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Browsing by Author "Eriksson, Camilla"

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  • Eriksson, Camilla (2019)
    The target of this thesis is to examine how mathematical abilities are experienced by pupils and what effect emotions and attitude has on the abilities and achievements in mathemat- ics. If these factors have an effect on mathematical abilities and achievements, it is crucial to be conscious about this, especially if working with the subject in school, to ensure the best possible education for the pupils. The thesis has been executed with an integrated literature review and analysed with content analysis as method. Six articles have been analysed. These articles have been written in Finland, USA, Great Britain, Italy, Iran and Chile. The articles have been chosen according to the research questions and search criterias of this thesis. The results of this thesis indicate that the pupil’s self-efficacy has an effect on their achieve- ments in mathematics. The pupil’s emotions and attitude also affect their achievements and abilities, and the pupil’s gender has an effect on their self-efficacy in mathematics as well.