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  • Kekki, Ilari (2021)
    Kandidaatintutkielmani tarkoituksena oli selkiyttää inkluusiota käsitteenä, avata inkluusion taustoja sekä roolia opetussuunnitelmissa. Näin inkluusioperiaatteen tärkeänä aiheena tutkia, sillä se on herättänyt paljon keskustelua ja aihe kiinnosti aiemman työkokemukseni kautta. Halusin kandidaatintutkielmassani tarkastella, mitä varhaiskasvatuksen osalta inkluusiosta on tutkittu viime vuosikymmenen aikana sekä minkälaisia haasteita aiemmat tutkimukset toivat esiin inkluusion toteutumisen kannalta. Tarkoituksenani ei ollut kuitenkaan tuomita inkluusioperiaatetta, vaan toin epäkohtia esiin, jotta inkluusiota voitaisiin kehittää. Koin inkluusion tunnelatautuneena ja kompleksisena, joka vaati moniulotteisena aiheena pohjatyötä ennen empiiristä jatkotutkimusta. Käytin laadullisessa kandidaatintutkielmassani menetelmänä teoreettista tarkastelua. Tarkoituksenani oli avata inkluusiota käsitteenä ja siihen liittyviä taustoja ensin laajemmasta kuvasta käsin ja siirryin teoreettisessa tarkastelussani kohti varhaiskasvatuksen näkökulmaa ja inkluusion toteutumiseen liittyviä haasteita. Käytin tutkimuksessani pääsääntöisesti kasvatustieteeseen ja erityispedagogiikkaan pohjautuvia lähteitä. Kansallinen tutkimus liittyen inkluusioon varhaiskasvatuksessa on vielä vähäistä ja tutkimuskentällä ilmeni aukkoja etenkin inkluusioperiaatteesta käytännön tason näkökulmasta. Inkluusion rooli opetussuunnitelmissa ja lainsäädännössä on kapea-alaista, joka vaikuttaa sen käytännön toteuttamiseen. Inkluusio herättää lisäksi käsitteenä epäselvyyttä ja resursseilla voidaan nähdä olevan vaikutusta siihen, miten inkluusio toteutuu.
  • Sinkkonen, Noora (2022)
    Tutkielmani tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä  tiedämme julkaistujen tutkimusten perusteella inkluusion toteuttamisesta suomalaisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa. Inkluusio ei ole käsitteenä mitenkään uusi, siksi aihetta oli mielenkiintoista tutkia. Tutkielmani teoriaosuudessa määrittelen aiheeni kannalta olennaiset käsitteet segregaatio, integraatio ja inkluusio. Käsitteet ovat tutkielmani kannalta olennaiset, koska niiden avulla pystytään ymmärtämään inkluusion historiallinen kehitys. Tutkielmani oli laadullinen tutkimus. Tarkemmaksi metodiksi olen valinnut narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen. Olen pystynyt narratiivisessa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa hyödyntämään laajasti kasvatustieteellistä kirjallisuutta ja tutkimuksia. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat voineet myös olla väljempi. Tutkielmani aineisto koostuu kirjallisuudesta sekä  julkaistuista tutkimuksista, jotka käsittelevät varhaiskasvatusta Suomessa. En ole hyödyntänyt aineistoja, jotka ovat käsitelleet inkluusiota muissa maissa. Tutkielmassani tuli ilmi, että  inkluusio toteutuu vaihtelevasti suomalaisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa ja inkluusio ymmärretään hyvin eri tavalla. Tutkielmaani tehdessä esiin nousi selkeästi neljä myötävaikuttavaa tekijää, joiden toteutuminen varhaiskasvatuksessa edesauttaa inkluusion toteutumista. Nämä neljä  myötävaikuttavaa tekijää muodostui lopulta tutkielmani päätuloksiksi. Käytän näistä  neljästä  myötävaikuttavasta tekijästä  nimikettä elementit tutkielmassani. Uusien varhaiskasvatuslakiin (540/2018, 16.12.2021/1183) tehtyjen muutosten myötä, varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet 2022 ovat muuttuneet tukemaan inkluusion toteutumista varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkielmani perusteella inklusiivinen varhaiskasvatus on selkeästi noussut aiheeksi, johon on tartuttu ja sitä  halutaan kehittää.
  • Rantala, Ida-Maria (2019)
    For decades, fashion brand communications has been relatively one-way and focused on magazine advertising, press releases, direct marketing and well-established collection and runway show cycles. Digitalization has revolutionized brand communication practices and created the demand for omnichannel – fashion brands need to be simultaneously present in an increasing number of channels, platforms and marketplaces, in brick-and-mortars, online and mobile. Omnichannel has quickly become the defining factor and strategy of brand building and management which requires fashion brands cross-industry know-how across communications, marketing, public relations and commerce. Fashion brand communications is all about delivering brand images and desired echos. As brands meet their consumers at numerous touchpoints today, they must be able to convey a consistent message across channels and platforms. The ideal of seamless and well-integrated brand communications is increasingly challenging for brands as the operational environment becomes fragmented and channel-specific characteristics must be understood thoroughly. Interactive and flammable social networks have increased the number of actors and intermediaries, making consumers and fashion influencers part of branding operations.
 The purpose of this study is to examine the latest developments of global fashion industry in the context of brand communications and omnichannel. The study aims to find out how omnichannel affects brand communications, how omnichannel appears to brands, bringing them certain benefits and challenges, and to clarify the extent to which brands can follow the ideal of integration. The research aims to provide a holistic and integrated perspective on fashion brand communications and commerce – sales network, distribution and availability of fashion products can be seen more and more as communicative meaningful choices that fashion brands make when weighting both business objectives and image-related questions. The research method is semi-structured expert interview. The empirical findings are divided into the six themes related to the received results in the light of the research purposes: trends of fashion brand communications, channel structure, omnichannel environment, integration, segment differences and future prospects. Through these themes, this research seeks to answer to the complex, interdisciplinary and abstract phenomenon of the digital era, seeking to identify the most current brand communication needs and pitfalls. As findings, fashion brands are expected to master multiple channels, identify channel specific characteristics and produce quantitatively more content. Innovativeness and creativity in terms of communications and storytelling have become vital communication necessities. As a meaningful side effect, fashion brands have increased the amount and pace of products and collections, alongside other promotional actions, in order to inexhaustibly have something new to communicate about. The role of social media, brand's own media, events, fashion influencers and consumer experiences emphasize in results, although there exists differences between the segments. Creativity and commercial pressure are strongly in dialogue in all brand-related decisions. Maintaining the brand image and communicative standards have become increasingly challenging and brands have become significantly more vulnerable. As the amount of distribution networks, retailers and platforms rises, brands are finding it increasingly difficult to deliver seamless communications and brand experiences. While integration still appears to be a strong communication ideal, in the light of the final results, uniqueness and innovative brand communications mindset seem to become even more important.
  • Perttilä, Vilma (2023)
    The idea of this thesis was to build an understanding of the organizational cultures of two organizations that are parties to an acquisition. By characterizing the current culture of these organizations, it is possible to facilitate the merging and alignment of cultures, so that cooperation in the new situation would be successful. The research was a quantitative survey during fall of 2022, and based on the data from the survey, cultural profiles were built for both organizations. By comparing these cultural profiles, plan was to find the areas and entities in current cultures where they are similar and can so be seen as the company’s core competence and strength. Idea was also to find the areas where the current cultures are different and where the so-called collision of cultures could happen, or where the differences can be turned into strength. Both organizations were well represented in the data, but there were less answers in open questions than was expected. According to the results, the most important factor in both organizations is its employees and people-to-people cooperation. Also, both cultures emphasized their own industries, which are slightly different for these two organizations. The results did not reveal a large clash of cultures, but especially on the main group’s side, the organizational culture could require refinement and harmonization throughout the entire company.
  • Koskenkorva, Kaisa-Leena (2020)
    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on toteuttaa kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa konkreettisten esimerkkien avulla kootaan yhteen tietoa siitä, kuinka liikuntavammaisen oppilaan itsenäisyyttä ja aktiivisuutta on mahdollista edistää alakoulun perusopetuksessa. Tutkielmassa käsitellään myös liikuntavammaisen oppilaan aktiivisuutta ja itsenäisyyttä heikentäviä asioita. Teoriaosuudessa perehdytään liikuntavammaisuuden yleisimpiin syihin, liikuntavammaisten oppilaiden koulunkäynnin historiaan, nykyiseen opetussuunnitelmaan sekä inkluusion ja integraation käsitteisiin. Lähtökohtana tutkielmassa ovat sellaiset oppilaat, jotka käyttävät liikkumisen apuvälinettä (esimerkiksi pyörätuoli) päivittäin, mutta tulokset ovat käytettävissä myös sellaisessa tilanteessa, jossa liikuntavamma on väliaikainen esimerkiksi tapaturman seurauksena. Tutkielma toteutettiin narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Lähdeaineisto rajattiin vuosien 2000-2020 välille. Lähteissä on mukana myös muutamia aikarajauksen ulkopuolelle jääviä teoksia, joiden käyttöä perustellaan metodiluvussa. Aineisto kerättiin vuoden 2020 alkuvuoden aikana. Hakutulosten etsinnässä käytettiin kuutta eri hakupalvelua, jotka on esitelty metodiluvussa. Lähdekirjallisuuden perusteella merkityksellisimpiä tapoja lisätä liikuntavammaisen oppilaan aktiivisuutta ja itsenäisyyttä koulupäivän aikana on viisi: oppimisympäristön ja toimintakulttuurin kehittäminen, koulunkäyntiavustaja, apuvälineiden käyttö sekä kuntoutus osana koulupäivää. Pedagogisena näkökulmana tutkielmassa on konduktiivinen kasvatus. Oppimisympäristöllä ja toimintakulttuurilla on liikuntavammaiselle oppilaalle iso merkitys. Samanlainen paikka tai tilanne näyttäytyy erilaisena liikuntavammaiselle, kuin vammattomalle oppilaalle. Toimintakulttuurin kehittämisessä tärkeää on hyvä vuorovaikutus, erilaisuuden hyväksyminen ja sen opettaminen koulun aikuisille, sekä oppilaille. Koulunkäyntiavustajan ammattitaidolla sekä apuvälineiden oikeanlaisella ja turvallisella käytöllä on tärkeä vaikutus koulupäivän sujuvuuteen. Huomiota tulee kiinnittää myös sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen tukemiseen ja siihen kannustamiseen. Kuntoutus osana koulupäivää tukee niin liikuntavammaisen oppilaan viihtyvyyttä koulussa kuin oppimistuloksiakin. Konduktiivisen pedagogiikan periaatteiden mukaan on mahdollista tukea sekä oppilaan fyysistä että henkistä toimijuutta. Fyysisen aktiivisuuden edistäminen (esimerkiksi tarkoituksenmukainen työskentelyasento) vaikuttaa positiivisesti niin oppimistuloksiin, itsensä arvostamiseen kuin sosiaaliseen vuorovaikutukseenkin.
  • Elenius, Juho (2020)
    Objectives. The changes to Basic Education Act (624/2010), which came into force on January 2011, as well as the enforcement of the Pupil and Student Welfare Act (1287/2013) in 2014, has restructured the operation of the Finnish education system. The model, known as the support in learning and school attendance, operates on a three-tiered support system, and is based on inclusive principles as one of its goals is to include pupils with special needs to mainstream classes with additional teaching support. This study aims to investigate how the amendments have affected classroom teachers’ work tasks, workload, and well-being at work, and as well as to highlight the ways in which classroom teachers have adapted to the changes. Methods. The research approach of this study was qualitative. The data was collected by interviewing four classroom teachers using semi-structured theme interviews. The participants were selected for the study based on their year of graduation and by municipality, as they had worked as classroom teachers before the enforcement of the previously mentioned amendments, and as they all were working in schools in different municipalities. The data was analysed using a qualitative analysis of content. Results and conclusions. According to the teachers, adoption of the new support model has not created any new work tasks or responsibilities to the teachers although the changes have affected how the workload is divided between different work tasks. Majority of the participants brought up how the adoption of the three-tiered support model had increased work bureaucracy and workload, in the form of preparation of pedagogical documents, multiprofessional cooperation and cooperation between home and school. However, the teachers underlined that the model had created positive developments in teaching as well. There were major differences in teachers’ experiences regarding the changes in the work and well-being at work, as the teachers experienced changes in different areas of their work in different ways. Similarly, teachers' ways of adapting to change were different, where the results of this study can provide different perspectives on examining and developing teachers' well-being at work.
  • Elenius, Juho (2020)
    Objectives. The changes to Basic Education Act (624/2010), which came into force on January 2011, as well as the enforcement of the Pupil and Student Welfare Act (1287/2013) in 2014, has restructured the operation of the Finnish education system. The model, known as the support in learning and school attendance, operates on a three-tiered support system, and is based on inclusive principles as one of its goals is to include pupils with special needs to mainstream classes with additional teaching support. This study aims to investigate how the amendments have affected classroom teachers’ work tasks, workload, and well-being at work, and as well as to highlight the ways in which classroom teachers have adapted to the changes. Methods. The research approach of this study was qualitative. The data was collected by interviewing four classroom teachers using semi-structured theme interviews. The participants were selected for the study based on their year of graduation and by municipality, as they had worked as classroom teachers before the enforcement of the previously mentioned amendments, and as they all were working in schools in different municipalities. The data was analysed using a qualitative analysis of content. Results and conclusions. According to the teachers, adoption of the new support model has not created any new work tasks or responsibilities to the teachers although the changes have affected how the workload is divided between different work tasks. Majority of the participants brought up how the adoption of the three-tiered support model had increased work bureaucracy and workload, in the form of preparation of pedagogical documents, multiprofessional cooperation and cooperation between home and school. However, the teachers underlined that the model had created positive developments in teaching as well. There were major differences in teachers’ experiences regarding the changes in the work and well-being at work, as the teachers experienced changes in different areas of their work in different ways. Similarly, teachers' ways of adapting to change were different, where the results of this study can provide different perspectives on examining and developing teachers' well-being at work.
  • Poppeli, Mina-Maria (2018)
    The framework of the study was the support of the agency of immigrants as a part of the acculturation and integration process. The theories on agency in the background of the study have handled agency as a possibility to influence the course of events and as a part of the exercise of power, as an individual resource and as a way the individual continuously moulds the surrounding structures within their limitations and without being their passive victim. In previous research the visibility and exercise of agency was conceived as planned and meaningful work, self-conscious will to learn the language and the development of the individual with the support of the group. The function of the study is to examine what kind of meaning the adult education centre’s work can give to the agency of the immigrant and how agency can be seen to be supported in the work they do. The material of the study was three pieces of interviews of the experts in education of the immigrants at the adult education centres. The interviews were collected as thematic interviews while the research strategy was qualitative. Content-based content analysis was the research framework and the material was analysed through content analysis. The results of the study were the meaning of motivation in independent studies as part of exercising agency, developing of knowledge, skills and comprehension as part of expanding the limits of agency. The learning of the adult education centre’s students was best supported by student-based teaching methods, diverse course offering and the guidance and tranquil atmosphere provided by teachers. Learning can be seen to support the strengthening of agency with the immigrant students. The received results could be used in planning and evaluating the integration training of immigrants.
  • Saarinen, Markus (2018)
    Tutkielmassa käsitellään Suomen Keskusta r.p.:n puoluejohdon sisäisiä jännitteitä ja ristiriitoja keskusteltaessa Suomen valtion harjoittamasta integraatiopolitiikasta 1990-luvun alkupuoliskolla. Keskustan toimiessa tuolloin pääministeripuolueena, sillä oli keskeinen asema Suomen valtion tekemissä päätöksissä koskien muun muassa Suomen EY-/EU-jäsenyyttä. Mikäli puolue ei olisi asettunut tukemaan jäsenyyttä, Suomi ei välttämättä olisi liittynyt Euroopan unionin jäseneksi vuonna 1995. Tutkielmassa esitellään Keskustan puolueorganisaatiota, keskeisimpiä toimijoita ja tilaisuuksia, joissa puolueen keskeisimmät päätökset tehtiin. Puolueen eri organisaatioiden pöytäkirjoja ja muita dokumentteja sekä keskustataustaisia sanomalehtiä läpikäyden saadaan selville ne keskustalaiset, joilla oli eniten vaikutusvaltaa puolueen sisäisessä päätöksenteossa integraatiopolitiikasta keskusteltaessa. Keskustan puheenjohtaja Esko Ahon rooli ja vallankäyttö integraatiokeskusteluissa ja tehdyissä päätöksissä otetaan tarkasteluun. Erilaisten tutkimusten ja gallupien mukaan Keskustan jäsenien ja kannattajien enemmistö vastusti lähes koko 1990-luvun alkupuolen ajan Suomen liittymistä Euroopan unioniin, ja vastustus kasvoi jäsenyysprosessin edetessä. Tämä näkyi etenkin maaseudulla ja pienillä paikkakunnilla. Vastustavalla kannalla oli myös Keskustaa lähellä oleva maa- ja metsätaloustuottajien etujärjestö MTK. Vastaavasti Keskustan puoluejohdon enemmistö, mukaan lukien puolueen puheenjohtaja ja Suomen pääministeri Aho, suhtautui varovaisen myönteisesti ensin jäsenyyshakemuksen jättämiseen vuonna 1992, ja myöhemmin jäsenyyteen vuonna 1994. Ulkoista painetta jäsenyyden kannattamiselle tuli muilta puolueilta, sillä eduskunnan enemmistö oli jäsenyyden kannalla. Mikäli Keskusta olisi ryhtynyt avoimesti vastustamaan jäsenyyttä, se olisi voinut kaataa Ahon hallituksen. Presidentti Mauno Koivisto tuki taustalla Ahon hallitusta ja suhtautui maltillisesti EU-jäsenyyteen. Ulkopoliittisesta näkökulmasta Neuvostoliiton hajoaminen mahdollisti Suomen syvemmän integraation Länsi-Eurooppaan, ja muun muassa naapurimaa Ruotsin valtiojohto suhtautui myönteisesti EU-jäsenyyden hakemiseen. Osassa aiempia tutkimuksia on kritisoitu Keskustan puoluejohdon ja puheenjohtaja Ahon toimintatapoja EU-jäsenyysprosessin aikana. Syinä kritiikille on esitetty puoluejohdon toimintaa puolueen kenttäväen tahdon vastaisesti, sekä puheenjohtaja Ahon käyttämiä keinoja saavuttaakseen haluamansa tavoitteet. Puoluejohdon tavoitteena oli pitää puolue yhtenäisenä sisäisistä ristiriidoista huolimatta. Se ei onnistunut kaikissa tapauksissa kovin hyvin, sillä puolueen sisällä oli paljon jäsenyyttä vastustavia voimia etenkin EU-jäsenyyysprosessin loppuvaiheessa, muun muassa entinen puheenjohtaja Paavo Väyrynen. Puolue ei ottanut virallisesti voimakasta kantaa EU-jäsenyyden puolesta, jotta se ei ärsyttäisi liikaa kannattajiaan. Puolue ja sen johto kävivät ennen jäsenyyshakemuksen jättämistä paljon keskustelua jäsenistön kanssa, mutta jäsenyysneuvotteluiden aikana vuorovaikutteinen keskustelu haluttiin puoluejohdon näkökulmasta minimoida. Samalla puoluejohdon sisällä keskinäistä jännitettä haluttiin laannuttaa, vaikka johto teki päätöksiä EU-jäsenyyttä edesauttavasti. Huolimatta Keskustan jäsenten ja kannattajien enemmistön EU-jäsenyyden vastustuksesta, Keskusta päätti ensin tukea Suomen EU-jäsenyyshakemusta ja myöhemmin kannattaa Suomen jäsenyyttä EU:ssa. Puheenjohtaja Aho käytti päätöksenteon hetkinä saavutettua asemaansa ja valtaansa tehokkaasti saavuttaakseen tavoitteensa.
  • Lavanti, Lassi (2022)
    This study is an article-type master’s thesis, and its purpose was to study immigrant background families from ECEC personnel’s perspective. In this study ‘immigrant background’ is defined to include everyone who has either moved to Finland, been born in Finland but has parents with an immigrant background or speaks a foreign language at home. The personnel perspective in this study is brough by ECEC leaders and educators. The research questions were: How do the views of parents with an immigrant background appear to the ECEC leaders and educators? By what means do the ECEC leaders and educators support the families in their integration? The theoretical framework was produced by the diversities, acculturation and integration that was based on the international declarations, Finnish laws, policies, and recommendations from the curricula. With the help of these, this study aims to add knowledge of immigrant background families in ECEC, which is needed according to previous studies. This study was conducted between September year 2021 and May year 2022. The data was collected in December via individual and group interviews. The empirical material was gathered through semi-structured interviews with five ECEC unit leaders interviewed individually, and nine educators interviewed in four groups of two to four educators. The interviews were analyzed with content analysis using an inductive approach. The results indicate that the immigrant background families’ views appear for the leaders, and educators are mainly positive, especially the families' desire to integrate into Finnish society. The diverse cultures appeared for the personnel to conflict with Finnish culture, however, the conflict depended on the individuals and was not able to generalize. The means of integration were clear, and they matched all the dimensions of integration. The results explain the need for ensuring a shared understanding between parents and ECEC personnel. The article script “Language is Important” Perspectives from ECEC Personnel on Supporting Families with an Immigrant Background” is supposed to publish in an ECEC journal called Journal of Early Childhood Education Research. As co-authors in the article were Arniika Kuusisto and Heidi Harju-Luukkainen.
  • Laasanen, Anni (2018)
    Objectives. Stable separate systems have been created for the intellectually disabled in our society. Integration in the educational path could act as a channel for social relations between the intellectually disabled and the general populace. I studied the realization of inclusion in the educational path by using the stages of integrativeness as presented by Moberg & Savolainen (2015). The stages are physical, functional, social and societal integrativeness. In my thesis I seek to find out which stages of integrativeness have been realized in the educational path of the mildly intellectually disabled and whether the stages of integrativeness have connections to the subjects present friendships. Methods. My research method was a narrative multi-case study. The subjects of my thesis were five mildly intellectually disabled young adult women. My data collection method was a semi-structured interview. The material was analyzed using a narrative analysis as presented by Polkinghorne (2005). In the narrative analysis the interviews were used to form narrative descriptions of the subjects educational paths. The narratives formed from the educational paths of the subjects were also used to search common factors. Results and conclusions. All research subjects had experienced physical integration and three subjects had also experienced functional integration during their educational path. One research subject had also experienced social integration during her educational path. Another subject had changed from general education to a special school. She had formed social relations in the special school and later in life in hobbies aimed at special education students. Separate systems are a useful resource in creating social relations, but the integration in the general education should be more comprehensive in order to produce social relations between different students.
  • Laasanen, Anni (2018)
    Objectives. Stable separate systems have been created for the intellectually disabled in our society. Integration in the educational path could act as a channel for social relations between the intellectually disabled and the general populace. I studied the realization of inclusion in the educational path by using the stages of integrativeness as presented by Moberg & Savolainen (2015). The stages are physical, functional, social and societal integrativeness. In my thesis I seek to find out which stages of integrativeness have been realized in the educational path of the mildly intellectually disabled and whether the stages of integrativeness have connections to the subjects present friendships. Methods. My research method was a narrative multi-case study. The subjects of my thesis were five mildly intellectually disabled young adult women. My data collection method was a semi-structured interview. The material was analyzed using a narrative analysis as presented by Polkinghorne (2005). In the narrative analysis the interviews were used to form narrative descriptions of the subjects educational paths. The narratives formed from the educational paths of the subjects were also used to search common factors. Results and conclusions. All research subjects had experienced physical integration and three subjects had also experienced functional integration during their educational path. One research subject had also experienced social integration during her educational path. Another subject had changed from general education to a special school. She had formed social relations in the special school and later in life in hobbies aimed at special education students. Separate systems are a useful resource in creating social relations, but the integration in the general education should be more comprehensive in order to produce social relations between different students.
  • Ala-Peijari, Jenni (2018)
    Muuttoliikkeen seurauksena yhä useampi yhteiskunta on monikulttuurinen. Globalisaatiosta aiheutuvat taloudelliset, poliittiset ja ekologiset muutokset lisääntyvät tulevaisuudessa entisestään. Eettinen vastuu on siirtynyt koskemaan kaikkia yhteiskuntia ja talouden muutokset ovat entistä kompleksisempia. Ongelmia on haastavampaa hoitaa ainoastaan lokaalisti. Yhteiskuntien kietoutuessa yhä tiiviimmin yhteen on vaikea ajatella tulevaisuutta, jossa olisi vain yhtä uskontoa, kulttuuria ja ajattelutapaa. Ensisijaisen tärkeää on varautua ennalta muutoksiin sekä yhteiskunnan väestölliseen integraatioon. Integraatio liittyy kiinteästi yhteiskunnalliseen kotouttamistyöhön, jota ohjataan osittain poliittisin päätöksin. Kotouttamistyö on kompleksinen ja monivaiheinen prosessi, jonka onnistumiseen vaaditaan useiden tahojen yhteistyötä. Oma tutkielmani käsittelee yhtä kotouttavaa toimintaa, kohtaamiskahviloita. Kohtaamiskahviloiden tarkoitus on lieventää ennakkoluuloja sekä tarjota tila erilaisten väestöryhmien kohtaamiselle. Ne ovat avoimia tiloja alueen asukkaille ja tarkoitus on, että paikalliset ihmiset voivat matalalla kynnyksellä tavata läheisen vastaanottokeskuksen asukkaita ja muita maahan muuttaneita. Tutkimukseni tavoite on selvittää, voiko kohtaamiskahvilatoiminta luoda pohjaa positiiviselle asennemuutokselle sekä miten toiminta lisää turvapaikanhakijoiden mahdollisuuksia sopeutua ympäröivään yhteiskuntaan. Tutkielmani on teorialähtöinen hyödyntäen metodologisina apuvälineinä sosiaalipsykologian teorioita ja kirjallisuutta. Tutkimustuloksieni perusteella kohtaamiskahviloilla on potentiaalinen mahdollisuus luoda uusi yhteinen yläsisäryhmä ja vähentää sitä kautta ennakkoluuloja puolin ja toisin. Tavoitteilla, joita yhteiskunta asettaa sen jäsenille, on merkitystä hyväksytyksi tulemisen tunteelle. Onnistuneen kotouttamisen kannalta uskontoa on pidetty yhtenä tärkeänä elementtinä identiteetin vahvistamisessa. Uskontodialogin rooli jäi kuitenkin vähäiseksi kohtaamiskahviloiden arjessa. Kyselytutkimukseni mukaan moni koki olevansa uskonnollinen, mutta uskonnollista keskustelua ei juurikaan käyty. Kyselytutkimukseni sekä etnografisen päiväkirjani tulokset antoivat kuitenkin viitteitä siitä, että kontaktin onnistunut laajeneminen koski myös muita kuin omaa väestöryhmää. Epäselväksi kuitenkin jäi, olisiko toiminnalla mahdollisuus vähentää uskonnollista diskriminaatiota laajemmalla tasolla. Sekä kyselytutkimus että etnografinen päiväkirja osittivat, että kohtaamiskahviloiden positiivinen ilmapiiri antoi maahanmuuttajille sekä paikalliselle väestölle voimavaroja. He kävivät kahviloissa mielellään ja monet kokivat saaneensa ystävyyssuhteita sekä kosketusta muihin kulttuureihin. Tällä voi olla vaikutusta siihen, kuinka hyvin ihminen sopeutuu omaan sosiaaliseen ympäristöönsä sekä hyväksytyksi tulemisen kokemukseen, jolla taas on positiivinen vaikutus identiteettiä voimistavana tekijänä.
  • Nevala, Piia (2021)
    Objectives. The goal of this thesis was to examine the assumptions of an inclusion that personnel in early childhood education have. The theoretical context of this study is the ecosystem model of inclusive early childhood education. Model is developed based on Urie Bronfenbrenner´s ecological systems theory. In the ecosystem model is described macro-, meso-, ecso- and microsystem factors that has to be considered when early chilhood ecucation is developed as more inclusive. Concepts are also explained. Methods. The material of this thesis was collected in research that clarified the state of special support in early childhood education. In this thesis was analysed one question´s answers of that research. Answers was given 572. From these answers was chosen five personnel groups whose answers was received more than 15. From these groups (early childhood special education teacher, early chilhood education teacher, childminder, nursery nurse and day care center manager) was chosen 15 answers each, based on discretionary sample. The answers that were chosen told about inclusion from works point of view. The answers were analysed and categorized in themes. Fenomenografi and dialogical theme-making was used as methods. Results and conclusions. Seven themes were made from the answers: the pedagogical solutions and tools that support inclusion, inclusion as a value, associates who support inclusive early childhood education, inclusion as a child´s right, inclusion as a child’s place, the challenges that inclusion has and enough education and know-how for inclusion. Themes were divided in between personnel groups. Inclusion as a value and inclusion as a child´s right were mentioned in every groups answers. The pedagogical solutions and tools that support inclusion was mentioned mostly by early childhood education teachers and early childhood special education teachers. Inclusion as a child´s place was mostly mentioned by early childhood special education teacher and day care center managers. Inclusion´s challenges were mentioned mostly by nursery nurses and day care center managers. Enough education and know-how for inclusion was mentioned by day care center managers, early childhood education teachers and nursery nurses. Associates who support inclusive early childhood education was written by early childhood special education teachers and early childhood education teachers.
  • Nevala, Piia (2021)
    Objectives. The goal of this thesis was to examine the assumptions of an inclusion that personnel in early childhood education have. The theoretical context of this study is the ecosystem model of inclusive early childhood education. Model is developed based on Urie Bronfenbrenner´s ecological systems theory. In the ecosystem model is described macro-, meso-, ecso- and microsystem factors that has to be considered when early chilhood ecucation is developed as more inclusive. Concepts are also explained. Methods. The material of this thesis was collected in research that clarified the state of special support in early childhood education. In this thesis was analysed one question´s answers of that research. Answers was given 572. From these answers was chosen five personnel groups whose answers was received more than 15. From these groups (early childhood special education teacher, early chilhood education teacher, childminder, nursery nurse and day care center manager) was chosen 15 answers each, based on discretionary sample. The answers that were chosen told about inclusion from works point of view. The answers were analysed and categorized in themes. Fenomenografi and dialogical theme-making was used as methods. Results and conclusions. Seven themes were made from the answers: the pedagogical solutions and tools that support inclusion, inclusion as a value, associates who support inclusive early childhood education, inclusion as a child´s right, inclusion as a child’s place, the challenges that inclusion has and enough education and know-how for inclusion. Themes were divided in between personnel groups. Inclusion as a value and inclusion as a child´s right were mentioned in every groups answers. The pedagogical solutions and tools that support inclusion was mentioned mostly by early childhood education teachers and early childhood special education teachers. Inclusion as a child´s place was mostly mentioned by early childhood special education teacher and day care center managers. Inclusion´s challenges were mentioned mostly by nursery nurses and day care center managers. Enough education and know-how for inclusion was mentioned by day care center managers, early childhood education teachers and nursery nurses. Associates who support inclusive early childhood education was written by early childhood special education teachers and early childhood education teachers.
  • Taskinen, Niina (2013)
    Objectives. The development plan for education and research 2003 - 2008 (report of the Ministry of Education) highlights the development and promotion of special education and integration. In the end of the year 2007, there was Special education strategy published, a proposal for a long-term strategy for the development of special education in pre- and primary schools. Today there are a growing number of special education pupils studying in their neighbourhood schools and in regular teaching groups. Class teachers are so confronting new challenges in their classes. It is pointed out in the researches that teachers' positive attitudes and professional skills are essential for successful mainstreaming / inclusion in schools. The object of this thesis is to examine primary school class teachers' conceptions of working and teaching in the regular education which include special education pupils. This issue will be approached by these research problems: what kind of conceptions do teachers who work in basic education with special education pupils have, what kind of significance does teachers education has for these conceptions, what kind of significance does teachers work experience has for their working and is there a some kind of connection between teacher's conceptions and the nature of special education pupil's disability? Methods. In the spring 2009, the half structured questionnaire was send to all primary schools in Helsinki (N=86). One class teacher in each school was asked to fill in the questionnaire. Altogether 38 teachers answered this questionnaire. The data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Structured questions were processed by using the SPSS- statistics program and qualitative questions were analyzed by using content analysis. Results and conclusions. Class teachers were satisfied with their work and most of them felt that they master the teaching situations sufficiently. They reported that they get support and help most from the special needs assistants and special education teachers but they also felt that they need it more from them. Remedial instruction- lessons were also needed more. Those who had the class teacher qualification got a bit more support from special education teachers than those without qualification. Both, longer work experience and studies of special pedagogy correlated with the amount of help from the assistant. There was also positive connection between the work experience and the amount of remedial instruction. Teachers urge for updating education was clearly shown in this study. About half of these teachers wished more education related to special needs pupils / education. Teachers felt that the lack of time is the most challenging in their work. About half of the teachers felt that the regular studying environment supports special education pupils well or very well and felt mainstreaming valuable for all. They pointed out that the nature and the degree of disability is relevant. They felt that pupils with behavioral difficulties had most negative influence for the whole class, and felt themselves helpless and frustrated because of these pupils.
  • Lahti, Anna-Henriikka (2019)
    Goals of this study. The goal of this study is to examine, interpret and analyze the perceptions that elementary school teachers hold concerning the fulfillment of inclusion and integration of immigrant students studying in general education class. Aim of this study is to answer the following research problems: 1. According on elementary school teachers how well the goals of inclusion are being fulfilled concerning immigrant students? 2. What kind of representations do elementary school teachers hold concerning the inclusion and integration of immigrant students in general education class? Theoretical background of this study is based on litera- ture handling of inclusion and representation. The experiences teachers have, are being com- pared to the theoretical framework. The concept of representation and othering are repre- sented also in the empiric part of this study. The purpose of this study is to take a stand in the general conversation dealing with inclusion. At the center of this study is the inclusion and integration of students with an immigrant background because of the linguistic questions. Methods. The material of this study was produced by implementing two group interviews. Both interviews consisted four elementary school teachers who had been teaching students with immigrant background within the last five years. Material was analyzed with the means of discourse analysis. Research questions were answered by the representations which were brought up from the material of this study. Results and conclusion. According on the material of this study the goals of inclusion have not been seen fulfilling among immigrant students. It was stated that the resources, like learn- ing materials, time and assistance from special education teachers are not sufficient. Based on the experience of teachers seven repertoires were constructed. These repertoires repre- sent those representations that teachers hold concerning of the inclusion of immigrant stu- dents.
  • Kovalainen, Laura (2021)
    The purpose of this study is to find out how classroom teachers use music as part of their teaching and as a unifying factor in primary school grades 3–6. In addition, the aim is to find out which factors classroom teachers find conducive to bringing music into their cross-curricular teaching. The theoretical framework of the study presents three models of integration: the methods of horizontal integration, Bresler's integration styles and DiDomenico's perspective on the integration of teaching through music. The framework also examines the role of music in primary school grades 3–6 in the light of the basics of the 2014 basic education curriculum and the benefits of teaching through music, and examines the classroom teacher's preconditions for implementing integrative music education. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study with the help of a thematic interview. The research material was collected by interviewing four classroom teachers who had experience using music as part of their teaching. The interviews were mainly conducted using online connections. One of the interviews took place in a face-to-face meeting. The analysis of the material utilized theory-based and theory-guiding content analysis. According to the study, classroom teachers integrated music into cross-curricular teaching naturally. Integration was carried out in a variety of ways. The social integration style was central, which was particularly evident in the importance of various events and celebrations and cooperation related to them. Music lessons were also taught in parallel with common themes in other subjects. The position of music as an integrative subject ranged from low cognition to an equal, cognitive position. The teacher's own background, enthusiasm and willingness had a significant effect on the realization of integration with music. Classroom teaching was also perceived as a factor facilitating integration. The most important result of the study was the importance of well-being as a factor guiding integration through music. According to the study, it seems that by integrating music into teaching it is possible to meet the goal of basic education in supporting the holistic development of the pupils.
  • Kovalainen, Laura (2021)
    The purpose of this study is to find out how classroom teachers use music as part of their teaching and as a unifying factor in primary school grades 3–6. In addition, the aim is to find out which factors classroom teachers find conducive to bringing music into their cross-curricular teaching. The theoretical framework of the study presents three models of integration: the methods of horizontal integration, Bresler's integration styles and DiDomenico's perspective on the integration of teaching through music. The framework also examines the role of music in primary school grades 3–6 in the light of the basics of the 2014 basic education curriculum and the benefits of teaching through music, and examines the classroom teacher's preconditions for implementing integrative music education. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study with the help of a thematic interview. The research material was collected by interviewing four classroom teachers who had experience using music as part of their teaching. The interviews were mainly conducted using online connections. One of the interviews took place in a face-to-face meeting. The analysis of the material utilized theory-based and theory-guiding content analysis. According to the study, classroom teachers integrated music into cross-curricular teaching naturally. Integration was carried out in a variety of ways. The social integration style was central, which was particularly evident in the importance of various events and celebrations and cooperation related to them. Music lessons were also taught in parallel with common themes in other subjects. The position of music as an integrative subject ranged from low cognition to an equal, cognitive position. The teacher's own background, enthusiasm and willingness had a significant effect on the realization of integration with music. Classroom teaching was also perceived as a factor facilitating integration. The most important result of the study was the importance of well-being as a factor guiding integration through music. According to the study, it seems that by integrating music into teaching it is possible to meet the goal of basic education in supporting the holistic development of the pupils.