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  • Saari, Milja (2022)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract In recent years, open-plan schools have been widely discussed in schools, homes and the media. There are both passionate supporters and unwavering opponents to these more open and adaptable environments. There is a limited amount of research evidence for new learning environments, but they are still common in many schools around Finland. This master`s thesis examines the opinions of classroom teachers about the advantages and disadvantages of new learning environments in primary education. Classroom teachers are also allowed to tell what kind of new learning environment would be best suited for primary education. The research material has been collected from two Facebook groups of teachers. A total of 22 classroom teachers responded to the survey. Respondents wrote their answers freely. The material was analyzed using the method of data-driven content analysis. The majority were positive about the new learning environments in primary education. Teachers said that the new learning environments benefit beginners in many ways: for example, students learn to work together and develop their thinking and learning skills. They facilitate functional and diverse teaching. Students can be divided and flexibly divided into different groups and differentiation is easy. On the other hand, teachers also carefully described the challenges of new learning environments in the primary school context. Often new learning environments have too much noise and stimuli. Respondents put forward many ideas how existing environments should be modified to allow for quality primary education.
  • Keskinen, Ann-Chelie (2018)
    The aim of the research is to study how handcrafts as a subject in primary education is conducted in the 1980’s and the 2010’s as well as to compare the subject content and objectives from the point of view of the teacher. There has been much change in the subject of handcrafts from the 1980’s to the present. The value of hand-made crafts has diminished as it is nowadays possible to affordably purchase fabrics and other textiles from shops. In the 2010’s, handcrafts are once again valued as upcycling and recycling are fashionable. Additionally, according to previous research, art subjects support learning in other subjects in many ways. Information from research allows us to focus on the functionality of the content and objectives of handcrafts as a subject in primary school education. The research was conducted by interviewing five school teachers, one of whom was retired. Three of the teachers worked under the national school curriculum of 1985 and four from the 2014 national school curriculum. The teachers were interviewed at their teaching schools, as well as the retired teacher, who was substituting at the school from where she retired. Additionally, one of the teacher’s was interviewed in the researcher’s home. The interviews were recorded at the time and transcribed after the interviews. The research method used was material-based content analysis. The method for analysis was thematic. The responses of the participating teachers corresponded well to the curriculums at the time. In national curriculum of 1985 specified very carefully what the children were to learn in the subject of handcrafts. The objectives and content in the 2014 curriculum are conveyed broadly without details and can be interpreted in a variety of ways. In the 1980´s in primary education it was important to learn techniques which were practiced in depth. Nowadays in the 2010`s these skills don’t necessarily have a chance to develop. Earlier, the final outcome of the handcraft was important as the item usually had a practical function. Nowadays most of the time allocated for handcrafts is put towards ideas, planning and other work stages and there is little time for the handcrafting itself. Overall, the teacher’s opinion was that the earlier curriculum supported the child’s development of perseverance and longterm concentration. Technology is now taking too big a role.
  • Häkkilä, Hanna-Maria (2020)
    Tämä Pro Gradu -tutkielma käsittelee, millaista kiertokouluopetus Kuusamon seurakunnassa oli vuosina 1874–1938. Aikarajaus alkaa, kun vuonna 1874 Kuusamoon päätettiin perustaa ensimmäinen kansakoulu, mikä asetti tavoitteita lukutaitoa opettavalle kiertokoululle uudella tavalla. Viimeinen kokonainen tarkasteltu lukukausi on 1938–1939, minkä jälkeen Kuusamo evakuoitiin talvisodan takia. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan, ketkä opettivat ja opiskelivat kiertokoulussa sekä ketkä eivät kiertokouluun päässeet opiskelemaan ja jäivätkö he silloin kokonaan opetuksen ulkopuolelle. Lisäksi tutkin, mitä kiertokoulussa opetettiin, miten koulutyö oli järjestetty ja minkälaisia pää-töksiä tehtiin seurakunnassa liittyen kiertokouluopetukseen. Erittelen myös, millä tavoin Kuu-samossa noudatettiin hiippakunnallista ohjesääntöä pientenlastenkouluille. Tutkielmassa pää-lähteitä ovat ennen kaikkea Kuusamon seurakunnan arkistot kirkonkokousten päätösten sekä kiertokoulujen oppilasluetteloiden ja päiväkirjojen osalta. Kiertokoulu on ollut lähes koko Suomen laajuinen alkukouluverkosto, jossa seurakunnat ovat järjestäneet lapsille ennen kaikkea lukutaidon opetusta. Lapissa toimivat katekeetat, joiden palkan maksoi valtio ja jotka toimivat seurakuntien alaisuudessa opettaen lapsia lukemaan. Muualla Suomessa puolestaan seurakunnat vastasivat palkanmaksusta kiertokoulujen opetta-jille. Kuusamo on juuri katekeetta-alueen etelärajalla niin, että vaikka seurakuntaa ei luettu osaksi Lappia, siellä silti toimi katekeetta, jonka palkan maksoi valtio. Tutkimusajankohtana Kuusamossa opettajien määrä kasvoi yhdestä kolmeen ja samalla kier-tokouluopetus laajeni ja tuli huomattavasti kattavammaksi laajan seurakunnan alueella. Samal-la kunnan perustamien kansakoulujen määrä alkoi kasvaa, minkä takia kiertokouluopetus siir-tyi yhä syrjäisemmille alueille. Kolme kiertokoulua jatkoivat toimintaansa kuitenkin aina talvi-sotaan asti, johon tämä tutkimus myös päättyy. Kiertokoulua järjestettiin hyvin vaihtelevissa olosuhteissa, minkä takia usein oppimistulokset jäivät heikoiksi. Tästä huomautti Kuusamossa myös Kuopion piispa jokaisessa piispantarkas-tuksessa. Oppilaat saapuivat kouluun jopa kaksi viikkoa myöhässä ja olivat runsaasti poissa, sillä koulua ei pidetty suuressa arvossa kansan parissa, vaan kotona tehtävät työt tulivat ensin. Samaan aikaan kiertokoulu oli kuusamolaisille lapsille yksi harvoista tavoista oppia lukemaan.
  • Häkkilä, Hanna-Maria (2020)
    Tämä Pro Gradu -tutkielma käsittelee, millaista kiertokouluopetus Kuusamon seurakunnassa oli vuosina 1874–1938. Aikarajaus alkaa, kun vuonna 1874 Kuusamoon päätettiin perustaa ensimmäinen kansakoulu, mikä asetti tavoitteita lukutaitoa opettavalle kiertokoululle uudella tavalla. Viimeinen kokonainen tarkasteltu lukukausi on 1938–1939, minkä jälkeen Kuusamo evakuoitiin talvisodan takia. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan, ketkä opettivat ja opiskelivat kiertokoulussa sekä ketkä eivät kiertokouluun päässeet opiskelemaan ja jäivätkö he silloin kokonaan opetuksen ulkopuolelle. Lisäksi tutkin, mitä kiertokoulussa opetettiin, miten koulutyö oli järjestetty ja minkälaisia pää-töksiä tehtiin seurakunnassa liittyen kiertokouluopetukseen. Erittelen myös, millä tavoin Kuu-samossa noudatettiin hiippakunnallista ohjesääntöä pientenlastenkouluille. Tutkielmassa pää-lähteitä ovat ennen kaikkea Kuusamon seurakunnan arkistot kirkonkokousten päätösten sekä kiertokoulujen oppilasluetteloiden ja päiväkirjojen osalta. Kiertokoulu on ollut lähes koko Suomen laajuinen alkukouluverkosto, jossa seurakunnat ovat järjestäneet lapsille ennen kaikkea lukutaidon opetusta. Lapissa toimivat katekeetat, joiden palkan maksoi valtio ja jotka toimivat seurakuntien alaisuudessa opettaen lapsia lukemaan. Muualla Suomessa puolestaan seurakunnat vastasivat palkanmaksusta kiertokoulujen opetta-jille. Kuusamo on juuri katekeetta-alueen etelärajalla niin, että vaikka seurakuntaa ei luettu osaksi Lappia, siellä silti toimi katekeetta, jonka palkan maksoi valtio. Tutkimusajankohtana Kuusamossa opettajien määrä kasvoi yhdestä kolmeen ja samalla kier-tokouluopetus laajeni ja tuli huomattavasti kattavammaksi laajan seurakunnan alueella. Samal-la kunnan perustamien kansakoulujen määrä alkoi kasvaa, minkä takia kiertokouluopetus siir-tyi yhä syrjäisemmille alueille. Kolme kiertokoulua jatkoivat toimintaansa kuitenkin aina talvi-sotaan asti, johon tämä tutkimus myös päättyy. Kiertokoulua järjestettiin hyvin vaihtelevissa olosuhteissa, minkä takia usein oppimistulokset jäivät heikoiksi. Tästä huomautti Kuusamossa myös Kuopion piispa jokaisessa piispantarkas-tuksessa. Oppilaat saapuivat kouluun jopa kaksi viikkoa myöhässä ja olivat runsaasti poissa, sillä koulua ei pidetty suuressa arvossa kansan parissa, vaan kotona tehtävät työt tulivat ensin. Samaan aikaan kiertokoulu oli kuusamolaisille lapsille yksi harvoista tavoista oppia lukemaan.
  • Knuth, Mila (2018)
    Käsittelen tutkimuksessani Kuopion hiippakunnan pappein- ja synodaalikokousten kirkollista alkuopetusta ja kiertokouluja koskevia keskusteluja vuosilta 1889-1902. Tutkimukseni aikarajaus perustuu vuoden 1866 kansakouluasetuksen jälkeiseen aikaan sekä vuoden 1905 suomalaista yhteiskuntaa radikaalisti muuttaneeseen suurlakkoa edeltävään aikaan. Kansakouluasetus muutti kirkon roolia kansanopetustehtävässä, ja kirkon oli luovuttava itsenäisestä asemastaan alkuopetustehtävässä. Kansakouluasetuksen mukaan lasten tuli saavuttaa alkuopetuksessa tietyt valmiudet ennen kansakoulua. Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani kiertokoulujen ja kirkollisen alkuopetuksen ilmenemistä Kuopion pappein- sekä sitä seuraavien synodaalikokousten keskusteluissa, mitä keskustelut pitivät sisällään, ja kuinka Kuopion hiippakunnan tapahtumat, yhteiskunnallinen tilanne sekä aikakauden aatteet ja ihanteet vaikuttivat kokousten osanottajien näkemyksiin kirkollisesta alkuopetuksesta ja kiertokouluista. Vuoden 1889 Kuopion pappeinkokouksessa pastori Albert Ferdinand Tikkanen puhui alustuksessaan tarpeesta parantaa kiertokoulujen toimintaa. Kuopion hiippakunnan synodaalikokouksissa kirkollinen alkuopetus sekä kiertokoulut nousivat esille vuosina 1892, 1896, sekä 1902, tosin suppeammin. Suomen yhteiskunnallinen tilanne sekä luterilainen kirkko kohtasivat suuria muutoksia 1800- ja 1900-luvun taitteessa. Tapahtumat nostivat esille Kuopion ja Savonlinnan piispana sekä arkkipiispana toimineen Gustaf Johanssonin. Hän oli myös aktiivinen toimija helmikuun manifestin vastaisissa toimenpiteissä. Tarkastelen kiertokouluja koskevien keskusteluiden sisältöä myös kansakoulun valossa. Kaupunkialueilla järjestettiin myös kunnallista alkuopetusta. Se yleistyi maaseuduilla hitaammin, jolloin kansakoulut tarvitsivat kirkollista alkuopetusta. Puutteellinen alkuopetus vaikeutti myös kansakoulunopettajien työtä heidän joutuessaan opettamaan uusille oppilaille kansakoulussa vaadittuja perustaitoja. Seurakuntien saama palaute huolestutti papistoa, sillä kiertokoulujen pysyvyys ei ollut taattua. Kiertokoulujen opetusta vaikeuttivat erityisesti siirtyminen tilasta tilaan, pätevien opettajien puute sekä taloudelliset resurssit. Vuoden 1889 pappeinkokousta seuraavien synodaalikokousten keskusteluissa ja raporteissa kirkollisesta alkuopetuksesta ja kiertokouluista oli havaittavissa muutokset, joita kirkollisen alkuopetuksen ja kiertokoulujen toiminnassa tapahtui vuoden 1889 jälkeen. Vuoden 1892 kiertokoulujen ohjesäännöt selkeyttivät opetusta ja määrittelivät kotiopetuksen ensisijaiseksi alkuopetuksen antajaksi, jota kiertokoulut tarvittaessa tukivat. Kuopion pappeinkokouksen sekä synodaalikokousten keskusteluista ilmeni osanottajien näkemys kirkosta kansan kasvattajana. Kirkko suojeli kansaa ”haitallisilta” aatteilta, ja näkemyksiltä. Alkuopetuksellaan kirkko kasvatti uusia sukupolvia oikeaan suuntaan. Vaikka monet vuonna 1889 havaituista puutteista ja ongelmista eivät poistuneet, tulevissa synodaalikokouksissa osanottajat pitivät yhä tärkeänä parantaa kiertokoulujen toimintaa.
  • Rissanen, Vilma (2022)
    Matematiikka-ahdistus on matemaattiseen kontekstiin liittyvä negatiivinen tunnereaktio, joka ei kuitenkaan johdu yleisestä ahdistuneisuudesta (Rubinsten & Tannock, 2010). Matematiikka-ahdistusta voi esiintyä jo varhaislapsuudessa (Moore ym., 2014). Näin ollen sen varhainen tunnistaminen sekä tuki ovat tärkeitä. Matematiikka-ahdistuksella voi olla laajoja vaikutuksia ihmisen elämään. Se voi johtaa kokonaisvaltaiseen matematiikan välttelyyn (Aarnos & Perkkilä, 2012.) ja vaikuttaa negatiivisten kokemusten kautta myös esimerkiksi minäkäsityksen muotoutumiseen (Arens ym., 2016) Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa esi- tai alkuopetuksessa työskentelevien tai työskennelleiden opettajien kokemuksia matematiikka-ahdistuksen ilmenemisestä sekä matematiikka-ahdistuneen lapsen tukemisesta. Matematiikka-ahdistuksen ilmenemistä ja matematiikka-ahdistuneen lapsen tukemisen keinoja pyrittiin selvittämään tässä tutkielmassa kahdella tutkimuskysymyksellä: 1. Miten esi- tai alkuopetusikäisen lapsen matematiikka-ahdistus ilmenee? 2. Millä keinoin matematiikka-ahdistunutta lasta voidaan tukea? Tutkimus toteutettiin fenomenografisella tutkimusotteella. Aineisto kerättiin tutkimuslomakkeella. Tutkimukseen osallistui 16 opettajaa, joista kahdeksalla oli kokemusta matematiikka-ahdistuksesta esiopetuksessa ja kahdeksalla alkuopetuksessa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että esi- tai alkuopetusikäisen lapsen matematiikka-ahdistus voi ilmetä käyttäytymisen muutoksina, heikkona matemaattisena itsetuntona, tunnetilojen muutoksina sekä taitotason muutoksina. Matematiikka-ahdistunutta lasta voidaan tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella tukea yksilöllisellä tuella, ryhmän tason tuella sekä kodin kanssa tehtävän yhteistyön keinoilla. Keskeisimpiä tuen keinoja kaikissa kuvauskategorioissa oli toiminnallisuus ja arjen matematiikka, vuorovaikutus sekä matematiikkapuheen huomioiminen.
  • Mäkinen, Mari (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Nykyään yhä useammin esiopetus järjestetään koulun yhteydessä. Tämän takia sujuva siirtymä ilman suurempia muutoksia tukee lapsen oppimisen kehitystä ja sujuvaa jatkumoa. Tutkimuksia aiheesta on tehty useampia mutta lasten toiveiden esiin tuominen on harvinaista. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseni tavoitteena on tuoda esille lasten toiveita ja ajatuksia mitkä mahdollistaisivat sujuvan siirtymän esiopetuksesta alkuopetukseen. Menetelmät. Menetelmänä tutkimuksessani käytän systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta. Käy-tin aineiston keruussa tietokantoja EBSCO, Helka sekä Google Scolar. Aineistooni valikoitui neljä englanninkielistä artikkelia. Artikkeleiden tutkimukset on toteutettu suomessa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tulokset osoittivat, että ystävyyssuhteiden säilyttäminen ja uusien luominen olivat lasten mielestä tärkeitä. Leikki toimintatapana ja toiminnallisuus oppimisessa olivat tärkeitä asioita mielekkään oppimisen kannalta. Huomioon otettava tärkeä asia sujuvassa siirtymässä lasten kannalta oli aikuisten sanallisesti ja sanattomasti tuottamat vies-tit koskien yhteistyötä. Positiivinen ja kannustava suhtautuminen koulun aloitukseen mahdol-listi lapsen positiivisen suhtautumisen koulun alkuun. Tutkimustulosten mukaan jo varhais-kasvatuksesta saadut kokemukset vaikuttavat lasten mielipiteeseen koskien koulun aloitus-ta. Tämän lisäksi toimintakulttuuri esiopetuksessa ja varhaiskasvatuksessa luovat pohjan lapsen positiiviselle omakuvalle. Kannustavassa ja oppimista tukevassa ilmapiirissä lapsi aloittaa koulupolun luottaen omiin kykyihinsä. Tulosten mukaan fyysisten ja pedagogisten oppimisympäristöjen erilaisuus koulussa ja esiopetuksessa vaikuttivat sujuvaan siirtymään. Lapsen kannalta sujuvan siirtymän takaamiseksi yhteistyön saaminen toimivaksi selkeiden suunnitelmien ja yhtenäisten tavoitteiden avulla on tarpeen sekä lapsen mielipiteiden huomioiminen suunnitelmia tehtäessä. Uusien työskentelymallien löytäminen yhteistyössä on tärkeää. Tutkielma osoitti, että lisää tutkimuksia tarvitaan tuomaan lapsinäkökulma esiin siirtymissä esiopetuksesta alkuopetukseen. Lasten ja aikuisten näkökulmat aisoihin ja asioiden tärkeydestä eroavat toisistaan.
  • Oiva, Mari (2016)
    This thesis is a theoretical framework of children's literature in basic education. The main focus is to find why and how children's literature is used especially on first and second grades of basic education. The objective of thesis is to understand the main concepts of the field. Mother tongue and literature is an informational, artistic and skill subject (Core curriculum for basic education 2004, 44). The main points of teaching especially literature in first and second grades are developing children’s creativity and expression skills, increasing knowledge of their own and other cultures and offering tools to understand the world. It is also important to encourage children to make reading not only a routine but also a pleasant habit which includes enjoyable experiences. Other forms of art such as writing and drama can also bring new possibilities to functional and experimental literature teaching. In my future Master’s Thesis I will study how children’s literature can be used with difficult themes in classroom. My main interest is to study how teachers experience using children’s literature with difficult themes such as sorrow and inequality.
  • Hirvonen, Nina (2017)
    Objectives. Previous studies show that there is need for more cooperation between the preschool education and primary education to ensure the child's smooth start to school. The purpose of this qualitative study was to find out what kinds of views do kindergarten teachers and class teachers have on the cooperation between the preschool education and primary education. Today, there has been a lot of talk about the importance of the cooperation between the preschool education and primary education for the child's smooth transition from preschool to primary education. The research questions helped to identify how useful do kindergarten teachers and class teachers find the cooperation, how frequently cooperation is carried out, which types of cooperation there is, how can the cooperation be developed and whether kindergarten teachers and class teachers have ideas how to develop the current cooperation. Methods. The study material consisted of three kindergarten teachers and four class teachers working in the metropolitan area. The research strategy used in this study was qualitative research in which theme interviews were used. The collected data were analyzed by means of data-driven content analysis. Results and Conclusions. This study showed that kindergarten teachers and class teachers felt the cooperation between the preschool education and primary education important. In addition, responses emphasized the cooperation to encompass the same basic formula but the organization of additional forms of cooperation depends on the year and on the activity of the preschool teachers and primary teachers. The implementation of cooperation between preschool education and primary education was performed weekly, monthly, once every two months or 2-6 times a year. In the autumn preschool teachers and primary school teachers will invest in joint planning of activities in the presence of preschool children in the classroom. In the spring a joint evaluation meeting, the introduction of preschool children to school and primary school teachers and the meeting of a pupil care team for children moving to school. All teachers felt that the current cooperation between the preschool education and primary education is positive and they do not want to make a lot of changes or develop the existing cooperation. Kindergarten teachers and class teachers would like to see closer cooperation between preschool and primary school teacher for example by adding joint debates and common planning time. They also wished that kindergarten and school would be in the same building. Kindergarten teachers and class teachers had different content development suggestions for cooperation between preschool education and primary education. Improvement alternatives included for example adding various events, ensuring data transfer from kindergarten to school, effortless school visits and joint training.
  • Reima, Henriikka (2017)
    Objectives. The main purpose of this study is to describe, analyze and interpret what children in first grade play in school context. This study was interested what kind plays children were playing and who they were playing with. Aim was to find out what factors in school are affecting play, for example how schools physical surroundings affect what children play. It was also examined what motivate children to play: how children come to play certain types of plays and why children want to play in general. Methods. This study was conducted as qualitative research. Material was collected from one class in metropolitan area school. There were 22 children in that specific class. All the pupils took part of drawing assignment were the purpose was to draw a picture about play that they play in school. Half of the pupils were then interviewed based on pictures using theme interviews. Both the children's drawings about play and the interviews were used as materials of this study. The drawings were analyzed based on semiotic theory and the aim was to find different representations that were further examined. The interview material was analyzed in five phases that were reading, examination, thematize, expansion and summarizing. Results and conclusions. Children that took part of this study played in school surroundings agon, mimicry and ilinx plays. Usually all the children were approved in plays and play was more fun in a big group. Children wanted to play with other children that were not rude to them. A good playmate in a context of this study is someone who is nice and kind for everyone. Children chose to play with children that were the same sex as themselves and children that who were in the same class. It seems that if children can choose their playmate, they prefer close friends that are the same sex. Play was influenced by the school yard, weather and season, different rules and structure of the day. These things affect the play and give children different possibilities to express play. Children also liked to play in school and play was motivated by their interests, the fun in it and the fact the got spend time with other children. In a context of this study play is meaningful for children and it gives them possibilities to spend time together.
  • Reima, Henriikka (2017)
    Objectives. The main purpose of this study is to describe, analyze and interpret what children in first grade play in school context. This study was interested what kind plays children were playing and who they were playing with. Aim was to find out what factors in school are affecting play, for example how schools physical surroundings affect what children play. It was also examined what motivate children to play: how children come to play certain types of plays and why children want to play in general. Methods. This study was conducted as qualitative research. Material was collected from one class in metropolitan area school. There were 22 children in that specific class. All the pupils took part of drawing assignment were the purpose was to draw a picture about play that they play in school. Half of the pupils were then interviewed based on pictures using theme interviews. Both the children’s drawings about play and the interviews were used as materials of this study. The drawings were analyzed based on semiotic theory and the aim was to find different representations that were further examined. The interview material was analyzed in five phases that were reading, examination, thematize, expansion and summarizing. Results and conclusions. Children that took part of this study played in school surroundings agon, mimicry and ilinx plays. Usually all the children were approved in plays and play was more fun in a big group. Children wanted to play with other children that were not rude to them. A good playmate in a context of this study is someone who is nice and kind for everyone. Children chose to play with children that were the same sex as themselves and children that who were in the same class. It seems that if children can choose their playmate, they prefer close friends that are the same sex. Play was influenced by the school yard, weather and season, different rules and structure of the day. These things affect the play and give children different possibilities to experess play. Children also liked to play in school and play was motivated by their interests, the fun in it and the fact the got spend time with other children. In a context of this study play is meaningful for children and it gives them possibilities to spend time together.
  • Vähtäri, Jaakko (2022)
    The aim of this study was to research class teacher students’ conceptions of emotional skills and the education of emotional skills and its significance in the context of primary education. Another ambition was to investigate how the contents of emotional education were considered in the university studies, based on the experiences of class teacher students. Based on earlier studies, emotional education has a holistic effect on the development of children, but regardless of it, the teachers receive only little education to help developing pupils’ emotional skills. The training of teachers is one of the most significant factors in emotional education of the pupils, according to other studies, hence the aim of this paper is also to research how the teacher education could be improved to prepare the class teacher students to feel more secure about emotional education in primary education. The material of the research consisted of the interviews of eight master’s degree class teacher students, who were in their fourth or fifth year of studies in the University of Helsinki. The material was collected and analysed with a qualitative method. The interviews were semi-structured, and the material was analysed with a phenomenographic approach. The results of the study are based on categories of description formed by phenomenographic analysis. According to the results, class teacher students had a structured understanding of the holis-tic significance of primary education’s emotional education for children’s development. Emo-tional skills were considered as skills that improve children’s ability to identify and control feelings, empathy, social skills, and interaction with others. Emotional education was consid-ered an important part of primary education, whose aim is to create a base for the develop-ment of emotional skills and to improve the most significant emotional skills, as viewed by the primary school teacher students. The class teacher students felt as though they had not re-ceived enough education related to primary education’s emotional education and its imple-mentation. The class teacher students think the university should provide the basis and more information about practical methods that work in implementation of emotional education. The class teacher students would improve the teacher training’s methods of teaching and contents, in order to make processing emotional education more relevant and consistent.
  • Vähtäri, Jaakko (2022)
    The aim of this study was to research class teacher students’ conceptions of emotional skills and the education of emotional skills and its significance in the context of primary education. Another ambition was to investigate how the contents of emotional education were considered in the university studies, based on the experiences of class teacher students. Based on earlier studies, emotional education has a holistic effect on the development of children, but regardless of it, the teachers receive only little education to help developing pupils’ emotional skills. The training of teachers is one of the most significant factors in emotional education of the pupils, according to other studies, hence the aim of this paper is also to research how the teacher education could be improved to prepare the class teacher students to feel more secure about emotional education in primary education. The material of the research consisted of the interviews of eight master’s degree class teacher students, who were in their fourth or fifth year of studies in the University of Helsinki. The material was collected and analysed with a qualitative method. The interviews were semi-structured, and the material was analysed with a phenomenographic approach. The results of the study are based on categories of description formed by phenomenographic analysis. According to the results, class teacher students had a structured understanding of the holis-tic significance of primary education’s emotional education for children’s development. Emo-tional skills were considered as skills that improve children’s ability to identify and control feelings, empathy, social skills, and interaction with others. Emotional education was consid-ered an important part of primary education, whose aim is to create a base for the develop-ment of emotional skills and to improve the most significant emotional skills, as viewed by the primary school teacher students. The class teacher students felt as though they had not re-ceived enough education related to primary education’s emotional education and its imple-mentation. The class teacher students think the university should provide the basis and more information about practical methods that work in implementation of emotional education. The class teacher students would improve the teacher training’s methods of teaching and contents, in order to make processing emotional education more relevant and consistent.
  • Mäntyaho, Meri-Tuuli (2017)
    Physical activity has a major impact on children's growth and development. Positive movement experience in school can have an influence on lifelong continuation in physical activity. School-aged children spend a lot of time in schools and therefore teachers who teach physical education have a great responsibility on what kind of movement and physical activity experiences children gather during school day. Teachers' conceptions of what good physical education and good physical education teacher are influence their goal adjustment and content of instruction on their physical education. The aim of the present study is to describe what primary school teachers' conceptions of good physical education and good physical education teacher in elementary instruction consist of. In addition, this study tries to investigate how teachers' pedagogical thinking is expressed on their physical education. The methodology of this study is a qualitative research and the objective was to use a theme interview approach to formulate the results. The data of this research consists of five interviews of primary school teachers who teach or have taught physical education in elementary instruction. Four of the interviewees have accomplished a short secondary subject study in physical education (25 c) and one of them has taken an adapted physical activity instructor course (60 c). In addition, one of the five interviewees has taken subject-related studies in physical education (60c). The data was analysed by content analysis with phenomenographic approach. In addition, the researcher's own reflective approach is used. Teachers' conceptions of good physical education and physical education teacher in elementary instruction were varied. Fifteen different categories of the most highlighted conceptions were formed to describe good teaching and good teacher in the physical education of elementary instruction. These categories split into subject related descriptions: physical performance, versatility and methodicalness as well as into descriptions related to instruction climate and teacher's action: positivity, motivational, experiences of success, mental growth, coordination, differentiation, clear communication, performance and effectiveness, athletic lifestyle, patience and understanding, interest and assertiveness. Teachers' conceptions of good teaching in the physical education of elementary instruction could be seen either as thinking on action level or as thinking on 1st thinking level (object theories) depending on one's viewpoint of interpretation. The majority of the teachers' pedagogical thinking could be seen as thinking on 1st thinking level (object theories) though. Instead, no direct thinking on 2nd thinking level (metatheory) appeared.
  • Deppner, Ulla-Annika (2022)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, miten ilmastokasvatus huomioidaan ympäristökasvatuksessa 1. ja 2. luokalla koulussa. Samalla tutkittiin opettajien kokemuksia, millä tavoin luontoa oppimisympäristönä hyödynnetään alkuopetuksessa. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden mukaan vuosiluokilla 1. ja 2 ilmastokasvatus on ensisijaisesti arvo-, asenne – ja tunnekasvatusta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa taustassa aikaisempien tutkimusten lisäksi perehdytään Peruopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden (2014) tavoitteisiin. Opetussuunnitelman (2014) tavoitteiden mukaan, opetuksen tulee ohjata oppilasta syventämään kiinnostusta luontoa ja sen ilmiöitä kohtaan sekä vahvistamaan luontosuhdetta ja ympäristötietoisuutta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ilmastokasvatuksen tavoitteita ja toteuttamista alkuopetuksessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, millä tavoin luontoa oppimisympäristönä hyödynnetään alkuopetuksessa. Opettajan rooli oppimisympäristön kehittäjänä on tärkeätä, kun oppimisympäristöjä tarkastellaan didaktisesta tai pedagogisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen aineistonkeruu toteutettiin avoimella kyselylomakkeella. Laadullisen tutkimuksen tiedostonkeruu toteutettiin sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella kolmessa koulussa. Ainestoa kerättiin myös kahdesta Facebookin opettajien ryhmästä. Kahdeksan alkuopetuksen opettajaa vastasi kyselylomakkeen avoimiin kysymyksiin keväällä 2022. Tutkimuksen aineisto analysoitiin käyttämällä abduktiivista eli teoriaohjaavaa tutkimustapaa soveltaen fenomenografista lähestymistapaa. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että opettajat toteuttivat ilmastokasvatusta laaja-alaisesti ja luontoa oppimisympäristönä hyödynnettiin opetuksessa. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella arjen teot, osallisuus ja tunteet nousevat tärkeäksi osaksi koulun ilmastokasvatusta. Tutkimusaineistosta nousi esille, että luontoa oppimisympäristönä hyödynnettiin erityisesti äidinkielessä, matematiikassa, liikunnassa ja ympäristökasvatuksessa. Huomioitavaa on luonnon rauhoittava ja oppimista tukeva positiivinen vaikutus.
  • Oiva, Mari (2018)
    Research aims. The aim of the study is to examine what types of conflicts arise within first and second graders in primary education and how teachers experience these conflict situations and the process of resolving them. Numerous conflicts arise within first and second graders in their everyday school activities that require teacher’s attention. Previous studies have shown that these types of conflicts and the process of resolving them create a significant amount of stress for teachers. This study examines these conflict situations and how they come to existence in a school setting. Furthermore, teachers’ well-being at work and ability to manage work-related stress is being investigated together with questions such as which factors create stress for teachers, how stressful do teachers experience conflicts and the process of resolving them, what types of coping skills do teachers have for handling the stress arising from these conflicts and where do teachers acquire resources for their work. Methods. Five teachers who had experience on working with first and second graders in Helsinki region were interviewed for this study. Three of them were highly experienced whereas two were in the beginning of their teaching careers. Semi-structured interviews that were later carefully transcribed were used for data collection. Method of study was data-driven content analysis. All transcribed data was initially read through for an overall view. Later content that was most essential for research purposes and questions was inspected in more detail. The analysis was categorized to match research question of the present study as well as categories from previous studies and also connected to a broader research on the field. Finally, after describing the conflict situations and forming categories analyzing teachers’ experiences and coping skills, the most pivotal results were gathered. Results and conclusions. The conflicts within first and second graders emerged mainly in situations in which there was no adult supervision, when moving from one place to another or during class. The reasons behind these conflicts were often based in relationships, individual personality traits or specific situations that occurred in fast-phased school environment. According to the teachers, the most challenging part of the conflict resolution was the feeling of inadequacy. The less experienced teachers found these situations more challenging compared to those with more teaching experience as the latter often had better tools not only for resolving these conflicts but also for preventing them. Tools that the teachers used for resolving these conflicts were mostly resourceful and solution-focused.
  • Oiva, Mari (2018)
    Research aims. The aim of the study is to examine what types of conflicts arise within first and second graders in primary education and how teachers experience these conflict situations and the process of resolving them. Numerous conflicts arise within first and second graders in their everyday school activities that require teacher’s attention. Previous studies have shown that these types of conflicts and the process of resolving them create a significant amount of stress for teachers. This study examines these conflict situations and how they come to existence in a school setting. Furthermore, teachers’ well-being at work and ability to manage work-related stress is being investigated together with questions such as which factors create stress for teachers, how stressful do teachers experience conflicts and the process of resolving them, what types of coping skills do teachers have for handling the stress arising from these conflicts and where do teachers acquire resources for their work. Methods. Five teachers who had experience on working with first and second graders in Helsinki region were interviewed for this study. Three of them were highly experienced whereas two were in the beginning of their teaching careers. Semi-structured interviews that were later carefully transcribed were used for data collection. Method of study was data-driven content analysis. All transcribed data was initially read through for an overall view. Later content that was most essential for research purposes and questions was inspected in more detail. The analysis was categorized to match research question of the present study as well as categories from previous studies and also connected to a broader research on the field. Finally, after describing the conflict situations and forming categories analyzing teachers’ experiences and coping skills, the most pivotal results were gathered. Results and conclusions. The conflicts within first and second graders emerged mainly in situations in which there was no adult supervision, when moving from one place to another or during class. The reasons behind these conflicts were often based in relationships, individual personality traits or specific situations that occurred in fast-phased school environment. According to the teachers, the most challenging part of the conflict resolution was the feeling of inadequacy. The less experienced teachers found these situations more challenging compared to those with more teaching experience as the latter often had better tools not only for resolving these conflicts but also for preventing them. Tools that the teachers used for resolving these conflicts were mostly resourceful and solution-focused.
  • Haranko, Mira (2019)
    Pre-primary and early education can be seen as a very significant time period in child’s life. It has been addressed that there is a need for improving the curriculum for the continuation of pre-primary and early education. One of the most central forms of this development trend is the so called flexible pre-primary and early education. New development projects have started to emerge in Finland, with the goal of discovering new solutions for children’s early education. This research examines one of these projects. The task of this research is to describe what kind of experiences class teachers have about the “Alkuluokka” -development project that has been initiated in Southern Finland. The objective of this research was to survey the class teachers’ experiences and examine ways to improve the “Alkuluokka” -model based on that information. My research was a qualitative case study that examined the “Alkuluokka” -development project that was started in Southern Finnish municipality. The research was conducted by interviewing three class teachers in a semi-structured format. I analyzed the material using thematic analysis and visualized the results with thematic networks. “Alkuluokka” is a class form where pupils of pre-primary and early education are assigned to the same learning group. “Alkuluokka” can consist of both preschoolers and first- and second-graders. “Alkuluokka” is taught jointly by class teacher and kindergarten teacher. The main themes for describing the class teachers’ experiences were the following: teaching in the “Alkuluokka”, learning in the “Alkuluokka”, and improving the “Alkuluokka” model. The class teachers’ experiences were very favourable and they felt positively about collaborative teaching. They also deemed the opportunity for individual advancements in studies as one of the major advantages of “Alkuluokka”. It was noted that communality and peer learning are well emphasized in the model. Class teachers raised some questions about the administrative sector.
  • Haranko, Mira (2019)
    Pre-primary and early education can be seen as a very significant time period in child’s life. It has been addressed that there is a need for improving the curriculum for the continuation of pre-primary and early education. One of the most central forms of this development trend is the so called flexible pre-primary and early education. New development projects have started to emerge in Finland, with the goal of discovering new solutions for children’s early education. This research examines one of these projects. The task of this research is to describe what kind of experiences class teachers have about the “Alkuluokka” -development project that has been initiated in Southern Finland. The objective of this research was to survey the class teachers’ experiences and examine ways to improve the “Alkuluokka” -model based on that information. My research was a qualitative case study that examined the “Alkuluokka” -development project that was started in Southern Finnish municipality. The research was conducted by interviewing three class teachers in a semi-structured format. I analyzed the material using thematic analysis and visualized the results with thematic networks. “Alkuluokka” is a class form where pupils of pre-primary and early education are assigned to the same learning group. “Alkuluokka” can consist of both preschoolers and first- and second-graders. “Alkuluokka” is taught jointly by class teacher and kindergarten teacher. The main themes for describing the class teachers’ experiences were the following: teaching in the “Alkuluokka”, learning in the “Alkuluokka”, and improving the “Alkuluokka” model. The class teachers’ experiences were very favourable and they felt positively about collaborative teaching. They also deemed the opportunity for individual advancements in studies as one of the major advantages of “Alkuluokka”. It was noted that communality and peer learning are well emphasized in the model. Class teachers raised some questions about the administrative sector.
  • Ukkola, Hilma (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Lukutaito on tärkeä taito niin opiskelussa, työelämässä kuin vapaa-ajallakin. Lu-kemaan oppiminen on yksi keskeisimmistä koulussa opittavista taidoista, jotta yksilö voi kas-vaa osaksi yhteiskuntaa ja ymmärtää ympäröivää maailmaa. Ilman sujuvaa lukutaitoa lapsen tiedonsaanti ja oppiminen rajoittuvat huomattavasti. Erityisopetusta tarvitsevien oppilaiden määrä on Suomessa kasvanut koko 2000-luvun ajan, ja lukivaikeudet ovat merkittävin eri-tyisopetuksen tukea vaativa oppimisen ongelma alaluokkalaisilla. Tämän tutkielman tarkoi-tuksena on selvittää, millä tavoin alkuopetuksessa voidaan tukea oppilaita, joilla on lukemis-vaikeus. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto rajattiin 2000-luvulla julkaistuun aihetta käsittelevään tutkimukseen. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä on käytetty aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Aineisto on haettu tietokannoista Helka, Google Scholar ja Eric. Hakusanoina on käytetty muun muassa sanoja lukemisvaikeus, dysleksia, alkuopetus, lukivaikeus, reading disorder ja learning difficulty. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimusaineistosta löydettiin tuenmuotoja niin teknisen lukutai-don kuin luetunymmärtämisen taidon kehitykseen. Teknistä lukutaitoa tuettiin perinteisellä eri-tyisopetuksella, Ekapelillä ja yksilöllisellä lukikuntoutuksella. Erityisen hyviä tuloksia saatiin yhdistämällä erityisopetus ja Ekapeli. Luetunymmärtämisen taitoa pyrittiin kehittämään ja tu-kemaan aktivoimalla vanhempia lukemaan ääneen lapsilleen. Tulosten perusteella kaikissa tuenmuodoissa oleellista on säännöllisyys ja pitkäjänteisyys. Konkreettisten keinojen lisäksi tutkimusaineistossa korostettiin motivaation ja onnistumisen kokemusten merkitystä, kun ky-seessä on lapsi, jolla on lukemisvaikeus.