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  • Rytkönen, Ida-Maria (2018)
    The objective of this research was to examine attidutes of teachers towards general education differentiation and differentiation of physical education. Also investigated teachers attidutes towards physical education and skillful student. The research emphasized the differences of skillful student and frail student. This phasing of a question has been born based my bachelor`s thesis and my own experience. The research was carried out as qualitative attidute survey and interviewees was divided in two groups. Both of them was three elementary school teachers. The material gathering methods was performed either at schools or homes of the interviewees. The research material was transcribed and after this the material was categorised and analysed utulising different themes. Interview claims were coded by colours and research questions. After this these groups sought differences and similaritys. Every research questions consisted several themes. These themes were established in research results. As a result, the teachers had a contradictory attidute towards differentiation. Differentiation was important but challenging. Challenges was lack of time and space and the wellbeing of teachers. One of the results was emphasis frail students differentiation in real subjects and skillful students differentiation in practical subjects. Differences of students were noticed diffe-rent ways. Teachers own enthusiam and attidute was an important role in terms of students intrest and motivation. The research came out that teachers has a big responsability as a physical education bredeer. This theme is important to research beacause differentiation seem to be a baseline of differentiation. Students learning suffer if differentiation doesn´t work. As a conlusion, it can be stated that teachers reconize the importance of differentiation but doesn´t execute it at work like they want. Physical education has been investigated a little. This topic is important to study so that teachers gets more information about differentiation and they can self reclect and this way give high quality teaching for the students.
  • Kossila, Kaisu (2023)
    The aim of this study was to examine inclusive teaching and its effects on the learning of mathematically gifted students. When talking about inclusion, a lot of emphasis is placed on students who need support, and gifted students are easily ignored. According to the Finnish Constitution (731/1999), 16§, everyone must be guaranteed an equal opportunity to receive education according to their abilities and special needs. The coverage of the topic largely focuses on the workload of inclusion and the work burnout of teachers. Previous studies have shown that teachers approach inclusion from many points of view, but without sufficient resources, its implementation can even harm students' learning. I also base my research on different talent theories. The aim of the study is to find out teachers' experiences of implementing inclusion and the differentiation it requires. The goal is to understand how teachers apply inclusive teaching in practice and how they consider the needs of gifted students in inclusive mathematics teaching. I collected the research material by interviewing six Finnish classroom teachers and one mathematics subject teacher. The interviews were carried out using a semi-structured method. I used a qualitative phenomenographic research sample to analyze the data, on the basis of which I formed the description categories used in the results section. The research results showed that all the interviewed teachers agreed that there is an important ideology behind inclusive teaching, but that it is difficult to implement in practice due to the lack of resources. The planning and implementation of inclusive teaching requires a lot from teachers, because the materials and teaching methods should be thought out individually for each student. The use of a special teacher and small group teaching were seen as a solution, especially in inclusive mathematics teaching. According to the results, the characteristics of mathematically gifted students were speed in doing tasks, and especially verbal mathematical problems did not present challenges to the students. Differentiation was carried out with the help of different games, puzzles, additional handouts, paired tasks and verbal math tasks. Based on the results, the implementation of inclusion at the desired level does not work to the advantage of every student with the current resources.
  • Kossila, Kaisu (2023)
    The aim of this study was to examine inclusive teaching and its effects on the learning of mathematically gifted students. When talking about inclusion, a lot of emphasis is placed on students who need support, and gifted students are easily ignored. According to the Finnish Constitution (731/1999), 16§, everyone must be guaranteed an equal opportunity to receive education according to their abilities and special needs. The coverage of the topic largely focuses on the workload of inclusion and the work burnout of teachers. Previous studies have shown that teachers approach inclusion from many points of view, but without sufficient resources, its implementation can even harm students' learning. I also base my research on different talent theories. The aim of the study is to find out teachers' experiences of implementing inclusion and the differentiation it requires. The goal is to understand how teachers apply inclusive teaching in practice and how they consider the needs of gifted students in inclusive mathematics teaching. I collected the research material by interviewing six Finnish classroom teachers and one mathematics subject teacher. The interviews were carried out using a semi-structured method. I used a qualitative phenomenographic research sample to analyze the data, on the basis of which I formed the description categories used in the results section. The research results showed that all the interviewed teachers agreed that there is an important ideology behind inclusive teaching, but that it is difficult to implement in practice due to the lack of resources. The planning and implementation of inclusive teaching requires a lot from teachers, because the materials and teaching methods should be thought out individually for each student. The use of a special teacher and small group teaching were seen as a solution, especially in inclusive mathematics teaching. According to the results, the characteristics of mathematically gifted students were speed in doing tasks, and especially verbal mathematical problems did not present challenges to the students. Differentiation was carried out with the help of different games, puzzles, additional handouts, paired tasks and verbal math tasks. Based on the results, the implementation of inclusion at the desired level does not work to the advantage of every student with the current resources.
  • Skaffari, Katariina (2017)
    Objectives. Differentiating instruction is a topical issue, since the criteria of basic education curriculum in 2014 emphasizes individual learning and child-oriented approach. Also, the three-tier support model as well as inclusion have created a need for segregation of schools. Educational differentiation by means of support for the learning process, it is possible to individually. The research task is to become familiar with aspects that previous studies and research literature offer the teacher's pedagogical thinking and differentiation of teaching. The teacher's pedagogical thinking forms the basis for the functioning of the teacher in the classroom, and is therefore of great relevance. Methods. This descriptive study was conducted as a literature review. Information retrieval was initiated electronically network and a virtual library and flip through seeking new per-spectives on pedagogical thinking and differentiation of teaching. A search will aim was to find primary sources mm. individual works, studies, articles and theses. Sources evaluated critically. Previous studies and literature gave an idea of the available literature, the main researcher names, as well as helped to limit the subject. Results and conclusions. Several studies on differentiation showed that educational differ-entiation has many positives both the individual and community school attendance and learning-enhancing effects. Several studies have differentiated the teachers teaching in the whole learning process in many different ways. Their attitude was almost always positive, even if many of them experienced the separation of teaching strategies in demanding lack of training, limited resources and the provision of appropriate teaching materials due to the low level. Also the upward differentiation was considered challenging.
  • Soppela, Jonna Johanna (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella ala-asteen käsityönopettajien ajatuksia eriyttämisestä. Tomlinson & Imbeau (2010) ovat kehittäneet luokkahuonekontekstissa tapahtuvan eriyttämisen mallin, johon kuuluu neljä osa-aluetta: oppimisympäristö, opetussuunnitelmat, opettaminen ja arviointi. Lähdin suunnittelemaan ja rakentamaan tutkimustani tämän eriyttämisen mallin pohjalta. Tutkin, miten opettajat suhtautuvat eriyttävään toimintaan näiden osa-alueiden avulla. Menetelmät. Tutkimuskysymyksiin etsin vastauksia puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla (LIITE 1), jotka analysoin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimukseen osallistui kolme ala-asteella työskentelevää käsityönopettajaa pääkaupunkiseudulta. Heidän ikähaarukkansa oli 34-52 vuotta ja opetusvuosia opettajille oli kertynyt 5-19 vuotta. Tutkittavien opettajien käsityöryhmissä oli 10-16 oppilasta (ka. 12). Kaikilla opettajilla opetusryhmistä ainakin yksi oli erityisluokan ryhmä ja tämän lisäksi yleisopetuksen ryhmissä oli integroituja oppilaita. Valitsin tutkimukseeni käsityön aineenopettajia, koska halusin selvittää juuri aineenopettajien käsityksiä eriyttämisestä. Kaikilla aineenopettajilla ei ollut ennen tutkimusta edes tarkkaa tietoa oppilaiden erityisen tuen päätöksistä. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriasidonnaisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kaikissa haastatteluissa kävi ilmi, että käsityönopettajat pyrkivät huomioimaan kaikkia oppilaita opetuksessaan. Kaikki opettajat ajattelivat yksimielisesti siitä, että eriyttäminen kuuluu vahvasti heidän työhönsä. Kaikki heistä näkivät eriyttämisessä positiivisen puolen ja myös sen, että käsityön oppiaine voi toimia koko koulutyöhön kannustavana elementtinä. Vaihtelua oli enimmäkseen eriyttämisen toteutuksessa ja keinoissa. Erilaisten oppijoiden huomioiminen painottui neljästä eri osa-alueesta (Tomlinson & Imbeau, 2010) selvästi eniten opetuksen ja tuntityöskentelyn eriyttämiseen. Kaikkien opettajien eriyttäminen näillä osa-alueilla oli hyvin monipuolista, tilanteisiin reagoivaa ja taitavaa, vaikka kukaan opettajista ei kokenut, että olisi saanut eriyttämiseen minkäänlaista koulutusta.
  • Lassinharju, Eeva-Sofia (2016)
    This thesis researches methods teachers use to take into account dyslexic students in class. The subject has not been studied previously in detail. It has been examined what teachers think of dyslexia these pupils in class. I am dyslexic and I have experienced that dyslexia is not taken into account enough in class. Based on this experience, I wanted to study the topic further. However, there are many methods that support dyslexia, for example differentiation, remedial teaching, simultaneous teaching, cooperation with the special needs and aids. My thesis is a case study. I interviewed three teachers from the metropolitan area. All of them have experience in teaching dyslexic. They were the individual interviews, which are transcribed. In the interviews I try to find out what are the means by which they will take into account the dyslexic class. The themes of the interview were differentiation, the teacher's own activities in class, simultaneous teaching, aids and cooperation with the rest of the school staff. The results of this bachelor thesis showed that each interviewed teacher consider dyslexic students in class. All had in common co-operation with special education teacher. Everyone said they use a variety of tools; their use showed the differences between the interviewees. Teachers told to use simultaneous teaching and other means of differentiation.
  • Skaffari, Katariina (2017)
    Objectives. The differentiation of teaching is again a topical issue due to the imperative of differentiation of the basics of the curriculum for basic education in 2014. Implementation of the inclusion and the three-step support model also requires the differentiation of the teaching. The purpose of this study was to find out the teaching methods of teaching differentiation. In addition, obstacles to differentiation were studied. Methods. The study was focused on one of the Primary Schools in Vantaa. The research material was collected through a questionnaire. The questionnaire contained both structured and open questions. The questions were drawn on the basis of previous studies and the theory of knowledge. Questionnaires were distributed to the class and subject teachers of that school. The questionnaire was answered by 11 teachers (N = 11). 10 of them were women and one man. The respondents' age distribution was wide. The material was analyzed by means of deductified content analysis. Results and Conclusions. As many previous studies on pedagogical differentiation showed, pedagogical differentiation makes it possible to take the student into a heterogeneous group. With the development of teacher's pedagogical thinking, it is growing courage to experiment with a variety of pupil-centered pedagogical methods at a practical level. The results of this study showed that teachers differentiated their teaching throughout the learning process in many different ways. Teachers felt the need for differentiation in teaching. Particular attention was paid to the separation of inferior students. Their attitudes were almost invariably positive, though many of them found separation as a teaching strategy demanding due to inadequate training, limited resources, and the scarcity of appropriate teaching materials.
  • Hämäläinen, Liisi (2014)
    The purpose of this study was to examine mathematically gifted students in a teacher’s point of view. The students examined were on a second grade. Research questions were: 1. How does the teacher’s define gifted students? 2. How should the mathematically gifted second graders education be differentiated? 3. What do the teachers think about the differentiation methods used? The differentiation methods that were used were strategy games and problem-solving tasks. The theory is about giftedness and especially mathematical giftedness. Three giftedness theories that help to describe the diversity of giftedness are introduced. The second theory chapter is about differentiation. The study is a qualitative research. There were four teachers participating. Each one got two differentiation methods to try. After the trial period the teachers were interviewed about the methods and giftedness. They were also interviewed about the differentiation methods that they may have used before the research. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed with content analyses. The answers were categorized based on the interview themes. The teachers defined that gifted student is someone who has specific skills in some areas. They also said that gifted student is fast and has the ability and desire to solve problems and find more information. Based on the information received from the research, teaching of mathematically gifted students should be differentiated by giving the appropriate level of activities. Methods tested during the trial period were found useful, but not in a context of differentiation. The teachers thought that the methods were helpful and all of the teacher told that they will use them again later.
  • Hämäläinen, Liisi (2014)
    The purpose of this study was to examine mathematically gifted students in a teacher's point of view. The students examined were on a second grade. Research questions were: 1. How does the teacher's define gifted students? 2. How should the mathematically gifted second graders education be differentiated? 3. What do the teachers think about the differentiation methods used? The differentiation methods that were used were strategy games and problem-solving tasks. The theory is about giftedness and especially mathematical giftedness. Three giftedness theories that help to describe the diversity of giftedness are introduced. The second theory chapter is about differentiation. The study is a qualitative research. There were four teachers participating. Each one got two differentiation methods to try. After the trial period the teachers were interviewed about the methods and giftedness. They were also interviewed about the differentiation methods that they may have used before the research. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed with content analyses. The answers were categorized based on the interview themes. The teachers defined that gifted student is someone who has specific skills in some areas. They also said that gifted student is fast and has the ability and desire to solve problems and find more information. Based on the information received from the research, teaching of mathematically gifted students should be differentiated by giving the appropriate level of activities. Methods tested during the trial period were found useful, but not in a context of differentiation. The teachers thought that the methods were helpful and all of the teacher told that they will use them again later.
  • Ojamaa, Tiia (2018)
    Students who study in the Finnish basic education have a variety of different needs for education support. The three-level support model is used to respond to the individual needs. Craft subject differs from other subjects in its practical nature. It also emphasizes student's own responsibility for learning. Therefore there are different needs for education support in craft lessons than in other subjects. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about education support needs in craft lessons in basic education and how teachers respond to those needs with support measures. This study was carried out as a case study. Four craft teachers who work within basic education were interviewed. All the teachers had students who needed general, intensified and special need in their classrooms. The transcribed data was analysed using theory-driven content analysis. Craft teachers recognized several different education support needs. The needs that kept the teachers the busiest were challenges in executive functions and behavior. These challenges linked to students' self-regulation and attention. The three-level support model was not explicit in craft lessons because the education support needs that emerge in craft lessons differ from the needs of other subjects. The teachers used a variety of support measures, the most important being differentiation which allows the teachers to individualize learning objectives, exercises and instructions according to the individual needs of the students. Also remedial teaching, co-education, special needs assistant, aids for disabled students and guidance of teacher were important support measures. The teachers found support measures helping the whole classroom, not only students with the need for education support.
  • Grönlund, Matti (2016)
    The purpose of this study was to examine how students' in faculty of behavioural sciences understand and determine concept of giftedness, gifted student and teaching methods of gifted students. Research questions were (1) How do you understand and determine the concept of giftedness? (2) How do you recognize a gifted student? (3) How should the teaching of gifted students be differentiated and with what kind of methods? The first section of theory defined giftedness and what is giftedness and also teachers being determiners of giftedness. The second section of theory defined differentiation teaching in gifted students' point of view. The third section defined boundaries for teaching in elementary school. This study was a qualitative research completed with quantitative figures. The research material was gathered from students in faculty of behavioural sciences with a questionnaire. Materials were analyzed with theory-based content analyses. Similarities and differences was found between the research material and the research theory. As was assumed the was no inclusive concept of giftedness to be found based on this study. Also, the recognition of gifted student was found to be difficult and more or less the gifted seemed to be a student who was performing academically well. Problem solving, differentiation in lessons and extra assignments seemed to be the best methods of teaching to gifted students. The least effective was acceleration and quantitative augmentation of assignments.
  • Jokinen, Hanna-Pauliina (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten suullista kielitaitoa harjoitetaan sekä eriytetään kommunikatiivisessa saksa vieraana kielenä -opetuksessa. Tämä kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus toteutettiin Berliinissä eräässä yksityisessä kielikoulussa, joka tarjoaa saksa vieraana kielenä kursseja aikuisille oppijoille eri puolilta maailmaa. Tutkimukseen osallistui yhteensä kolme A2-tason opetusryhmää sekä heidän opettajansa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu oppituntiobservoinneista, kurssiosallistujakyselystä sekä puolistrukturoidusta opettajien teemahaastattelusta. Observointien tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten suullista kielitaitoa harjoitellaan oppituntien aikana sekä mitä eriyttäviä metodeja puheen harjoituksessa käytetään. Haastattelun avulla kartoitettiin kurssiopettajan näkemyksiä ja ajatuksia suullisen kielitaidon merkityksestä sekä eriyttävästä opetuksesta. Lisäksi kerättiin kurssiosallistujien kokemuksia kielikurssin suullisen kielitaidon opetuksesta kyselylomakkeen avulla. Tutkimuksen materiaalin analyysin metodina hyödynnettiin sisällön analyysia. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa luodaan katsaus saksa vieraana kielenä (DaF) ja saksa toisena kielenä (DaZ) tutkimusalaan sekä tarkastellaan kielenoppimista aikuisen kielenoppijan näkökulmasta. Lisäksi perehdytään keskeisiin suullisen kielitaidon opetuksen suuntauksiin vieraan kielen opetuksessa niin yleisesti kuin eriyttämisen näkökulmasta. Teoriaosuudessa tarkastellaan tämän lisäksi heterogeenisyyden sekä eriyttämisen käsitteistä sekä luodaan katsaus eriyttämisen keskeisiin teorioihin. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että tutkimukseen osallistuneet kolme opettajaa hahmottavat eriyttämisen käsitteen hieman eri tavoin sekä hyödyntävät suullisen kielitaidon opetuksessa erilaisia eriyttämisen keinoja. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi vaihtelevat työskentelymuodot niin pareittain kuin ryhmässä, avoimet keskustelutehtävät, opettajan tuki tehtävien teon aikana, kielellinen tukimateriaali sekä kvalitatiivisen että kvantitatiivisen eriyttämisen keinot. Edellä mainitut eriyttävät opetusmetodit viittaavat opetuksen sisäisiin eriyttämisen keinoihin (saksaksi innere Differenzierung). Näiden lisäksi opettajien vastauksissa nousevat esiin myös ulkoisen eriyttämisen keinot (saksaksi äußere Differenzierung). Kaikki tutkimukseen osallistuneet kolme opettajaa toteuttavat eriyttämistä reaktiivisesti. Eriyttämisen haasteina mainittiin tilahaasteet, ajan- ja materiaalien puute sekä heterogeeniset opetusryhmät. Kurssiosallistujakyselyn perusteella selviää, että suurin osa kaikkien kolmen kurssin osallistujista koki suullisen kielitaitonsa parantuneen kielikurssin aikana. Kysymyksissä liittyen suullisten tehtävien monipuolisuuteen sekä suullisen kielitaidon harjoittamiseen opetuksessa on hajontaa eri kurssien välillä, mutta suurin osa vastaajista koki, että kurssilla tehdään paljon ja monipuolisesti suullisia tehtäviä.
  • Jokinen, Hanna-Pauliina (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten suullista kielitaitoa harjoitetaan sekä eriytetään kommunikatiivisessa saksa vieraana kielenä -opetuksessa. Tämä kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus toteutettiin Berliinissä eräässä yksityisessä kielikoulussa, joka tarjoaa saksa vieraana kielenä kursseja aikuisille oppijoille eri puolilta maailmaa. Tutkimukseen osallistui yhteensä kolme A2-tason opetusryhmää sekä heidän opettajansa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu oppituntiobservoinneista, kurssiosallistujakyselystä sekä puolistrukturoidusta opettajien teemahaastattelusta. Observointien tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten suullista kielitaitoa harjoitellaan oppituntien aikana sekä mitä eriyttäviä metodeja puheen harjoituksessa käytetään. Haastattelun avulla kartoitettiin kurssiopettajan näkemyksiä ja ajatuksia suullisen kielitaidon merkityksestä sekä eriyttävästä opetuksesta. Lisäksi kerättiin kurssiosallistujien kokemuksia kielikurssin suullisen kielitaidon opetuksesta kyselylomakkeen avulla. Tutkimuksen materiaalin analyysin metodina hyödynnettiin sisällön analyysia. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa luodaan katsaus saksa vieraana kielenä (DaF) ja saksa toisena kielenä (DaZ) tutkimusalaan sekä tarkastellaan kielenoppimista aikuisen kielenoppijan näkökulmasta. Lisäksi perehdytään keskeisiin suullisen kielitaidon opetuksen suuntauksiin vieraan kielen opetuksessa niin yleisesti kuin eriyttämisen näkökulmasta. Teoriaosuudessa tarkastellaan tämän lisäksi heterogeenisyyden sekä eriyttämisen käsitteistä sekä luodaan katsaus eriyttämisen keskeisiin teorioihin. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että tutkimukseen osallistuneet kolme opettajaa hahmottavat eriyttämisen käsitteen hieman eri tavoin sekä hyödyntävät suullisen kielitaidon opetuksessa erilaisia eriyttämisen keinoja. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi vaihtelevat työskentelymuodot niin pareittain kuin ryhmässä, avoimet keskustelutehtävät, opettajan tuki tehtävien teon aikana, kielellinen tukimateriaali sekä kvalitatiivisen että kvantitatiivisen eriyttämisen keinot. Edellä mainitut eriyttävät opetusmetodit viittaavat opetuksen sisäisiin eriyttämisen keinoihin (saksaksi innere Differenzierung). Näiden lisäksi opettajien vastauksissa nousevat esiin myös ulkoisen eriyttämisen keinot (saksaksi äußere Differenzierung). Kaikki tutkimukseen osallistuneet kolme opettajaa toteuttavat eriyttämistä reaktiivisesti. Eriyttämisen haasteina mainittiin tilahaasteet, ajan- ja materiaalien puute sekä heterogeeniset opetusryhmät. Kurssiosallistujakyselyn perusteella selviää, että suurin osa kaikkien kolmen kurssin osallistujista koki suullisen kielitaitonsa parantuneen kielikurssin aikana. Kysymyksissä liittyen suullisten tehtävien monipuolisuuteen sekä suullisen kielitaidon harjoittamiseen opetuksessa on hajontaa eri kurssien välillä, mutta suurin osa vastaajista koki, että kurssilla tehdään paljon ja monipuolisesti suullisia tehtäviä.