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  • Puljujärvi, Joonas (2022)
    The aim of this study is to find out the classroom teachers' perceptions of learning motivation, the factors influencing it and their motivation strategies. I use two different theories related to learning motivation as the theoretical background of the research. These are Deci's and Ryan's (2000) Self-Determination Theory and Eccles’ and Wigfield's (2000) Expectation-Theory. According to these theories, an individual's motivation is constructed by various factors. At the heart of self-determination theory are basic psychological needs that, when fulfilled, increase an individual's intrinsic motivation. According to Decin and Ryan (2000), the basic psychological needs of an individual are perceived autonomy, perceived ability, and a sense of belonging. In Eccles and Wigfield's (2000) expectation value theory, an individual's motivation is again seen to be influenced by performance-related expectations and values. This study is a qualitative and its research approach is a case study.The subject of this study was six classroom teachers. Classroom teachers were interviewed individually using themes related to learning motivation. All interviews were recorded and later transcribed. Thematic design was utilized in the analysis of the obtained material. The results of the study showed that the perceptions of learning motivation of the interviewed teachers were very similar to each other. Three different themes were created from the responses of classroom teachers as factors influencing learning motivation. These included psychological factors, social factors, and student alertness. Three different themes were also created from the motivational strategies provided by the teachers themselves. The themes related to the strategies of motivation were the strategies related to working methods, the strategies related to the learning environment and the strategies related to the learning situation. This research does not actually provide entirely new information on the topic I am researching, but it does give voice to the interviewees ’perceptions of learning motivation. I find this important both from a research point of view and from the individual point of view of the interviewees. Some of the interviewees stated that they had never thought deeper about perceptions of learning motivation, because they felt that it was automatized.
  • Puljujärvi, Joonas (2022)
    The aim of this study is to find out the classroom teachers' perceptions of learning motivation, the factors influencing it and their motivation strategies. I use two different theories related to learning motivation as the theoretical background of the research. These are Deci's and Ryan's (2000) Self-Determination Theory and Eccles’ and Wigfield's (2000) Expectation-Theory. According to these theories, an individual's motivation is constructed by various factors. At the heart of self-determination theory are basic psychological needs that, when fulfilled, increase an individual's intrinsic motivation. According to Decin and Ryan (2000), the basic psychological needs of an individual are perceived autonomy, perceived ability, and a sense of belonging. In Eccles and Wigfield's (2000) expectation value theory, an individual's motivation is again seen to be influenced by performance-related expectations and values. This study is a qualitative and its research approach is a case study.The subject of this study was six classroom teachers. Classroom teachers were interviewed individually using themes related to learning motivation. All interviews were recorded and later transcribed. Thematic design was utilized in the analysis of the obtained material. The results of the study showed that the perceptions of learning motivation of the interviewed teachers were very similar to each other. Three different themes were created from the responses of classroom teachers as factors influencing learning motivation. These included psychological factors, social factors, and student alertness. Three different themes were also created from the motivational strategies provided by the teachers themselves. The themes related to the strategies of motivation were the strategies related to working methods, the strategies related to the learning environment and the strategies related to the learning situation. This research does not actually provide entirely new information on the topic I am researching, but it does give voice to the interviewees ’perceptions of learning motivation. I find this important both from a research point of view and from the individual point of view of the interviewees. Some of the interviewees stated that they had never thought deeper about perceptions of learning motivation, because they felt that it was automatized.
  • Toivonen, Emmi (2021)
    The purpose of this thesis was to find out how social and emotional learning occurs in the practical theories of classroom teacher students and graduated classroom teachers. The aim was to examine what kind of factors, related to the social and emotional learning, occur in the practical theories of the first class students, the 3th to 5th class students and graduated classroom teachers. In addition, the aim was to examine whether there are any similarities or differences in between the factors that are related to social and emotional learning amongst the participants of this thesis. Furthermore, the aim of this thesis was to understand what are the sources of the practical theories that are related to the social and emo-tional learning. This thesis is a part of a research project led by Karlsson and Pitkäniemi (2011). The aim of this re-search project is to analyse the practical theories of the teacher students. The material of this thesis consists of practical theories of the 1st and 3th to 5th class classroom teacher students and graduated classroom teachers. Students’ practical theories are based on the material collected for a research pro-ject done by the University of Eastern Finland in 2017 and 2019, whereas the practical theories of graduated teachers have been collected via an E-form in 2020 - 2021 as a part of my thesis. My thesis is a qualitative and phenomenographic study. The research analysis has been presented in tables. The results of this thesis indicate that there are factors that are related in the social and emotional learning in the practical theories of the classroom students and graduated classroom teachers. The main factors in the practical theories, related to emotional learning, were the teachers’ social and emotional competence, emotion regulation, social abilities and self-knowledge. There weren’t distinct differences with regards to the social and emotional learning in between the practical theories of students and the graduated teachers. The respondents’ own experience was the main source in all materials related to the social and emotional learning in practical theories. Teacher education as the source for the practical theories was emphasized more often in the practical theories of the first class students than amongst the other respondents.
  • Toivonen, Emmi (2021)
    The purpose of this thesis was to find out how social and emotional learning occurs in the practical theories of classroom teacher students and graduated classroom teachers. The aim was to examine what kind of factors, related to the social and emotional learning, occur in the practical theories of the first class students, the 3th to 5th class students and graduated classroom teachers. In addition, the aim was to examine whether there are any similarities or differences in between the factors that are related to social and emotional learning amongst the participants of this thesis. Furthermore, the aim of this thesis was to understand what are the sources of the practical theories that are related to the social and emo-tional learning. This thesis is a part of a research project led by Karlsson and Pitkäniemi (2011). The aim of this re-search project is to analyse the practical theories of the teacher students. The material of this thesis consists of practical theories of the 1st and 3th to 5th class classroom teacher students and graduated classroom teachers. Students’ practical theories are based on the material collected for a research pro-ject done by the University of Eastern Finland in 2017 and 2019, whereas the practical theories of graduated teachers have been collected via an E-form in 2020 - 2021 as a part of my thesis. My thesis is a qualitative and phenomenographic study. The research analysis has been presented in tables. The results of this thesis indicate that there are factors that are related in the social and emotional learning in the practical theories of the classroom students and graduated classroom teachers. The main factors in the practical theories, related to emotional learning, were the teachers’ social and emotional competence, emotion regulation, social abilities and self-knowledge. There weren’t distinct differences with regards to the social and emotional learning in between the practical theories of students and the graduated teachers. The respondents’ own experience was the main source in all materials related to the social and emotional learning in practical theories. Teacher education as the source for the practical theories was emphasized more often in the practical theories of the first class students than amongst the other respondents.
  • Toimi, Lasse (2020)
    Tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään, minkälaisia käsityksiä luokanopettajaopiskelijoilla on katsomusaineiden opetuksesta ja uskonnon harjoittamisesta koulussa. Sen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa minkälaisia argumentteja opiskelijat käyttävät keskustellessaan uskonnosta koulussa. Lisäksi siinä tutkitaan millaisia käsityksiä tulevilla luokanopettajilla on uskonnon oppiaineen suhteesta uskonnon harjoittamiseen sekä koulussa toteutuviin katsomusainejärjestelyihin. Malli, jolla katsomusopetus on tällä hetkellä toteutettu koulussa, on monella tapaa ongelmallinen. Tästä syystä on tärkeää kartoittaa tulevien luokanopettajien tapaa käsittää sekä tämän hetkistä tilannetta että sitä, miten he itse haluaisivat nähdä tilanteen tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin teemahaastatteluna, jossa haastateltiin luokanopettajaopiskelijoita kolmessa ryhmässä. Haastattelut analysoitiin käyttämällä luokittelurunkoa, joka muotoutui sekä aiemman tutkimuksen että tätä tutkimusta varten hankitun aineiston pohjalta. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan miten opiskelijat puhuvat uskonnon harjoittamisesta koulussa. Analyysin taustana käytetään lakitekstien lisäksi myös oikeuskanteluiden päätöksiä. Tämän tutkimuksen keskeisimpinä tuloksina voi pitää sitä, että opettajaopiskelijoiden katsomusopetusta ja uskonnon harjoittamista koskevissa käsityksissä näkyy paljon kasvavaan monikulttuurisuuteen ja globaaliin vuorovaikutukseen liittyviä perusteluja. Haastateltaville opiskelijoille oli monin tavoin epäselvää, missä kulkee raja uskonnon harjoittamisen ja uskonnon opettamisen välillä. Tulevat luokanopettajat olivat lisäksi lähes yksimielisiä siitä, että tulevaisuudessa katsomusaineita tulisi kouluissa opiskella joko pelkästään tai osittain yhteisessä ryhmässä. Tutkimus tarjoaa katsauksen siihen, millaisena tulevat luokanopettajat näkevät katsomusopetuksen ja siihen liittyvät järjestelyt. Tutkimus onnistuu laadullisen menetelmän keinoin kartoittamaan luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden käsityksiä uskonnosta koulussa.
  • Toimi, Lasse (2020)
    Tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään, minkälaisia käsityksiä luokanopettajaopiskelijoilla on katsomusaineiden opetuksesta ja uskonnon harjoittamisesta koulussa. Sen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa minkälaisia argumentteja opiskelijat käyttävät keskustellessaan uskonnosta koulussa. Lisäksi siinä tutkitaan millaisia käsityksiä tulevilla luokanopettajilla on uskonnon oppiaineen suhteesta uskonnon harjoittamiseen sekä koulussa toteutuviin katsomusainejärjestelyihin. Malli, jolla katsomusopetus on tällä hetkellä toteutettu koulussa, on monella tapaa ongelmallinen. Tästä syystä on tärkeää kartoittaa tulevien luokanopettajien tapaa käsittää sekä tämän hetkistä tilannetta että sitä, miten he itse haluaisivat nähdä tilanteen tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin teemahaastatteluna, jossa haastateltiin luokanopettajaopiskelijoita kolmessa ryhmässä. Haastattelut analysoitiin käyttämällä luokittelurunkoa, joka muotoutui sekä aiemman tutkimuksen että tätä tutkimusta varten hankitun aineiston pohjalta. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan miten opiskelijat puhuvat uskonnon harjoittamisesta koulussa. Analyysin taustana käytetään lakitekstien lisäksi myös oikeuskanteluiden päätöksiä. Tämän tutkimuksen keskeisimpinä tuloksina voi pitää sitä, että opettajaopiskelijoiden katsomusopetusta ja uskonnon harjoittamista koskevissa käsityksissä näkyy paljon kasvavaan monikulttuurisuuteen ja globaaliin vuorovaikutukseen liittyviä perusteluja. Haastateltaville opiskelijoille oli monin tavoin epäselvää, missä kulkee raja uskonnon harjoittamisen ja uskonnon opettamisen välillä. Tulevat luokanopettajat olivat lisäksi lähes yksimielisiä siitä, että tulevaisuudessa katsomusaineita tulisi kouluissa opiskella joko pelkästään tai osittain yhteisessä ryhmässä. Tutkimus tarjoaa katsauksen siihen, millaisena tulevat luokanopettajat näkevät katsomusopetuksen ja siihen liittyvät järjestelyt. Tutkimus onnistuu laadullisen menetelmän keinoin kartoittamaan luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden käsityksiä uskonnosta koulussa.