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  • Manninen, Maarit (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the importance of drama education regarding the bold self-expression of the pre-school aged child. Children will go to school the following year, so in pre-school it is valuable to invest on encouraging children in their self-expression skills as the ex-pression skills are highly valued in both the school and the working world. Basis for the study is that various skills, such as self-expression, can be learned. The research task was refined by three research questions exploring the factors that are required to build-up bold self-expression, how drama education can impact on the development of the chil-dren’s self-expression skills, and how being encouraged appears on the individual and the small group level. The theoretical framework of the study contains two main concepts: self-esteem and drama education. Self- esteem is covered from temperament and encouraging perspective. Drama education includes self-expression, emotional education ja social skills. Previous studies have fo-cused mainly on strengthening child’s self-esteem. There is only a small amount of research on be-ing encouraged in self-expression skills from child’s point of view. This study is qualitative in nature and selected approach to the theme was action research which was carried out through three drama sessions to the group of children. Four children were selected to this small group in collaboration with the group’s kindergarten teachers. Common goal for all the children was to get encouraged in their emotional expression and especially to two of them needed additionally encouragement in self-expression in general. Children’s needs and the themes that had risen in previous sessions were taken noted in the planning. The data was collected by using a re-search journal, video observation and children’s interview through “stimulated recall” method. Ma-terial was studied through video analysis, which displayed how many times children did express themselves linguistically, physically and emotionally. In addition, it was analyzed, how many con-tact initiatives children took towards friends, researcher and the whole group. Filming enabled to observe the accurate number of children’s initiatives and to compare results both within and be-tween the sessions. Children’s basic sense of security was supported by selecting friends to the small group. According to the results, it can be said that the children were able to relax quickly and even more shy children were able to make more initiatives. Based on this intervention it can be stated, that drama support children by empowering their self-expression skills. The results also showed that there were differ-ences between different drama methods concerning the effects on children’s self-expression both in individual and group level. Sessions displayed as a small group activity supported children’s self-expression skills to come forth at the individual level in almost all the areas studied.
  • Lummekoski, Maria (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Lukemisen vaikeus on yleinen oppimisvaikeus, jolla on vaikutusta monen lapsen ja nuoren elämään niin Suomessa kuin muuallakin maailmassa. Lukemiseen liittyvillä vaikeuksilla saattaa olla vaikutusta myös lapsen tai nuoren yleiseen hyvinvointiin, johon puolestaan on olennaisesti kytköksissä itsetunto. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaisia vaikutuksia lukemisen vaikeuksilla on 2000-luvun puolella julkaistuissa tutkimuksissa itsetuntoon ja sen eri osa-alueisiin. Tämän lisäksi haluttiin tarkastella lukemisen vaikeuden rinnalla itsetuntoa heikentäviä tai kohentavia tekijöitä, jotta saataisiin tietoa itsetuntoon liittyvän kohdennetun tuen tarpeessa olevista lapsista ja nuorista. Menetelmä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Tieteellisiä tutkimusartikkeleita haettiin maaliskuussa 2019 kolmesta tietokannasta: Scopuksesta, Ovid Medlinesta ja Web of Sciencesta. Lopullisessa hakulausekkeessa yhdisteltiin lukemisen vaikeuksiin, itsetuntoon sekä lapsuuteen ja nuoruuteen liittyviä englanninkielisiä termejä. Lopullinen tutkimusaineisto koostui seitsemästä Scopuksesta löytyneestä tutkimusartikkelista, jotka vastasivat tämän kandidaatintutkielman tutkimuskysymyksiin. Tutkielman tulokset saatiin kerättyä tutkimusaineistoa analysoimalla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Aineistosta nousi esiin, että lasten ja nuorten lukemisen vaikeuksilla on yhteys alentuneeseen itsetuntoon, mutta ei kuitenkaan kaikilla itsetunnon osa-alueilla. Yleisen itsetunnon osalta tulokset olivat ristiriitaisia, sillä osassa tutkimuksista yleinen itsetunto oli alentunut ja osassa normaali. Aineiston vertailun perusteella itsetunnon osa-alueista useimmiten tilastollisesti merkitsevästi heikentynyt oli kouluun sidonnainen tai akateeminen itsetunto. Itsetuntoa heikentäväksi tekijöiksi todettiin lukemisen vaikeuden rinnalla esiintyvät tarkkaavuuden ja puheen tuoton vaikeudet sekä naissukupuoli ja siihen liittyvät emotionaaliset ja välttelyyn perustuvat selviytymismekanismit. Itsetuntoa kohentavaksi tekijäksi todettiin puolestaan dysleksiadiagnoosi. Näiden tulosten perusteella lukemisen vaikeudet altistavat lapsen tai nuoren etenkin kouluun sidonnaisen itsetunnon heikentymiselle, mutta erityisesti mahdollisimman varhaisessa vaiheessa annettu diagnoosi voi suojata lasta itsetunto-ongelmilta.
  • Eira, Emma (2020)
    Goals. The purpose of this study was to find out what kind of social media groups can be identified among high school students and what kind of gender differences exist in the use of social media. This study also examined whether the social media user groups differ in self-esteem and how gender and socioeconomic background are related to the relationship between social media use and self-esteem. It is important to examine adolescents’ social media user habits in order to gain more detailed information about the association between adolescents’ social media use and self-esteem. Methods. The data (N = 1203) was collected from high school students in 34 Helsinki schools in spring 2018. Participants filled in questionnaires that measured social media use, self-esteem and questions regarding family background. Gender differences in social media usage were evaluated with Independent Samples t-Test and the relationship between with the preliminary variables were analyzed using Pearsons’ correlation factors. Respondents were divided into groups based on participation in social media by using the Two Step Cluster analysis. One-way analysis of variance examined whether groups differed in self-esteem. The one-way analysis of variance also examined whether socioeconomic background and gender influence how user groups differ in self-esteem. Results and conclusions. Four distinct groups were identified from the data: socially networked, knowledge-oriented, academically oriented, and active users. Differences in the use of social media by girls and boys were observed. Girls were found to use more social media for social networking compared to boys. Boys, in turn, were found to use more social media for knowledge-oriented and academically oriented purposes than girls. In addition, gender differences in the distribution of social media user groups were examined. The group of active users and socially networked were more popular among girls, while the knowledge-oriented and academically oriented groups were more popular among boys than girls. The group of active users was the largest group in the material and the most popular user group among girls and boys. Based on this, it can be stated that most girls and boys use digital media in a very diverse way. Social media user groups were not found to differ significantly in self-esteem, and gender or socioeconomic background did not explain the differences in user groups in self-esteem.
  • Eteläsaari, Laura (2016)
    Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan itsetunnolla on yhteys ihmisen hyvinvointiin, käyttäytymiseen ja oppimiseen. Myönteisen minäkäsityksen tukeminen on mahdollista hyvin toteutetussa liikunnan opetuksessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mistä seikoista luokanopettajat tunnistavat heikkoitsetuntoisen oppilaan liikuntatunneilla sekä millaisia keinoja he ovat käyttäneet liikunnallisesti heikkojen oppilaiden itsetunnon tukemiseen. Teoreettisena taustana tarkasteltiin itsetuntoon liittyviä teorioita ja malleja sekä liikuntakasvatusta ja koululiikuntaa. Tutkimusta ohjaavaksi teoriaksi valittiin Borban viisiulotteinen itsetuntomalli. Tutkimukseen osallistui 19 liikuntaa opettavaa luokanopettajaa. He vastasivat internet-kyselylomakkeeseen, jossa oli sekä avoimia että suljettuja kysymyksiä. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin laadullisesti kyselylomakkeen avoimia kysymyksiä käyttäen metodina teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimus osoitti, että luokanopettajien tunnistamia oppilaan heikon itsetunnon ilmenemismuotoja liikuntatunneilla olivat luottamuksen puute omiin kykyihin, syrjään vetäytyminen, sääntöjen vastainen käytös, riippuvuus muista sekä vaikeus vastaanottaa ohjeita ja palautetta. Luokanopettajien käyttämistä keinoista liikunnallisesti heikkojen oppilaiden itsetunnon parantamiseen tutkimuksessa tulivat esille positiivinen huomiointi ja palaute, oppilaaseen tutustuminen, tavoitteiden helpottaminen, tilanteiden ennakoiminen, harjoittelun merkityksen korostaminen, itsearviointiin kannustaminen ja kilpailun välttäminen. Saadut tulokset sopivat hyvin Borban itsetuntomallissa esitettyihin heikon itsetunnon ilmentymiin sekä kasvattajan keinoihin vaikuttaa niihin. Tuloksista voi olla hyötyä luokanopettajien pohtiessa keinoja tukea oppilaiden itsetuntoa liikuntatunneilla.
  • Hosio, Anna (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to examine the concepts of self-image and self-esteem through a descriptive literature review and to present their link to individual behavior and further to learning. This study also considers the role of a teacher in endorsing the development of self-image and self-esteem in school environment. Self-image and self-esteem are both build in interaction with other individuals and environment and reflected continuously in our communication. At best schools can, leading by the teacher, provide students with a safe place to interact and thus enhance affirmative self-image. At first this study defines the concepts of self-image and self-esteem and their link to behavior and learning. The concepts are partially coinciding and they have several parallel concepts. When it comes to literature, these concepts are arousing discussion among researchers and are topical in our perception of learning. Furthermore diverse pedagogic solutions to endorsing self-image and self-esteem in schools are presented based on the one-dimensional self-esteem model by Borba. Building affirmative self-image and –esteem is not a straightforward process but the years during comprehensive school are the most favourable phase for it. Self-image is developed to a rather permanent entity in our childhood and therefore it keeps on affecting us for the rest of our lives. We encounter the world through our self-image, which defines the way we react to issues and deal with them. We live in a constantly moving world, where knowledge and skills are changed and updated by daily basis. In an environment like this our ability to approach new things and acquire new skills has become crucial.
  • Hietala, Natalia (2017)
    Objectives. My bachelor thesis (Hietala 2015) indicated that a coach has a major influence to the development of athlete's self-esteem. Previous studies show that the interaction skills of a coach are linked to the level of activity of youth sports and it enables the support of the children's self-esteem (Forsberg & Matilainen 2011; Hintikka 2011; Räsänen 2015 & Tiirikainen 2012). The purpose of this master's thesis is to describe the different methods gymnastic coaches apply to support the gymnast's self-esteem. This research discovers how the coach should act in order to support gymnastics self-esteem and how the gymnastic coaches are educated to face the challenges of supporting the self-esteem. Methods. The research is a qualitative study with Grounded theory methodology. The research material was collected by interviewing four aesthetic group gymnastic coaches and it was analyzed by coding the material to categories. As a result, I compared the merged categories to the theory and studied the relationships between the findings. The gathering of the material and familiarizing of the theory was an on-going simultaneous process throughout the research, until the saturation point of the material was achieved and material was processed. The research results are presented side by side with the theory. The coaches were over 25-years old and had experience of coaching from 6 to 25 years. Results and conclusions. The results of the research indicated that the support of gymnastics self-esteem divides into three main categories; dealing with disappointments, setting goals and giving feedback. The interaction skills and educational background of the coach, affects to these categories. Coaches strongly felt that the education arranged by the Finnish gymnastics Federation (Suomen Voimisteluliitto) doesn't offer the necessary practical information regarding the support of self-esteem. Discussion of disappointments is important supportive factor to the building of self-esteem and it should be higher prioritized in the planning of coaches' time management. Finnish gymnastics Federation should provide education for aesthetic group gymnastic coaches, concerning the development of interaction skills and children psychological growth. As a result of the research was developed a cyclic model to support the self-esteem of gymnasts. This theoretical model can also be applied to other similar educational relationships.
  • Kauppinen, Merja (2019)
    Aims. The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze the mathematical difficulties faced by pupils entering school. Special consideration was given to pre- and initial training, but younger children were also examined. The hypothesis was that mathematical difficulties produce difficulties for the pupil in the start-up phase of the school, appear in other learning, and make it more difficult to learn and to live in everyday life. The research question was refined several times and the interest in the subject was born when I met Hannele Ikäheimo, the special teacher of mathematics. The aim of the thesis is to examine the material widely and to deepen to particular questions through the descriptive literature review. Methods. The thesis was made using the descriptive literature review method. The data was collected from several databases. Some of the data was limited by the age of the participants and the year of publication of the study. Studies were found both in English and in Finnish. Most of the studies found were in English Results and conclusions. The studies were statistical surveys. On the basis of the results, mathematical difficulties complicate in catching school, causing anxiety at the emotional level, guiding the school path and affecting everyday life performance. The studies described mathematical difficulties in an unrelenting way, but at the same time they discussed ways to support mathematical competence. The mathematical difficulties are tough and long lasting. In addition, difficulties cause anxiety and fear of studying mathematics. Teaching should consider ways of supporting mathematical learning difficulties without causing bullying and anxiety in the pupil. Research and case studies of qualitative analysis would be needed. In addition, it would be interesting to study the subject using discourse analysis.
  • Kauppinen, Merja (2019)
    Aims. The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze the mathematical difficulties faced by pupils entering school. Special consideration was given to pre- and initial training, but younger children were also examined. The hypothesis was that mathematical difficulties produce difficulties for the pupil in the start-up phase of the school, appear in other learning, and make it more difficult to learn and to live in everyday life. The research question was refined several times and the interest in the subject was born when I met Hannele Ikäheimo, the special teacher of mathematics. The aim of the thesis is to examine the material widely and to deepen to particular questions through the descriptive literature review. Methods. The thesis was made using the descriptive literature review method. The data was collected from several databases. Some of the data was limited by the age of the participants and the year of publication of the study. Studies were found both in English and in Finnish. Most of the studies found were in English Results and conclusions. The studies were statistical surveys. On the basis of the results, mathematical difficulties complicate in catching school, causing anxiety at the emotional level, guiding the school path and affecting everyday life performance. The studies described mathematical difficulties in an unrelenting way, but at the same time they discussed ways to support mathematical competence. The mathematical difficulties are tough and long lasting. In addition, difficulties cause anxiety and fear of studying mathematics. Teaching should consider ways of supporting mathematical learning difficulties without causing bullying and anxiety in the pupil. Research and case studies of qualitative analysis would be needed. In addition, it would be interesting to study the subject using discourse analysis.
  • Virtanen, Oona (2021)
    Keskustelu median negatiivisista vaikutuksista erityisesti nuorten hyvinvointiin on viime vuosikymmenien aikaan ollut keskiössä erityisesti teknologian kehityksen ja digitalisaation myötä. Myös mediaa käsittelevä tutkimus on painottunut juuri median negatiiviseen puoleen. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on kartoittaa ja koota yhteen median ja nuorten itsetunnon suhdetta käsittelevien tutkimusten tuloksia ja näin myös rakentaa aiheesta selkeämpää kuvaa. Median tulessa yhä merkittävämmäksi osaksi ihmisten elämää, myös koulutuksen on kehityttävä vastaamaan yhteiskunnan vaatimuksiin. Mediakasvatuksen toteutus ja tavoitteet ovat kasvattajien piirissä koettu epäselviksi ja mediakasvatuksen laadun ja tarjonnan vaihtelu on suurta. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen myös aikaisemmasta tutkimuksesta nousevia mediakasvatuksen keinoja tukea nuorten itsetuntoa. Tutkimus toteutettiin käyttäen systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen menetelmää. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on koota aikaisempien tutkimusten tuloksia, jotka puolestaan toimivat uusien tutkimusten pohjana. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus toimii tiivistelmänä tiettyyn aihepiiriin keskittyvien tutkimusten keskeisestä sisällöstä tarkoituksenaan kartoittaa aiheesta käytävää keskustelua ja nostaa esiin sen kannalta tärkeitä tutkimuksia. Systemaattinen kirjallisuskatsaus eroaa muista kirjallisuuskatsauksen tyypeistä erityisesti aineistoon kohdistuvan tarkan seulonnan vuoksi. Näin ollen myös tämän tutkielman aineistolle asetettiin tarkat kriteerit, joita sen tuli noudattaa. Aineisto on myös esitelty lyhyesti omassa taulukossaan. Tulokset osoittivat median vaikuttavan nuorten itsetuntoon niin positiivisesti kuin negatiivisestikin, negatiivisten vaikutusten ollessa kuitenkin hieman yleisempiä. Keskeiseksi vaikutusten luonteen kannalta nousivat median sisällöt sekä niiden edustamat käsitykset ja arvot. Myös mediakasvatuksen osoitettiin toimivan itsetuntoa tukevana tekijänä. Erityisesti oppilaslähtöisyyteen perustuvat työskentelytavat koettiin toimiviksi. Toisaalta mediakasvatuksen on kuitenkin myös mahdollista jäädä hyvin pinnalliseksi toiminnaksi ilman kriittitstä otetta.
  • Pullinen, Tiina (2016)
    The purpose of this study is to describe the importance of mentoring from the perspective of building an adult mentee’s self-esteem and capability. Mentoring is millennia old, but also a contemporary method, to contribute to the professional development of an employee in the workplace. Mentoring has been studied, for example, from the perspective of the benefits it provides for the mentor, mentee and organisation. Factors contributing to mentee’s self-esteem and capability have yet to be studied in great detail despite the fact that the studies and theory prove that an individual’s self-esteem and capability build up in an interaction with the environment and other people. Mentorship is an interaction where a more experi-enced mentor offers his own knowledge for the benefit of a less experienced mentee. This study examines what kind of mentoring contributes to the strengthening of an adult mentee’s self-esteem and capability, as well as how a mentor can support building of an adult mentee’s self-esteem and capability as the other member the mentorship. I carried out the study as a qualitative descriptive literature review. The study is based on mentoring, self-esteem and capability related literature as well as scientific studies whose perspective is about building an adult mentee’s self-esteem and capability. Based on the source material, I have described those characteristics of a mentor and mentoring that sup-port the strengthening of mentee’s self-esteem and capability. Several factors have an influence on building a mentee’s self-esteem and capability. Each relationship is unique and every mentee has own distinctive needs. High-quality mentoring appears to require the fulfilment of a certain criteria, and a consequent quality mentoring may provide a good foundation to strengthen a mentee’s self-esteem and capability. In par-ticular, the previous studies have confirmed that the psychosocial functions of the mentor have an association with job-related self-confidence and capability. Listening and discussion are at the centre of mentoring, and therefore, the interaction andcommunication skills of the mentor seem to have huge importance on building a mentee’s self-esteem and capability.
  • Westerberg, Mila (2017)
    Objectives. Increasingly younger children are faced with rapid mastery of knowledge and social interaction requirements. A new phenomenon-oriented curriculum reform 2016 brings these new challenges in front of the student. Previous studies show that different efficacy beliefs influece individuals actions. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyse and interpret the concept of self-efficacy. In the research field, the term is used with different meanings. The aim of this study is also to find out the related concepts from the selected research articles as well as their similarities and differences from self-efficacy in order to understand and to clarify and differentiate the concept. . Methods. The study is a systematic litterature review. A more accurate method used is conceptual analysis, which allowed the comparison and interpretation of different definitions. The research data was selected from twenty scientifically valid research studies in various articles and literature on the basis of concepts centrality. The materials were compared and restructured, bringing together concepts and definitions of self-efficacy from different researchers. Second, the study looked at the material encountered about the near concepts that were opened and analyzed in a conceptual analysis and the phenomenographic review. Conceptual distinctions were operated using few concrete practical examples. Results and conclusions. Self-efficacy is a complex concept, which this study found a number of different definitions and related concepts. Some researchers defined the term very broadly and also new dimensions, such as social self-efficacy concept were found.; Related concepts used synymously with self-efficacy found were such as skill possessing, self-image, self-concept, self-esteem, outcome-expectations, self-confidence), self-regulation, controllability, personality traits, personal agency, effectance motivation, perceived control and locus of control As a result of the study on the basis of the definitions and comparisons occurring data the core of the concept and its different variations and emphases were located. For the key element of self-efficacy was individuals feeling of efficacy in a particular moment a feeling in relation to the situation or activity. The results will help to structure self-efficacy conceptually as internal process of the individual, which gives the teacher the tools to support student.
  • Lahtovaara, Minna (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää esiopetusikäisten lasten itsetunnon ilmenemistä, ja miten itsetuntoa voidaan tukea esiopetuksessa. Tutkimus on toteutettu varhaiskasvatuksen esiopettajan näkökulmasta. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä käsitellään itsetunnon määritelmää ja lapsen itsetunnon kehittymistä ja muodostumista sekä kuvaillaan mitä on hyvä itsetunto. Toinen osio teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä kuvaa esiopetusikäisen lapsen itsetuntoa, kehityspsykologisia taustoja sekä kouluun siirtymistä suomalaisten opetus- ja kasvatusalan velvoittamien asiakirjojen siivittämänä. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan itsetunto on hyvin oleellinen osa ihmisen mielenterveyttä, ja hyvällä itsetunnolla on vaikutusta niin oppimiseen, sosiaalisiin suhteisiin kuin ihmisen omaan hyvinvointiinkin. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat 1) Millä tavoin näyttäytyy esiopetusikäisen lapsen itsetunto opettajan tulkitsemana? 2) Millä tavoin opettajat kuvaavat pystyvänsä tukemaan esiopetusikäisen lapsen hyvän itsetunnon kehittymistä? Menetelmät. Tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa haastateltiin viittä Vantaan kaupungilla työskentelevää esiopettajaa. Haastattelut olivat puolistrukturoituja. Haastattelut toteutettiin opettajien työpaikoilla, ja ne nauhoitettiin. Haastattelujen jälkeen aineistot litteroitiin ja analysoitiin sisällönanalyysiä käyttäen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tuloksista ilmeni, että opettajat osaavat tulkita hyvin lasten itsetunnon ilmenemistä. Itsetunto ilmeni etenkin sosiaalisissa suhteissa, ja siinä miten lapset uskalsivat toimia ja keskustella suuressa ryhmässä tuoden omia mielipiteitään ilmi. Opettajat käyttivät itsetunnon tukemiseen työtapoinaan sanallista vahvistamista, kuten kehuja ja kannustamista, pedagogista ryhmäyttämistä erilaisissa kokoonpanoissa sekä keskustelua lasten kanssa. Molempien tutkimuskysymysten pohjalta kävi ilmi, että tärkeää itsetunnon tukemisen kannalta oli lapsen tunteminen ja hänen yksilöllisyytensä huomioiminen, sekä turvallisuuden tunteen rakentaminen. Tulosten pohjalta johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että opettajalla on merkittävä rooli lasten itsetunnon vahvistamiseen esiopetuksessa.
  • Niittymaa, Fanny (2022)
    Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on selvittää, millä keinoin opettaja voi musiikin tunnilla tukea lasten ja nuorten itsetunnon kehittymistä. Itsetunnolla tarkoitetaan yksinkertaistetusti ihmisen käsitystä ja kokemusta itsestään ja omasta arvostaan. Opettajalla on suuri merkitys oppilaiden itsetunnon kehitykseen, koska itsetunto kehittyy juuri ensimmäisinä alakouluvuosina. Itsetunto vaikuttaa vahvasti lasten ja nuorten elämään koko elämän ajan, ja sen vuoksi opettajan on tärkeää tukea itsetunnon kehittymistä parhaansa mukaan. Toteutin tutkimuksen kuvailevana narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Etsin aineistoa useista tietokannoista: Helkasta, Ericistä, Taideyliopiston Finnasta ja Google Scholarista. Käytin hakusanoina muun muaassa seuraavia termejä: musiikkikasvatus, musiikki, itsetunto sekä erityisesti näiden englanninkielisiä vastineita music education, music ja self-esteem. Aineistooni valikoitui 8 englanninkielistä ja vertaisarvioitua artikkelia, jotka on julkaistu vuonna 2009 tai sen jälkeen. Oppilaiden kokema turvallisuuden tunne musiikin tunnilla toistui monessa aineistossa: sen koettiin mahdollistavan itsetunnon kehityksen. Musiikin tunnilla opettajien kannustuksella oli oppilaille suuri merkitys. Opettajien tulisi suhtautua virheisiin oppimistilanteina ja antaa kaikille lapsille yhtäläiset mahdollisuudet harjoitella instrumenttien soittoa, laulua tai muita musiikillisia taitoja. Turvallisuuden tunteen lisäksi toinen monessa artikkelissa mainittiin pienryhmämuotoinen ja ”normaalien” musiikintuntien lisäksi tehtävä musiikinopetus, joka on suunniteltu kehittämään itsetuntoa. Pienryhmäopetuksessa keskityttiin myös monesti lapsille tuttujen lastenlaulujen ja kansanlaulujen harjoittelemiseen, mikä varmasti lisää lasten turvallisuudentunnetta ja kehittää itsetuntoa.
  • Vihtari, Kristiina (2023)
    Aims. Research has shown that self-esteem predicts success and well-being in important areas of life, such as relationships, work, and health. Thus, it is important to study self-esteem, its development and the factors that influence its development. Parents have a major influence on adolescents’ self-esteem and good relationships between adolescents and parents have been found to be associated with adolescents’ higher self-esteem. Only little research has been done on the association of the adolescent-parent relationship with a person's self-esteem in middle age. The first aim of this study was to investigate whether the adolescent-parent relationship is associated with self-esteem at age 16. The second aim was to find out how the quality of the adolescent-parent relationship predicts the self-esteem of the subjects at age of 52, considering the level of self-esteem in adolescence. Methods. The data is part of the Stress, Development and Mental Health (TAM) research project of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The data has been collected when the respondents were 16, 22, 32, 42 and 52 years old. In this study, data collected in 1983 and 2019 were used when the subjects were 16 (N=2194) and 52 (N=1160) years old. The variables used in the analyses were conflict proneness, closeness and trust, and self-esteem. Research questions about the associations between adolescent-parent relationships and self-esteem at age 16 and 52 were answered using stepwise linear regression analysis. Results and Conclusions. The study found that the adolescent-parent relationship was associated with self-esteem in adolescence (at age 16) and predicted self-esteem in middle age (at age 52), when the level of self-esteem in adolescence was considered. From the aspects of the adolescent-parent relationship, it stood out that girls showed a stronger association of conflict proneness with lower self-esteem and boys showed a stronger association of parental trust with higher self-esteem and a stronger association of conflict proneness with lower self-esteem. In middle age, women showed a stronger association of closeness in the adolescent-parent relationship with higher self-esteem, while men showed a stronger association of parental trust with higher self-esteem. The results suggest that a good adolescent-parent relationship is associated with good self-esteem in adolescence, but also with higher self-esteem development to middle age. A key factor behind good adolescent-parent relationships is effective and trusting communication - this could also be a potential area for development in interventions.
  • Vihtari, Kristiina (2023)
    Aims. Research has shown that self-esteem predicts success and well-being in important areas of life, such as relationships, work, and health. Thus, it is important to study self-esteem, its development and the factors that influence its development. Parents have a major influence on adolescents’ self-esteem and good relationships between adolescents and parents have been found to be associated with adolescents’ higher self-esteem. Only little research has been done on the association of the adolescent-parent relationship with a person's self-esteem in middle age. The first aim of this study was to investigate whether the adolescent-parent relationship is associated with self-esteem at age 16. The second aim was to find out how the quality of the adolescent-parent relationship predicts the self-esteem of the subjects at age of 52, considering the level of self-esteem in adolescence. Methods. The data is part of the Stress, Development and Mental Health (TAM) research project of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The data has been collected when the respondents were 16, 22, 32, 42 and 52 years old. In this study, data collected in 1983 and 2019 were used when the subjects were 16 (N=2194) and 52 (N=1160) years old. The variables used in the analyses were conflict proneness, closeness and trust, and self-esteem. Research questions about the associations between adolescent-parent relationships and self-esteem at age 16 and 52 were answered using stepwise linear regression analysis. Results and Conclusions. The study found that the adolescent-parent relationship was associated with self-esteem in adolescence (at age 16) and predicted self-esteem in middle age (at age 52), when the level of self-esteem in adolescence was considered. From the aspects of the adolescent-parent relationship, it stood out that girls showed a stronger association of conflict proneness with lower self-esteem and boys showed a stronger association of parental trust with higher self-esteem and a stronger association of conflict proneness with lower self-esteem. In middle age, women showed a stronger association of closeness in the adolescent-parent relationship with higher self-esteem, while men showed a stronger association of parental trust with higher self-esteem. The results suggest that a good adolescent-parent relationship is associated with good self-esteem in adolescence, but also with higher self-esteem development to middle age. A key factor behind good adolescent-parent relationships is effective and trusting communication - this could also be a potential area for development in interventions.
  • Kalliojärvi, Sanja (2023)
    The aim of this study was to find out the associations between socio-digital participation, self-esteem and Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) and to examine whether these associations differ by gender. Previous studies have shown that FoMO is related to increased use of social media, lower well-being, and lower life satisfaction. Girls have been found to use social media more regularly than boys and are slightly more susceptible to the social effects of self-esteem. Based on previous research the hypothesis was that gender differences would be found and that FoMO would be associated with both self-esteem and socio-digital participation. The data used in the study was part of the Bridging the Gaps -research project funded by the Academy of Finland (2017–2021). The data was collected using a survey in the third year of high school in 2019 (N = 751). The survey examined, among other things, adolescents’ socio-digital participation, thoughts about themselves, and experiences of FoMO. The associations between socio-digital participation, self-esteem and FoMO were examined using correlation network analysis. Gender differences were examined by creating separate correlation networks for boys and girls, as well as examining girls and boys within the same correlation network. Minor differences were found between the correlation networks formed separately for boys and girls. For girls, socio-digital participation was not directly related to self-esteem, but the connections were indirect through FoMO, while for boys, direct positive associations were found between the two dimensions. When examining genders within the same correlation network, further connections were found between socio-digital participation and self-esteem. In this study, FoMO was the most central dimension in all correlation networks. This study confirms previous research finding that FoMO is associated with increased use of social media. This study did not find any direct connections between girls’ self-esteem and social media use. It would be important to continue studying the effects of social media use on adolescents’ well-being and self-esteem to develop social media applications that are even safer for adolescents’ development.
  • Kalliojärvi, Sanja (2023)
    The aim of this study was to find out the associations between socio-digital participation, self-esteem and Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) and to examine whether these associations differ by gender. Previous studies have shown that FoMO is related to increased use of social media, lower well-being, and lower life satisfaction. Girls have been found to use social media more regularly than boys and are slightly more susceptible to the social effects of self-esteem. Based on previous research the hypothesis was that gender differences would be found and that FoMO would be associated with both self-esteem and socio-digital participation. The data used in the study was part of the Bridging the Gaps -research project funded by the Academy of Finland (2017–2021). The data was collected using a survey in the third year of high school in 2019 (N = 751). The survey examined, among other things, adolescents’ socio-digital participation, thoughts about themselves, and experiences of FoMO. The associations between socio-digital participation, self-esteem and FoMO were examined using correlation network analysis. Gender differences were examined by creating separate correlation networks for boys and girls, as well as examining girls and boys within the same correlation network. Minor differences were found between the correlation networks formed separately for boys and girls. For girls, socio-digital participation was not directly related to self-esteem, but the connections were indirect through FoMO, while for boys, direct positive associations were found between the two dimensions. When examining genders within the same correlation network, further connections were found between socio-digital participation and self-esteem. In this study, FoMO was the most central dimension in all correlation networks. This study confirms previous research finding that FoMO is associated with increased use of social media. This study did not find any direct connections between girls’ self-esteem and social media use. It would be important to continue studying the effects of social media use on adolescents’ well-being and self-esteem to develop social media applications that are even safer for adolescents’ development.
  • Eteläsaari, Laura (2017)
    According to previous research, self-esteem has a connection with well-being, behavior and learning of a person. Well accomplished physical education enables supporting positive self-concept. The aim of this research was to study how pupils describe the ways class teachers have supported their self-esteem during physical education classes and to compare the answers to class teachers' methods they had used to build pupils' self-esteem in physical education. Theories and models related to self-esteem, as well as physical education at school, were examined as a theoretical framework. Five-dimensional model of self-esteem by Borba was chosen as the guiding theory of the study. The dimensions are security, selfhood, affiliation, mission and competence. 95 sixth graders participated a questionnaire, which had open questions and statements about building self-esteem in physical education classes. The answers were compared to 19 class teachers' answers about the same subject. In the study, the open questions were analyzed using theory-guided content analysis as a method. The study shows that according to sixth graders class teachers have succeeded to support pupils' self-esteem with several different ways, which also matched well with Borba's theory of building self-esteem. The sixth graders and class teachers had quite similar ways to describe the methods of supporting self-esteem. The corresponding methods were positive attention and feedback, setting easier goals, avoiding competition and emphasizing the significance of exercise. The review of quantitative statements showed that both pupils and their teachers considered creating secure feeling during physical education classes the most successful component. The results are useful when teachers consider methods to support self-esteem of pupils in physical education classes.
  • Saarinen, Sanni (2019)
    The aim of this study is to examine relations between body mass index, self-esteem, body image and adolescents thoughts about body positivity. Earlier study has showed relation among increasing body mass index, body dissatisfaction and lower self-esteem. Body positivity has its roots in the fat acceptance movement in the late 1960s. Goal of the body positivity movement is to address unrealistic ideals about beauty, promote self-acceptance, and build self-esteem and learning to love oneself to the fullest. Body positivity is popular on social media and in Finland discourses about it are controversial. Some think it is a good for health and self-esteem, others think it glamorizes overweight. Finnish adolescents thoughts about body positivity has not been explored before this study. This statistical study was made in Spring 2019. The research subjects were finnish adolescents aged 13-18. The data was obtained from the adolescents by an electronic enquiry. The sample consisted of N=109 adolescents, n 89 women, n 19 men and n 1 transgender. The data was analyzed by using SPSS Statistics 25 program and frequencies, cross-tabulations, Pearson`s correlations, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA tests. In this study self-esteem or body image were not varied by age. Body image was varied by gender so that girls had lower body image than boys. Body mass index were not significant for self esteem or body image and disagreed with earlier study. Physical activity behind many of the adolescents has been noticed while reporting results. Term body positivity was familiar for 72,4 % of participants, specially from social media. Girls knew it more often than boys and estimated its effects for better self-love stronger than boys. Majority of adolescents thought that body positivity tries to increase self-love among every size and age. Only few thought that body positivity glamorize overweight and obesity. This research reveals that there is a need for wider study around relations between body mass index, self-esteem, body image and body positivity among adolescents. This study offers a base for extensive study in the future.
  • Takkavuori, Veera (2018)
    The aim of the thesis was to describe what kind of educational trend the positive pedagogy is and how it is related to the self-esteem of a schoolchild. The underlying idea was that positive pedagogy could have an effect on the self-esteem of a primary school child. There is not much research data on positive pedagogy yet, but self-esteem has been studied much in the Finnish and foreign context for over a century. For instance, a student's self-esteem is supported by praise and feeling of acceptance. Positive pedagogy aims to support the child's self-esteem by strength-based approaches. The question of this research was how positive pedagogy does affect positively to schoolchild’s self-esteem. This thesis was carried out using descriptive literature review methods. The thesis explored positive pedagogy by familiarizing with the current works of positive pedagogy in Finnish. In addition, the thesis studied the concept of self-esteem by familiarizing both Finnish and international classical works and theories. Studies have not yet been conducted on the link between positive pedagogy and self-esteem, but the aim of the thesis was to find out the link through the researcher's own analysis. According to the results of the thesis, positive pedagogy seems to have a very positive connections with school child’s self-esteem. Positive pedagogy supports the self-esteem, especially through the strength training method. Positive pedagogy seems to support every building piece of good self-esteem and promote the positive perception of schoolchildren by themselves. As a further research topic, it would be interesting to study how classroom teachers in positive pedagogy support the self-esteem of their students and how important they feel to support self-esteem as part of a school context.