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  • Larionova, Maria (2020)
    Avaruusgeometriaa pidetään koulussa haasteellisena matematiikan osa-alueena. Avaruusgeometria eroaa muista koulumatematiikan osa-alueista kolmiulotteisilla kappaleilla. Monille kappaleiden hahmottaminen voi olla hankalaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, voisiko VR-teknologia helpottaa ja auttaa kolmiulotteista hahmottamista. Virtuaalitodellisuuden vahvuutena voidaan pitää mahdollisuutta luoda maailmoja, joita ei reaalimaailmaan pystytä rakentamaan. Virtuaalimaailmasta voidaan poistaa painovoima, jolloin esimerkiksi kappaleita voidaan tarkastella niiden leijuessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin yläasteikäisillä opiskelijoilla. Opiskelijat pääsivät pareittain kokeilemaan VR-sovellusta sekä tekemään siihen liittyvät tehtävät. Tutkimuksessa yksi opiskelijoista käytti VR-laseja, kun toinen opiskelija yritti kuvailla kolmiulotteisista kappaleista koostuvaa rakennelmaa parilleen. Sovellusta käyttävä opiskelija yritti tällöin rakentaa kyseinen rakennelma virtuaalimaailmaan. Rakennelmaa selittävän opiskelijan piti osata kielentää eli käyttää kappaleiden oikeita nimityksiä, jotta toinen opiskelija pystyi ymmärtämään tätä. Tutkimusten mukaan kielentäminen voi edesauttaa asioiden muistamista ja oppimista. Myös liikkuminen ja uusi oppimisympäristö voivat edesauttaa asioiden oppimista. Virtuaalimaailmassa oleva opiskelija pystyy liikkumaan siellä joko itse fyysisesti liikkumalla tai käyttäen ohjaimia. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin, kokivatko opiskelijat tätä lähestymistapaa tehokkaaksi ja mielekkääksi. Lisäksi selvitettiin, vaikuttiko heidän kolmiulotteinen hahmotuskyky kokemukseen. Koska kyseessä on kehittämistutkimus, opiskelijoilta kerättiin palautetta ja kehittämisehdotuksia kokeilun jälkeen. Pääosin tehtävät sekä sovellus saivat positiivista palautetta ja hyviä kehittämisehdotuksia. Tutkimustuloksista selviää, että opiskelijat pääosin pitivät VR-sovelluksesta ja siihen liittyvistä tehtävistä sekä kokivat ne hyödyllisiksi. Isoa osaa opiskelijoista tehtävät auttoivat hahmottamaan kolmiulotteisia kappaleita paremmin. Opiskelijat pitivät sovellusta käytettävyydeltään hyvänä ja antoivat kehittämisehdotuksia koskien sekä sovellusta että tehtäviä. Tulevia tutkimuksia varten VR-sovellusta sekä tehtäviä voidaan parantaa palautteen perusteella. Teknologia taipuu hyvin paljon ja antaa mahdollisuutta soveltaa hyvin eri tavoin. Olemassa olevaan sovellukseen voidaan tuoda uusia työkaluja ja ominaisuuksia, jolloin sitä voidaan käyttää monipuolisemmin.
  • Lukkaroinen, Marjukka (2018)
    This master’s thesis concerns itself with teaching multiplication in a kinesthetic way. The aim of this study was to increase the amount of kinesthetic activities in a school day and to familiarize with the concept of teaching kinesthetic multiplication. Several studies have shown the positive effects which exercise has on studying and, through that, on learning. In favor of utilizing exercise along with other teaching methods speaks the fact that exercise as one teaching method is concrete as well as it is active, characteristics which support the development of mathematical concepts. In addition, exercise can in many occasions be indirectly beneficial for learning skills and on the learning results. This study aims to create useable and inspiring educational material for kinesthetic multiplication for third graders. Multiplication is a central area of mathematical studies in the elementary school, which proves that there is cause for supporting the learning of multiplication. The material for this study also supports well the new, activity-based National Core Curriculum for Basic Education, as well as helps achieving the goal of increasing the amount of sports and activities in schools. This study was carried out as a design-based research in which participated three class teachers and their classes. Two cycles of design were used when creating this design-based research. The subject of this design work was the educational material for teaching kinesthetic multiplication. Based on a material package that I designed, I held 15 lessons, teaching kinesthetic mathematics for three school classes during four weeks. After the experimental teaching period the educational material was further developed based on the received feedback from teachers as well as from interviews. SWOT analysis was used in the analysis of the data. Based on the results of this design-based study, kinesthetic mathematics as well as teaching kinesthetic multiplication are functional teaching methods on the third grade of elementary school. This argument was supported by both the theoretical problem analysis and the empirical problem analyses. As this study was not an intervention research, it could not be concluded whether the pupils learned multiplication better with the help of the material I created or with the help of active mathematics, or whether they could have learned multiplication better with the help of some other method. According to the results of this study, the most central benefit of kinesthetic mathematics for learning was that the pupils became motivated towards practicing multiplication. Based on the experimental teaching period, other benefits of active mathematics were, among others, positive experiences of exercising, excitement about exercising, improved ability to focus through active practices as well as increased ability to work in a group.
  • Lukkaroinen, Marjukka (2018)
    This master’s thesis concerns itself with teaching multiplication in a kinesthetic way. The aim of this study was to increase the amount of kinesthetic activities in a school day and to familiarize with the concept of teaching kinesthetic multiplication. Several studies have shown the positive effects which exercise has on studying and, through that, on learning. In favor of utilizing exercise along with other teaching methods speaks the fact that exercise as one teaching method is concrete as well as it is active, characteristics which support the development of mathematical concepts. In addition, exercise can in many occasions be indirectly beneficial for learning skills and on the learning results. This study aims to create useable and inspiring educational material for kinesthetic multiplication for third graders. Multiplication is a central area of mathematical studies in the elementary school, which proves that there is cause for supporting the learning of multiplication. The material for this study also supports well the new, activity-based National Core Curriculum for Basic Education, as well as helps achieving the goal of increasing the amount of sports and activities in schools. This study was carried out as a design-based research in which participated three class teachers and their classes. Two cycles of design were used when creating this design-based research. The subject of this design work was the educational material for teaching kinesthetic multiplication. Based on a material package that I designed, I held 15 lessons, teaching kinesthetic mathematics for three school classes during four weeks. After the experimental teaching period the educational material was further developed based on the received feedback from teachers as well as from interviews. SWOT analysis was used in the analysis of the data. Based on the results of this design-based study, kinesthetic mathematics as well as teaching kinesthetic multiplication are functional teaching methods on the third grade of elementary school. This argument was supported by both the theoretical problem analysis and the empirical problem analyses. As this study was not an intervention research, it could not be concluded whether the pupils learned multiplication better with the help of the material I created or with the help of active mathematics, or whether they could have learned multiplication better with the help of some other method. According to the results of this study, the most central benefit of kinesthetic mathematics for learning was that the pupils became motivated towards practicing multiplication. Based on the experimental teaching period, other benefits of active mathematics were, among others, positive experiences of exercising, excitement about exercising, improved ability to focus through active practices as well as increased ability to work in a group.
  • Haukka, Nea (2024)
    Maantieteen opetuksen merkitys on kasvanut nopeasti muuttuvassa maailmassa, jossa ajankohtaisten globaalien ilmiöiden tarkastelu alkaa jo peruskoulun opetuksessa. Suomessa perusopetuksessa kestävä kehitys esiintyy tärkeänä, kaikkiin oppiaineisiin integroituna teemana. Kestävän kehityksen opetus kehittää oppilaiden arvopohjan lisäksi osaamista kestävän elämän edellytyksistä taloudellisen, ekologisen, sosiaalisen ja kulttuurisen kestävyyden näkökulmista. Perusopetuksen yläluokilla maantiedon ja lukiossa maantieteen oppiaineella on merkittävä rooli kestävän kehityksen opetuksessa oppiaineen monitieteisen sisällön vuoksi. Tämä tutkimus on toteutettu osana laajempaa Opetushallituksen rahoittamaa kehittämishanketta, jossa ovat mukana Päijät-Hämeen LUMA-keskus sekä Asikkalan kunta. Kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena on tukea nuorten kokemaa merkityksellisyyttä maantieteen opetuksessa ilmastonmuutoksen ja kestävän kehityksen teemoissa. Tämä maisteritutkielma on toteutettu monivaiheisena kehittämistutkimuksena, jossa kehitetään “Kestävät valinnat" -oppimateriaalia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälainen oppimateriaali tukee kestävän kehityksen opetusta. Tutkimus eteni kehittämistutkimuksena vaiheittain alkaen taustatietovaiheesta (ongelma-analyysi) ja jatkuen aina valmiisiin opetustuokioihin. Taustatietovaiheen ongelma-analyysi koostui kirjallisuuskatsauksen lisäksi keväällä 2023 toteutetusta kyselytutkimuksesta, johon osallistui 344 kahdeksasluokkalaista. Kyselytutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että oppilailla on hyvä tuntemus luonnonmaantieteen ja ekologisen kestävyyden teemoista. Tulokset osoittivat myös, että oppilailla on haasteita tunnistaa kestävän kehityksen periaatteita tukevat toimet arjessaan. Näiden pohjalta laadittiin hankkeessa oppimateriaalit. Kahden opetuskerran jälkeen oppimateriaalia kehitettiin oppilaiden ja opettajien haastattelujen pohjalta. Oppilaat pitivät oppimateriaaleja mielekkäinä, mutta pienen otoskoon takia tähän tulokseen sisältyy epävarmuutta. Opettajien antama palaute kuitenkin osoitti, että oppimateriaali oli hyvin suunniteltu ja laadittu. Vaikka opetuksen tavoitteet saavutettiin, oppilaiden oppimistavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi oppimateriaalissa tulee edelleen edistää ryhmätyötaitojen kehittymistä sekä lisätä monipuolisia työtapoja. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että kestävää kehitystä tukeva hyvä oppimateriaali sisältää paljon toiminnallisuutta ja monipuolisia työtapoja sekä korostaa kestävän kehityksen ulottuvuuksien välisiä suhteita. Kehittämishanke jatkui hankkeessa tämän tutkielman jälkeen kolmanteen kierrokseen, jossa kehitettyä oppimateriaalia opetetaan uusille ryhmille. Tämän jälkeen oppilaat osallistuivat uudestaan kyselytutkimukseen sekä haastatteluihin. Uusien tulosten odotetaan tuottavan arvokasta ja vertailukelpoista tietoa kevään 2023 tutkimuksen tietoihin.
  • Uusoksa, Julia (2020)
    This is a research on how the manifestation of critical thinking skills of secondary school students was supported in the different iterations of the Global Challenges phenomenom-based learning course. Phenomenom-based learning (PhBL) is one alternative on how to teach critical information gathering and processing skills – also known as knowledge building – which are vital in the modern society. The implemented models of PhBL, however, lack foundational research and they’ve been criticized to be a waste of time. This thesis introduces how PhBL can be carried out in a pedagogically meaningful way by utilizing the theories of project-based learning, inquiry-based learning and collaborative knowledge building. Three years of design work resulted in a research-based model on how to organize a PhBL course for secondary education. The model is justified and criticized in the framework of the national curriculum and previous research. This thesis follows the design-based research (DBR) protocol by describing the needs, different processes and the final product of the design. Research material was gathered from the Global Challenges course that was organized from 2017 to 2019 by Helsinki University Science Education Center for students of secondary schools. The gathered material is mostly qualitative, constisting of the course materials, participant observation carried out by the university students and narrative self-evaluations, course artefacts and summative feedbacks from the secondary school students. In the first iteration 10 out of 19 attending students were observed, whereas in the second iteration all seven attending students were observed. The observation reports of the first two iterations were subjected to empirical problem analysis. In the third iteration participant observation was no longer carried out, and all material consists of the course assignments that the 17 attending students submitted in to the created MOOC web-learning environment. The manifestation of the critical thinking skills on the secondary school students’ course assignments in 2nd and 3rd iterations were comparatively analyzed with The Vocabulary of Critical Thinking Skills (2009) by Phil Washburn. A successfull practice of phenomenom-based learning required well defined structure and guidance. The goals of the course were met only partially in the first iterations, because the freedom and fun didn’t motivate the students to invest in the knowledge building process. The elements implemented in the last iteration supported meeting the goals considerably more efficiently than the model of free knowledge creation. The manifestation of the critical thinking skills was connected to the ability to follow the structures modelled after the Progressive inquiry. The conclusion was that the structures of PhBL must be built up carefully, if they are to challenge the traditional subject learning model in a pedagogically meaningful way.
  • Heikkilä, Saija (2017)
    The purpose of the research is to develop support material for learning the weaving pedalling order. The objective of the research is to consider the challenges and opportunities of developing support material and of its functionality, to have test users test the support material developed, and to analyse how the support material helps in understanding the weaving pedalling order and in learning the skill. Test users of the research were persons needing special guidance, because the idea of developing support material originates from their needs. However, the intention of this research is not to emphasize the special nature of the learning context, because the purpose is to examine the functionality of the support material, particularly from the skills learning point of view. My research was a design research and as the data collection method I used participating observation and video recording. Test users for the support material were three persons, whose previous experiences of weaving were different. During the research there were two different support materials developed, the other one of which guided the weaver more. The test users tested both support materials and experimented different pedalling orders, first without support material and then with the support material. The research results showed that the support materials developed helped the test users in learning the weaving pedalling order. Thanks to the support material the weavers could advance in learning the skills at their own pace. As a rule, the use of support material speeded up and smoothed weaving, reduced the need for guidance and the number of errors, as well as increased the test users' motivation and confidence in their own skills. An essential conclusion in this research was that it is possible already with relatively small changes to promote the different stages of learning the weaving skills. The learning environment should support learning in many ways and through different senses, by utilising new technology. From the point of view of learning the skills, the motivation and the positive experiences of the weaver played a key role. With the help of the support material the weavers experienced feelings of success, which increased their self-esteem and feeling of own ability.
  • Nuutila, Anni (2014)
    Craft education serves as a potential platform for students' creativity. The focus of craftwork studies has lately been changing form technique learning and product making to more creative direction. This is also evident in the new, 2016 launched, curriculum of craft education. The curriculum emphasizes craftwork as a more experimental and exploratory subject where different techniques and materials are combined. The purpose of this Master's Thesis was to develop new and more creative ways to teach craftwork. The project consists of three parts. In the first phase, different ideas were mapped by brainstorming and utilizing existing theories. Subsequently, based on the ideas from the first phase a teaching module was built. The execution of the scheme was documented by filming a video. In the last phase the video material was analyzed and creative activities were highlighted. Eventually, by combining the existing theories and observations from the video an outline for online material for creative craftwork teaching was develop. This teaching material aims to approach craft education from a more creative and expressive point of view. This project indicated that several factors affect the creative craft process. Giving enough time and encouragement to all students' individual craftsmanship proved to be important for increasing creativity among students. Possibility to explore different materials and techniques had also a positive effect on creativity. Team work, encouraging and casual atmosphere contributed also to the creative process. Teacher's role as a supporter and inspirer was also important. The produced web material is based on the observations from this study and also supports the new craft curriculum. The material is online and thus easily available for everybody. In addition, a Facebook page was created to encourage people for more interactive conversation.
  • Hiltunen, Riina (2022)
    Vuonna 2014 julkaistussa perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa on määritelty laaja-alaisen osaamisen tavoitteet, joiden avulla pyritään luomaan kokonaisvaltaisia, arkielämään kytkeytyviä oppimiskokonaisuuksia ja yhdistämään eri tiedonalojen osaamista. Eheyttävä opetus on yksi keino pyrkiä kohti laaja-alaista osaamista. Tässä tutkielmassa nostan opetuksen integroinnin esille mahdollisuutena opetuksen eheyttämiselle ja sen myötä myös laaja-alaisen osaamisen saavuttamiselle. Opetuksen integroinnilla tarkoitan tässä tutkielmassa oppiaineiden oppisisältöjen yhdistämistä ja erityisesti matematiikan ja käsityön oppiaineiden kohdalla. Tutkielman tarkoitus on näyttää, miten paljon käsitöissä käytetään matematiikkaa. Tutkielmassa kehitän yläkouluun suunnatun oppimateriaalin, joka keskittyy matematiikan integroimiseen käsityön oppitunneille. Oppiainerajat ylittävän materiaalin avulla pyrin tuomaan esille uusia näkökulmia matematiikan yhä konkreettisempaan, innostavampaan ja toiminnallisempaan opettamiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin kehittämistutkimuksena, joka sisälsi teoreettisen ongelma-analyysin, empiirisen ongelma-analyysin ja oppimateriaalin kehittämisen. Teoreettisessa ongelma-analyysissä arvioitiin tutkimustarvetta, luotiin tutkimuksen viitekehys ja selvitettiin, millainen opetuskokonaisuus sopisi käsityön ja matematiikan integroimiseen. Empiirisessä ongelma-analyysissä sen sijaan selvitettiin, miten matematiikka näkyy käsityön oppitunneilla tehtävissä harjoituksissa. Tarkastelun tuloksena syntyi taulukko, joka ilmensi konkreettisia esimerkkejä matematiikasta käsityön harjoituksissa. Kehittämisprosessi keskittyi käsityötä ja matematiikkaa integroivan oppimateriaalin kehittämiseen. Materiaali koostuu kuudesta oppimiskokonaisuudesta, jotka kaikki yhdistävät matematiikkaa luonnollisiin opetuskonteksteihin käsityön opetuksessa. Ongelma-analyysin tuloksena selvisi, että käsityö on hyvä integroimisalusta matematiikan oppisisällöille ja että siihen soveltuvalle materiaalille olisi tarvetta. Empiirisen ongelma-analyysin tuloksena laatimani taulukon pohjalta valikoituivat oppimateriaalin aihekokonaisuudet. Kehittämistutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi suunniteltu oppimateriaali, joka kuitenkin näyttäytyy vatsa ensimmäisenä ja testaamattomana versiona oppimateriaalista. Jatkotutkimusehdotuksena onkin kehittämistutkimuksen toinen sykli, eli esimerkiksi opetuskokeilu ja oppimateriaalin jatkokehittäminen. Oppimateriaali tuo uutta näkökulmaa matematiikan opetukseen, tekee matematiikkaa näkyväksi käsityön oppitunneilla ja toimii ensimmäisenä esimerkkinä matematiikan integroimiselle käsityön opetuksessa.
  • Salonen, Noora (2016)
    Nowadays design has an important role in people's everyday life. The goal of design education is to help children and young people to be more aware of and to understand different forms of design in our society, and learn how to apply design methods in practice. This is the way to promote and develop important future skills, such as knowledge creation, critical thinking and problem solving skills. In the new Finnish National Curriculum for Basic Education 2014 designing is an important part of craft education. This Master's Thesis is part of a wider design-based research which consists of work done by me and Päivi Heikkilä. Our research theme was to design and develop new design-based teaching material for secondary school craft education. The goal of the material is to inspire teachers and pupils to get familiar with the design process and to exploit it in a more holistic way in craft education. The original teaching material was designed, based on the background theory and experience, together with Päivi Heikkilä. After that we continued developing the material using the methods of user experience research. The survey for the craft teachers was part of my own Master's Thesis. The aim of the survey was to collect opinions and development ideas from the teachers working in the schools. The beta version of Muoto & käsityö teaching material was sent to 115 craft teachers around Finland and they evaluated different features of it. They were also asked to give ideas how to develop the material. The data was analyzed using statistical and qualitative research methods. According to this research, teachers are seeing the Muoto & käsityö teaching material suitable for craft education. They see the appearance and the overall structure clear, the content suitable for the secondary school pupils and the theoretical part important introduction to understand the design process. Teachers were also pleased with the usability of the project part. All of our goals for the teaching material were achieved. Teachers are seeing the Muoto & käsityö teaching material as a current and necessary addition to craft education, especially now when the new Finnish National Curriculum for Basic Education will take effect.
  • Mötlik, Madli (2021)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitetään aikuisten maahanmuuttajien perusopetuksen alkuvaiheen kurssille oppimateriaali. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että oppimateriaalilla on keskeinen rooli suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Tutkimukset osoittavat, että oppimateriaali on tarkoituksenmukainen, kun se on suunniteltu kohderyhmälle ja se tukee opiskelijoita oppimisessa ja opettajia opettamisessa. Oppimateriaalin kehittämiseen käytettiin haastattelututkimusta, jossa haastateltiin sähköpostin välityksellä yhtä kentällä toimivaa koulunkäyntiavustajaa. Lisäksi oppimateriaali perustui aikuisten perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteisiin, joka määräsi oppimateriaalille sisältöalueet. Oppimateriaalin toimivuus puolestaan arvioitiin kyselytutkimuksella, johon osallistui 31 aikuista maahanmuuttajataustaista peruskoulun opiskelijaa, jotka olivat käyttäneet oppimateriaalin ensimmäistä kehitettyä versiota oppikirjana. Tutkimuksessa vastattiin kahteen kysymykseen. 1. Minkälainen materiaali tukee opiskelijoita? ja 2. Kokevatko opiskelijat oppivan oppimateriaalin avulla uusia asioita? Ensimmäiseen kysymykseen vastasivat Kappaleet 3.4 ja 4.2. Kappaleessa 3.4 kartoitettiin oppimateriaalin merkitys ja selvitettiin, millainen oppimateriaali tukee opiskelijoita ja opettajia. Vastaavasti Kappaleessa 4.2 kartoitettiin aikuisten maahanmuuttajien tarpeita oppimateriaalin suhteen. Toiseen tutkimuskysymykseen vastasi Kappale 5.3, jossa esitettiin kyselytutkimus ja sen tulokset. Kyselytutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että opiskelijat kokivat oppivan uusia asioita käyttäessään kehitettyä oppimateriaalia. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa perehdyttiin maahanmuuttajiin kohderyhmänä. Tähän kehittämistutkimukseen on kerätty maahanmuuttajiin liittyvää tutkimustietoa ja tilastoja. Aiemmat tutkimukset ja tilastot osoittavat, että maahanmuuttajien määrä Suomessa lisääntyy jatkuvasti ja jotta maahanmuuttajista ei tulisi pelkästään isoa huollettavien joukkoa, asialle on tehtävä jotain. Tutkimukset osoittavat, että tärkeintä on integroida maahanmuuttajat suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan. Maahanmuuttajien integroiminen yhteiskuntaan tapahtuu tutkimusten mukaan parantamalla heidän koulutusta sekä lisäämällä koulutusta koskien maahanmuuttajia, mikä vaikuttaa pitkällä tähtäimellä suomalaisten asenteisiin. Tutkimus keskittyi aikuisten perusopetuksen alkuvaiheeseen, jotta opetuksen kehittäminen alkaisi peruskoulun alusta ja jatkuisi siitä päättövaiheen loppuun. Opetuksen kehittämisen on luonteva alkaa opintojen alusta ja matematiikan opiskelijoille tarvitaan hyvä pohja, jonka päälle voidaan rakentaa päättövaiheen kurssit. Materiaali toimii ensimmäisenä ponnahduslautana opetuksen ja materiaalien kehittämisessä.
  • Hurmalainen, Reetta (2015)
    Objectives. This study describes the development process of one exercise focusing on textiles in the Finnish National Museum's workshop Vintti. Study's mission is to develop the existing textile exercise in co-operation with the museum staff. The planning of the new exercise is done co-operation with the museum staff, where the developing has done during this study individually. The elaborated exercise is analysed by what kind of experiences it causes in its users. Methodology. Development research is the methodology of this study. The development process was done by following Jorma Kananen's (2012) model. The research data was the development process of the textile exercise, the elaborated exercise and the experiences it caused in it's users. Informants (n=4) experiences were collected with thinking aloud-method. Experiences were analysed with the model introduced by Eeva-Katri Ahola (2007). Results and conclusions. The exercise got elaborated during this study, and the new exercise caused experiences connected to emotions, progress and corporeality in informants. Aholas introduced sections of experiences only experience connected to personal involvement did not show in this study. The exercise got elaborated more versatile and to more senses using. Although there is still chance to expand the exercise to inform with more knowledge.
  • Lehti, Helka (2012)
    The research assignment of this development research is to design and develop useful 7th grade textile craft distance education course for distance school Kulkuri. Kulkuri provides distance education for Finnish children living abroad. The education follows Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. Development process of the course was based on the ADDIE model. The course follows the curriculum for textile craft and the concept of learning outlined in the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2004). The course is based on the following pedagogical concepts: supporting human agency, engaged pedagogy, instructional scaffolding and game-based learning. The theory part discusses skill acquisition, distance education and textile craft as a basic school subject. Usefulness of the course was tested with usability evaluation methods. The design principles, structure, scope and objectives of the course were evaluated with heuristic evaluation in the early phases of the development process. Seven experts compared the first version of the course against heuristics created for the thesis. Evaluators were experts in distance education or textile craft or double experts in both fields. The feedback was given through electronic forms. The second, nearly completed version was tested with user testing by pupils of Kulkuri. Five abroad living Finnish pupils (aged 10 14) were given test tasks to perform in the course environment. Screen capture was used to follow the experimenters actions and their comments were recorded by Skype. The usability problems revealed by the evaluations were fixed and the usefulness of the course was further developed based on the evaluations. The usability evaluations indicated that the course was suitable for its purpose, its usability was good and the course implemented its design principles. 7th graders are able to learn craft skills through this course if they are motivated and enough teacher guidance is available. From the user point of view, the course was interesting and clear. The pedagogical concepts behind the course seemed to be functional and they could be applied broadly in designing craft education. In addition the development process with its evaluation methods could be used as an example for further studies in the fields of development and usability research. The course developed in this thesis is the first textile craft course for basic education implemented completely for distance education. It is mainly of benefit for the pupils of Kulkuri, but due to its openness it is also practical for independent studying or as a part of traditional classroom education.
  • Kurikka, Johanna (2019)
    The research develops a teaching method to increase students' self-direction in handicraft education. The purpose is to determine whether regular exercise of mindfulness increases the self-direction of the students. Research has emerged from the need for practice. Previous studies have shown that mindfulness affects self-directedness. Mindfulness is associated with better performance-oriented self-direction (Howell & Buro, 2011). Mindful-ness exercises develop children's concentration, stress management, self-directedness and self-awareness. In addition to self-directedness, mindfulness promotes socio-emotional un-derstanding and positive attitude. (Schonert-Reichl & Lawlor, 2010.) The study was conducted as a qualitative desing-based research. Ten seventh grade students participated in the study. The study involved an 8-week conscious presence intervention in craft education. The data were collected by observing students during the interventi-on and by a self-direction questionnaire before and after the intervention. The analysis was carried out as a theory-based content analysis. The analysis used an observation diary and a self-directed questionnare based on Alanen's (2014) self-directed themes. These themes include mastering the language of the craft, taking responsibility for the craft process, courage in action, and working fluency. The intervention in the study had a positive impact on the students' work flow. According to the study, the mindfulness exercises had a positive effect on the start of the students' craft classes. Pupils began to work in a more self-directed way after practicing mindfulness exercises. Based on this, exercises can be used in craft teaching to streamline the beginning of lessons. This study could not reliably determine the effect of the exercises on the students' self-directedness other than on board the lessons.
  • Kurikka, Johanna (2019)
    The research develops a teaching method to increase students' self-direction in handicraft education. The purpose is to determine whether regular exercise of mindfulness increases the self-direction of the students. Research has emerged from the need for practice. Previous studies have shown that mindfulness affects self-directedness. Mindfulness is associated with better performance-oriented self-direction (Howell & Buro, 2011). Mindful-ness exercises develop children's concentration, stress management, self-directedness and self-awareness. In addition to self-directedness, mindfulness promotes socio-emotional un-derstanding and positive attitude. (Schonert-Reichl & Lawlor, 2010.) The study was conducted as a qualitative desing-based research. Ten seventh grade students participated in the study. The study involved an 8-week conscious presence intervention in craft education. The data were collected by observing students during the interventi-on and by a self-direction questionnaire before and after the intervention. The analysis was carried out as a theory-based content analysis. The analysis used an observation diary and a self-directed questionnare based on Alanen's (2014) self-directed themes. These themes include mastering the language of the craft, taking responsibility for the craft process, courage in action, and working fluency. The intervention in the study had a positive impact on the students' work flow. According to the study, the mindfulness exercises had a positive effect on the start of the students' craft classes. Pupils began to work in a more self-directed way after practicing mindfulness exercises. Based on this, exercises can be used in craft teaching to streamline the beginning of lessons. This study could not reliably determine the effect of the exercises on the students' self-directedness other than on board the lessons.
  • Penttinen, Anna (2017)
    The new POPS 2014 emphasizes elementary school's responsibility on teaching working life skills more than before. As a part of studies in elementary school there is a Introduction to Working Life period ("TET" Period) that introduces working life to pupils in practice. Making TET Period rewarding for a pupil requires a lot of active contribution from the employer's side too. The goal of this developmental study is to create and facilitate fluent co-operation between YIT Group and elementary schools. Means for reaching the goal is developing and arranging a versatile TET Period which is rewarding to all the stakeholders; the student, the company and the school. This study was conducted by applying the methods of Desing-Based-Research in two cycles. The development bases on literature and earlier studies in youth education and working life, POPS, Introduction-to-working-life as a part of compulsory education, company social responsibility, learning and different learning environments. Key questions were: "What have the pupils learned about YIT business and its work community during the Introduction-to-working-life period?", "Which aspects the instructors and students considered as high-importance matters in the TET Course?". Research material consists of student questionnaires, theme interviews of the students and some of YIT personnel, students' filled TET work applications forms and observations material. Analysis of the material was conducted using qualitative content analysis method. The research takes place between fall 2015 and spring 2016. Altogether ten Introduction to Working Life periods were arranged: four for ninth grade students during fall 2015 and six for eight-graders during spring 2016. In 2015 attendance was thirteen pupils and in 2016 it was fourteen. The goal was to find out about pupils' learnings and which aspects need to be taken into account in arrangements. This study concludes that the pupils' understanding on company operations and its different professionals improved and became more versatile. Furthermore, the pupils were able to list factors that relate to meaningful work life in more detail. However, their dream professions mainly stayed as earlier. According to pupils the most positive things in the TET Period were nice atmosphere and variable content. On the other hand the most of the instructors felt like that the TET Period requires planning and extra work. Based on observations one may run into surprises during the arrangements. Thus, a clear plan as well as direct communication between all parties facilitate success.
  • Koskinen, Veera (2020)
    Tämän kehittämistutkimuksen tavoitteena oli laatia toimiva verkko-oppimateriaali Vantaan ammattiopisto Varian tarpeisiin matematiikan yhteisten opintojen peruskurssille. Materiaalin tuottamistyö sai alkunsa ammattiopiston tarpeesta mahdollistaa paremmat ja monipuolisemmat opiskelumahdollisuudet opiskelijoilleen. Verkko-oppimateriaali laadittiin ammatillisen peruskoulutuksen opetussuunnitelman tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Laadittu materiaali vastasi kurssikokonaisuutta, jonka aihepiirejä olivat peruslaskutoimitukset, mittayksiköiden muunnokset, yhtälöt, talouslaskut, prosentit, geometria sekä tilastot ja tunnusluvut. Näihin aihepiireihin liittyen laadittiin pieniä teoriapätkiä, esimerkkitehtäviä ja opetusvideoita.Teoriapätkät sisälsivät kuvia, tekstiä ja erilaisia taulukoita. Materiaalia laadittaessa pyrittiin kiinnittämään huomiota siihen, että valintoja tehtiin matematiikan opettajien kokemukseen sekä tutkimuskirjallisuuteen perustuen. Lisäksi tärkeää oli, että kustannukset pystyttiin pitämään mahdollisimman pieninä ja projektin aikana luotiin sopivia käytäntöjä verkko-oppimateriaalin ja sen sisältämien videoiden laatimiseen jatkoa ajatellen. Verkko-oppimateriaalia suunniteltiin yhteistyössä koulun matematiikan opettajien sekä verkko-pedagogin kanssa. Materiaalin toimivuudesta kerättiin palautetta haastatteluilla oppilaitoksen työntekijöiltä sekä oppilaalta. Testausvaiheen pohjalta nousi muun muassa tarve opetusvideoiden tekstitykselle. Opetusvideoiden nähtiin olevan hyvä tuki oppimiselle, mutta niiden on oltava erittäin lyhyitä, jotta opiskelijat malttaisivat katsoa niitä loppuun saakka. Lisäksi yleisiä havaintoja materiaalin tuottamisesta ammatillisiin tarpeisiin oli, että materiaalia tulee voida hyödyntää erilaisialla laitteilla, kuten älypuhelimilla, tableteilla ja tietokoneilla. Lisäksi materi-aalista täytyy saada sekä kertaamista että uuden oppimista tukeva kokonaisuus. Liian suuresta tekstin määrästä koituvaan oppilaiden ahdistukseen on materiaalin laadinnassa myös kiinnitettävä erityistä huomiota. Muun muassa näitä kehittämistutkimuksessa nousseita havaintoja ja parannusehdotuksia on mahdollista käyttää tulevaisuudessa kurssin jatkokehityksessä. Niitä voidaan myös käyttää apuna muita kyseisen oppilaitoksen tai vastaavan koulutustason oppilaitoksen verkko-oppimateriaaleja laadittaessa. Lisäksi opetusvideoiden laatimiseen työssä esitellyt vaiheet on sovellettavissa käytännössä minkä tahansa koulutusasteen opetusvideoiden laadintaan.
  • Jernfors, Riikka (2019)
    The purpose of this user-centred design-based research was to design trousers individually for a young woman who has special needs for trouser's functional considerations due to a spinal cord injury. In addition to the functionality of the product, the trousers also had to respond to the user needs for her expressive and aesthetic preferences. Earlier studies show that there are not enough fitting, functional and at the same time aesthetically pleasing clothes for physically disabled people. The framework for user needs was based on the FEA consumer needs model developed by Lamb and Kallal (1992), which focuses all functional, expressive and aesthetic considerations to recognize consumer needs and wishes for apparel design. From the user data collection, qualitative content analysis gathered the essential issues and themes to identify the user profile, the context of a use-situation and the needs of the user for the design of the trousers. The gathered material showed the user's need for two different types of trousers: classic and timeless jeans and sporty trousers for casual use. Based on the results and interpretations of the design analysis, the trousers were developed in three different versions: the first jeans, the further developed jeans and the sporty trousers for casual use. The user evaluated the usability of three trousers by Nielsen's (1993) five-point grading scale in each stage of the development process. The comparative starting point for the evaluation was user's everyday trousers used before her disability. According to the evaluation, development on the trousers occurred, when the further jeans and the sporty trousers for casual use corresponded to all the functional, expressive and aesthetic needs of the user. This research provides concrete practical implementation solutions for the functional considerations of an individually designed trousers, but also provides a perspective on the aesthetic and expressive aspects of apparel design. The results of the study confirm Lamb's and Kallal's (1992) view that the functionality, expressiveness and aesthetics of the apparel are not mutually exclusive, as the individually designed adaptive apparel can also be of one's own style.
  • Jernfors, Riikka (2019)
    The purpose of this user-centred design-based research was to design trousers individually for a young woman who has special needs for trouser's functional considerations due to a spinal cord injury. In addition to the functionality of the product, the trousers also had to respond to the user needs for her expressive and aesthetic preferences. Earlier studies show that there are not enough fitting, functional and at the same time aesthetically pleasing clothes for physically disabled people. The framework for user needs was based on the FEA consumer needs model developed by Lamb and Kallal (1992), which focuses all functional, expressive and aesthetic considerations to recognize consumer needs and wishes for apparel design. From the user data collection, qualitative content analysis gathered the essential issues and themes to identify the user profile, the context of a use-situation and the needs of the user for the design of the trousers. The gathered material showed the user's need for two different types of trousers: classic and timeless jeans and sporty trousers for casual use. Based on the results and interpretations of the design analysis, the trousers were developed in three different versions: the first jeans, the further developed jeans and the sporty trousers for casual use. The user evaluated the usability of three trousers by Nielsen's (1993) five-point grading scale in each stage of the development process. The comparative starting point for the evaluation was user's everyday trousers used before her disability. According to the evaluation, development on the trousers occurred, when the further jeans and the sporty trousers for casual use corresponded to all the functional, expressive and aesthetic needs of the user. This research provides concrete practical implementation solutions for the functional considerations of an individually designed trousers, but also provides a perspective on the aesthetic and expressive aspects of apparel design. The results of the study confirm Lamb's and Kallal's (1992) view that the functionality, expressiveness and aesthetics of the apparel are not mutually exclusive, as the individually designed adaptive apparel can also be of one's own style.