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  • Alakoski, Riikka (2015)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate primary school 2nd grade math teacher's guides as well as class teachers, for the learning support features in multiplication. The related research problems are following: How the teacher's guides for the mathematics support students of 2nd grade in learning of the multiplication? How the selected 2nd grade class teachers support the learning features in their multiplication lessons? Methods. This study is divided into two parts. The first part is a qualitative study of 2nd grade math teacher's guides, where three different book series (Matikka 2, Open Kymppi 2 and Tuhattaituri 2) were studied based on the theory-driven content analysis. The exercises from the book series were divided into several studied features: the steps of the arithmetic concept formation, understanding the calculation procedure with whole numbers, sequence skills, Bruner's learning theory and Fuson's language of mathematics. All the features were analyzed with Bereday's comparative analysis. The second part is a case study, where three independent 2nd grade class teachers were studied with the method of stimulated recall. All the teachers were monitored and videotaped during one multiplication lesson and interviewed afterwards about the teaching of multiplication in general and based on the videotaped lecture. The interviews were analyzed with thematic analysis. The results and conclusions. The math teacher's guide Matikka 2 emphasizes the connection between addition and multiplication as well as the learning period during the stage of concrete strategies. Sequence skills were supported the most in the Open Kymppi 2 guide, which had many exercises emphasizing mechanical repetition. On the other hand, the three stages of representation and mathematic languages were less supported in Open Kymppi 2 than in the other guides. The exercises in the Tuhattaituri 2 supported the learning features of the multiplication fairly evenly, although some of the exercises repeated themselves. Numbers 0 and 1 were less supported in Tuhattaituri 2 than in the other guides. All guides supported mental strategies, enactive stage of representation and mathematic languages quite poorly. In the second part of the study, during the multiplication lessons the teachers took well into account the stages of concrete strategies and automated concept formation. On the other hand, the stage of mental strategies did not show up in the results, only when asked separately. In addition, the use of the teacher's guides in the planning of the multiplication lessons was not significant for the studied teachers. Although the lessons supported the learning experience of multiplication quite versatilely, the studied teachers mentioned only some of the supported features in the learning of multiplication.
  • Partanen, Ellen (2022)
    Tutkimuksen tehtävänä on lisätä tietoa koululiikuntatilanteissa syntyneistä kielteisistä kokemuksista ja koululiikuntakokemusten synnystä. Tutkimuskysymykseksi asetettiin: Millaisia kielteisiä kokemuksia oppilaille on syntynyt koululiikuntatilanteissa? Tutkimus on tehty kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jossa on systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen piirteitä, jotta tutkittavasta ilmiöstä saataisiin mahdollisimman kattava kuva. Tutkimuksen toteuttaminen kirjallisuuskatsauksena antaa myös mahdollisuuden koota kielteisistä koululiikuntakokemuksista jo saatua tietoa tiiviimpään muotoon. Tutkimusaineistoksi valikoituneet yhdeksän tutkimusta ovat kahta lukuun ottamatta laadullisia tutkimuksia, mikä mahdollistaa ilmiön kuvailemisen monipuolisesti. Aineiston analyysi suoritettiin sisällönanalyysinä vertailemalla tutkimusaineistoista saatua tietoa toisiinsa ja luokittelemalla tutkimustuloksia kategorioittain. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että kielteisiä koululiikuntakokemuksia oli syntynyt oppilaiden yhdessäoloon liittyvissä tilanteissa, opettajan persoonaan, käytökseen ja opetustilanteisiin sekä oppilaiden pätevyyden kokemuksiin liittyen. Myös sukupuolella ja seksuaalisella suuntautumisella oli osansa kielteisten kokemusten synnyssä, kuten myös ryhmäkoolla ja rakenteella. Tutkimustuloksista on hyötyä lasten kanssa, sekä liikunnan parissa työskenteleville. Tutkimus herätti myös kiinnostuksen jatkotutkimukselle, jolloin voitaisiin selvittää keinoja kielteisten koululiikuntakokemusten ehkäisemiseen ja myönteisten koululiikuntakokemusten luomiseen.
  • Merilaita, Heini (2020)
    Tutkielma käsittelee lasten ja nuorten psyykkistä oireilua perusopetuksessa oppilaiden ja opettajien kokemana sekä tarkastelee yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja näiden kokemusten välillä. Eri-tyisesti kiinnostus kohdistuu siihen, eroavatko nämä näkemykset ja miltä osin. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tunnistaa kokemuksista yhteisiä leikkauspintoja sekä niitä kokemuksia, joiden kohdalla lasten ja nuorten sekä opettajien näkemykset eivät kohtaa toisiaan. Tarkastelen myös, mitä nämä kokemukset mahdollisesti kertovat opettajan ja oppilaan välisestä vuoro-vaikutussuhteesta. Näihin kokemuksiin keskittyminen edesauttaa ymmärtämään niitä opet-taja-oppilassuhteen ongelmakohtia, jotka osaltaan tuottavat ja ylläpitävät lasten ja nuorten psyykkistä oireilua tai ovat esteenä tai hidasteena lasten ja nuorten avun saannille. Tutkielma pyrkii hahmottamaan millaisena tämän päivän koulumaailman toiminta sekä opettaja- oppi-lassuhde psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kohdalla näyttäytyy. Tutkielma on toteutettu systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena aineistolähtöistä sisällönana-lyysiä käyttäen. Aineistona käytettiin kahta lähes samana ajanjaksona toteutettua, eri näkö-kulmista lasten ja nuorten psyykkistä oireilua peruskoulussa käsittelevää väitöskirjaa, joista toinen tarkastelee aihetta oppilaiden kokemana ja toinen opettajan kokemana. Tutkielman löydökset osoittivat, että opettajien kokemukset eroavat merkittävästi lasten ja nuorten kokemuksista psyykkisen oireilun suhteen. Toistuviksi teemoiksi nousi koulunkäyn-nin keskeytyminen, syrjäytymisriski, suuret ryhmäkoot, koulun kielteinen ilmapiiri, kiusaami-nen, haastavat ihmissuhteet, opettajien epätietoisuus roolistaan, koulukuntoisuuden rajat se-kä riittämättömät resurssit. Tuloksista voi havaita, että opettajilla on monesti hyvin etäinen suhde psyykkisesti oireileviin oppilaisiin, mikä osaltaan tuottaa ja ylläpitää oireilua. Usein psyykkisesti oireilevan lapsen tai nuoren tilannetta vain seuraillaan, eikä kukaan tartu asiaan ja ota siitä vastuuta. Avun saanti koettiin hyvin vaikeaksi, ja sen saamisen koettiin vaativan tilanteen eskaloitumista tai vakavaa kriisiytymistä.
  • Lanberg, Marianna (2020)
    Aims. The study explores different ways to speak about the phenomenon of touch in the written memories about touching in school context. The aim is to specify, based on the data, the presence of public and broadly shared meanings given to touching in school context. Personal memories are interpreted in the socio-cultural context. The broader socio-cultural context is defined as public discourses in the Finnish media and as the official normative documents and discourses defining touching policies in school context. This study is connected to the Koskettava koulu -research project (Tainio et al., 2017-2020) which aims to explore the multidimensional phemonon of touching in comprehensive school context. Previous research on touch studies interaction, meanings and norms defining touching in comprehensive school. Methods. The data were gathered by an open invitation in social media to write about personal memories about touching in past school years. 51 short memoirs (seen as oral histories) were received and analyzed using discourse analysis. The data consisted of both teacher and former pupil positioned memories. Conceptual tools applied in the analysis were voice, dialogue and hidden dialogue based on Mihail Bahtin’s theory of dialogue in language use. Results and conclusions The results indicated that oral history contains present-day public, broadly shared ways to form meanings in interpretative element of the memory. There were three main discourses constructed from the data. First, the teacher discourse argued touching by the essential persona of a teacher and by the professional ethics obligating teacher’s ways to touch students. Second, student discourses indicated touching as a culture guided by the official norms of conduct and comparably touching as directed by the subcultural rules among students. Third main discourse was problematic touch in the school context which indicated molesting as a recognized phenomenon but also silenced tabu-like theme.
  • Maaninka, Tiila (2016)
    The purpose of this qualitative case-study was to determine home economics teachers’ views on the collegial collaboration and its impact on wellbeing at work. The author came to the subject for the study, because it’s current and closely related to work of home economics teacher. In the future teachers are going to collaborate more and more with colleagues. The research questions were: what kind of collegial collaboration there is between two or more home economics teachers, who work in the same elementary school, what are the benefits and challenges of collegial collaboration and how this collaboration will affect the wellbeing at work. The purpose was to find out answers by previous studies and interview data, which were collected by a structured interview via e-mail. Data was analyzed by means of content analysis. Home economic teachers made collegial collaboration regularly: daily, weekly and at the beginning of the semester. Collaboration was self-determined or made when necessary. There were two forms of collaboration: concrete, such as planning, and abstract, such as support and feedback from a colleague. All home economics teachers felt that collegial collaboration is a great and useful part of their work. They said that functional collaboration made their work easier and smoother, supports their own expertise, brings fairness to pupils and promotes the wellbeing at work by improving the atmosphere at work. The challenges faces by home economics teachers were as well as physical, such as lack of time and defective working environment, that mental, such as teacher’s differences and introversion. Home economics teachers need to have enough time and suitable working environment, that collegial collaboration promotes wellbeing at work. Collaboration requires also discourse, flexibility, justification from both sides and common goals. For this to happen, home economics teachers should set the regular times for planning with colleagues. They should also observe their working hours, develop actively interpersonal skills, share and confront the work issues collaboratively. It would be useful to guide the teacher’s collegial collaboration by the schoolmaster and the other school community. The common goals need to create together and concrete actions need to do together.
  • Rossi, Maria-Elina (2015)
    The aim of this study is to examine how teacher students' view their cultural capital. Cultural capital means the knowledge, skills, valuations and examinations that a person has achieved during his/her life.The purpose of this study is also to depict whether or not cultural capital is of importance to a teacher at his work or to a student at his education. Previous studies have shown that teacher students present bourgeoise culture. Previous studies have also shown that teacher's cultural capital might have an impact to his/her work and that students' family background has an impact on school work. The study was made by the principles of qualitative research. Five teacher students from Helsinki University were selected as research subjects. The data was gathered during the spring 2015 and collected by using a theme interview. The data was then analyzed with theory-bound content analysis. Based on the data, teacher students' views depicted that their family backgrounds, as well as hobby and personal interests reflected at least partly the cultural capital. Based on the study results, it would seem that teacher's own cultural capital might show in his/her work at some level, for example through the valuations and aspirations, as well as the number of his/her hobbies. Teacher's hobbies can show as emphasis on, motivation in and aspirations in the work. Valuations and aspirations can have an impact on the demands targeted towards students by the teacher. The results indicate that student's cultural capital can show at school through stimulus received from home and attitude towards school.
  • Isotupa, Maria (2019)
    The impact of workplace and school bullying on well-being has been previously studied from a multidisciplinary perspective. The teaching profession involves the risk of being subjected to other forms of harassment, in addition to the traditional occupational bullying in which either a subordinate, a colleague or a superior harasses an employee. Teemu Kauppi (2015) researched the nature of cross-peer abuse encountered by teachers, in which pupils or their guardians acted as the bully. Among other things, the OAJ Educational Labor Barometer (2017) showed that teachers are faced with bullying by both pupils and their guardians. The aim of this study was to identify the methods used by teachers to manage and prevent cross-peer abuse. The research approach was qualitative and examined teacher experiences of the methods they applied when faced with or attempting to prevent cross-peer abuse. The material was acquired through a group-themed interview with four teachers and openly guided written accounts submitted by 14 (n = 14) teachers. In addition, two teachers wanted to respond verbally according to the instructions in the article. The data analysis method used in this study was content analysis. The main results of the study revealed that the teachers’ assumptions of the cause of bullying are in fact connected to the teachers’ coping strategies. The results also showed that recently graduated and inexperienced teachers felt that they themselves were the cause of the bullying and are consequently trying to change their behavior or even considered a career change. In these cases, the teachers also felt ashamed and attempted to conceal the bullying from their colleagues and superiors. In contrast, more experienced teachers believed the bullying was caused by the bully's personal issues or the result of other external reasons. In such cases, the teachers sought support from their social networks and attempted to solve the issue in a systematic way. The purpose of the study is to provide teachers with the methods and tools that their colleagues have used and found most effective. Feldt and Mäkikangas (2009) state that coping strategies can change over time and they can be developed. That is why I hope that through my research, teachers will learn ways to manage and prevent bullying quicker and more effectively.
  • Isotupa, Maria (2019)
    The impact of workplace and school bullying on well-being has been previously studied from a multidisciplinary perspective. The teaching profession involves the risk of being subjected to other forms of harassment, in addition to the traditional occupational bullying in which either a subordinate, a colleague or a superior harasses an employee. Teemu Kauppi (2015) researched the nature of cross-peer abuse encountered by teachers, in which pupils or their guardians acted as the bully. Among other things, the OAJ Educational Labor Barometer (2017) showed that teachers are faced with bullying by both pupils and their guardians. The aim of this study was to identify the methods used by teachers to manage and prevent cross-peer abuse. The research approach was qualitative and examined teacher experiences of the methods they applied when faced with or attempting to prevent cross-peer abuse. The material was acquired through a group-themed interview with four teachers and openly guided written accounts submitted by 14 (n = 14) teachers. In addition, two teachers wanted to respond verbally according to the instructions in the article. The data analysis method used in this study was content analysis. The main results of the study revealed that the teachers’ assumptions of the cause of bullying are in fact connected to the teachers’ coping strategies. The results also showed that recently graduated and inexperienced teachers felt that they themselves were the cause of the bullying and are consequently trying to change their behavior or even considered a career change. In these cases, the teachers also felt ashamed and attempted to conceal the bullying from their colleagues and superiors. In contrast, more experienced teachers believed the bullying was caused by the bully's personal issues or the result of other external reasons. In such cases, the teachers sought support from their social networks and attempted to solve the issue in a systematic way. The purpose of the study is to provide teachers with the methods and tools that their colleagues have used and found most effective. Feldt and Mäkikangas (2009) state that coping strategies can change over time and they can be developed. That is why I hope that through my research, teachers will learn ways to manage and prevent bullying quicker and more effectively.
  • Antila, Heidi (2019)
    The aim of the study is to examine the importance and quality of the teacher-student relationship and especially the warm and caring type of relationship between a teacher and a student. The study reviews in which ways a teacher may support the formation of a warm and caring teacher-student relationship and how the teacher may steer the growth and learning of students through warm and caring interaction. The research question is to clarify how the quality of the teacher-student relationship is connected to the socio-emotional skill development, school engagement and performance of a student. The objective is to focus on what kind of a meaning the warm and caring type of teacher-student relationship has. The study was conducted by utilizing a descriptive literature review methodology. The data consisted of Finnish and foreign scientific literature. The study indicates why it is important for teachers to be aware of the influence of the warm and caring type of teacher-student relationship. With the help of literature related to the topic, it can be proved that within the school context the quality of the teacher-student relationship is significant for the student, when viewed from various perspectives. The study presents that the teacher-student relationship has an influence on the student’s school path and emotions in different teaching situations. Sufficient support provided at the right time may, at its best, create the prerequisites for the student’s welfare and performance later in life. The research results indicate that a warm and caring type of teacher-student relationship is a significant factor in the development of a student’s socio-emotional skills and school engagement. Although several studies have demonstrated the significance of the relationship with an adult within the development of a child, this topic is yet lacking attention in schools and thus the teacher-student relationship should be considered more and earlier for example in teacher education.
  • Iljala, Nina (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoite oli selvittää sitä, ilmeneekö traumoja kokeneiden lasten koulunkäynnissä haasteita ja mikäli ilmenee, millaisia nuo haasteet ovat ja miten opettaja voisi oppilasta tukea. Tutkielman tutkimuskysymykset ovat: Miten alakouluikäisen traumatausta voi vaikuttaa hänen koulutyöskentelyynsä? Millaisia hyviä käytänteitä alakoulussa työskenteleville löytyy työskentelyyn trauman kokeneen lapsen kanssa? Tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää niitä keinoja, joita alakoulussa on käytössä traumataustaisten lasten tukemiseen sekä selvittää sitä, kuinka alakouluikäisen traumatausta vaikuttaa hänen koulutyöskentelyynsä. Menetelmät. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla selvitettiin aiheeseen liittyvää teoria- ja tutkimustietoa. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen etsittiin materiaalia sekä Internetin tutkimusartikkelien hakupalveluiden avulla, että kirjastossa tehtävällä tiedonhaulla. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineistoa analysoitiin lukien ja erilaisia tietolähteitä keskenään verraten. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella opettajilla on erilaisia mahdollisuuksia tukea lasten koulunkäyntiä ja oppimista. Opettajilla on erilaisia välineitä lasten tukemiseen ja toiminnassa on huomioitava yksilöiden eroavaisuudet.
  • Kivelä, Noora (2020)
    The social life of modern youth has expanded from the physical world to also include the virtual world. Because of this is completely natural to see bullying spread into the world of internet as well. Thus bullying knows no time nor place and can instead happen both during free time and at school. The different ways, influences and preventative methods of cyberbullying have been studied before (Patchin & Hinduja, 2012), but studies from the teachers’ point of view, especially of which situations do they feel obligated to resolve, are almost nonexistent. This study aims to fill that hole and simultaneously discover how teachers define, encounter, prevent and act in cases of cyberbullying or conflicts. This study was conducted as a case study in 2019. The research material was collected by interviewing six teachers with teaching experience, using a semi-structured theme interview. The material was transcribed and analysed using content analysis. The analysis was conducted using the Atlas.ti-program. The results showed that teachers did not encounter cyberbullying very often. They mostly mediated arguments taking place in virtual environments, before they could develop into bullying. The situations they did encounter were handled with discussions and by contacting the students’ parents. Preventative work was done actively in schools. The teachers themselves felt that handling cases of cyberbullying was mostly up to the parents. Even so, if the needs of a student demanded it, or if bullying was noticed in the classroom, the teachers started handling them themselves. Based on the results it can be stated that teachers need guidelines to specify which cases of cyberbullying are a part of their duties, especially when the bullying happens outside of the school day. At the moment, teachers define their respective roles very subjectively, which can lead to inequality between students, depending on the teachers subjective definition.
  • Kivelä, Noora (2020)
    The social life of modern youth has expanded from the physical world to also include the virtual world. Because of this is completely natural to see bullying spread into the world of internet as well. Thus bullying knows no time nor place and can instead happen both during free time and at school. The different ways, influences and preventative methods of cyberbullying have been studied before (Patchin & Hinduja, 2012), but studies from the teachers’ point of view, especially of which situations do they feel obligated to resolve, are almost nonexistent. This study aims to fill that hole and simultaneously discover how teachers define, encounter, prevent and act in cases of cyberbullying or conflicts. This study was conducted as a case study in 2019. The research material was collected by interviewing six teachers with teaching experience, using a semi-structured theme interview. The material was transcribed and analysed using content analysis. The analysis was conducted using the Atlas.ti-program. The results showed that teachers did not encounter cyberbullying very often. They mostly mediated arguments taking place in virtual environments, before they could develop into bullying. The situations they did encounter were handled with discussions and by contacting the students’ parents. Preventative work was done actively in schools. The teachers themselves felt that handling cases of cyberbullying was mostly up to the parents. Even so, if the needs of a student demanded it, or if bullying was noticed in the classroom, the teachers started handling them themselves. Based on the results it can be stated that teachers need guidelines to specify which cases of cyberbullying are a part of their duties, especially when the bullying happens outside of the school day. At the moment, teachers define their respective roles very subjectively, which can lead to inequality between students, depending on the teachers subjective definition.
  • Cimili, Dorentina (2019)
    This study examines what reaserches have found about translanguaging in primary schools and how it has been used in teaching. The purpose of my reasearch assignment is to clarify how teachers and students have used translanguaging in their lessons and what kind of outcomes translanguaging has in teaching. The study is based on the English term translanguaging of which I will use a finnish translation kielten limittäinen käyttäminen or limittäiskieleily (Lilja, Luukka & Latomaa, 2017 viitattu lähteestä Tarnanen, Kauppinen & Ylämäki, tämä teos; myös Mård-Miettinen, Palojärvi & Palviainen 2015; Martin, 2016). This study is a descriptive literature review. Material of this study consist of twelve reasearches most of which are in English and have been conducted abroad, excluding one which is conducted in Finland. I have collected the material of this study by narrowing down the subject to primary school, school context and translanguaging. The source material I have used in this study is written by reaserchers who are experts in the subject. The main results of this study are that using translanguaging added students´ interaction, participation in discussions and their voice in the classroom. Moreover, the study discovered that using translanguaging supports students´understanding and brings an opportunity to broaden real expressions. Also, translanguaging added students´ linguistic awareness, language positivity and brought a new perspective in which the students are language experts.
  • Ruokonen, Anne (2016)
    Objectives. This study examines the cooperation between home and school from the viewpoint of teacher students. In particular, this study focuses on the expectations and concerns of teacher students relating to cooperation be-tween home and school. The teacher students that took part in this study (N=19) were in the final stage of their stud-ies when the interviews were conducted so they were to soon enter working life and start cooperating with parents. Much research hasn’t been done on the subject of teacher students’ thoughts, expectations and concerns concern-ing home-school cooperation so the subject is important and topical. The theoretical framework of this study takes a closer look at the legal framework, the purpose of home-school cooperation and the practical implications of the cooperation. The aim of the empirical part of the study is to discover the expectations and concerns that teacher students have about home-school cooperation. Methods. The research data of this qualitative study consists of interviews of nineteen teacher students. The inter-views are part of a bigger project lead by Kirsi Pyhältö and funded by the Academy of Finland. The project is called ’From Student teacher to Experienced Teacher: Learning an Active Professional Agency’. The purpose of the inter-views was to find out how teacher students’ professional agency progresses. There were sixteen questions in the in-terview and they were related to studying in the teacher education program and teachers’ work at school. The re-search interviews were conducted during spring 2011. The data comprised 894 pages. The interviews were analyzed by means of qualitative content analysis, quantitative content analysis and data-oriented content analysis. Results and conclusions. The concerns and expectations of teacher students relating to home-school cooperation could be divided into three categories: student-related, teacher-related and parents-related. Most of the concerns were related to students and more specifically to special students and multicultural students. Teacher-related con-cerns came in second and were mostly related to teachers’ professionalism, hurry and boundaries. Parents-related concerns were mostly related to the opinions of parents, facing parents, parents’ boundaries and their taking part in the cooperation. Most of the expectations focused on the teacher: teachers’ qualities, professionalism, appreciation and respect. Parents-related expectations came in second and were related to the fluency of the cooperation, the parents’ positive attitude towards the teacher and the parents’ involvement. Least of the expectations focused on students. Teacher students hope that students say positive things about the teacher at home and that students feel themselves important also at school. Teacher students described their concerns about the skills of teachers relating to home-school cooperation. This study can be utilized in, for example, the teacher education as the interviewed teacher students describe issues that are currently not taught in the teacher education but they hope to learn in order to improve their skills in home-school cooperation.
  • Ruokonen, Anne (2016)
    Objectives. This study examines the cooperation between home and school from the viewpoint of teacher students. In particular, this study focuses on the expectations and concerns of teacher students relating to cooperation between home and school. The teacher students that took part in this study (N=19) were in the final stage of their studies when the interviews were conducted so they were to soon enter working life and start cooperating with parents. Much research hasn't been done on the subject of teacher students' thoughts, expectations and concerns concerning home-school cooperation so the subject is important and topical. The theoretical framework of this study takes a closer look at the legal framework, the purpose of home-school cooperation and the practical implications of the cooperation. The aim of the empirical part of the study is to discover the expectations and concerns that teacher students have about home-school cooperation. Methods. The research data of this qualitative study consists of interviews of nineteen teacher students. The interviews are part of a bigger project lead by Kirsi Pyhältö and funded by the Academy of Finland. The project is called 'From Student teacher to Experienced Teacher: Learning an Active Professional Agency'. The purpose of the interviews was to find out how teacher students' professional agency progresses. There were sixteen questions in the interview and they were related to studying in the teacher education program and teachers' work at school. The research interviews were conducted during spring 2011. The data comprised 894 pages. The interviews were analyzed by means of qualitative content analysis, quantitative content analysis and data-oriented content analysis. Results and conclusions. The concerns and expectations of teacher students relating to home-school cooperation could be divided into three categories: student-related, teacher-related and parents-related. Most of the concerns were related to students and more specifically to special students and multicultural students. Teacher-related concerns came in second and were mostly related to teachers' professionalism, hurry and boundaries. Parents-related concerns were mostly related to the opinions of parents, facing parents, parents' boundaries and their taking part in the cooperation. Most of the expectations focused on the teacher: teachers' qualities, professionalism, appreciation and respect. Parents-related expectations came in second and were related to the fluency of the cooperation, the parents' positive attitude towards the teacher and the parents' involvement. Least of the expectations focused on students. Teacher students hope that students say positive things about the teacher at home and that students feel themselves important also at school. Teacher students described their concerns about the skills of teachers relating to home-school cooperation. This study can be utilized in, for example, the teacher education as the interviewed teacher students describe issues that are currently not taught in the teacher education but they hope to learn in order to improve their skills in home-school cooperation.
  • Vainio, Milla (2016)
    Aims. In this study research topics were primary school pupils’ attitudes towards mathematics and teachers’ methodological ways to affect those attitudes. This study has been inspired by both national and international research results which show that attitudes get worse even when skills get better. This study concerns different kinds of methodological ways to affect pupils’ attitudes and how well those methods function. Moreover, the study describes what kinds of tasks those methodological ways have from the viewpoint of attitude. Methods. Four working primary school class teachers were interviewed for this study. Inter-views were theme interviews and they were made in spring 2015. The interviews were ana-lysed following the principles of theory bounded content analysis: first analysis units were formed and then they were categorized into larger units. Results and conclusions. When categorizing the results, different kinds of methodological groups were found that have a different kind of effect on attitudes. The methodological groups are: inspiring and attracting methods, interaction based methods, self-efficacy improving methods, sufficient challenge providing methods, methods that support development of understanding and methods that support finding one’s own way of learning. Considering weak pupils, especially self-efficacy improving methods are essential because weak self-efficacy affects task management and learning experiences. Sufficient challenge producing methods, on the other hand, are vital for talented pupils’ attitudes. All found method groups found in this study can help teachers’ when planning versatile teaching that is beneficial to attitudes. Teachers evaluated functionality of the methods which can be helpful when trying to find a functional method.
  • Vainio, Milla (2016)
    Aims. In this study research topics were primary school pupils' attitudes towards mathematics and teachers' methodological ways to affect those attitudes. This study has been inspired by both national and international research results which show that attitudes get worse even when skills get better. This study concerns different kinds of methodological ways to affect pupils' attitudes and how well those methods function. Moreover, the study describes what kinds of tasks those methodological ways have from the viewpoint of attitude. Methods. Four working primary school class teachers were interviewed for this study. Interviews were theme interviews and they were made in spring 2015. The interviews were analysed following the principles of theory bounded content analysis: first analysis units were formed and then they were categorized into larger units. Results and conclusions. When categorizing the results, different kinds of methodological groups were found that have a different kind of effect on attitudes. The methodological groups are: inspiring and attracting methods, interaction based methods, self-efficacy improving methods, sufficient challenge providing methods, methods that support development of understanding and methods that support finding one's own way of learning. Considering weak pupils, especially self-efficacy improving methods are essential because weak self-efficacy affects task management and learning experiences. Sufficient challenge producing methods, on the other hand, are vital for talented pupils' attitudes. All found method groups found in this study can help teachers' when planning versatile teaching that is beneficial to attitudes. Teachers evaluated functionality of the methods which can be helpful when trying to find a functional method.
  • Vanhanen, Vilma (2017)
    Aims. Touching is an essential part of human life and well-being: touch is a way of communicating in human interaction, and touching has positive influence on growth and development of a child. Thus, touching should also be a part of school life in interaction between a teacher and a student. On the other hand, many studies discuss concerns that teachers have regarding touching students. In this study, the aim was to discuss primary school teachers’ attitudes towards touching as a pedagogical tool: is it allowed to touch children, do teachers want to touch in the first place, in what kind of situations do teachers touch, and how is touching discussed in schools. The purpose of this study is to enhance understanding of touching in schools. Methods. The research data was gathered by interviewing six class room teachers, and I applied theme interview in the interview. This study was a qualitative study, and I applied phenomenography study’s analysis model in the analysis. Phenomenography is based on different kinds of ways of understanding the same phenomenon: therefore I observed primary school teachers’ different views about touching in school. Results and conclusions. Primary school teachers associated six different meanings with touching: touching as natural and common thing; as a tool for calming and guiding; as caring; as a worry; as an object of avoiding; and as restricting. The factors that influence teacher’s decision to touch are the norms of society and community, context of the situation in which touching occurs, teacher’s own touching history, characteristics regarding a student, instructions or pedagogical freedom, and conscious decision making or spontaneous action. As a summary for these results, there was formed five different roles for teachers as touchers: teacher as an educator, as a communicator, as a restrictor, as an avoider, and as a victim. Even though the results cannot be generalized to apply every primary school teacher, the results imply possible ways of comprehending touching as a pedagogical tool.
  • Vanhanen, Vilma (2017)
    Aims. Touching is an essential part of human life and well-being: touch is a way of communicating in human interaction, and touching has positive influence on growth and development of a child. Thus, touching should also be a part of school life in interaction between a teacher and a student. On the other hand, many studies discuss concerns that teachers have regarding touching students. In this study, the aim was to discuss primary school teachers' attitudes towards touching as a pedagogical tool: is it allowed to touch children, do teachers want to touch in the first place, in what kind of situations do teachers touch, and how is touching discussed in schools. The purpose of this study is to enhance understanding of touching in schools. Methods. The research data was gathered by interviewing six class room teachers, and I applied theme interview in the interview. This study was a qualitative study, and I applied phenomenography study's analysis model in the analysis. Phenomenography is based on different kinds of ways of understanding the same phenomenon: therefore I observed primary school teachers' different views about touching in school. Results and conclusions. Primary school teachers associated six different meanings with touching: touching as natural and common thing; as a tool for calming and guiding; as caring; as a worry; as an object of avoiding; and as restricting. The factors that influence teacher's decision to touch are the norms of society and community, context of the situation in which touching occurs, teacher's own touching history, characteristics regarding a student, instructions or pedagogical freedom, and conscious decision making or spontaneous action. As a summary for these results, there was formed five different roles for teachers as touchers: teacher as an educator, as a communicator, as a restrictor, as an avoider, and as a victim. Even though the results cannot be generalized to apply every primary school teacher, the results imply possible ways of comprehending touching as a pedagogical tool.
  • Ikonen, Laura (2018)
    Objectives. The goal of this study is to investigate how shy and withdrawn children act in school, daycare and home environments, what kind of opinions kindergarten- and class teachers have on children's shyness and how they instruct these children. In addition, the aim is to analyze what kind of change the transition from kindergarten to school is for a shy child. My three research questions are 1) How children's shyness and withdrawal present themselves in kindergarten, school and home? 2) What kind of view kindergarten- and class teachers have about children's shyness and how they instruct these children? and 3) Does the shyness of the children affect on their transition to school and, if so, how? Which ones of the teacher's actions support a successful transition to school? The definitions of shy and withdrawn children are not unambiguous. In my own research, I survey shyness and withdrawal as a temperament trait like Thomas and Chess. They see it as a part of the trait approach/withdrawal. Earlier studies suggest that shy children receive less attention from the teacher and are not so happy with their social relationships than active children. It is also more difficult for shy children to seek help and start discussions. They also have a greater risk of being left out of the group. Methods. This research is a qualitative case study. The research methods were half structured interviews and observation. The teachers also evaluated their group's shy children by using shy child personal traits measuring form. Pirkko Niiranen (1995) uses the same form in her dissertation. With the form I was able to estimate the nature of the children’s shyness. I analyzed the results by using material based content analysis. Two preschool children with their teachers and mothers participated in this study. During the study, children transitioned to school. Results and Conclusions. I wanted to separate shyness and withdrawal because the behavior of the children in my research differed. One of the children felt afraid and anxiety towards all new things as the other one felt those only in social situations. Both had difficulties in asking for help and performing in front of the group. Teachers encouraged the shy children to express themselves in their own time. Teachers were eager to provide help and showed interest espe-cially when the children took initiative. There were differences in teachers’ ways to instruct these two children.