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  • Kivelä, Hilla (2022)
    The aim of the thesis was to describe the effects that the distance learning period, caused by the Corona pandemic, had on the field of Finnish liberal adult education, from the viewpoint of senior students. The main research question was the following 1) What are the reasons for the senior student to choose between distance learning and contact learning. In addition to liberal adult education, this thesis addresses traditional adult education, life-long learning, as well as distance learning phenomena. The thesis emphasises how liberal adult education has adapted to distance learning and how the senior students, who were used to the traditional classroom learning situation, now prefer to learn. The study method was mixed. The thesis was set on the study field of adult education and voluntary learning. The study was conducted via a voluntary questionnaire, which included open questions and multiple-choice questions. The thesis material consisted of the answers made by the senior students N = 188. The material was analysed with the methods of content analysis, as well as numerically. The written sources included international articles, scientific studies, and books. The thesis concluded that the senior students have vastly different kinds of viewpoints on what is good learning and teaching. The senior students are not a homogenic group that share similar pref-erences. Only a small majority of the study sample preferred contact teaching in a classroom to dis-tance learning. Those who preferred contact teaching felt the sense of community important. Rather than the technological side of online learning, the social and pedagogical side proved out to be a bigger explanation why they do not wish to take part in distance learning classes. Preferring either of the studying methods is not only connected to a person’s skillset, resources, and home support but to the content and substance of the course itself. Hybrid teaching was noted to be in demand in the answers of the students. Organizing it might challenge the institutes of liberal adult education. The role of Finnish liberal adult education in the future is providing accessible, voluntary, and equal education for everyone.
  • Pimiä, Laura (2022)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellen Ghanan kotitalousopetuksen opetussuunnitelmassa käytettyjä opetus- ja oppimismenetelmiä ja mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää näitä etäopetuksessa. Tutkielma on osa Helsingin Yliopiston ja Cape Coast -yliopiston välistä tutkimusyhteistyötä, jonka tavoitteena oli löytää keinoja Ghanan Senior High School -tason kotitalouden etäopetukseen. Taustalla vaikutti Covid-19-pandemia, joka sulki maailmanlaajuisesti kouluja ja etäopetukseen jouduttiin siirtymään ilman valmisteluja. Tutkielmani perustui kirjallisuuteen etäopetuksesta ja kokemuksiin taidon etäopetuksesta sekä kokemuksiin etäopetuksesta ja verkko-opetuksen haasteista Ghanassa. Tutkimusmenetelminä olivat sisällönanalyysi ja sisällön erittely, ja tutkimusaineistona oli Ghanan kotitalousopetuksen ruoka ja ravitsemus -aihealueen opetussuunnitelma. Kategorisoin opetussuunnitelmassa käytetyt opetus- ja oppimismenetelmät ja hyödyntäen näitä kategorioita analysoin opetus- ja oppimismenetelmiä Excelin Pivot-työkalulla. Hyödynsin analyysin tuloksia ja kirjallisuutta hahmotellessani mahdollisuuksia kotitalouden etäopetukseen. Sisällönanalyysin ja sisällön erottelun avulla opetussuunnitelmasta löytyi 10 opetus- ja oppimismenetelmäkategoriaa. Käytetyin opetus- ja oppimismenetelmä kaikkina lukuvuosina oli keskustelut ja aivoriihet eli opetus oli vuorovaikutteista. Lukuvuosien välillä oli eroja käytetyissä opetus- ja oppimismenetelmissä. Ensimmäisenä lukuvuotena opetus- ja oppimismenetelmät kohdentuivat perustiedon opetukseen. Kahtena ensimmäisenä lukuvuotena korostuivat toiminnalliset opetus- ja oppimismenetelmät ja käytännön harjoittelu. Kolmantena lukuvuotena esiintyi soveltavampia ja työelämään tutustuttavia opetus- ja oppimismenetelmiä. Johtopäätöksenä kirjallisuuden ja aikaisempien etäopetuskokemuksen pohjalta Ghanan kotitalouden etäopetukseen soveltuisivat parhaiten asynkroniset virtuaaliset ja tosielämän oppimisympäristöt eli opiskelijat opiskelisivat omalla aikataululla verkossa ja hyödyntäisivät opiskeluun kodin lisäksi yhteisöstä löytyviä oppimismahdollisuuksia. Etäopetuksessa opettajan ja oppilaiden sekä oppilaiden keskinäisestä vuorovaikutusta tulee tukea erityisesti, koska Ghanan heikot verkkoyhteydet eivät mahdollista synkronisia virtuaalisia oppimisympäristöjä.
  • Rydberg, Irene (2021)
    The Master´s Thesis examines home economics teachers´ experiences of home economics education during the exceptional circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in spring 2020. The topic is important as the coronavirus pandemic continues, affecting and will affect home economics education. Previous research has shown that home economics is a civic subject that is constantly evolving as the world changes. Previous studies have also found that the management of competencies (such as consumer skills, cooking and home sanitation) included in the home economics subject supports people’s well-being in everyday life. The Thesis analyzes how home economics teachers experience the changes brought about by exceptional circumstances in their work when they switched to distance learning in schools. The material of the Thesis is part of the “Towards more sustainable home economics education 2020” survey, which was collected during the pandemic. The qualitative material consists of the answers of 99 home economics teachers to a two-part open-ended question: "Explain how your teaching changed in a state of exceptional circumstances caused by the coronavirus. Describe how the collaboration with students and their guardians has gone." Coding and thematic design were used in the analysis of the material. According to the home economics teachers who responded to the survey, challenges were posed by, for example, practicing the use of digital tools, inventing new teaching tasks, taking into account different family situations, and the fact that some students had difficulty getting in touch. Home economics teachers though welcomed, for example, the development of digital skills, student assessment and co-operation with students´ guardians. Home economics teachers experienced an increase in workload and working hours during exceptional circumstances, which had a detrimental effect on home economics teachers' resilience at work. The conclusion of the Thesis is that the resilience of home economics teachers must be supported, for example, by providing clear municipality- and school-specific instructions for the implementation of home economics education.
  • Rydberg, Irene (2021)
    The Master´s Thesis examines home economics teachers´ experiences of home economics education during the exceptional circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in spring 2020. The topic is important as the coronavirus pandemic continues, affecting and will affect home economics education. Previous research has shown that home economics is a civic subject that is constantly evolving as the world changes. Previous studies have also found that the management of competencies (such as consumer skills, cooking and home sanitation) included in the home economics subject supports people’s well-being in everyday life. The Thesis analyzes how home economics teachers experience the changes brought about by exceptional circumstances in their work when they switched to distance learning in schools. The material of the Thesis is part of the “Towards more sustainable home economics education 2020” survey, which was collected during the pandemic. The qualitative material consists of the answers of 99 home economics teachers to a two-part open-ended question: "Explain how your teaching changed in a state of exceptional circumstances caused by the coronavirus. Describe how the collaboration with students and their guardians has gone." Coding and thematic design were used in the analysis of the material. According to the home economics teachers who responded to the survey, challenges were posed by, for example, practicing the use of digital tools, inventing new teaching tasks, taking into account different family situations, and the fact that some students had difficulty getting in touch. Home economics teachers though welcomed, for example, the development of digital skills, student assessment and co-operation with students´ guardians. Home economics teachers experienced an increase in workload and working hours during exceptional circumstances, which had a detrimental effect on home economics teachers' resilience at work. The conclusion of the Thesis is that the resilience of home economics teachers must be supported, for example, by providing clear municipality- and school-specific instructions for the implementation of home economics education.
  • Niittylä, Saara (2020)
    Aims. The purpose of this study is to investigate how home economic teachers implemented distance teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020. The research data was collected by interviewing home economic teachers. The theoretical framework for the research is based on previous research in distance education, the basic curriculum for the home economics and the research on home economics education. The research questions are: 1. How did home economic teachers implement distance teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic? 2. How was communication technology used to teach the home economic skills? 3. How did teaching home economics at distance affect the evaluation? Methods. The material of the study was collected by interviewing six home economic teachers. The interviews were conducted as individual interviews in accordance with the principles of the thematic interview. Research material was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis method. Results and conclusion. The experiences of the home economics teachers were relatively similar. Differences were found in the communication technologies adopted during teaching and partly also in the tasks planned for the students. Experiences in regards to the level of support provided by the school also varied. In terms of evaluation, the assessment of cooperation and interaction skills was found to be challenging during distance teaching.
  • Niittylä, Saara (2020)
    Aims. The purpose of this study is to investigate how home economic teachers implemented distance teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020. The research data was collected by interviewing home economic teachers. The theoretical framework for the research is based on previous research in distance education, the basic curriculum for the home economics and the research on home economics education. The research questions are: 1. How did home economic teachers implement distance teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic? 2. How was communication technology used to teach the home economic skills? 3. How did teaching home economics at distance affect the evaluation? Methods. The material of the study was collected by interviewing six home economic teachers. The interviews were conducted as individual interviews in accordance with the principles of the thematic interview. Research material was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis method. Results and conclusion. The experiences of the home economics teachers were relatively similar. Differences were found in the communication technologies adopted during teaching and partly also in the tasks planned for the students. Experiences in regards to the level of support provided by the school also varied. In terms of evaluation, the assessment of cooperation and interaction skills was found to be challenging during distance teaching.
  • Fonsell-Lehto, Kaisa (2022)
    In the spring of 2020, primary school students were transferred to distance education for health safety reasons. Distance education environments were set up from a wide variety of teachers’ and schools’ starting points at the expense of equality. The need for design-based research on IT-mediated teaching expanded from adult education environments to primary school, where the importance of self-determination was emphasized. The purpose of the study was to form recommendations for the primary school distance education provider by looking at the experiences of the guardians. For the description of distance education arrangements during the 2020 state of emergency this is a case study, and a design research for the development of distance education recommendations. The foundations for the thematic analysis was the theoretical distance education description by Simonson and Seepersaud (2019). The secondary data was received from an extensive national distance education and well-being project. 526 Helsinki-based guardians’ multi-perspective open text form responses were demarcated for examination. In the phenomenographic research method, experiences of the guardians were summarised using quantification. Recommendations for teachers, education organisers and guardians were formed through interpretation of the data. The perspective of guardians was well suited for the educational design research. According to the results, the most challenging situation in distance education was caused by weak selfdeter-mination of primary school aged children, which was best supported with the help of the teacher, if not the pupils’ own parent. Inequality was highlighted both in the quantity and quality of teaching provided by the teacher and in the home's ability to support the child. Surprisingly, the results described the normal conditions of modern school as a scene of noise, fears, bullying, stress and strain. About 10 % of guardians described distance education as a better learning environment for their child compared to normal conditions. As a guideline based on the design research, it is recommended that the primary school teacher provides daily support and assessment for the pupil, instructions available to the pupil, contact at home - but flexibly to case-by-case and depending on the teacher's competence, and continually developing one's own work.
  • Fonsell-Lehto, Kaisa (2022)
    In the spring of 2020, primary school students were transferred to distance education for health safety reasons. Distance education environments were set up from a wide variety of teachers’ and schools’ starting points at the expense of equality. The need for design-based research on IT-mediated teaching expanded from adult education environments to primary school, where the importance of self-determination was emphasized. The purpose of the study was to form recommendations for the primary school distance education provider by looking at the experiences of the guardians. For the description of distance education arrangements during the 2020 state of emergency this is a case study, and a design research for the development of distance education recommendations. The foundations for the thematic analysis was the theoretical distance education description by Simonson and Seepersaud (2019). The secondary data was received from an extensive national distance education and well-being project. 526 Helsinki-based guardians’ multi-perspective open text form responses were demarcated for examination. In the phenomenographic research method, experiences of the guardians were summarised using quantification. Recommendations for teachers, education organisers and guardians were formed through interpretation of the data. The perspective of guardians was well suited for the educational design research. According to the results, the most challenging situation in distance education was caused by weak selfdeter-mination of primary school aged children, which was best supported with the help of the teacher, if not the pupils’ own parent. Inequality was highlighted both in the quantity and quality of teaching provided by the teacher and in the home's ability to support the child. Surprisingly, the results described the normal conditions of modern school as a scene of noise, fears, bullying, stress and strain. About 10 % of guardians described distance education as a better learning environment for their child compared to normal conditions. As a guideline based on the design research, it is recommended that the primary school teacher provides daily support and assessment for the pupil, instructions available to the pupil, contact at home - but flexibly to case-by-case and depending on the teacher's competence, and continually developing one's own work.
  • Rautiainen-Särkkä, Sanna-Leena (2023)
    The purpose of this study is to examine, whether there have been changes in the forms or quantity of bullying before the corona pandemic (covid-19) compared to the duration of the pandemic. Traditionally, there has been various definitions for bullying, the latest of which is that there is a power imbalance between the bully and the person being bullied, which causes discomfort to the victim. Starting from late 2019, Coronavirus caused the covid-19 pandemic. Pandemic is an intercontinental epidemic that poses significant threat to public health. Due to the pandemic schools were closed from March 2020 until late May, during which teaching was done remotely online. By autumn of 2020 in-person teaching mostly resumed, with some special arrangements. The method chosen for this study is qualitative interview survey. Five teachers and one special needs teacher were interviewed. Five of the interviewees worked in the capital region and one in Varsinais-Suomi. All the interviewees had long experience working as a teacher. The interviews were conducted orally individually. The result of the study is that there haven’t been noticeable changes in the quantity of bullying, but the forms of bullying have transformed. This is partly because during remote online teaching there wasn’t any face-to-face interaction between pupils, and bullying was done mainly in virtual environments through the Internet, for example in games and WhatsApp. The same phenomenon has persisted after resuming in-person teaching.
  • Virtanen, Tessa (2021)
    In the spring of 2020, all Finnish schools moved to distance learning to restrict the spread of covid-19 virus. During this time, all subjects were taught using distance teaching methods. Distance teaching has been used in schools before the pandemic, for example in online courses but distance teaching for an entire class and for a long period of time is rare. Additionally, distantly teaching elementary school subjects such as physical education (PE) is uncommon. Researchers have demonstrated that the age and the subjects offer certain challenges to distance teaching. Previous research indicates that subjects such as PE where a group setting is required, are challenging to teach distantly without the presence of a group and students learning the subject individually in their own homes. The aim of this study is to investigate the methods elementary school teachers used in distance teaching of PE. The goal is to understand the challenges and opportunities distance teaching sets for PE. Additionally, the goal is to determine how the teaching goals set in the curriculum can be achieved in distance teaching. The study was executed using qualitative methods. The data consisted of semi-structured thematic interviews of six elementary school teachers. The interviews were conducted in the spring of 2021 using distance communication methods. Data-analysis was conducted using data-driven content analysis. In distance teaching of PE teachers utilized asynchronous methods emphasizing mainly different forms of outdoor exercises which require minimum resources from the children’s families. Teachers experienced that goals and contents set in the curriculum from a physical and mental perspective were met partially, but from a social perspective very little. According to the teachers there were massive differences in the involvement of students in physical education learning during the distance teaching period. The main challenges in distance teaching of PE according to the teachers were taking into consideration the students’ equality and young age when planning and executing the lessons. The range of alternative teaching methods, flexibility and the use of new methods and technology were seen as positive factors in distance teaching of PE. Although the distance teaching period as a whole was a positive and eye-opening experience for the teachers, all of them concluded that PE is more appropriate in contact teaching. The distance teaching period offered new methods and technology to be used in PE teaching in the future, however in conclusion it is not practical to replace contact teaching with distance teaching in PE.
  • Virtanen, Tessa (2021)
    In the spring of 2020, all Finnish schools moved to distance learning to restrict the spread of covid-19 virus. During this time, all subjects were taught using distance teaching methods. Distance teaching has been used in schools before the pandemic, for example in online courses but distance teaching for an entire class and for a long period of time is rare. Additionally, distantly teaching elementary school subjects such as physical education (PE) is uncommon. Researchers have demonstrated that the age and the subjects offer certain challenges to distance teaching. Previous research indicates that subjects such as PE where a group setting is required, are challenging to teach distantly without the presence of a group and students learning the subject individually in their own homes. The aim of this study is to investigate the methods elementary school teachers used in distance teaching of PE. The goal is to understand the challenges and opportunities distance teaching sets for PE. Additionally, the goal is to determine how the teaching goals set in the curriculum can be achieved in distance teaching. The study was executed using qualitative methods. The data consisted of semi-structured thematic interviews of six elementary school teachers. The interviews were conducted in the spring of 2021 using distance communication methods. Data-analysis was conducted using data-driven content analysis. In distance teaching of PE teachers utilized asynchronous methods emphasizing mainly different forms of outdoor exercises which require minimum resources from the children’s families. Teachers experienced that goals and contents set in the curriculum from a physical and mental perspective were met partially, but from a social perspective very little. According to the teachers there were massive differences in the involvement of students in physical education learning during the distance teaching period. The main challenges in distance teaching of PE according to the teachers were taking into consideration the students’ equality and young age when planning and executing the lessons. The range of alternative teaching methods, flexibility and the use of new methods and technology were seen as positive factors in distance teaching of PE. Although the distance teaching period as a whole was a positive and eye-opening experience for the teachers, all of them concluded that PE is more appropriate in contact teaching. The distance teaching period offered new methods and technology to be used in PE teaching in the future, however in conclusion it is not practical to replace contact teaching with distance teaching in PE.
  • Koskelin, Elina (2021)
    Changes in the education system are often preceded by a vision of the future labor market situation. In January 2020, following a flagship project in Juha Sipilä ́s government ́s strategic program, the teaching of A1 language was stated early in the first grade and the class teachers were given a new subject to teach. The aim of this study was to find out classroom teachers ́ perceptions of early language learning and working methods. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, in March 2020, it was necessary to switch to distance learning. The new teaching arrangements provided an opportunity to explore the link between the distance learning system for classroom teachers and the working methods of early language teaching. In addition, I studied classroom teachers ́ perceptions of the need to support both student learning and the organization of teaching in early language teaching. The material for this qualitative study was collected through a semi-structured thematic interview. I interviewed five classroom teachers and one special classroom teacher who had started early language teaching in January 2020. The transcripts of the interviews formed the material, which I analyzed according to the analysis of the phenomenographic study. In the analysis, I classified descriptive categories from the data, with which I presented the research results. The survey showed that some classroom teachers felt that they had received too little in-service training in the new subject being taught and they were unsure of their competence. Other classroom teachers felt they received adequate in-service training and the teaching was meaningful. Everyone had positive experiences, especially of students ́ enthusiasm and motivation for early language. The different learning difficulties of the students were perceived as challenges. The experience of learning support for students as well as teaching support varied slightly. Classroom teachers used functional, varied ways of working, as well as songs and games. In distance learning, working methods changed completely. Only half of the classroom teachers held early language lessons or small sessions weekly remotely. Students were sent links to the topics they were studying, and the responsibility for teaching and the student ́s support were largely transferred to the parents. The goals of early language teaching had to be compromised. As a key conclusion, I can say that classroom teachers need adequate in-service training that takes into account the different needs of teachers. To ensure the quality of teaching, many classroom teachers want to clearer guidance on what goals and how to proceed in early language. Closer co-operation with subject teachers would increase the confidence of classroom teachers to provide the right kind of teaching and support for students in early language learning.
  • Koskelin, Elina (2021)
    Changes in the education system are often preceded by a vision of the future labor market situation. In January 2020, following a flagship project in Juha Sipilä ́s government ́s strategic program, the teaching of A1 language was stated early in the first grade and the class teachers were given a new subject to teach. The aim of this study was to find out classroom teachers ́ perceptions of early language learning and working methods. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, in March 2020, it was necessary to switch to distance learning. The new teaching arrangements provided an opportunity to explore the link between the distance learning system for classroom teachers and the working methods of early language teaching. In addition, I studied classroom teachers ́ perceptions of the need to support both student learning and the organization of teaching in early language teaching. The material for this qualitative study was collected through a semi-structured thematic interview. I interviewed five classroom teachers and one special classroom teacher who had started early language teaching in January 2020. The transcripts of the interviews formed the material, which I analyzed according to the analysis of the phenomenographic study. In the analysis, I classified descriptive categories from the data, with which I presented the research results. The survey showed that some classroom teachers felt that they had received too little in-service training in the new subject being taught and they were unsure of their competence. Other classroom teachers felt they received adequate in-service training and the teaching was meaningful. Everyone had positive experiences, especially of students ́ enthusiasm and motivation for early language. The different learning difficulties of the students were perceived as challenges. The experience of learning support for students as well as teaching support varied slightly. Classroom teachers used functional, varied ways of working, as well as songs and games. In distance learning, working methods changed completely. Only half of the classroom teachers held early language lessons or small sessions weekly remotely. Students were sent links to the topics they were studying, and the responsibility for teaching and the student ́s support were largely transferred to the parents. The goals of early language teaching had to be compromised. As a key conclusion, I can say that classroom teachers need adequate in-service training that takes into account the different needs of teachers. To ensure the quality of teaching, many classroom teachers want to clearer guidance on what goals and how to proceed in early language. Closer co-operation with subject teachers would increase the confidence of classroom teachers to provide the right kind of teaching and support for students in early language learning.
  • Palkamo, Toni (2023)
    Goals: The aim of the study was to examine, how Finnish middle school students experienced social support from their teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the fall of 2020. In addition, the study sought to find out connections between specific types of social support provided by the teacher and middle school students assessment of their self-regulated learning skills during the emergency remote teaching period. Potentially, the results of the research provide teachers with ways to support their students in their studies, even in the middle of a crisis in distance learning context. Based on earlier studies, social support from the teacher, as well as self-regulated learning skills, are connected to learning outcomes and school attachment in distance education. Methods: The research was carried out using a quantitative research tradition. The methods used in this study included analysis of the statistics, linear correlation analyses, multivariate analysis of variances (MANOVA) and linear regression analysis. The data used in this study is a part of a larger longitudinal study conducted in autumn 2020 as part of the Schooling, teaching and wellbeing in the school community during the COVID-19 pandemic (CEA, University of Helsinki; REAL, Tampere University; NEDIS, Tampere University; Ministry of Education and Culture) project. The final sample included 36,542 students from grades 7–9 from different schools around Finland who had participated in the anonymous online survey implemented by the project team. Results and conclusions: According to the results and the analysis methods used, Finnish secondary school students experienced very little social support from their teachers during the emergency remote teaching period in the autumn 2020. Boys received slightly more social support from their own teachers than girls, and non-binary students even less than boys or girls. There was a positive correlation between all four types of social support from the teacher and the self-regulated skills assessment given by the middle school student. Regarding the types of support mentioned above, there are no clear differences between the types in terms of the strength of the effect. Nonetheless in the future teachers should be able to support their students learning during difficult periods of time by providing them social support, even in remote teaching context.
  • Palkamo, Toni (2023)
    Goals: The aim of the study was to examine, how Finnish middle school students experienced social support from their teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the fall of 2020. In addition, the study sought to find out connections between specific types of social support provided by the teacher and middle school students assessment of their self-regulated learning skills during the emergency remote teaching period. Potentially, the results of the research provide teachers with ways to support their students in their studies, even in the middle of a crisis in distance learning context. Based on earlier studies, social support from the teacher, as well as self-regulated learning skills, are connected to learning outcomes and school attachment in distance education. Methods: The research was carried out using a quantitative research tradition. The methods used in this study included analysis of the statistics, linear correlation analyses, multivariate analysis of variances (MANOVA) and linear regression analysis. The data used in this study is a part of a larger longitudinal study conducted in autumn 2020 as part of the Schooling, teaching and wellbeing in the school community during the COVID-19 pandemic (CEA, University of Helsinki; REAL, Tampere University; NEDIS, Tampere University; Ministry of Education and Culture) project. The final sample included 36,542 students from grades 7–9 from different schools around Finland who had participated in the anonymous online survey implemented by the project team. Results and conclusions: According to the results and the analysis methods used, Finnish secondary school students experienced very little social support from their teachers during the emergency remote teaching period in the autumn 2020. Boys received slightly more social support from their own teachers than girls, and non-binary students even less than boys or girls. There was a positive correlation between all four types of social support from the teacher and the self-regulated skills assessment given by the middle school student. Regarding the types of support mentioned above, there are no clear differences between the types in terms of the strength of the effect. Nonetheless in the future teachers should be able to support their students learning during difficult periods of time by providing them social support, even in remote teaching context.
  • Salo, Janette (2021)
    Goal. The corona pandemic during spring 2020 led to closing of schools. Therefor majority of the teachers had to move to distance education. The teachers were in a whole new situation and had to rapidly develop a new way to teach. Co-teaching is an approach becoming more common. It refers to a situation where two or more teachers cooperates. The objective of my study is to figure out how the teachers who were working as co-teachers executed distance education during Spring 2020. Furthermore, I study possible advantages and challenges the teachers experienced from the co-teaching in the distance education. My goal is to add knowledge and understanding of the foundation pillars of co-teaching and distance education through this study. Methods. I sent an e-mail to ten co-teachers where I asked their willingness to participate in my study and three teacher pairs were willing to be a part of my study. Therefor there were three cases in my study. Materials were collected with pair interviews and the theme interview was selected to be a survey. As an analysis method I used the content analysis. Results and conclusions. All Teacher pairs considered it most reasonable to divide their pupil into two separate groups. Each pair had about an hour lasting virtual study hall in a day through video conference. After this the lines were left open so that for example the pupils who needed support were able to stay and work with teacher's assistance. In all three cases the benefits from work pair were mainly the same. Some of the found advantages were divided responsibility, the colleague's support and work stress relief. Challenges due having a work pair were minimal. The reason can be the fact that the interviews were carried out in a pair. One case brought up the occasional disagreements and additional work through work phone. One case experienced that here had been some challenges with communication and it had lead to a few misunderstandings. However, all the teacher pairs emphasised that none of these challenges were a threshold question.
  • Salo, Janette (2021)
    Goal. The corona pandemic during spring 2020 led to closing of schools. Therefor majority of the teachers had to move to distance education. The teachers were in a whole new situation and had to rapidly develop a new way to teach. Co-teaching is an approach becoming more common. It refers to a situation where two or more teachers cooperates. The objective of my study is to figure out how the teachers who were working as co-teachers executed distance education during Spring 2020. Furthermore, I study possible advantages and challenges the teachers experienced from the co-teaching in the distance education. My goal is to add knowledge and understanding of the foundation pillars of co-teaching and distance education through this study. Methods. I sent an e-mail to ten co-teachers where I asked their willingness to participate in my study and three teacher pairs were willing to be a part of my study. Therefor there were three cases in my study. Materials were collected with pair interviews and the theme interview was selected to be a survey. As an analysis method I used the content analysis. Results and conclusions. All Teacher pairs considered it most reasonable to divide their pupil into two separate groups. Each pair had about an hour lasting virtual study hall in a day through video conference. After this the lines were left open so that for example the pupils who needed support were able to stay and work with teacher's assistance. In all three cases the benefits from work pair were mainly the same. Some of the found advantages were divided responsibility, the colleague's support and work stress relief. Challenges due having a work pair were minimal. The reason can be the fact that the interviews were carried out in a pair. One case brought up the occasional disagreements and additional work through work phone. One case experienced that here had been some challenges with communication and it had lead to a few misunderstandings. However, all the teacher pairs emphasised that none of these challenges were a threshold question.
  • Punsar, Milla (2021)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erään 8. luokan oppilaiden kirjoittamista etäkoulun kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten Reading to Learn (R2L) -pedagogiikka taipuu kirjoittamisen opettamiseen etänä. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestytään kahdesta näkökulmasta kahden tutkimuskysymyksen ja kaksijakoisen aineiston avulla. Ensimmäisen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla selvitetään, minkälaisena oppilaat itse kokivat kirjoittamisen etäkoulun kontekstissa. Toisen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla fokusoidutaan tarkastelemaan mielipidetekstien funktionaalista rakennetta, jonka avulla selvitetään käytetyn pedagogiikan vaikutusta konkreettisemmalla tasolla. Aineisto koostuu oppilaiden täyttämästä kyselystä sekä heidän laatimistaan mielipidekirjoituksista. Kyselylomakkeen kysymykset ovat sekä monivalinta- että avokysymyksiä ja koskevat etäkoulussa toteutetun mielipidekirjoittamisen opetuskokonaisuutta. Mielipidekirjoituksia on yhteensä 38, joista 20 on kirjoitettu ilman pohjatekstiä ja 18 on vastineita. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan tekstien funktionaalista rakennetta John Swalesin genreanalyysilla, jota on sovellettu tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteita palvelevalla tavalla. Työssä osoitetaan, että R2L-pedagogiikka on toimiva tapa opettaa kirjoittamista etänä. Kyselylomakkeen tuloksista käy ilmi, että oppilaat kokevat kirjoittamisen opiskelun etäkoulussa varsin positiivisesti. Valtaosan mielestä kirjoitustehtävät sujuvat yhtä hyvin tai jopa paremmin etäkoulussa kuin lähikoulussa. Esimerkkien seuraamista ruudun välityksellä pidetään helppona, ja avovastauksista hyvin toimineena seikkana nousee muun muassa kirjoittaminen ja tehtävien tekeminen. Tästä tapaustutkimuksesta selviää, että ikätasoon suhteutettuna oppilaat käyttävät melko laajasti eri funktionaalisia jaksoja mielipidekirjoituksissaan. Aiempien tutkimusten tapaan oppilailla ei ole ongelmia oman mielipiteen esittämisessä, mutta pohjatekstin referoiminen osoittautuu kahdeksasluokkalaisille hieman haastavaksi. Mielipidekirjoitusten funktionaalisen rakenteen analyysista selviää opetuksen yhteys tuotettuun tekstilajiin. Opetuksen vaikutus näkyy funktionaalisten jaksojen määrässä, niiden sijoittumisessa tekstiin sekä käytetyssä sanastossa. Etäopetus on koulumuotona uusi, joten tutkimusta siitä on saatavilla niukasti. Tämän tutkielman voikin katsoa täydentävän tätä tutkimusaukkoa.
  • Punsar, Milla (2021)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erään 8. luokan oppilaiden kirjoittamista etäkoulun kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten Reading to Learn (R2L) -pedagogiikka taipuu kirjoittamisen opettamiseen etänä. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestytään kahdesta näkökulmasta kahden tutkimuskysymyksen ja kaksijakoisen aineiston avulla. Ensimmäisen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla selvitetään, minkälaisena oppilaat itse kokivat kirjoittamisen etäkoulun kontekstissa. Toisen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla fokusoidutaan tarkastelemaan mielipidetekstien funktionaalista rakennetta, jonka avulla selvitetään käytetyn pedagogiikan vaikutusta konkreettisemmalla tasolla. Aineisto koostuu oppilaiden täyttämästä kyselystä sekä heidän laatimistaan mielipidekirjoituksista. Kyselylomakkeen kysymykset ovat sekä monivalinta- että avokysymyksiä ja koskevat etäkoulussa toteutetun mielipidekirjoittamisen opetuskokonaisuutta. Mielipidekirjoituksia on yhteensä 38, joista 20 on kirjoitettu ilman pohjatekstiä ja 18 on vastineita. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan tekstien funktionaalista rakennetta John Swalesin genreanalyysilla, jota on sovellettu tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteita palvelevalla tavalla. Työssä osoitetaan, että R2L-pedagogiikka on toimiva tapa opettaa kirjoittamista etänä. Kyselylomakkeen tuloksista käy ilmi, että oppilaat kokevat kirjoittamisen opiskelun etäkoulussa varsin positiivisesti. Valtaosan mielestä kirjoitustehtävät sujuvat yhtä hyvin tai jopa paremmin etäkoulussa kuin lähikoulussa. Esimerkkien seuraamista ruudun välityksellä pidetään helppona, ja avovastauksista hyvin toimineena seikkana nousee muun muassa kirjoittaminen ja tehtävien tekeminen. Tästä tapaustutkimuksesta selviää, että ikätasoon suhteutettuna oppilaat käyttävät melko laajasti eri funktionaalisia jaksoja mielipidekirjoituksissaan. Aiempien tutkimusten tapaan oppilailla ei ole ongelmia oman mielipiteen esittämisessä, mutta pohjatekstin referoiminen osoittautuu kahdeksasluokkalaisille hieman haastavaksi. Mielipidekirjoitusten funktionaalisen rakenteen analyysista selviää opetuksen yhteys tuotettuun tekstilajiin. Opetuksen vaikutus näkyy funktionaalisten jaksojen määrässä, niiden sijoittumisessa tekstiin sekä käytetyssä sanastossa. Etäopetus on koulumuotona uusi, joten tutkimusta siitä on saatavilla niukasti. Tämän tutkielman voikin katsoa täydentävän tätä tutkimusaukkoa.
  • Ketonen, Jonatan (2022)
    In the spring of 2020, countries around the world faced a new kind of situation when, due to the corona pandemic, people had to avoid encountering in different situations. As a result, teaching was also transferred at an unprecedented rate from traditional contact teaching to distance teaching. This study examines the readiness of university teachers to move from face-to-face to distance teaching in the spring of 2020. The aim of this study is also to understand the purpose for which university teachers have used teaching technology before the pandemic and whether the teaching experience explains different usage of teaching technologies. The research questions are: 1. For what purpose did teachers use teaching technology before the Covid-19 pandemic? 2. Are there differences between the teaching experience groups in terms of the use of teaching technology? 3. Has there been a change in the competence of university teachers in relation to distance teaching during the spring of 2020? The research material was collected using an electronic form from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Helsinki during May-June 2020. The research material is part of a larger study that includes responses from university teachers in seven faculties. The data for this study consist of responses from 71 university teachers. The Kruskal-Wallis test and the t-test of repeated measurements were used to analyze the data. A preliminary review of the data was performed by examining the frequency distribution, means, standard deviation, and percentage bar graph. According to the results of this study, before the pandemic, university teachers mostly used teaching technology to inform students, distribute study materials, and return assignments. Teachers make much less use of teaching technology to enable interaction between students. The teaching experience of university teachers had no effect on how they use teaching technology, and the teaching experience had no statistically significant connection with the use of teaching technology. University teachers estimated in this study that their competence had increased during the spring of 2020. The result was statistically very significant. The results of the study show that university teachers were able to adapt very quickly to the challenge offered by distance teaching. University teachers may still need guidance and support on how to get more interaction into e-learning. For example, the training provided by the Center for University Pedagogy (HYPE) for teachers in different faculties could help.