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Browsing by Subject "fMRI"

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  • Salminen, Annu (2024)
    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become an important tool in measuring the connectivity of the brain. Based on the connectivity maps acquired from scanning, research is being done for example on how to improve fMRI-guided targeting of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). One of the means is to improve the quality of the imaging. There are some challenges in producing high quality images due to technical limitations and due to patient behavior, most important of which are movement and state of alertness. The aim of this thesis was to find out, if natural viewing during scanning would reduce movement, increase alertness and increase comfortableness of the patients compared to resting state scanning. We had 19 (N=19) patients suffering from treatment resistant MDD (major depressive disorder) scanned to receive fMRIguided TMS -treatment. We divided the fMRI into four sessions: two movie and two resting state sessions. After each session we asked the patients to rate their level of alertness and comfortableness on a visual analogue scale from 0 to 100. We also computed two different movement measures (mean FD [= framewise displacement] Jenkinson and number of FD Power >0.5) of the scanning. We could see a significant difference (p=0.014) in mean FD Jenkinson between movie vs rest indicating that natural viewing reduced movement during scanning. We also could see a significant difference in alertness (p=0.002) between sessions indicating that longer duration of scanning diminishes the state of alertness of the patients. In other parameters we did not see a significant difference between movie and resting state. Our research supports and adds to previous findings that showing a movie during fMRI could reduce movement and that state of alertness could decrease during longer scanning times.
  • Saranpää, Aino (2018)
    Objectives: The ventral visual stream (VVS) is important for recognizing visual objects and processing semantic knowledge. However, it is not clear whether non-pictorially presented objects are processed similarly. Posterior inferotemporal cortex (pITC) in the upstream VVS has been shown to process visual object properties. On the other hand, perirhinal cortex (PRC) in the downstream VVS is important for differentiating complex visually and semantically similar objects. We investigated whether the same areas are connected to visualizing objects and understanding their meanings when objects are presented non-pictorially. We hypothesise that signals in the pITC and PRC are connected to object imaginability and semantic similarity, respectively. Methods: In a fMRI study the participants (n=17) guessed, which object was presented based on verbal clues. Subjective semantic similarity, imaginability and detailedness were evaluated with a questionnaire (n = 16). Objective semantic similarity was evaluated with a word2vec-vector space model. The association between the ITC and PRC and the object properties was studied with partial correlation. Results and conclusions: Objective semantic similarity and imaginability were connected to the BOLD-signal in the PRC. Detailedness was connected to the BOLD-signal in the pITC. These results indicate that the VVS processes verbally cued objects similarly as visually presented objects.
  • Makkonen, Emilia (2021)
    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a method that in recent years has gained the attention of researchers. In certain contexts, tDCS can be utilised in modulating brain function and cognitive performance, and it has been found to modulate symptoms and neural correlates of some pathologies. Due to differences in protocols between studies, the literature is inconclusive on the effects of tDCS on some brain areas and networks. In this study the effects of tDCS directed to medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) on functional networks of the brain in resting state are examined. 36 healthy female subjects were divided into control and tDCS-groups of equal sizes. Functional networks were examined using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in resting state before one stimulation session of 20 minutes with 2 mA current or sham stimulation, and after the session. Functional networks were identified with independent component analysis (ICA), which was performed on the set of images with both groups combined. The groups were then compared on a network level. The tDCS group showed increased functional connectivity in and around the left anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in language network compared to the sham group. Other networks identified by ICA that showed no statistically significant differences between groups were posterior and anterior default mode, dorsal attention, sensorimotor, orbitofrontal, left and right frontoparietal, medial and lateral visual network, basal ganglia and the cerebellum. The results of this study were partially in line with previous studies that have found increases in the functional connectivity of brain regions associated with reward processing. There is a need for systematic examination of the effects of different tDCS protocols on functional networks in future studies.
  • Makkonen, Emilia (2021)
    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a method that in recent years has gained the attention of researchers. In certain contexts, tDCS can be utilised in modulating brain function and cognitive performance, and it has been found to modulate symptoms and neural correlates of some pathologies. Due to differences in protocols between studies, the literature is inconclusive on the effects of tDCS on some brain areas and networks. In this study the effects of tDCS directed to medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) on functional networks of the brain in resting state are examined. 36 healthy female subjects were divided into control and tDCS-groups of equal sizes. Functional networks were examined using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in resting state before one stimulation session of 20 minutes with 2 mA current or sham stimulation, and after the session. Functional networks were identified with independent component analysis (ICA), which was performed on the set of images with both groups combined. The groups were then compared on a network level. The tDCS group showed increased functional connectivity in and around the left anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in language network compared to the sham group. Other networks identified by ICA that showed no statistically significant differences between groups were posterior and anterior default mode, dorsal attention, sensorimotor, orbitofrontal, left and right frontoparietal, medial and lateral visual network, basal ganglia and the cerebellum. The results of this study were partially in line with previous studies that have found increases in the functional connectivity of brain regions associated with reward processing. There is a need for systematic examination of the effects of different tDCS protocols on functional networks in future studies.
  • Saaristo, Jenni (2023)
    Tapahtumasegmentaatio jäsentää sekä arkista kokemustamme että muistiamme. Parhaillaan meneillään olevan tapahtuman hahmotus ja prosessointi tapahtuu todennäköisesti aivokuorella, mutta ilman toimivaa hippokampusta tilanteesta ei voi syntyä pysyvää muistoa. On olennainen kysymys, missä kohtaa ja miten hippokampus osallistuu tapahtumien prosessointiin ja mieleen painamiseen. Aiemmin on magneettikuvaustutkimuksin osoitettu, että hippokampus reagoi tapahtumien välisiin rajoihin aktivaatiopiikein. On ehdotettu, että ne ilmentäisivät aistimodaliteetista riippumattoman tason prosessia, jossa hippokampus kokoaa yhteen ja vahvistaa koetun tilanteen kokonaisrepresentaation, jotta se voidaan painaa muistiin. Aiemmat tutkimukset on kuitenkin toteutettu yksinomaan audiovisuaalisilla ärsykkeillä, ja koska hippokampuksen tiedetään osallistuvan myös visuaaliseen prosessointiin, ei ole täysin selvää, etteivätkö havaitut aktivaatiot voisi selittyä alemman, aistitietoa käsittelevän tason prosesseilla. Tämän kysymyksen ratkaisemiseksi tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin reagoiko hippokampus tapahtumarajoihin puhtaasti auditiivisessa ärsykkeessä. Ärsykkeenä oli 71-minuuttinen tarinallinen äänikirja, jonka osallistujat kuuntelivat passiivisesti fMRI-rekisteröinnin aikana, ja jonka tapahtumarajat määriteltiin kokeellisesti erillisen koehenkilöryhmän avulla. Aivokuvausaineisto analysoitiin aivoalueittain sekä hippokampuksesta että eksploratiivisesti myös kaikilta aivokuoren alueilta. Hippokampuksen havaittiin reagoivan tapahtumarajoihin aktivaatiopiikein. Aivokuorella voimakkaasti reagoivia alueita olivat mm. posteriorinen mediaalinen aivokuori, ventromediaalinen prefrontaalialue, parahippokampaalinen poimu sekä etummainen pihtipoimu. Monien näistä alueista uskotaan osallistuvan meneillään olevan tapahtuman mallintamiseen ja hahmottamiseen, ja osa mahdollisesti osallistuu huomion siirtämiseen sisäisen ja ulkoisen välillä. Etummaisen pihtipoimun tiedetään osallistuvan odotusten ja havaintojen välisten konfliktien monitorointiin, mikä saattaisi tukea teoriaa, jonka mukaan segmentaatio olisi riippuvaista havaituista ennustevirheistä. Tätä ei kuitenkaan tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voida varmasti päätellä, vaan asiaa tulisi tutkia tarkemmin. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat näkemystä, jonka mukaan hippokampuksen lisääntynyt toiminta tapahtumarajoilla liittyy korkean tason abstraktiin segmentaatioon ja mahdollisesti episodisen muiston luomiseen. Tämä prosessi mahdollisesti tapahtuu yhteistyössä aivokuoren aktiivisten alueiden kanssa, mutta kausaaliset suhteet ja informaation kulku näiden alueiden välillä on selvitettävä myöhemmissä tutkimuksissa.
  • Luostarinen, Maaria (2017)
    Visual working memory is a cognitive system that is responsible of short term storage and manipulation of visual information. Working memory is divided to memorising, storage and recalling of the stimulus. This review concentrates in visual working memory studies that used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). FMRI is a spatially accurate and is based on changes in the brains blood circulation. The data from fMRI can be analysed with univariate or multivariate methods. These methods answer different research problems because of their different premises. The premise of univariate analysis is that the neural activation in one part of the brain is directly related to its function. In multivariate analysis, the neural activation is approached by observing the activations distribution, which means that different activation distributions in same parts of the brain can be related to different processes. The visual areas of the brain are located in the occipital lobe but, before multivariate analysis, the visual working memory has been associated with prefrontal cortex. After multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) has increased in popularity the hypothesis, that visual areas have a part in visual working memory, has also generalised. Because of the activation distribution premise, the MVPA is a more sensitive method to analyse fMRI data. Still there have been different results in different MVPA using studies. Different memory tasks might also be partly responsible of different results. A visual working memory task always activates prefrontal and parietal cortices in addition to sensory cortex. Visual cortex seems to have the principal part and prefrontal and parietal cortices take part most likely in executive functions but they can’t be ruled out from storage either.