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  • Sokka, Joonas (2019)
    Pluripotent stem cells (PSC) can exists in both primed and naïve states. The conventionally derived human PSCs represent the later primed state of pluripotency during embryo development, while the naïve state resembles the inner cell mass (ICM) of pre-implantation blastocyst. Primed human PSCs can be reverted chemically by transient histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition back to the naïve state in vitro. The reverted PSCs can then be characterized based on their morphology and expression of selected naïve markers using immunocytochemistry and RT-qPCR assays. Leucine twenty homeobox (LEUTX) is one of the genes expressed during the early stages of embryo development and is capable of activating the transcription of multiple genes, including pluripotency-associated genes, which are upregulated during the human embryonic genome activation (EGA). LEUTX expression could potentially improve the naïve reversion efficiency or the maintenance of naïve PSCs by driving the transcriptome of primed PSCs back towards the earlier cell stages of embryo development, potentially even to cell stages that precede the naïve state. The aim of this thesis was to setup the naïve reversion protocol and study the effects of LEUTX on the reversion by using the generated and tested H9 activator cell line for targeted activation of endogenous LEUTX expression. First, a conditionally stabilized CRISPRa activator cell line was generated for targeted activation of endogenous gene expression in H9 cells. Then sequence-specific guide RNAs (gRNA) targeting LEUTX for activation were introduced to the activator cell line. Using the generated activator cell line during the naïve reversions allows the targeted activation of specific genes, here LEUTX, and thus enables studying the effects of these genes on PSCs during the naïve reversion protocol. The induced activator cells expressing LEUTX managed to form four times as many naïve resembling colonies during the reversion compared to the controls, but most of these were lost after changing the medium conditions towards the end of the protocol. After the reversion was complete, the reverted PSCs were characterized as naïve PSCs based on their domed morphology and the high expression of naïve markers NANOG, KLF17, TFCP2L1 and DNMT3L when compared to the primed PSCs. The naïve reversion protocol was set up and optimized successfully and can now be used as a reliable way of obtaining human naïve PSCs for further experiments studying and modelling the earlier developmental stages during embryo development. Furthermore, the generated H9 activator cell line worked as intended and can be utilized for studying the effects of other targeted genes during the reversion or in the reverted naïve PSCs.
  • Malmberg, Jenny (2022)
    Many maternally inherited bacterial infections in insect species can have negative or positive effects on their hosts. One of the diverse phenotypes these bacteria can induce in their hosts is the selective death of the male offspring at early development stages. Male-killing (MK) symbiotic bacteria have been reported in diverse insect species, and these symbionts have been shown to play important roles in shaping the ecology and evolution of diverse host species. One such species is the African Monarch butterfly: Danaus chrysippus, the target species of my study. There are four subspecies of D. chrysippus, which are geographically loosely isolated in different parts of Africa. However, they do interbreed in a hybrid zone located in central Africa. The MK phenotype in D. chrysippus is caused by a Spiroplasma bacterium, which is highly prevalent in the host hybrid zone, where the MK phenotype is so strong that females can only reproduce thanks to a few males that migrate from the surrounding subspecies. Other studies have found a correlation between the size of the female (wingspan) and infection rate. In my thesis the main objective is to study parts of the internal female structures, aiming to investigate if the size of the female reproductive organs correlates with infection as well. My hypothesis is that the female reproductive organs are smaller in highly infected areas because the rare males produce small and resource-depleted spermatophores. This study considered if D. chrysippus females collected from different populations (with different infection rates and sex-ratios) showed a difference in the size of their reproductive organs (corpus bursae and signa). Some females were also dissected to count the amount of spermatophores, and to measure their size. My study includes photographs of these particular organs (corpus bursae and signum) because those have not been published before. The results showed that (A) Danaus chrysippus has two signa, one on the ventral- and one on the dorsal side of the corpus bursa, and they are covered with spike-like structures; (B) spermatophores varied in size between females, but that population, female infection status and population sex-ratio did not significantly affect spermatophore count nor spermatophore size, and (C) in Rwanda, where the sex-ratio is slightly female-biased, the signa covered a significantly smaller portion of the females’ corpus bursa than observed in females from other populations showing either no or a strong female sex-ratio bias.
  • Holla, Annele Jenni Tuulikki (2021)
    Binge eating disorder (BED) is a common eating disorder that includes eating a large amount of food in a short period of time and is often associated with obesity. Patients can suffer from stress, anxiety, and metabolic syndrome caused by the weight gain, but no effective medication for both psychological and physiological issues have been discovered. This thesis studies the potential of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) in reducing binge-like eating behaviour in a mouse model that does not include food restriction. The model includes a 24 h bingeing period with high-fat food once a week. SCFA butyrate, propionate, and acetate were administered to mice via 1 g/kg i.p. injections or 200 mM drinking water for three days, and their effects on energy intake during the bingeing period were measured. The results show that SCFA can significantly reduce binge-like eating behaviour in mice in the short term, but long-term effects vary. I.p. butyrate, propionate, and acetate decreased energy intake by 68%, 57%, and 62% during the first hour, respectively. SCFA via drinking water did not decrease energy intake a lot, and the results were inconsistent between animals. These results suggest a potential for SCFA to attenuate bingeing episodes when administered acutely, but the mechanisms remain to be discovered.
  • Manninen, Juulia (2022)
    Immune-mediated diseases, such as various allergies and asthma, are increasing rapidly in an urbanized world where biodiversity is steadily declining. Decreased biodiversity and homogenous microbiota have been associated with weaker immune defence. Studies show that contact with the natural environment enriches the human microbiota, promotes immune response, and protects against allergies and inflammatory diseases. For this reason, in order to prevent immune-mediated diseases, solutions have been sought from nature-based approaches in which the immune system encounters environmental microbial stimuli in a natural way. The aim of this master's thesis was to study how different nature-based materials (sod and forest floor) affect the skin microbiota of kindergarten-age children and to examine how different factors such as varying weather conditions and different sampling times affect the results. The results supported the hygiene hypothesis and previous research according to which increasing biodiversity can have a positive effect on human skin microbial communities. A positive effect on children's skin was achieved with sod alone, which is important information in the development of suitable biodiverse materials for urban planning. The results also supported the surmise that different weather conditions and sampling methods can significantly affect the results.
  • Jäntti, Joona (2024)
    Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynaecological malignancy and is among the leading causes of cancer-related deaths among women. Chemotherapy resistance is a major obstacle in treating high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC), leading to a low 5-year survival rate (35-40%). This resistance often develops even after the initial response to treatment. Cellular signalling changes are known to play a role in this process and transcription factors convey these signals of various pathways to transcriptional outputs. Understanding which pathways become active during treatment is crucial for developing new therapies and understanding how chemotherapy resistance develops. This thesis presents a novel method to record transcriptional pathway activation at single-cell level. It utilizes two plasmid constructs: one expressing doxycycline (DOX)-inducible Cas12a enzyme from Acidaminococcus (AsCas12a) and another containing single guide RNAs (sgRNA) under a stress-responsive promoter. The AsCas12a enzyme cleaves DNA at specific sites upon encountering the sgRNAs, leaving a permanent record of pathway activation. In the stress recording workflow that we developed the cells are first lentivirally transduced with both plasmid constructs. Then, treatment with DOX and a specific stress inducer (e.g., TNF-α for NF-κB pathway activation) jointly triggers targeted AsCas12a activity and genomic level records are produced. Our findings demonstrate tight control by both DOX and the stress inducer. No editing occurred without both plasmids and both inducers, demonstrating the system's timed activation. The method opens the door to studying the activation of different transcriptional pathways in HGSC. By simply modifying the response promoter sequence in the design, the system can be adapted to record various pathways. Ultimately, recording the activation of various pathways at the single-cell level holds promise for identifying key vulnerabilities of the adaptive mechanism that can be targeted for improved therapies in HGSC.
  • Vuoristo, Mikko (2020)
    Eliölajit ovat jatkuvassa vuorovaikutuksessa niin fysikaalisen ympäristönsä, kuin muiden eliölajienkin kanssa. Nämä vuorovaikutukset voivat olla osapuolille negatiivisia, neutraaleja tai positiivisia. Fasilitaatio tarkoittaa sitä, että joku laji edesauttaa toisen lajin selviytymistä. Äärimmäinen esimerkki fasilitaatiosta on perustajalaji. Perustajalaji on laji, joka pelkällä läsnäolollaan tarjoaa muille eliöille kriittisiä resursseja, joita ilman muut lajit eivät voi selviytyä. Nämä resurssit voivat olla esimerkiksi ravintoa, suojaa tai elintilaa. Alustaansa kiinnittyvät simpukat ovat perustajalajeja, joita tavataan kaikilta maailman merialueilta. Esiintyessään tiheinä kasvustoina kalliorannoilla ne tarjoavat lukuisille selkärangattomille eläimille suojaa aallokon voimalta ja pedoilta, ravintoa ja elintilaa lisääntyneen sedimentaation myötä, sekä runsaasti sekundaarista kiinnittymispintaa. Alustaansa kiinnittyvät simpukat muodostavat perustan habitaatille, joka lopulta muotoutuu simpukoiden ja muiden lajien yhteisvaikutuksella. Vähäsuolaisessa ja -lajisessa Itämeressä sinisimpukka (Mytilus trossulus x edulis) on alustaansa kiinnittyvänä simpukkana erittäin tärkeässä roolissa. Sinisimpukkaa esiintyy pinnan läheltä aina kymmenien metrien syvyyteen asti, kunhan kiinnittymiseen sopivaa alustaa vain on tarjolla. Simpukoiden esiintymiseen Itämeressä vaikuttavat monet tekijät, joista tärkeimpinä ovat aallokko joka aiheuttaa fysikaalista stressiä, ja alhainen, itää ja pohjoista kohti pienentyvä suolapitoisuus joka aiheuttaa fysiologista stressiä. Paikoin erittäin runsaina esiintyvät sinisimpukat edesauttavat sedimentin kertymistä muodostamansa kolmiulotteisen matriisin onkaloihin mikä mahdollistaa myös pehmeän pohjan lajien esiintymisen kalliorannoilla. Sinisimpukkayhteisössä onkin piirteitä sekä pehmeistä, että kovista pohjista, mikä tekee niistä edullisia elinympäristöjä runsaalle määrälle erilaisia selkärangattomia eläimiä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin sisäsaaristosta ulkosaaristoon voimistuvan aallokon vaikutusta sinisimpukka-rakkohauru -yhteisön rakenteeseen kolmella lähellä toisiaan sijaitsevilla merialueilla läntisellä Suomenlahdella, missä suolapitoisuus laskee läntisimmän ja itäisimmän tutkimusalueen välillä ainoastaan muutamilla promillen kymmenyksillä. Näytteitä noudettiin sukeltamalla 36:sta eri pisteestä kolmen metrin syvyydeltä rakkohauruvyöhykkeeltä, neljältä eri avoimuusvyöhykkeeltä. Näytteistä havaitut eläintaksonit tunnistettiin ja eläinten yksilömäärät laskettiin, ja sinisimpukoiden sekä rakkohaurun (Fucus vesiculosus) kuivapaino määritettiin. Tilastollisilla menetelmillä selvitettiin eliöyhteisön rakenteen eroja näillä kolmella alueella, sekä kasvavan avoimuuden vaikutusta. Lisäksi selvitettiin korreloivatko tavattujen eläinlajien yksilömäärät sinisimpukan tai rakkohaurun biomassan kanssa. Sinisimpukka oli kaikilla näytepisteillä runsain tavattu laji, ja jäljessä yksilömääristä puhuttaessa sinisimpukkayksilöitä ei huomioida. Alueet eivät eronneet toisistaan taksonien tai eläinyksilöiden kokonaismäärien osalta, mutta yksittäisillä taksoneilla eroja kuitenkin havaittiin. Avoimuudella havaittiin olevan merkittävä vaikutus eliöyhteisön rakenteeseen. Avoimuuden kasvaessa havaittujen taksonien määrä laski ja runsaimmat taksonit vaihtuivat sedimenttiä suosivista nilviäisistä vapaasti uiviin äyriäisiin, sen sijaan eläinten kokonaisyksilömäärissä merkitseviä eroja ei havaittu. Merkittävä osuus tavatuista yksittäisistä taksoneista korreloi negatiivisesti kasvavan avoimuuden kanssa, avoimuuden kanssa positiivisesti korreloivia taksoneita oli vähemmän. Sinisimpukoiden biomassan kanssa havaittiin korrelaatiota usealla taksonilla, kaikki positiivisia, sen sijaan rakkohaurun biomassan kanssa korrelaatiota havaittiin ainoastaan yhdellä taksonilla. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, että avoimuudella on selkeä vaikutus perustajalajina toimivan sinisimpukan ympärille muotoutuneeseen eliöyhteisöön ja sen rakenteeseen. Suolapitoisuuden vähäinen lasku tutkimusalueiden välillä sen sijaan ei vielä merkitsevästi vaikuta sinisimpukkayhteisön rakenteeseen, vaikka yksittäisillä lajeilla - merkittävimpänä juuri sinisimpukka - viitteitä vaikutuksista havaittiinkin. Sinisimpukan merkitys muuhun lajistoon on merkittävä, rakkohaurun merkitys on sen sijaan varsin vähäinen.
  • Nousiainen, Inari (2020)
    Viime vuosikymmenien maaseutuympäristöjen muutokset, kuten lisääntynyt maankäytön tehostuminen ja kasvinsuojeluaineiden käyttö, ovat saaneet monet Euroopan maaseutuympäristöjen lintujen kannat taantumaan. Jotta lintukantojen muutoksia voitaisiin ymmärtää ja suojelutoimia suunnitella, on lintujen elämänkierron eri vaiheiden, kuten pesimämenestyksen ja elossasäilyvyyden, sekä selviytymiseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden tutkiminen tärkeää. Myös Suomessa maaseutuympäristöjen linnuston tutkimukselle on tarvetta: uusimmassa Suomen luonnon uhanalaisuusarvioinnissa (2019) uhanalaisia tai silmälläpidettäviä maatalousympäristöjen lintulajeja oli 18, mikä on neljä enemmän kuin neljä vuotta aiemmassa arvioinnissa. Yksi näistä on Suomen voimakkaimmin taantunut maalintulaji, peltosirkku (Emberiza hortulana), jonka kanta on kutistunut 80-luvulta alle yhteen prosenttiin. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää yksilöllisin tunnistein merkittyjen lintujen avulla, onko Suomen aikuisten peltosirkkukoiraiden elossasäilyvyys ollut vuosina 2013–2019 poikkeavan matala, mikä voisi selittää lajin kantojen voimakasta laskua. Tavoitteena on myös tarkastella elossasäilyvyyden vuosittaista ja alueellista vaihtelua, peltosirkkujen kannankehityslukuja, sekä selvittää vaikuttivatko muuttokäyttäytymisen tutkimista varten kiinnitetyt valopaikantimet (loggerit) elossasäilyvyyteen. Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty vuosina 2013–2019 niiltä alueilta, joilla peltosirkun on havaittu pesivän. Aineisto koostuu 210 aikuisen (+1kv; vanhempi kuin ensimmäistä kalenterivuottaan elävä lintu) peltosirkun pyynti-jälleenpyynti-aineistosta, jota käyttäen tehtiin elossasäilyvyysanalyysit, sekä peltosirkkujen reviirikartoituksesta, jota käytettiin kannankehityslukujen laskemiseen. Elossasäilyvyysanalyysit tehtiin käyttäen CJS -mallia (Cormack-Jolly-Seber) MARK -ohjelmassa. Analyysia varten aineistosta poistettiin naaraat, paikkaansa vaihtaneet peltosirkut ja Itä-Suomen vaillinaisesti seuratut yksilöt, sekä muodostettiin kaksi pääanalyysia: koko Suomen analyysi ja alueellinen analyysi. Koko Suomen analyysissa tarkasteltiin, oliko loggerilla vaikutusta linnun elossasäilyvyyteen ja vaihteliko elossasäilyvyys vuosien välillä. Alueellisessa analyysissa Suomen peltosirkut jaettiin kolmeen alueeseen: pohjoiseen, lounaiseen ja eteläiseen. Analyysissa tarkasteltiin, onko elossasäilyvyydessä eroa alueiden välillä ja vaihteleeko elossasäilyvyys vuosien välillä. Lopuksi laskettiin R-ohjelmiston Rtrim -paketilla kannankehitysluvut koko Suomelle sekä alueellisessa analyysissa käytetyille kolmelle alueelle. Analyysin tulos oli että Suomen peltosirkkukoiraiden elossasäilyvyys vuosina 2013–2019 oli 43,3 % koko tutkimusjaksolle. Loggeri vaikutti negatiivisesti elossasäilyvyyteen, mutta alueiden tai vuosien välillä ei ollut merkitsevää vaihtelua. Kannankehitysluvut olivat laskusuuntaisia ja niissä oli alueiden välillä merkitseviä eroja. Koko Suomessa kanta laski 19,4 % vuodessa. Alueista suurin lasku oli lounaassa, jossa kanta laski 26,5 % vuodessa. Suomen peltosirkkukoiraiden elossasäilyvyysanalyysin tulosta verrattiin muiden samankokoisten (10–40g) pitkän matkan muuttavien varpuslintujen julkaistuihin elossasäilyvyyslukuihin (41,9-58,0 %; 15 eri lajia). Vertailun perusteella Suomen peltosirkkukoiraiden elossasäilyvyys ei ole ollut poikkeavan matala, eikä siten vaikuta olevan ainakaan tärkein voimakasta kannanlaskua selittävä tekijä. Tämän tutkielman tulosten mukaan Suomen peltosirkkujen kannanlaskun taustalla on luultavimmin muita tekijöitä kuin aikuisten koiraiden elossasäilyvyys, kuten aikuisten naaraiden tai nuorten lintujen (ensimmäistä kalenterivuottaan elävät linnut) kestämättömän suuri kuolleisuus tai kestävälle populaatiokehitykselle liian heikko pesimätulos. Elossasäilyvyydessä ei havaittu myöskään alueellisia vaihteluita, mutta kannankehitysluvuissa näin oli, minkä perusteella ainakin jotkin populaatiokokoa säätelevät tekijät ilmenevät joillakin pesimäalueilla voimakkaammin kuin toisilla. Näin ollen eritoten pesintämenestykseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä kannattaisi kiireellisesti tutkia, jotta peltosirkun kannankehityksen suunta saataisiin tietoon perustuvan suojelusuunnitelman avulla käännettyä.
  • Kallio, Jarkko (2017)
    The spreading of non-indigenous species by human activities is a growing problem globally. Invasive species are generally assumed to have negative impacts on ecosystems, because they threaten biodiversity and the balance of ecological systems. Other simultaneous changes in the ecosystem can impact, or intensify the effects of, the invasion. The invasive rock shrimp Palaemon elegans, is an invasive species that has spread to the Baltic sea via human introduction in the early 2000's. There have also been drastic changes in the ecology of Baltic sea, particularly the increase of primary production. A common mesopredator, the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, has greatly increased in number in the Baltic sea in recent years. It is presumed to influence the primary production by predation of zooplankton grazers. P. elegans is an omnivore that both grazes filamentous green algae, as well as preys upon the invertebrate grazers that live amongst the algae. If the invasion of P. elegans influences the populations of stickleback, it might also influence the accumulation of primary production. Recent studies have shown, that P. elegans can potentially influence the reproductive behavior of stickleback, but the effect on the success of reproduction has not been proven. This study was composed of two parts: field monitoring and a mesocosm experiment. In the monitoring, individuals of stickleback and P. elegans were caught, counted and measured in three shallow bays and two depths from May to August of 2015. The differences in number of caught individuals were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance and differences in lengths were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U-test. The effect of P. elegans on sticklebacks was analyzed using covariance analysis. The hypothesis was, that the amount of P. elegans and stickleback or their lengths would show negative correlation, which could be a sign of interaction through predation or resource competition. In the mesocosm experiment stickleback fry were exposed to P. elegans or a non-parent stickleback in tanks with filamentous algae Cladophora glomerata and associated fauna. The resulting differences in in fry number, fry size and the amount of algae between treatments in the tanks were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance. Correlations between variables were analyzed using Spearman's rank-order correlation. The hypothesis was that P. elegans would have a negative effect on the amount of fry through predation, or the size of the fry through perceived predation risk. In the field study, no significant correlations were found between P. elegans and sticklebacks, and therefore the results do not suggest a causal link between the two species. Differences between the areas were found, which were attributed to physical differences between the areas. In the mesocosm experiment not enough repetitions were accumulated to provide reliable results. The increase of P. elegans in the Baltic sea is most likely not going to affect the three-spined stickleback via direct predation. P. elegans appears in the shallow bays where sticklebacks reproduce later in the year and it consumes mainly algae and invertebrates. Even though P. elegans will feed on fish eggs if there is an opportunity, stickleback males defend their nests fiercely. The invasion of P. elegans in the Baltic sea is very recent, but it can affect the accumulation of filamentous algae due to their great number. It feeds on invertebrates, but can itself be a potential food item in the diet of ie. cod.
  • Laitinen, Paavo (2022)
    Schizophrenia (SZ) is a neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder with high heritability. Patients with SZ commonly suffer from sleep problems of different types, some of them with potential underlying abnormalities in sleep oscillations. These changes in sleep are usually accompanied by deficits in cognitive performance. However, the relationship between sleep, cognitive performance and genetic risk factors are not well known in SZ. In this study, patients were selected from a nation-wide SUPER -cohort. Sleep and circadian rhythm of patients with SZ (n = 26) and age-matched healthy controls (n = 11) were followed for a week with actigraphy and sleep diary, combined with word-pair -memory task and polysomnography at the end of the week. The results showed that patients spend more time in lighter sleep and awake during the night than controls. As expected, patients had impaired sleep spindle density compared to controls. Additionally, patient had worse overnight memory consolidation. However, sleep spindle density was not associated with memory performance. Lastly, polygenic risk score (PRS) for long sleep, but not PRS for SZ, predicted lower spindle density in patients, which could be indirect evidence for deviated neurophysiological processes of sleep behind the observed deviations in EEG oscillations among the patients. These results show that, as compared to controls, patients with SZ demonstrate abnormalities in their sleep, which can be seen both in macro- and microstructures of sleep. Further analyses of the interplay between sleep oscillations and genetic risk factors are likely needed to link sleep problems with overnight memory consolidation.
  • Sen, Mihika (2023)
    With growing fragmentation of elephant habitats across the world, elephants are coming in closer contact with humans, leading to increasing human-elephant conflict over limited space and resources. Laikipia county in Kenya represents one such region where conflict with elephants has been (and continues to be) a widespread problem, stemming from intense land-use zoning since the 1970s. This conflict mainly takes the form of crop raiding by elephants in community farmlands adjoining conservation areas. Electric fencing has been the widely used conflict management tool in the region to prevent elephants from entering croplands. However, the establishment of electric fences can often have hidden political underpinnings, both caused by and resulting in conflicting interests of different land users. As human-elephant conflict is multidimensional, it is essential to incorporate both human and wildlife dimensions when assessing the effectiveness of electric fences in conflict mitigation. While there is a growing body of research on the ecological effects of electric fences, the role of social perceptions in long-term fence effectiveness is often neglected. In this study, I therefore conducted a combined social and ecological assessment of electric fences in Laikipia. For this, I evaluated the perceptions of three local communities (Mutara, Ex Erok and Lorien) towards two major electric fences in Laikipia: the West Laikipia Fence and the Lorien Community Fence. I conducted 188 individual interviews with farmers (and opportunistically pastoralists) in all three communities, comprising questions on demographics, human-elephant conflict, electric fences, and involvement of communities in fence management. I then combined this information with data on fence breaking and crop raiding behaviour of elephants to effectively inform electric fence management strategies in the region. First, I looked at changes in the perceptions of Mutara and Ex Erok between 2016-2022, following upgrades made to the West Laikipia Fence after 2016, through a comparison of results with previous research. Second, I investigated potential factors influencing community perceptions towards fence effectiveness. Third, I mapped fence break and crop raiding hotspots in the three communities. And fourth, I determined the environmental factors affecting crop raiding intensity. Both Mutara and Ex Erok showed more positive perceptions towards fence effectiveness in 2022 as compared to 2016. The main factor found to influence fence perceptions was community involvement in fence management. Communities involved in fence management had more positive fence perceptions than those with no involvement. Crop raiding hotspot mapping revealed that some areas within each community were more affected by crop raiding than others. Fence break hotspot mapping identified fence sections of the West Laikipia Fence more prone to breakages by elephants. Finally, crop raiding intensity in a given farm was found to be strongly affected by the diversity of crops grown there, and weakly by its distance from the nearest roads and electric fences. My results therefore contribute to a better understanding of patterns of crop raiding and fence breakages of elephants in Laikipia. My findings highlight the importance of including sociological data from local communities in assessments of electric fence effectiveness, and also provide empirical evidence on the importance of involving local communities in electric fence management. The findings from this study can serve as a reference to relevant stakeholders for future improvements in electric fence management in Laikipia and elsewhere.
  • Raulo, Aura (2015)
    Microbiota, the microbial communities living in the gut, skin and glands of vertebrates, is the functional link between a physiological individual and it s surrounding ecosystem. Mutualistic microbes play a role in social systems as well, since they are transmitted through social behaviors and claimed to affect host sociality and behavior. Furthermore, individual stress physiology can affect both behavior and microbiota. I took first steps to reveal the role of gut microbiota in the social dynamics of a group-living cooperative primate, the red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer). Gut microbiota was affected by seasonal change, stress hormonal profile and pregnancy, and individuals were found to have a strongly group-specific gut microbial composition, highlighting the role of social environment in determining gut microbial composition. Unlike expected, individual sociality was negatively associated with gut microbial diversity. Gut microbiota seems to be largely determined by social factors in this species, indicating that social transmission of beneficial microbiota might have played a role in the evolution of sociality.
  • Rissanen, Simo (2022)
    The concept of sustainability has been discussed a lot in academic and political contexts. While especially the ecological dimension of sustainability has been widely focused on due to various environmental crises, the social dimension has been less studied. In this thesis, I analyse social sustainability through political discourses in the Finnish context. Finland has received good results in the field of social policy and throughout its history, central labour market organisations have had an institutional role in the development of social policies. This thesis analyses how Finnish central labour market organisations discuss social sustainability when they set their objectives for the 2019-2023 government term. Adopting a critical approach, I study the role and representation of social sustainability in the objective documents. My two-part research 1) constructs a definition for social sustainability based on literature, and 2) analyses the empirical data and discourses found within. The findings of this thesis present a five-part definition for social sustainability and four key discursive themes which emerge from the empirical data. The results from empirical data show that in the objective documents social sustainability is for example discussed in a bureaucratic way, sometimes seen as an instrument benefitting the society. The research also underlines the difficulty of defining and analysing the vague concept of social sustainability and discusses how and why social sustainability could be researched in the future.
  • Hajnal, Dorottya (2024)
    Keeping dogs (Canis familiaris) affects the environment. One significant effect of dogs in the environment is the production and deposition of urine. Unlike other waste, dog urine cannot be easily collected by owners, leading to unfiltered introduction into the soil. Dog urine is high in urea, which hydrolyzes to ammonium and nitrate. These soil nitrogen forms have the potential to change other soil properties that may cause harm in plant or microbial health, and contributing to eutrophication. In this thesis I investigate the impacts of dogs on soil nitrogen properties and their connection with human population density and closeness to walking paths in urban remnant forests. To evaluate the level of impact of dogs and to gain knowledge on the current nitrogen content and δ15N in urban remnant forests, five urban remnant forests were examined. Within each forest, soil nitrogen forms, δ15N in the soil and foliage samples, as well as total carbon and nitrogen content of the soil were compared, besides basic soil properties between dog-affected and control areas. The study revealed elevated levels of soil electrical conductivity, ammonium, and nitrate, as well as soil and foliage δ15N in dog-affected areas. Unexpectedly, soil acidity was lower in samples taken next to paths where dogs can potentially urinate. Organic matter content and total nitrogen and carbon content of the soils were higher where dogs are not frequent visitors, meanwhile the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio was also higher. These findings show that the impacts of dog urine on the soil should be considered in urban planning and further research is needed to understand the significance of it.
  • Atti, Sanna (2021)
    Underwater light climate in mountain lakes is controlled by dissolved organic carbon concentrations and by lake ice regimes. Both are affected by local, regional and global variables linked to anthropogenic disturbances such as climate change and atmospheric pollution. Aim of this work was to investigate changes in underwater light climate over the past ~200 years in two oligotrophic mountain lakes and how it reflects on diatom (Bacillariophyceae) guild distribution. For these aims, diatom communities and ecological guilds were analyzed from sediment core and contemporary habitat samples along a depth gradient. In addition, sediment inferred chlorophyll a (CHLa) and lake water total organic carbon (TOC) were analyzed to detect development of primary production and lake water carbon content. Results showed that acidification of the lakes together with climate induced changes have been important drivers of the ecology of the lakes. Lake water TOC showed a decline and subsequent increase in line with the acidification and subsequent recovery of the lakes, likely affecting underwater light climate in the lakes. However, this did not reflect unambiguously into changes in diatom functionality. Warming has likely contributed to diversification of the diatom community over the study period while no distinct increases were observed in whole lake primary production. Overall, if the present study could not distinguish the exact role of underwater light in driving changes in diatom communities and functional traits, the result show that human pressures have left distinct imprints in the development of biotic communities in these remote mountain lakes.
  • Porkka, Kaija (2017)
    Chitinolytic enzymes belong to a group of pathogenesis-related proteins, which are induced in plants by a pathogenic attack. They have also been shown to function in abiotic stresses and related to signalling. Chitinases catalyze the degradation of β-1,4-N-acetyl glucosamine units of chitin. Chitin is not found in plants, but for example the shells of invertebrates, cell walls of certain fungi, algae and bacteria contain it abundantly. Lately chitinases have gathered attention because of their potential utilization possibilities in medicine, agriculture, food industry and biofuels. Strong chitinase gene expression and also chitinolytic activity has been found in a spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) cell culture, which produces apoplastic lignin into the medium. Plant chitinases are known to be induced also in developmental processes. Chitinase-like genes have been shown to be essential in cellulose synthesis and in development of cell walls and tracheary elements and also affected the localisation of lignin in tissues. Therefore, the secretion of chitinases into the culture medium has not necessarily been caused by stress and chitinases might use also some endogenic substrate in addition to chitin. Because chitin is a structural component of plant pathogens but not present in plants and the growing circumstances of the studied aceptic spruce cell culture were stable, the research hypothesis was, that the secreted chitinases in the culture medium were not a stress reaction but related to development and besides chitin of the pathogens they utilize some own polysaccharide substrate of spruce. Additional hypothesis was connection of the strong expression of chitinases and chitinase-like genes in the culture medium and the production of apoplastic lignin by the spruce cell line. The aim of the study was to characterize the chitinases and chitinase-like enzymes of the spruce cell suspension culture medium and developing xylem by isolating, purifying and cloning them and by producing them heterologously. The aim was also to identify the putative endogenous substrates for the chitinases and chitinase-like proteins to reach better understanding about the meaning of the chitinases in the development of the spruce tissues. Two chitinases of the spruce cell suspension culture were isolated and purified by chromatographic methods. One chitinase gene in spruce cell culture and one chitinase-like gene in spruce xylem were cloned, after which the chitinases and chitinase-like proteins were produced in Pichia pastoris yeast. The total proteins of the culture medium, the purified chitinases isolated from the medium and the chitinases and chitinase-like proteins produced in P. pastoris were used to examine their substrate alternatives with the carbohydrate microarray method. The connection between apoplastic lignin and the chitinolytic enzymes in culture medium was not found and obvious candidates for the endogenous substrates were not detected. However, the mannan degradation in the presence of the chitinases was strong enough to give reason to further analyses.
  • Niemeläinen, Elina (2020)
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer-enclosed nano-sized particles that are found in all body fluids. EVs are part of normal cell functions and they can carry for example proteins, RNA and lipids between cells. This makes them potential candidates as drug delivery vehicles. When nanoparticles are introduced to blood plasma, a plasma protein structure is formed on their surface, called the protein corona. The formation of a protein corona is a dynamic process, and the proteins are binding to the corona depending on their affinity to the nanoparticle surface. When administrating nanoparticles to cells, protein corona has a big impact on the half-life and cellular uptake of the particles. The aim of this work was to study the plasma protein corona of PC-3 derived EVs, and to investigate methods for protein corona isolation. First, EVs and lipoprotein particles were removed from fresh frozen plasma by membrane filtration. Using this filtrated plasma, we then tested plasma-EV incubation and removing of free plasma proteins by simple ultrafiltration. Removing of free plasma proteins was also examined by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). The resulting EV-protein corona complex was visualized with SDS-PAGE. EVs were characterized with nanoparticle tracking analysis and western blotting. Of these two methods used, SEC appeared to be more convenient and efficient way to remove the free plasma proteins from the EV-protein corona complex. The method still requires further development and testing in order to perform optimally.
  • Wahlbeck, Ella (2023)
    The thesis explores possibilities for mental health promotion in urban planning trough a case study of the community space in Lapinlahti, Helsinki. Lapinlahti is a former psychiatric hospital, and the area has in the 2010’s been developed through community efforts into a center for mental wellbeing and culture in Helsinki, a “Lapinlahti for all”. The future use of the area has been contested for the past years, with the City of Helsinki and the organizations at Lapinlahti having different views on how the area and it’s cultural and historical mental health legacy should be preserved and developed. In the discussions, statements and visions, the area’s mental health value has also been translated into urban planning, taking many forms. Mental health is a value that has traditionally not been prioritized or regarded as a value of its own in urban planning, and although the relationship between urban form and wellbeing is well known, urban (mental) health is seldom tied to cities physical- and land-use planning (Kim et al, 2022; Corburn 2004). The thesis approaches this topic by analyzing mental health as a planning objective, discussing how different understandings and approaches to mental health have affected the planning visions surrounding Lapinlahti. The thesis uses a theoretical framework of urban governance and critical discourse analysis (CDA) to seek an understanding to the different approaches to the area’s development, and identify the different understandings, connections and visions that surround Lapinlahti. The study identifies three discursive constructions of Lapinlahti: Lapinlahti as a site for cultural heritage, Lapinlahti as a place for mental health, and Lapinlahti as a site for development. The results show that all actors in their development schemes have considered the area’s mental health value from a cultural-historical perspective, viewing the area as a site for mental health history. This history is however understood and manifested in different ways for the actors, influencing different visions for how the area should be developed and what interests and/or values that should guide the development. The thesis continues with presenting three approaches for mental health promotion in urban planning, concluding that planning should be attentive of how the space is governed, the relationship between mental health and the space, and the activities and meanings embedded in space.
  • Wakade, Anushka (2023)
    Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), a condition defined by unprovoked and recurrent seizures originating from the temporal lobe, is among the most ubiquitous of the various forms of epilepsy. Despite being chronic and highly prevalent, the available treatment options concerning the same remains a critical issue. Since the current therapeutic condition of epilepsy requires more development, renewed focus studying its molecular mechanisms and therapies is imminent. One of the longstanding theories trying to decode the molecular perturbations in TLE has been deficits in GABAergic inhibition resulting in abnormal neuronal activation. K+ - Cl- co-transporter (KCC2) activity is vital for maintaining a hyperpolarizing GABA response. The past decades have intimately and causally linked the prognosis of the seizures observed in TLE with deficits in KCC2 functioning. However, the precise mechanisms relevant to the disruption of KCC2 activity are still blurry. Here we show how KCC2 de-stabilization/localization in the neuronal bilayer is a characteristic of epileptic animal tissue. With the help of co-immunoprecipitation assays, western blot, and mass spectrometry, we found that in normal healthy brain tissue, GM1 ganglioside present in the membrane has specific and direct interactions with the KCC2 cotransporter. However, in the pilocarpine model of TLE, the interaction of this complex was significantly disturbed, primarily in the hippocampus and to some extent in the cortex. Our results act as an extension to previous research which stated that the structural association of the KCC2 clusters with neuronal lipid rafts is crucial for the functionality of the KCC2 cotransporter. Having learned about the unique nature of the pathophysiology of TLE, it is imminent to note that additional research in the direction of studying its biochemical pathways is required. The findings of this experimental study support the claim that KCC2 and GM1 as a complex are closely associated in the epileptic conditions and hence, this research paves the way to further explore the role of KCC2 and GM1 as a consequential complex in the pathophysiology of TLE.
  • Kurki, Veera (2024)
    Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in men. Somatic copy number alterations (SCNA), such as the deletion of PTEN or NKX3.1 and the amplification of MYC, have been associated with prostate cancer progression and could serve as potential biomarkers during diagnosis. One approach to utilize this information would involve screening a large number of prostate tissue sections for SCNAs and subsequently validating the findings using a secondary method. This process could enable more personalized treatment options for cancer patients. This thesis aimed to create a robust and reproducible workflow for SCNA identification. This was achieved by optimizing a chromogenic immunohistochemistry (IHC) protocol using immunostaining chambers and open-source 3D-printed laboratory hardware. The optimized protocol was then transferred to an automated liquid handling robot, and a panel of three antibodies for PTEN, NKX3.1, and MYC was developed for SCNA screening with IHC. Additionally, a chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) protocol was optimized to validate the results of the IHC. The immunostaining chambers required a lower antibody dilution to perform comparably to the manual IHC stainings. The automated protocol using the liquid handling robot produced high-quality stains with optimized dilutions. The optimized CISH protocol successfully identified the presence of the target gene, but unclear signals and merging of the signals obstructed detailed analysis. While complete deletion of PTEN was detectable, determining the number of gene copies per cell proved challenging due to signal variability and sample-dependent problems. Further optimization of the CISH protocol or development of an automated analysis workflow tailored to address these challenges is needed for more accurate analysis.
  • George Varghese, Mebin (2021)
    The Glanville fritillary (Melitaea cinxia) butterfly inhabiting the fragmented meadows and pastures in the Åland Islands, Finland, has a classic metapopulation structure: its long-term persistence depends on frequent re-colonization events counter-balancing the extinctions of local populations. The spatial structure and the temporal dynamics of the metapopulation are likely to influence genetic variation within and among local population networks. With high population turnover, population declines accelerate genetic drift, potentially leading to a reduction in neutral genetic diversity. This loss is likely to be counteracted with immigration bringing in new alleles especially in well-connected populations. Dispersal has indeed been shown to be a key mechanism in maintaining genetic variation and adaptive potential in fragmented landscapes. In my MSc-thesis, I am utilizing long-term monitoring and genetic data collected from semi-independent networks from the main Åland region (Saltivik) and from two isolated island networks Föglö and Sottunga. Specifically, I investigate how genetic variation varies in time and space, in relation to demographic change and whether the responses vary among well- and poorly-connected networks and/or between island and mainland networks. My results showed that the total number of nests fluctuated in all the networks across time. Heterozygosity appeared to track the changes in population abundance but this tracking varied among the networks. Although connectivity did not explain the change in heterozygosity during the decline years, allele frequencies shifted over time and the speed of change in allele frequencies differed among networks.