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  • Budde, Karri (2020)
    Aims It has previously been established that job strain and psychosocial job resources are considerably multidimensional among Finnish physicians. Psychological network analysis offers the means to investigate many psychosocial work characteristics simultaneously. The aim of this study was to investigate the networks these work characteristics form and to find out whether more strained physicians differ from their less strained colleagues in terms of the nature of these networks. Methods The study sample (N = 2825) was based on the Finnish study project Lääkäreiden työolot ja terveys 2006 (Work environment and health of physicians). Organizational justice, job control, work-home conflict and job strain were measured by self-report items. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses were conducted to investigate the structure of these phenomena. The analyses of connections between these phenomena were conducted by estimating regularized partial correlation networks. Results Psychosocial aspects of work were found to be connected in ways that largely validate previous research results. Procedural justice, the feeling of hurry, the feeling of inadequate competence and distractions of workflow were particularly central phenomena. This study found no group differences. Conclusions As it has previously been established, psychosocial work characteristics are a considerably multidimensional entity. Procedural justice is a highly central phenomenon among work characteristics, and it is strongly and positively connected with job control. There were no clear differences in the overall structure and strength of networks between highly strained and less strained physicians. Future network analyses of psychosocial work characteristics should continue to emphasize diverse and valid measurement.