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  • Rangel Bustamante, Francisco (2022)
    In the past two decades, Finland has gone through significant demographic changes. As more migrants from the Global South arrive in Europe, comparing their stories and analyzing how migration has impacted their lives is critical. Specifically, the particularities beneath migrant communities are necessary to grasp the diversity of minority groups arriving North. This thesis investigates the migration stories of queer migrants living in Finland. From an insider's perspective, this research analyses how Latin American gay migrants position themselves within migration narratives. Six participants who identified as gay men living in the metropolitan area of Helsinki were interviewed to reveal their perspectives on race, migration, and sexuality through an intersectional lens. Using holistic-content narrative analysis and position analysis, the participants' stories were examined to depict the specific nuances of the migration experiences of sexual and gender minorities. The study showed that gay Latino migrants strategically located and dislocate from positions according to the context narrated in their stories. Participants preferred to accentuate their queerness and hide their Latin American identity in different social circumstances. Particularly in Finland, gay positioning was narrated as more positive than the Latin American position. Accordingly, this research depicts how queer migrants from Hispano-America living in Finland accept and reject distinct social positions and reimagine their identity after arriving in Finland through narrative inquiry.
  • Akyazan, Abdurrahman (2023)
    Migrants may find themselves in a vulnerable position after migration due to the new social structure (e.g., labor market opportunities, language problems, migration legislation, or networks in the new country). Since they lose their power in the society at large, this change may also affect power relations in their families. As a result, gender roles at home may also change. While existing studies on migration focus on migrants' socio-economic integration into host societies, their family formation and gender roles at home are not well explored. Rather than attributing these roles solely to 'cultural' reasons, I attempt to find answers through an exploration of the immigration experiences. This study has the potential to fill a gap in the literature on migration and gender studies and to contribute to this field in Finland. In this qualitative study, I attempt to explore how Turkish married migrants experience their gender roles and power relations at home after migration. Through thematic analysis of six interviews with three male and three female Turkish migrants, I identified four themes: "status loss after migration," "status loss and willingness to move back," "loneliness after migration," and "rejection of traditional gender roles." One of the most important findings of the study is that those who moved to Finland through family reunification experience a strong sense of status loss, which lead to marital dissatisfaction or a desire to leave the country. Furthermore, labor market opportunities push Turkish women to more traditional roles, while language barriers and a lack of networks hinder their integration into the country. It is important to note that most of the participants reject traditional gender roles as an ideology. However, there are other factors that contribute to their adherence to these roles.
  • Akyazan, Abdurrahman (2018)
    Migrants may find themselves in a vulnerable position after migration due to the new social structure (e.g., labor market opportunities, language problems, migration legislation, or networks in the new country). Since they lose their power in the society at large, this change may also affect power relations in their families. As a result, gender roles at home may also change. While existing studies on migration focus on migrants' socio-economic integration into host societies, their family formation and gender roles at home are not well explored. Rather than attributing these roles solely to 'cultural' reasons, I attempt to find answers through an exploration of the immigration experiences. This study has the potential to fill a gap in the literature on migration and gender studies and to contribute to this field in Finland. In this qualitative study, I attempt to explore how Turkish married migrants experience their gender roles and power relations at home after migration. Through thematic analysis of six interviews with three male and three female Turkish migrants, I identified four themes: "status loss after migration," "status loss and willingness to move back," "loneliness after migration," and "rejection of traditional gender roles." One of the most important findings of the study is that those who moved to Finland through family reunification experience a strong sense of status loss, which lead to marital dissatisfaction or a desire to leave the country. Furthermore, labor market opportunities push Turkish women to more traditional roles, while language barriers and a lack of networks hinder their integration into the country. It is important to note that most of the participants reject traditional gender roles as an ideology. However, there are other factors that contribute to their adherence to these roles.
  • Moisala, Matti (2023)
    Migration, which can be characterized as a temporal or permanent movement of individuals or groups of people from one geographic location to another, is old as humanity itself. As a part of polyethnic states and as a polyethnic state itself, Ukrainians have had strong connections across the borders and migration has been an integral part of life and in present-day Europe, Ukrainians form one of the largest migrant groups around Europe. The main type of migration changed from economic migration to forced migration when the Russian Federation launched a full-scale attack on Ukraine on 24th of February 2022 which caused a massive influx of migrants to European countries. In this master’s thesis, I studied the effect of existing social networks on refugees’ destination choices, and the aim was to examine how the migration of Ukrainians to Europe after the outbreak of full-scale war is linked to the existing Ukrainian minority population in Europe and to the spatial distribution of Ukrainian social interactions with European countries. In addition to this, the aim was also to evaluate the use of novel big data sources, such as Twitter and Meta, and assess how they can provide new insights into studying migration. The first part of the analysis explored the strength of the relationship between existing Ukrainian minorities in EU countries and social connectedness. The second part of the analysis explored further the strength of the relationship over time between the number of refugees in the EU, social connectedness, and distance from Ukraine, and also the spatial distribution of Ukrainian refugees within the EU area. Third, the strength of the relationship was explored over time between social connectedness and the number of Ukrainian Twitter users in Europe. Last, Twitter data was analyzed to get insights into the Twitter use of Ukrainians and how the change in language use is connected to the refugee movement. Results show that high social connectedness values between Ukraine and other European countries are the result of an existing Ukrainian minority in countries. When analyzing the relationship between the refugee movement in 2022 and social connectedness, results suggest that the migration movement is connected to the existing social networks which can be demonstrated by the social connectedness index. The social connectedness index proves to predict quite accurately the mobility of Ukrainians. User information from Twitter data didn’t perform that well in analyses at least on the country level. However, on the regional level, the relationship between Twitter users and the social connectedness index yielded some better results with a moderate relationship in some months. Insights about overall Twitter usage also showed patterns of increased Twitter activity of Ukrainians in the EU and decreased Twitter activity in Ukraine after the invasion. However, in addition to the location of the users and overall activity, language use analyzed from Twitter data also provided insights about linguistic change from Russian to Ukrainian and the use of Ukrainian, Russian, and English in European countries. However, language use analysis didn’t provide significant support for assessing the dependencies between the number of refugees and language use. This thesis explored further the capabilities of the use of the social connectedness index in migration studies and also showed some of the weaknesses of social media-based big data in mobility-related studies.
  • Hills, John (2018)
    This study is an analysis of British media coverage of the 2015 migration crisis. I analyse press reporting in the UK during the two week period surrounding the death of Alan Kurdi in September 2015, as this is when media interest in the migration crisis was at its highest. I study reporting in three different media outlets — The Guardian, The Times, and The BBC. Taken together these three cover the political spectrum of mainstream British media. I use critical discourse analysis to do a qualitative study of reporting of three key news events during this two week period, to understand how each of these three different media outlets report on each event, the discursive devices they use, and what effect this has. This is of interest not only with regards to the 2015 migration crisis, but also the wider political context in the UK at the time. There was considerable political and social upheaval, which culminated in the UK’s decision to leave the EU the following year. Immigration was one of the most salient discussion points in this Brexit referendum, which gives the narratives around it even greater importance. My results show that, overall, the way each media outlet reports on the migration crisis and migrants is in keeping with their political ideology — be it right wing, left wing or neutral. My analysis shows that a mixture of explicit and implicit devices are used. In particular, by highlighting the tacit techniques, I am able to show the power the UK media has, not only to inform, but also to influence people, their decisions and their world views.
  • Yin, Yi (2021)
    The parent-child relationship is arguably one of the most vital relationships within a family. Relevant studies have focused on the dynamics between parents and children in the family communication field, especially on underage children. At the same time, the family is not an isolated island but a unit in a society. Hence, social-cultural contexts have significant impacts on parent-child communication. Migration, as an indicator for changes in the surroundings, influences the communicative practices within a family as well. This research dwells on Chinese immigrant families in Finland, explores the relationship between parents and their adult children. Adopting a relational dialectics perspective, the study aims at identifying competing discourses and their interplay. Through interviews with four dyads of parents and adult children, this research conducted a contrapuntal analysis to examine their relationship. Three pairs of competing discourses are identified: closeness versus distance, authority versus independence, and responsibility versus wuwei (no action). In short, the discourses of closeness, independence and responsibility have been more favored in various manners. Findings from this study revealed the significant influences of migration, manifested as the distal social-cultural factors in the interviewees’ utterances. Results of the analysis also indicate an emphasis on communication and dialogue in the parent-child relationships, which flows with the Chinese traditional thinking of pursuing harmony.
  • Yin, Yi (2021)
    The parent-child relationship is arguably one of the most vital relationships within a family. Relevant studies have focused on the dynamics between parents and children in the family communication field, especially on underage children. At the same time, the family is not an isolated island but a unit in a society. Hence, social-cultural contexts have significant impacts on parent-child communication. Migration, as an indicator for changes in the surroundings, influences the communicative practices within a family as well. This research dwells on Chinese immigrant families in Finland, explores the relationship between parents and their adult children. Adopting a relational dialectics perspective, the study aims at identifying competing discourses and their interplay. Through interviews with four dyads of parents and adult children, this research conducted a contrapuntal analysis to examine their relationship. Three pairs of competing discourses are identified: closeness versus distance, authority versus independence, and responsibility versus wuwei (no action). In short, the discourses of closeness, independence and responsibility have been more favored in various manners. Findings from this study revealed the significant influences of migration, manifested as the distal social-cultural factors in the interviewees’ utterances. Results of the analysis also indicate an emphasis on communication and dialogue in the parent-child relationships, which flows with the Chinese traditional thinking of pursuing harmony.
  • Sandell, Valter (2020)
    This master’s thesis explores the links between social work and precarization and adjacent concepts, which is a rapidly growing field of interest in the scholarly literature in social work. The research is conducted as an integrative literature review consisting of 31 peer-reviewed publications in the field of social work. The theme is approached through two main research questions: 1) What are the links between social work and precarization that the scholarly literature in social work identifies and discusses? 2) How are the terms precarization, precariat and precarity conceptualized in the scholarly literature in social work? The conducted literature review shows that the conceptualizations in the examined scholarly literature vary and reflect the broader academic and political debate on precarization and adjacent concepts. The literature highly emphasize the political dimensions of precarization and adjacent concepts and their potential contribution to critical social work practices. The links between precarization and social work that the scholarly literature identifies are categorized in three main themes using a zooming perspective: precarization as a new societal context for social work, precarization from the perspective of the social worker, and social work with migrants with precarious legal status. In conclusion, the master’s thesis suggests that precarization is regarded a challenge for social work, but it also opens up space for transformative social change. The engagement with precarization and adjacent concepts contributes to social work by providing critical perspectives on the centrality of wage labor in social work, suggestions on the recalibration of critical and radical social work, and tools to analyze how the migration administration produces precarity among migrants and how this process challenges the nationally bound social work. Denna magisteravhandling undersöker kopplingarna mellan socialt arbete och prekarisering och närliggande koncept, ett område som i tilltagande takt blivit föremål för intresse i den vetenskapliga litteraturen i socialt arbete. Avhandlingen är en integrativ litteraturöversikt som består av 31 kvalitetsgranskade publikationer i socialt arbete. Jag närmar mig temat genom två centrala forskningsfrågor: 1) Vilka kopplingar mellan prekarisering och socialt arbete identifierar och diskuterar forskningen i socialt arbete? 2) Hur konceptualiserar forskningen i socialt arbete prekarisering och de närliggande begreppen prekaritet och prekariat? Litteraturöversikten visar att konceptualiseringarna varierar och reflekterar den bredare akademiska och politiska debatten om prekarisering och närliggande koncept. Litteraturen betonar starkt de politiska dimensionerna i prekarisering och närliggande koncept och deras potentiella kontribution till kritiska praktiker i socialt arbete. Kopplingarna mellan prekarisering och socialt arbete som den vetenskapliga litteraturen identifierar är kategoriserade i tre teman som jag analyserar ur ett zoomningsperspektiv: prekarisering som ny samhällelig kontext för socialt arbete, prekarisering ur socialarbetarperspektiv och socialt arbete med migranter med prekärt juridiskt status. Sammanfattningsvis föreslår magisteravhandlingen att prekarisering betraktas som en utmaning för socialt arbete men skapar även utrymme för transformativ social förändring. Engagemanget med prekarisering och närliggande koncept kontribuerar till socialt arbete genom att erbjuda kritiska perspektiv på lönearbetets centralitet i socialt arbete, förslag på förkovran av kritiskt och radikalt socialt arbete samt redskap för att analysera hur migrationsadministrationen producerar prekaritet bland migranter och hur denna process utmanar det nationellt inramade socialarbetet.
  • Falenius, Ida Maria Micaela (2020)
    Principen om non-refoulement är en vedertagen princip inom migrationsrätten. Principen skyddar flyktingar, asylsökande och andra i jämställbar position från att utsättas för människorättskränkningar i enlighet med vad som föreskrivs i artikel 3 i Europakonventionen. Principens kärna kan härledas ur artikeln i fråga, som utgör ett förbud mot tortyr. Principen förbjuder tillbakasändning och utvisning av flyktingar till ett område, om det finns skäl att misstänka att personen där kan utsättas för tortyr, förföljelse eller annan omänsklig behandling eller bestraffning. Med avhandlingen söker jag nå en ingående framställning av principen om non-refoulement samt identifiera de bedömningskriterier som appliceras vid tillämpningen av den. Syftet med min avhandling är att framföra nödvändigheten av principen om non-refoulement för att trygga den grundläggande och mänskliga rättigheten som principen är till för att skydda, nämligen människovärdet. I avhandlingen analyserar jag betydelsen av principen om non-refoulement. Ytterligare föremål för undersökningen är de anföranden och bedömningar som domstolar publicerat i sina avgöranden gällande beviljande av asyl, samt övriga fall som tangerar principen om non-refoulement. Forskningsfrågan i undersökningen: Vilka är de bedömningskriterier för non-refoulement som används i rättspraxis, och vad är den grundläggande betydelsen av principen i fråga? – besvarar jag genom tillämpning av den rättsdogmatiska och -historiska metoden. Källmaterialet består av litteratur och fördragstexter. För att utreda bedömningskriterierna analyserar jag fyra rättsfall från Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna och två årsboksavgöranden från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen. Bedömningskriterierna för non-refoulement har som uppgift att fastslå att det finns tillräckligt vägande grunder för att misstänka en välgrundad fruktan för förföljelse, vilket kan betraktas som parallellt med någon egenskap som den ifrågavarande individen innehar. Bedömningskriterierna består av olika grunder för bedömningen, vilka utgår från en rad olika utrednings- och granskningsaspekter. Utan kriterierna skulle inte en enhetlig praxis för domstolarnas bedömningar av non-refoulement finnas. Konklusionen är att varje bedömning av ett fall som berör principen om non-refoulement bör alltid genomgå en mycket noggrann, och framför allt – individuell, granskning. Principens kärna ger principen om non-refoulement dess fundamentala betydelse. Kärnan utgörs av skyddet mot tortyr, förföljelse eller annan omänsklig behandling eller bestraffning. Principens grundläggande betydelse kan således anses vara dess uppgift som beskyddare av den specifika mänskliga rättigheten. Principen kan gestaltas som en skyddsprincip av vägande betydelse. Detta beror på dess betydelsefulla karaktär som beskyddare av människovärdet. Principen om non-refoulement binder samman två aspekter: respekten för de grundläggande och mänskliga rättigheterna samt skyddet av individen som befinner sig i en utsatt situation, nämligen flyktingen. Att principen och dess innebörd regleras samt tryggas i den internationella rätten påvisar dess stora betydelse.
  • Löija, Aurora (2024)
    I denna avhandling granskas rasifiering och gränser som fenomen och hur de kan beskrivas och analyseras som processer och handlingar. För att göra detta diskuteras även begreppet “ras” för att tydligare visa vad rasifiering är. Dessutom diskuteras olika kategoriseringar av migranter, för att illustrera hur rasifiering kan komma i uttryck och hur gränser görs och upprätthålls av de människor som är i kontakt med dem. Eftersom gränser och rasifieringsprocesser hör till två olika akademiska traditioner har jag valt att koppla ihop dessa genom att granska “flyktingkrisen” 2015 och med hjälp av bland annat medieanalyser diskutera hur både gränser och rasifieringsprocesser förekom under “krisen”. Dessutom kommer begreppet islamofobi behandlas som en form av rasifiering för att ytterligare visa hur rasifieringsprocesser tedde sig under “flyktingkrisen”. Syftet med denna avhandling är att diskutera hur “ras” och rasifiering syns i gränsskapande, samt hur gränser och rasifieringsprocesser upprätthålls vid territoriella gränser. För att underlätta avgränsningen av ämnet i denna avhandling ligger större fokus på territoriella gränser, samtidigt som även mer flytande former av gränsgörande behandlas. En av de mest slående iakttagelserna i denna litteraturöversikt är hur likartade processer gränser och rasifiering vid närmare anblick är. Ett exempel på detta är hur både gränser och rasifiering som processer påverkas av den historiska, geografiska och spatiala kontexten de granskas i. Processernas likhet i kombination med det politiskt instabila läget i världen i och med Rysslands anfallskrig mot Ukraina, samt Finlands och Sveriges inträde i NATO visar vikten av fortsatt forskning som kombinerar dessa två ämnen.
  • Frongia, Federica (2020)
    The European Union’s current economic growth goals cannot be achieved without addressing the demographic and labour shortage crises. Despite the prevalence of anti-migration narratives, the leading approach to address the demographic issue has been to encourage “managed” entries. The Blue Card Directive (BCD) was introduced to attract talent and harmonize policy to regulate high skilled non-EU immigration across the Union. The first rendition of the BCD was introduced in 2009, however it was not successful and was rarely utilized across Member States (MS). Therefore, it was repealed and recast in 2021 and it is scheduled to enter into force in all MS by November 2023. This thesis employs Bacchi’s “What’s the Problem represented to be?” methodology, a Foucauldian constructivist theory to explore the discursive assumptions shaping the Blue Card Directive and how they may help explain its failures and shortcomings. Bacchi’s discursive policy analysis seeks to uncover how dominant discourses shape the perception of migration in policymaking. This study finds that the European Union's migration policy framework prioritizes the validation of all hegemonic migration discourses with the intention of maintaining cooperation between Member States. However, this very priority directly contrasts the goals of the policy, and often results in the neglect of related challenges of inequality and marginalization deemed “controversial”. The recast of the Blue Card Directive falls short of being sufficiently ambitious and transformative. Instead, it is indicative of the tendency towards "failing forward" of the EU, characterized by lack of willingness to compromise and coherence among Member States. Finally, this thesis puts forth a proposal for reframing the issue, encouraging departure from existing discursive and systemic frameworks to address the socio-environmental “permacrisis” in the European Union.
  • Frongia, Federica (2020)
    The European Union’s current economic growth goals cannot be achieved without addressing the demographic and labour shortage crises. Despite the prevalence of anti-migration narratives, the leading approach to address the demographic issue has been to encourage “managed” entries. The Blue Card Directive (BCD) was introduced to attract talent and harmonize policy to regulate high skilled non-EU immigration across the Union. The first rendition of the BCD was introduced in 2009, however it was not successful and was rarely utilized across Member States (MS). Therefore, it was repealed and recast in 2021 and it is scheduled to enter into force in all MS by November 2023. This thesis employs Bacchi’s “What’s the Problem represented to be?” methodology, a Foucauldian constructivist theory to explore the discursive assumptions shaping the Blue Card Directive and how they may help explain its failures and shortcomings. Bacchi’s discursive policy analysis seeks to uncover how dominant discourses shape the perception of migration in policymaking. This study finds that the European Union's migration policy framework prioritizes the validation of all hegemonic migration discourses with the intention of maintaining cooperation between Member States. However, this very priority directly contrasts the goals of the policy, and often results in the neglect of related challenges of inequality and marginalization deemed “controversial”. The recast of the Blue Card Directive falls short of being sufficiently ambitious and transformative. Instead, it is indicative of the tendency towards "failing forward" of the EU, characterized by lack of willingness to compromise and coherence among Member States. Finally, this thesis puts forth a proposal for reframing the issue, encouraging departure from existing discursive and systemic frameworks to address the socio-environmental “permacrisis” in the European Union.
  • Silver, Laura (2021)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Human trafficking is a complex issue that has close connections to other large societal and global issues such as contemporary slavery, inequalities and migration. Trafficking can be seen as a part of a larger scale exploitation of labor and migrants. The risk of being re-trafficked after a trafficking experience is higher and well executed reintegration can reduce this risk. However, the research into the reintegration and rehabilitation of trafficked persons is underrepresented in the current academic literature. This thesis takes a closer look at the assisted return programs and reintegration and rehabilitation of trafficked persons in Indonesia to determine how well the programs respond to the needs of trafficked persons when they return home. The work provides insights into the experiences of integration and rehabilitation after trafficking and brings forth some of the experiences of trafficked persons. The causalities behind trafficking are explored through the concept of vulnerabilities to highlight how different systems produce vulnerabilities and increase the risks of being trafficked. These same vulnerabilities are faced upon return as well with additional vulnerabilities (f.e. health and psychological issues) imposed on trafficked persons by their experience. Vulnerabilities of a person are constructed in multiple dimensions. In this thesis the vulnerabilities are framed firstly through the concepts of labor migration, globalization and capitalism and secondly through concepts of oppression, exploitation and dehumanization to highlight the complexities surrounding vulnerabilities and consequently trafficking and reintegration. Through reviewing existing literature on reintegration of trafficked persons, an online interview with the employees of Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI) and a questionnaire to previously trafficked persons on their needs, a framework for desirable reintegration was established. The framework was then used to analyze IOM Indonesia’s Handbook on Service Mechanisms for Witnesses and/or Victims of Trafficking in Persons in Indonesia to establish how well the programs in Indonesia answer the needs of trafficked persons. The results of the thesis highlight that the needs of trafficked persons upon return are multiple. People need to be presented with an opportunity to become self-sufficient economically and socially and their health needs (both physical and psychological) need to be met. Most common issues faced by the informants of this thesis were economic and psychological in nature, but other difficulties were common as well. The analysis of IOM Indonesia’s handbook provided a positive view of the reintegration and rehabilitation in Indonesia. The Handbook was comprehensive and all-encompassing. Furthermore, it encouraged to take each individual’s needs into consideration and adjust the programs to fit each person. All dimensions of reintegration are taken into account. The results of the questionnaire however indicated that the state response in prosecuting the perpetrators is not sufficient and many informants were left without a proper restitution and with a feeling of injustice. The programs provide great tools to combat different difficulties faced by trafficked persons and help to mitigate the risks and reduce vulnerabilities. However, there are larger societal and developmental complexities behind trafficking and vulnerabilities people face. Issues of poverty, oppression and inequality cannot be improved by the rehabilitation and reintegration programs. This would require larger shift in policy and the way we organize and think about our global world.
  • Silver, Laura (2021)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Human trafficking is a complex issue that has close connections to other large societal and global issues such as contemporary slavery, inequalities and migration. Trafficking can be seen as a part of a larger scale exploitation of labor and migrants. The risk of being re-trafficked after a trafficking experience is higher and well executed reintegration can reduce this risk. However, the research into the reintegration and rehabilitation of trafficked persons is underrepresented in the current academic literature. This thesis takes a closer look at the assisted return programs and reintegration and rehabilitation of trafficked persons in Indonesia to determine how well the programs respond to the needs of trafficked persons when they return home. The work provides insights into the experiences of integration and rehabilitation after trafficking and brings forth some of the experiences of trafficked persons. The causalities behind trafficking are explored through the concept of vulnerabilities to highlight how different systems produce vulnerabilities and increase the risks of being trafficked. These same vulnerabilities are faced upon return as well with additional vulnerabilities (f.e. health and psychological issues) imposed on trafficked persons by their experience. Vulnerabilities of a person are constructed in multiple dimensions. In this thesis the vulnerabilities are framed firstly through the concepts of labor migration, globalization and capitalism and secondly through concepts of oppression, exploitation and dehumanization to highlight the complexities surrounding vulnerabilities and consequently trafficking and reintegration. Through reviewing existing literature on reintegration of trafficked persons, an online interview with the employees of Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI) and a questionnaire to previously trafficked persons on their needs, a framework for desirable reintegration was established. The framework was then used to analyze IOM Indonesia’s Handbook on Service Mechanisms for Witnesses and/or Victims of Trafficking in Persons in Indonesia to establish how well the programs in Indonesia answer the needs of trafficked persons. The results of the thesis highlight that the needs of trafficked persons upon return are multiple. People need to be presented with an opportunity to become self-sufficient economically and socially and their health needs (both physical and psychological) need to be met. Most common issues faced by the informants of this thesis were economic and psychological in nature, but other difficulties were common as well. The analysis of IOM Indonesia’s handbook provided a positive view of the reintegration and rehabilitation in Indonesia. The Handbook was comprehensive and all-encompassing. Furthermore, it encouraged to take each individual’s needs into consideration and adjust the programs to fit each person. All dimensions of reintegration are taken into account. The results of the questionnaire however indicated that the state response in prosecuting the perpetrators is not sufficient and many informants were left without a proper restitution and with a feeling of injustice. The programs provide great tools to combat different difficulties faced by trafficked persons and help to mitigate the risks and reduce vulnerabilities. However, there are larger societal and developmental complexities behind trafficking and vulnerabilities people face. Issues of poverty, oppression and inequality cannot be improved by the rehabilitation and reintegration programs. This would require larger shift in policy and the way we organize and think about our global world.
  • Immonen, Anastasia (2010)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli ensisijaisesti oppia kanan alkion manipuloinnin tekniikka ja tutkia sen avulla hermostopienan solujen vaellusta kehittyvässä alkiossa. Toinen tavoite oli tarkastella Ret-geenin mutaation (C634R) vaikutusta hermostopienan migraatiokaavaan. Tutkittu Ret-geenin mutaatio aikaansaa geenin tuotteen uudenlaisen toiminnankuvan, jolloin tuloksena voi olla syöpäsairaus. Tutkimus suoritettiin käyttämällä kanan alkiota. Kananmunia haudottiin inkubaattorissa sopivaan kehitysvaiheeseen, minkä jälkeen alkiota käsiteltiin kuoreen tehdyn aukon kautta. Mikroskoopin avulla alkion kehittyvään hermostoputkeen ruiskutettiin plasmidi-Dna:ta, joka sisälsi gfp-geenin sekä joko tutkittavan geenimutaation tai villityypin geenin. Plasmidin siirron jälkeen alkio elektroporoitiin, jotta siirretty perimäaines pääsisi alkion solujen sisään proteiinisynteesin alkamiseksi. Gfp:n fluoresoivan ominaisuuden avulla voitiin jälkitarkastelussa seurata plasmidin geenien ilmentymistä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta tarkastellun Ret-geenin mutaation aiheuttavan hermostopienan solujen vaelluskaavioon häiriöitä verrattuna kontrolliin. Häiriöitä olivat mm. solujen rykelmäinen ryhmittyminen sekä hermostopienan solujen vaelluksen paikoittainen katkeaminen ja hajanaisuus. Tutkimusaineiston suppeuden vuoksi, mitään varmoja johtopäätöksiä suoritetun tutkimuksen perusteella ei voida vielä tehdä, vaan asia vaatii lisää tutkimuksia.
  • Nicolson, Marcus (2017)
    This Master’s thesis explores sport-for-inclusion programmes in the Helsinki capital region, a subject area which has been lacking critical investigation in Finland. The purpose of this study is to give an overview how these programmes are managed and delivered, as well as presenting possible improvements to the current system. There will be an analysis of the role which local NGOs play in the provision of such activities, alongside a discussion of how local authority and governmental actors are trying to promote work in the sector. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a discord between the various players involved in the delivery of these services, and that there is room for the existing strategy behind these programmes to be improved. International research has taken influence from the work of Pierre Bourdieu and his theory of social capital, which is thought to be generated through participation in inclusionary sports activities. Academics, including Fred Coalter and Ramon Spaaij, have paved the way for future researchers to take a critical approach to the study of these programmes. This, Helsinki-based, study will take inspiration from the international research to conduct an independent, and critical review, of the existing sport-for-inclusion work on-going in the capital region. Qualitative interviews with 11 key players in the Helsinki sport-for-inclusion arena were conducted in the research process of this study. Additionally, a critical examination of the existing Finnish sports legislature and promotional materials from these programmes helped to formulate an impression of how the system is operating. In the final discussion of this study it will be revealed that there is a field of tension between the various practitioners and policymakers in the local sport-for-inclusion sector. This is outlined with reference to the interviews and background research presented throughout the study. It is anticipated that the findings and recommendations given in this investigation can make a meaningful contribution to the healthy development of inclusionary sports programmes in the capital region and beyond.
  • Nicolson, Marcus (2017)
    This Master’s thesis explores sport-for-inclusion programmes in the Helsinki capital region, a subject area which has been lacking critical investigation in Finland. The purpose of this study is to give an overview how these programmes are managed and delivered, as well as presenting possible improvements to the current system. There will be an analysis of the role which local NGOs play in the provision of such activities, alongside a discussion of how local authority and governmental actors are trying to promote work in the sector. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a discord between the various players involved in the delivery of these services, and that there is room for the existing strategy behind these programmes to be improved. International research has taken influence from the work of Pierre Bourdieu and his theory of social capital, which is thought to be generated through participation in inclusionary sports activities. Academics, including Fred Coalter and Ramon Spaaij, have paved the way for future researchers to take a critical approach to the study of these programmes. This, Helsinki-based, study will take inspiration from the international research to conduct an independent, and critical review, of the existing sport-for-inclusion work on-going in the capital region. Qualitative interviews with 11 key players in the Helsinki sport-for-inclusion arena were conducted in the research process of this study. Additionally, a critical examination of the existing Finnish sports legislature and promotional materials from these programmes helped to formulate an impression of how the system is operating. In the final discussion of this study it will be revealed that there is a field of tension between the various practitioners and policymakers in the local sport-for-inclusion sector. This is outlined with reference to the interviews and background research presented throughout the study. It is anticipated that the findings and recommendations given in this investigation can make a meaningful contribution to the healthy development of inclusionary sports programmes in the capital region and beyond.
  • Maury, Olivia (2015)
    This master's thesis examines extra-European international students as an important part of the migrant labour force in Finland. Student migration is one of the fastest growing forms of migration today. Student migrants have principally been discussed in relation to education policy, human capital and the unwanted brain drain has been underlined. Aspects outside of the education-related have been studied less and for example wage work done by non-European students with a student visa in Finland has been ignored to a large extent. This thesis builds over the gap between the administrative migration-categories student-migrant and migrant-worker. Accordingly, the main subjects in this thesis are named student-migrant-workers. Emphasis is also put on the racist structures these migrants are confronted with at work and in everyday life as well as on their social and legal position in Finland. The analysed material consists of seven semi-structured theme interviews with migrants from five different countries in Sub-Saharan Africa who came to Finland in order to study. The analysis departs from a critical perspective on borders that underline how borders, and extensions of these, function as control mechanisms within the migration administration. Today borders no longer constitute a clear dividing line between nation-states, but are instead flexible and located at the centre of the migrants lives. The extensions of borders the analysis emanates from, is the temporary residence permit the migrants have obtained and how it influences their possibilities of forming their life in a way they would want to. Since the residence permit implies certain requirements for the migrants and restricts their social and political rights, this scope is remarkably limited. The thesis illustrates how borders, in the form of the student s residence permits, produce a precarious labour force that is easy to exploit. As will be seen, most of those holding a student s residence permit have no other choice than wage working in order to avoid deportation. Because of the strict limitations, these migrants are produced as flexible workers that quickly can react to the demand on the labour market. The analysis also shows that boundaries are created on the basis of race , ethnicity and language and also influence the position on the labour market as well as the experiences of everyday life. The analysis is situated in a context of migration in contemporary capitalism and shows that borders produce new subjectivities that are possible to utilize in the current economic system. The temporariness the characterises the lives of the student-migrant-workers renders inclusion in society more difficult and questions in this way integration as analytical tool in contemporary migration research.
  • Väätämöinen, Maija (2016)
    The aim of this Master’s thesis is to find out what kinds of meanings the Mapuche living in Santiago de Chile give to food and food related practices. The study focuses on the meanings articulated in the interview talk on sociocultural practices and place attachment and is grounded on the notion of language as a tool in the social construction of reality. On the semantic level I study meanings constructed in the interview talk, but I also take into account how these meanings are described as embodied practices. The study has been influenced by place, identity, indigenous, everyday life, migration and memory studies but sets its ground in folklore studies for its aim to study what ’ordinary’ people tell about their life. The study reveals how food articulates culture and life and is related to spiritual and ritualistic practices in the everyday life of the Mapuche. In addition, food is a marker of belonging and identity: it is a way to differentiate us from ’the others’ and to strengthen the meaningful bond to the South, the Araucania region, from where the Mapuche have migrated to Santiago. For the Mapuche, food has an origin. Moreover, food can be seen as a site of memory, remembered in different food dishes and artefacts or by doing or talking about food. Food constructs the past in the present and is used as a tool to move between different spatiotemporal dimensions. There is an important distinction made between living and performing the culture, between adapting the culture ’naturally’ or consciously learning it. Some Mapuche argue that being a Mapuche can only be understood as a feeling inside while others find it important to practice the culture daily. These two opposing views form a basis for a new indigenous cultural theory that can offer understanding on how to practice culture and build identity in urban context distant from the land of origin. In the end, in spite of the worry for the continuity of food related practices to the following generations, food traditions still appear vivid and are actively transmitted in the lives of the Mapuche and show their importance to both migrated and Santiago-born Mapuche.
  • Väätämöinen, Maija (2016)
    The aim of this Master’s thesis is to find out what kinds of meanings the Mapuche living in Santiago de Chile give to food and food related practices. The study focuses on the meanings articulated in the interview talk on sociocultural practices and place attachment and is grounded on the notion of language as a tool in the social construction of reality. On the semantic level I study meanings constructed in the interview talk, but I also take into account how these meanings are described as embodied practices. The study has been influenced by place, identity, indigenous, everyday life, migration and memory studies but sets its ground in folklore studies for its aim to study what ’ordinary’ people tell about their life. The study reveals how food articulates culture and life and is related to spiritual and ritualistic practices in the everyday life of the Mapuche. In addition, food is a marker of belonging and identity: it is a way to differentiate us from ’the others’ and to strengthen the meaningful bond to the South, the Araucania region, from where the Mapuche have migrated to Santiago. For the Mapuche, food has an origin. Moreover, food can be seen as a site of memory, remembered in different food dishes and artefacts or by doing or talking about food. Food constructs the past in the present and is used as a tool to move between different spatiotemporal dimensions. There is an important distinction made between living and performing the culture, between adapting the culture ’naturally’ or consciously learning it. Some Mapuche argue that being a Mapuche can only be understood as a feeling inside while others find it important to practice the culture daily. These two opposing views form a basis for a new indigenous cultural theory that can offer understanding on how to practice culture and build identity in urban context distant from the land of origin. In the end, in spite of the worry for the continuity of food related practices to the following generations, food traditions still appear vivid and are actively transmitted in the lives of the Mapuche and show their importance to both migrated and Santiago-born Mapuche.