväisyyttä parisuhteeseen sekä alkoholin haitallista käyttöä. Sosiodemografisista tekijöistä tarkastelukohteinamme olivat sukupuoli, koulutustaso, työttömyys sekä asuinpaikan koko. Psyykkistä kuormitusta mitattiin GHQ-12 -kyselyllä. Aineisto ja menetelmät Aineistonamme oli kansallinen kaksosten ja heidän perheidensä terveydentilaa ja terveyskäyttäytymistä kartoittava pitkittäinen syntymäkohorttitutkimus (FinnTwin16), joka käsittää vuosina 1975-1979 syntyneet suomalaiset kaksoset. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskityimme FinnTwin16 -tutkimusaineiston osaan, joka kerättin kyselylomakkeella kaksosten ollessa 22-27 vuoden iässä. Kyselylomakkeen osista keskityimme koettua terveyttä, elämäntyytyväisyyttä, parisuhteessa koettua tyytyväisyyttä, alkoholin haitallista käyttöä, työttömyyttä, koulutustasoa ja asuinpaikan kokoa käsitteleviin osiin. Tulokset Havaitsimme, että hyvä koettu terveys, elämäntyytyväisyys ja tyytyväisyys parisuhteeseen olivat kaikki käänteisesti yhteydessä psyykkiseen kuormitukseen sekä miehillä että naisilla. Alkoholin haitallinen käyttö puolestaan oli suoraan yhteydessä psyykkiseen kuormitukseen kaikilla tutkittavilla. Havaitsimme myös, että naisilla psyykkinen kuormitus oli yleisesti ottaen suurempaa kuin miehillä. Työttömyys puolestaan oli yhteydessä suurempaan psyykkiseen kuormitukseen ainoastaan miehillä. Koulutustasolla ja asuinpaikan koolla emme tässä tutkimuksessa havainneet yhteyttä psyykkiseen kuormitukseen. Pohdinta Tässä tutkimuksessa teimme analyysit muuttujakohtaisesti ja poikkileikkausasetelmassa. Jatkossa useamman muuttujan käsittävät analyysit tai psyykkisen kuormituksen tarkastelu demografisesti vakioiduin osajoukoin olisi tärkeää ilmiöiden tarkempien ajallisten yhteyksien ymmärtämiseksi.
  • Tukiainen, Raisa (2023)
    The objective of the thesis is to find out what kind of factors can be observed in the background of psychological stress of students studying in hospital school and which methods are used to regulate the psychological stress. The mental health challenges of children and youth and mental symptoms have been a social topic for a fairly long time. Effects can be seen both in individual´s free time and in everyday school life. The topic of the thesis is important, because successful schooling makes it possible for the student to learn and grow and provides the good basis for success in the future. The thesis was carried out using qualitative research. The material of the thesis consists of interviews with five teachers which were carried out using a semi-structured thematic interview. The research method is data-driven content analysis. In the hospital school pedagogy, the students' psychological stress showed symptoms both internally and externally. The research results show that teachers identify both internal characteristics and environmental factors behind the students' psychological stress. Among the students' internal characteristics that caused psychological stress, neuropsychiatric challenges, special sensitivity, weak stress and pressure tolerance, challenges in self-regulation and low resilience were identified. Among the environmental factors that caused psychological stress, the demands set by adults, school, modern society, social factors, corona pandemic, home and institutional conditions, and social media were identified. The research results show that the manifestation of psychological stress and the regulation of psychological stress are strongly linked to each other. A certain type of psychological stress symptomatology leads to the use of certain methods of support. One of the main observations of the thesis is that the methods of support can be divided into two types of activities: activities in which the activity and interaction between adults is at the center of the support and activities in which the activity and interaction between the adult and the student is at the center of the support. Regardless of the method of support, the objective is the same in all of them: individually meeting the student, calculating the psychological stress, rehabilitating and, in the context of hospital school pedagogy, returning the children and youth back to the standard basic education.
  • Kurko, Julia (2019)
    Suicidal behavior is a complicated psychological phenomenon that is important to be studied. Suicidal behaviors include ideation of suicide, attempting suicide and committing suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young adults. Many people are affected by suicide, either directly or through losing a loved one. People who experience suicidal behavior often suffer from different psychiatric symptoms. The present study examined the associations between different suicidal behaviors and psychiatric disturbance measured with the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), and the association of suicide ideation and attempts with mental illness diagnoses. The sample was a population based random sample of Finnish young adults. Among 679 young adults, 80 reported having previously thought about suicide and 41 reported having previously attempted suicide. GHQ-12 sum scores were positively associated with a likelihood of having thought about suicide or attempted suicide. No association was found for suicide attempt likelihood among those who had suicidal thoughts. Three of the individual GHQ-12 items were associated with suicidal behavior. These items were the feeling of being unable to overcome difficulties, being able to enjoy daily activities and feeling worthless. Of these items, the ability to enjoy daily activities was also associated with a lower likelihood of having attempted suicide among those with suicidal thoughts. A diagnosis of mental illness was associated with a higher likelihood of having thought about, or attempted suicide. It was also associated with a higher likelihood of having attempted suicide among those with suicidal thoughts. The results indicate that psychiatric disturbance and mental illness are associated with suicidal behavior. However, psychiatric disturbance does not seem to be associated with suicide attempt probability among those who have suicidal thoughts. It seems possible that there are qualitative differences between suicide ideation and suicide attempts and suicide attempt risk does not increase linearly with increase in psychiatric disturbance. Future research should look into differences between suicidal thoughts and suicide attempt risk and examine specific factors, such as the ability to enjoy daily activities, in their relation to suicidal behavior.