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  • Halinen, Hannamari (2015)
    This study examines and describes sense of belonging of seventeen preschoolers in groups where art education is the main support for children with special educational needs to support their learning and developing. Children were interviewed twice in autumn and in spring. Preschool groups were part of Taikava-project and in all groups art educators were working every weekday in early childhood education instead of group assistants. Art educators were working with other early childhood educators. This study examines possibilities to support children with art education and especially in sense of belonging. The theoretic part of this study is about the possibilities of art education to support children with special needs. In Vantaa there has been quite similar project before, TaikaVoima, but the art educators did not work fulltime in day care centers in that project. TaikaVoima- projects results proved to encourage children with special needs and affirm the sense of belonging in their groups. This study has both qualitative and quantitative data and results. In this study there were 17 preschoolers interviewed twice in a year. Seven of these children were having special educational needs. Additionally it was examined kindergarten teachers perceptions of children's behavior and art educators and kindergarten teachers group work about the challenges and the targets for the first year of the project. Children's experiences were scrutinized with three different material by method of triangulation. This qualitative research has phenomenological and hermeneutical features. It is researching the world in which preschoolers are living in, and their experiences in their groups and the meaning of their experiences. The awareness and knowledge of preschoolers about their own skills and abilities and challenges did deepen during the interviews. Children had learned new social skills and skills to express themselves with art educators. Children need more support from educators to understand the needs of other children and to learn to help and take others in to account. Children were positive surprised of the help that other children gave them. They were also surprised of the new friends and games that came out if educators decided playmates.
  • Salo, Katja (2023)
    Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena on selvittää yleisiä oppilaan pedagogista tuen tarpeen havaitsemiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että luokanopettaja on keskeisessä asemassa kaikilla kolmiportaisen tuen tasoilla (yleinen, tehostettu ja erityinen tuki) havaitsemassa oppilaan mahdollista tuen tarvetta. Kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat sekä ilmiöt, jotka tukevat luokanopettajaa tuen tarpeen havaitsemisessa, että tuen tarpeen havaitsemista mahdollisesti haittaavat tekijät. Pedagogisella tuella tarkoitan oppilaan suunnitelmallista tukemista ja ohjaamista opetustilanteissa moninaisin, oppilaan tarvitsemin keinoin. Jotta pedagoginen tuki voidaan oppilaalle suunnitella, on oppilaan mahdolliset tuen tarpeet havaittava. Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Haastattelin tutkimukseeni yhtä luokanopettajaa, metodina teemahaastattelu. Haastatteluaineistoa tarkastelin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Vuotta myöhemmin keskustelin saman opettajan kanssa analysointini tuloksista aineistoa samalla täydentäen. Aineistosta nousi esiin kuusi pedagogisen tuen tarpeen havaitsemiseen liittyvää luokkaa. 1)Opettajan ammattitaito nousi merkitykselliseksi oppilaan tuen tarvetta havainnoidessa, mutta esiin tuli myös 2)oppilaan työskentelyyn liittyvät havainnot, kuten hidas eteneminen tehtävissä ja käyttäytyminen. Oppilaiden huomiota herättävä 3)käytös sekä auttaa että estää opettajaa havaitsemaan tuen tarvetta. 4)Luokan ilmapiiri, sosiaaliset suhteet luokkayhteisössä sekä 5)opettajan ja oppilaan temperamentteihin liittyvät tekijät ovat myös osallisena tuen tarpeen havaitsemisessa. Oppilaan kehittämät selviytymisstrategiat, heikko 6)psyykkinen vointi, elämäntilanteesta johtuva psyykkinen rasitus tai epävakaat kotiolot nousivat keskustelussa haasteiksi pedagogisen tuen tarpeen havaitsemiseen. Jokaiseen analysoituun luokkaan liittyy sekä pedagogisen tuen tarpeen havaitsemista edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä. Kaikkia analyysiluokkia yhdistävänä tekijänä ilmeni oppilaan tuntemus ja opettajan ammattitaito.
  • Solaranta, Tiia (2023)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to find out how the day-care centre managers define inclusive early childhood education and what kind of thoughts inclusion evokes in them. The study also examines how the day-care centre managers (both managers and deputy managers) guide and support their employees towards an inclusive way of working. The starting point for the study was the interest in how the renewed National core curriculum for early childhood education and care (drawn up by the Finnish National Agency for Education, OPH, 2022) emphasize the implementation of inclusive early childhood education as part of the value base. Methods. The research was carried out as a mixed methods research in which the material was handled both qualitatively and quantitatively. The research material was collected using an electronic questionnaire (N=23). Quantitative research data was analyzed using statistical methods, whereas qualitative research data was analyzed using data-driven content analysis. The survey was carried out using an e-form for managers and deputy managers of Finnish-speaking day-care centres in the city of Helsinki. Results. The results showed that the views described by the managers and deputy managers of day-care centres towards inclusive early childhood education are versatile. The respondents were mainly unanimous about the value of inclusive early childhood education in furthering the development of participation, equality and equitable treatment. However, inclusive early childhood education was seen from various perspectives among the respondents considering the amount of support measures and resources available for the operation. According to the results, managers see themselves playing a key role in the implementation of inclusive early childhood education as a part of the everyday life of the day-care centres. Nevertheless, the means to promote the realization of inclusion were seen very differently depending on the respondent, and there are no official policies set on the matter on behalf of the city.
  • Solaranta, Tiia (2023)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to find out how the day-care centre managers define inclusive early childhood education and what kind of thoughts inclusion evokes in them. The study also examines how the day-care centre managers (both managers and deputy managers) guide and support their employees towards an inclusive way of working. The starting point for the study was the interest in how the renewed National core curriculum for early childhood education and care (drawn up by the Finnish National Agency for Education, OPH, 2022) emphasize the implementation of inclusive early childhood education as part of the value base. Methods. The research was carried out as a mixed methods research in which the material was handled both qualitatively and quantitatively. The research material was collected using an electronic questionnaire (N=23). Quantitative research data was analyzed using statistical methods, whereas qualitative research data was analyzed using data-driven content analysis. The survey was carried out using an e-form for managers and deputy managers of Finnish-speaking day-care centres in the city of Helsinki. Results. The results showed that the views described by the managers and deputy managers of day-care centres towards inclusive early childhood education are versatile. The respondents were mainly unanimous about the value of inclusive early childhood education in furthering the development of participation, equality and equitable treatment. However, inclusive early childhood education was seen from various perspectives among the respondents considering the amount of support measures and resources available for the operation. According to the results, managers see themselves playing a key role in the implementation of inclusive early childhood education as a part of the everyday life of the day-care centres. Nevertheless, the means to promote the realization of inclusion were seen very differently depending on the respondent, and there are no official policies set on the matter on behalf of the city.
  • Sonninen, Aino (2018)
    Objects The aim of the thesis is to find out and chart the existing support measures for a hearing-impaired class in the classroom. The thesis charts support measures in general as well as their practicality and how the student with hearing impairment is generally considered in the general education class. Earlier research was relatively small in Finland, but there were more guidebooks and scientific articles. The research question is: What supportive measures for a hearing-impaired student are there in the classroom of general education in the light of guidebooks and studies? The thesis focusses specifically on classroom attendance and teacher and assistant support for hearing impairments per pupil. The thesis also generalizes about hearing impairment and inclusion of hearing impaired pupils in general education. Methods The thesis is a descriptive literature review. The material used was Finnish and English studies and guidebooks, as the topic was very practical and contained concrete actions. Out of the material there was a literature dealing exclusively with deaf or sign language students. The material was read carefully on several occasions so the material was familiar. After that, I studied what are the core issues of the material for my research question. The main material I use are Kärkkäinen's (2016) article and the articles of Kärkkäinen, Luoto ja Ääri-Vähäkylä (2005). As a secondary material I use the article of Kuulonhuoltoyhteiskunta (2000) and Sume (2010), Takala’s and Sume’s (2015) final report to the Ministry of Education and Culture and Mäki’s (1989) research on Hearing impaired children in primary schools in Finland. I attempted to find material in various databases. As databases, I used mainly Google Scholar as well as Arto and Helka Finna. I searched in Finnish and English with different word combinations. Results and Conclusions From the point of view of a hearing-impaired student, inclusion is that he/she is able to participate in general education in accordance with common goals as an equal student and as a member of the community. This however requires multiprofessional cooperation between the teacher, the assistant, the rehabilitation instructor and the whole school staff. The results of the research show that collaboration is needed to create support measures, such as educational arrangements, listening to the class, listening to teachers' practices and teaching methods, involvement and awareness of hearing impairment.
  • Vesterinen, Pauliina (2017)
    The main focus of this study are the curriculums in private Christian Schools in Finland. Private Christian Schools are part of finnish basic education system. This study will examine the way in which the inclusive concept of a man is decribed in curriculums of private Christian schools. Main interest is on values of curriculums. Topic is being introduced by describing the communal status of Christian schools and the concept of Christian education. Aim of this study is to answer question: what are the ways the inclusive concept of a man is decribed in curriculums of private Christian schools? This study uses a qualitative approach to investigate chosen curriculums. Altogether seven (7) curriculums were chosen for this study. Data for this study were collected using web-based curriculums. Data was searched and analysed with idea of a man in mind. The idea of a man comes visible through wording of values. Four categories were created: religious, self-development, social connections and school-based values. This study shows that the curriculums involved are based on Christian life view. The Christian life view can be seen as inclusive. Result of this study is that the values in curriculums are inclusive. Inclusiveness can be seen in the wording of values. Collected wordings were categorised as religious, self-development, social connections and school-based values. As a conclusion the goals and intentions of education reflects the values and idea of a man.
  • Kiilavuori, Sakari (2015)
    Inclusive education is based on the idea that all children have a right to attend and to be welcomed by their neighbourhood schools in regular classes. Indeed, in the dominant educational debate the appropriateness of separate systems of education has been challenged, both from a human rights perspective and from the point of view of effectiveness. In spite of that the inclusive movement has been slow in Finland and research has widely demonstrated that the attitudes of the teachers towards inclusion are quite qualified. The aim of this study was to review what are the attitudes of the students' of the Department of Teacher Education towards inclusion and how they feel their education supports the principles of inclusive education. In addition, this study investigates how familiar the students are with The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and if the knowledge of the convention correlates with the attitudes towards inclusion. The approach in this study was survey research. The sample was comprised of 119 students studying at the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Helsinki. The data was collected by means of a questionnaire that included Prof. Timo Saloviita's Inclusion meter and statements about the Convention on the Rights of the Child, inclusion and the students' experience about their education. The material was analyzed by statistical methods. The attitudes of the student teachers to inclusion appeared to be slightly positive. The education programme or other variables did not affect the attitudes towards inclusion. The students felt their education programmes support the principles of inclusive education slightly. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was unfamiliar to the students. The knowledge of the convention did not correlate with the overall attitudes towards inclusion, but the correlation was positive when the attitudes towards inclusion were considered more precisely from the point of view of expected outcomes and inclusion as a value. The qualified attitudes on average towards inclusion demonstrates that a notable number of the students resists inclusion. From the rights of the child point of view the Department of Teacher education should draw attention to this and base the training on these facts. The department should also find ways to change students' approach to inclusion.
  • Kossila, Kaisu (2020)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää peruskoulun opettajien asenteita erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden osallisuuteen yleisopetuksessa sekä vastata kysy-mykseen inklusiivisen opetuksen aiheuttamasta mahdollisesta lisätyöstä opettajien arjessa. Inkluusiolla viitataan koulukontekstissa ajattelutapaan ja käytäntöön, jossa kaikki, myös tukea tarvitsevat oppilaat tuntisivat kuuluvansa samaan yhteisöön. Tämän edistämiseksi erityistä tukea tarvitsevia oppilaita integroidaan kaikille yhteiseen yleisopetukseen, jossa he oikeutetusti saavat tarvitsemansa tuen. Kandidaatintutkielmani noudattaa integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen piirteitä. Tutkimusar-tikkeleiksi valikoitui seitsemän julkaisua, jotka käsittelevät peruskoulun opettajien asenteita inkluusioon. Aineistoa etsin käyttäen EBSCOhost -tietokantaa, Helka-kirjaston hakupalve-lua sekä Google Scholaria. Pohdinta osuudessa vertailin saamiani tutkimustuloksia esittä-määni teoriataustaan. Tutkimustulosten mukaan suomalaiset peruskoulun opettajat suhtautuivat inkluusioon keskimäärin positiivisesti. Peruskoulun opettajien kokemaa lisätyötä aiheuttivat suuret ryhmäkoot, resurssien puute, organisointi sekä koettu avustajien ja yhteistyön vähäinen määrä. Lisätyötä aiheuttavana tekijänä katsottiin myös olevan huoli muiden, kuin erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden opiskelusta inklusiivisessa opetuksessa. Inkluusion hyvänä puolena tutkimusten ja teoriataustassa esitettyjen näkemysten perusteella pidettiin tasa-arvon ja suvaitsevaisuuden kehittymistä, joka oli tutkimustulosten mukaan nähtävissä tu-kea tarvitsevien oppilaiden sosiaalisten suhteiden kehittymisenä.
  • Hurme, Selina (2024)
    Kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan, miten varhaiskasvatuksen ja varhaiserityiskasvatuksen opettajat käsittävät inkluusion ja mitkä tekijät sen toteutumiseen vaikuttavat suhteessa erityistä tukea saaviin lapsiin. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: ”Miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat ja varhaiserityiskasvatuksen opettajat määrittelevät inkluusion?”, ”Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat inkluusion toteutumiseen varhaiserityiskasvatuksessa ja erityistä tukea saavilla lapsilla?” sekä ”Miten inkluusion ja erityisen tuen yhteensopivuutta voisi kehittää?”. Tutkielma on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena, ja sen teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu inkluusioon, inklusiivisen varhaiskasvatukseen sekä varhaiserityiskasvatukseen liittyvästä käsitteistöstä ja teorioista. Lisäksi teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä käsitellään erityistä tukea, kolmiportaista tuen mallia ja erityisopetuksen muutosta. Tutkielma on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena, laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka aineisto koostui varhaiskasvatuksen opettajilta ja erityisopettajilta kerätyistä vastauksista koskien inkluusiota ja erityistä tukea. Vastaukset kerättiin kyselylomakkeella verkossa, ja vastauksia saatiin yhteensä 19 kappaletta, joista 16 kappaletta pääsi sisään tutkimukseen sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerien mukaisesti. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin kolmen tutkimuskysymyksen kautta. Tutkimustulosten mukaan varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat ja erityisopettajat määrittelivät inkluusiota erityisyyden ja vammaisuuden, yhdenvertaisuuden ja osallisuuden sekä arvojen ja toimintatapojen kautta. Merkittävimmiksi inkluusioon vaikuttaviksi tekijöiksi nousi kasvattajien kouluttautuneisuus, resurssit ja niiden allokointi, työntekijäpula sekä kasvattajien asenteellisuus. Niin ikään inkluusion ja erityisen tuen kehittämiskohteissa aineistosta nousi esiin resurssit ja ammattitaito, mutta myös fyysiset oppimisympäristöt sekä varhaiserityiskasvatuksen opettajan ja päiväkodin johtajan tuki. Tutkimukseni tulokset osoittivat, että varhaiskasvatuksen alalla on välttämätön tarve selkeyttää inklusiivisen kasvatuksen käsitteitä ja määritelmiä, jotta käytännön toteutus olisi ymmärrettävämpää ja toimintakelpoisempaa. Yhteiskunnallisessa kontekstissa erityisen tuen tarpeen määrittely voi olla sidoksissa resurssien jakamiseen. Koulutusjärjestelmän rakenne ja resurssien allokointi eivät aina tue kaikkien oppijoiden tarpeita tasapuolisesti. Tämä näkökulma korostaa, että osallisuuden ja oikeudenmukaisuuden saavuttaminen edellyttää laajempia rakenteellisia muutoksia koulutusjärjestelmässä. Asenteelliset esteet nähdään kaikkien muiden ympäristöesteiden perustana ja ne ovat vaikeimmin muutettavissa.
  • Haranko, Mira (2016)
    The purpose of this literature review is to clarify how inclusion is defined and how special education has improved towards inclusive education solutions in Finland. I also consider other concepts related to inclusion, such as integration. I also clarify how the concept of sense of belonging is defined and what influence it has on a student’s studies. The concept of inclusion has become known from Unesco’s Salamanca Statement. The Salamanca Statement involved an engagement considering education for students with special needs and it insisted on teaching all children together in regular schools. Practically inclusion means that a student with special needs attends the neighbourhood school and he/she is not being relocated in a special school. Sense of belonging as a concept can be defined as a person’s personal experience in participation in some system or environment in a way that the person self feels being a part of it. Although sense of belonging is a very personal issue, it is possible for a person’s environment to have an either strengthening or impairing impact on it. Sense of belonging is often being associated with the social atmosphere in school and it consists of social relationships that a student forms with his/her teacher and other students. This literature review will be used as a basis for my Master’s degree. In my Master’s degree I plan to research how students with special needs, who study in a regular class, feel they belong to the group.
  • Tetri, Minna (2019)
    Viime vuosina on Suomen varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa lisääntynyt inklusiivinen toimintaperiaate. Kirkkonummen varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa siirryttiin tähän malliin vuonna 2002. Inkluusio tarkoittaa kaikille avointa ja esteetöntä lähipäiväkotia, jossa jokainen voi oppia omalla tavallaan ja omassa tahdissaan tavallisessa ryhmässä erityisen ryhmän tai erityisen paikan sijaan. Oman lähipäiväkodin tulisi siis inklusiivisen ajattelutavan tukea lasta hänen tarpeittensa mukaisesti muuttumalla lapselle sopivaksi. Viime aikoina on inkluusion toteutumiseen liittyvä kriittinen keskustelu kasvanut ja tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena onkin tutustua inkluusioon vaikuttaviin osatekijöihin ja pyrkiä tunnistamaan, mitkä tekijät rajoittavat inkluusion toteutumista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus ja aineistona käytin vuosina 1994-2004 aiheesta kirjoitettuja kirjoja. Niiden perusteella inkluusion osatekijöiksi tähän kirjallisuuskatsaukseen valikoituivat perhe, lapsi ja ryhmä, sosiaalinen integraatio, päiväkodin henkilökunta ja muut yhteístyötahot, joita käsittelen omina kappaleinaan enemmän. Pohdinnassa tarkastelen osatekijöitä myös omasta, Kirkkonummella työskentelevän laaja-alaisen erityislastentarhanopettajan, näkökulmasta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan onnistunut inkluusio varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa muodostuu avoimesta ja tasavertaisesta yhteistyöstä erityistä tukea tarvitsevan lapsen perheen kanssa, sitoutuneesta moniammatillista yhteistyötä tekevästä koulutetusta henkilökunnasta, erilaisuuden hyväksyvästä ilmapiiristä ja yhteistoiminnallisesta oppimisesta. Inkluusio jää toteutumatta, jos ylemmiltä tahoilta ei mahdollisteta riittäviä resursseja; riittävä määrä henkilökuntaa ja pienet ryhmät, joissa ei ole liian monta erityistä tukea tarvitsevaa lasta, mahdollistavat sosiaalisen integraation toteutumisen.
  • Murto, Petri (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to review the experiences of four elementary school teachers about physical education classes. How do they perceive and act in a situation, where there is a physically disabled student in the group? The interviewees were chosen specifically, and they all have experience in teaching disabled students. The research questions were divided into four themes. The themes are: Inclusion in physical education, differentiation in physical education, and their pros and cons from the teacher's perspective. The study is a qualitative case study. The data consisted of four interviews with elementary school teachers who teach physical education. The analysis of the collected data was done through content analysis and phenomenographic analysis. In all interviews, the importance of including the disabled student into the activities was emphasized. Also the value of maintaining differences and careful differentiation were highlight-ed. The teachers emphasized that inclusion should not be done only because it sounds good. The inclusion in physical education should always be relevant from the student's perspective. The study focuses on opinions and experiences of the interviewees. The objective was not to reach generalizable results, but to give a thorough description of a phenomenon.
  • Forsström, Petra (2019)
    Aims. According to statistics it seems that the amount of special educational needs have increased despite the Finnish education system's strive for inclusion. The aim of this study is to examine what sort of phenomenon inclusion is in speech of early childhood special education teachers' and which factors in their speech produce special educational needs particularly in a context of children on the autism spectrum. Research questions are: 1) What definitions are given to inclusion in speech of early childhood special education teachers' in a context of children on the autism spectrum? 2) What are the factors in speech of early childhood special education teachers' that produce special educational needs in a context of children on the autism spectrum? The goal of this study is also to participate in discussion of how factors producing difference and preventing inclusion in early childhood education can be disposed of and how to build more inclusive early childhood educational system. Methods. This study was carried out using theme interviews with five early childhood special education teachers' from Helsinki. The study material was analysed using abductive content analysis and was reflected to earlier literature about inclusion. Results and conclusions. The definitions given to inclusion were taking individual needs into account, rebuilding educational system, fulfilling individual rights, multiprofessional cooperation, cooperation with parents, participation, being accepted, neighborhood principle, learning in normal groups, learning in integrated special groups, and being in the same space physically. Integrated special groups were found to be as a good way of carrying out inclusion but that finding leads to the need for a redefinition of the concept of inclusion itself. The factors producing special educational needs were features of the autism spectrum disorder, attitudes of educators, insufficient resources, lack of competence of people working with children and psychobabble. The early childhood educational system also does not seem to be suitable for all children and the three-dimensional model of support does not always work as intended. Autism spectrum disorder itself was found to produce only a part of special ed-ucational needs whereas environment and current early childhood educational system were found to strongly produce special educational needs. In summary educators seem to be well aware of the ideal of inclusion at least in theoretical level but in practice early childhood educational system produces special educational needs and inclusion is not always achieved to the level aimed for. Instead of only concentrating on child's features in future there should be an increasing focus on how the whole early childhood educational system could improve.
  • Forsström, Petra (2019)
    Aims. According to statistics it seems that the amount of special educational needs have increased despite the Finnish education system's strive for inclusion. The aim of this study is to examine what sort of phenomenon inclusion is in speech of early childhood special education teachers' and which factors in their speech produce special educational needs particularly in a context of children on the autism spectrum. Research questions are: 1) What definitions are given to inclusion in speech of early childhood special education teachers' in a context of children on the autism spectrum? 2) What are the factors in speech of early childhood special education teachers' that produce special educational needs in a context of children on the autism spectrum? The goal of this study is also to participate in discussion of how factors producing difference and preventing inclusion in early childhood education can be disposed of and how to build more inclusive early childhood educational system. Methods. This study was carried out using theme interviews with five early childhood special education teachers' from Helsinki. The study material was analysed using abductive content analysis and was reflected to earlier literature about inclusion. Results and conclusions. The definitions given to inclusion were taking individual needs into account, rebuilding educational system, fulfilling individual rights, multiprofessional cooperation, cooperation with parents, participation, being accepted, neighborhood principle, learning in normal groups, learning in integrated special groups, and being in the same space physically. Integrated special groups were found to be as a good way of carrying out inclusion but that finding leads to the need for a redefinition of the concept of inclusion itself. The factors producing special educational needs were features of the autism spectrum disorder, attitudes of educators, insufficient resources, lack of competence of people working with children and psychobabble. The early childhood educational system also does not seem to be suitable for all children and the three-dimensional model of support does not always work as intended. Autism spectrum disorder itself was found to produce only a part of special ed-ucational needs whereas environment and current early childhood educational system were found to strongly produce special educational needs. In summary educators seem to be well aware of the ideal of inclusion at least in theoretical level but in practice early childhood educational system produces special educational needs and inclusion is not always achieved to the level aimed for. Instead of only concentrating on child's features in future there should be an increasing focus on how the whole early childhood educational system could improve.
  • Hyrk-Bernard, Saara (2016)
    The research aim was to find out how the reality of the inclusive classroom presents itself from the teacher's perspective. Two research questions were formulated. Firstly: Is inclusion being achieved in the classroom? Secondly: What are the enablers and the obstacles of inclusion in this particular class? For the purpose of this study, the following themes were defined: the support needed to get to inclusion, the evolution of the teachers to be teaching in an inclusive class and the actualization of inclusion. The history of special education gives an insight to understand better how the education system in Finland has been formed and why is it that the values of inclusion have not been accepted yet in mainstream schools. According to the philosophy of inclusion, all of us should have equal rights and everyone should be treated with fairness. Schools and educators should support and educate the students so that positive attitudes are being built and everyone is supported to be socially active. Everyone should also have the right to be supported individually as well as to be accepted in a group as a member of society. This paper aims at providing results of research based on these main points of inclusion philosophy. Co-teaching proved to be an important part of the inclusive class and it was covered as a part of the research. The nature of this research is a qualitative case study and the focus group included a principle and two teachers. According to the tradition of fenomenographic research, the focus is on understanding an individual's perception of life and how its reality is understood and experienced. The content was analyzed by using the fenomenographical methods and more precisely those of content analysis. The material was gathered by asking the participants first to write a guided essay and then take part in a semi-structured interview. The results show that inclusion can have both positive and negative effects. Amongst the positive ones we noticed that being different was accepted in the class and everyone really belongs to the group. All the students also benefited from having more adults in the class while tasks were individualized for the students with special needs. The teachers involved claimed that without these resources, they could no longer continue teaching like they have done. However, the teacher's opinions also diverged from the inclusive teaching doctrine in two well-defined matters: All students cannot be taught in the same group, exceptions should be taken into account and the students should have the right to go to a school in their proximity.
  • Syvänen, Sonja (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää inkluusiokäsitteen jäsentymistä osana suomalaista koulutuspolitiikkaa ja koulutusta ohjaavia hallintotekstejä sekä niiden suhdetta perusopetuksen käytänteisiin. Peilasin hallintotekstien ja koulutuspolitiikan inkluusiota koskevia jäsennyksiä koulujen käytäntöihin inklusiivisena yhteisönä. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat koulutusta koskevien lakitekstien ja Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden (2014) pohjautuvan inklusiivisille arvoille, mutta niiden perusteella johdettavat käytänteet eivät täytä inkluusioperiaatteen kriteerejä osallistavasta kasvatuksesta. Yksi merkittävimmistä haasteita suomalaisen koulutuspolitiikan ja hallintotekstien sisällön sekä koulun arjen käytänteiden välisessä epätasaisuudessa on inkluusiokäsitteen hankala määriteltävyys. Työn teoreettinen tausta perustuu inkluusion erilaisiin määrittelyihin koulutuksen kontekstissa aiempaa tutkimusta hyödyntäen. Menetelmät. Tutkielman aineisto koostui tutkimusartikkeleista, jotka käsittelivät inkluusiota osana koulutuksen toimintamalleja. Osa artikkeleista käsitteli inkluusiota Suomea laajemmin, kun taas osan sisältö rajautui ainoastaan Suomen koulutusjärjestelmän tilanteeseen ja inkluusion toteutukseen sen puitteissa. Aineistoon sisältyi osia neljästä eri laista, jotka säätelevät inkluusion toteuttamista koulutuksessa. Lisäksi tutkielmassa käytettiin aineistona Oikeus oppia-hankkeen väliraporttia vuodelta 2021, Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteita vuodelta 2014 ja UNESCO:n Salamancan julistusta vuodelta 1994. Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Analyysissa on hyödynnetty narratiivista ja integroivaa lähestymistapaa ja aineiston analyysitapana on käytetty abduktiivista sisällönanalyysia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Vaikka inkluusion käsitettä ei ole kirjattu suoraan Suomen lakiin, lain tarjoama viitekehys edellyttää suomalaista koulutusjärjestelmää toteuttamaan koulutusta inklusiivisesti. Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteisiin (2014) on kirjattu inkluusioperiaatteen mukaisen opetuksen järjestäminen, mutta inkluusion käsitteen sisältöä ei ole määritelty. Lait ja muut hallinnolliset asiakirjat noudattivat Salamancan julistuksen (2014) mukaisia arvoja. Inkluusion merkityksiä POPS:ssa (2014) ja koulun arjen käytänteissä ohjasivat edellä mainitut tekstit, jotka käsittelivät inklusiivisen kasvatuksen toteuttamista koulussa. Merkityksien johtaminen suoraan käytänteiksi näyttäytyi analyysini perusteella hankalalta, sillä inkluusion käsitteelle ei ole olemassa yksiselitteistä määritelmää suomalaisessa koulutusjärjestelmässä. Resurssien rajallisuus määritti käytänteitä, minkä vuoksi inkluusion kokonaisvaltainen toteuttaminen kärsi kaksoisjärjestelmän aikaisista perinteistä. Toimintakulttuurin muuttaminen inklusiivisemmaksi oli yksi merkittävä keino kohti inklusiivisempaa koulua ja sitä pystytään kehittämään panostamalla niin opettajien tietotaitoon. Myös kouluyhteisön kehittäminen sekä vaalimalla osallisuutta että auttamalla yksittäisiä oppilaita tuen tarpeensa kanssa tekisi koulun toimintakulttuurista inklusiivisemman.
  • Riihimäki, Tuomas (2017)
    This thesis is about determine the meaning of inclusion in Finnish education system and policies. Defining inclusion is culturally challenging, because it has its own forms in every country and every country has their own educational system with their own history in education policies. Inclusion is the latest newcomer in modern educational discourse and has not yet been generally accepted by common consent. Topic is hot potato in education field and there is a lot of demand defining inclusion in educational sciences, to deeper the understand behind it. My research is founded on valued Finnish scientific publications. My data is collected from Kasvatus- lehti, from which I picked 10 articles among approximately 400 publications. My research methods rely upon content analyse, hermeneutical and phenomenological approaches. Use of my methods require proper review of my background as a researcher to make my study credible, which can be found in this thesis. This way reader can justify my results. The results of this study made even clearer the challenge of defining the word inclusion in Finland is a challenge. Results showed that it is in clear relation to word integration, almost acting as synonym. This confusion of between different ideology and concept has big impact on educational policy, wasting time and resources on developmental projects towards inclusive education in Finland. In brief, in through my comprehensive data, inclusion in Finland would constite to be democratic, accessible and social construct, that welcomes everybody to join in multiprofessional work community, no matter their qualities or disabilities. Importance of this study is to bring definition and continue the debate about inclusive education in Finland and internationally, and how inclusive education would progress in Finnish education system.
  • Sinkkonen, Noora (2022)
    Tutkielmani tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä  tiedämme julkaistujen tutkimusten perusteella inkluusion toteuttamisesta suomalaisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa. Inkluusio ei ole käsitteenä mitenkään uusi, siksi aihetta oli mielenkiintoista tutkia. Tutkielmani teoriaosuudessa määrittelen aiheeni kannalta olennaiset käsitteet segregaatio, integraatio ja inkluusio. Käsitteet ovat tutkielmani kannalta olennaiset, koska niiden avulla pystytään ymmärtämään inkluusion historiallinen kehitys. Tutkielmani oli laadullinen tutkimus. Tarkemmaksi metodiksi olen valinnut narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen. Olen pystynyt narratiivisessa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa hyödyntämään laajasti kasvatustieteellistä kirjallisuutta ja tutkimuksia. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat voineet myös olla väljempi. Tutkielmani aineisto koostuu kirjallisuudesta sekä  julkaistuista tutkimuksista, jotka käsittelevät varhaiskasvatusta Suomessa. En ole hyödyntänyt aineistoja, jotka ovat käsitelleet inkluusiota muissa maissa. Tutkielmassani tuli ilmi, että  inkluusio toteutuu vaihtelevasti suomalaisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa ja inkluusio ymmärretään hyvin eri tavalla. Tutkielmaani tehdessä esiin nousi selkeästi neljä myötävaikuttavaa tekijää, joiden toteutuminen varhaiskasvatuksessa edesauttaa inkluusion toteutumista. Nämä neljä  myötävaikuttavaa tekijää muodostui lopulta tutkielmani päätuloksiksi. Käytän näistä  neljästä  myötävaikuttavasta tekijästä  nimikettä elementit tutkielmassani. Uusien varhaiskasvatuslakiin (540/2018, 16.12.2021/1183) tehtyjen muutosten myötä, varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet 2022 ovat muuttuneet tukemaan inkluusion toteutumista varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkielmani perusteella inklusiivinen varhaiskasvatus on selkeästi noussut aiheeksi, johon on tartuttu ja sitä  halutaan kehittää.
  • Kanerva, Laura (2014)
    The purpose of this research was to find out the views of preschool and primary school teachers about inclusive education as part of pre-primary and primary education. The topic of the thesis is very current since, nowadays, it is increasingly considered important that all children have a right to nearby daycare or a nearby school. The purpose of the research was to answer the following questions: How do preschool and primary school teachers define inclusion in pre- and primary education? How do preschool and primary school teachers contribute to inclusive education in their work, and how do teachers develop inclusive pre-primary and primary education? This is a qualitative case study with semi-structured interviews (also called theme interviews) chosen as the research method. These interviews were conducted as group inter-views. The first group consisted of three preschool teachers; the second group included a preschool and a primary school teacher, who were not tied in any specific school class; and the third group consisted of three primary school teachers of inclusive preparatory teaching. I used the content analysis method to analyze the contents of the research. According to my research, the preschool and primary school teachers reacted positively to inclusion. They considered it important and taken for granted as part of their work. Teachers promoted inclusive education mainly by taking into account the uniqueness of each child and utilizing it versatile in their work habits. The preschool and primary school teachers felt that inclusion, however, meant employing more teachers; instead, they preferred to develop their work inclusively by adding resources and promoting cooperation with parents.
  • Mattila, Satu (2015)
    Purpose. The purpose of this study is to describe the factors that influence junior high age young people as they connect with friends and peer groups, especially from the view of a student who is somehow distinct from the group. The term somehow distinct is used to encompass the wide variety of factors that may influence an adolescent who is left to the fringes or totally outside of a peer group. As inclusion and multiculturalism increases in schools it is important to understand adolescent belief and value systems in order to create an atmosphere that is open to diversity and strengthens peer relationships at school. This study examines short essays by young people on the subject of being an outsider to their peer groups and the preconditions and terms of friendships. In addition, what circumstances support or prevent the ability to join a group and form friendships. In past years this topic has been researched from the point of view of the experiences of special needs students and of general adolescent peer relations. (Ellonen, 2008; Hoikkala & Paju 2013; Korkiamäki, 2014; Koster, Nakken , Pijl & van Houten 2009; Saarinen 2012). In this work the angle of approach is the thoughts and feelings that the somehow distinct adolescent brings out in the peers representing the majority of the group and how to support him/her in order to get to join the group and how to strengthen his/her social competence. Methods. For this study, data was collected from two secondary schools. The students were selected from one class at each school and a total of 49 students returned write-ups. Essays were prompted by four questions about what it means to be an outsider, what factors lead to being outside of the group and the conditions for the process of forming peer relations. Student essays were transcribed and sorted by theme. Themes that emerged were then interpreted by using content analysis. Results and conclusions. The research highlighted the challenges that diversity poses in adolescent groups. Young people looked for direction from adults and guidance in situations where someone was outside of the group. They also brought forth ideas how the social competence of a young person distinct from the group could be supported. Group dynamics and general social climate in the classroom seemed to influence how diversity was handled. There were subtle differences between boys and girls as far as what components supported and what prevented the forming of peer relations. Girls were especially influenced by outward appearances and favored the opinions of girls high up in the class social hierarchy as to who should be accepted in the group. Boys' ability to form peer relations were supported more by social skills and mutual conversation topics and hobbies.