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  • Myrskylä, Nanna (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of craftmaker's self-concept after a diagnosis of physical disease or injury, and the meanings of crafts for physically ill or injured long-term craftmakers. In this study I use a term ”craftself-concept” to describe the craftmaker's self-concept of her/himself as a craftmaker. A Craftself-concept is a belief system of her/himself, that includes all the person's knowledge and skills of crafts. The research data consists of thematic interviews of four physically invalid women who all have different kind of backgrounds. All intervieweers have a different diagnosis of physical disease or injury and a long-term craft hobby. A Disease or injury has affected in their ability to function, which have affected, not only their lives, but their ways to do crafts as well. I have analysed the craftself-consept via themes: A change in craftmaking, change in a self-esteem, change in a feeling of capability and valuation. And the meanings of craft via themes: Pain relief, success experiences, expressional and social meanings. By analysing the chance in craftself-consept, there was a few common elements that could be found. In general, physical disease or injury does change a person's craftself-concept and strenghthens the meanings of crafts in their lives. A Physical disease or injury had changed the intervieweers ways to do crafts and it had also increased or decreased craftmaking significantly. It had affected to their self-esteems as craftmakers and their feeling of capability and valuations of crafts in a positive way. The intervieweers had also found a new meaning of making crafts: Pain relief. Craft making relieves the pain and feeling of illness, and it's good for a health in many ways.
  • Nuutila, Anni (2014)
    Craft education serves as a potential platform for students’ creativity. The focus of craftwork studies has lately been changing form technique learning and product making to more creative direction. This is also evident in the new, 2016 launched, curriculum of craft education. The curriculum emphasizes craftwork as a more experimental and exploratory subject where different techniques and materials are combined. The purpose of this Master’s Thesis was to develop new and more creative ways to teach craftwork. The project consists of three parts. In the first phase, different ideas were mapped by brainstorming and utilizing existing theories. Subsequently, based on the ideas from the first phase a teaching module was built. The execution of the scheme was documented by filming a video. In the last phase the video material was analyzed and creative activities were highlighted. Eventually, by combining the existing theories and observations from the video an outline for online material for creative craftwork teaching was develop. This teaching material aims to approach craft education from a more creative and expressive point of view. This project indicated that several factors affect the creative craft process. Giving enough time and encouragement to all students’ individual craftsmanship proved to be important for increasing creativity among students. Possibility to explore different materials and techniques had also a positive effect on creativity. Team work, encouraging and casual atmosphere contributed also to the creative process. Teacher’s role as a supporter and inspirer was also important. The produced web material is based on the observations from this study and also supports the new craft curriculum. The material is online and thus easily available for everybody. In addition, a Facebook page was created to encourage people for more interactive conversation.
  • Siiskonen, Sirkku (2022)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the ways in which craft identity is manifested in An adult sewing enthusiast. Handicraft is not only a popular hobby, but also a widely implemented educational practice undertaken in liberal adult education institutions. Leisure activities have a significant impact on a person’s identity. Craft identity forms one part of the identity of a maker. This study investigated the craft identity of sewing enthusiasts who participated in craft classes within a liberal adult education and the role of teaching and the craft group in the formation of the makers’ craft identities. Research on leisure identity shows that individuals are driven to hobbies by certain identity images and social narratives. Crafts are also known to strengthen a person's own identity construction. The data of the study were collected with semi-structured thematic interviews. Seven sewing enthusiasts who had participated in sewing courses in liberal adult education took part in the interviews. Three of the interviewees were from Uusimaa and four from Pirkanmaa. All participants were women, aged between 40 and 69 years. The interview data were analyzed with theoretical content analysis. This study shows that sewing enthusiasts take pride in what they do, are creative and versatile craftspeople and enthusiastic about learning new. They feel empowered by making things with their hands and are happy to share their experiences with others. They are environmentally conscious consumers who want to sew for real needs, both for themselves and for their loved ones. Participation in the liberal educations sewing hobby offered a wide and varied range of benefits for hobbyists. The identity of the sewing enthusiast was developed through the influence of the craft classes and the teaching group. Their self-esteem improved and they became more courageous hobbyists. Social interaction was also important and people described enjoying and experiencing the joy of making crafts andbeing part of a group. Identity is built through social interaction with others and it reinforces a person's own identity, but also forms group identities. The research will help to reveal the diverse craft identities of the sewing enthusiast and the role of liberal education in supporting the identity work of the students. A strong craft identity is reflected in the hobbyist's overall well-being by strengthening the person's self-esteem. The results can be used both in designing and planning teaching in adult education and they also provide groundwork for the field of craft identity research.
  • Siiskonen, Sirkku (2022)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the ways in which craft identity is manifested in An adult sewing enthusiast. Handicraft is not only a popular hobby, but also a widely implemented educational practice undertaken in liberal adult education institutions. Leisure activities have a significant impact on a person’s identity. Craft identity forms one part of the identity of a maker. This study investigated the craft identity of sewing enthusiasts who participated in craft classes within a liberal adult education and the role of teaching and the craft group in the formation of the makers’ craft identities. Research on leisure identity shows that individuals are driven to hobbies by certain identity images and social narratives. Crafts are also known to strengthen a person's own identity construction. The data of the study were collected with semi-structured thematic interviews. Seven sewing enthusiasts who had participated in sewing courses in liberal adult education took part in the interviews. Three of the interviewees were from Uusimaa and four from Pirkanmaa. All participants were women, aged between 40 and 69 years. The interview data were analyzed with theoretical content analysis. This study shows that sewing enthusiasts take pride in what they do, are creative and versatile craftspeople and enthusiastic about learning new. They feel empowered by making things with their hands and are happy to share their experiences with others. They are environmentally conscious consumers who want to sew for real needs, both for themselves and for their loved ones. Participation in the liberal educations sewing hobby offered a wide and varied range of benefits for hobbyists. The identity of the sewing enthusiast was developed through the influence of the craft classes and the teaching group. Their self-esteem improved and they became more courageous hobbyists. Social interaction was also important and people described enjoying and experiencing the joy of making crafts andbeing part of a group. Identity is built through social interaction with others and it reinforces a person's own identity, but also forms group identities. The research will help to reveal the diverse craft identities of the sewing enthusiast and the role of liberal education in supporting the identity work of the students. A strong craft identity is reflected in the hobbyist's overall well-being by strengthening the person's self-esteem. The results can be used both in designing and planning teaching in adult education and they also provide groundwork for the field of craft identity research.
  • Tommila, Terhi (2023)
    To recover from a stressful situation and take care of your own well-being, the important thing is to get your thoughts away from these stressful situations. Here you can use various activities that actively take people's thoughts away from stressful situations. Recovery, i.e., relaxation, starts as soon as your thoughts shift away from stressful things. The goal of this qualitative case study was to find out whether a beginner can have positive effects on his own well-being and feelings of relaxation when he is garter stitching. The study examined how emotions appeared during learning to knit and how emotions changed during learning the skill. The research material was produced together with a novice knitter for this study. The material consisted of video materials containing the thinking out loud of a novice knitter, from which the reflections made by the novice knitter were transcribed and analyzed in text form. The research material was produced in 14 consecutive evenings, about 20 minutes/evening, after the novice knitter's working day. Video files were analyzed with the Atlas.ti 23 program through the themes that emerged from the material and the Making-Process-Rug visual video analysis method. The material obtained during knitting and the material transcribed from the reflections were analyzed on the same thematic levels. Based on the research results, a novice knitter can achieve positive emotions that affect his well-being and a feeling of relaxation. The right knitting technique, the right tools for the knitter, and the working environment have a significant impact on the emergence of positive emotions and the encountering and overcoming of negative emotions. The results challenge us to pay more attention to these aspects and to study the meanings of these effects more.
  • Tommila, Terhi (2023)
    To recover from a stressful situation and take care of your own well-being, the important thing is to get your thoughts away from these stressful situations. Here you can use various activities that actively take people's thoughts away from stressful situations. Recovery, i.e., relaxation, starts as soon as your thoughts shift away from stressful things. The goal of this qualitative case study was to find out whether a beginner can have positive effects on his own well-being and feelings of relaxation when he is garter stitching. The study examined how emotions appeared during learning to knit and how emotions changed during learning the skill. The research material was produced together with a novice knitter for this study. The material consisted of video materials containing the thinking out loud of a novice knitter, from which the reflections made by the novice knitter were transcribed and analyzed in text form. The research material was produced in 14 consecutive evenings, about 20 minutes/evening, after the novice knitter's working day. Video files were analyzed with the Atlas.ti 23 program through the themes that emerged from the material and the Making-Process-Rug visual video analysis method. The material obtained during knitting and the material transcribed from the reflections were analyzed on the same thematic levels. Based on the research results, a novice knitter can achieve positive emotions that affect his well-being and a feeling of relaxation. The right knitting technique, the right tools for the knitter, and the working environment have a significant impact on the emergence of positive emotions and the encountering and overcoming of negative emotions. The results challenge us to pay more attention to these aspects and to study the meanings of these effects more.
  • Koskinen, Eleonoora (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Käsitöiden harrastaminen on olennainen osa monien äitien vapaa-ajanviettoa. Käsitöiden harrastamisen kirjo on laaja ja harrastamisen taustalla on erilaisia syitä. Käsitöihin liittyy voimakkaita positiivisia mielikuvia niin niitä itse tekevien, kuin muidenkin mielissä. Käsi-työtaidot ovatkin arvostettua pääomaa. Käsitöiden tekeminen on yleensä pakon tai velvolli-suuden sijasta miellyttävä mahdollisuus. Moni kokeekin käsityöharrastuksen rentouttavaksi ja voimaannuttavaksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää nykypäivän äitien vapaa-ajan viettotapoja. Erityisesti tarkastellaan syitä käsitöiden tekemiseen tai niiden tekemättö-myyteen. Tutkimuksella haluttiin selvittää myös, vaikuttaako lapsuudenkodin käsityöharras-tukset siihen tekevätkö äidit käsitöitä nykypäivänä. Menetelmät. Toteutin tutkimuksen kyselytutkimuksena. Verkkokyselyyn vastasi anonyymisti 45 äitiä, iältään he olivat 24-51 -vuotiaita. Jaoin linkkiä kyselylomakkeeseen Facebookissa suljetussa äitiryhmässä sekä WhatsAppissa eräässä äitiryhmässä. Lisäksi jaoin linkkiä joille-kin ryhmiin kuulumattomille äideille. Analysoin aineistoa sisällönanalyysillä. Muodostin vas-tauksista teemoja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Äideillä on vähän vapaa-aikaa ja se aika halutaan viettää mielui-sella mutta hyödyllisellä tavalla. Tämän aineiston pohjalta voi sanoa, että nykypäivän äidit harrastavat monipuolisesti käsitöitä. Äidit myös mielsivät käsitöiksi hyvin erilaisia asioita. Lapsuudenkodin käsityöharrastukset eivät näyttäneet aina olevan yhteydessä siihen, kuinka äidit harrastavat käsitöitä nykypäivänä. Äiti, jonka kotona oli tehty käsitöitä, ei kuitenkaan välttämättä tehnyt niitä nyt. Vastaavasti äiti, jonka kotona ei ollut tehty käsitöitä, saattoi hy-vinkin tehdä niitä nykypäivänä. Suurin osa vastaajista teki käsitöitä ja niitä oli tehty myös hei-dän lapsuudessaan. Äitien vapaa-ajanvietossa näkyi selvästi perhe- ja kotikeskeisyys. Käsi-työt olivat liikunnan jälkeen toiseksi suosituin tapa viettää vapaa-aikaa. Käsityöt suuntautuivat tyypillisesti kotiin tai perheen käyttöön ja ne tehtiin useimmiten tarpeeseen. Suurimmat syyt sille, miksi äiti ei tehnyt käsitöitä oli ajan- ja kiinnostuksenpuute. Vapaa-aikaa on vähän ja sitä ei välttämättä tahdota käyttää käsitöihin, ellei niistä erityisemmin nauti.
  • Tulokas, Jesse (2023)
    Tällä tutkimuksella selvitettiin opettajaksi opiskelevien opiskelijoiden asenteita heidän peruskouluaikaista käsityönopiskeluansa kohtaan. Tutkimuksessa asennetta kuvattiin myönteisenä tai kielteisenä suhteena oppiaineessa osaamisen, hyödyllisyyden ja kiinnostavuuden ulottuvuuksilla. Asenteella on todettu olevan yhteyttä oppimistuloksiin ja se on liitettävissä yhteen motivaation, oppimishalukkuuden ja mielenkiinnon kohteiden kanssa. Asenteiden rakentuessa osittain sosiaalisesti, voidaan opettaja nähdä asenteita muovaavana mielipidejohtajana. Aiemmat peruskoululaisilla teetetyt tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet asenteiden käsityöoppiainetta kohtaan olevan myönteisiä. Tutkimuksen hypoteesi esittää opettajaopiskelijoiden käsityöasenteiden olevan myönteisiä ja erot ulottuvuuksien välillä ovat pieniä. Tutkimuskysymykset etsivät lisäksi eroja asenteissa eri opintosuuntien välillä ja miten vastaajien taustamuuttujat ilmentävät asenteita käsityötä kohtaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena survey-tutkimuksena, jonka aineisto kerättiin e-lomakekyselyn avulla. Kysely sisälsi 15 Likert-asteikollista asenneväittämää, avoimen kysymyksen sekä taustatietokysymyksiä. Kysely kohdennettiin Helsingin yliopiston kasvatustieteellisen tiedekunnan opettajaopiskelijoille. Kohdejoukkoa lähestyttiin opiskelijoiden ainejärjestöjen sähköpostilistojen kautta sekä yliopiston rakennuksiin jaetuin posterein. Kyselyn vastaukset (n=117) analysoitiin SPSS-ohjelmiston avulla. Analyysimenetelmiksi valikoituivat aineiston tilastollinen kuvaaminen sekä Mann-Whitneyn U- ja Kruskal-Wallisin H-testi. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat hypoteesin oikeaksi. Tutkimukseen vastanneiden opiskelijoiden asenteet peruskouluaikaisesta käsityöstä olivat myönteisiä, eikä suuria eroja asenteen eri ulottuvuuksien välillä ilmennyt. Käsityönopettajaksi opiskelevien asenteet olivat muita myönteisempiä. Suurimmat erot löytyivät hyödyllisyyden ulottuvuudella. Käsityön- ja luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero jokaisella asenneulottuvuudella. Käsityönopiskelijoiden sekä kolmen muun - kotitalous-, varhaiskasvatus- ja erityispedagogiikanopiskelijoiden - ryhmän väliltä löytyi tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero hyödyllisyyden ulottuvuudella. Taustamuuttujista suuraluetieto ei ilmentänyt eroja opiskelijoiden asenteissa, mutta ikäjakaumassa hyödyllisyyden ulottuvuudella alle 26-vuotiaiden ja 26–35- vuotiaiden ryhmien välillä löytyi tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero.
  • Soppela, Jonna Johanna (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella ala-asteen käsityönopettajien ajatuksia eriyttämisestä. Tomlinson & Imbeau (2010) ovat kehittäneet luokkahuonekontekstissa tapahtuvan eriyttämisen mallin, johon kuuluu neljä osa-aluetta: oppimisympäristö, opetussuunnitelmat, opettaminen ja arviointi. Lähdin suunnittelemaan ja rakentamaan tutkimustani tämän eriyttämisen mallin pohjalta. Tutkin, miten opettajat suhtautuvat eriyttävään toimintaan näiden osa-alueiden avulla. Menetelmät. Tutkimuskysymyksiin etsin vastauksia puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla (LIITE 1), jotka analysoin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimukseen osallistui kolme ala-asteella työskentelevää käsityönopettajaa pääkaupunkiseudulta. Heidän ikähaarukkansa oli 34-52 vuotta ja opetusvuosia opettajille oli kertynyt 5-19 vuotta. Tutkittavien opettajien käsityöryhmissä oli 10-16 oppilasta (ka. 12). Kaikilla opettajilla opetusryhmistä ainakin yksi oli erityisluokan ryhmä ja tämän lisäksi yleisopetuksen ryhmissä oli integroituja oppilaita. Valitsin tutkimukseeni käsityön aineenopettajia, koska halusin selvittää juuri aineenopettajien käsityksiä eriyttämisestä. Kaikilla aineenopettajilla ei ollut ennen tutkimusta edes tarkkaa tietoa oppilaiden erityisen tuen päätöksistä. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriasidonnaisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kaikissa haastatteluissa kävi ilmi, että käsityönopettajat pyrkivät huomioimaan kaikkia oppilaita opetuksessaan. Kaikki opettajat ajattelivat yksimielisesti siitä, että eriyttäminen kuuluu vahvasti heidän työhönsä. Kaikki heistä näkivät eriyttämisessä positiivisen puolen ja myös sen, että käsityön oppiaine voi toimia koko koulutyöhön kannustavana elementtinä. Vaihtelua oli enimmäkseen eriyttämisen toteutuksessa ja keinoissa. Erilaisten oppijoiden huomioiminen painottui neljästä eri osa-alueesta (Tomlinson & Imbeau, 2010) selvästi eniten opetuksen ja tuntityöskentelyn eriyttämiseen. Kaikkien opettajien eriyttäminen näillä osa-alueilla oli hyvin monipuolista, tilanteisiin reagoivaa ja taitavaa, vaikka kukaan opettajista ei kokenut, että olisi saanut eriyttämiseen minkäänlaista koulutusta.
  • Malmila, Elisa (2018)
    Apprehension of reading and interpretation in work instructions of handicrafts may come out of some problems, which can influence to understanding of it. Some things may seemed incoherent. These facts can make troubles to follow work instructions, particularly the printed text. This study’s research problem is work instructions of handicrafts and its various conceptualization problems. There is presented earlier researches about this crafts dilemma very little even if they have said it is very well-known topic in conversations with handicraft people. At the beginning of this study introduced I two questions: 1. What are those different ways which can help craft people to decode, understand and ’read’ illustrated and verbal work instructions of handicrafts? 2. What are those factors, which have an effect instrumental to intelligibility of work instructions of handicrafts? A possible solution to the problem composed primarily of the handicraft people’s experiences with work instructions. Theory of conceptualization based on Sciences of Mathematic and Psychology. Craft Science has not sufficiently researches or theories to explain this conceptualization’s problematic nature. Material of this study has collected through an online survey, and twenty people answered to it. Analysis and categorization of the material of study was challenging because opinion questions of the online survey yielded nearly 100 answers. People who answered to the enquiry told variedly their experiences and feelings, for example, when they had used work instructions with some handicrafts projects to bring help. I used both qualitative and quantitative methods concerning to analyzed of material of study, but mainly this study is qualitative research. According to research results the work instruction of crafts should be clear, logic and above all, simple and carefully finished, as possible. Pictures and text are in balance together and these factors will make an easy-following and versatile entirety. Workable work instruction will minimalize discontinuities (or pauses) and misunderstandings. Moreover, what most important, any craftsman or beginner of crafts can follow those same work instructions without any troubles. Everything what craft person needs to start the working with handicrafts, he finds immediately from the work instruction: Among other things, materials, working tools, essential measurements and various steps of working. One of the positive fact is crafts people apply work instructions to mix different techniques, patterns or models together at will. Work instructions can be functional for source of inspiration too if someone wants to create work instructions itself.
  • Karisto, Annika (2016)
    Goals. The aim of the study is to find ways to support the execution of complete craft process by examining craft teachers’ understandings of the concept of complete craft process and their ways to put it into practice in craft teaching. To find these ways and to assimilate the concept of complete craft process is topical issue at the moment, because craft teaching should instruct pupils to master the complete craft process according to the aims in the becoming Finnish National Curriculum (POPS 2014). Methodology. The study is qualitative case study. It was implemented by interviewing six craft teachers, which had worked in secondary school. The themes in this focused interview were structured on the strength of the previous surveys, which have defined the concept of complete craft process and suggested ways to support the phases of the complete craft process. These definitions and ways instructed also the content analysis of the transcribed data. There were also used the ways of phenomenology analysis in the examining of teachers’ understandings. Results and conclusions. The teachers defined the complete craft process as pupil-oriented way of making crafts. In their opinion the phases of creation, design, making and reflection can be executed in the same time and repeated during the craft process. The phases can also get different kind of emphasis. Even though all interviwed teachers told a lot of reasons for the execution of complete craft process from the view of learning, some of them found reasons for craft teaching partially for example in teaching craft techniques. The teachers’ ways of support the phases of complete craft process surrounded the themes of pupil-orientation, interactive learning, personal instructing and conceptualization of the complete craft process by documenting the phases. The supporting ways of execution of complete craft process can be divided to teacher’s skills, attitudes ja pedagogic decisions. Pupil-oriented teaching requires that teacher has knowledge about pupils and openness for pupils’ ideas. The teaching should also be done according to the pupils’ skills. The assignments should instruct pupils to master the complete craft process within the limits of the using resources. The formulating of this kind of assignments presumes that teacher acquires the concept of complete craft process as the foundation of craft teaching and motivates pupils by engaging and encouraging them in the craft process.
  • Salin, Kukka (2020)
    Internet and social media have become part of our everyday life over the last few decades. Hobby craft makers have also found their places in various environments of social media. In this research, I aim to uncover in what ways the hobby craft makers employ social media as part of their hobby. Previous research has shown that craft makers employ the internet to find information and ideas, and to follow publications with craft-content. In this research, my aim is to answer the following questions: (i) What social media services do the hobby craft makers use and why? (ii) In what ways can social media be part of craft as a hobby? (iii) What type of users can be identified among the hobby craft makers? The approach is qualitative, and the data was collected by using semi-structural interviews. The research material consisted of ten interviews of hobby craft makers from Southern Finland. The interviewees were selected by purposive sampling. The material was analysed by using inductive content analysis. The results indicate that craftspeople took advantage of Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and blogs in their hobby. The most popular services were Facebook and Instagram. The popularity of different platforms was based on the qualities of the services. For example, Facebook was popular due to its visuality and possibility to communicate with other users, whereas Pinterest was used as a storage place of new ideas. Social media brought several advantages for the hobby craft makers, for example ideas, instructions and sense of community. The results also showed that the use of social media was individual, in other words, the role and the meaning of social media as part of the hobby was specified by user. Three main types of users are discovered in the data: Occasional participants use social media sporadically and precisely. For such users participating and publishing is infrequent and casual. Social media- followers follow actively different social media platforms and publish new content every now and then. This kind of users regard themselves more as followers of social media than publishers. Content producers, in comparison, regard themselves more as producers than followers. Content producers resort to social media in diverse ways and publish new content with some regularity.
  • Salin, Kukka (2020)
    Internet and social media have become part of our everyday life over the last few decades. Hobby craft makers have also found their places in various environments of social media. In this research, I aim to uncover in what ways the hobby craft makers employ social media as part of their hobby. Previous research has shown that craft makers employ the internet to find information and ideas, and to follow publications with craft-content. In this research, my aim is to answer the following questions: (i) What social media services do the hobby craft makers use and why? (ii) In what ways can social media be part of craft as a hobby? (iii) What type of users can be identified among the hobby craft makers? The approach is qualitative, and the data was collected by using semi-structural interviews. The research material consisted of ten interviews of hobby craft makers from Southern Finland. The interviewees were selected by purposive sampling. The material was analysed by using inductive content analysis. The results indicate that craftspeople took advantage of Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and blogs in their hobby. The most popular services were Facebook and Instagram. The popularity of different platforms was based on the qualities of the services. For example, Facebook was popular due to its visuality and possibility to communicate with other users, whereas Pinterest was used as a storage place of new ideas. Social media brought several advantages for the hobby craft makers, for example ideas, instructions and sense of community. The results also showed that the use of social media was individual, in other words, the role and the meaning of social media as part of the hobby was specified by user. Three main types of users are discovered in the data: Occasional participants use social media sporadically and precisely. For such users participating and publishing is infrequent and casual. Social media- followers follow actively different social media platforms and publish new content every now and then. This kind of users regard themselves more as followers of social media than publishers. Content producers, in comparison, regard themselves more as producers than followers. Content producers resort to social media in diverse ways and publish new content with some regularity.
  • Koskela, Marja (2018)
    This is a study about one evening’s gathering with handcrafts. Marttaliitto and työväenopisto arrange multiple similar gatherings with handcraft. My aim was to arrange an evening with handcrafting such as any other evening with women, but everyone has their own crochets or knitting with them. I arranged the gathering to my four friends. Everybody did not know each other but some of them had met before. My aim was to research the atmosphere of the evening and co-teaching. My aim was not to generalize, and I did not make hypothesis. The research was descriptive. Research questions were: 1. What is the meaning of other mem-bers of the team when doing your own handcraft? 2. How is the peer education mediated in the gathering? My research was a qualitative research. My methodological approach was an ethnographic case study. The data was concise because I dealt that one night with a point of view of communality. I videoed the evening and used it as a supporting data for the questionnaire which I conducted to the participants the day after. Questions were open. There were four participants in my research. I divided the answers in to themes and analyzed the themes so that they answered into my research questions. The data shows that communality and being together was meaningful and handcrafts brought easiness to spend time with strangers. The handcrafts brought nice addition to gathering contrary to my expectation that the gathering would brought something extra to participants’ handcrafts. There was peer education among the conversation and it has been given lone and by jointly to person in need. The participants felt peer education and peer support pleasant and challenging. The participants felt pleasant to have support and self-confidence to handcraft. Some of them did not feel that they were enough talented. Overall the evening contained both deep conversations and lots of happiness and laugh.
  • Ketonen, Otto (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tässä tutkielmassa analysoin artikkeleiden pohjalta teknisen työn ja tekstiilityön yhdistämisen haittoja ja hyötyjä valinnaisainevalintojen näkökulmasta. Aiempaa tutkimusta on tehty oppilaiden, opettajien ja opettajaopiskelijoiden mielipiteistä ja motivaatiosta. Halusin selvittää, millä argumenteilla tekstiilityön ja teknisen työn yhdistämistä voidaan puolustaa, jos valinnaisainevalinnat ovat lähes puolittuneet uudistuksen jälkeen. Menetelmät. Tutkielma on kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty google scholar –nettisivulta tietyillä hakukriteereillä. Kerättyyn aineistoon on suoritettu sisällönana-lyysi, jossa artikkeleiden tietoa on tiivistetty ja vertailtu keskenään. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkielmassa nousi esille käsityön yhdistämistä puoltavan tutki-muksen painottuvan teemoihin, jotka koskivat tasa-arvoa, monimateriaalisuutta ja parempia suunnittelumahdollisuuksia. Lisäksi käsityön kiinnostuksen laskusta ei niinkään syytetty opetussuunnitelman rakenteellisia muutoksia, vaan monimateriaalisuuden väärää toteutusta kouluissa. Käsityön yhdistämistä arvosteltiin puhtaasti luvuilla. Käsityön vähentyneet valin-naisainevalinnat antavat jo itsessään syyn sille, että yhdistetty oppiaine ei kiinnosta oppilaita yhtä paljon, kuin tekstiilityö ja tekninen työ erillään. Lisäksi yhdistämistä arvosteltiin vähen-tyneillä tunneilla ja opetussisällöillä, oppilaiden kiinnostuksella käsitöihin. Huolta aiheutti myös teknisen työn asemalla suomalaisissa yrityksissä ja yhteiskunnassa ja käsityö oppi-aineen tulevaisuus.
  • Kenttä, Silvia (2024)
    The aim of the study was to examine the significance of community to crafters. Through qualitive research methods, the study analyzed the types of community experienced by crafters and the meanings that community holds for hobbyists engaged in handicrafts. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate how perceived community impacts crafting practices. Crafts have become a popular hobby in contemporary society, where community involvement plays a significant role. The development of media and its increasing popularity has influenced the rise of various crafting-related online communities, community is also experienced in crafting through activities such as crafting courses and smaller groups engaging in grafting together, such as with friends. Previous research has indicated that community plays a significant role in grafting hobbies and influences the crafting practices of enthusiast. The data for the study was collected through an online survey. The research employed a qualitive survey method, gathering data through both structured and open-ended questions. The numerical results from structured questions were utilized to illustrate and describe the phenomenon. The purpose of the open-ended questions was to highlight crafter’s thoughts, attitudes, and experiences regarding the community aspect of crafting. The survey was distributed to two Facebook crafting groups, emailed to members of two crafting associations, displayed in Helsinki Adult Education Centre classrooms and notice boards, as well as posted on the Adult Education Centre’s blog. A total 250 crafting enthusiasts responded to the survey. According to the research findings, community is experienced both through virtual interactions on various social media platforms and through face-to-face interactions in crafting activities. Community involvement is considered significant in handicraft hobbies. It gives practitioners a sense of belonging and strengthens social relationships. Additionally, community involvement helps in generating ideas and implementing handicraft projects, and it also plays a significant role in practitioners sharing advice and tips with each other. Engaging in communal crafting positively impacts social relationships, increases knowledge and learning, and fosters personal growth. It can be concluded that community involvement has a broad impact on both the process of handicraft creation and the outcome.
  • Kenttä, Silvia (2024)
    The aim of the study was to examine the significance of community to crafters. Through qualitive research methods, the study analyzed the types of community experienced by crafters and the meanings that community holds for hobbyists engaged in handicrafts. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate how perceived community impacts crafting practices. Crafts have become a popular hobby in contemporary society, where community involvement plays a significant role. The development of media and its increasing popularity has influenced the rise of various crafting-related online communities, community is also experienced in crafting through activities such as crafting courses and smaller groups engaging in grafting together, such as with friends. Previous research has indicated that community plays a significant role in grafting hobbies and influences the crafting practices of enthusiast. The data for the study was collected through an online survey. The research employed a qualitive survey method, gathering data through both structured and open-ended questions. The numerical results from structured questions were utilized to illustrate and describe the phenomenon. The purpose of the open-ended questions was to highlight crafter’s thoughts, attitudes, and experiences regarding the community aspect of crafting. The survey was distributed to two Facebook crafting groups, emailed to members of two crafting associations, displayed in Helsinki Adult Education Centre classrooms and notice boards, as well as posted on the Adult Education Centre’s blog. A total 250 crafting enthusiasts responded to the survey. According to the research findings, community is experienced both through virtual interactions on various social media platforms and through face-to-face interactions in crafting activities. Community involvement is considered significant in handicraft hobbies. It gives practitioners a sense of belonging and strengthens social relationships. Additionally, community involvement helps in generating ideas and implementing handicraft projects, and it also plays a significant role in practitioners sharing advice and tips with each other. Engaging in communal crafting positively impacts social relationships, increases knowledge and learning, and fosters personal growth. It can be concluded that community involvement has a broad impact on both the process of handicraft creation and the outcome.