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  • Marin, Ida (2023)
    The purpose of this survey was to analyze teachers' perceptions and experiences of the current teaching model for studies in religion and secular ethics in primary school, as well as how it supports the students' identity development and learning. The goal was also to analyze whether the teachers have suggestions for changes to the current teaching model of studies in religion and ethics. Studies in religion and ethics has been a debated topic throughout the existence of primary schools. Previous research has shown that a large proportion of Finns, as well as teachers and principals, would like to see a change to the current model. Previous research has shown that students begin their identity development at a young age. Religion and different worldviews are one of the most important building blocks of identity. This means that both school and religious education have an influence on the students' identity development. The survey was conducted as a qualitative study. The data collection took place through five semi-structured interviews with teachers in Nyland. The data was analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that the majority of teachers are not satisfied with the current teaching model. The teachers believed that an intergrated teaching model, may it be secular ethics or a completely new subject, most benefits the students identity development. Arguments raised for an intergrated model were that it favors the students capacity for emphaty, morality, ethics and understanding of other people, culture and religions. Arguments that the teachers raised agains an intergrated model were that the students with minority religions could feel left out, and lose interest in their own religion.
  • Sihvonen, Lina (2018)
    In accordance with the fact that the core curriculum for basic education 2014 came into effect in the autumn of 2016, the discussion about teachers' digital competence has flared up in the media. The diverse views regarding the use of digital tools in teaching contributed to the Thesis's subject. The purpose of this survey was to identify the attitude of the teachers towards information and communication technology (ICT), as well as to investigate whether psychological factors and factors in the work environment affect the attitudes of ICT in teaching. The survey was conducted as a quantitative study and was limited to primary and secondary school teachers in Swedish-speaking schools in the metropolitan area. Data was collected using an electronic questionnaire sent to 40 headmasters by e-mail, which were then forwarded to the teachers. The questionnaire was sent out in January-February 2018 and was answered by a total of 87 teachers. The material was processed and analyzed using the SPSS statistics program. The results showed that the teachers largely seemed to be positive to the use of ICT. Nevertheless, there were many open comments that were critical to digitalization, resources and the possibility of further education. Attitudes towards and perceptions of ICT were unrelated to gender, age and school level, number of pupils and work experience as a teacher. However, the psychological factors engagement and workload had a positive versus negative impact on attitudes.
  • Sihvonen, Lina (2018)
    In accordance with the fact that the core curriculum for basic education 2014 came into effect in the autumn of 2016, the discussion about teachers' digital competence has flared up in the media. The diverse views regarding the use of digital tools in teaching contributed to the Thesis's subject. The purpose of this survey was to identify the attitude of the teachers towards information and communication technology (ICT), as well as to investigate whether psychological factors and factors in the work environment affect the attitudes of ICT in teaching. The survey was conducted as a quantitative study and was limited to primary and secondary school teachers in Swedish-speaking schools in the metropolitan area. Data was collected using an electronic questionnaire sent to 40 headmasters by e-mail, which were then forwarded to the teachers. The questionnaire was sent out in January-February 2018 and was answered by a total of 87 teachers. The material was processed and analyzed using the SPSS statistics program. The results showed that the teachers largely seemed to be positive to the use of ICT. Nevertheless, there were many open comments that were critical to digitalization, resources and the possibility of further education. Attitudes towards and perceptions of ICT were unrelated to gender, age and school level, number of pupils and work experience as a teacher. However, the psychological factors engagement and workload had a positive versus negative impact on attitudes.
  • Köhler, Hector (2022)
    Avhandlingen behandlar möjligheter och utmaningar med musikimprovisation i musikundervisning. Ämnet betraktas ur både lärarens- samt elevens synvinkel. Avhandlingens syfte är att utveckla en förståelse för hur musikimprovisation upplevs av lärare och elever och att belysa bl.a. hurdant behov för fortbildning det finns bland lärare gällande musikimprovisation, vilka färdigheter som utvecklas via användning av musikimprovisation i musikundervisning och redogöra för behov för vidare forskning inom ämnet. Det är ett växande forskningsområde där det speciellt i USA gjorts mycket studier kring ämnet. Denna avhandling fokuserar däremot på hur musikimprovisation i musikundervisning används i de nordiska länder, dvs. Finland, Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Island.
  • Lundberg, Victoria (2019)
    Goal: Previous studies have shown that teachers construct gender roles in school and have different expectations for girls and boys, although the new curriculum, as well as a change in gender equality law, emphasizes that one should treat everyone equally and work against traditional gender roles. According to the socialization model, children learn about suitable behavior based on adults' reactions. Studies have also shown that there are differences between boys and girls, but some believe that differences between individuals are nevertheless greater and that children should not be grouped according to sex. Earlier research addresses that an equal school requires knowledge, reflection on one's own unconscious thoughts about boys and girls and a willingness to work for gender equality. The purpose of this thesis is to get acquainted with teachers' perceptions of gender roles and how teachers construct them in school. Methods: The study was conducted as a systematic literature review, where the databases Helka, Academic Search Complete and ERIC (Proquest) were used to find relevant data. After the relevant data had been collected, a content analysis of the material was made and some themes were dealt with: teachers' expectations and perceptions about gender roles, interaction between teachers and pupils, teachers' knowledge regarding gender roles and how to create an equal school. Results and conclusions: The result suggested that most teachers have relatively egalitarian views on boys and girls, but more traditional in certain issues. Many studies also pointed to a lack of knowledge regarding gender equality, and an indifference to familiarizing themselves with the subject. Teachers constructed gender roles in school through their language, either by suggesting that something was not appropriate for one sex, or by not criticizing the prevailing gender roles. The studies also addressed the teacher's role in gender equality work, that it is often up to the teacher to criticize and oppose traditional gender roles in order for a school to become equal.
  • Laitinen, Kaisa (2021)
    Finnish teachers’ workload has been high for a long time and because of the Covid- 19 pandemic their workload has further grown (Eskonen, 2018; FSL, 2019; Korkeakivi, 2018; Kröger, 2020; OAJ, 2018a; OAJ, 2018b; OAJ, 2020; Råholm, 2020). Which means that the Finnish teachers’ heavy workload is an issue that needs to be solved. Previous studies have shown that co- teaching can have a positive impact on teachers’ workload (Ahtiainen et al., 2011, s. 36–37; Pulkkinen & Rytivaara, 2015, s. 9; Walther-Thomas, 1997, s. 401). Therefore, the aim of this study is to form an understanding of teachers’ experiences of co- teaching and its impact on their workload in basic education. The participants of the study consisted of 24 teachers in basic education in Swedish speaking schools in Finland. The data collection was done through qualitative surveys in an electronic format. The data was analyzed by using thematic analysis. The teachers in the study experienced that they, through the co- teaching partnership, had more social support, could share their work responsibilities and learn from each other. In addition to this, the participants experienced that they had better opportunities to form an inclusive and differentiated classroom through co-teaching. Therefore, co- teaching can lessen teachers’ workload. Although, the participants of the study also experienced lack of resources, as well as conflicts and an unfair work distribution in the co-teaching partnership. Through this, co- teaching can also lead to a greater workload. Lastly, the teachers in the study also experienced that resources, good collaboration and positive attitudes towards co-teaching promotes the use of co- teaching. Consequently, lack of recourses, poor collaboration and negative attitudes hinders the use of successful co- teaching. However, some teachers experienced that there is nothing that hinders the use of co- teaching.
  • Lindgård, Linnea (2020)
    Finnish Schools on the Move is a program with the goal to establish a more physically active school environment for children in the Finnish comprehensive schools. The program was ini-tially piloted in 2010 and by 2018 the program had been expanded to reach 90 percent of all schools in Finland. The teachers play a key role in the process of implementing school re-forms, which is the motivation for this study. The aim of the study is to investigate how prima-ry school teachers experience the program, how it affects their work and their opinion on the effectiveness of the program. Furthermore, this study aims to uncover which details of the implementation that are advantageous and disadvantageous for the success of the program, from the teacher’s perspective. Based on the results of the program’s own assessment on the program the majority of Swedish–speaking primary school teachers in Helsinki experi-enced a lack of competence or the opportunity to develop the competence needed to com-plete the requirements of the program. This study uses educational reform theories as a framework. The methods of implementation, the roles of the concerned parties carrying out the implementation, teachers and principals, and collegiality have in prior research been shown to be key factors in carrying out educational reforms. This study has a qualitative approach and the data-gathering is being done by semi-structured interviews. The study had eight participants, with seven primary school teachers and one principal from five different primary schools in Helsinki. The material will be analyzed through thematic analysis and compared to earlier research. The results showed that the program has had a positive impact on the teachers work, but that the program caused additional work for some teachers. According to the results, the program was successful in schools where the principal’s leadership, collegial support and a perception of competence among the teachers was present. Unlike this, the program did not work as well in schools where is a lack of collegial support and supporting structures needed for the implementation of the program The perceived lack of competence was in other words not a crucial factor if the leadership was functional and the colleague’s attitude towards the program was positive.
  • Lindgård, Linnea (2020)
    Finnish Schools on the Move is a program with the goal to establish a more physically active school environment for children in the Finnish comprehensive schools. The program was ini-tially piloted in 2010 and by 2018 the program had been expanded to reach 90 percent of all schools in Finland. The teachers play a key role in the process of implementing school re-forms, which is the motivation for this study. The aim of the study is to investigate how prima-ry school teachers experience the program, how it affects their work and their opinion on the effectiveness of the program. Furthermore, this study aims to uncover which details of the implementation that are advantageous and disadvantageous for the success of the program, from the teacher’s perspective. Based on the results of the program’s own assessment on the program the majority of Swedish–speaking primary school teachers in Helsinki experi-enced a lack of competence or the opportunity to develop the competence needed to com-plete the requirements of the program. This study uses educational reform theories as a framework. The methods of implementation, the roles of the concerned parties carrying out the implementation, teachers and principals, and collegiality have in prior research been shown to be key factors in carrying out educational reforms. This study has a qualitative approach and the data-gathering is being done by semi-structured interviews. The study had eight participants, with seven primary school teachers and one principal from five different primary schools in Helsinki. The material will be analyzed through thematic analysis and compared to earlier research. The results showed that the program has had a positive impact on the teachers work, but that the program caused additional work for some teachers. According to the results, the program was successful in schools where the principal’s leadership, collegial support and a perception of competence among the teachers was present. Unlike this, the program did not work as well in schools where is a lack of collegial support and supporting structures needed for the implementation of the program The perceived lack of competence was in other words not a crucial factor if the leadership was functional and the colleague’s attitude towards the program was positive.
  • Lindström, Olivia (2020)
    Mål. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning rektorer använder sig av transformativt ledarskap och på vilka sätt rektorer som använder sig av transformativt ledarskap påverkar lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Teoridelen baserar sig på för denna studies syfte viktiga begrepp och teorier, som i detta fall består av transformativt ledarskap, pedagogiskt ledarskap, arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Utöver dessa diskuteras även rektorsyrket, skolledarrollen och kritik mot transformativt ledarskap. Med stöd av teoridelen undersöker denna studie förekomsten av transformativt ledarskap hos rektorer och på vilka sätt en transformativ ledarskapsstil påverkar lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Metoder. Denna studie utfördes som en litteraturstudie med en integrerande infallsvinkel. Avsikten är då att skapa en bred uppfattning om avhandlingens tema, där också en kritisk diskussion tillhör. Materialet består av tio vetenskapliga artiklar, som valts genom systematiska sökningar i forskningsdatabaser med kontrollerade sökord. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten för studien visar att rektorer som använder sig av transformativt ledarskap påverkar positivt på lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Analysen visar även att det är vanligt att rektorer använder sig av transformativt ledarskap i någon utsträckning. På basis av studien kan inte en slutsats dras gällande i vilken utsträckning transformativt ledarskap bör användas för att ha en inverkan på lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Resultaten visar ytterligare att det räcker att rektorer använder sig av utvalda delar av det transformativa ledarskapet för att kunna påverka lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang.
  • Forsberg, Kit Arvid (2023)
    Aim. Earlier research shows how undiagnosed ADHD has many negative consequences. Different studies show how there are many possible reasons why so many are left without a diagnosis. The aim of this study is to get a deeper understanding of ADHD and examine how individuals in elementary school have been affected by a missed diagnosis and lacking support. Methods. This thesis is an interview study that is based in hermeneutic theory of research. For this thesis, four individuals were interviewed during the months of February and March, 2023. All four interviewees got their diagnoses in adulthood. The interviews were analyzed and interpreted by using the method of thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. The study found five overlapping themes during the analysis phase, which were the presentation of the diagnosis, stigma and the environment, comorbidity, parents' participation and teachers' behavior. Three out of four interviewees had the inattentive presentation of ADHD, and the majority suffered from comorbidities. There was a pattern between experienced stigma and support-teaching. The school environment and parents influenced the amount of stigma that was experienced. Parents' participation seemed to have affected the individuals' ability to perform in school, even though the individuals' difficulties were similar to each other. Teachers' behavior and reactions directly affected the individuals' attitudes towards school. All interviewees wished for an improvement in how teachers acted in the classroom.