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  • Kiema, Maria (2022)
    Yhteiskuntamme muuttuu yhä digitaalisemmaksi, mikä vaatii sopeutumiskykyä jatkuvasti tapahtuviin muutoksiin. Tämä näkyy myös koulumaailmassa, jossa tulee tasapainotella todellisen ja virtuaalisen maailman välissä. Digitalisaatiosta on tullut osa koulun arkipäivää ja tästä seuraa sekä mahdollisuuksia että haasteita. Tämän pro gradu-tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, millaisia asenteita lukion opettajilla ja oppilailla on digitaalisen materiaalin, digitaalisten laitteiden ja sosiaalisen median käytöstä lukion B- ja A-ruotsin opetuksessa pääkaupunkiseudulla Suomessa. Aihetta on tutkittu aiemmin lähinnä opettajien näkökulmasta ja siksi on tärkeää, että myös oppilaiden äänet ja asenteet tulevat kuuluviin. Tutkielman avulla pyritään selvittämään, millaista digitaalista materiaalia ja digitaalisia laitteita käytetään ruotsin opetuksessa, millaisia asenteita opettajilla ja oppilailla on digitaalisen materiaalin ja digitaalisten laitteiden sekä sosiaalisen median käytöstä ruotsin opetuksessa ja mitä ehdotuksia opettajilla ja oppilailla on digitaalisen materiaalin ja digitaalisten laitteiden sekä sosiaalisen median käytöstä ruotsin opetuksessa. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii aiempi tutkimus liittyen digitalisaatioon, digiin, sosiaaliseen mediaan, asenteisiin ja motivaatioon koulukontekstissa. Digitalisaatio sisältää sekä digin että sosiaalisen median. Digillä viitataan tutkimuksessani lähinnä digitaaliseen materiaaliin ja digitaalisiin laitteisiin. Sosiaalista mediaa käsitellään omana käsitteenään. Tutkimuksessani on tärkeää ymmärtää, kuinka asenteet ja motivaatio kulkevat käsi kädessä ja mikä on niiden rooli etenkin oppimisessa ja mielipiteen muodostamisessa. Materiaali on kerätty viiden puolistrukturoidun opettajahaastattelun sekä oppilaille toteutetun kyselylomakkeen (N=114) avulla. Puolistrukturoidun haastattelun avulla on mahdollista saada selville opettajien todellisia mielipiteitä ja asenteita (Hirsijärvi & Hurme 2001, s. 47). Oppilaiden kyselylomakkeeseen olen valinnut suurilta osin avoimia kysymyksiä, jotta voitaisiin saada selville oppilaiden aitoja mielipiteitä ja asenteita. Opettajien haastattelut ja oppilaiden kyselylomakkeiden vastaukset on kategorisoitu niiden teemojen mukaan, jotka nousivat vahvimmin esille. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus toteutettiin pääosin laadullisena, ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on hyödynnetty sisällönanalyysiä, jossa materiaali toimii lähtökohtana ja teoria toimii apuvälineenä analyysissä. Lisäksi SWOT-analyysiä on hyödynnetty menetelmänä tutkielmassa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että opettajilla ja oppilailla on sekä positiivisia että negatiivia asenteita digin ja sosiaalisen median käytöstä ruotsin opetuksessa. Opettajien vastaukset vaihtelivat melko paljon, mutta negatiivisilla asenteilla vaikutti olevan hieman enemmän painoarvoa, kun taas oppilaiden vastauksissa korostuivat enemmänkin positiiviset asenteet. Oppilaista 35 % koki, että digin käyttö lisää motivaatiota opiskella ruotsia, mutta noin 40 % oppilaista oli puolestaan eri mieltä. Osalla opettajista ja 46 %:lla oppilaista oli myös ehdotuksia, kuinka digiä ja sosiaalista mediaa voitaisiin hyödyntää ruotsin opetuksessa tulevaisuudessa. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla voidaan nostaa esille opettajien ja oppilaiden osittain eriäviä asenteita ja mielipiteitä digin ja sosiaalisen median hyödyntämisestä ruotsin opetuksessa siten, että myös oppilaiden ääni tulee kuuluviin. Huomioimalla oppilaiden mielipiteitä ja asenteita oppimis- ja opetustapoihin sekä opetusmateriaaliin liittyen voidaan mahdollisesti lisätä oppimismotivaatiota, mutta tutkimusta tästä aihepiiristä tarvitaan vielä lisää.
  • Kiema, Maria (2022)
    Yhteiskuntamme muuttuu yhä digitaalisemmaksi, mikä vaatii sopeutumiskykyä jatkuvasti tapahtuviin muutoksiin. Tämä näkyy myös koulumaailmassa, jossa tulee tasapainotella todellisen ja virtuaalisen maailman välissä. Digitalisaatiosta on tullut osa koulun arkipäivää ja tästä seuraa sekä mahdollisuuksia että haasteita. Tämän pro gradu-tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, millaisia asenteita lukion opettajilla ja oppilailla on digitaalisen materiaalin, digitaalisten laitteiden ja sosiaalisen median käytöstä lukion B- ja A-ruotsin opetuksessa pääkaupunkiseudulla Suomessa. Aihetta on tutkittu aiemmin lähinnä opettajien näkökulmasta ja siksi on tärkeää, että myös oppilaiden äänet ja asenteet tulevat kuuluviin. Tutkielman avulla pyritään selvittämään, millaista digitaalista materiaalia ja digitaalisia laitteita käytetään ruotsin opetuksessa, millaisia asenteita opettajilla ja oppilailla on digitaalisen materiaalin ja digitaalisten laitteiden sekä sosiaalisen median käytöstä ruotsin opetuksessa ja mitä ehdotuksia opettajilla ja oppilailla on digitaalisen materiaalin ja digitaalisten laitteiden sekä sosiaalisen median käytöstä ruotsin opetuksessa. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii aiempi tutkimus liittyen digitalisaatioon, digiin, sosiaaliseen mediaan, asenteisiin ja motivaatioon koulukontekstissa. Digitalisaatio sisältää sekä digin että sosiaalisen median. Digillä viitataan tutkimuksessani lähinnä digitaaliseen materiaaliin ja digitaalisiin laitteisiin. Sosiaalista mediaa käsitellään omana käsitteenään. Tutkimuksessani on tärkeää ymmärtää, kuinka asenteet ja motivaatio kulkevat käsi kädessä ja mikä on niiden rooli etenkin oppimisessa ja mielipiteen muodostamisessa. Materiaali on kerätty viiden puolistrukturoidun opettajahaastattelun sekä oppilaille toteutetun kyselylomakkeen (N=114) avulla. Puolistrukturoidun haastattelun avulla on mahdollista saada selville opettajien todellisia mielipiteitä ja asenteita (Hirsijärvi & Hurme 2001, s. 47). Oppilaiden kyselylomakkeeseen olen valinnut suurilta osin avoimia kysymyksiä, jotta voitaisiin saada selville oppilaiden aitoja mielipiteitä ja asenteita. Opettajien haastattelut ja oppilaiden kyselylomakkeiden vastaukset on kategorisoitu niiden teemojen mukaan, jotka nousivat vahvimmin esille. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus toteutettiin pääosin laadullisena, ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on hyödynnetty sisällönanalyysiä, jossa materiaali toimii lähtökohtana ja teoria toimii apuvälineenä analyysissä. Lisäksi SWOT-analyysiä on hyödynnetty menetelmänä tutkielmassa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että opettajilla ja oppilailla on sekä positiivisia että negatiivia asenteita digin ja sosiaalisen median käytöstä ruotsin opetuksessa. Opettajien vastaukset vaihtelivat melko paljon, mutta negatiivisilla asenteilla vaikutti olevan hieman enemmän painoarvoa, kun taas oppilaiden vastauksissa korostuivat enemmänkin positiiviset asenteet. Oppilaista 35 % koki, että digin käyttö lisää motivaatiota opiskella ruotsia, mutta noin 40 % oppilaista oli puolestaan eri mieltä. Osalla opettajista ja 46 %:lla oppilaista oli myös ehdotuksia, kuinka digiä ja sosiaalista mediaa voitaisiin hyödyntää ruotsin opetuksessa tulevaisuudessa. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla voidaan nostaa esille opettajien ja oppilaiden osittain eriäviä asenteita ja mielipiteitä digin ja sosiaalisen median hyödyntämisestä ruotsin opetuksessa siten, että myös oppilaiden ääni tulee kuuluviin. Huomioimalla oppilaiden mielipiteitä ja asenteita oppimis- ja opetustapoihin sekä opetusmateriaaliin liittyen voidaan mahdollisesti lisätä oppimismotivaatiota, mutta tutkimusta tästä aihepiiristä tarvitaan vielä lisää.
  • Kaunisto, Nenna (2021)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on syventyä design – etnografiaan ja sen käyttöön kasvatustieteellisellä kentällä, tarkemmin oppimisen ja koulun kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saadaan mahdollisimman monipuolinen kuvaus design – etnografiasta, sen käyttökohteista sekä mahdollisista hyödyistä ja haasteista oppimisen ja koulun kontekstin tutkimuksissa. Kandidaatin tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, joka mahdollistaa monipuolisen, laaja-alaisen sekä ajankohtaisen katsauksen design – etnografian käytöstä tällä hetkellä. Kuvailevaan kirjallisuuskatsaukseen valittiin pääosin kansainvälisiä tutkimuksia ja artikkeleita. Tutkimus osoitti, että design – etnografiaa on käytetty koulun ja oppimisen kontekstissa jonkin verran, mutta sen käyttö on soveltunut aikaisempien artikkeleiden ja tutkimuksien perusteella melko kapealle sektorille. Design – etnografista menetelmää on sovellettu erityisesti oppimisympäristöjen kehittämisen apuna sekä erilaisten kontekstien kulttuurien tutkimuksissa. Tutkimuksissa nostettiin esille erilaisia hyötyjä sekä heikkouksia design – etnografisen menetelmän käytössä kasvatustieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Hyötynä koettiin erityisesti monipuoliset työkalut, joilla voidaan syventyä hyvin monipuolisesti erilaisiin tilanteisiin. Heikkoutena koettiin erityisesti design – etnografian monipuolisuuden tuomat haasteet, koska tutkimustavan käyttöönotto ja soveltaminen voi olla melko monimutkaista.
  • Leipivaara, Jonna (2021)
    Objectives. As a future teacher, who identifies as a female, I felt the need to expand my knowledge of the expectations that agents of other genders, in addition to females, face. This study came to being from the need to examine what expectations are placed in executing masculinity. Connell’s (1995) theory of hegemonic masculinity is a central basis of this study. Hegemonic masculinity is a normative model of the most respected way of being a man while only few men are truly able to reach this. A list of hegemonic masculinity’s expectations composed by Arto Jokinen (2000) worked as a basis for five ideals which I searched from the study material: strength, success, control of emotions, power and heterosexuality. This set of expectations creates positions of dominance and subordination between men. I therefore expanded the purpose of the study to examine the ways in which boys organize hierarchies between each other. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze and interpret the manifestation of ideals of masculinity in upper comprehensive school aged boys and their ways of organizing hierarchies between each other. Methods. I received the material from a study project called Local Educational Ethos (LEE). The material was composed of nine single- or group interviews and together there were 16 interviewees. This material I analyzed in a qualitative, theory directed content analysis method. Results and conclusions. All five ideals of masculinity were able to be identified from the material. The normativity of hegemonic masculinity is extended to affect upper compulsory school aged boys. The ways of organizing hierarchies Bullying, verbal teasing and calling other pupils gay stood out from the material as ways of organizing hierarchies. This observation is in line with the presented theories of organizing hierarchies.
  • Leipivaara, Jonna (2021)
    Objectives. As a future teacher, who identifies as a female, I felt the need to expand my knowledge of the expectations that agents of other genders, in addition to females, face. This study came to being from the need to examine what expectations are placed in executing masculinity. Connell’s (1995) theory of hegemonic masculinity is a central basis of this study. Hegemonic masculinity is a normative model of the most respected way of being a man while only few men are truly able to reach this. A list of hegemonic masculinity’s expectations composed by Arto Jokinen (2000) worked as a basis for five ideals which I searched from the study material: strength, success, control of emotions, power and heterosexuality. This set of expectations creates positions of dominance and subordination between men. I therefore expanded the purpose of the study to examine the ways in which boys organize hierarchies between each other. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze and interpret the manifestation of ideals of masculinity in upper comprehensive school aged boys and their ways of organizing hierarchies between each other. Methods. I received the material from a study project called Local Educational Ethos (LEE). The material was composed of nine single- or group interviews and together there were 16 interviewees. This material I analyzed in a qualitative, theory directed content analysis method. Results and conclusions. All five ideals of masculinity were able to be identified from the material. The normativity of hegemonic masculinity is extended to affect upper compulsory school aged boys. The ways of organizing hierarchies Bullying, verbal teasing and calling other pupils gay stood out from the material as ways of organizing hierarchies. This observation is in line with the presented theories of organizing hierarchies.
  • Tervo, Veera (2021)
    The aim of this master’s thesis is to study disorder in the everyday life of primary school. As an institution, primary school aims at order and the maintaining of order which can be perceived as compulsory education, regulated grade levels and teacher leadership. The formal side of Finnish comprehensive school and its orders have been studied widely in Finland. Instead, disorder in schools and the informal side of the school system have received less attention. Order and disorder are often viewed as a pair of counterparts, with former being desirable and latter avoidable. By looking into disorder, the aim is to understand disorder as a phenomenon that takes place in the everyday life of primary school. This master’s thesis draws its theoretical background from feminist studies, critical education, and sociology. This piece of research is a qualitative study and was conducted through an ethnographic method. The data collected consists of field notes that were produced at a primary school in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The field work lasted from the beginning of August until the end of October 2020. The observation took place in the physical setting of the school. The observational focus was first on calling attention to and naming disorder. In addition, attention was drawn to the power relations of various agents of the school. Also, the relationship between power and disorder was observed. In the examination of the collected data, the events where order and disorder appeared as counterparts were pointed out. Also, the events where order was named were also the situations which indicated disorder. As a result of this research, three main themes were found. First, disorder can be seen to be tangled in the everyday life of primary school and its spaces and time. Second, in the everyday life of primary school disorder and order are constantly being redefined. Third, by the repetitions of different actions, power was accumulated to certain agents of the school. These agents held the power to name disorder. In the everyday life of primary school, disorder can be viewed in multiple ways. This research identifies some of them.
  • Tervo, Veera (2021)
    The aim of this master’s thesis is to study disorder in the everyday life of primary school. As an institution, primary school aims at order and the maintaining of order which can be perceived as compulsory education, regulated grade levels and teacher leadership. The formal side of Finnish comprehensive school and its orders have been studied widely in Finland. Instead, disorder in schools and the informal side of the school system have received less attention. Order and disorder are often viewed as a pair of counterparts, with former being desirable and latter avoidable. By looking into disorder, the aim is to understand disorder as a phenomenon that takes place in the everyday life of primary school. This master’s thesis draws its theoretical background from feminist studies, critical education, and sociology. This piece of research is a qualitative study and was conducted through an ethnographic method. The data collected consists of field notes that were produced at a primary school in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The field work lasted from the beginning of August until the end of October 2020. The observation took place in the physical setting of the school. The observational focus was first on calling attention to and naming disorder. In addition, attention was drawn to the power relations of various agents of the school. Also, the relationship between power and disorder was observed. In the examination of the collected data, the events where order and disorder appeared as counterparts were pointed out. Also, the events where order was named were also the situations which indicated disorder. As a result of this research, three main themes were found. First, disorder can be seen to be tangled in the everyday life of primary school and its spaces and time. Second, in the everyday life of primary school disorder and order are constantly being redefined. Third, by the repetitions of different actions, power was accumulated to certain agents of the school. These agents held the power to name disorder. In the everyday life of primary school, disorder can be viewed in multiple ways. This research identifies some of them.
  • Kinnunen, Auli (2016)
    High sensitivity is a part of a temperament. Most of the highly sensitive persons are also introverts. Their senses and minds get easily overloaded and they need to rest after being in a large, noisy group. This is why school years can be hard for highly sensitive children. If the teachers understand them, they will enjoy learning and their good qualities will come out.
  • Vackström, Eveliina (2022)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The interest towards the subject of the study awakened because the field of student councelling is in major changes in Finland due to the most recent changes in the law enforcement regarding student councelling and transferring information from the basic education to secondary education. In this study that was put into practice as a qualitative research the articulated phase of basic and secondary education is inspected from the perspective of the student counselling of a pupil with special needs and the transfer of information. Six student counsellors of basic education were interviewed for the study with a structured interview. The data of the study consisted of those interviews. The data of the study was analyzed by theming the research results. It was discovered that there is no overestimating the importance of the articulated phase of basic and secondary education. The student counselor of a pupil with special needs requires getting familiar with the individual needs in education of the pupil and getting familiar with questions of the health of the pupil or other aspects in pupil’s life that may affect the choice of vocation. The student counsellors do a lot of multiprofessional cooperation with the special education teachers and student counsellors of secondary education. Pointing out facts regarding to pupil’s education and other aspects that can affect the choice of vocation was important but the student counsellors also pointed out that supporting the student and their self-image was important as well as encouraging the student. The importance of coopetaring with the pupil’s guarding was also brought up in regards of pondering the choice of vocation and also in regards of getting the permission to transfer information. The discoveries of the study also pointed out that the obligation to maintain secrecy complicates transferring information between basic and secondary education and it needs changes. It was discovered in the study that more coherent courses of action are needed in regarding transferring information throughout the whole country of Finland.
  • Vackström, Eveliina (2020)
    This bachelor’s thesis is a descriptive review about the factors that have an effect on the articulated phase of basic and secondary education for those with special needs. By scietific literature I examine the differences of objectives and practices of special education in basic and secondary education. For research questions, I chose to ask: how do the objectives and practices differ between basic and secondary education and what effects do these factors have in the process of being promoted to secondary education. As my research literature I used the curriculum of basic education (2014), the curriculum of upper secondary school education (2017) and The handbook of special education (2015). I compared the objectives and practices of special education in basic education, in upper secondary school and in vocational school. There is no overestimating the importance of the articulated phase of basic and secondary education. It is unquestioningly important that a student with special needs gets enough knowledge of the possibilities he or she has for his or her further studies, that are equivalent to his or her needs and strenghts. The multi-professional collaboration has an important significance on the articulated phase, so that the further educational institution gets the information of how the student has been supported in basic education and what kind of support the student needs in his or her further studies. The biggest differences in the objectives and practices in secondary education - in upper secondary school and in vocational school - are associated with the aim of the education. The main objectives of special education in upper secondary school education are to advance the students’ learning, the positive belief of themselves and the education, the competence in everyday life, and taking responsibility for themselves and their studies. In vocational school the main objectives of special education are aimed at accomplishing the degree.
  • Ylinen, Elli (2019)
    The aim of this thesis was to find out what the concept of differentiation means and which theoretical arguments are attached to it in the studies. The thesis has also sought to identify the importance of differentiation in the context of physical education and to describe how the differentiation is implemented in physical education in a heterogeneous group of students and whether teachers face challenges with this aspect. Differentiation has been raised as a pedagogical starting point for all teaching in FNCC 2014. Nevertheless, teachers are experiencing differentiation to be a major challenge in their teaching, based on research. The subject of this thesis was formed by the interest in this contradiction. The extraordinary learning environment of physical education classes and my own experience of the challenge about differentiation in physical education increased the interest in the subject of the thesis. The research method of the study was a descriptive literature review. The material was selected in the books and studies on differentiation and physical education, which were mainly published in the 2010s, with the exception of a few classic works. As headwords, I used concepts related in the research topic to help me gather as versatile material as possible to illustrate the phenomenon of my thesis. According to the research method used, I summarized the material and sought to bring up new conclusions based on it. On the basis of this review, the challenge of differentiation teachers' are experiencing was partly due to the limited scope of the study. Theories attached to differentiation within the boundaries of the thesis emphasize the importance of knowing your students and seeing differentiation as a guiding philosophy that takes into account the individual characteristics of each student. According to research data, teachers find heterogeneous groups of pupils as a great challenge, making difficult to differentiate in physical education classes. However, every student has the right to participate in normal education and to receive teaching according to their own abilities. Teachers' resources to implement quality physical education are at a discrepancy with the objectives of the national curriculum. Developing teacher education, understanding differentiation as a teaching philosophy, and using teaching methods that are considered to be the best in research can give teachers more ways to differentiate their teaching.
  • Möntti, Maj (2020)
    Aims. The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of classroom teachers in the metropolitan area about the realization of freedom of belief in school. The topic is topical, as the pluralism of society has sparked much debate regarding the organization of spectacle teaching, the school’s festive traditions, and student equality. There has been little educational research on freedom of religion and conscience, but there is some jurisprudence research on the subject. However, little research has been done on teachers experiences. This study seeks to examine the topic from the perspective of educational science and legislation. The research questions are: In what ways is the freedom of belief of students realized in school? How are teachers' freedom of belief realized in school? Methods. My research was qualitative in nature, which I conducted as an interview. Interviews with seven classroom teachers took place between November 2019 and February 2020. I selected classroom teachers from the Helsinki metropolitan area for interviews. I collected my material from classroom teachers in the Helsinki metropolitan area because the area is different from the rest of Finland. Qualitative research does not aim for generalizability and the aim of my research was to obtain information about teachers ’experiences. The material was analyzed using content analysis. Results and conclusions. Based on the results of the study, the student's freedom of belief was implemented quite well in school. The student's positive freedom of belief was supported by the opportunity to teach according to one's own religious beliefs and the opportunity to express one's own beliefs at school. Negative freedom of belief, in turn, was realized as an exemption from teaching and opportunities in accordance with the recognition of a foreign religion. Based on the results, the teachers' negative freedom of belief did not materialize. In addition to religious occasions, the teaching of religion could conflict with the realization of freedom of belief. Based on the research, teachers are aware of the challenges associated with a student’s religious beliefs at school.
  • Antila, Heidi (2021)
    Objectives. Previous studies have indicated that the perspectives on touching and its naturalness in a school context vary among teachers. However, the significance of positive touch has been acknowledged: positive touch has been found to promote trust between the person touching and the person being touched, also it can be used to help build a positive and warm interaction. The objective of this thesis was to review positive touch between a teacher and a student in school. The objective of the research was to determine the type of touch the teachers describe as positive. The analysis discusses the types of meanings positive touch has in the interaction between a teacher and a student, from the teachers’ point of view. Methods. The research data included semi-structured interviews of 19 teachers, collected in Koskettava koulu -project. The research topic, positive touch, was defined based on the teacher’s assessment, that the student will regard touching as a positive matter. In the interviews, teachers were asked about topics related to touching in school. The study utilized qualitative research methods. The data was analyzed with thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. The teachers’ descriptions of positive touch between a teacher and a student can be divided into five themes: considerate touch, directive touch, encouraging and complimenting touch, soothing touch and comforting touch. In the teacher-student relationship, both teachers and students act as a person touching and as a person being touched. Based on the data, it can be stated that the teachers justify touching from a professional premise as a response to the students’ needs: the teachers interpret the students’ touch initiatives, specifically, as expressions of these types of needs. In the teachers’ descriptions, knowing the student and their history, was emphasized. These types of factors help the teacher to better understand the student and their individual needs. Based on the data, it can be noted that many teachers consider positive touch as a natural way to act. Touch is also being utilized as a tool for the teacher, however the features related to the students, such as age, gender, sensory hypersensitivity, and cultural background, affect the teacher’s touch behavior.
  • Antila, Heidi (2021)
    Objectives. Previous studies have indicated that the perspectives on touching and its naturalness in a school context vary among teachers. However, the significance of positive touch has been acknowledged: positive touch has been found to promote trust between the person touching and the person being touched, also it can be used to help build a positive and warm interaction. The objective of this thesis was to review positive touch between a teacher and a student in school. The objective of the research was to determine the type of touch the teachers describe as positive. The analysis discusses the types of meanings positive touch has in the interaction between a teacher and a student, from the teachers’ point of view. Methods. The research data included semi-structured interviews of 19 teachers, collected in Koskettava koulu -project. The research topic, positive touch, was defined based on the teacher’s assessment, that the student will regard touching as a positive matter. In the interviews, teachers were asked about topics related to touching in school. The study utilized qualitative research methods. The data was analyzed with thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. The teachers’ descriptions of positive touch between a teacher and a student can be divided into five themes: considerate touch, directive touch, encouraging and complimenting touch, soothing touch and comforting touch. In the teacher-student relationship, both teachers and students act as a person touching and as a person being touched. Based on the data, it can be stated that the teachers justify touching from a professional premise as a response to the students’ needs: the teachers interpret the students’ touch initiatives, specifically, as expressions of these types of needs. In the teachers’ descriptions, knowing the student and their history, was emphasized. These types of factors help the teacher to better understand the student and their individual needs. Based on the data, it can be noted that many teachers consider positive touch as a natural way to act. Touch is also being utilized as a tool for the teacher, however the features related to the students, such as age, gender, sensory hypersensitivity, and cultural background, affect the teacher’s touch behavior.
  • Aspholm-Lindqvist, Eivor (2013)
    Materialet till Pro gradu avhandlingen har samlats i början av 2000-talet. Jag var då nyligen anställd som skolkurator och blev intresserad av växelverkan mellan flickor och pojkar i klassituationer. Lärare diskuterade regelbundet ljudliga pojkar och tysta flickor. För flickorna var klassituationen jobbig för att de var tvungna att överrösta de ljudliga pojkarna. Jag fick lov av rektor att intervjua flickor och pojkar i årskurs åtta och årskurs 9, för att ta reda på hur flickor och pojkar upplever växelverkan i klassrummet. Pojkarna visar ofta ilska och frustration I klassituationer, men gör flickorna det? Allt som allt intervjuades tjugofyra elever på band, femton flickor och nio pojkar i två högstadieskolor I huvudstadsregionen. Eleverna intervjuades i grupper på två till fyra. Metoden är kvalitativ och består av en vinjett som beskriver en för eleverna vanlig klassituation med ljudliga pojkar. För att få fram variationer i emotioner och för att väcka diskussion vid intervjutillfället, har jag använt bilder som uttrycker motsatta känslor. Resultatet visar att det finns flickor som ända sedan lågstadietiden klarat av att visa negativa emotioner i en ljudlig klass med pojkar. Motsatsen är lika ofta förekommande, nämligen flickor som inte klarar av att visa negativa emotioner i klassrummet, utan avreagerar sig hemma i eget rum. Ett överraskande resultat är att pojkarna önskar att flickorna kunde visa oftare negativa emotioner under lektionen. Om även flickorna har mera ljud blir också de straffade på samma sätt som pojkarna och det blir mer jämlikt. Slutsatsen är att flickor behöver mycket stöd och uppmuntran för att klara av att visa negativa emotioner i en klassituation. Det finns flickor som klarar av att stå för sina åsikter, men får ofta negativa kommentarer i en klassituation. Det är inte enbart skolans uppgift att stärka flickornas självförtroende. Diskussionen om växelverkan mellan flickor och pojkar I klassituationer är lika aktuell idag som för tio år sedan
  • Kossila, Kaisu (2020)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää peruskoulun opettajien asenteita erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden osallisuuteen yleisopetuksessa sekä vastata kysy-mykseen inklusiivisen opetuksen aiheuttamasta mahdollisesta lisätyöstä opettajien arjessa. Inkluusiolla viitataan koulukontekstissa ajattelutapaan ja käytäntöön, jossa kaikki, myös tukea tarvitsevat oppilaat tuntisivat kuuluvansa samaan yhteisöön. Tämän edistämiseksi erityistä tukea tarvitsevia oppilaita integroidaan kaikille yhteiseen yleisopetukseen, jossa he oikeutetusti saavat tarvitsemansa tuen. Kandidaatintutkielmani noudattaa integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen piirteitä. Tutkimusar-tikkeleiksi valikoitui seitsemän julkaisua, jotka käsittelevät peruskoulun opettajien asenteita inkluusioon. Aineistoa etsin käyttäen EBSCOhost -tietokantaa, Helka-kirjaston hakupalve-lua sekä Google Scholaria. Pohdinta osuudessa vertailin saamiani tutkimustuloksia esittä-määni teoriataustaan. Tutkimustulosten mukaan suomalaiset peruskoulun opettajat suhtautuivat inkluusioon keskimäärin positiivisesti. Peruskoulun opettajien kokemaa lisätyötä aiheuttivat suuret ryhmäkoot, resurssien puute, organisointi sekä koettu avustajien ja yhteistyön vähäinen määrä. Lisätyötä aiheuttavana tekijänä katsottiin myös olevan huoli muiden, kuin erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden opiskelusta inklusiivisessa opetuksessa. Inkluusion hyvänä puolena tutkimusten ja teoriataustassa esitettyjen näkemysten perusteella pidettiin tasa-arvon ja suvaitsevaisuuden kehittymistä, joka oli tutkimustulosten mukaan nähtävissä tu-kea tarvitsevien oppilaiden sosiaalisten suhteiden kehittymisenä.
  • Vikman, Janina (2019)
    Objectives. The teachers of primary and secondary education are expected to have strong social-emotional skills and to be able to teach such skills to their students. Even though teachers are generally viewed as important people to help students develop strong communication skills, there are quite few studies regarding the ways in which teachers’ social-emotional skills can be developed. Teachers may also not be aware of all the options available to develop their social-emotional skills. This integrative literature review aims to view the social-emotional skills of primary and secondary education teachers, and the options to develop such skills. As the previous studies have shown, one’s social-emotional skills can develop, and thus this study focuses on finding the ways in which these skills can be developed. Methods. This literature review was carried out as an integrative literature review. The research material was compiled both manually and systematically from four different databases. The material consisted of seven different research articles dealing with the existence and development of social-emotional skills of primary and secondary education teachers. The analysis of the research material was conducted by adapting inductive content analysis. Results and conclusions. The results indicated that primary and secondary education teachers can develop their social-emotional skills either through external support or through self-operation. Developing through external support can happen either by participating in a formal training or by participating in an informal training or receiving peer support. Developing through self-operation can happen through awareness and reflection, or by practicing in real-life situations. However, using one of these skill-developing factors does not outcast the possibility to strengthen social-emotional skills using other factors as well: teachers can develop using both external support and self-operation. Contemplating social-emotional skills might also bring up negative emotions. Experiencing negative emotions might help teachers to both understand the importance of social-emotional skills and develop their own skills.
  • Lampinen, Katja (2017)
    Aims. The aim of this Masters' Thesis was to study 21st century skills through teachers' perceptions. 21st century skills are described fairly similarly in futures research, home economics sciences, educational sciences and the Finnish national core curriculum for basic education. Knowledge and skills, actions and will, as well as attitudes and values all fit in to 21st century skills. In this study I am going to answer three questions: (1) What is teachers' futures awareness like? (2) What are the target schools' teachers' perceptions of the skills needed in the 21st century? (3) How can teachers promote 21st century skills in the school? Methods. I implemented the study with a qualitative research strategy and a phenomenographic research approach. I interviewed ten (10) teachers of the same united school of basic education (grades 1–9) using focused interview (1 group interview and 8 separate interviews). I recorded and transcribed the interviews (79 pp., Times New Roman, font size 12). I analyzed the interviews with theory-driven content analysis using ten skill categories as a structure for the analysis. I formed over all 560 reductions of expressions and 98 subcategories. Results and conclusions. There were differences in the futures awareness of the teachers and not all of the teachers thought of the future very long-sightedly. Good self-knowledge and everyday life skills, finding relevant information and critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills and learning to learn, described the teachers' perceptions of the 21st century skills. They promoted these skills by using group work systematically, being present and facing the pupils as well as setting boundaries and giving responsibility to pupils. Promoting 21st century skills requires a community-based operational culture, visibility of teachers' values in their work and teachers' progressive attitude towards their work.
  • Lampinen, Katja (2017)
    Aims. The aim of this Masters’ Thesis was to study 21st century skills through teachers’ perceptions. 21st century skills are described fairly similarly in futures research, home economics sciences, educational sciences and the Finnish national core curriculum for basic education. Knowledge and skills, actions and will, as well as attitudes and values all fit in to 21st century skills. In this study I am going to answer three questions: (1) What is teachers’ futures awareness like? (2) What are the target schools’ teachers’ perceptions of the skills needed in the 21st century? (3) How can teachers promote 21st century skills in the school? Methods. I implemented the study with a qualitative research strategy and a phenomenographic research approach. I interviewed ten (10) teachers of the same united school of basic education (grades 1–9) using focused interview (1 group interview and 8 separate interviews). I recorded and transcribed the interviews (79 pp., Times New Roman, font size 12). I analyzed the interviews with theory-driven content analysis using ten skill categories as a structure for the analysis. I formed over all 560 reductions of expressions and 98 subcategories. Results and conclusions. There were differences in the futures awareness of the teachers and not all of the teachers thought of the future very long-sightedly. Good self-knowledge and everyday life skills, finding relevant information and critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills and learning to learn, described the teachers’ perceptions of the 21st century skills. They promoted these skills by using group work systematically, being present and facing the pupils as well as setting boundaries and giving responsibility to pupils. Promoting 21st century skills requires a community-based operational culture, visibility of teachers’ values in their work and teachers’ progressive attitude towards their work.
  • Häkkänen, Matias (2016)
    Objective. In the thesis the learning environments of two Norwegian kindergartens and schools are observed and studied. The Norwegian kindergarten act and education act are opened for discussion. Especially the links between the values presented in the acts with the corresponding field of education are emphasized. Procedure. The data for the thesis was collected by observing two Norwegian kindergartens and schools in the Spring 2016. To support the observation the staff was interviewed. The learning environments of the kindergartens and schools are being analyzed through the theory of Kopko, which discusses the effect of crowding, noise and quality of neighborhood. The construction of social skills in childhood is also viewed through Stig Brorström’s theory of childhood construction. Results and Conclusion. Connections were found between the acts and the kindergartens and schools. The Norwegian kindergarten act and both kindergartens observed emphasize care, play, respect for human and nature, equality, solidarity and creativity. The schools ob-served named Koulu1 and Koulu2 focused on knowledge and skills presented in the Nor-wegian education act. Also equality and solidarity listed in the school act was emphasized with Koulu1. The students should be couraged to solve problems together and share their knowledge. The process of learning is ought to aim at a shared experience, where the skills of an individual are brought to day light and being developed further with the peers.