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  • Nurminen, Anu (2021)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli perehtyä DIY -käsitteeseen eli do-it-yourself -toimintaan sekä antaa sille merkityksiä. Työssä tarkastellaan DIY:tä tieteellisten artikkeleiden kautta ja peilataan sitä peruskoulun käsityönopetukseen. Tutkimuksen innoittajana toimi Väänäsen väitöskirja kestävästä käsityöstä, jonka pohjalta tutkimuskysymykset muotoiltiin. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat: Kuinka DIY näyttäytyy kirjallisuudessa käsitöiden perspektiivistä ja kuinka käsityönopetus voi tukea oppijoiden DIY -toimijuutta? Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli pohtia käsityö -oppiaineen tarkoitusta ja tarjota uusia näkökulmia käsityönopetuksen sisältöihin. Tutkimus toteutettiin integroivana kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja aineistoa tulkittiin sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin tieteellisiä artikkeleita sekä käsityönopetuksen sisältöjä ja tavoitteita. Tutkimuksella saatiin selvyyttä DIY käsitteeseen ja huomattiin sen olevan voimakkaasti yhteydessä Maker -kulttuuriin. Kouluissa tapahtuva Maker -toiminta kytkeytyy innovointiin, käsin tekemiseen sekä digitaaliseen teknologiaan, mutta usein projektit toteutetaan erillisinä kokonaisuuksina. Voisiko Maker -toiminta eheyttää käsityönopetuksen? Monimateriaalinen käsityöoppiaine muodostuu monista aihesisällöistä sekä tekniikoista. DIY eli Maker -toiminta ymmärretään usein teknisen työn sisällöillä, mutta kouluissa toteutettavissa Maker -projekteissa käytetään enemmän perinteisiä tekstiiliin eli käsitöihin liitettäviä tekniikoita. Käden taidoilla sekä itse tekemisellä on tutkimusten mukaan voimakas yhteys mielenterveyteen. Tiedon etsimiseen ja tuotteen valmistamiseen käytetty aika lisää sen arvostusta sekä ymmärrys kestävän maailman mukaisesta kulutuskäyttäytymisestä voi tukea itse tekemisen prosesseissa. Opettajilla on mahdollisuus voimistaa Maker -oppimista tukemalla poikkitieteellistä yhteistyötä sekä oppilaiden yhteisöllistä työskentelyä, jolloin vahvuuksia hyödyntämällä ja heikkouksia vahvistamalla lähestytään Flow -kokemuksia. Do-It-Together (DIT) ja Do-It-With-Others (DIWO) ovat tulevaisuuden taitoja DIY:n ohella.
  • Heikkinen, Meeri (2016)
    Family's and school's educational responsibilities are being discussed in the public media. Studies show that there is no consensus on what educational role the parents and school teachers should have. Especially parents are being judged by their lack of participation in child-rearing. In this sociological study education is considered as a social and political phenomenon in the framework of social constructionism. The purpose of this study was to describe, analyze and interpret Teacher Magazine's discourses of family's and school's educational responsibilities. The discursive processes in which the power relationships between parents and schools are constructed were examined. In addition, attention was paid to the education politics that can be traced behind these discourses. The research material consisted of 30 articles between the years 2013–2015 from Teacher Magazine which is a professional journal for teachers in Finland. The research material was gathered from the archive service of the internet site of the Teacher Magazine. The analysis was carried out using qualitative methods such as critical discourse analysis and power analysis. The results of this study shows the variation of discourses in Teacher Magazine's articles concerning family's and school's educational responsibilities. Discourses that present teaching as the main responsibility of schools, produce familist interpretations of the question of responsibility, object the idea of parents been patronized by the society and emphasize the shared responsibility of all adults and the holistic care of children were found from the research material. These discourses produce conflicting image of the educational role of the parents and the teachers. Based on the power analysis, three hegemonic discourses were identified. Two of these hegemonic discourses are the ones that present teaching as the main responsibility of schools and produce familist interpretations of the question of responsibility. The bourgeois politics of education were traced behind these two discourses that produce the hierarchical relationship between family and school. The politics of a welfare society was traced behind the third hegemonic discourse that emphasizes the shared responsibility of all adults and by doing that produces more equal power relationship between family and school.
  • Heikkinen, Tanja (2018)
    Aims. In home economic lessons there can be vegetarian diet students because of many different reasons, like religious or ethical reasons. They should also offer equal opportunities to learn home economics as well as others. The purpose of this study is to find out how home economic teachers fulfill vegetarian students working at the lessons and also how teachers feel about vegetarian diet and vegetarian students working in home economic lessons. The study is also finding out how vegetarian diet and those implementation influences home economic teachers lessons planning and fulfilling. Methods. I collected the material by interviewing four home economic teachers. The interviews were conducted by theme interviews, where the theme was predetermined. I analyzed the material by disassembling the interviews into the text format and by theme thematizing them according to research questions. Results and conclusions. The study found that vegetarians did not change the structure of the lessons. Time planning and practical work it affected because of the material ordering. In most cases, all the students were familiar with the same recipe that was changed as needed. In lessons, the composition of the groups varied, and sometimes vegetarian student worked in the group, sometimes alone. Social situation, a vegetarian was not affected, because other students were approving and relate them positively. Teachers did not experience vegetarian diets and related work difficult, and it did not require special attention.
  • Taipale, Nora (2019)
    Executive functions (EF) are skills, which are high-level cognitive functions and are needed to cope with changing situations. The aim of this study was to examine previous interventions that have been made to develop executive function skills for pupils on the spectrum of autism. The research was carried out as a systematic literature review. Five peer-reviewed interventions were selected to this study and they were published between 2013-2015. In this study I concentrate on what kind of previous executive function interventions have been done for children with autism, and in which divisions of executive functions they are directed to. In addition, I am interested in the practical methods that can be used by teachers in school context to support the development of executive function skills. The results of this study show that interventions in EF have a positive impact on the EF skills of children on the spectrum of autism. Especially the skills of planning, cognitive flexibility and behaviour showed positive effect. Interventions that were particularly suitable for teachers in school context were structured reading aloud and Unstuck and On Target executive function lessons.
  • Raunio, Sonja (2016)
    In my research I examined violence in secondary school from the point of view of the students. I asked, how the students themselves defined violence. I focused on who was considered to be someone who has information on the phenomenon or power to define it. In previous research it has been reported that mundane, everyday violence has been studied less than extreme acts of violence. In my research, I drew attention to the mundane aspects of the phenomenon and what it is at its limits. I tried to determine why some things were named violence, when others were not. In my research I regarded violence as gendered, since I wanted to study the phenomenon as a structure rather than as attached to specific individuals. In my understanding, violence and power are inseparably linked. Therefore I chose to approach the phenomenon from the perspective of a feminist theory. Key concepts in my research were violence, gender, school and agency. I used feminist ethnography as a method to both produce and analyze the data. In feminist ethnography it is essential to interact as respectfully as as possible with the people who are being studied as well as to maintain a critical attitude toward knowing and the hierarchies related to knowledge. The ethnographer tries to understand the world of the people she studies by participating in it. In feminist ethnography attention is drawn to power relations as well as in the intertwining differences. The data consist of field notes and interviews. For two weeks I observed the school days of the students of one seventh grade in one school located in the Helsinki metropolitan area. My observation covered classes, breaks and meal times, but I did not follow the students if they left the school grounds unless the classes were held there. I interviewed 17 of the 18 students in the class, in pairs or individually. Half of the interviews were done individually and the other half in pairs. There were 12 interviews in total. According to my research, the student's status in the social hierarchy, their position regarding the norms in the society and the discourses related to violence or bullying in society were some of the factors that influenced the way the students defined violence or were affected by it. Violence in school appeared to be so normal that often it was not even noticed or regarded as such. An atmosphere was maintained actively where the possibility of violence was always present. The teachers used the threat of violence as a resource to emphasize their message. Gendered structures were also entwined with the normalization of violence. Violence or the threat of it was linked in particular with the correct representations of masculinity. In addition to gender other differences affected how it was possible to be present in school and how violence could be defined or used as a resource. According to my research, racism, homophobia and gendered structures limit the students' agency. The students seemed to be struggling to understand situations from other person's points of view and to understand the consequences of their actions. On the other hand, the teachers did not seem to understand the students' perspective. I too shared the difficulties with identifying and naming violence. My conclusion is that even though no one is able to distinctly define violence, it is not to be accepted. Based on my research, violence should always be intervened, despite the difficulties of defining it.
  • Raunio, Sonja (2016)
    In my research I examined violence in secondary school from the point of view of the students. I asked, how the students themselves defined violence. I focused on who was considered to be someone who has information on the phenomenon or power to define it. In previous research it has been reported that mundane, everyday violence has been studied less than extreme acts of violence. In my research, I drew attention to the mundane aspects of the phenomenon and what it is at its limits. I tried to determine why some things were named violence, when others were not. In my research I regarded violence as gendered, since I wanted to study the phenomenon as a structure rather than as attached to specific individuals. In my understanding, violence and power are inseparably linked. Therefore I chose to approach the phenomenon from the perspective of a feminist theory. Key concepts in my research were violence, gender, school and agency. I used feminist ethnography as a method to both produce and analyze the data. In feminist ethnography it is essential to interact as respectfully as as possible with the people who are being studied as well as to maintain a critical attitude toward knowing and the hierarchies related to knowledge. The ethnographer tries to understand the world of the people she studies by participating in it. In feminist ethnography attention is drawn to power relations as well as in the intertwining differences. The data consist of field notes and interviews. For two weeks I observed the school days of the students of one seventh grade in one school located in the Helsinki metropolitan area. My observation covered classes, breaks and meal times, but I did not follow the students if they left the school grounds unless the classes were held there. I interviewed 17 of the 18 students in the class, in pairs or individually. Half of the interviews were done individually and the other half in pairs. There were 12 interviews in total. According to my research, the student’s status in the social hierarchy, their position regarding the norms in the society and the discourses related to violence or bullying in society were some of the factors that influenced the way the students defined violence or were affected by it. Violence in school appeared to be so normal that often it was not even noticed or regarded as such. An atmosphere was maintained actively where the possibility of violence was always present. The teachers used the threat of violence as a resource to emphasize their message. Gendered structures were also entwined with the normalization of violence. Violence or the threat of it was linked in particular with the correct representations of masculinity. In addition to gender other differences affected how it was possible to be present in school and how violence could be defined or used as a resource. According to my research, racism, homophobia and gendered structures limit the students' agency. The students seemed to be struggling to understand situations from other person’s points of view and to understand the consequences of their actions. On the other hand, the teachers did not seem to understand the students' perspective. I too shared the difficulties with identifying and naming violence. My conclusion is that even though no one is able to distinctly define violence, it is not to be accepted. Based on my research, violence should always be intervened, despite the difficulties of defining it.
  • Sneck, Antti (2019)
    Objectives. Attachment theory is a theory of social development and personality, known around the world. According to the theory, children have an innate tendency to develop a biologically based and central nervous system-regulated attachment bond to their primary caregivers in order to ensure safety, care, and survival. Early attachment experiences contribute to the way one sees oneself and others and lead to secure, insecure, or disorganized attachment styles, which affect rest of one’s life. Previous research has confirmed the universal nature of attachment, different attachment categories and styles, and early attachment’s links with future relationships and various internal and external problems. Attachment research has traditionally concentrated on early childhood and early childhood environments, whereas middle childhood, adolescence, and school context have been studied less. The objectives of the present study were to find out what kinds of links there are between attachment and the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, what kinds of attachment-related challenges teachers encounter at school, and how teachers could support their students with those attachment-related challenges. The aim is to explore attachment in the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, including at school, to gain a better understanding and to create a valuable foundation for future research. Methodology. The present study was conducted as a systematic literature review, which allowed the gathering of diverse and comprehensive, yet relevant research material, while also supporting objectivity and reproducibility aspects of the study. The material, available through electronic databases, was comprised of research articles from around the world, published in peer-reviewed international research journals. The material was analyzed thematically by research questions and topics, which were then used as a framework in the Results section. Results and conclusions. Early attachment and attachment styles were directly and indirectly linked to the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, including teacher-student relationships, peer relationships, family relationships, and academic achievement, as well as internal and external problems. Various attachment-related challenges and problems were visible at school, but teachers had many ways to buffer them. Current attachment research has not affected or changed school environments enough. Much more attention should be given to attachment within schools, teacher education, and in-service training programs in order to give students better support for their attachment-related problems and challenges.
  • Sneck, Antti (2019)
    Objectives. Attachment theory is a theory of social development and personality, known around the world. According to the theory, children have an innate tendency to develop a biologically based and central nervous system-regulated attachment bond to their primary caregivers in order to ensure safety, care, and survival. Early attachment experiences contribute to the way one sees oneself and others and lead to secure, insecure, or disorganized attachment styles, which affect rest of one’s life. Previous research has confirmed the universal nature of attachment, different attachment categories and styles, and early attachment’s links with future relationships and various internal and external problems. Attachment research has traditionally concentrated on early childhood and early childhood environments, whereas middle childhood, adolescence, and school context have been studied less. The objectives of the present study were to find out what kinds of links there are between attachment and the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, what kinds of attachment-related challenges teachers encounter at school, and how teachers could support their students with those attachment-related challenges. The aim is to explore attachment in the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, including at school, to gain a better understanding and to create a valuable foundation for future research. Methodology. The present study was conducted as a systematic literature review, which allowed the gathering of diverse and comprehensive, yet relevant research material, while also supporting objectivity and reproducibility aspects of the study. The material, available through electronic databases, was comprised of research articles from around the world, published in peer-reviewed international research journals. The material was analyzed thematically by research questions and topics, which were then used as a framework in the Results section. Results and conclusions. Early attachment and attachment styles were directly and indirectly linked to the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, including teacher-student relationships, peer relationships, family relationships, and academic achievement, as well as internal and external problems. Various attachment-related challenges and problems were visible at school, but teachers had many ways to buffer them. Current attachment research has not affected or changed school environments enough. Much more attention should be given to attachment within schools, teacher education, and in-service training programs in order to give students better support for their attachment-related problems and challenges.
  • Harjola, Aava (2016)
    The purpose of this research is to find out the perceptions of parents about the selection of a bully victim i.e. why some children get bullied in a group of children, and some do not. It must be clarified, that the purpose of the research is not to find any reason for the justification of bullying, but to find information on how and on what account a bully chooses its victim. Earlier theories about bullying insist that the reasons behind bullying can be traced to the bully, not the victim. Even so, it must be brought to light that victims of bullying exist, and that they often resemble each other in some way or another. The main goal of this research is to find these commonalities, this time from the point of view of the parents. It will be interesting to see if these common features are something we can interfere with, in order to prevent being selected as a victim of bullying. The point of view of the parents is crucially important to this research, because attitudes towards bullying and victims of bullying, can be easily forwarded from parents to their children and so on into their peer relationships, without the parents intending to do so. In fact, one goal of the research was to see whether there could be seen a negative approach towards the victims of bullying in the answers of the parents, which could be forwarded to the children through their upbringing. It was as important to find out the parents opinions on the interference of bullying, and how it could be done. The research material was gathered during December 2015 with an online questionnaire. The questionnaire gained 183 answers from the parents of under school aged children, living in Helsinki. Phenomenography was used as the research method. The results of the research could be divided into three types of groups. Based on the results the selection of a victim of bullying happens coincidentally and for any reason. There are ways in which parents can interfere with the selection, but these ways are seen as dubious. Based on the results, the risk of getting bullied is twice as high with a child whose parents have been bullied, compared to a child whose parents have not been bullied.
  • Pasanen, Laura (2020)
    The aim of this study was to examine how to support studies of children and youth in foster care. In addition, another aim of this study was to examine what sort of factors cause difficul-ties for studies of these children and youth. Foster children and foster youth can struggle with their studies in many ways. Regarding to previous research, professionals can support these children’s studies with different sorts of interventions and models. This study was conducted as a systematic literature review. Five peer reviewed articles written in English were selected to this study. Articles were selected using a strict criterion. I analyzed ways of support and difficulties emerged from the articles by making themes and combining the results. The results indicate that children and youth in foster care can be supported with functional in-terprofessional cooperation, training of professionals and suitable practices of school and foster parents. Difficulties were caused by lack of cooperation, insufficient practices of school and child welfare, and inadequate resources. Findings of this study are converging. Cooperation was the most important factor considering both support and difficulties.
  • Saaristo, Sari (2023)
    Lastensuojelun sijaishuollossa kasvavilla lapsilla tiedetään aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella olevan huomattavan paljon enemmän haasteita koulunkäynnin eri osa-alueilla ikätovereihinsa verraten. Lisäksi sijaishuollosta itsenäistyneiden ja muiden lasten koulutuspolkuja verrattaessa tulee ilmi muita merkittäviä eroja: sijaishuollosta itsenäistyneiden koulutustaso jää ikätovereita alhaisemmaksi, usein pelkän peruskoulun varaan. Koululla ja koulussa pärjäämisellä on kauaskantoisia vaikutuksia yksilön elämässä ja erityisesti peruskoulussa heikosti pärjääminen näyttää määrittelevän myöhempää koulutusuraa pitkälle. Tilastojen mukaan sijaishuollossa kasvaneet kokevatkin useammin myöhemmässä elämässään työttömyyttä ja heikompaa toimeentuloa, ja he voivat huonommin useammalla eri hyvinvoinnin mittarilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on ollut selvittää, millaiset tekijät vaikeuttavat ja mitkä edesauttavat kodin ulkopuolelle sijoitetun lapsen koulunkäyntiä. Tavoitteena on siis saada tuoretta tietoa siitä, miten kodin ulkopuolelle sijoitettuja lapsia voisi koulunkäynnin osalta paremmin tukea. Tutkimus on tehty systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus on tieteellinen metodi, jossa hyödynnetään ja tutkitaan aiemmin tehtyä tutkimusta ja niiden tuloksia. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla voidaan koota valittua ilmiötä tarkastelevien tutkimuksien tuloksia synteesinomaisesti yhteen. Katsauksen aineisto perustuu Helda-, Ebscohost-, Eric- sekä Google Scholar -tietokantojen hakuihin. Valittu aineisto sisältää yhdeksän vertaisarvioitua tutki-musta tai artikkelia, jotka ovat julkaistu vuosien 2017–2022 välillä. Tämä katsaus tuo ilmi, että sijaishuollossa kasvavien lasten koulunkäyntiä, sekä koulusuoriutumisen että kouluhyvinvoinnin osa-alueilla edistää se, että lapsella on turvallinen ja välittävä sijaishuolto-paikka, jonka aikuiset auttavat ja tukevat lapsia kaikissa muutoksissa ja siirtymissä ja tarjoavat lapselle tukea koulunkäynnin rutiineissa ja muuttuviin tilanteisiin sopeutumisessa. Koulunkäynti onnistuu parhaiten, kun lapsi on kiinnittynyt kouluun ja kouluympäristöön sekä koulun aikuisiin turvalli-sesti ja hänellä on positiivisia ajatuksia kouluun liittyen. Vähäiset muutokset ja vaihdokset lapsen elämässä sekä ennakoiva tuki mahdollisissa muutostilanteissa kannattelevat lasta. Osaava ja lastensuojelun arkea ymmärtävä opettaja, jolla kiinnostusta tehdä moniammatillista yhteistyötä lapsen elämän tärkeiden aikuisten kanssa tukee onnistumista. Koulun tarjoamat tukitoimet, ajoissa ja riittävän pitkään tarjottuna, hyödyttävät sijaishuollossa asuvan lapsen koulunkäyntiä. Tällöin lapselle syntyy luottamus, turva ja positiivinen tunne paitsi oppimista ja koulua ja kouluympäristöä kohtaan, myös omaa tulevaisuuttaan ja mahdollisuuksiaan kohtaan.
  • Lanberg, Marianna (2020)
    Aims. The study explores different ways to speak about the phenomenon of touch in the written memories about touching in school context. The aim is to specify, based on the data, the presence of public and broadly shared meanings given to touching in school context. Personal memories are interpreted in the socio-cultural context. The broader socio-cultural context is defined as public discourses in the Finnish media and as the official normative documents and discourses defining touching policies in school context. This study is connected to the Koskettava koulu -research project (Tainio et al., 2017-2020) which aims to explore the multidimensional phemonon of touching in comprehensive school context. Previous research on touch studies interaction, meanings and norms defining touching in comprehensive school. Methods. The data were gathered by an open invitation in social media to write about personal memories about touching in past school years. 51 short memoirs (seen as oral histories) were received and analyzed using discourse analysis. The data consisted of both teacher and former pupil positioned memories. Conceptual tools applied in the analysis were voice, dialogue and hidden dialogue based on Mihail Bahtin’s theory of dialogue in language use. Results and conclusions The results indicated that oral history contains present-day public, broadly shared ways to form meanings in interpretative element of the memory. There were three main discourses constructed from the data. First, the teacher discourse argued touching by the essential persona of a teacher and by the professional ethics obligating teacher’s ways to touch students. Second, student discourses indicated touching as a culture guided by the official norms of conduct and comparably touching as directed by the subcultural rules among students. Third main discourse was problematic touch in the school context which indicated molesting as a recognized phenomenon but also silenced tabu-like theme.
  • Salminen, Iina (2022)
    The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of young adults who lost a loved one in primary school. The purpose is to increase understanding of how the interviewees feel about the school offering them support after the death of a loved one and how the interviewees' grief affected their schooling. Grief as a topic has been studied multidisciplinarily and internationally a lot. According to previous research, a person’s conscious or unconscious understanding of grief influences the way he or she encounters a grieving person. Foreign studies have found that a school has many opportunities to support a child grieving the death of a loved one. Finnish research on the subject is not available. The study was conducted as a qualitative study and its background philosophy was the interpretative phenomenological research tradition. The data consisted of thematic interviews of five young adults aged 18–29 and contained oral history based on experiences. The data was analyzed according to the six-step model of interpretive phenomenological analysis by Smith et al. (2009). Based on the analysis, the interviewees' experiences of the support received from the school were divided into five themes: the school as an administrator of everyday life, the support provided by student welfare services, the importance and support of one's own teacher, consideration of grief in the school's everyday life and practices, and improvement suggestions for schools. The effects of grief on school attendance were also divided into five themes: the needs and effects of the bereavement home situation on school attendance, studying at school after the death of a loved one, expressions of grief and grief reactions at school, moments when grief surfaced and the importance of the class community and friends. Although the results were divided into themes for the analysis, they partially overlapped in many places. The interviewees perceived the school's support as being divided into support related to the continuity of everyday life and support for dealing with grief and emotions. Support of the continuity of everyday life was experienced as the main and functional support from the school, but support for dealing with grief and emotions was needed more than what had been received according to experiences of interviewees. For this reason, the conclusions consider the functionality and accessibility of student welfare services and the need to develop school-specific guidelines to support dealing with a student who is grieving the death of a loved one.
  • Salminen, Iina (2022)
    The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of young adults who lost a loved one in primary school. The purpose is to increase understanding of how the interviewees feel about the school offering them support after the death of a loved one and how the interviewees' grief affected their schooling. Grief as a topic has been studied multidisciplinarily and internationally a lot. According to previous research, a person’s conscious or unconscious understanding of grief influences the way he or she encounters a grieving person. Foreign studies have found that a school has many opportunities to support a child grieving the death of a loved one. Finnish research on the subject is not available. The study was conducted as a qualitative study and its background philosophy was the interpretative phenomenological research tradition. The data consisted of thematic interviews of five young adults aged 18–29 and contained oral history based on experiences. The data was analyzed according to the six-step model of interpretive phenomenological analysis by Smith et al. (2009). Based on the analysis, the interviewees' experiences of the support received from the school were divided into five themes: the school as an administrator of everyday life, the support provided by student welfare services, the importance and support of one's own teacher, consideration of grief in the school's everyday life and practices, and improvement suggestions for schools. The effects of grief on school attendance were also divided into five themes: the needs and effects of the bereavement home situation on school attendance, studying at school after the death of a loved one, expressions of grief and grief reactions at school, moments when grief surfaced and the importance of the class community and friends. Although the results were divided into themes for the analysis, they partially overlapped in many places. The interviewees perceived the school's support as being divided into support related to the continuity of everyday life and support for dealing with grief and emotions. Support of the continuity of everyday life was experienced as the main and functional support from the school, but support for dealing with grief and emotions was needed more than what had been received according to experiences of interviewees. For this reason, the conclusions consider the functionality and accessibility of student welfare services and the need to develop school-specific guidelines to support dealing with a student who is grieving the death of a loved one.
  • Wikström, Heikki (2018)
    Finnish children spend lots of time in social media. At the same time schools are modernizing their tuition by acquiring and using different technological devices and using different media applications. There are studies about how social media can be made use of in schools, but the way school is manifested in social media by children has not been studied a lot. Therefore the aim of this study is to find out how the children themselves use social media and how school is manifested in social media by children of different age. The method for this study was descriptive literature review. Different databases concerning mainly behavioral and educational sciences were used to conduct the study. The research material was Finnish and foreign literature, studies and other publications. Different databases concerning. In addition to theoretical literature different studies about Finnish children and their habits of using internet and social media were used. Because the topic has been discussed a lot in Finnish media during the last few years, some news regarding social media, school and children were also used. The results of this study showed that social media plays a big part in the lives of children and adolescents of different ages. They use social media mainly for keeping touch with their friends, family and relatives, but also publish photos, videos and different texts. The school is manifested in this material in different ways. It’s discussed in private conversations but also some school-related vlogs are published.
  • Meling, Emilia (2020)
    The objective of this study is to highlight traumas experienced by a student and to examine how the traumas arise in school context. I also examine what kind of support school was able to provide for the traumatized student. Purpose of this study is to provide knowledge and possible means for caretakers to encounter a traumatized child. In this study the voice is given to a young person who has been struggling with traumas during her time in school and her narrative is used to determine the student’s personal experiences of reconciling the traumas and school. The person who participated in this study was a former youth in a youth detention centre, whose traumas passed throughout her whole school time, especially throughout the secondary school and beginning of high school, which are the main subjects of this study. Purpose of this study is not to generalize, but to bring out this youth’s valuable story to the public by collecting relevant data. The study is a qualitative case study and collected material is used to highlight information about the factors that led to the traumas and in particular, what kind of support was available at school and what kind of support would have been needed. Data collection methods were observation, daily reports and open interviews. Analysis of the collected material was carried out according to methods of content analysis. Study results showed that traumas had significant links to a child’s well-being, learning and need for support at school. Trauma was caused by attachment problems and lack of basic needs of the child. My study is partly related to the attachment theory. Based on this, the early age problems of interaction seemed to affect later social life, psyche and coping with school. Problems reflected to school as social challenges and caused learning, concentration and behavioral problems. Hiding behind defenses, loneliness and labelled difference led to a decline in school motivation and performance. Support provided was not sufficient and all parties; teachers, classmates and the youth herself were exhausted. Traumas appear in school context in many ways in all areas of studying. In school context, there does not always seem to be enough time, means, skills or resources to face children who are severely traumatized and therefore mentally unstable.
  • Meling, Emilia (2020)
    The objective of this study is to highlight traumas experienced by a student and to examine how the traumas arise in school context. I also examine what kind of support school was able to provide for the traumatized student. Purpose of this study is to provide knowledge and possible means for caretakers to encounter a traumatized child. In this study the voice is given to a young person who has been struggling with traumas during her time in school and her narrative is used to determine the student’s personal experiences of reconciling the traumas and school. The person who participated in this study was a former youth in a youth detention centre, whose traumas passed throughout her whole school time, especially throughout the secondary school and beginning of high school, which are the main subjects of this study. Purpose of this study is not to generalize, but to bring out this youth’s valuable story to the public by collecting relevant data. The study is a qualitative case study and collected material is used to highlight information about the factors that led to the traumas and in particular, what kind of support was available at school and what kind of support would have been needed. Data collection methods were observation, daily reports and open interviews. Analysis of the collected material was carried out according to methods of content analysis. Study results showed that traumas had significant links to a child’s well-being, learning and need for support at school. Trauma was caused by attachment problems and lack of basic needs of the child. My study is partly related to the attachment theory. Based on this, the early age problems of interaction seemed to affect later social life, psyche and coping with school. Problems reflected to school as social challenges and caused learning, concentration and behavioral problems. Hiding behind defenses, loneliness and labelled difference led to a decline in school motivation and performance. Support provided was not sufficient and all parties; teachers, classmates and the youth herself were exhausted. Traumas appear in school context in many ways in all areas of studying. In school context, there does not always seem to be enough time, means, skills or resources to face children who are severely traumatized and therefore mentally unstable.
  • Saloranta, Satu Susanna (2010)
    Schools’ sustainable development work is described as ecological, economic, social and cultural sustainability-based environmental education. Sustainable development tools such as environmental mapping and environmental programs focus on environmental design, curriculum implementation and maintenance functions, such as waste management in Helsinki’s primary and secondary schools. The Helsinki city Education Department assesses schools’ environmental performance on a scale 1 to 3, where grade 3 describes the environmentally most advanced school. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in waste costs and waste quantities (cost per person per year and kilo per person per year) among schools belonging to different environmental performance levels and then explore the possible factors affecting these differences. This Master’s thesis was commissioned by the 4V project, which among other things aims at studying the impact of sustainable development education work in schools. The data used in the study was collected and elaborated as a part of this master’s thesis. The data includes Helsinki primary school 2009 waste costs and quantities collected by the 2010 waste monitoring survey. Schools’ waste costs and quantities are combined and the schools are grouped by their 2009 environmental performance level. The initial sample included 64 schools. The analysis of waste costs and quantities was conducted on smaller sample of 29 school buildings in which only school activities took place. The analysis focused on the cost and quantities of mixed municipal waste and biowaste. It was found that schools with different environmental performance level differ in the waste costs and quantities. Most environmentally advanced schools had the smallest mixed municipal waste cost and quantities, and moreover schools with grade 2 had the highest biowaste costs and quantities. The total amount of waste was not diminished but waste sorting had become more effective. Waste costs and quantities appear to be influenced by the factors such as the number of waste containers, their sizes, and the frequency with which they are emptied. In particular, there appears to be scope for improvement in the efficient and optimization degrees of containers’ filling. In conclusion the study recommends that schools should focus their sustainable development work on waste prevention and reduction. This study’s findings provide information to the Education Department and other agencies, such as HSY and Palmia, and to the Helsinki Real Estate department, which holds the school buildings development of waste management.
  • Laine, Salla (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on kerätä yhteen tietoa ravitsemuskasvatuksen interventioista sekä niiden toimivuudesta koulukontekstissa peruskoulu- sekä lukioikäisillä eli noin 4 – 19-vuotiailla. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaisilla koulussa toteutettavilla ravitsemuksen interventioilla ja keinoilla voidaan edistää lasten ja nuorten terveellisempiä ruokailutottumuksia ja ehkäistä lapsuus- ja nuoruusajan ylipainoa. Menetelmät. Tutkimustapana käytettiin umbrella review-menetelmää, jolla kootaan aikaisempia systemaattisia kirjallisuuskatsauksia yhteen ja tarkastellaan niissä toimiviksi todettuja keinoja terveellisten ravitsemustottumusten edistämiseen sekä ylipainon ehkäisemiseen lapsilla ja nuorilla koulukontekstissa. Aineistoksi valikoitui yhteensä seitsemän systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta, joiden julkaisuajankohta oli vuosina 2010-2022. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että erilaisilla interventioilla on mahdollista vaikuttaa lasten ja nuorten terveellisten ravitsemustottumusten edistämiseen ja terveellisempiin ruokavalintoihin. Intervention suunnittelulla ja toteutuksella on kuitenkin ratkaiseva merkitys. Erityisesti ympäristön muokkaamiseen perustuvat interventiot näyttäytyivät tehokkaina. Jatkotutkimuksissa tulisi ottaa huomioon sukupuolten väliset erot, pitkäaikaisvaikutusten seuranta, jotta interventioiden vaikutukset olisivat mahdollisimman tehokkaita myös pitkällä aikavälillä, sekä Pohjoismaiden eriävät tulokset käyttäytymiseen vaikuttavien interventioiden osalta. Interventioita tulisi myös tarkastella tulevissa tutkimuksissa erityisesti haavoittuvissa ryhmissä ja sosioekonomisesti alemman statuksen ryhmissä. Näiden edellä mainittujen ryhmien osalta myös pitkäaikaisvaikutusten tutkiminen olisi erityisen tärkeää.