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  • Eteläsaari, Laura (2016)
    Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan itsetunnolla on yhteys ihmisen hyvinvointiin, käyttäytymiseen ja oppimiseen. Myönteisen minäkäsityksen tukeminen on mahdollista hyvin toteutetussa liikunnan opetuksessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mistä seikoista luokanopettajat tunnistavat heikkoitsetuntoisen oppilaan liikuntatunneilla sekä millaisia keinoja he ovat käyttäneet liikunnallisesti heikkojen oppilaiden itsetunnon tukemiseen. Teoreettisena taustana tarkasteltiin itsetuntoon liittyviä teorioita ja malleja sekä liikuntakasvatusta ja koululiikuntaa. Tutkimusta ohjaavaksi teoriaksi valittiin Borban viisiulotteinen itsetuntomalli. Tutkimukseen osallistui 19 liikuntaa opettavaa luokanopettajaa. He vastasivat internet-kyselylomakkeeseen, jossa oli sekä avoimia että suljettuja kysymyksiä. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin laadullisesti kyselylomakkeen avoimia kysymyksiä käyttäen metodina teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimus osoitti, että luokanopettajien tunnistamia oppilaan heikon itsetunnon ilmenemismuotoja liikuntatunneilla olivat luottamuksen puute omiin kykyihin, syrjään vetäytyminen, sääntöjen vastainen käytös, riippuvuus muista sekä vaikeus vastaanottaa ohjeita ja palautetta. Luokanopettajien käyttämistä keinoista liikunnallisesti heikkojen oppilaiden itsetunnon parantamiseen tutkimuksessa tulivat esille positiivinen huomiointi ja palaute, oppilaaseen tutustuminen, tavoitteiden helpottaminen, tilanteiden ennakoiminen, harjoittelun merkityksen korostaminen, itsearviointiin kannustaminen ja kilpailun välttäminen. Saadut tulokset sopivat hyvin Borban itsetuntomallissa esitettyihin heikon itsetunnon ilmentymiin sekä kasvattajan keinoihin vaikuttaa niihin. Tuloksista voi olla hyötyä luokanopettajien pohtiessa keinoja tukea oppilaiden itsetuntoa liikuntatunneilla.
  • Haapamäki, Siru (2020)
    Oppiminen on kokonaisvaltainen prosessi, johon vaikuttavat kognitiivisten tekijöiden lisäksi emotionaaliset ja sosiaaliset tekijät. Oppimisvaikeudet vaikuttavat oppilaiden psykososiaaliseen kehitykseen. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää yhteyksiä matemaattisten oppimisvaikeuksien, minäpystyvyyden ja minäkäsityksen välillä. Tutkielmassa otettiin myös huomioon mahdollinen sukupuolen vaikutus. Tutkimuksessa kehitetään keinoja tukea oppilaiden minäpystyvyyttä ja minäkäsitystä. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on ristiriitaista näkemystä, miten oppimisvaikeudet heikentävästi oppilaiden minäpystyvyyteen ja minäkäsitykseen. Minäpystyvyys voidaan määritellä Banduran (1986) mukaan yksilön kokemukseksi, miten hän suoriutuu jollain elämän osa-alueella. Minäkäsitys taas on ihmisen suhteellisen pysyvä näkemys omasta itsestään. Minäpystyvyys ja minäkäsitys ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa ja molempien muodostumiseen vaikuttaa sosiaalinen vertailu. Tutkielma on systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka koostuu viidestä tutkimusartikkelista. Artikkelit valittiin tarkkojen kriteereiden avulla. Tutkittavat artikkelit ovat englanninkielisiä vertaisarvioituja tutkimusartikkeleita, jotka ovat julkaistu vuosina 2004-2017. Artikkelien tuloksien perusteella tehtiin kaksi taulukkoa, jossa on eritelty matemaattisten oppimisvaikeuksien, minäpystyvyyden ja minäkäsityksen yhteyksiä ja sukupuolen mahdollista vaikutusta. Toisessa taulukossa on eritelty keinoja tukea minäkäsitystä ja minäpystyvyyttä. Tutkimuksessa saatiin ristiriitaisia tuloksia, millainen minäpystyvyys ja minäkäsitys on oppilailla, joilla on matemaattisia oppimisvaikeuksia. Neljässä viidestä tutkimuksesta matemaattinen oppimisvaikeus vaikutti heikentävästi oppilaan minäpystyvyyteen tai minäkäsitykseen, yhdessä ei löydetty yhteyttä heikentyneeseen minäkäsitykseen. Kahdessa tutkimuksessa sukupuolella ei löydetty olevan vaikutusta oppilaiden taitoihin, minäpystyvyyteen ja minäkäsitykseen, yhdessä tutkimuksessa tytöillä oli heikompi minäpystyvyys ja osaamistaso. Oppilaita voidaan tukea luomalla turvallisia ja kannustavia oppimisympäristöjä, joissa epäonnistuminen on sallittua. Tutkimuksen perusteella oppilaiden kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin ja oppimisen tukeminen on tärkeää, jotta oppilaiden taidot, minäpystyvyys ja minäkäsitys kehittyisivät.
  • Huttunen, Anette (2022)
    Objectives. The aim of the study is to describe students’ perceptions of themselves and to provide information on the impact of a positivie pedagogy course on perceptions. The goal of positive pedagogy is to positively influence a child’s wellbeing in the school context and help them utilize their own strengths. Central to my own research are the dimensions of students’ perception of the self and the changes that take place in them. Methods. 1 fifth grade and 1 sixth grade participated in the study. There was a total of 35 students in the study. My study was a data-driven qualitative development study. The material was collected with a questionnaire and analyzed using the analysis steps of the phenomenographic research tradition. Results and conclusions. According to the study, students described themselves mostly positively. Different dimensions emerged from the material related to students ’perceptions of themselves. I described these dimensions as categories that were 1) my skill and area of interest, 2) me as a learner, 3) I as creative, 4) people relevant to me, 5) my external qualities, 6) I am life-affirming, 7) I am conscientious, 8) I am as an active actor, 9) as an insane, 10) as a friend, 11) as an empathetic, 12) as a profound thinker, and 13) the negative aspects of the self. The most important changes I observed were three changes, which were the lengthening of the answers and the increase in the vocabulary of strength, the change in perceptions to be more positive, and the focus of the answers more on oneself and one's own characteristics. Based on my research, I conclude that by utilizing the methods of positive pedagogy, one can influence the development of students ’positive self-perceptions.
  • Eteläsaari, Laura (2017)
    According to previous research, self-esteem has a connection with well-being, behavior and learning of a person. Well accomplished physical education enables supporting positive self-concept. The aim of this research was to study how pupils describe the ways class teachers have supported their self-esteem during physical education classes and to compare the answers to class teachers' methods they had used to build pupils' self-esteem in physical education. Theories and models related to self-esteem, as well as physical education at school, were examined as a theoretical framework. Five-dimensional model of self-esteem by Borba was chosen as the guiding theory of the study. The dimensions are security, selfhood, affiliation, mission and competence. 95 sixth graders participated a questionnaire, which had open questions and statements about building self-esteem in physical education classes. The answers were compared to 19 class teachers' answers about the same subject. In the study, the open questions were analyzed using theory-guided content analysis as a method. The study shows that according to sixth graders class teachers have succeeded to support pupils' self-esteem with several different ways, which also matched well with Borba's theory of building self-esteem. The sixth graders and class teachers had quite similar ways to describe the methods of supporting self-esteem. The corresponding methods were positive attention and feedback, setting easier goals, avoiding competition and emphasizing the significance of exercise. The review of quantitative statements showed that both pupils and their teachers considered creating secure feeling during physical education classes the most successful component. The results are useful when teachers consider methods to support self-esteem of pupils in physical education classes.
  • Alin, Mariel (2019)
    Social debate and a number of studies take care of children’s and adolescent’s well-being; approximately 10–20% of children of all ages suffer from mental health problems. Supporting the well-being of children is also included in the national curriculum, which assigns schools a teaching and educational role to support students’ positive identity, development and well-being. Particularly important is the recognition of pupils’ own strengths and specialities. Over the past decade positive psychology and character strength interventions have been seen as one of the possibilities to support pupil’s well-being in schools. However, there is still little research on student experiences. The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of 6th and 9th grade pupils about their own strengths and success and the encouragement of another. In order to understand the pupils’ experiences, the second theoretical framework of this study is the development of the self as a part of identifying one’s own strengths. The purpose of this study is to give an indication of how necessary the use of positive pedagogy can be seen. A total of 175 pupils participated in the study, of which 107 were 6th graders and 9th graders 68. The study material was secondary and part of a broader research project at the University of Helsinki. The material consisted of three open questions that explored pupils’ experiences of their own strengths and success. Also the encouragement of others was investigated. The material was analysed by qualitative content analysis. Recognizing the strengths of children and adolescents, the experiences of their success and the encouragement of the other came to the fore in school and leisure contexts. However, about one-third of the students were unable to tell about a situation where they had succeeded or used their strengths. One of the strengths mentioned was the need to help others. Success was felt especially in school work. Pupils encouraged others to succeed. Pupils know more often about the situation in which they have encouraged others, rather than their own strengths and experiences of success.
  • Salkola, Hannamari (2020)
    Objectives. My study examines whether boys of primary school age are familiar with their own character strengths, whether they use their own character strengths to support their learning and whether positive pedagogy strengthens the mindset and self-esteem of these boys, as is its goal. Positive pedagogy is currently a very popular pedagogical trend in Finland. It is also well discussed in the Finnish basic education curriculum, which considers it important to take well-being and the strengths of character into account. Teaching and pedagogy are being carried out to teach children, which is why I wanted to study children in my study and to highlight their perspective in relation to a positive pedagogical and whether positive pedagogy works. Methods. This study is a qualitative long-term study and has been conducted as a half-structured theme interview. In the study, I interviewed one-class students from a school in the capital region twice. The first-time boys were in 2nd grade and the second time they were in 4th grade. The first time I interviewed seven (n=7) boys and the second time interviewed all the boys from the class (n=16). As an analysis method, I used themes. The results and conclusions. According to the results of my research, positive pedagogy has taught boys to know their own character strengths and made their self-concepts and self-esteem strong. Boys feel character strengths as individual character strengths, but they do not feel character strengths in a broad sense. These boys think it's important to give positive feedback and they like it at school. Compassion became an important strength of character in boys' answers. Self-concepts and self-esteem are strong for boys, because boys thought of themselves positively, they think they do many things well, and they believe that they have a good future ahead of them.
  • Salkola, Hannamari (2020)
    Objectives. My study examines whether boys of primary school age are familiar with their own character strengths, whether they use their own character strengths to support their learning and whether positive pedagogy strengthens the mindset and self-esteem of these boys, as is its goal. Positive pedagogy is currently a very popular pedagogical trend in Finland. It is also well discussed in the Finnish basic education curriculum, which considers it important to take well-being and the strengths of character into account. Teaching and pedagogy are being carried out to teach children, which is why I wanted to study children in my study and to highlight their perspective in relation to a positive pedagogical and whether positive pedagogy works. Methods. This study is a qualitative long-term study and has been conducted as a half-structured theme interview. In the study, I interviewed one-class students from a school in the capital region twice. The first-time boys were in 2nd grade and the second time they were in 4th grade. The first time I interviewed seven (n=7) boys and the second time interviewed all the boys from the class (n=16). As an analysis method, I used themes. The results and conclusions. According to the results of my research, positive pedagogy has taught boys to know their own character strengths and made their self-concepts and self-esteem strong. Boys feel character strengths as individual character strengths, but they do not feel character strengths in a broad sense. These boys think it's important to give positive feedback and they like it at school. Compassion became an important strength of character in boys' answers. Self-concepts and self-esteem are strong for boys, because boys thought of themselves positively, they think they do many things well, and they believe that they have a good future ahead of them.
  • Lappalainen, Pinja (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Jo pitkään on kiinnitetty huomiota sukupuolieroihin niin matematiikan osaamisessa kuin matemaattisille aloille hakeutumisessakin. Sukupuolierojen taustalla saattavat vaikuttaa muiden tekijöiden ohessa yksilöiden uskomukset matematiikasta. Matematiikan sukupuolistereotypiat, eli se kenen uskotaan tekevän matematiikkaa, voivat vaikuttaa yksilön minäkäsitykseen, eli siihen kuinka vahvasti hän yhdistää itsensä matematiikkaan. Kiinassa, jossa matematiikan osaaminen on maailman huippua, sukupuolieroja on havaittavissa niin osaamisessa kuin työelämässäkin. Pääkaupungissa Pekingissä toimii huono-osaisille siirtolaislapsille suunnattu yläkoulu Dandelion School. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida Dandelion-koulun seitsemäsluokkalaisten matematiikan minäkäsitystä ja sukupuolistereotypioita matematiikasta ja matemaatikoista. Näitä uskomuksia arvioitiin siitä näkökulmasta, minkälaisia yhteyksiä niillä on keskenään ja ilmeneekö niissä eroja sukupuolten ja matematiikan opetuksen tasoryhmien välillä. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin Pekingissä Dandelion School -yläkoulussa syyskuussa vuonna 2019. Tutkimukseen osallistuivat kaikki koulun seitsemännen luokan oppilaat (n = 157). Aineisto kerättiin matematiikan oppitunneilla toteutetulla kyselyllä, joka koostui täytettävästä kysymyslomakkeesta ja piirustustehtävästä. Aineistoa analysoitiin Spearmanin järjestyskorrelaatiokertoimen avulla sekä khiin neliö -testillä ja Kruskal–Wallisin testillä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksessa nousivat esiin erityisesti erot stereotypioissa matematiikan opetuksen tasoryhmissä edistyneempien ja heikompien tyttöjen välillä. Edistyneempien ryhmien tytöt yhdistivät muita vahvemmin matematiikan ja matemaatikot vastakkaiseen sukupuoleen. Heikompien tyttöjen ryhmässä puolestaan piirrettiin vähemmän stereotyyppisiä matemaatikkokuvia kuin muissa ryhmissä. Poikien joukossa ei havaittu samankaltaista vaihtelua tasoryhmien välillä kuin tytöillä. Ylipäätään pojat yhdistivät matematiikan enimmäkseen omaan sukupuoleensa ja matemaatikkokuvat esittivät usein miehiä. Seitsemäsluokkalaisten matematiikan minäkäsityksestä puolestaan ei tutkimuksen perusteella pystytä tekemään suuria johtopäätöksiä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella vastaajat eivät yhdistäneet itseään kovinkaan vahvasti matematiikkaan tai sitä vastoin lukemiseenkaan, joskin vastaukset painottuivat hieman enemmän lukemisen puolelle. Myöskään aiemman teorian mukaisesta kognitiivisesta konsistenssista matematiikan sukupuolistereotypioiden ja minäkäsityksen välillä ei toteutetussa tutkimuksessa saatu näyttöä.
  • Haapiainen, Sophie-Madeleine (2015)
    The subject of this master's thesis is the playing with a friend -project in the Special Music Centre Resonaari. The aim is to study the meanings of cooperative learning and volunteering within the playing with the friend -project. The purpose is to define the strengths of the project and to find aspects that affect the autoconcept of persons involved in the project. As a part of the autoconcept, the study aims also at finding identities that are built while participating to the project. The methodological approach of this study is qualitative. The data was gathered using interviews. Four playing pairs were interviewed, that is eight persons altogether. Four of them represented adult volunteers and four Resonaari's pupils with special educational needs. Two parents evaluated also the project. The data was analyzed using a narrative approach that stressed especially turning points in the narration. These changes concerned mainly mentalities towards the project and the pair, learning and one's own identities. Volunteering was meaningful for the volunteers at the beginning to get involved in the playing with the friend -project. Nevertheless, as playing pairs' friendship kept deepening, volunteering was seen less dominating. There was learning in musical and social skills but it wasn't goal-orientated. Thus, cooperative learning made possible sharing music in a relaxed atmosphere and seeing the parter all the time more as a friend. The pairs had built an own acting culture that underlines the importance of the new structure. Friendship creates an open and relaxed atmosphere where trying and learning by mistakes are accepted. At the same time, it enables strong commitment to the other person and to the common task. Learning is a vast study field that offers many further subjects to be investigated. In the mainstream schooling system enhancing good relationships between peers should be taken in account while developing learning strategies.
  • Haapiainen, Sophie-Madeleine (2015)
    The subject of this master’s thesis is the playing with a friend -project in the Special Music Centre Resonaari. The aim is to study the meanings of cooperative learning and volunteering within the playing with the friend -project. The purpose is to define the strengths of the project and to find aspects that affect the autoconcept of persons involved in the project. As a part of the autoconcept, the study aims also at finding identities that are built while participating to the project. The methodological approach of this study is qualitative. The data was gathered using interviews. Four playing pairs were interviewed, that is eight persons altogether. Four of them represented adult volunteers and four Resonaari’s pupils with special educational needs. Two parents evaluated also the project. The data was analyzed using a narrative approach that stressed especially turning points in the narration. These changes concerned mainly mentalities towards the project and the pair, learning and one’s own identities. Volunteering was meaningful for the volunteers at the beginning to get involved in the playing with the friend -project. Nevertheless, as playing pairs’ friendship kept deepening, volunteering was seen less dominating. There was learning in musical and social skills but it wasn’t goal- orientated. Thus, cooperative learning made possible sharing music in a relaxed atmosphere and seeing the parter all the time more as a friend. The pairs had built an own acting culture that underlines the importance of the new structure. Friendship creates an open and relaxed atmosphere where trying and learning by mistakes are accepted. At the same time, it enables strong commitment to the other person and to the common task. Learning is a vast study field that offers many further subjects to be investigated. In the mainstream schooling system enhancing good relationships between peers should be taken in account while developing learning strategies.
  • Koskinen, Heidi (2015)
    Hospital schooling in Finland is a small but nation-wide margin of special education. Hospital schooling has been organized in Finland from the early 20th century. However there is relatively only few research data. Lately research about hospital schooling has been increasing. Hospital schools and their pupils have been studied in a few bachelor's and master's theses and in one doctoral thesis. Two doctor's theses about hospital schooling are currently being completed. Aim of this study was to examine what kind of school experiences the hospital school pupils have during their hospital school process. This study's results provide information about the experiences during hospital school. The population of this study consisted of ten hospital school pupils and their teachers. Pupils were primary and secondary school aged boys and girls. The data was collected during the years 2009-2014 as a part of a national study about hospital schooling. In this study I focused on the answers to an open question. Pupils and their teachers wrote their thoughts in three stages: when coming to hospital school, when leaving the hospital school and a few months after returning back to their own schools. This study was executed as a case study and the data was analyzed using the methods of content analysis. The research results revealed five types of cases. Cases were: the struggling student (1), pupil with improved school path (2), the pupil who had a steady path (3), the pupil who was dissatisfied with the school system (4), and the pupil whose skills as a schoolchild were not yet developed (5). In their writings the teachers discussed the pupils' scholarly skills, coping and how comfortable did pupils feel in school. Students and teachers mostly discussed the same themes and their thoughts and responses were similar to one another. Pupils in hospital schooling have multiple experiences at school and they deal situations in school uniquely. Adult views are corresponding to the pupils' thoughts.
  • Palosaari, Lotta (2019)
    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to look at the character strength vocabulary in three young people’s speech during the workshop period. The study aimed to examine what kind of future planning ideas were given by the young people when they identified their strengths. The basis of the study is the ideology of positive psychology and character strength -based teaching. Previous studies have shown that by recognizing strengths, one can increase self-esteem and positive image of a young person. Especially with students with special needs, it is important to encourage them to look themselves from the point of view of strength rather than focusing on weaknesses. After basic education, a young person in transition period needs information about his or her own strengths in order to make choices about upper secondary school. Methods. This study was a qualitative case study. The cases examined were three young people of high school age. The data was collected by observing and filming the workshops as well as interviewing youngsters in workshops. The data was analysed by thematic analysis and Atlas.ti program. Results and conclusions. The character strength vocabulary increased during the workshop period for all the young. Both peers and adults played an important role in familiarizing the young with the strength language. The instructors verbalized the strengths of the young. Peers pointed out the strengths they noticed. You could identify future planning in the speech of all young. These plans echoed also language of character strengths. The young could identify their strengths and link their strengths to their dream job. Familiarizing young people with the vocabulary of character strengths, can help them to look at themselves from a different perspective during the transition period. In the transition period the young needs support in identifying and verbalizing their own abilities, strengths and interests in order to develop a positive self-perception and high self-esteem.
  • Palosaari, Lotta (2019)
    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to look at the character strength vocabulary in three young people’s speech during the workshop period. The study aimed to examine what kind of future planning ideas were given by the young people when they identified their strengths. The basis of the study is the ideology of positive psychology and character strength -based teaching. Previous studies have shown that by recognizing strengths, one can increase self-esteem and positive image of a young person. Especially with students with special needs, it is important to encourage them to look themselves from the point of view of strength rather than focusing on weaknesses. After basic education, a young person in transition period needs information about his or her own strengths in order to make choices about upper secondary school. Methods. This study was a qualitative case study. The cases examined were three young people of high school age. The data was collected by observing and filming the workshops as well as interviewing youngsters in workshops. The data was analysed by thematic analysis and Atlas.ti program. Results and conclusions. The character strength vocabulary increased during the workshop period for all the young. Both peers and adults played an important role in familiarizing the young with the strength language. The instructors verbalized the strengths of the young. Peers pointed out the strengths they noticed. You could identify future planning in the speech of all young. These plans echoed also language of character strengths. The young could identify their strengths and link their strengths to their dream job. Familiarizing young people with the vocabulary of character strengths, can help them to look at themselves from a different perspective during the transition period. In the transition period the young needs support in identifying and verbalizing their own abilities, strengths and interests in order to develop a positive self-perception and high self-esteem.
  • Ojamaa, Ilona (2020)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate early childhood education teacher students’ perceptions about the child's self-esteem and the perceptions of the support for self-esteem. Self-esteem is a very little researched topic in Finland and early childhood education teacher students’ perceptions of it have not been studied at all. These were the most important reasons for this study. The research method consisted of interviews with five early childhood education teacher students. The study was a phenomenographic study since it aims to depict conceptions of a particular phenomenon, that is, in this study, the perceptions of the child's self-esteem by early childhood education students. The interviews were conducted in January 2020. The research showed that early childhood education students seem to have a diverse and comprehensive understanding of the child's self-esteem and ways to support it. The results showed that early childhood education teacher students think that supporting self-esteem is facilitated by the knowledge about self-esteem, so it is appropriate to consider whether there is more need for studies about self-esteem in the early childhood education university program.