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  • Kaewnok, Milena (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on tarjota lukijalle tietoa inklusiivisesta luokasta sekä erityisopetuksen moniulotteisuudesta. Tämän tapaustutkimuksen kautta tavoitteenani on tuottaa tietoa siitä, miten oikein kohdistetulla tuella voidaan mahdollistaa inklusiivisen luokan toimivuus ja mitä se opettajilta vaatii. Inkluusioajatus on aiheuttanut opettajissa vastarintaa prosessin hankaluuden vuoksi, mutta kuten Jaana Alajoki (2021) toteaa inkluusiota tutkivassa väitöskirjassaan seka-sorron edeltävän aina todellista muutosta. Menetelmät. Tutkimukseni kohteena on maalaisympäristössä sijaitseva kaupunkikoulu, jossa erityisopetus ja 2. luokka ovat toimineet tiiviissä yhteistyössä luokan oppilaiden koulunaloituk-sesta saakka. Haastattelin tutkimustani varten erityisluokanopettajaa sekä inklusiivisen luokan luokanopettajaa, jotka ovat toteuttaneet tiivistä yhteisopettajuutta. Tein heidän kanssaan puo-listrukturoidut haastattelut yksitellen, jotka litteroinnin jälkeen teemoittelin sekä tyypittelin ai-hesisällöittäin. Aineiston analyysissä käytin fenomenologista näkökulmaa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Opettajat kokivat yhteisopettajuuden, eriyttämisen sekä joustavas-ti tarjotun kokonaisvaltaisen tuen olevan erityisessä asemassa suhteessa inkluusion toteutu-miseen. Koulun hyväksyvä ilmapiiri, työyhteisöstä ja sen johdolta saatu tuki ja avunanto sekä huoltajien kanssa toimivaksi rakentunut yhteistyö nousivat myös tutkimuksessani opettajien mielestä välttämättömiksi asioiksi tuen toteutumiselle. Haastatellessani opettajia en kysynyt heiltä negatiivisten tai inkluusiota estävien asioiden sel-vittämiseen ohjaavia kysymyksiä. Tulevissa tutkimuksissa voisikin olla syytä tutkia enemmän inkluusiota estävien asioiden näkökulmasta sekä saattaa oppilaiden itsensä äänet kuuluviin.
  • Riihimäki, Tuomas (2017)
    This thesis is about determine the meaning of inclusion in Finnish education system and policies. Defining inclusion is culturally challenging, because it has its own forms in every country and every country has their own educational system with their own history in education policies. Inclusion is the latest newcomer in modern educational discourse and has not yet been generally accepted by common consent. Topic is hot potato in education field and there is a lot of demand defining inclusion in educational sciences, to deeper the understand behind it. My research is founded on valued Finnish scientific publications. My data is collected from Kasvatus- lehti, from which I picked 10 articles among approximately 400 publications. My research methods rely upon content analyse, hermeneutical and phenomenological approaches. Use of my methods require proper review of my background as a researcher to make my study credible, which can be found in this thesis. This way reader can justify my results. The results of this study made even clearer the challenge of defining the word inclusion in Finland is a challenge. Results showed that it is in clear relation to word integration, almost acting as synonym. This confusion of between different ideology and concept has big impact on educational policy, wasting time and resources on developmental projects towards inclusive education in Finland. In brief, in through my comprehensive data, inclusion in Finland would constite to be democratic, accessible and social construct, that welcomes everybody to join in multiprofessional work community, no matter their qualities or disabilities. Importance of this study is to bring definition and continue the debate about inclusive education in Finland and internationally, and how inclusive education would progress in Finnish education system.
  • Alervo, Annika (2020)
    The phenomenon-based teaching began to be implemented in schools to an increasing extent when the latest basic educational curriculum (2014) entry into force in 2016. The aim of phenomenon-based teaching is to respond to targets in basic educational curriculum on the integration of teaching and interdisciplinary as well as the transversal competence that students will need in the future. However, phenomenon-based teaching is not explicitly mentioned in the curriculum. There has also been only little research on the subject so the concept of phenomenon-based teaching is not clear and unambiguous. Especially from the point of view of special needs education, the subject has not been so much researched. The purpose of this Master´s thesis is to find out experiences from special needs teachers in the phenomenon-based teaching. The aim is to study how special needs teachers observe phenomenon-based teaching, what role special teachers play in the implementation of phenomenon-based teaching and what benefits and challenges special teachers experience in the implementation of phenomenon-based teaching. The research material was collected through a questionnaire in spring 2020, which was published in social media meant for professional groups of special needs teachers. The amount of answers to the survey was in total 18. Respondents included both special class teachers and part-time special needs teachers. The responses were analysed using a phenomenographic approach. The results of the study showed that special need teachers´ observations of phenomenon teaching were fragmented. The role of special needs teachers in the implementation of phenomenon teaching was most often either an active planner and implementer, a differentiator and supporter or a learning facilitator; the way phenomenon teaching is implemented in school, the professional title and place of employment of the teacher contributed to the implementation of phenomenon teaching and the role of special need teacher. Special needs teachers experienced the benefits of phenomenon teaching as, among other things, deepening student´s knowledge, increase in motivation and disappearance of anxiety. In Special needs teachers work the benefits were reflected in the use of time and cooperation with other teachers. As challenges for students in need of support were experienced deviation from structure and routines, as well as challenges related to self-direction and group work. In daily work of special needs teacher the challenges were especially evident in the adoption of a new role, the amount of work and cooperation between teachers.
  • Pasanen, Laura (2021)
    The aim of this study was to examine what sort of challenges and other matters special class teachers notice in studies of youth in foster care, and how they can support these youth. The number of children and youth in foster care has increased for a long period of time (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, 2020). Comparing to their peers, youth in foster care have lower academic achievement and they struggle more with psychosocial problems (Berlin et al., 2011). These problems have an effect on these youth also later in their life (Brännström et al., 2017). Consequently, it is important to examine what kind of issues these youth struggle with and how special class teachers can meet these issues. The study is qualitative case study and was conducted by interviewing five special class teachers from two special schools in Finland. The interviews were thematic. Qualitive content analysis was used as a method of data analysis. Special class teachers mentioned a great amount of issues that are related to studies of foster youth. Firstly, the teachers brought up problems in multiprofessional cooperation. They mentioned differing practices, distrust, lack of cooperation and insufficient flow of information between professionals. Special class teachers also brought up the challenges these youth have faced in their past; for instance inadequate upbringing. The teachers supported foster youth by collaboration, consistent and individual support and discussion, for instance. They also supported youth by showing that they care and by setting boundaries. Despite the challenges, the special class teachers mentioned positive matters as well, especially when comparing foster youth to other children involved in the child welfare system. For instance, as stated by the special class teachers, youth in foster care received a lot of support from child caring institution. In addition, child caring institutions helped teachers with network cooperation.
  • Pasanen, Laura (2021)
    The aim of this study was to examine what sort of challenges and other matters special class teachers notice in studies of youth in foster care, and how they can support these youth. The number of children and youth in foster care has increased for a long period of time (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, 2020). Comparing to their peers, youth in foster care have lower academic achievement and they struggle more with psychosocial problems (Berlin et al., 2011). These problems have an effect on these youth also later in their life (Brännström et al., 2017). Consequently, it is important to examine what kind of issues these youth struggle with and how special class teachers can meet these issues. The study is qualitative case study and was conducted by interviewing five special class teachers from two special schools in Finland. The interviews were thematic. Qualitive content analysis was used as a method of data analysis. Special class teachers mentioned a great amount of issues that are related to studies of foster youth. Firstly, the teachers brought up problems in multiprofessional cooperation. They mentioned differing practices, distrust, lack of cooperation and insufficient flow of information between professionals. Special class teachers also brought up the challenges these youth have faced in their past; for instance inadequate upbringing. The teachers supported foster youth by collaboration, consistent and individual support and discussion, for instance. They also supported youth by showing that they care and by setting boundaries. Despite the challenges, the special class teachers mentioned positive matters as well, especially when comparing foster youth to other children involved in the child welfare system. For instance, as stated by the special class teachers, youth in foster care received a lot of support from child caring institution. In addition, child caring institutions helped teachers with network cooperation.
  • Kainulainen, Julia (2019)
    Cognitive abilities, native language and mathematical skills in primary school children: is there a relationship? Introduction Mathematical abilities are important for the future of the individual, as they are related to for example education, employment and exclusion. Previous research has shown that cognitive abilities are related to mathematical skills, although the results are contradictory. According to literature, visual and verbal reasoning skills have independent effects on different areas in mathematics. In addition, working memory seems to play a major role in mathematical abilities. This study examines the relationship between visual and verbal reasoning skills, working memory and mathematical skills. In addition, we were interested in how the mathematical abilities of the children developed during this two-schoolyear-long follow-up period, as well as the impact of special education, home language and gender on mathematical abilities. Methods A total of 73 students, of whom 34 were girls, participated in this follow-up study. At the beginning of the study they were in the third grade of primary school. The data is part of the Arts@School project. The children’s cognitive abilities were assessed with the block design, comprehension and digit span subtests of the WISC-IV -test battery. Mathematical abilities were assessed using the MATTE test which includes verbal mathematical problems and the RMAT test which consist of basic arithmetic tasks. Three measurement points of the tests were used in the analyses. Linear mixed models were used in the statistical analyses. Results and conclusions Cognitive abilities were found to be related to mathematical skills. Visual and verbal reasoning skills predicted performance in verbal mathematical problems, while working memory predicted performance in the basic arithmetic test. Special education status was associated with poorer performance in the mathematical tasks. No gender differences were found in this data. Language had no independent effect on mathematical skills, but language influenced the development of mathematical skills. Finnish-speakers developed steadily throughout the study, while the development of foreign language-speakers subsided between the second and third measurements. The difference between Finnish-speakers and foreign language-speakers was statistically significant at the last measurement point. The results are in line with previous studies, with the difference that in this study, working memory predicted only performance in the basic arithmetic test and not in the more complicated word problems
  • Kainulainen, Julia (2019)
    Cognitive abilities, native language and mathematical skills in primary school children: is there a relationship? Introduction Mathematical abilities are important for the future of the individual, as they are related to for example education, employment and exclusion. Previous research has shown that cognitive abilities are related to mathematical skills, although the results are contradictory. According to literature, visual and verbal reasoning skills have independent effects on different areas in mathematics. In addition, working memory seems to play a major role in mathematical abilities. This study examines the relationship between visual and verbal reasoning skills, working memory and mathematical skills. In addition, we were interested in how the mathematical abilities of the children developed during this two-schoolyear-long follow-up period, as well as the impact of special education, home language and gender on mathematical abilities. Methods A total of 73 students, of whom 34 were girls, participated in this follow-up study. At the beginning of the study they were in the third grade of primary school. The data is part of the Arts@School project. The children’s cognitive abilities were assessed with the block design, comprehension and digit span subtests of the WISC-IV -test battery. Mathematical abilities were assessed using the MATTE test which includes verbal mathematical problems and the RMAT test which consist of basic arithmetic tasks. Three measurement points of the tests were used in the analyses. Linear mixed models were used in the statistical analyses. Results and conclusions Cognitive abilities were found to be related to mathematical skills. Visual and verbal reasoning skills predicted performance in verbal mathematical problems, while working memory predicted performance in the basic arithmetic test. Special education status was associated with poorer performance in the mathematical tasks. No gender differences were found in this data. Language had no independent effect on mathematical skills, but language influenced the development of mathematical skills. Finnish-speakers developed steadily throughout the study, while the development of foreign language-speakers subsided between the second and third measurements. The difference between Finnish-speakers and foreign language-speakers was statistically significant at the last measurement point. The results are in line with previous studies, with the difference that in this study, working memory predicted only performance in the basic arithmetic test and not in the more complicated word problems
  • Leppänen, Katri (2016)
    The importance of reading and writing skills in everyday life has increased continuously. Previous research has also shown that reading skills are associated with success in other school subjects. Three-tier model introduced in 2011 focuses on early intervention, identification and support. The main purpose of this study was to gather information about teacher's supporting methods at first school year. How they work with dyslectic students and struggling readers. What is the relevance of three-tier model and how three-tier model affects the support services. Attention is paid to evaluation, strategies, methods, tools and follow-up measures. The aim is to highlight concrete examples. The study was conducted by interviewing four special teachers. Teachers work in primary schools and teaching to read is a big part of their work. Data has been recorded and transcribed. Analysis was based on transcribed data and research questions. The study showed that all respondents evaluate student's basic reading skills soon after the start of school. Support is offered to those who need it the most. There were school-specific differences in evaluation methods, arrangements and group formation. All four teachers accomplished small-group teaching and part-time special education. Three teachers made flexible groupings. None of the respondents carried out individualized instruction. One respondent carried out co-teaching approach. Teachers used well known and research based tools and materials. They also made materials by their selves. Teachers were aware the important aspects of learning to read. They paid attention to phonological awareness, syllable awareness, letter knowledge and working memory. All four teachers made evaluation during the year. However the study reveals that 1-graders are rarely sent to psychological tests or moved to tier 2 even if their reading skills don't proceed.
  • Kivistö, Elina (2017)
    Objectives. Support for learning difficulties has not been made available to students in an equal manner in different parts of the country. Earlier research shows that there are regional differences in the percentages of comprehensive school students receiving support, as well as in the forms of support made available to them. The purpose of this Master's thesis was to study how many ninth grade students participating in the Learning to Learn Assessment in 2012 had received support for learning during the past academic year in different parts of Finland. Another objective was to analyse the realisation of educational equality, i.e. whether there are regional or municipal differences (between urban, semi-urban and rural municipalities) in the support made available to students. Methods. The Learning to Learn Assessment was carried out in spring 2012. A total of 7,222 ninth grade students from different parts of Finland participated in this assessment. Among the participants, 4% were recipients of intensified support and 7.9% recipients of special support. Five task categories developed for the Learning to Learn Assessment were included in the present study. The material was analysed by variance analysis in order to identify possible geographical differences. Results and conclusions. The study discovered regional differences in the definition of recipients of general support. With regard to general support, there were significant regional differences. Intensified support and special support were made available to students least frequently in the regions of Lapland and Southwest Finland. There were also differences between the regions in how effectively they employed the different levels of support included in the three-tier support system. The results indicate that large, urban municipalities in particular have succeeded in amending their support system faster than semi-urban and rural municipalities, and they have also succeeded in re-evaluating students' needs for special support.There were also differences in the use of the individually adjusted syllabus as a form of special support. Using the individually adjusted syllabus may lead to less ambitious learning objectives and weaker learning outcomes, possibly also negatively influencing students' pursuit of further study.The present study concludes that although there are regional differences in the availability of support, it seems that there are no differences between students: students receiving support are similar when it comes to their academic performance and learning to learn competence.
  • Kivistö, Elina (2017)
    Objectives. Support for learning difficulties has not been made available to students in an equal manner in different parts of the country. Earlier research shows that there are regional differences in the percentages of comprehensive school students receiving support, as well as in the forms of support made available to them. The purpose of this Master’s thesis was to study how many ninth grade students participating in the Learning to Learn Assessment in 2012 had received support for learning during the past academic year in different parts of Finland. Another objective was to analyse the realisation of educational equality, i.e. whether there are regional or municipal differences (between urban, semi-urban and rural municipalities) in the support made available to students. Methods. The Learning to Learn Assessment was carried out in spring 2012. A total of 7,222 ninth grade students from different parts of Finland participated in this assessment. Among the participants, 4% were recipients of intensified support and 7.9% recipients of special support. Five task categories developed for the Learning to Learn Assessment were included in the present study. The material was analysed by variance analysis in order to identify possible geographical differences. Results and conclusions. The study discovered regional differences in the definition of recipients of general support. With regard to general support, there were significant regional differences. Intensified support and special support were made available to students least frequently in the regions of Lapland and Southwest Finland. There were also differences between the regions in how effectively they employed the different levels of support included in the three-tier support system. The results indicate that large, urban municipalities in particular have succeeded in amending their support system faster than semi-urban and rural municipalities, and they have also succeeded in re-evaluating students’ needs for special support.There were also differences in the use of the individually adjusted syllabus as a form of special support. Using the individually adjusted syllabus may lead to less ambitious learning objectives and weaker learning outcomes, possibly also negatively influencing students’ pursuit of further study.The present study concludes that although there are regional differences in the availability of support, it seems that there are no differences between students: students receiving support are similar when it comes to their academic performance and learning to learn competence.
  • Jussila, Tiia (2019)
    Studying by activity areas is less examined topic in the field of special education. Students’ educa-tion can be arranged by activity areas if the pupil is unable to meet the subjects’ objectives. There are five activity areas: communication skills, social, motor, cognitive and day-to-day skills. These areas have retained their form for tens of years, while the core curriculum has been updated. Because of that, it was necessary to find out what the teachers think of it. The need for this research was created through the InTo -project. The project was justified e.g. by the lacks in the activity areas curriculum. It was possible to notice perspectives in teachers’ conceptions, which related to equality. The purpose of this study is to interpret, through the conceptions of the teachers who are working with the activity areas curriculum, how the activity areas curriculum embodies equality. Equality has been examined via both teachers’ and pupils’ perspectives, reflecting it to activity areas curriculum. I examine the equality of activity areas curriculum from four perspectives: The curriculum as a tool for teaching, the teaching goals of the student, the recognition of diversity of the pupils in the activity areas curriculum and the teacher’s role as an interpreter of the curriculum. My material consisted of 18 interviews from teachers who work with activity areas curriculum. The interviews were conducted during the spring and autumn of 2018 in four different Finnish municipalities. My re-search is a qualitative study. I used phenomenography in the analysis of the data. To visualize my results, I adapted Attride-Stirlings (2001) thematic network system. The results showed that, according to the teachers’ perceptions, the activity areas curriculum needs to be sharpened and concretized. Its areas of activity are good, but it is not functional teachers working tool. The role of the teacher in the activity areas education includes a great deal of power and responsibility because of the different possibilities to use and interpret curricula. The students’ goal-oriented learning is not secured through the current activity areas curriculum, as it is challenging to find goals from it because of its generality. Goals are also developed under teachers’ consideration. The results also showed that the inclusion of the spectrum of pupils in the activity areas curriculum is challenging.
  • Jussila, Tiia (2019)
    Studying by activity areas is less examined topic in the field of special education. Students’ educa-tion can be arranged by activity areas if the pupil is unable to meet the subjects’ objectives. There are five activity areas: communication skills, social, motor, cognitive and day-to-day skills. These areas have retained their form for tens of years, while the core curriculum has been updated. Because of that, it was necessary to find out what the teachers think of it. The need for this research was created through the InTo -project. The project was justified e.g. by the lacks in the activity areas curriculum. It was possible to notice perspectives in teachers’ conceptions, which related to equality. The purpose of this study is to interpret, through the conceptions of the teachers who are working with the activity areas curriculum, how the activity areas curriculum embodies equality. Equality has been examined via both teachers’ and pupils’ perspectives, reflecting it to activity areas curriculum. I examine the equality of activity areas curriculum from four perspectives: The curriculum as a tool for teaching, the teaching goals of the student, the recognition of diversity of the pupils in the activity areas curriculum and the teacher’s role as an interpreter of the curriculum. My material consisted of 18 interviews from teachers who work with activity areas curriculum. The interviews were conducted during the spring and autumn of 2018 in four different Finnish municipalities. My re-search is a qualitative study. I used phenomenography in the analysis of the data. To visualize my results, I adapted Attride-Stirlings (2001) thematic network system. The results showed that, according to the teachers’ perceptions, the activity areas curriculum needs to be sharpened and concretized. Its areas of activity are good, but it is not functional teachers working tool. The role of the teacher in the activity areas education includes a great deal of power and responsibility because of the different possibilities to use and interpret curricula. The students’ goal-oriented learning is not secured through the current activity areas curriculum, as it is challenging to find goals from it because of its generality. Goals are also developed under teachers’ consideration. The results also showed that the inclusion of the spectrum of pupils in the activity areas curriculum is challenging.
  • Töytäri, Helena (2018)
    My thesis is set in the vocational special education institution, where I researched development of working life competences of students with special needs during two school years. My goal is to find out, what kind of working life competences students have in different period of studies and what kind of influence competences may have to students' employment after studies. In my thesis I also think about how existing working life competences support and insufficient working life competences prevent to reach the work and how to support and develop insufficient working life competencies. The reform of the vocational education and training became valid in the beginning of year 2018 and it will change the vocational education and training in Finland. In my thesis I reflect this reform on the vocational special education. The qualitative research was focused at a small group of special education students, in the first research year seven students and in the second year five students. My research is an ethnographic research, because at the same time when I collected my data I worked as a teacher in the research field. I collected my data by observing and keeping a diary of my observations and discussion with students and workplace instructors. I made inquiries to students, one interview to one workplace instructor and collected other material. I made analysis with the content analysis. Making themes in the analysis I used competence classification of Evers, Rush and Bedrow, where working life competences are separated to managing self, communicating, managing people and tasks and mobilising innovation and change. Working life competencies of students developed best during on-the-job-learning period in the workplace. Students of the vocational special education institution didn't reach all fields of working life competencies which could have supported their employment. Insufficient working life competencies should be identified and support and guidance to students must be offered. During working life periods should be schooldays when students can get support from teacher and own study group. It is the institution's mission to make sure that learning in the workplace is along goals and student gets enough guidance. In the workplaces there should be enough workplace instructors, who are capable to guide students with special needs. The reform of the vocational education and training offer possibilities but include also threats. There should be chances for every young student, although student with special needs does not represent the ideal student of the reform: quickly graduated and employed.
  • Nurmi, Riitta (2016)
    This qualitative research considers young people who are at risk of social exclusion.The study considers the stories of two boys who were in school in different eras of the modern Finnish school system, and analyses differences between them, as well as possible reasons for bullying and other events that they experienced while studying in primary school. The purpose of the study is to consider the young people and their individual circumstances, to make sense of the school drop out process, to perceive differences and similarities between each case, and to conclude whether the differences are a result of social and economic trends of the different eras. The research considers political decisions, and what actual or potential impacts they have on a student’s life. This has relevance for how successful an individual is in studying and entering the society. According to previous research, pupils can be more excluded if they are labelled as incapable of participating in classes; another previous result is that dividing courses according to difficulty level may result in underachievement. The research questions are as follows: What is the dynamics of the school drop out process in the life of an individual primary school student? What support is given to such a student? What differences are there between school drop outs in the 1980s and 2000s? The research data includes narrative accounts of two schoolboys, Mika and Toni, both of whom went to school before the previous law on basic education was introduced, and before a model of three stage support was initiated. In both cases, the analysis is based on a qualitative reasoning about the causes of the social exclusion. The analysis is based on narrative accounts, and in the case of Mika it also includes speech transcription. Conclusions are that support should start with listening to the school student and that the school day should be adjusted to fit the family`s regular life. These conclusions are based on the analysis and on experts` experiences. According to figures, the modern basic education model has reduced school drop out cases, whereas economic depression has had the opposite effect. The three stage support model does not appear to work properly if further resources are not available, or if teachers are not freed from some of their responsibilities. Another conclusion is that politics during Mika`s school days has had a more positive impact on support resources than that of Toni`s time in school. Possible fields of application for this study are research on bullying and practical prevention of social exclusion.
  • Mansikka, Laura (2019)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa, millaisia interventiomenetelmiä käytetään luetun ym-märtämisen edistämiseen niiden nuorten opiskelijoiden parissa, joilla on luetun ymmärtämisen vaikeuksia. Tarkoituksena oli lisäksi selvittää, miten interventioita on käytetty ja mitä tuloksia niillä on saatu. Aihe on ajankohtainen, sillä nuorten heikkojen lukijoiden määrä on lisääntynyt viime vuosina Suomessa hälyttävästi. Aikaisemman tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että ne opiskelijat, joilla on luetun ymmärtämisen vaikeuksia, hyötyvät sellaisesta opetuksesta ja tuesta, jonka avulla voidaan kehittää heidän luetun ymmärtämisen taitojaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimusaineistoksi valikoitui kymmenen artikkelia, joissa tutkittiin eri interventiomenetelmien vaikutusta yläkoulu- ja lukioikäisiin, joilla oli todettu vaikeuksia luetun ymmärtämisessä. Aineisto kerättiin systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen periaatteiden mukaan. Aineistosta etsittiin vastauksia tutkimuskysymyksiin ja tuloksia jäsenneltiin taulukkomuotoon etsien niistä yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja tuloksia tulkiten ja analysoiden. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että erilaisilla interventiomenetelmillä on mahdollista edistää nuorten luetun ymmärtämisen taitoja, vaikka heillä olisi todettu selkeitä lukemisen vaikeuksia. Kaikki tulokselliset interventiomenetelmät sisälsivät lukustrategioiden opetusta, mutta useimmissa menetelmissä yhdistyi niiden rinnalla myös muiden taitojen opetus, kuten sanaston ja teknisen lukutaidon harjoitukset. Interventiot vaihtelivat kestoltaan huomattavasti, mutta opetuskertoja järjestettiin yleensä ainakin kerran viikossa pienryhmä- tai luokkamuotoisesti. Tutkimuksissa intervention tuloksellisuudesta raportoitiin vaihtelevin tavoin. Pääasiassa interventioryhmiin osallistuneet saivat lopputestauksissa parempia pistemääriä kuin alkumittauksissa ja tulokset olivat parempia kontrolliryhmiin verrattuna. Kaikissa interventioissa luetun ymmärtämisessä ei kuitenkaan tapahtunut edistymistä, mutta selkeää syytä siihen ei ole mahdollista tämän aineiston perusteella päätellä.
  • Juvonen, Eveliina (2022)
    With the new Upper Secondary Schools Act that came into use in 2019, upper secondary schools have been obliged to offer special education from 2021 onwards. As a result, the number of special education teachers in upper secondary schools has also increased in recent years. There are hardly any previous studies on the well-being at work of upper secondary special education teachers in the Finnish context. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of high school special education teachers on well-being at work and their views on developing well-being at work. The aim of the study was to examine the impact of different factors on the well-being of high school special education teachers based on their own experiences. In addition, the aim was to obtain development suggestions to promote the well-being of special teachers in upper secondary schools. This study is a qualitative master’s thesis, in which five special education teachers in upper secondary schools, working in two different locations in Southern Finland, were interviewed. The data was collected through semi-structured thematic interviews and analyzed using content analysis. According to the results of the study, individual factors, job description and tasks, work community and leadership have a significant impact on the well-being of upper secondary school special education teachers. The work community and within it, especially the cooperation between special education teachers, was seen as the most important factor contributing to well-being at work. The job description and job duties, on the other hand, were seen as the most negative factors for well-being at work. The well-being of upper secondary special education teachers could be improved by increasing resources, aligning the job description of upper secondary special education teachers nationwide, and developing forms of cooperation and the upper secondary school system.
  • Ikonen, Kirsi (2020)
    With the amendment to the Act on Upper Secondary Education that came into force in 2019, students have the right to receive special needs education in upper secondary school, which is why the need for upper secondary school special education teachers will increase in the future. In the last decade, there have been only little research on special education in upper secondary schools in Finland. The purpose of this study was to find out the work assignment of upper secondary school special education teachers and the challenges they experienced in carrying out their work. The aim of the study is to look at high school special education from the perspective of high school special education teachers and to create an overall picture of what kind of tasks the job description of a high school special education teacher consists of and what kind of challenges they face in their work. This is a qualitative study, where was interviewed six high school special education teachers who worked in three different municipalities. The research material was collected through semi-structured thematic interviews, which were analyzed using content analysis. Based on the results of the study, the job description of special education teachers consisted of three broad areas, which were collaboration, student support, and written work. In the job description of a high school special education teacher, the most employment-related tasks emphasized issues related to supporting reading difficulties, making reading statements and writing learning support plans. The most challenging things for high school special education teachers were the lack of resources and time in their work, as well as the ambiguity of their own job description. According to special education teachers, these results show that current resources are not sufficient to provide ongoing and adequate support in upper secondary school. In order to organize special education in upper secondary school, clearer frameworks would also be needed to make the provision of support more uniform and equal in every upper secondary school throughout Finland.
  • Tornberg, Enni-Greta (2018)
    Goals. Along inclusive thinking ever more students’ equality and participation has been higlighted in Finnish education system. Finland like numerous other countries has signed many international agreements, such as Salamanca statement and United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilites. The development of education according to these agreements has been exposed in many public records in last decades. Variable school culture sets new challenges to teachers and above all requires collaboration between teachers. Co-teaching is one way to react to the challenges of school culture. Goal of this study is to set co-teaching into larger context and investigate what kind of meanings class teachers give to co-teaching and how they react to co-teaching. The purpose of this study is in co-teaching between special education teacher and class teacher. Methods. This research is qualitative research. Research material has been obtained by interviewing three elementary school teachers in Oulu area. Interviews were carried out as theme interviews. The duration of interviews varied between 25 minutes to 45 minutes. The material has been analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. In this study class teachers’ attitude for co-teaching was found positive. They saw co-teaching to be compatible with inclusive teaching. Teachers emphasized the role of pedagogical leadership in executing the co-teaching. School’s pedagogical administration can support co-teaching by structural arrangements, changing the working culture and by increasing awareness of co-teaching. Co-teaching also caused contradictions. The teachers saw, that disagreements were induced by division of roles as well as interactional contradictions. Conflicts were mainly clarified by discussing. The key points of solving contradictions had been changing the way of acting, self-improvement and support from principal.
  • Eerolainen, Emma (2020)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on kartoittaa maahanmuuttajataustaisten oppilaiden erityisope-tusta sekä selvittää miten ekokulttuurinen teoria ilmenee maahanmuuttajataustaisten erityis-opetuksessa. Tutkielma toteutetaan kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Aiempaa tutki-musta samasta aiheesta ei ole paljoa. Suomen muuttuessa entistä monikulttuurisemmaksi myös erilaisten monikulttuuristen oppilaiden määrä kasvaa, jolloin monikulttuurisen osaami-sen tarve opettajankoulutuksessa lisääntyy. Perusopetuslain (2014) muutoksen jälkeen myös erityisopetuksen järjestäminen on muuttunut, mikä lisää tiedon tarvetta koulun kentällä. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen valittiin kuusi vertaisarvioitua artikkelia, jotka koskevat maahanmuut-tajataustaisten oppilaiden erityisopetusta. Artikkeleista yksi oli Suomen kontekstissa tuotettu, ja loput olivat kansainvälisiä. Aineisto kerättiin luotettavista tietokannoista ja analysoitiin te-maattisen analyysin avulla. Aineiston jaoteltiin erityisopetuksesta nousseiden piirteiden mu-kaan niin, että ne jaottuivat ekokulttuurisen teorian kehyksiin perhettä ympäröivästä ydinym-päristöstä kauempaan, yhteiskunnallisiin asioihin liittyvään ympäristöön. Aineisto jaottui kolmeen osioon. Ydinympäristössä perhe näkyi toimijana, joka tietää parhaiten heille sopivat toimintatavat. Lähiympäristön osassa korostui koulumaailma, perheen kanssa tehtävä yhteistyö sekä erityisopetuksen järjestämiseen liittyvät seikat. Kauempana perheen ydinympäristöstä on erilaiset kulttuuriset näkemykset, opettajankoulutus sekä erityisopetuk-seen liittyvät lait ja säädökset. Vaikka aineisto oli kansainvälinen, voi tuloksia hyödyntää Suomen kontekstissa ohjeellisesti sekä erityisopetuksessa että yleisopetuksessa olevien maahanmuuttajataustaisten oppilaiden kanssa.
  • Peltokorpi, Enni-Greta (2016)
    Tavoitteet. Kansainväliset oppimistulokset ovat osoittaneet maahanmuuttajien menestyvän kantaväestöä heikommin etenkin lukemisessa, kirjoittamisessa ja matematiikassa. Suomessa maahanmuuttajien oppimisvaikeudet ja puutteelliset arviointivälineet ovat johtaneet maahanmuuttajien yliedustukseen erityisopetuksessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia oppimisen haasteita maahanmuuttajalapsilla ilmenee ja millaisia keinoja koulujen erityisopetuksessa on tunnistaa ja tukea niitä. Tutkimuksen erityisenä kiinnostuksen kohteena olivat ala-asteikäiset ensimmäisen ja toisen polven maahanmuuttajalapset. Maahanmuuttajien oppimisvaikeuksista on tehty runsaasti aiempaa tutkimusta sekä Suomessa että ulkomailla, mutta aihetta ei ole juurikaan tutkittu erityisopetuksen näkökulmasta. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisesti haastattelemalla neljää (4) Helsingin alueella työskentelevää laaja-alaista erityisopettajaa. Kaikki haastateltavat opettajat toimivat laaja-alaisina erityisopettajina peruskoulun alaluokilla. Haastattelu toteutettiin teemahaastatteluina. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä tematisoimalla aineisto tutkimuskysymysten mukaisesti. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden opettajien mukaan maahanmuuttajaoppilaiden koulunkäyntiä vaikeuttivat heikko kielitaito ja haasteet sosiaalisissa suhteissa. Heikon kielitaidon nähtiin vaikeuttavan sekä oppimista että oppimisen arviointia. Maahanmuuttajien oppimisvaikeuksien tunnistamiseen ei ollut käytössä vakiintuneita testejä, vaan opettajat käyttivät työkaluinaan erilaisia sovellettuja testejä ja aiempaa kokemustaan. Maahanmuuttajalasten oppimisvaikeuksia tuettiin osa-aikaisessa erityisopetuksessa pienryhmäopetuksen, samanaikaisopetuksen, ekstraopetuksen ja yhteistyön avulla. Näistä tärkeimmiksi nähtiin yhteistyö koulun sisällä sekä yhteistyö vanhempien ja muiden tahojen kanssa. Kaikki opettajat kokivat maahanmuuttajien olevan mahdollisuus ja rikastuttavan koulun kulttuuria. Maahanmuuttajien opetus koettiin kuitenkin vielä keskeneräiseksi. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet opettajat kritisoivat etenkin resurssien puutetta, maahanmuuttajaoppilaille soveltumattomia testistöjä ja valmistavaa opetusta. Osa opettajista ilmaisi myös tarpeensa lisäkoulutukselle.