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  • Nasib, Nea (2018)
    Goal Enhancing self-esteem can be considered as one of the many duties of schools. A healthy self-esteem supports children’s development and learning. In addition, various studies have shown that a healthy self-esteem correlates with well-being. In order to support the development of pupil’s self-esteem, it is crucial to understand the construct of self-esteem. Studying explicit and especially implicit self-esteem as separate constructs is still relatively new and some studies show that implicit self-esteem is related to social-emotional difficulties. The aim of this study is to examine the concept of implicit self-esteem and the significance of implicit self-esteem in socio-emotional difficulties in youth. Methods The type of this research is a literature review. The data consisted of articles discussing self-esteem and implicit self-esteem, published in the 21st century and research articles published between the years 2006 and 2015 in all of which the subject of study was implicit self-esteem and social-emotional difficulties. Results and conclusion Based on this literature review it seems that it is not reasonable to study implicit self-esteem completely separate from explicit self-esteem. The discrepancy between implicit and explicit self-esteem and the direction of the discrepancy turned out to be important factors when examining the impact of implicit self-esteem on socio-emotional difficulties.
  • Muukkonen, Saara (2015)
    Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, selittävätkö akkulturaatioasenteet kansallisen kielen taidon ja psykologisen sopeutumisen välistä yhteyttä. Sopeutumista on tutkittu akkulturaation yhteydessä runsaasti. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on todettu, että kielitaito on yhteydessä akkulturaatioasenteisiin ja sopeutumisen eri tasoihin. Kuitenkin tutkimus näiden kolmen mittarin välisistä yhteyksistä on vähäistä ja kielitaito on usein mukana vain yhtenä demografisena mittarina. Tutkielman teoreettista taustaa hahmottavat akkulturaation ulottuvuudet ja Berryn akkulturaatioasenteet. Tutkielmassa käytetään Helsingin yliopiston Valtiotieteellisessä tiedekunnassa, sosiaalipsykologian oppiaineessa vuosina 2008 – 2014 toteutettujen INPRES- ja LADA -projektien pitkittäisaineistoja. Aineisto koostuu Venäjältä Suomeen muuttaneista inkerinsuomalaisista paluumuuttajista. Projekteissa on tehty kolme seurantamittausta, ensimmäinen noin puoli vuotta (N=155), toinen noin kaksi vuotta (N=133) ja kolmas noin kolme vuotta (N=85) maahanmuuton jälkeen. Tässä tutkielmassa suomen kielen taitoa arvioitiin ensimmäisellä seurannalla. Akkulturaatioasenteiden mittareita ovat: kulttuurinen säilyttäminen ja kontaktihalukkuus, joiden arviointi tehtiin toisella seurannalla. Psykologisen sopeutumisen mittareita ovat: elämäntyytyväisyys ja itsetunto, joita arviointiin kolmannella seurannalla. Tutkielman pääanalyysimenetelmä on askeltava regressioanalyysi. Ensiksi tutkittiin regressioanalyysein suomen kielen taidon ja psykologisen sopeutumisen välistä yhteyttä, seuraavaksi suomen kielen taidon ja akkulturaatioasenteiden sekä lopuksi akkulturaatioasenteiden ja psykologisen sopeutumisen välisiä yhteyksiä. Tutkielman tulokset eivät ole samassa linjassa aiempien tutkimustulosten kanssa: tutkielmassa ei löytynyt tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä päämittareiden välillä. Näin ollen päätutkimuskysymys ei saa tukea. Regressioanalyysien nollatulokset saattavat johtua analyysien puutteellisista taustaoletuksista tai ongelmista päämittareiden luotettavuudessa. Kuitenkin, koska kansallisen kielen taidon vaikutukset sopeutumiseen ovat hyvin moniulotteisia ja koska maahanmuuttajien kansallisen kielen taito on yhteiskunnallisesti tärkeää, lisätutkimusta kaivataan yhä.
  • Paunonen, Jarno (2016)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the possible connection of applicants' self-esteem and gender to their performance in student selection for teacher education. The significance of teacher's personality has grown with working conditions that increasingly demand better social skills. Teachers have reported unusual tiredness and the willingness to quit has become more common. It seems reasonable to consider self-esteem as a protective buffer against the emotional stress these working conditions present for teachers, and therefore the student selection at least shouldn't favor those with whom this protective buffer is low. Self-esteem's connection with student selection for teacher education has not been studied before, but due to prior results regarding the broader benefits of high self-esteem, it was hypothesized to be positively connected to success in student selection. The selection process consists of a theory test and an aptitude test, which were addressed separately and together. In line with prior research, women were hypothesized to be more successful in theory test and men in the aptitude test. This study was a part of the SeSTE research project (Selecting Students for Teacher Education). There were 470 subjects who had participated in the selection process for teacher education in the University of Helsinki. Self-esteem was measured with Rosenberg self-esteem scale as self-assessment. The main method of analyzing was multinomial logistic regression. Gender was examined alongside self-esteem, and the effect of age was controlled. The hypotheses for self-esteem were mostly confirmed with no apparent connection seen with the aptitude test. Gender related hypotheses were confirmed as women were more likely to pass the theory test and men the aptitude test. According to this study the student selection slightly favors applicants with higher self-esteem, but the effect is small. If the hypothesis of high self-esteem as a useful protective buffer for teachers gains more evidence, it might be beneficial according to this study, to consider the possibility of focusing the student selection more to applicants with higher self-esteem.
  • Häkkä, Katarina (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Itsetunnolla on keskeinen rooli lasten ja nuorten terveen kasvun ja kehityksen kannalta, ja hyvä itsetunto voi tukea monin eri tavoin oppilaan oppimismahdollisuuksia. Myös nykyisen perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa (Opetushallitus, 2014) korostetaan, että perusopetuksen yksi tärkeistä tavoitteista tulisi olla oppilaan kasvun tukeminen tasapainoiseksi ja terveen itsetunnon omaavaksi yksilöksi. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on aiheesta tehtyjen tutkimusten avulla selvittää, vaikuttaako peruskoululaisten itsetunto heidän opintomenestykseensä. Lisäksi tutkielman pyrkimyksenä on ymmärtää, mitkä tekijät selittävät itsetunnon ja opintomenestyksen välistä yhteyttä. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana, narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Kirjallisuuskatsaus kohdistui tieteellisiin artikkeleihin, jotka käsittelivät peruskoululaisten itsetunnon ja opintomenestyksen välistä yhteyttä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteereitä hyödyntäen kuudesta eri tietokannasta (ERIC, Taylor and Francis Online, Medline, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, Psycinfo). Analysoitava aineisto muodostui lopulta viidestätoista vuosina 2017–2022 julkaistusta vertaisarvioiduista tieteellisestä tutkimusartikkelista. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Hyvän itsetunnon havaittiin olevan yhteydessä peruskoululaisten parempaan opintomenestykseen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksesta jää kuitenkin epäselväksi, onko itsetunto syy vai seuraus opintomenestykselle. Tulosten perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että itsetunnon ja opintomenestyksen välinen suhde on kaksisuuntainen tekijöiden vaikuttaessa vastavuoroisesti toisiinsa. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että oppilaan hyvä itsetunto parantaa hänen opintomenestystään lisäämällä sinnikkyyttä ja sisukkuutta, vahvistamalla kognitiivista ja päättelytaitoihin liittyvää kyvykkyyttä sekä tehostamalla opiskelumotivaatiota. Lisäksi hyvä itsetunto on yhteydessä oppilaan parempaan kykyyn ottaa vastaan opettajalta saatua pa-lautetta. Aikaisempi aiheesta saatu tutkimustieto keskittyy pitkälti korkeakouluopiskelijoihin, minkä vuoksi tulevaisuudessa olisi tarpeellista tehdä lisätutkimusta itsetunnon vaikutuksista oppilaiden opintomenestykseen varsinkin peruskoululaisten kohdalla.
  • Juurikko, Pauli; Juurikko, Pauli (2019)
    Goals. The article 2 of the Finnish Government Decree emphasizes that teaching and education should support the growth of the child towards a person with a healthy self-esteem (POPS, 2014). Bullying is group phenomena (Salmivalli,1999). Bullying is also affected by other factors, such as self-esteem. The effect of self-esteem on bullying is controversial. The hypothesis of this Bachelor’s thesis was that both the bully and the victim have a low self-esteem. The aim of this study was to solve how the pupil's self-esteem relates to bullying and being bullied and what cause the pupil´s low self-esteem. Method. The thesis was conducted as a descriptive and integral literature review in order to consider the results of the previous researchses both qualitatively and quantitatively. The material of this thesis consisted of nine international studies dealing with pupil´s self-esteem in the bullying process. The data was analysed by applying abductive content analysis. Results and conclusion. Based on the results of this literature review, the pupil's low self-esteem was a significant connection to being bullied. Instead, the self-esteem of the bully did not have a significant connection to bullying. The factors which cause pupil´s low self-esteem were related to the home´s way of raising a child as well as to the pressures of being accepted. Strengthening the pupil's self-esteem is an essential part of the class teacher's work. By investing to that at early stage, we give the child good possibilities for a well-being life.
  • Bauer, Laura (2015)
    The aim of this study was to examine 6th graders' self-esteem and find out what kind of factors in the school environment are interrelated with it. This study examined interrelation between self-esteem and gender, learning difficulties, school value, school satisfaction, teacher's behavior, being bullied and participating in bullying. These different variables were chosen based on previous studies about self-esteem. The aim is to gain better understanding of the different factors that influence students' self-esteem in the school environment and therefore provide help for teachers battling with issues regarding self-esteem enhancement. The data was collected in the spring of 2013 as part of the Mind the Gap -project. Participants (n=735) were 6th grades from 33 different schools. Three different groups according to self-esteem were formed: weak, mediocre, and strong self-esteem in relation to other respondents. Relations between self-esteem and other variables were examined by Pearson's product-moment coefficient and Independent-Samples T test was used to examine differences between genders. Finally two-way ANOVAs were conducted to investigate self-esteem and gender differences regarding the different variables. According to the results 6th graders evaluated their self-esteem as relatively good. Boys reported better self-esteem than girls. However the boys also experienced more learning difficulties and took part in bullying more than girls. Girls' reported their school value, on the other hand, higher than boys'. There were no differences between genders in school satisfaction, experiencing teacher's behavior nor being bullied. The effect of self-esteem was clearly higher than the effect of gender on all the variables. Also an interaction effect of self-esteem and gender was found regarding being bullied. In the mediocre self-esteem group boys experienced more bullying than girls. The boys of the mediocre self-esteem group also participated in bullying the most.
  • Partanen, Eeva (2017)
    Aims. The aim of this dissertation is to present definitions of self-esteem and try to create one based on the definitions presented. The concept of self-esteem comes up in everyday talk rather often and here the purpose is to present a reasoned definition to it. The theoretical framework is based on motivation theory. One could say that my prior knowledge on motivation has influenced the way self-esteem is defined. Self-esteem is an aspect in life, which relates to the self and to well-being. To explore the concept better, I have looked for research on self-esteem. I will introduce the reader to the process of defining concepts firstly, and then present the definitions of self-esteem and its neighboring concepts. Methods. The material for this Bachelor's thesis consists of seven volumes published in the years 1965-2015. The material is both in Finnish and in English. I searched search engines by the words self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-consciousness. I found a master’s thesis by the year 2015, which handled self-esteem. My material consists of books and articles, which I have mainly found from the list of sources of the dissertation and also of one article that emerged in the seminar of the Bachelor’s thesis. I analyzed the material by using the analysis of ideas. I investigated what kind of meanings the researchers gave to self-esteem. The analysis also has traits of phenomenography and qualitative metasynthesis. Phenomenography means that you describe the conceptions that someone, in this case researchers, have of a phenomena and qualitative metasynthesis means that you present information in a more structured manner. Conclusions. A person creates an image of the self on the base of her traits and behavior. She also forms an evaluation of her own worth and skills. The former is a self-image and the latter is self-esteem. Self-esteem is a feeling, a way of behaving and an attitude. Self-esteem is also a subconscious aspect. Therefore, you necessarily do not realize the effects of your self-esteem. Self-esteem affects your well-being and behavior. Self-esteem needs a clear definition, because now there are differences in what researchers mean by self-esteem. The benefit of a definition for self-esteem is that in everyday life you can better handle problems.
  • Jääskeläinen, Sanna (2018)
    The aim of this study was to find out how doing craft has an impact on self-esteem, life management and well-being for two women prisoners in Hämeenlinna prison. The study covers not only part of the time in prison but also six months after the release from prison. I wanted to find out the reasons that they had for doing craft, as well as what they made and why. I was also interested in knowing if they continued with their hobby, or if not, after being released and the reasons for their choice. In this study my hypothesis was that doing craft might help prisoners to cope with stressful feelings during the time in prison. My hypothesis was based on the theories of the role of craft in well-being and the impacts on self-esteem and life management. Doing craft has been found therapeutic for its ability to improve a person's self image and for maintaining functional mental health and for several benefits for mental well-being. I had three questions in my study which I wanted to get an answer to: "How did the prisoners consider the value of doing craft for self-esteem and life management in jail and in the activity centre Monikko in Hämeenlinna prison?", "What connections do former prisoners find between doing craft, self-esteem and life management?" and "What were the reasons for continuing or giving up doing craft after being released?". I had an interview with the women a few times while they were in prison and six months after they had been released. I analyzed the interviews using the content analysis. The interviews revealed that while in prison both women found the influence of doing craft, especially knitting, calming, stress reducing and therapeutic. They found that knitting increased the quality of life and the feeling of life management. They also realized that they have skills and talent to manage and complete tasks, which improved their self-esteem and increased their self-confidence. After having found their competence on knitting, they started to feel hopeful for the future again. While knitting they were able to evaluate and deconstruct their previous lives, consider the change of life and set new goals for it. After being released both women continued to knit mainly for the same reasons as in prison but also to avoid getting back to the previous lifestyle with harmful addictions. Keeping themselves busy by knitting among other responsibilities in their lives, they brought life management and increased control in their lives. Based on the results in my study, crafts, especially knitting, can be considered a useful chore in prison for its impact on reducing stress and on other benefits to mental well-being.
  • Zukale, Pirjo (2017)
    Objectives. The underlying and starting point of this thesis is the idea of the importance, appreciation and self-esteem of girls. The study's research task is to make the girls' perception of themselves visible in the contexts of the school, Icehearts afternoon activities and art projects. The focus is on girls' own selves, but also on the girls' perception of themselves as girls, what is it like to be a girl in everyday social communities. The theoretical background of the study deals with peer relationships, gender and peer relationships, self, self-esteem, art-based working methods in research and in work with children and young people. The study also includes girls and girls' history, as well as gender roles, especially in school. Methods. Six fifth-grade girls from the Icehearts girls' team, founded in Vantaa, participated in the study. The study went together with the art project with the girls. The research material was collected through observations, survey forms and group interviews. The written material has been interpreted as narratives. Some of the answers are also shown in the graphs, and the results of the group interviews in the form of a mind map. Results and Conclusions. Narrative research does not aim at objective or generalizable knowledge, but it aims to produce local, subjective and personal information. Girls' evaluations of themselves are presented separately for each girl in their own chapters. Based on girls' replies, friends and Icehearts appeared to be important to them. The way the contexts of this research, school, Icehearts and art project, effect on the girls' selfs cannot be precisely specified. According to studies, the self is still changing during adolescence. This can be seen also in this study: selfs turned out to be variable and contextual.Girls' perceptions of themselves as girls are put together in mind maps. The girls in this study made a clear distinction between girls' and boys' behavior, "being". The traditional roles of a boy and a girl were present at least on one level. Being a girl was, however, seen very positively. The girls didn't think being a girl would cause limitations in their future lives.
  • Orava, Piita (2022)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella kiintymyssuhdemallin vaikutuksia suhteessa sosiaalisiin taitoihin ja itsetuntoon. Varhainen vuorovaikutus ja sen myötä muodostuva kiintymyssuhdemalli on keskeisessä asemassa kehittyvän lapsen maailmassa ja sitä myötä sen voisi ajatella liittyvän keskeisesti sosiaalisten taitojen ja itsetunnon orastavaan kehitykseen. Aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa on liitetty turvallisen kiintymyssuhteen vaikuttavan positiivisesti lapsen sosiaaliseen kehitykseen ja sisäiseen käsitykseen itsestä, sekä ympärillä olevasta maailmasta. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin luomaan tiivis yleiskatsaus aiheeseen, jonka aineistona toimi aikaisempi julkaistu tutkimus aihepiirin ympärillä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa pyrittiin antamaan kuvaa siitä, millä tavoin kiintymyssuhdetutkimusta on aikaisemmin tehty. Systemaattiselle aineistonhaulle asetettujen sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteereiden jälkeen tutkimusaineisto koostui 5 tutkimusartikkelista, joissa käsiteltiin kiintymyssuhteen vaikutuksia joko sosiaalisiin taitoihin tai itsetuntoon tai parhaimmassa tapauksessa molempiin. Tutkimukset oli toteutettu Yhdysvalloissa, Kanadassa, Portugalissa, Taiwanissa ja Japanissa. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin narratiivisena synteesinä. Tutkimuksessa havaitut tulokset osoittivat, että kiintymyssuhdemallilla oli vaikutusta sosiaalisiin taitoihin ja itsetuntoon, sekä ihmisen sosiaaliseen ja psyykkiseen kehitykseen yleisemminkin. Tulosten mukaan turvallinen kiintymyssuhdemalli vaikutti positiivisesti niin sosiaalisiin taitoihin kuin itsetuntoonkin. Sen lisäksi turvallisen kiintymyssuhdemallin omaavat kärsivät vähemmän masennus- ja ahdistusoireista. Turvattomasti ja jäsentymättömästi kiintyneet taas omasivat heikomman itsetunnon ja itsevarmuuden. Jäsentymätön kiintymyssuhdemalli oli yhteydessä korkeampiin masennus- ja ahdistusoireisiin esiteini-iässä. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa havaittiin myös vanhemman kiintymyssuhdemallin epäsuora vaikutus lapsen sosiaalisiin taitoihin ja itsetuntoon. Tutkimuksen tulokset olivat linjassa aikaisemman tutkimuksen kanssa, mutta havainnot korostavat kiintymyssuhdemallin keskeisen tärkeää asemaa lapsuudessa ja sen kauaskantoisia vaikutuksia.
  • Vinni-Laakso, Janica (2017)
    The aim of this study was to examine the stability and change between students' perceived learning difficulties, self-esteem, and school burnout over time. It has been recognized that learning difficulties, self-esteem and school burnout are somewhat stable. There is some evidence that learning difficulties are connected to lower levels of well-being, especially to self-esteem and depressive symptoms. Still, there are some studies that contradict those findings. Most of the previous studies of learning difficulties and well-being have been cross-sectional. Thus, more evidence is needed in order to draw conclusions about the effect learning difficulties might have on students' well-being. The connections between self-esteem and well-being are also recognized, but the causation between self-esteem and well-being remain unclear. School burnout is quite recently discovered phenomenon which depicts students' burnout in the school setting. The main objective in this study is to examine the dynamics between students' perceived learning difficulties, the level of self-esteem, and school burnout symptoms using a longitudinal data. The data consists two measurement times gathered from the schools in a southern Finland city. The participants (N = 372) were ninth graders in compulsory education at 2004 (age 15-16) and first year students in general secondary education at 2005 (age 16-17). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to specify latent constructs. Time invariance of the latent constructs was tested across measurements. Cross-lagged panel model was utilized to test the connections between latent constructs across different time points. The stability of self-esteem and school burnout were in line with previous findings. Surprisingly, perceived learning difficulties were not that stable. Students' perceived learning difficulties did not predict change in levels of self-esteem nor school burnout symptoms. In addition, self-esteem did not predict change in school burnout symptoms or perceived learning difficulties. In turn, school burnout predicted change in both levels of self-esteem and perceived learning difficulties. Self-esteem did not have an effect in later school burnout, rather the other way around. Thus, the findings confirm that self-esteem is the effect on burnout symptoms, not the cause on well-being. School burnout turned out to have a central role in the dynamics between perceived learning difficulties, self-esteem, and school burnout.
  • Talmon, Anni (2015)
    Aims. Previous researches has suggested that the teacher can by evaluation and oral feedback affect students' self-content either in a positive or a negative way (Ihme, 2009, s. 59). The aim of this study was to research and analyze elementary school teachers' views and opinions about holistic evaluation, especially about discrepancies and authorities that appear in evaluation together with evaluation which develops student's self-content. The purpose of this study is to describe and develop evaluation that takes place in school and research the importance of supporting student's positive self-content in learning. Methods. The study was executed as a qualitative case study and all together three teacher took part in as cases. The data was collected by interviewing the teachers and by observing their oral feedback in the classroom. The data was analyzed using discourse-analysis. The analysis focused mostly for the teachers' interview data, which the observation data was meant to complete. Results and conclusions. The results of this study were that in spite of the age, gender or working-experience, all of the cases considered the importance of the versatile evaluation and that supports the development of student's self-content. The study was also suggesting that according the interview data the teachers' ideological thinking did not always extend into a practical level, but also the two traditions appearing in curriculum and the resources affected for the evaluation. For this reason this study suggest that the evaluation and development of students' self-content is a part of a wider social phenomenon. The study also suggested that teachers' evaluation did not always support students' self-content in a best possible way and for that reason teachers should put effort also for their own action while supporting the development of students positive self-content.
  • Meling, Emilia (2020)
    The objective of this study is to highlight traumas experienced by a student and to examine how the traumas arise in school context. I also examine what kind of support school was able to provide for the traumatized student. Purpose of this study is to provide knowledge and possible means for caretakers to encounter a traumatized child. In this study the voice is given to a young person who has been struggling with traumas during her time in school and her narrative is used to determine the student’s personal experiences of reconciling the traumas and school. The person who participated in this study was a former youth in a youth detention centre, whose traumas passed throughout her whole school time, especially throughout the secondary school and beginning of high school, which are the main subjects of this study. Purpose of this study is not to generalize, but to bring out this youth’s valuable story to the public by collecting relevant data. The study is a qualitative case study and collected material is used to highlight information about the factors that led to the traumas and in particular, what kind of support was available at school and what kind of support would have been needed. Data collection methods were observation, daily reports and open interviews. Analysis of the collected material was carried out according to methods of content analysis. Study results showed that traumas had significant links to a child’s well-being, learning and need for support at school. Trauma was caused by attachment problems and lack of basic needs of the child. My study is partly related to the attachment theory. Based on this, the early age problems of interaction seemed to affect later social life, psyche and coping with school. Problems reflected to school as social challenges and caused learning, concentration and behavioral problems. Hiding behind defenses, loneliness and labelled difference led to a decline in school motivation and performance. Support provided was not sufficient and all parties; teachers, classmates and the youth herself were exhausted. Traumas appear in school context in many ways in all areas of studying. In school context, there does not always seem to be enough time, means, skills or resources to face children who are severely traumatized and therefore mentally unstable.
  • Meling, Emilia (2020)
    The objective of this study is to highlight traumas experienced by a student and to examine how the traumas arise in school context. I also examine what kind of support school was able to provide for the traumatized student. Purpose of this study is to provide knowledge and possible means for caretakers to encounter a traumatized child. In this study the voice is given to a young person who has been struggling with traumas during her time in school and her narrative is used to determine the student’s personal experiences of reconciling the traumas and school. The person who participated in this study was a former youth in a youth detention centre, whose traumas passed throughout her whole school time, especially throughout the secondary school and beginning of high school, which are the main subjects of this study. Purpose of this study is not to generalize, but to bring out this youth’s valuable story to the public by collecting relevant data. The study is a qualitative case study and collected material is used to highlight information about the factors that led to the traumas and in particular, what kind of support was available at school and what kind of support would have been needed. Data collection methods were observation, daily reports and open interviews. Analysis of the collected material was carried out according to methods of content analysis. Study results showed that traumas had significant links to a child’s well-being, learning and need for support at school. Trauma was caused by attachment problems and lack of basic needs of the child. My study is partly related to the attachment theory. Based on this, the early age problems of interaction seemed to affect later social life, psyche and coping with school. Problems reflected to school as social challenges and caused learning, concentration and behavioral problems. Hiding behind defenses, loneliness and labelled difference led to a decline in school motivation and performance. Support provided was not sufficient and all parties; teachers, classmates and the youth herself were exhausted. Traumas appear in school context in many ways in all areas of studying. In school context, there does not always seem to be enough time, means, skills or resources to face children who are severely traumatized and therefore mentally unstable.
  • Mäntylä, Paula (2020)
    Aims of the study Many changes have been made to the school environment in Finland. Still there are no research about how new school environments will effect pupils’ well-being, such as self-esteem. Due to the lack of previous research it cannot be concluded whether these changes to school environment are equal to every student regardless of their temperament. The aim of this study is to find out about the effects of the lack of stability in the school environment (stability of social relations, stability of physical features, stability of overall structure) to pupils’ self-esteem. In addition, the possible moderating effect of temperament is under an interest. Methods The representative sample of this study (n=2210) consisted of Finnish 9th graders, who participated in The Finnish Study on Temperament and School Achievement –research project between 2005 and 2006. Self-esteem was measured by the Finnish version of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory. Temperament traits were measured by TABC-R and DOTS-R –inventories. The stability of the school environment was measured with three different scales: the stability of social relations, physical features and overall structure. The study was carried out by using multilevel models. Three multilevel models were created, in each of which self-esteem was the dependent variable. Results and conclusions The stability of social relations, physical features or overall structure did not have statistically significant main effects on the pupils’ self-esteem. However, the non-steadiness of overall structure had a statistically significant negative effect on the self-esteem of pupils with a higher task orientation. Reactivity or flexibility did not moderate any effects of the stability scales. All the observed effects were small, which implies that there are a number of different variables not measured in this study that affect pupils’ self-esteem. The results of this study show that the non-steady school environments do not have a positive effect on pupils’ well-being, as it has been assumed. The non-steadiness of the school environment with other changes in the school environment and their effects to pupils’ well-being need further research.
  • Elomaa, Nora (2022)
    My master's thesis examines the dimensions of well-being in sixth-graders (school engagement, self-esteem, school burnout and depression) as well as their relations to each other. This thesis focuses on how social factors can predict the dimensions of well-being. Previous studies have shown that adolescent's school engagement has a positive effect even later in working life. According to research the support of classmates, teacher and family is related to the well-being in adolescents. The results of this study can be used to develop tools for support the well-being of adolescents. In addition, it might be useful for the future research of adolescents’ well-being. This is a quantitative study, and the research material was collected as part of the #Uuttakoulua - project. However, my thesis is not part of the project. The data was collected in three different schools in the metropolitan area surrounding Helsinki, and it consist of 156 respondents; 99 of them belongs to the experimental group with strength-based education and 57 belongs to the comparison group. Participants in the study were sixth-graders and their answers were filled by an online questionnaire. IBM SPSS Statistics 27 was used for data analysis. I used statistical methods to answer my research questions (independent sample t-test, means - standard deviations, Pearson correlation coefficient, linear regression analysis). The results showed that the well-being of sixth-graders is generally good. They experienced more school engagement and higher self-esteem than school burnout and depression. The dimensions of well-being correlate statistically significantly with each other, for example self-esteem and depression had a quite strong negative correlation. Based on the results, support of the family seemed to have a more significant impact on students’ well-being than other social factors.
  • Elomaa, Nora (2022)
    My master's thesis examines the dimensions of well-being in sixth-graders (school engagement, self-esteem, school burnout and depression) as well as their relations to each other. This thesis focuses on how social factors can predict the dimensions of well-being. Previous studies have shown that adolescent's school engagement has a positive effect even later in working life. According to research the support of classmates, teacher and family is related to the well-being in adolescents. The results of this study can be used to develop tools for support the well-being of adolescents. In addition, it might be useful for the future research of adolescents’ well-being. This is a quantitative study, and the research material was collected as part of the #Uuttakoulua - project. However, my thesis is not part of the project. The data was collected in three different schools in the metropolitan area surrounding Helsinki, and it consist of 156 respondents; 99 of them belongs to the experimental group with strength-based education and 57 belongs to the comparison group. Participants in the study were sixth-graders and their answers were filled by an online questionnaire. IBM SPSS Statistics 27 was used for data analysis. I used statistical methods to answer my research questions (independent sample t-test, means - standard deviations, Pearson correlation coefficient, linear regression analysis). The results showed that the well-being of sixth-graders is generally good. They experienced more school engagement and higher self-esteem than school burnout and depression. The dimensions of well-being correlate statistically significantly with each other, for example self-esteem and depression had a quite strong negative correlation. Based on the results, support of the family seemed to have a more significant impact on students’ well-being than other social factors.
  • Laaksonen, Mikko (2019)
    Goals. This study is based on already published studies and the results are also given based to them. Enhancing a child’s self-esteem is part of education and parenting. This study searches answers how to enhance child’s self-esteem and what kind of meanings it gets. Phenomenon is approached from educators or parents point of view. The aim of this study is to give as many-sided picture of the phenomenon as possible and also bring the knowledge from the recent studies. The study also tries to bring the theory and research material together. Methods. This study is a descriptive literature review. The research material is based on 15 academic articles. All of the articles addressed enhancing child’s self-esteem. The data was analysed by thematising text fragments that addressed the topic of enhancing child’s self-esteem. It was also brought to knowledge that what kind of meanings does enhancing child’s self-esteem get when it comes to his or her future. Results and conclusions. The most important result of this study is the unanimous findings concerning about the importance of enhancing child’s self-esteem. Ways to enhance child’s self-esteem are found widely from all of the dimensions that Michele Borba presents. The research material tells that it is important to enhance child’s self-esteem already in childhood. The results tell that a good self-esteem predicts success in social relationships and worklife. It also prevents children from depression.
  • Raunio, Anna Marika (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkielmani tavoitteena on saada kattava kuva lasten itsetunnosta ja siihen vahvistavasti sekä heikentävästi vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat: miten lasten itsetunto on määritelty viimeaikaisessa aihetta käsittelevässä tutkimuksessa, miten lasten itsetuntoa on mitattu, minkälaisia lapsen itsetuntoa vahvistavia ja heikentäviä tekijöitä on raportoitu olevan sekä minkälai-nen lapsen itsetuntoa vahvistava vuorovaikutussuhde on. Tutkielman keskeiset käsitteet ovat itsetun-to ja vuorovaikutussuhde. Työni teoreettinen tausta, jota vasten peilaan tuloksia, rakentuu Borban itsetuntoteoriasta sekä Ahon ja Heinon (2000) teoksesta: Itsetunnon vahventaminen päiväkodissa, joka osittain pohjautuu Borban itsetuntoteoriaan. Menetelmät. Kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla rakennan yleiskuvaa lapsen itsetunnosta pe-rustuen uusimpiin (alkaen vuodesta 2000) tieteellisiin julkaisuihin. Tutkielmani aineiston valintaa ohjaa sisäänottokriteereinä julkaisuvuosi, vertaisarviointi, itsetunnon vahvistamisen näkökulma ja tutkimuksiin osallistuneiden lasten ikä. Metodina käytän sisällönanalyysia tarkoituksena aineiston systemaattinen analyysi tutkimuskysymyksieni mukaan. Valitsin kirjallisuuskatsaukseeni aihetta kattavasti käsittelevän kotimaisen väitöskirjan ja viisi kansainvälistä tieteellistä tutkimusartikkelia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tarkastelluissa tutkimuksissa itsetunto määritellään olevan osa lapsen minäkäsitystä sekä sisältävän itsearvostuksen ja itseluottamuksen. Kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauk-sen tulokset vahvistavat Borban itsetuntoteorian osa-alueiden merkityksen lapsen itsetunnon raken-tumiselle. Aineiston tuloksissa esiintyy eri konteksteissa luottamuksellisen vuorovaikutussuhteen, turvallisen kiintymyssuhteen ja vertaisryhmän hyväksynnän vahvistava vaikutus lapsen itsetunnolle. Tuloksissa ilmenee myös aikuisen myönteisen läsnä- ja saatavilla olon merkitys sekä oikea-aikaisen, kontekstisidonnaisen ja käytännönläheisen kehun ja keskustelun vaikutus lapsen itsearvi-ointitaitojen ja itsetunnolle vahvistamiselle.
  • Kukkonen, Suvi (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Lapsen myönteinen kuva omasta itsestään auttaa häntä selviytymään vaikeista tilanteista, hyväksymään pettymyksen tunteita ja myös iloitsemaan omista onnistumisistaan. Lapsen minää on tutkittu vain vähän varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää keinoja ja ymmärrystä siitä, miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat voivat tukea lapsen myönteisen minän toteutumista varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkimuskysymyksinä olivat: (1) Miten aikuinen tukee lapsen myönteistä minää vuorovaikutustilanteissa? ja (2) Millaisissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa lapsi saa myönteisen minän tukemista? Menetelmät. Tutkimukseni tarkoitus oli löytää lapsen myönteisen minän tukemista varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstissa, joten päädyin toteuttamaan tutkimukseni laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineistona oli 38.30 minuuttia videokuvaa päiväkodin tilanteista. Menetelmänä käytin videohavainnointia ja vuorovaikutusanalyysia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Minä kehittyy ihmisten välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Tulokset osoittivat, että lapsen minää voidaan tukea niin verbaalisesti, kuin nonverbaalisesti hyödyntäen monia eri päiväkodin tilanteita.