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  • Nordman, Ida (2021)
    The breaking of albumen during the mechanical peeling process of cooked eggs causes food waste. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of housing system, storage temperature and age of hens on the albumen quality and gelation. In addition, the objective was to compare the properties of eggs collected from different quality batches of industrially cooked eggs. Uncooked eggs were collected from different batches before cooking, and the air cell size, albumen pH and dry matter content were measured. Haugh unit score describing the quality of egg was also measured. The same measurements were also made to eggs produced with two different housing systems, to eggs stored at 4°C and 14°C and to eggs from three different age groups of layers once a week during the total storage time of four weeks. The egg size was measured, and shape index, volume and surface area of eggs were calculated. Egg shell thickness was measured, and pore count was determined with stereomicroscope after dyeing the shells with methylene blue. The protein composition was examined with SDS-PAGE. A microwell plate analysis was tested in order to determine the S-ovalbumin content in albumen. Pieces of coagulated egg white were analysed with texture profile analysis and fracture study. The age of the hen had an impact on egg quality. Coagulated egg white samples made of eggs from old hens fractured more easily than samples made of eggs from young hens in all timepoints. The Haugh unit scores were lower in eggs from old hens and dry matter contents increased faster in eggs from young hens compared to the other age groups. Differences between production methods were also noted, and albumen from organic eggs fractured easier than albumen from barn eggs. Haugh unit scores and dry matter contents were lower and pH-values greater in organic eggs compared to barn eggs. Lysotzyme contents based on SDS-PAGE were lower in organic eggs compared to barn eggs. Shells were thinner and pore counts greater in organic eggs compared to barn eggs. Storage temperature had an impact on uncooked egg quality, and eggs stored at 14 °C had lower Haugh unit score and greater pH and dry matter content than eggs stored at 4°C. Textural properties of eggs stored at 14°C were better only in the first two timepoints. Eggs collected from low quality batches of industrially cooked eggs were laid by old layers and had albumen pH more basic and dry matter content and Haugh unit score lower than eggs collected from batches with good quality. Measuring these properties could be helpful when choosing the eggs for the cooking process, because great dry matter content had an positive impact on textural properties of cooked albumen, but the decrease in Haugh unit score over time possible had an negative impact on textural properties.
  • Nordman, Ida (2021)
    The breaking of albumen during the mechanical peeling process of cooked eggs causes food waste. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of housing system, storage temperature and age of hens on the albumen quality and gelation. In addition, the objective was to compare the properties of eggs collected from different quality batches of industrially cooked eggs. Uncooked eggs were collected from different batches before cooking, and the air cell size, albumen pH and dry matter content were measured. Haugh unit score describing the quality of egg was also measured. The same measurements were also made to eggs produced with two different housing systems, to eggs stored at 4°C and 14°C and to eggs from three different age groups of layers once a week during the total storage time of four weeks. The egg size was measured, and shape index, volume and surface area of eggs were calculated. Egg shell thickness was measured, and pore count was determined with stereomicroscope after dyeing the shells with methylene blue. The protein composition was examined with SDS-PAGE. A microwell plate analysis was tested in order to determine the S-ovalbumin content in albumen. Pieces of coagulated egg white were analysed with texture profile analysis and fracture study. The age of the hen had an impact on egg quality. Coagulated egg white samples made of eggs from old hens fractured more easily than samples made of eggs from young hens in all timepoints. The Haugh unit scores were lower in eggs from old hens and dry matter contents increased faster in eggs from young hens compared to the other age groups. Differences between production methods were also noted, and albumen from organic eggs fractured easier than albumen from barn eggs. Haugh unit scores and dry matter contents were lower and pH-values greater in organic eggs compared to barn eggs. Lysotzyme contents based on SDS-PAGE were lower in organic eggs compared to barn eggs. Shells were thinner and pore counts greater in organic eggs compared to barn eggs. Storage temperature had an impact on uncooked egg quality, and eggs stored at 14 °C had lower Haugh unit score and greater pH and dry matter content than eggs stored at 4°C. Textural properties of eggs stored at 14°C were better only in the first two timepoints. Eggs collected from low quality batches of industrially cooked eggs were laid by old layers and had albumen pH more basic and dry matter content and Haugh unit score lower than eggs collected from batches with good quality. Measuring these properties could be helpful when choosing the eggs for the cooking process, because great dry matter content had an positive impact on textural properties of cooked albumen, but the decrease in Haugh unit score over time possible had an negative impact on textural properties.
  • Balk, Mirjami (2011)
    Tarkastelen tutkielmassani isiä, jotka ovat saaneet lapsia kahdessa eri iässä; nuorempana ja vanhempana. Isillä on lapsia siis 'kahdessa sarjassa', sillä joillakin heidän peräkkäisillä lapsillaan on vähintään 8‒10 vuoden ikäero. Keskiössä on se, miten nämä isät ovat kokeneet isyytensä ensimmäisellä kerralla tullessaan isiksi ja miten he ovat kokeneet isyytensä myöhemmin. Olen kiinnostunut myös siitä, ovatko heidän kokemuksensa samankaltaisia vai erilaisia sekä mikä on 'sopiva' ikä isyydelle. Lähestyn aihetta myös isiin kohdistuvien odotusten sekä työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisen kautta. Siten rakennan kuvaa isien kokemuksista isyydestä 'kahdella kierroksella'. Asetan isyyden 1990- ja 2000-lukujen familistisen käänteen kontekstiin, sillä isien kokemuksia isyydestä eri-ikäisenä ei voi käsitellä vain iän ja vanhenemisen kautta, vaan kokemuksiin vaikuttavat myös aikakausi ja yhteiskunnan vallitsevat perheihanteet. Tutkimukseni on kvalitatiivinen. Aineistoni koostuu seitsemän isän yksilöhaastatteluista. Yhteistä haastateltaville on se, että he ovat tulleet isäksi kahdessa eri sarjassa. Haastattelut olivat puolistrukturoituja teemahaastatteluja ja haastateltavat on valittu teoreettisella otannalla. Aineiston analyysissä olen yhdistänyt temaattista sisällönanalyysia sekä fenomenologista otetta. Olen halunnut tuoda esiin isien omia kokemuksia. Tutkimukseni sijoittuu perhesosiologian alaan, mutta aihepiiri ja tärkeimmät lähteeni ovat monitieteellisiä; sosiologisia, kasvatustieteellisiä, psykologisia ja kulttuurihistoriallisia. Muun muassa Jouko Huttusen, Sinikka Aapola-Karin, Riitta Jallinojan, Johanna Mykkäsen, Jaana Vuoren, Merja Korhosen, Kaisa Ketokiven, Minna Kelhän, Jyrki Jyrkämän, Peter Lasslettin ja Ilana Aallon tutkimukset isyydestä, vanhemmuudesta sekä iästä ovat tärkeitä. Keskeisimmät tutkimustulokseni liittyvät isien sopivana pidettyyn ikään sekä isien muuttuneeseen isyyskokemukseen. Isäksi tulemiselle ei voi asettaa tiettyä ikää, vaan mies on valmis isäksi sitten kun tuntuu siltä. Isät korostivat kokemuksellisen iän merkitystä ja irtisanoutuivat kronologisesta iästään. He kuitenkin korostivat, että isyys ei sovi kaikille miehille enää vanhemmalla iällä; heille se sopi sillä he olivat nuorekkaita ja pitivät terveydestään huolta. Yhteiskunnan odotukset ja mahdollisuudet isyyden toteuttamiselle olivat isistä ristiriitaiset. Isät kokivat paineita myös työ- ja perhe-elämän yhteensovittamisesta. He olivat kaikki ensimmäisten lastensa kanssa tehneet enemmän tai jopa liikaa töitä ja toisella kierroksella heidän työntekonsa oli vähentynyt sekä heillä oli enemmän aikaa perheelle. Tällöin he olivat myös jo saavuttaneet korkeamman aseman työssä. He kokivat, että ensimmäisellä kierroksella heidän taloudellinen tilanteensa olisi saanut olla parempi. Isät perustelivat omaa isyyttään ja omia valintojaan luomalla kuvaa toiminnallisesta isästä hyvänä isänä. Isien puheessa korostui myös kumppanin valinnan tärkeys perhettä rakentaessa.