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  • Elomaa, Sanna (2020)
    Sosiaalinen media on isossa roolissa nuorten elämässä. Mediakasvatuksen yhtenä tärkeänä tehtävänä on opettaa nuori tarkastelemaan erilaisia mediasisältöjä kriittisesti. Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia erään hyvinvointi-, terveys- ja kauneustuotteita myyvän verkostomarkkinointiyrityksen jälleenmyyjien Instagram-profiilien sisältöjä narratiivisen tapaustutkimuksen keinoin. Myös nuoret törmäävät verkostomarkkinointiin sosiaalisessa mediassa, joten tämä tutkimus antaa arvokasta tietoa siitä, mitä heidän tulisi verkostomarkkinoinnista tietää. Tutkimuksessa haetaan vastauksia siihen, miten jälleemyyjät kasvattavat uskottavuuttaan sosiaalisessa mediassa, ilmeneekö heidän Instagram-julkaisuissaan verkostomarkkinointiin liitettyjä eettisiä ongelmia ja näyttääkö siltä, että jälleenmyyjiä motivoivat samanlaiset tekijät kuin muita sisällöntuottajia. Tutkimuskysymyksiin etsittiin vastauksia narratiivisen tapaustutkimuksen avulla. Tutkimuksen aineisto muodostui yhteensä viidestäkymmenestä Instagram julkaisusta, jotka kerättiin kymmenestä eri profiilista. Aineisto kerättiin Instagramista aihetunnisteiden avulla selailemalla. Tutkimusta tehdessä Instagramista käytettiin selainversiota. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen perusteella sisällöntuottajia motivoivat tekijät voidaan jakaa yksilöllisiin ja yhteisöllisiin tekijöihin. Myös aineiston analyysi on jaettu yksilöllisyyttä ja yhteisöllisyyttä ilmentäviin narratiiveihin. Tulosten perusteella jälleenmyyjiä motivoivat samat tekijät kuin sisällöntuottajia, kuten esimerkiksi yhteisöllisyys. Nämä tekijät ilmenivät aineistossa tavalla, josta on mahdollista löytää yhtäläisyyksiä myös verkostomarkkinointiin liitettyjen eettisten ongelmien kanssa. Motivaatiotekijät ja eettiset ongelmat kulkevat näin ollen pitkälti käsikädessä. Lisäksi tulokset paljastivat, että ainakin sosiaalisessa mediassa jälleenmyyjät tuntuvat markkinoivan tuotteiden sijaan jotain muuta, kuten yhteisöllisyyttä tai ystävyyttä.
  • Keituri, Mari (2018)
    The purpose of the study was to investigate how experience in recreational crafts aids students in their work on a course for a new craft technique, i.e. basketry. The idea emerged from my own reflections as a basketry instructor. On the courses, some students work adeptly and produce skilful basketry despite being involved in basketry for the first time. The hypothesis was that previous involvement in recreational crafts yields a positive influence on learning a new craft technique. The study population included two groups enrolled at an adult education centre, one of which comprised craft enthusiasts participating on a basketry course taught by me. Eleven adult women enrolled in the course. The second group constituted the control group and was collected from among willing students participating in courses not related to crafts at the adult education centre. Ten adult women signed up for the control group, 9 of whom completed the entire course and one dropped out before the final basketry technique. The research question was: In what way is prior involvement in recreational crafts evident in learning a new skill? An answer to this question was sought by observing video recordings of the courses. To support the observations, the students were asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding their educational background and hobbies as well as their thoughts and opinions about basketry after the course. The material was analysed by means of content analysis, categorising the observations according to the main themes of skill learning, transfer of learning, and expertise. An extensive involvement in recreational crafts had a positive effect on learning basketry skills. The crafts enthusiasts who had experience and skills in several fields of handicrafts performed the best in all categories. The crafts enthusiasts with experience in a narrow field of crafts did not perform as well, with the exception of two young, highly educated participants. Out of the crafts novices, a few did well and exhibited a particular reflective ability and active learning. During the short course, those with previous experience in recreational crafts were no doubt aided by familiar practices, i.e. the context of crafts, resulting in a swift immersion in the work. The novices had a slower start, but the differences evened out towards the end. In conclusion, an extensive and in-depth experience in crafts is helpful in working with a new craft technique. On the other hand, adult students have accumulated a multitude of knowledge and skills over the course of their lives, which can be useful when facing new challenges, but such factors were difficult to visualise in the present study.
  • Partonen, Aino (2024)
    Objectives. This paper examines the epistemic activity of a small group of 7th grade comprehensive school pupils in a single session of innovation. The pupils work together to design and build a "smart pillow". The pupils' handicraft combines electrical engineering and sewing. The study analyzes epistemic search sequences (ESS): situations in which pupils fill in gaps in their knowledge. In these situations, the pupils ask and answer questions in an informed way. The paper explores how pupils negotiate shared epistemic expertise and knowledge construction in their interactions. The paper analyzes the verbal, gestural, and material interactions of pupils. Methods. Conversation analysis (CA) looks at interaction moment by moment. It is based on pupils' interpretations of each other's verbal and nonverbal actions. The primary data for the study is video footage recorded with a single camera and microphone, which was then transcribed. The same group of pupils was previously studied (Davies et al., 2023; Mehto et al., 2020b) using mostly theory-driven methods with focus on a longer time span of collaboration. However, CA brings the pupils' interactions into a data-driven focus that includes microanalytical study of verbal, gestural, and material activities during a single meeting. Results and conclusions. The epistemic interaction between pupils was learning oriented. The analysis showed that the pupils made progress in their work by frequently asking and answering questions (F=157). Through question-answer adjacency pairs, pupils positioned themselves as epistemically knowledgeable (K) in different ways. The analysis showed that pupils who were more frequently positioned as more knowledgeable (K+) asked more informative questions and gave more instructions. Pupils used gestures to guide their work. They used gaze to review information stored both on the prototype and a smartphone. Pupils also showed epistemic evaluation expertise with the use of modal verbs. The pupils approached craft know-how from perspectives of possibility and necessity. The most frequently used modal verbs were voida (can), pitää (must), saada (get) and kannattaa (it is worth).
  • Partonen, Aino (2024)
    Objectives. This paper examines the epistemic activity of a small group of 7th grade comprehensive school pupils in a single session of innovation. The pupils work together to design and build a "smart pillow". The pupils' handicraft combines electrical engineering and sewing. The study analyzes epistemic search sequences (ESS): situations in which pupils fill in gaps in their knowledge. In these situations, the pupils ask and answer questions in an informed way. The paper explores how pupils negotiate shared epistemic expertise and knowledge construction in their interactions. The paper analyzes the verbal, gestural, and material interactions of pupils. Methods. Conversation analysis (CA) looks at interaction moment by moment. It is based on pupils' interpretations of each other's verbal and nonverbal actions. The primary data for the study is video footage recorded with a single camera and microphone, which was then transcribed. The same group of pupils was previously studied (Davies et al., 2023; Mehto et al., 2020b) using mostly theory-driven methods with focus on a longer time span of collaboration. However, CA brings the pupils' interactions into a data-driven focus that includes microanalytical study of verbal, gestural, and material activities during a single meeting. Results and conclusions. The epistemic interaction between pupils was learning oriented. The analysis showed that the pupils made progress in their work by frequently asking and answering questions (F=157). Through question-answer adjacency pairs, pupils positioned themselves as epistemically knowledgeable (K) in different ways. The analysis showed that pupils who were more frequently positioned as more knowledgeable (K+) asked more informative questions and gave more instructions. Pupils used gestures to guide their work. They used gaze to review information stored both on the prototype and a smartphone. Pupils also showed epistemic evaluation expertise with the use of modal verbs. The pupils approached craft know-how from perspectives of possibility and necessity. The most frequently used modal verbs were voida (can), pitää (must), saada (get) and kannattaa (it is worth).
  • Turusenaho, Päivi (2016)
    Changing work as well as changing expertise requirements are an often discussed topic in our current public discussion. In this study, the main interests were the conceptions of expertise and experiences of changing work and expertise requirements. The participants of the study (n=12) were a group of professionals working in a company providing language services. The aim of the study was to analyse how the participants understand expertise and what kind of changes and new expertise requirements they have experienced at their work. The main analytical concept of the study is expertise, and the theoretical framework consists of research literature on expertise on individual and collective dimensions which were compared to the conceptions of expertise among the sample group. The changes the research subjects have experienced at work were thematically analyzed by mirroring their views against some viewpoints on changing work and the historical work types. The study is based on a qualitative research strategy and the material was analysed by applying phenomenographic content analysis. The material was collected through one-to-one interviews. The work related expertise as described by the participants is presented through examples, whereas the phenomenographic analysis focuses on the participants’ conceptions of expertise and on experiences of changes of work. To conclude, the results of the study were collected to categories of description. The results clearly showed that the contextual dimension of expertise as experience in the professional field was considered as one of the most important element of expertise. In addition to knowledge, skills, self-awareness and education, expertise was also related to learning new things as a prerequisite for expertise development. Also, knowing the customer was seen as expertise. In addition, respect from others was also seen as part of being an expert. In this material, expertise was portrayed more as an individual rather than a collective quality, even though the work was considered a team effort. The changes at work were related to increasing customer demands, changing technology and financial pressures. Despite these changes, the underlying nature of work was seen as unchanged and overall, the changes were not considered to lead to any completely new expertise requirements.
  • Turusenaho, Päivi (2016)
    Changing work as well as changing expertise requirements are an often discussed topic in our current public discussion. In this study, the main interests were the conceptions of expertise and experiences of changing work and expertise requirements. The participants of the study (n=12) were a group of professionals working in a company providing language services. The aim of the study was to analyse how the participants understand expertise and what kind of changes and new expertise requirements they have experienced at their work. The main analytical concept of the study is expertise, and the theoretical framework consists of research literature on expertise on individual and collective dimensions which were compared to the conceptions of expertise among the sample group. The changes the research subjects have experienced at work were thematically analyzed by mirroring their views against some viewpoints on changing work and the historical work types. The study is based on a qualitative research strategy and the material was analysed by applying phenomenographic content analysis. The material was collected through one-to-one interviews. The work related expertise as described by the participants is presented through examples, whereas the phenomenographic analysis focuses on the participants' conceptions of expertise and on experiences of changes of work. To conclude, the results of the study were collected to categories of description. The results clearly showed that the contextual dimension of expertise as experience in the professional field was considered as one of the most important element of expertise. In addition to knowledge, skills, self-awareness and education, expertise was also related to learning new things as a prerequisite for expertise development. Also, knowing the customer was seen as expertise. In addition, respect from others was also seen as part of being an expert. In this material, expertise was portrayed more as an individual rather than a collective quality, even though the work was considered a team effort. The changes at work were related to increasing customer demands, changing technology and financial pressures. Despite these changes, the underlying nature of work was seen as unchanged and overall, the changes were not considered to lead to any completely new expertise requirements.
  • Rantamoijanen, Antti (2016)
    The release of Finnish nutrition recommendations in 2014 has caused a lot of debate both in public discourse and in various medias. The debate around food and nutrition reflects into people’s attitudes and is therefore relevant issue to be discussed in the field of home economics science. The purpose of nutrition education in schools is, among other things, to share knowledge from different view-points of nutrition. How adolescents experience the discourse of nutrition and the status of home economics in nutritional education are vital topics in the field of home economics. The purpose of this thesis is to examine upper secondary school students’ and nutrition experts’ viewpoints on the Finnish nutrition discourse. The empirical analysis of the study is based on two sets of data: 37 essays of nutrition written by students and five theme interviews conducted with nutrition experts. The purpose of the essays and the interviews was to map out the responders' experiences of and viewpoints on the Finnish discourse regarding nutritional knowledge. I also wanted to examine the experts’ images over the status of home economics education in nutrition education. The data were analyzed by qualitative research content analysis. The results show that both students and nutrition experts comprehend the nutrition discourse as a highly tensed phenomenon, where both experimental and scientific based knowledge argue. This perception endorses previous research results. The students acknowledge science as the basis of nutrition knowledge but still consider that experimental expertise is needed to adapt nutrition knowledge into action. The nutrition experts call for more critical thinking into nutrition education. Culture related to food education in schools should also be more coherent. The experts consider that the teaching of home economics has a small but still visible status on contributing the healthy diet of adolescents.
  • Puranen, Päivi (2023)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan asiantuntijuutta eduskunnan valiokuntien asiantuntijakonsultaatioiden valossa. Tutkin koronapandemian päätösaineistoon kuuluvien hallituksen esitysten valiokuntakäsittelyihin kutsuttuja asiantuntijoita aikavälillä 12.3.2020–31.12.2022. Käsitteellistin tutkittavaa ilmiötä luokittelemalla valiokuntien tekemiä asiantuntijakonsultaatioita (n= 3387) asiantuntijoiden edustaman organisaation perustella. Aineisto kerättiin eduskunnan avoimen verkkopalvelun kautta. Aikaisemman tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan olettaa, että koronakriisi sai aikaan tarpeen konsultoida ja hankkia uutta tietoa erilaisilta asiantuntijoilta, kuin normaaliaikana. Eduskunnan valiokunnilla on suuri painoarvo eduskunnan sisäisessä työskentelyssä, mm. siksi, että valiokunnan mietintö toimii eduskunnan täysistuntokäsittelyn pohjana. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena olikin kartoittaa minkälaisen asiantuntemuksen valiokunnat ovat nähneet tarpeelliseksi koronaresponssin lainsäädännön laatimisessa. Asiantuntijuuden käytön jäsentämiseksi tarkastelen asiantuntijakonsultaatioita kolmesta näkökulmasta. Nämä ovat 1) tiedontuotannon regiimin ja 2) reaktiivisen substanssineuvonnan näkökulmat, joiden avulla voidaan kuvata keskenään limittäinen osa aineistosta sekä 3) organisaatiotahoina, jonka avulla koko aineisto on luokiteltavissa. Strukturoitu luokittelurunko rakentui aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella. Luokittelun jälkeen kvantifioin tuloksia; syntyneitä luokkia kuvataan sanallisesti sekä ristiintaulukoimalla. Organisaatiotahojen osalta voidaan todeta kolmannen sektorin ja yrityssektorin kutsujen osuuden kasvaneen ja julkisen sektorin saamien kutsujen osuuden vähentyneen aiemmasta. On mahdollista, että koronapandemiaa edeltänyt, institutionalisoitu toimintamalli on kehystänyt valiokuntien ja asiantuntijoiden vuorovaikutusta myös covid-19-pandemian hallintaan tähtäävissä toimissa. Tiedontuotannon regiimin teoriaa sovellettaessa ongelmaksi voi muodostua se, että merkittävä joukko asiantuntijuutta edustavia tahoja jää tarkastelun ulkopuolelle; regiimin toimijoiksi määriteltyjen yksityisten tutkimuslaitosten sijaan valiokunnat näyttävät kääntyvän herkemmin suoraan niiden taustatahojen puoleen.
  • Puranen, Päivi (2023)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan asiantuntijuutta eduskunnan valiokuntien asiantuntijakonsultaatioiden valossa. Tutkin koronapandemian päätösaineistoon kuuluvien hallituksen esitysten valiokuntakäsittelyihin kutsuttuja asiantuntijoita aikavälillä 12.3.2020–31.12.2022. Käsitteellistin tutkittavaa ilmiötä luokittelemalla valiokuntien tekemiä asiantuntijakonsultaatioita (n= 3387) asiantuntijoiden edustaman organisaation perustella. Aineisto kerättiin eduskunnan avoimen verkkopalvelun kautta. Aikaisemman tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan olettaa, että koronakriisi sai aikaan tarpeen konsultoida ja hankkia uutta tietoa erilaisilta asiantuntijoilta, kuin normaaliaikana. Eduskunnan valiokunnilla on suuri painoarvo eduskunnan sisäisessä työskentelyssä, mm. siksi, että valiokunnan mietintö toimii eduskunnan täysistuntokäsittelyn pohjana. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena olikin kartoittaa minkälaisen asiantuntemuksen valiokunnat ovat nähneet tarpeelliseksi koronaresponssin lainsäädännön laatimisessa. Asiantuntijuuden käytön jäsentämiseksi tarkastelen asiantuntijakonsultaatioita kolmesta näkökulmasta. Nämä ovat 1) tiedontuotannon regiimin ja 2) reaktiivisen substanssineuvonnan näkökulmat, joiden avulla voidaan kuvata keskenään limittäinen osa aineistosta sekä 3) organisaatiotahoina, jonka avulla koko aineisto on luokiteltavissa. Strukturoitu luokittelurunko rakentui aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella. Luokittelun jälkeen kvantifioin tuloksia; syntyneitä luokkia kuvataan sanallisesti sekä ristiintaulukoimalla. Organisaatiotahojen osalta voidaan todeta kolmannen sektorin ja yrityssektorin kutsujen osuuden kasvaneen ja julkisen sektorin saamien kutsujen osuuden vähentyneen aiemmasta. On mahdollista, että koronapandemiaa edeltänyt, institutionalisoitu toimintamalli on kehystänyt valiokuntien ja asiantuntijoiden vuorovaikutusta myös covid-19-pandemian hallintaan tähtäävissä toimissa. Tiedontuotannon regiimin teoriaa sovellettaessa ongelmaksi voi muodostua se, että merkittävä joukko asiantuntijuutta edustavia tahoja jää tarkastelun ulkopuolelle; regiimin toimijoiksi määriteltyjen yksityisten tutkimuslaitosten sijaan valiokunnat näyttävät kääntyvän herkemmin suoraan niiden taustatahojen puoleen.
  • Kulmala, Satu (2020)
    Target: This study examines school culture, teachers’ professional development and school’s development needs through teachers’ experience. The aim of the study was to examine the following three themes: 1) How do the teachers’ experience the school culture, 2) How do teachers’ experience their professional development and expertise and 3) What kind of development needs do the teachers bring out in the interviews. Method: The research data was gathered from a school located in the Helsinki Metropolitan area and it consisted of semi-structured interview material from 12 teachers’ of the target school. The data was analysed by qualitative content analysis. I grouped and thematised the interview data, coded and categorized meanings related to the themes identified, and finally, analysed the interdependencies between the categories and meanings. Findings and conclusions: The findings of this study indicated that teachers’ experience the school culture as collaborative in terms of working closely together, helping each other and sharing knowledge. The culture is based on inclusion, supported by versatile working methods, like group pedagogy and co-teaching. Phenomenon-based learning assists in integrating teachers’ knowhow across subject and class levels and engages students in the planning and implementation of teaching. The teacher expertise is a process that progressively develops both at individual and community levels. Teacher activity plays a major role both in expanding professional development and in creating a personal network. The school’s development needs were related to every challenge, such as limiting the burden of developmental projects and operational goals, and utilizing digitalization in teaching. The result of this research indicated that at best, the school functions as a learning community that is open, reflective and willing to learn, utilizing diverse working methods and delivering transversal competence. The learning community creates the conditions for professional development and knowledge sharing. Based on the results of this research, the school’s culture can be further developed, supporting the involvement and well-being of both teachers and students.
  • Kulmala, Satu (2020)
    Target: This study examines school culture, teachers’ professional development and school’s development needs through teachers’ experience. The aim of the study was to examine the following three themes: 1) How do the teachers’ experience the school culture, 2) How do teachers’ experience their professional development and expertise and 3) What kind of development needs do the teachers bring out in the interviews. Method: The research data was gathered from a school located in the Helsinki Metropolitan area and it consisted of semi-structured interview material from 12 teachers’ of the target school. The data was analysed by qualitative content analysis. I grouped and thematised the interview data, coded and categorized meanings related to the themes identified, and finally, analysed the interdependencies between the categories and meanings. Findings and conclusions: The findings of this study indicated that teachers’ experience the school culture as collaborative in terms of working closely together, helping each other and sharing knowledge. The culture is based on inclusion, supported by versatile working methods, like group pedagogy and co-teaching. Phenomenon-based learning assists in integrating teachers’ knowhow across subject and class levels and engages students in the planning and implementation of teaching. The teacher expertise is a process that progressively develops both at individual and community levels. Teacher activity plays a major role both in expanding professional development and in creating a personal network. The school’s development needs were related to every challenge, such as limiting the burden of developmental projects and operational goals, and utilizing digitalization in teaching. The result of this research indicated that at best, the school functions as a learning community that is open, reflective and willing to learn, utilizing diverse working methods and delivering transversal competence. The learning community creates the conditions for professional development and knowledge sharing. Based on the results of this research, the school’s culture can be further developed, supporting the involvement and well-being of both teachers and students.
  • Leppäharju, Saara (2011)
    This study is about competence development in an expertise organization. Also, gender as a cultural and discursive construction was examined. The foucauldian critical discourse analysis and the theory of critical management and organization studies formed the theoretical and methodological framework. As the research phenomenon was understood as discursively produced, power is defined through the idea of government and as a knowledge constituting concept. It was examined what kind of reality, discursive subject positions, and finally, what kind of gender is produced in the discourse covered in this study. The context of the study was an expertise company that provides comprehensive infrastructure services. Managing and leading experts were therefore one of the main themes of the study. The qualitative research data was collected in a research project which concentrated on the possibilities, barriers and preconditions of the competence and career development in three different organizations. The gender viewpoint was included in the research project. The data was collected with a semi-structured interview. In this study nine individual interviews from one of the organizations were used, of which three were managers' interviews and six were the interviews of employees . The data was analyzed with the critical discourse-analytical reading approach when the data was interpreted as the discourse of competence development. The findings identify the examined discourse as a governmental method of discipline which entwines to the business strategy of the company, producing reality about the importance of continuous competence development. It demands employees to define themselves as self-developmental and active subjects. The employees adopted the discourse by constructing themselves as experts who are willing to develop, but who at the same time are challenging hierarchical power relationships. Expertise enables position to challenge manager-subordinate relationships by constructing them as cooperational and equal. Manager-position was constructed as a legitimized developer imposed by the organization as well as a mentor who facilitates the self-direction of the employees. Generally gender was produced as a concept independent of sex. However, at the same time gender was constructed through the differences between the sexes, being either advantage or a barrier for an individual. As a conclusion, it can be interpreted that being a subordinate and a manager seems to be changing and situational in contemporary organizations. The study reveals the changing forms of control in organizations and the requirement of more subjective work.
  • Rintanen, Kristiina (2013)
    The aim of this study was to describe where dog owners are looking for information from when pet becomes ill or shows symptoms and what factors affect clinic of choice. In addition to explaining how the pet's medical care is realized, as well as how consumers see veterinarian status and professionalism. The main data consists interviews of 17 dog owners, as well as interviews of the three veterinarian. Secondary data was collected by observing the work, facilities and atmosphere of three veterinary clinic, as well as social media by reading a dog-themed discussion forums. The research data analysis has been used thematic analysis. The main subjects are the pet health-related information search, a veterinary check, the owner's commitment to pet care and veterinary medicine expert status. Dog owners tell about their pets' health and care for them to be important. When pet shows symptoms or illness, dog owners are looking for information and guidelines on social media, acquaintances, breeders and veterinarians.Veterinary clinic is usually chosen for their location and the recommendations of the (WOM) basis. Good service offering and veterinary expertise get a dog owner to remain a user of services. Dog owners and veterinarians have different point of views when it comes to commitment to drug therapy. Dog owners say they are committed to the pet medication, but veterinarians feel that the owners tend to forget or do not get fed drugs to pets successfully. Dog owners are seen to rely veterinarians even more than the people of the treating physician, as a pet treated as a small child, who can not speak. In this case, the layman is a reliable professional. Vets feel pride in themselves and their own profession. Vets feel that they are in professional expert position.
  • Laitinen, Kiti (2015)
    The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the notions and experiences ageing employees have about the development of expertise as well as collaboration with fellow experts. The research questions were firstly, how does expertise develop, secondly, for what purposes are shared expertise and networking used at work, and thirdly, how do ageing and experience manifest themselves at expert work? This topic is relevant, because the changes in information work and the more complicated work environments require development from employees in their own as well as in cooperative work. According to previous studies a shared, aim-specific course of action develops collective acquisition of information, which in turn results in growing collective expertise. However, ageing has not been sufficiently recognised or profited from in the previous studies about the development of expertise. This provides a motive for this study. The theoretical framework of the study focuses on examining the development of shared expertise from the viewpoint of building information by combining cognitive, unshared expertise and the kind of expertise that arises from sociocultural theory. The data were gathered through thematic interviews with ten employees between 50 and 64 years of age. With the help of content analysis the answers were divided into three categories: the development of expertise, cooperation and networking, and age and experience at expert work. In addition to these, the theme of changes in expertise arose from the data. In accordance with theoretical framework, the results highlighted the fact that expertise was not seen merely as an unshared characteristic, but instead its development required interaction with others. Usually this development coincided with a change that caused a push forward. Aim-specific actorship, networking, and the sharing of skill and information helped the experts to reach better results. Expertise was seen as something developing through age and experience, but varying ages proved to be an advantage when different strengths and experiences could be profited from as a part of shared expertise. As a conclusion it is advisable to support, share, and make use of the skills and knowledge of people of varying ages more than before in order to develop shared expertise.
  • Juuti-Malmström, Jemina (2011)
    Ampuma-aselain uudistushankkeen valmistelu alkoi vuonna 2008 ja on aiheuttanut paljon keskustelua siitä asti. Traagisten aserikosten aiheuttama keskustelu ja paine kansainvälisten EU-direktiivien noudattamisesta johtivat aselakiuudistukseen. Julkisessa keskustelussa on noussut esille mielipiteitä aina yksityishenkilön oikeuksista yhteiskunnan vastuuseen rikosten estämisessä. Lainvalmisteluprosessi ja yhteiskunnan moraalin limittyminen on sosiologisesti mielenkiintoinen ilmiö. Siinä yhdistyy pohdinta yhteiskunnan moraalista tai kollektiivisesta identiteetistä, auktoriteetista, asiantuntijuudesta sekä konkreettisia arkielämään liittyvistä vapauksista ja rajoitteista. Pro gradu -tutkielmani tarkastelee ampuma-aselain valmistelua erityisesti sidosryhmien kuulemisen eli valmisteluprosessin demokraattisuuden näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena on selvittää 1) miten kuulemisprosessi on edennyt ja minkälaisia argumentteja ja argumentointitapoja lausunnoissa on käytetty ennen kuin laki on saanut lopullisen muotonsa. 2) miten asiantuntijatieto määrittyy aselain uudistusprosessissa. 3) minkälaisia instituutionaalisia ja kulttuurisia tekijöitä sekä normeja aselainvalmistelun taustalla on ja 4) miten aselain valmisteluprosessi ilmentää demokratiaa, sekä 5) keiden ehdotukset ja mielipiteet on otettu itse lakiin ja miten mielipiteet jakautuvat. Teoreettisena pohjana on käytetty demokratian jakoa kolmeen; deliberatiiviseen demokratiaan ihanteena, osallistuvaan demokratiaan tavoitteena ja edustukselliseen demokratiaan lainvalmistelulle kehyksen luovana todellisuutena. Lisäksi lainvalmisteluprosessia tarkasteltiin kuvailevan, normatiivisen ja empiirisen laivalmistelumallin pohjalta. Aineistona käytettiin aselain valmistelua varten kuultujen kirjallisia lausuntoja. Lausujat kommentoivat hallituksen esitystä laiksi. Tutkimusmetodi on aineistolähtöinen (grounded theory) ja diskurssianalyyttinen. Aineistosta luotiin typologia kuultavan taustan mukaan. Lausunnot käytiin siis kaikki läpi, dokumentoitiin taulukoihin ja ja niistä nostettiin esille keskeisimmät teemat (esim. asiantuntijuus) ja argumentoititavat (esim. laintuntemus). Keskeisimmät ja havainnollistavimmat lausunnot ja lausuntotavat sisällöllisine mielipiteineen ja lainauksineen nostetaan ryhmittäin esille kokonaiskuvan selkeyttämiseksi. Lisäksi analyysissä nostetaan esille muista poikkeavia tapauksia ja keskeisimpiä sisällöllisiä teemoja. Analyysia jatkettiin typologiasta tarkastelemalla sisällöllisiä teemoja teoreettisen viitekehyksen sisällä. Aselain uudistuksessa on kuultu varsin montaa sidosryhmää ja osa heistä on ollut myös mukana lakia valmistelevissa työryhmissä. Lisäksi internetissä on voinut vastata sisäministeriön kyselyyn aiheesta. Lausujat kommentoivat lakiuudistusta omista lähtökohdistaan käsin, joten jaottelu viiteen ryhmään toimi hyvin ja toi esille selkeän jakautumisen mielipiteissä. Lain toimeenpaneva ryhmä kannatti uudistusta joko osittain tai täysin. Aseintressiryhmät taas vastustivat tai puolsivat hanketta osittain. Puolustusviranomaisista valtaosa puolsi osittain hanketta ja loput täysin. Oikeusviranomaiset puolsivat kaikki lakiuudistusta osittain ja muut lausujat täysin. Kaikista ryhmistä on saatu mielipiteitä lopulliseen lakiin ja kaikista ryhmistä niitä on myös jäänyt ulkopuolelle. Lausunnoissa kommentoitiin mm. terveystietojen luovuttamista, uudistuksen motiivia, raha/resurssikysymyksiä, lupamenettelyä ja lainvalmisteluprosessin etenemistä. Kuultujen joukossa on lainvalmistelun asiantuntijoita ja asianomaisia. Nämä kaksi käsitettä limittyvät paikoin. Asiantuntijuuteen vedottiin yhtenä argumentointitavoista eniten ja eri tavoin. Toimeenpanevassa ryhmässä omaa asiantuntijuutta tai auktoriteettiasemaa korostettiin vähemmän kuin aseintressiryhmässä. Toimeenpanevassa ryhmässä käytettiin myös enemmän virkamieskieltä kuin aseintressiryhmässä jonka sisällä saattoi olla varsin tunteikasta lausumista ja toisaalta taas ministeriötasolla maltillisempaa. Puolustusviranomaiset antoivat verrattaen paljon parannusehdotuksia lakiin ja oikeusviranomaiset kommentoivat lähinnä sanamuotoja ja uudistuksen sopivuutta oikeusjärjestelmän kokonaisuuteen. Aseintressiryhmä poikkesi muista lausujista siinä, että siihen kuuluvien ryhmien lausunnoissa kommentoitiin eniten ns. oman asiantuntijuuden ulkopuolelta ja tunteenomaisemmin kuin muissa kuultujen ryhmissä. Lakiuudistusta vastustavat käyttivät enemmän erilaisia argumentointikeinoja kuin uudistusta puoltavat. Esimerkiksi oikeudellisen ja lakiteknisen tietotaidon omaamista voidaan lausuntojen perusteella pitää asiantuntijuuden korostamisen keinona, sisällöllisenä argumenttina ja kulttuurisena pääomana jonka avulla on mahdollista saavuttaa poliittista valtaa ja saada oma mielipiteensä kuulluksi. Asiantuntijuuteen vedottiin mm. ammattitaidon, aseman ja lain tuntemuksen perusteella. Aineiston analyysin perustella päädytään tulokseen että osallistuvan demokratian periaatteiden mukaisesti on kuultuja ollut paljon ja jokaisella on ollut mahdollisuus tulla kuulluksi. Kuulemismahdollisuus ei kuitenkaan tarkoita vaikutusmahdollisuutta ja näin paljon toisistaan eroavien mielipiteiden yhdistäminen kaikkia osapuolia mielyttävällä tavalla on mahdotonta eli deliberatiivisen demokratian ihanteet eivät täyty. Mielipiteet ovat jakautuneet lausujan taustan mukaisesti lähes jokaisessa tapauksessa ja lakiuudistusta on kommentoitu omasta lähtökohdasta käsin. Yhteiskunnan tila ja kollektiivinen moraali on vaikuttanut lakiuudistuksen syntyyn ja aselain muotoutuminen jatkuu.
  • Aronen, Katri (2014)
    The purpose of this narrative study is to ascertain how kindergarten teachers perceive their pedagogical responsibility in the context of the distributed organization and how they feel their responsibilities have changed expertise in the development of the over time. Changes in the social environment and the shift towards an increasingly distributed organization model in early childhood education are reflected in to need to review and redefine the pedagogical responsibility of the kindergarten teacher. The aim of the study is to define kindergarten teacher's pedagogical responsibility in a postmodern society and to describe its evolution in the wake of the changing nature of the expertise in question of kindergarten teaching. The study analysed views regarding the pedagogical responsibility from the perspective of different teacher generations. The three generations that became apparent from the study were the generation that witnessed the expansion of children's day care outside the home, the experienced early childhood educators, and the latest generation of early childhood educators who are at the beginning of their career. The theoretical framework for the study is formed by research into both kindergarten teacher expertise and distributed organization. The data included eleven (11) kindergarten teacher's diaries. The data was analysed using the methods of structural narrative analysis (Labov 1967) and content analysis. The data acquisition and analysis methods support the objective in narrative research, which is to "give a voice" to the target group of the research. The research findings show that kindergarten teachers have a clear and structured understanding of pedagogical responsibility and the area of its content that falls under their remit. The evolution of pedagogical responsibility is an on going process, affected by personal characteristics as well as societal and particularly early childhood educators at the beginning of their careers felt a lack of confidence in taking pedagogical responsibility in relation to the other members of their team. Kindergarten teachers voiced a wish that directors of day care centers and the organisation would lend their support to their professional development and to carrying out their pedagogical responsibility. The research findings highlighted the importance of pedagogical leadership as a precondition for high-quality early childhood education. The pedagogical responsibility of kindergarten teachers was studied investigated in the present study exclusively in relation to each kindergarten teacher's own team. However, the shift towards shared pedagogical leadership may be deemed a necessary developmental path in the distributed early childhood education organisation.
  • Mäkinen, Tuula (2014)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the kindergarten teachers' experiences of university studies and working life. The research questions were: 1) How do the kindergarten teachers see their own professional skills at the induction stage? 2) What kind of do the kindergarten teachers experience the relation between themselves and the work at the induction stage? The theoretical framework of the study was influenced by prior literature on central concepts such as the kindergarten teacher's profession, expertise, professional development and generic skills. The study was a qualitative study. The data were collected by personal theme interviews. Ten kindergarten teachers graduated from Helsinki university took part in the research. In the profession they had worked at most three years after their graduation. The respondents of the study were chosen randomly. The data were analysed using the content analysis based predominantly on the original data of the informants. The phenomena concerning the first main research question were classified to four main categories of professional knowledge; educational knowledge, knowledge of working life, independently learned skills and personal qualities. The phenomena concerning the other research question were classified to two main categories; what things do match to work and what things do not match to work. The research findings showed that the kindergarten teachers had got good theoretical basic knowledge and the generic skills such as the critical thinking skills during university education. The kindergarten teachers experienced that especially the practical teaching gave the best readiness for the practical work and their cooperation and communication skills developed. The positive feedback given by children, parents and colleagues created belief in knowing. Professional development began gradually. The contradiction between education and working life arose most dissatisfaction. The loading and stressing work and the unclear division of duties and trades were seen the biggest drawbacks of the kindergarten teachers work. The conclusion of the study is that the cooperation between the kindergarten teachers, the university staff and the day care personal should develop. University education should reform so, that it will match more to today's day care.
  • Isto, Kaisa (2017)
    Objective. Earlier research has shown that teacher education does not match work reality due to its overly theoretical viewpoint. Students and graduated teachers have experienced that their education does not provide them enough knowledge or practice on how to deal with students who have learning difficulties or behavior issues. Saloviita criticizes special education program since in his opinion regular class teacher education actually provides better readiness to face students who need special support. Behavior issue is one of the most common mental health issues among children and adolescents. The purpose of this study is to shed light on how ready the class teacher students and special education teacher students are in dealing with behavior issues in their early and late phase of the studies, how they observe behavior issues, how teacher education prepares them and how class teacher and special education teacher students' answers compare against each other. In other words, the purpose of the study is to show whether expertise has an effect on observing behavior issues and whether education matters. In this context, expertise stands for a teacher's skill in analyzing the situation of a student and especially skill in dealing with the different support needs of a student with behavior issues in school context. Methodology. 23 class teacher and 11 special education teacher students took part in the study. The subject group comprised of students in their early and late phase of the studies in order to study the effect of education. The data was gathered using an electronic questionnaire form. The data was analyzed by t-test and Mann-Whitney U test using SPSS program. Results and conclusions. The biggest difference between class teacher students in their early vs. late phase of the studies was found in the sum variable that measures the readiness provided by teacher education. The students in their early phase of the studies experienced that class teacher education provides readiness to deal with behavior issues whereas the students in their late phase of the studies disagreed. Among the special education teacher students both the students in their early and late phase of the studies experienced that teacher education provides readiness to deal with behavior issues. The answers of special education teacher students differed significantly regarding the sum variable measuring readiness when comparing students in their early vs. late phase of the studies. The students in their late phase of the studies experienced that they are ready to deal with behavior issues whereas the students in their early phase of the studies felt their readiness was poor. Based on the results one might conclude that special teacher education in deed provides readiness that class teacher education does not. The result is not necessarily criticism of the class teacher educations but rather to show the teacher students understanding of or necessary expertise and growth of additional training required on the subject.
  • Manner, Linnea (2019)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan, millaista julkista kuvaa journalistit rakentavat Helsingin Sanomien ja Nyt-liitteen artikkeleissa vuonna 2013–2017. Tavoitteena on selvittää, millaista kuvaa journalistit luovat uusista media-alan ammattilaisista, tubettajista. Tutkielma kysyy ja selvittää, luovatko journalistit tubettajista stereotypioita ja uhkaavatko tubettajat journalistista professiota. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, millaista asiantuntijuutta tubettajien ympärille rakentuu. Tutkielma aloitetaan kertomalla YouTube-alustan historiasta ja tubettamisen anatomiasta. Lisäksi kerrotaan, miten tubettamisen ympärille muodostuu fanikulttuuria. Tutkielman aluksi määritellään myös tutkielman kannalta keskeiset käsitteet: journalistinen professio, journalistin vapaus, asiantuntijuus, imago ja stereotypia. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on laadullisen tutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelmä aineistolähtöinen sisällönanalyysi. Sen avulla analysoidaan aineisto, joka koostuu 67:stä Helsingin Sanomien ja Nyt-liitteen artikkelista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä hyödynnetään myös määrällistä sisällönerittelyä, jonka avulla havainnollistetaan ja tuetaan laadullisen tutkimuksen avulla nousevia seikkoja. Tutkielma osoittaa, että tubettaminen ja siihen kytkeytyvä fanikulttuuri ovat 2010-luvun ilmiö, ja journalistien rooli tubettajista luotujen mielikuvien synnyttämisessä on olennainen. Perinteisen median toimijat luovat tubettajista stereotypian erilaisia uhkia 2020-lukua lähestyttäessä. Toistuessaan tulevaisuudessa stereotypioiden toteutuminen on mahdollista. Lisäksi tutkielma osoittaa, että tubettajat esiintyvät perinteisessä mediassa erilaisissa asiantuntijarooleissa, joista keskeisimpiä ovat kokemus- ja näkemysasiantuntijoiden roolit. Tutkielman tuloksista käy ilmi myös se, että journalistien silmin tubettajat ovat media-alan moniottelijoita, joiden työnkuva haastaa journalismia yleisösuhdetta ja sisältöjä viihteen keinoin ja tarjoamalla rajatuista aiheista kiinnostavaa tietoa ja henkilötarinoita. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa aineisto on rajattu Helsingin Sanomien ja Nyt-liitteen artikkeleihin. Tutkielman lopputulokset ovat vertailukelpoisia, ja tutkimustuloksia on mahdollista hyödyntää myös muissa konteksteissa, joissa tutkitaan tubettajista luotua julkista kuvaa.
  • Manner, Linnea (2019)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan, millaista julkista kuvaa journalistit rakentavat Helsingin Sanomien ja Nyt-liitteen artikkeleissa vuonna 2013–2017. Tavoitteena on selvittää, millaista kuvaa journalistit luovat uusista media-alan ammattilaisista, tubettajista. Tutkielma kysyy ja selvittää, luovatko journalistit tubettajista stereotypioita ja uhkaavatko tubettajat journalistista professiota. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, millaista asiantuntijuutta tubettajien ympärille rakentuu. Tutkielma aloitetaan kertomalla YouTube-alustan historiasta ja tubettamisen anatomiasta. Lisäksi kerrotaan, miten tubettamisen ympärille muodostuu fanikulttuuria. Tutkielman aluksi määritellään myös tutkielman kannalta keskeiset käsitteet: journalistinen professio, journalistin vapaus, asiantuntijuus, imago ja stereotypia. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on laadullisen tutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelmä aineistolähtöinen sisällönanalyysi. Sen avulla analysoidaan aineisto, joka koostuu 67:stä Helsingin Sanomien ja Nyt-liitteen artikkelista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä hyödynnetään myös määrällistä sisällönerittelyä, jonka avulla havainnollistetaan ja tuetaan laadullisen tutkimuksen avulla nousevia seikkoja. Tutkielma osoittaa, että tubettaminen ja siihen kytkeytyvä fanikulttuuri ovat 2010-luvun ilmiö, ja journalistien rooli tubettajista luotujen mielikuvien synnyttämisessä on olennainen. Perinteisen median toimijat luovat tubettajista stereotypian erilaisia uhkia 2020-lukua lähestyttäessä. Toistuessaan tulevaisuudessa stereotypioiden toteutuminen on mahdollista. Lisäksi tutkielma osoittaa, että tubettajat esiintyvät perinteisessä mediassa erilaisissa asiantuntijarooleissa, joista keskeisimpiä ovat kokemus- ja näkemysasiantuntijoiden roolit. Tutkielman tuloksista käy ilmi myös se, että journalistien silmin tubettajat ovat media-alan moniottelijoita, joiden työnkuva haastaa journalismia yleisösuhdetta ja sisältöjä viihteen keinoin ja tarjoamalla rajatuista aiheista kiinnostavaa tietoa ja henkilötarinoita. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa aineisto on rajattu Helsingin Sanomien ja Nyt-liitteen artikkeleihin. Tutkielman lopputulokset ovat vertailukelpoisia, ja tutkimustuloksia on mahdollista hyödyntää myös muissa konteksteissa, joissa tutkitaan tubettajista luotua julkista kuvaa.