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Browsing by Subject "korkeakoulutus"

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  • Kupari, Hilla (2018)
    2000-luvulla tutkijoiden parissa keskustelua on herättänyt puheet työelämän muuttumisesta epävarmemmaksi ja pirstaleisemmaksi. Ilmiö on saanut oman käsitteensä: on alettu puhua työelämän prekarisaatiosta. Ihmisiä, jotka kokevat alituista epävarmuutta työnsä ja tulevaisuutensa suhteen, on siten kutsuttu prekariaatiksi. Epävarmuuden ja työelämän muutosten taustatekijöiksi on esitetty esimerkiksi taloudellisen globalisaation kasvua ja tieto- ja vuokratyön yleistymistä. Tämän tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu työelämän muutosten tutkimuksen lisäksi pettymysteoriaan, jonka mukaan yksilön kokeman pettymyksen intensiteetti on riippuvainen yksilön odotusten ja toteutuneen tilanteen tai lopputuleman välisen eron suuruudesta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, kokevatko samankaltaiset työntekijät epävarmuutta työelämässä niin hyvinä kuin huonoinakin taloudellisina aikoina, vai aiheuttaako pitkittynyt taloudellinen laskusuhdanne epävarmuuden kasvua sellaisten työntekijöiden parissa, jotka eivät hyvinä taloudellisina aikoina koe epävarmuutta työelämässä. Lisäksi vertailtiin sitä, ovatko epävarmuuden kokijat samankaltaisia ihmisiä kuin Suomessa aikaisemmin tehdyissä työelämätutkimuksissa, vai onko epävarmuuden kokijoiden luokassa tapahtunut muutoksia, jotka tukisivat 2000-luvun epävarmojen työmarkkinoiden teesiä. Kolmantena tavoitteena oli selvittää, tuoko korkea koulutustaso suojaa 2000-luvun työelämän epävarmuutta vastaan, ja miten taloudellinen laskusuhdanne vaikuttaa koulutustason ja epävarmuuden yhteyteen. Tutkimushypoteesin mukaan taloudellisesta laskusuhdanteesta aiheutuva työmarkkinoiden taantuminen aiheuttaa epävarmuuden kasvua erityisesti korkeakoulutettujen työntekijöiden keskuudessa, sillä heillä on suurimmat odotukset työelämää kohtaan. Tutkimuksen aineistoina hyödynnettiinTilastokeskuksen keräämiä Työolobarometri-kyselytutkimuksia vuosilta 2007 ja 2014, ja menetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia ja binääristä logistista regressioanalyysiä. Tulosten perusteella taloudellisen tilanteen heikentyminen aiheuttaa muutoksia epävarmuuden kokijoiden luokassa: Siinä missä hyvinä taloudellisina aikoina epävarmuutta koki iäkkäiden ja teollisuuden sektorilla työskentelevien lisäksi matalasti koulutetut, naiset ja ammattiliiton jäsenet, laskusuhdanteen aikana epävarmuuden kokemisen todennäköisyyttä lisäsi vain korkea ikä ja teollisuuden alalla työskenteleminen. Muiden tekijöiden vaikutus epävarmuuden kokemiseen hävisi. Tulokset viittaavat myös siihen, että korkea koulutustaso ei yleisesti ottaen, mutta etenkään heikkoina taloudellisina aikoina tuo kovin vahvaa suojaa työelämässä koettua epävarmuutta vastaan.Taloudellisena huippuvuotena 2007 korkea koulutustaso vähensi epävarmuuden kokemisen todennäköisyyttä ainoastaan silloin, kun korkeimmin koulutettuja vastaajia verrattiin kaikista matalimmin koulutettuihin. Lamavuonna 2014 ero myös korkeimmin ja matalimmin koulutettujen vastaajien välillä hävisi, eli korkeakoulutetuilla oli samanlainen riski kokea epävarmuutta kuin muidenkin koulutusluokkien edustajilla. Tutkimuksen tuottama tulos, jonka mukaan korkea koulutustaso ei tuo merkittävää suojaa työelämässä koettua epävarmuutta vastaan antaa viitteitä siitä, että keskustelulla työelämän prekarisaatiosta on todellista pohjaa, sillä prekarisaation on sanottu koskettavan etenkin korkeakoulutettuja.
  • Suontama, Roosa (2022)
    The meaning of this study is to find out how the pursuit of efficiency and education at univer-sities is viewed university students. According to the Finnish university act, the purpose of universities is to cultivate education and give the highest form of research-based education. The neoliberal educational policy has driven universities to an ever-increasing pursuit for effi-ciency, and the university has changed significantly during the 2000s, especially after the university act of 2010. The current state of university has been criticized a lot and the staff of universities have voiced a concern regarding the direction of the future of the university. This study examines how students experience the present university’s goals regarding efficiency and education. Nine students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Helsinki partici-pated in this study. They have also acted as student activists which means that they have been in a student organization or have acted as a student representative in a body of the uni-versity. The data was collected by interviewing the student activists. The base of the inter-view was a background information form which asked students about their views of university studies. The data was analysed with theory-based content analysis. The results show that the pursuit of efficiency, education and their interweave occurred at university studies. The studies were considered easy, the university staff focused on their re-search rather than teaching and there was a strong encouragement to graduate in target time. These are examples of how the pursuit of efficiency rises up in studies. The values of educa-tion were shown in studies in the studies being in a good level of difficulty, the university staff putting effort into teaching and a trust in extensive possibilities of studying. The interweave of efficiency and education appeared for example through students aiming for a degree and ed-ucation at the same time in university studies. The university studies appear to have gotten new conditions that concentrate on performance-oriented studies. On the other hand, the studies seem to have signs of education and the students of educational sciences consider them to be important. Efficiency and education exist at the studies at the same time.
  • Yli-Kankahila, Tiia Marika Sofia (2018)
    In this Master’s Thesis the perceptions of master’s degree graduates on the development of generic skills during university level education was studied. Generic skills, also known as key skills or core skills are such competences that are indispensably needed in working life. Such generic skills include, for example, critical thinking, communication skills, problem solving skills and project working skills. These skills are independent of profession or field of education but should also be provided by higher education. The notion of generic skills lacks an all-encompassing definition, which makes studies addressing these skills challenging. This Master’s Thesis answers to the need to study what particular skills university level education students think they gain during their studies, and what other skills they wish they had learned better. This study also focuses on the challenges that graduates have faced while in working life. The topic was chosen keeping in mind the timely nature of the subject and the global discussion around it. A worry caused by the insufficient interaction between education and working life, as well as the need to secure knowledgeable workforce for the requirements of the ever-changing society, is prominent in the education policies of several states. The development of generic skills during university level education was studied from the viewpoint of generalist field students with qualitative content analysis. The study sample comprised of interviews conducted in 2013 by The Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE) as well as answers given to open questionnaires in 2016. The same study sample of nineteen interviewees was used at the time of graduation and when entered the working life three years later. The results of this study show that master’s degree graduates feel that they learn academic generic skills during university level education. In addition to communication skills, the master’s degree graduates desired more co-operation with corporate world, interaction with the working life, careers counseling, mentoring, and more interaction with the academic community as a part of their studies. The challenges encountered by master’s degree graduates in working life were, for the most part, connected with interaction and communication: leadership and networking skills, performance skills and workplace communication skills. In addition, some pressure was also felt due to the uncertainty of work and level of employability.
  • Päällysaho, Miika (2017)
    Extensive evidence in economics shows that facing a recession upon entry to the labor market can have sizable and persistent effects on the earnings and careers of labor market entrants. Long-term negative effects have been found among young and low- educated workers, but also among highly educated labor market participants such as university graduates. Theory and empirical evidence suggest that the negative effects arise because of a prolonged period of job search and fewer opportunities early on in the career for finding employment that fits the worker’s skills, for example. Identifying those most susceptible to persistent effects and understanding the mechanisms and channels underlying them are important for improving the effectiveness of active labor market policies and other public policy instruments as well as the school-to-work transition. This thesis studies the short-term and long-term effects of facing adverse economic conditions upon graduation on real annual earnings, unemployment and other labor market outcomes among Finnish university graduates who obtained a Master’s degree between 1988 and 2004. The empirical strategy uses idiosyncratic variation in regional unemployment rates as a proxy for regional business cycle fluctuation, controlling for common national business cycle fluctuation and regional fixed effects. The thesis contributes to the existing literature in three ways. First, it provides the first evidence on the effects of graduating from university upon adverse economic conditions in Finland. The results with Finnish data are compared to other countries with different labor market institutions. Second, the time period investigated in this thesis (1988-2014) includes a period unlike any other studied in the existing literature: the exceptionally deep 1990s Finnish depression. Third, it contributes to the relatively scarce evidence on gender differences in the effects of graduating into a recession. The data used in this thesis contain matched employer-employee panel data on the first ten post-graduation years of around 140,000 graduates. The results show that facing a six percentage points (roughly a standard deviation) above average regional unemployment rate in the region of residence in the year of graduation on average reduces annual earnings by 12.6% in the following year after graduation. Remarkably, this initial effect is only halved after 9–10 years. These effects on earnings are larger than what have generally been found in the literature and are similar to those reported with U.S. and Canadian data, for example. Furthermore, there is a persistently higher probability of being unemployed that lasts for roughly seven years. Smaller and more short-lived effects are found when only considering cohorts who graduated after the 1990s depression: the effects on earnings last only for the first five years and there are no effects on unemployment. These findings suggest that under more normal business cycle fluctuation, mechanisms other than unemployment are responsible for the earnings losses. Given the relatively high levels of wage rigidity in Finland, the existing literature suggests that the earnings losses can result from task downgrading and skill mismatch, for example. Finally, the results show that the effects on earnings are smaller for female graduates, perhaps reflecting gender differences in fields of study, employing sector and labor market attachment. Robustness checks indicate that the empirical results are not likely to be affected by selective timing or place of graduation.
  • Sorvoja, Liisa (2021)
    This thesis focuses on social categories that are constructed from the social value of higher education in the Finnish mass media. The aim of the thesis is to analyze how the hierarchy of education level produces citizenship and social hierarchies. Previous research has shown that the subject is seen in Finnish education policies as a rational agent who makes free choices and self-invests in education. This thesis analyzes power and inequality existing in the discourse of learning and higher education possibilities. I approached the research task using feminist research methodology and the post-structural idea of language and knowledge. Admission to higher education is the context of the study. The data consists of opinion pieces about higher education reforms and the admission process in the spring of 2020. The opinion pieces were published in Helsingin Sanomat. I analyzed the data with a discursive-deconstructive reading and identified affective shades and unequal categories. I focused on the subjectivity of a higher education applicant and tried to find power that operates in discourses. According to the analysis, there is produced a self-responsible subjectivity in the data who struggles to survive in education and in the society. The self-responsible subjectivity is constructed in the contradiction between a dream discourse and demands of employability. In this study, one of the goals is to contextualize knowledge and affects so it is not necessary to look my results out of their historical context. Anyway, the results make possible to understand value choices in the Finnish education policies and social debate. This study argues that the discourse of education possibilities strengths the concept of the ideal citizen who survives because of its own merit. The discourse complicates to recognize social inequality. What is more, highlighting the social value of higher education produces the hierarchy of education paths and categories based on education level.
  • Sorvoja, Liisa (2021)
    This thesis focuses on social categories that are constructed from the social value of higher education in the Finnish mass media. The aim of the thesis is to analyze how the hierarchy of education level produces citizenship and social hierarchies. Previous research has shown that the subject is seen in Finnish education policies as a rational agent who makes free choices and self-invests in education. This thesis analyzes power and inequality existing in the discourse of learning and higher education possibilities. I approached the research task using feminist research methodology and the post-structural idea of language and knowledge. Admission to higher education is the context of the study. The data consists of opinion pieces about higher education reforms and the admission process in the spring of 2020. The opinion pieces were published in Helsingin Sanomat. I analyzed the data with a discursive-deconstructive reading and identified affective shades and unequal categories. I focused on the subjectivity of a higher education applicant and tried to find power that operates in discourses. According to the analysis, there is produced a self-responsible subjectivity in the data who struggles to survive in education and in the society. The self-responsible subjectivity is constructed in the contradiction between a dream discourse and demands of employability. In this study, one of the goals is to contextualize knowledge and affects so it is not necessary to look my results out of their historical context. Anyway, the results make possible to understand value choices in the Finnish education policies and social debate. This study argues that the discourse of education possibilities strengths the concept of the ideal citizen who survives because of its own merit. The discourse complicates to recognize social inequality. What is more, highlighting the social value of higher education produces the hierarchy of education paths and categories based on education level.
  • Virmajoki, Vanessa (2023)
    Objectives. The importance of safety in the learning environment has been recognised in both legislation and research literature. Research literature has identified safety as a factor in academic success as well as well-being. Legal texts leave safety open to interpretation, but the normative text suggests that safety also covers issues of equality, such as accessibility. Safety is therefore a fluid concept, which often remains undefined in research. The study examined the meanings given to safety in research literature, other social discourses and the produced data related to higher education and educational sciences. In Finnish research literature, safety has rarely been associated with issues concerning marginalised groups. In particular, the study describes and interprets responses in the data in relation to discourses of safety related to inequalities, such as safer spaces, content warnings and the ethos of resilience and vulnerability. Methods. The data were generated by means of a four-item open-ended text questionnaire. Respondents were asked to define what safety in the study or work environment means to them and what experiences of safety and insecurity they have had on the university’s spaces. The questionnaire was answered by 48 members of the Faculty of Education at the University of Helsinki. The majority of them were students and the rest were staff members, doctoral researchers or recent graduates. The material was approached by means of dialogical discourse analysis. Results and conclusions. Safety is an ambiguous concept for which there is no clear definition. In both international literature and the data, safety was associated with issues such as insecurity, external threats, violence against women, bullying, microaggressions, discrimina tion, racism and the climate and discussion culture in the faculty. In Finnish research litera ture, security was not associated with issues related to marginalised groups or accessibility. Attachment to security as a conceptual tool may contribute to a better discussion culture but does not necessarily contribute to dismantling of broader structures of oppression.
  • Poutanen, Marjo-Riitta (2011)
    Tutkimuksessa selvitetään Helsingin yliopiston valtiotieteellisestä tiedekunnasta valmistuneiden siirtymistä työelämään. Tarkoituksena on avata siirtymään liittyvää problematiikkaa ja tutkia työelämässä esiintyviä sosiaalisia verkostoja. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin yhdeksää henkilöä, jotka olivat valmistuneet noin viisi vuotta aikaisemmin valtiotieteiden maistereiksi. Haastatteluissa kartoitettiin heidän kokemuksiaan työelämään siirtymisestä. Haastatteluiden lisäksi aineistona toimii haastateltavien työhistorioista muodostetut työjanat ja taustatiedot. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty kvalitatiivista sisällönanalyysiä. Laadullinen aineisto antaa uudenlaisen lähestymistavan työelämään siirtymisen tutkimiseen. Tutkimuksen lähtökohdat rakentuvat korkeakoulutettujen työelämään siirtymistä käsitelleiden tutkimusten, työelämän tutkimuksen ja verkostoanalyysin varaan. Tutkimustulokset muodostuvat kolmesta analyysiluvusta, joissa käsitellään opiskeluaikaa ja yliopistokoulutusta, valtiotieteilijöiden kohtaamaa muuttuvaa työelämää sekä verkostoitunutta työelämää. Tulosten mukaan osa haastateltavista oli opiskeluaikanaan huolestunut työllistymisestään, mutta toisen osan haastateltavista huomattiin suhtautuvan siirtymään ’töiden shoppailuna’. ’Töiden shoppailussa’ työmarkkinoilla toimitaan kuluttajina ja etsitään sopivaa työpaikkaa omien mieltymysten mukaan (Johnson 1978; Hämäläinen 2002). Toiseksi vastavalmistuneet valtiotieteiden maisterit haluavat tutkimuksen mukaan jatkuvasti kouluttautua uudelleen ja kehittyä työelämässä (ks. Julkunen 2008a; Julkunen 2008b; Sennett 2002). Haastattelupuheessa tasapainoilee pelko jämähtämisestä ja määräaikaisista työsuhteista. Aineistosta löytyi kolme erilaista työjanaa, professionaalinen, intressikohtainen ja generalistinen, joiden kautta on mahdollista ymmärtää valtiotieteilijöiden erilaisia urapolkuja. Kolmanneksi tutkimus kartoittaa, miten sosiaalisia verkostoja hyödynnetään siirtymässä koulutuksesta työelämään (ks. Jokisaari & Nurmi 2004). Kaikki haastateltavista olivat saaneet useamman kuin yhden työpaikan sosiaalisten verkostojensa kautta. Sosiaaliset verkostot toimivat työnhakukanavana, koska niiden sisällä liikkuu tietoa. Toisin sanoen voidaan puhua sosiaalisten verkostojen tuomista informaatiohyödyistä (Lin 2001), jotka ilmenevät heikkoina siteinä (Granovetter 1983; 1995) ja rakenteellisina aukkoina (Burt 2001). Tutkimuksessa esiintyvät työllistymiseen vaikuttaneet sosiaaliset suhteet perustuvat suurimmalta osin sosiaalisen pääoman (Bourdieu 2007 [1986]) kautta syntyneeseen luottamukseen (Coleman 1988; Mäkelä & Ruokonen 2005). Tutkimustulosten mukaan päämäärätietoiseen verkostoitumiseen suhtaudutaan varauksella, mutta ystäville tietoja avoimista työmahdollisuuksista välitetään mielellään. Erottelu syntyy kilpailusuhteiden ja ystävyyssuhteiden välille, joissa sosiaalista pääomaa käytetään eri tavoilla (ks. Johanson & Uusikylä 2005). Tutkimuksen mukaan valtiotieteiden maisterit työllistyvät sellaisten sosiaalisten verkostojen kautta, joissa liikkuu tietoa ja joihin liittyy luottamus.