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  • Saramäki, Sara (2020)
    This thesis provides a unique perspective on transatlantic relations in the post-Cold War era: the role of the parties. Democratic and Republican party platforms from the 1992 American presidential elections until the 2016 elections are analyzed to reveal differences in their policies towards Europe. The 14 party platforms were chosen as the material because they are the most important documents the political parties produce. Moreover, there is only limited amount of previous research on party platforms since the focus has been on the actions of the administration or on the candidate speeches and debates instead. The analysis is carried out on two levels: comparison over time to reveal intra-party ideological change, and comparison between the parties to reveal inter-party polarization over policies towards Europe. The method of the thesis is mainly data-driven qualitative content analysis. The theoretical background is based on research about party polarization and partisan ideological differences over foreign policy. The analysis shows that the policies towards Europe vary within the party platforms over time. Intra-party ideological policy shifts appear more clearly in the Republican party platforms, whereas the Democratic party platforms showcase a more balanced ideological foundation. The incumbent/challenger role of the party as well as events in international politics have also influenced policy shifts over time. Additionally, the analysis reveals that Democratic and Republican party platforms are somewhat polarized in their policies towards Europe. As predicted, the parties concentrate on slightly different policies, regions, and institutions when referring to Europe. Most importantly, because of their ideological differences, the two parties have differing or even opposing moral evaluations about and treatment recommendations for the policies and the actors. To conclude, this thesis provides new information about the partisan perspective on transatlantic relations. Some say the party platforms are neglected documents that receive little public attention. Their policies will rarely be realized as such in the real world because of the balance of power in the American political system and unexpected events in international politics. Nonetheless, this thesis proves that intra-party ideological contestation and inter-party polarization exist in transatlantic relations.
  • Digert, Axel (2019)
    I denna text analyseras om och hur det tyska etablerade partiet CDU/CSU:s förhållningssätt i immigrationsfrågor förändrats mellan förbundsdagsvalen 2013 och 2017. Analysens kontext utgörs av att det tyska nischpartiet AfD:s understöd ökat signifikant under åren 2013–2017. Analysens material består av CDU/CSU:s valprogram från förbundsdagsvalen 2013 och 2017. De två valprogrammen analyseras och jämförs med varandra tillsammans med två andra valprogram med hjälp av den datorutförda textanalytiska metoden Wordscores, som utvecklats av Laver, Benoit, och Garry (2003). Karakteristiskt för metoden är att den behandlar ord som objektivt data, som är oberoende av forskaren – till motsats från andra textanalytiska metoder där forskaren tolkar orden och ger dem betydelse. Det teoretiska ramverket består av statsvetenskapliga teorier som behandlar partikonkurrensen mellan ett nischparti och ett etablerat parti. Textanalysens resultat visar tydligt att CDU/CSU:s förhållningssätt i immigrationsfrågor blivit mindre positiv mellan valen 2013 och 2017. Texten försöker inte förklara vad som orsakat denna förändring. Med sin analys och sitt resultat bidrar texten till den akademiska litteraturen kring partikonkurrens. Texten problematiserar också Wordscores-metoden ur ett metodologiskt perspektiv.