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Browsing by Subject "motivation"

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  • Pietilä, Meri (2022)
    Background: Management of the COVID-19 pandemic has required behavior change of masses, as governments and authorities around the globe have guided adoption of protective behaviors, such as wearing a face mask and practicing social distancing. Citizens’ volitional engagement in protective behaviors is essential for reducing the spread of the virus, as much of the required adherence is beyond authorities’ control and difficult to supervise. Building on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) (Ryan & Deci, 2017), this study explores associations between quality of motivation to adhere to protective measures in two situations: when meeting people outside one’s household indoors and inside a café, a restaurant, or a bar. Method: Cross-sectional survey study involving a nationally representative sample of over 18 year-old residents of Finland (N = 2272) was conducted in May of 2021. As part of this survey, data on quality of motivation (autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, amotivation), personal perceived risk, fear towards COVID-19, and situation specific intentions of wearing a face mask or avoiding the situation was collected. The associations between quality of motivation and intention were investigated in a series of multinomial regression analyses, controlling for perceived personal risk and fear towards COVID-19. Findings: Autonomous motivation (range Exp(B) = 1.82‒3.51, p = .001) consistently predicted intention to wear a mask and intention to avoid meeting people. The effects of controlled motivation (range Exp(B) = .66‒.93, p = .001‒.078) and amotivation (range Exp(B) = .65‒1.02, p = .001‒.911) varied across analyses. Control variables' effects diminished or lost significance in models with autonomous motivation. Conclusions: Fostering autonomous motivation could increase adherence to protective behaviors in situations without clear mandates. The results also suggest that increasing perceptions of pressure, personal risk, and fear may not advance adherence effectively. In future studies, it would be beneficial to investigate approach and avoidant components of introjected regulation as separate constructs. Autonomous motivation could be investigated as a mediator for the fear towards COVID-19 and risk perception’s association with protective behavior intention.
  • Miettunen, Robert (2023)
    The purpose of the study was to provide an overview of the latest research findings on motivation and engagement and their impact on student learning in schools. These results are then reflected against the theory base that already exists in motivation research to provide insight into how these theories can be used by teachers in their everyday life at school. The study was conducted as a qualitative systematic literature review. The data search was carried out through two electronic databases (ERIC and SCOPUS). 483 articles were identified in the initial screening and were eventually reduced to 13 articles that were used in the study. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are discussed further in the thesis. The material was analyzed using a narrative review. The results of the study showed that motivation and engagement have a direct and joint impact on students' learning and performance at school. Students who felt motivated and engaged towards learning used several strategies that supported their learning. The study showed that the relationship between motivation, engagement and learning is complex. Several different internal and external motivational constructs play an important role in students' everyday school life and engagement with tasks. Based on the findings, teachers should pay more attention to creating classrooms and using practices that support, motivate and engage students in learning.
  • Miettunen, Robert (2023)
    The purpose of the study was to provide an overview of the latest research findings on motivation and engagement and their impact on student learning in schools. These results are then reflected against the theory base that already exists in motivation research to provide insight into how these theories can be used by teachers in their everyday life at school. The study was conducted as a qualitative systematic literature review. The data search was carried out through two electronic databases (ERIC and SCOPUS). 483 articles were identified in the initial screening and were eventually reduced to 13 articles that were used in the study. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are discussed further in the thesis. The material was analyzed using a narrative review. The results of the study showed that motivation and engagement have a direct and joint impact on students' learning and performance at school. Students who felt motivated and engaged towards learning used several strategies that supported their learning. The study showed that the relationship between motivation, engagement and learning is complex. Several different internal and external motivational constructs play an important role in students' everyday school life and engagement with tasks. Based on the findings, teachers should pay more attention to creating classrooms and using practices that support, motivate and engage students in learning.
  • Raiskio, Reeta-Meri (2021)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten ja missä määrin eri tekijät vaikuttavat lukiolaisten motivaatioon ruotsin kieltä kohtaan. Nostan työssäni tärkeimpinä tekijöinä esille opettajan vaikutuksen, oppilaan oman näkemyksen itseensä ruotsinopiskelijana sekä sukupuolen. Tutkimusten mukaan nämä tekijät voivat vaikuttaa merkittävästi lukiolaisten motivaatioon opiskella ruotsia. Selvitän lisäksi, miten kielellinen ympäristö vaikuttaa motivaatioon, miten opiskelijat ovat käyttäneet ruotsin kieltä oppituntien ulkopuolella, ja miten he kokevat esimerkiksi käsitteen pakkoruotsi. Vertaan myös kahden eri kieliympäristön välistä eroa ruotsin kielen opiskelumotivaatiossa. Teoreettisena taustana tutkielmalle toimii toisen kielen oppimiseen, lukion keskipitkän ruotsin opiskeluun ja motivaatioon liittyvä kirjallisuus. Tutkimukseni on toteutettu ensimmäisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoille kahdessa lukiossa Suomessa, joista toinen sijaitsee Pirkanmaalla ja toinen Pohjanmaalla. Kaikki tutkimukseen osallistuneet opiskelevat ruotsia B1-kielenä. Tutkimusta varten laadittiin kyselylomake, joka sisälsi monivalinta- ja avoimia kysymyksiä, ja aineisto kerättiin loppuvuodesta 2020. Kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 40 opiskelijaa, joista 16 opiskelee Pirkanmaalla ja 24 Pohjanmaalla. Kaikista vastaajista 25 oli tyttöjä ja 15 poikia. Aineiston avoimet kysymykset on analysoitu käyttäen laadullista sisällönanalyysia, mutta tutkimuksen tuloksia esitetään myös määrällisen analyysin mukaan prosenttimuodoissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat linjassa aiempien tutkimusten kanssa. Tekijät, joita tutkin, ovat vahvassa yhteydessä opiskelijan motivaatioon opiskella ruotsin kieltä. Motivaatiota nostavia tekijöitä ovat opettajan miellyttävä persoona ja häneltä saatu kannustava palaute sekä opiskelijan oma hyvä asenne ruotsia kohtaan. Tulosten perusteella myös sukupuolten välisillä asenteilla ja motivaatiolla on eroja, sillä vastausten mukaan tytöt ovat avoimempia ja positiivisempia ruotsia kohtaan kuin pojat. 76 % tytöistä pitää ruotsista, kun taas 60 %:lla pojista on negatiivisia mielleyhtymiä ruotsin kieleen. Tulokset osoittavat lisäksi, että yli puolet vastaajista opiskelisivat ruotsia, vaikka se olisi vapaaehtoinen kieli lukiossa. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että ympäristön vaikutus motivaatioon on suuri – opiskelijat Pohjanmaalla käyttävät ruotsia myös koulun ulkopuolella ja asennoituvat kieleen positiivisemmin. Tämä oli ainoa poikkeava tulos lukioiden välillä. Tästä tutkimuksesta ei voida kuitenkaan vetää suuria johtopäätöksiä vastaajien vähyyden takia. Lisäksi tutkimukseni koskee vain kahta suomalaista lukiota, joten ei voida päätellä, että ruotsin kielen opiskelumotivaatio olisi samanlaista kaikkialla Suomessa. Lisäksi suurempi osa vastaajista oli tyttöjä, mikä voi vääristää tuloksia. Aihe kaipaakin lisää tutkimusta esimerkiksi sukupuolten välisistä motivaatioeroista.
  • Raiskio, Reeta-Meri (2021)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten ja missä määrin eri tekijät vaikuttavat lukiolaisten motivaatioon ruotsin kieltä kohtaan. Nostan työssäni tärkeimpinä tekijöinä esille opettajan vaikutuksen, oppilaan oman näkemyksen itseensä ruotsinopiskelijana sekä sukupuolen. Tutkimusten mukaan nämä tekijät voivat vaikuttaa merkittävästi lukiolaisten motivaatioon opiskella ruotsia. Selvitän lisäksi, miten kielellinen ympäristö vaikuttaa motivaatioon, miten opiskelijat ovat käyttäneet ruotsin kieltä oppituntien ulkopuolella, ja miten he kokevat esimerkiksi käsitteen pakkoruotsi. Vertaan myös kahden eri kieliympäristön välistä eroa ruotsin kielen opiskelumotivaatiossa. Teoreettisena taustana tutkielmalle toimii toisen kielen oppimiseen, lukion keskipitkän ruotsin opiskeluun ja motivaatioon liittyvä kirjallisuus. Tutkimukseni on toteutettu ensimmäisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoille kahdessa lukiossa Suomessa, joista toinen sijaitsee Pirkanmaalla ja toinen Pohjanmaalla. Kaikki tutkimukseen osallistuneet opiskelevat ruotsia B1-kielenä. Tutkimusta varten laadittiin kyselylomake, joka sisälsi monivalinta- ja avoimia kysymyksiä, ja aineisto kerättiin loppuvuodesta 2020. Kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 40 opiskelijaa, joista 16 opiskelee Pirkanmaalla ja 24 Pohjanmaalla. Kaikista vastaajista 25 oli tyttöjä ja 15 poikia. Aineiston avoimet kysymykset on analysoitu käyttäen laadullista sisällönanalyysia, mutta tutkimuksen tuloksia esitetään myös määrällisen analyysin mukaan prosenttimuodoissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat linjassa aiempien tutkimusten kanssa. Tekijät, joita tutkin, ovat vahvassa yhteydessä opiskelijan motivaatioon opiskella ruotsin kieltä. Motivaatiota nostavia tekijöitä ovat opettajan miellyttävä persoona ja häneltä saatu kannustava palaute sekä opiskelijan oma hyvä asenne ruotsia kohtaan. Tulosten perusteella myös sukupuolten välisillä asenteilla ja motivaatiolla on eroja, sillä vastausten mukaan tytöt ovat avoimempia ja positiivisempia ruotsia kohtaan kuin pojat. 76 % tytöistä pitää ruotsista, kun taas 60 %:lla pojista on negatiivisia mielleyhtymiä ruotsin kieleen. Tulokset osoittavat lisäksi, että yli puolet vastaajista opiskelisivat ruotsia, vaikka se olisi vapaaehtoinen kieli lukiossa. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että ympäristön vaikutus motivaatioon on suuri – opiskelijat Pohjanmaalla käyttävät ruotsia myös koulun ulkopuolella ja asennoituvat kieleen positiivisemmin. Tämä oli ainoa poikkeava tulos lukioiden välillä. Tästä tutkimuksesta ei voida kuitenkaan vetää suuria johtopäätöksiä vastaajien vähyyden takia. Lisäksi tutkimukseni koskee vain kahta suomalaista lukiota, joten ei voida päätellä, että ruotsin kielen opiskelumotivaatio olisi samanlaista kaikkialla Suomessa. Lisäksi suurempi osa vastaajista oli tyttöjä, mikä voi vääristää tuloksia. Aihe kaipaakin lisää tutkimusta esimerkiksi sukupuolten välisistä motivaatioeroista.
  • Nyberg, Lina (2022)
    Horse enthusiasts have insufficient knowledge about horse behaviour and welfare (BW) and learning and human-horse communication (LC), which poses a risk for both human safety and horse welfare. The main objective of this study was to investigate why riding school pupils participate or do not participate in non-riding education in BW and LC, using Self-determination theory (SDT). SDT posits that the quality of motivation is related to the individual’s basic psychological needs. A convenience sample of 568 riding school pupils from Finland and Sweden completed an online questionnaire. The results show that forty percent of the riding schools offered education in BW, and thirty-two in LC. Twenty-seven percent of the respondents had participated in education in BW, and twenty-five in LC at the riding school. The respondents were autonomously motivated to participate in education, i.e., they would participate because it is interesting and personally important. Perceived needs satisfaction at the riding school predicted autonomous motivation to participate. Education was offered to a greater extent in Swedish riding schools and Swedish participants participated more, experienced more autonomous motivation, and relatedness and competence satisfaction. To our knowledge, this study is the first to explore riding school pupils’ motivation towards non-riding education.
  • Nyberg, Lina (2022)
    Horse enthusiasts have insufficient knowledge about horse behaviour and welfare (BW) and learning and human-horse communication (LC), which poses a risk for both human safety and horse welfare. The main objective of this study was to investigate why riding school pupils participate or do not participate in non-riding education in BW and LC, using Self-determination theory (SDT). SDT posits that the quality of motivation is related to the individual’s basic psychological needs. A convenience sample of 568 riding school pupils from Finland and Sweden completed an online questionnaire. The results show that forty percent of the riding schools offered education in BW, and thirty-two in LC. Twenty-seven percent of the respondents had participated in education in BW, and twenty-five in LC at the riding school. The respondents were autonomously motivated to participate in education, i.e., they would participate because it is interesting and personally important. Perceived needs satisfaction at the riding school predicted autonomous motivation to participate. Education was offered to a greater extent in Swedish riding schools and Swedish participants participated more, experienced more autonomous motivation, and relatedness and competence satisfaction. To our knowledge, this study is the first to explore riding school pupils’ motivation towards non-riding education.
  • Yliaho-Lehtonen, Lotta (2020)
    The Finnish language might even feel foreign to many Swedish-speaking people in Ostrobothnia as they seldom get to use their Finnish language skills in daily life. Due to this, it might turn out to be challenging to motivate pupils to learn Finnish in school. In this study I have analysed the problem to see whether there is a recalcitrance against learning Finnish among the Swedish-speaking pupils in Ostrobothnia. Do these pupils find the Finnish language unnecessary in their lives? If so – what are the underlying causes? In what way is this problem handled by the teachers? The main purpose for this study is two-pieced: I want to learn how pupils think about the language teaching they get – are they motivated to learn Finnish in school, and do they have negative attitudes against learning the language? I also want to know what kind of teaching solutions the teachers have for motivating their pupils. Do the teachers recall motivation-loss among the pupils? I have used The Self Determination Theory by Deci and Ryan (2002) and The Expectancy Value Theory by Eccles and Wigfield (2000) as my theoretical background. I have also used some of the extensive research among bilingualism of Slotte-Lüttge and Forsman (2013) in this study.This is a qualitative research and the data is collected through interviews with four Finnish-teachers in both 2005 and 2018 and eight eight-graders in 2019. I have found out what the motivation for learning Finnish looks like amongst pupils in Swedish-speaking schools in Ostrobothnia. And I have also got to learn how the teachers take notice to these aspects in their planning of the language-teaching in the classroom. The Finnish-teachers witness great difficulties with the Finnish language among the pupils as the teachers often are the only representatives of the language. The pupils almost never get to use their Finnish language skills outside of school. There has been a progress in language teaching and the digitalization has resulted in a more versatile language education during the years 2005 and 2019. The pupils expect more opportunities for communicative language skills and there is a great need of authentic Finnish language environments in the Swedish-speaking parts of Ostrobothnia.
  • Yliaho-Lehtonen, Lotta (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The Finnish language might even feel foreign to many Swedish-speaking people in Ostrobothnia as they seldom get to use their Finnish language skills in daily life. Due to this, it might turn out to be challenging to motivate pupils to learn Finnish in school. In this study I have analysed the problem to see whether there is a recalcitrance against learning Finnish among the Swedish-speaking pupils in Ostrobothnia. Do these pupils find the Finnish language unnecessary in their lives? If so – what are the underlying causes? In what way is this problem handled by the teachers? The main purpose for this study is two-pieced: I want to learn how pupils think about the language teaching they get – are they motivated to learn Finnish in school, and do they have negative attitudes against learning the language? I also want to know what kind of teaching solutions the teachers have for motivating their pupils. Do the teachers recall motivation-loss among the pupils? I have used The Self Determination Theory by Deci and Ryan (2002) and The Expectancy Value Theory by Eccles and Wigfield (2000) as my theoretical background. I have also used some of the extensive research among bilingualism of Slotte-Lüttge and Forsman (2013) in this study.This is a qualitative research and the data is collected through interviews with four Finnish-teachers in both 2005 and 2018 and eight eight-graders in 2019. I have found out what the motivation for learning Finnish looks like amongst pupils in Swedish-speaking schools in Ostrobothnia. And I have also got to learn how the teachers take notice to these aspects in their planning of the language-teaching in the classroom. The Finnish-teachers witness great difficulties with the Finnish language among the pupils as the teachers often are the only representatives of the language. The pupils almost never get to use their Finnish language skills outside of school. There has been a progress in language teaching and the digitalization has resulted in a more versatile language education during the years 2005 and 2019. The pupils expect more opportunities for communicative language skills and there is a great need of authentic Finnish language environments in the Swedish-speaking parts of Ostrobothnia.
  • Lindblad, Christel (2021)
    Purpose. Effect of the method “Grej of the Day” (GOTD) and sustainability pedagogics about Agenda 2030 is analyzed. The purpose is to support teaching of facts about Agenda 2030, raise the pupils’ motivation for environmental education and improve their attitudes. This study aims to see if pupils get more knowledge and better environmental attitudes after GOTD- microlessons about goals in Agenda 2030. The pupils’ feelings after the GOTD were analyzed. A swedish study shows that teachers think that their pupils get more knowledge and better motivation when teaching SO-subjects (society subjects) with GOTD. Methods. 22 pupils in grades 5–6 participated in this study. This was an action research and the pupils had 4 microlessons about 4 goals (12–15) from Agenda 2030. After the two first lessons a school project was analyzed using content analysis to see if something should be improved. Knowledge and attitudes related to Agenda 2030 were studied with a survey before and after the intervention. The survey also had two open questions about feelings before and after a GOTD-microlesson. Questions about the knowledge were based on Grön Flagg- surveys and results are presented by percentages of right and wrong. The survey about attitudes included statements to take a stand on on a Likert-scale. Results were analyzed using SPSS and presented statistically. The open questions were analyzed using content analysis. Results and conclusions. Knowledge before the intervention was very good and all the pupils gave the right answer to 7 of the 24 questions both before and after the intervention. In some questions about Goal 12 Sustainable consumtion and production the pupils lacked some knowledge and the intervention improved their knowledge a little. Attitudes about the environmental goals in Agenda 2030 were good and only a little improvement could be detected after the intervention. The improvement was not statistically significant. Content analysis of the answers to the open questions show that GOTD creates inner motivation for learning. The method “Grej of the Day” appears to be useful as a complement while teaching environmental issues in elementary schools.
  • Lindblad, Christel (2021)
    Purpose. Effect of the method “Grej of the Day” (GOTD) and sustainability pedagogics about Agenda 2030 is analyzed. The purpose is to support teaching of facts about Agenda 2030, raise the pupils’ motivation for environmental education and improve their attitudes. This study aims to see if pupils get more knowledge and better environmental attitudes after GOTD- microlessons about goals in Agenda 2030. The pupils’ feelings after the GOTD were analyzed. A swedish study shows that teachers think that their pupils get more knowledge and better motivation when teaching SO-subjects (society subjects) with GOTD. Methods. 22 pupils in grades 5–6 participated in this study. This was an action research and the pupils had 4 microlessons about 4 goals (12–15) from Agenda 2030. After the two first lessons a school project was analyzed using content analysis to see if something should be improved. Knowledge and attitudes related to Agenda 2030 were studied with a survey before and after the intervention. The survey also had two open questions about feelings before and after a GOTD-microlesson. Questions about the knowledge were based on Grön Flagg- surveys and results are presented by percentages of right and wrong. The survey about attitudes included statements to take a stand on on a Likert-scale. Results were analyzed using SPSS and presented statistically. The open questions were analyzed using content analysis. Results and conclusions. Knowledge before the intervention was very good and all the pupils gave the right answer to 7 of the 24 questions both before and after the intervention. In some questions about Goal 12 Sustainable consumtion and production the pupils lacked some knowledge and the intervention improved their knowledge a little. Attitudes about the environmental goals in Agenda 2030 were good and only a little improvement could be detected after the intervention. The improvement was not statistically significant. Content analysis of the answers to the open questions show that GOTD creates inner motivation for learning. The method “Grej of the Day” appears to be useful as a complement while teaching environmental issues in elementary schools.
  • Yliaho-Lehtonen, Lotta (2019)
    There has been an ongoing debate in Finland since the mid 1970´s about the Swedish language and the benefits of it for the pupils in Finnish schools. The majority of Finnish-speaking Finns do not see any advantages of choosing Swedish as a second language in the elementary school because many of them consider they will not use the language in the future. The main purpose for this study is to review the experiences of four teachers who teach Finnish in the Swedish-speaking parts of Ostrobothnia. I have interviewed these four teachers to see how their pupils approach the Finnish language. I wanted to get a picture of the pupils´ motiva-tion for learning Finnish and I also wanted to find out what kind of attitudes the pupils have towards the Finnish language. The first interviews took place in 2005 and the second round of interviews was done in 2018. In this study I have found that the pupils in the Swedish-speaking parts of Ostrobothnia strug-gle in the same way with Finnish as the Finnish-speaking pupils do when learning Swedish. The pupils in this study find it difficult to learn Finnish, which affects the inner motivation to learn the language and which also impacts on the attitudes towards the language. The theory background for this study is built upon The Self Determination Theory by Deci and Ryan (2002). In the interviews the teachers tell about pupils having difficulties with learning the Finnish lan-guage. The pupils find it hard and challenging to study Finnish. The Swedish language and the Finnish language are not related and both the pronunciation and the spelling cause problems for the pupils. Most pupils do not practice their language skills in their free time as they live in a very Swedish-speaking area and the pupils do not know any Finnish-speaking people. In 2005 the teachers wished for new educational materials for Swedish-speaking pupils and now, thirteen years later in 2018 the teachers create all educational materials themselves in order to make it suitable for the pupils´ learning levels. The digitalization in the Finnish schools has made it possible to use videoblogs, blogs and all kind of digital material in the language teaching. This has also made a big impact on the pupils´ interest in the goal language. The eClassroom Tandem (Pörn & Hansell, 2013) has been implemented in the language teaching in the school where the four teachers work.
  • Vartiainen, Erika (2020)
    Aims In previous research, the focus has been on how single factors (e.g. change of school, class or school size) are connected to motivation. No study has used a comprehensive set of aspects of school stability and investigated its association with school motivation. Further, no study has examined whether temperament modifies the connection between the stability of school environment and motivation. This study investigated 1) whether the instability of school environment is associated with students’ motivation and 2) whether this association is modified by temperament. Methods The sample consisted of 3369 Finnish ninth graders. Students’ school motivation and temperament traits (task orientation, reactivity and flexibility) were measured by self-report and teachers’ evaluation. A wide array of factors within school environment were assessed (by asking students and teachers), and three instability scales were formed: instability of physical space, social relationships, and general school structure. Results When adding all the instability scales to the model as predictors simultaneously, high instability in social relations and high instability of physical space were associated with lower student-rated and teacher-rated motivation. Instability of general school structure did not have significant main effect on student-rated or teacher-rated motivation. When adding all the two-way interactions between temperament traits and instability scales to the model as predictors simultaneously, temperament was found to have modifying effects on motivation: high reactivity modified both, the connection of instability of physical spaces and instability of social relationships on student-rated motivation in students. High flexibility modified the connection of instability of general school structure on student-rated motivation. High task orientation modified the connection of instability of physical spaces on teacher-rated motivation. In all the models, covariates included also students’ age, gender, and parental education. Conclusions Various dimensions of instability of school environment are differentially connected with students’ motivation. Temperament traits appear to modify these connections, indicating that different temperaments become differently motivated in instable school environments.
  • Turunen, Tiina (2021)
    Kansainvälinen tutkimus itsesäätelystä on ollut vilkasta viime vuosikymmeninä, ja itsesäätelytaitojen merkitys on huomioitu Suomessa oppimisen lähtökohtana: lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteet (LOPS 2019) implisiittisesti kuvaa itsesäätelyä oppimisen lähtökohtana ja seurauksina. Yksittäisistä tutkimusartikkeleista löytyy osittaisia itsesäätelyn käsitteen määrittelyjä. Niitä kokoamalla on mahdollista luoda niin opiskelijoita kuin työelämän toimijoita hyödyttävä kokonaisvaltaisempi katsaus itsesäätelyn käsitteestä. Tehokkaan itsesäätelyn kannalta motivaation rooli on keskeinen. Tämän tutkimuksen tehtävänä on selvittää itsesäätelyn luonnetta, tuoda esille tutkimuskentän ristiriitoja sekä kuvailla itsesäätelyn ja motivaation yhteyttä. Itsesäätelyn ja motivaation yhteyttä toisiinsa on lisäksi tarkoitus tarkastella sen kautta, millaisia muita käsitteitä ja ilmiöitä niihin liittyy. Tämän kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoitus oli koota tehtyä tutkimusta ja rakentaa kokonaiskuva itsesäätelystä sekä kuvata sen yhteys motivaatioon. Itsesäätely rajattiin koskemaan verrattain tietoista päätöksentekoa. Kuvauksessa luotiin lisäksi katsaus tutkimukseen historiallisesta näkökulmasta ja suhteutettiin tutkimustuloksia toisiinsa. Kirjallisuus valittiin kirjastojen kokoelmasta Helka-hakukoneella tehtyjen hakujen tuloksista. Hakukriteereinä olivat kansainvälisyys, artikkeleiden sijoittuminen vuosille 2000–2021, vertaisarviointi, ja hakusanoina käytettiin termejä self-regulation, self-control sekä motivation. Lisähakuja suoritettiin hakusanoilla ego depletion ja willpower. Itsesäätelyn prosessi on havaintoja omasta käytöksestä suhteessa tavoiteltuun päämäärään. Itsesäätelyä lähestytään tutkimuksessa tavallisesti kontrolloimisen ja toiminnasta pidättäytymisen kautta ja kiusausten vastustamisena, mutta uudemmassa tutkimuksessa tutkitaan ja pohditaan myös sitä, kuinka vaivaton itsesäätely tapahtuu. Motivaation yhteys itsesäätelyyn on jopa niin läheinen, että itsesäätelyn voi sanoa kumpuavan siitä. Kiistanalainen ja monimutkainen kysymys itsesäätelyssä on egon heikkeneminen, siis itsensä kontrolloinnissa tarvittavan (tahdon)voiman hiipuminen. Itsesäätelyssä onnistumista kuvaa kattavimmin teoriayhdistelmä, jossa tietoisesti ja sisäisestä motivaatiosta (omasta halusta) asetettujen tavoitteiden mukainen toiminta vastaa myös psykologisten perustarpeiden täyttymiseen, ja sosiaalisen ja persoonallisen identiteetin sisällöt vastaavat toisiaan.
  • Leskinen-Sundqvist, Inga-Lill (2021)
    Syftet med min kandidatavhandling är att belysa de teorier, faktorer och strategier som kan positivt inverka på och stödja vuxna individers andraspråkinlärning. I mitt dagliga arbete som språk- och integrationslärare ser jag stora skillnader i de olika studerandes språkliga läroprocesser. Titeln till min avhandling kommer också från en kommentar som en av mina andraspråkstuderande uttryckte efter månader av språkstudier i det svenska språket. Mitt mål har därför varit att undersöka olika hypoteser och vetenskapliga teorier om språkinlärning för vuxna för att få reda på vilka processer och faktorer styr språkinlärningen. Därigenom om möjligt hitta metoder och faktorer som kan stötta den språkliga läroprocessen hos vuxna språkstuderanden. Jag har valt att basera min forskning på vetenskaplig litteratur om bland annat andraspråk, språkinlärning, transspråkande, motivation, lingvistiskt självförtroende och lärarens oilka kompetenser.
  • Lindgård, Daniela (2020)
    Mål. Syftet med avhandlingen är att redogöra för hur jämställd den professionella idrotten är i dag, genom att kartlägga om kvinnor och män på högsta möjliga nivå idrottar på lika villkor och under rättvisa förhållanden, och hur rådande förhållanden kan påverka idrottsutövarnas möjligheter till idrottslig utveckling. Avhandlingens ämne är relevant eftersom jämställdhet är en viktig fråga, varvid meningen är att problematisera och uppmärksamma fenomenet. I teoridelen behandlas väsentliga begrepp, vilka i detta fall är jämställdhet, professionell idrott och utveckling. Utöver det får man ta del idrottens historia vilket kan vara av nytta för läsarens förståelse. I analysdelen granskas idrottslig utveckling i relation till jämställdheten i professionell idrott. Metoder. Studien utfördes i form av en beskrivande litteraturöversikt, där infallsvinkeln var integrerande. Avsikten var att skapa en bred helhetsuppfattning över fenomenet, där den kritiska granskningen togs i beaktande. Analysen gjordes utifrån 10 vetenskapliga artiklar och en rapport, och i resten av studien användes vetenskapliga artiklar, två böcker samt elektroniskt material. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten i analysdelen påvisade skillnader i såväl ekonomiska förutsättningar som attityder i omgivningen för kvinnor och män att satsa på sin idrott och bli professionella idrottare. Professionella damidrottares möjligheter till idrottslig utveckling påverkas av rådande omständigheter. En slutsats som kan tas är att idrottsvärlden har kommit en lång bit i jämställdhetsarbetet, men att det fortfarande krävs energi och åtgärder för att komma ända fram.
  • Korhonen, Niklas (2023)
    Mål. Tidigare forskning har ifrågasatt autonomins positiva effekter och visat att självständigt arbete har lett till brister på stöd och socialt samspel i arbetslivet. Avhandlingens syfte är att kartlägga hur anställda i kunskapsarbete upplevde de reella effekterna av hög autonomi i sitt arbete. De relevanta faktorerna är i denna avhandling välmående, motivation, gemenskap och effektivitet. Metoder. För denna avhandling intervjuades fyra personer som arbetar med kunskapsintensivt jobb. Intervjun var en semistrukturerad tematisk intervju som analyserades enligt nyckelord och teman utgående från relevanta faktorer som framträder i tidigare forskning. Resultat och slutsatser. Informanterna upplevde autonomins effekter generellt positivt, men effekterna upplevdes också vara mångfacetterade. Chansen att påverka arbetets innehåll och arbetstid ansågs ha flera positiva effekter, men de verkade förverkligas bara tillsammans med god kommunikation, gemenskap och förmåga till självstyre. Informanterna upplevde att samma dimensioner av autonomi kan ha både positiva och negativa effekter beroende på situationen. Intervjuerna gav delvis stöd för tidigare forskning som ifrågasätter autonomins linjära positiva effekter samt Arbetshälsoinstitutets utlåtande om moderna arbetslivets farhågor. I denna avhandling kom vissa teman och nyckelord fram som delvis belyser autonomins effekter, men de individuella och strukturella stödbehoven och eventuella underliggande mekanismer bakom effekterna blottades inte.
  • Ketonen, Elina (2011)
    Previous studies indicate that positive learning experiences are related to academic achievement as well as to well-being. On the other hand, emotional and motivational problems in studying may pose a risk for both academic achievement and well-being. Thus, emotions and motivation have an increasing role in explaining university students learning and studying. The relations between emotions, motivation, study success and well-being have been less frequently studied. The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of academic emotions, motivational factors and problems in studying students experienced five days before an exam of an activating lecture course, and the relations among these factors as well as their relation to self-study time and study success. Furthermore, the effect of all these factors on well-being, flow experience and academic achievement was examined. The term academic emotion was defined as emotion experienced in academic settings and related to studying. In the present study the theoretical background to motivational factors was based on thinking strategies and attributions, flow experience and task value. Problems in studying were measured in terms of exhaustion, anxiety, stress, lack of interest, lack of self-regulation and procrastination. The data were collected in December 2009 in an activating educational psychology lecture course by using a questionnaire. The participants (n=107) were class and kindergarten teacher students from the University of Helsinki. Most of them were first year students. The course grades were also gathered. Correlations and stepwise regression analysis were carried out to find out the factors that were related to or explained study success. The clusters that presented students' problems in studying as well as thinking strategies and attributions, were found through hierarchical cluster analysis. K-means cluster analysis was used to form the final groups. One-way analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis test and crosstabs were conducted to see whether the students in different clusters varied in terms of study success, academic emotions, task value, flow, and background variables. The results indicated that academic emotions measured five days before the exam explained about 30 % of the variance of the course grade; exhaustion and interest positively, and anxiety negatively. In addition, interest as well as the self-study time best explained study success on the course. The participants were classified into three clusters according to their problems in studying as well as their thinking strategies and attributions: 1) ill-being, 2) carefree, and 3) committed and optimistic students. Ill-being students reported most negative emotions, achieved the worst grades, experienced anxiety rather than flow and were also the youngest. Carefree students, on the other hand, expressed the least negative emotions and spent the least time on self-studying, and like committed students, experienced flow. In addition, committed students reported positive emotions the most often and achieved the best grades on the course. In the future, more in-depth understanding how and why especially young first year students experience their studying hard is needed, because early state of the studies is shown to predict later study success.
  • Mattila, Mikaela (2015)
    Purpose of the study. In today's society it becomes common for companies to develop the competence of their staff, when the need for lifelong learning grows bigger. The training can even be compulsory. In the Finnish legislation there are some competence requirements for people working with electricity and at the railways, and therefore these people have to attend compulsory competence training in order to do their work. The purpose of this study is to examine the railway workers' motivation to take part in competence training and its impact on the feeling of competence in work. Methods. The data was collected with an electronic questionnaire. The sample (N=30) consisted of railway workers at Eltel Networks Oy, 18 blue-collar and 12 white-collar workers. The data was analyzed with quantitative analysis. Results. The results showed that the railway workers had a high sense of competence in their work. They experienced a relatively high identified regulation and a low amotivation when taking part in competence training. The only variable that significantly accounted for the feeling of competence was work experience. The results suggest that even if the railway workers have a high sense of competence at work and experience a relatively high identified regulation when taking part in the training, only work experience has a significant impact on the feeling of competence. One possible explanation is that informal learning, in other words learning at work, has a bigger impact on the feeling of competence that formal learning outside of work.
  • Pauloaho, Nina (2020)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli luoda katsaus kiinnostuksesta tehtyyn tutkimukseen ja tarkastella erityisesti kiinnostuksen ja motivaation välistä yhteyttä. Tutkielman teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimi Decin ja Ryanin (1985) kehittämä itsemääräämisteoria. Katsauksen tavoitteena oli luoda synteesiä viimeisimmästä tutkimustiedosta tarkastellen kiinnostusta valitusta näkökulmasta. Tutkielma toteutettiin integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkielman aineistona käytettiin 14 tutkimusartikkelia, jotka kerättiin tarkasti määriteltyjen sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerin avulla. Aineistossa mukana olleiden artikkelien analyysin apuna hyödynnettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia. Aineiston tarkastelussa käytettiin sisällönanalyysille tyypillistä menetelmää, teemoittelua, jonka keinoin aineistosta oli mahdollista muodostaa erilaisia teemoja, joita tarkasteltiin edelleen asetettujen tutkimuskysymyksien näkökulmasta. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella voitiin luoda selkeä kuva kiinnostuksesta kehittyvänä ilmiönä, keskittyen erityisesti siihen, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat sen syntyyn mutta sivuten myös niitä tekijöitä, jotka edistävät sen jatkuvuutta. Kiinnostuksen synnyn kannalta pystyttiin tunnistamaan merkityksellisiä tekijöitä, kuten oppimisympäristö, henkilökohtaiset ominaisuudet sekä ulkopuolinen tuki. Katsauksen avulla voitiin myös havaita kiinnostuksen ja motivaation välinen yhteys ja tunnistaa erityisesti kiinnostuksen kiistattomat hyödyt oppimismotivaatiolle. Tässä katsauksessa nähtävät tulokset ovat hyödyllistä tietoa kaikille lasten ja nuorten kanssa työskenteleville, sillä yleisen käsityksen mukaan, kiinnostuksen, sen kaikissa muodoissa, voidaan todeta olevan oppimisen sekä oppimismotivaation kannalta merkittävä tekijä.