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Browsing by Subject "riskitekijät"

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  • Dubb, Emma (2021)
    Goals. Studies show that athletes have a higher risk of developing eating disorders than non-athletes, which is influenced by, for example, sports environment, type of sport, and level of competition. Research has also been done on differences between sports and it has been found that aesthetic sports have an increased risk of developing eating disorders. However, the risk factors for eating disorders in aesthetic sports have received less attention even though identifying the risk factors would play an important role in identifying and preventing eating disorders. The aim of this literature review is to elucidate and describe risk factors for eating disorders in aesthetic sports. Methods. A literature search was conducted using the PubMed database with the keywords ”(eating disorder*) AND (aesthetic sport*) AND (risk factor*)”. There was a total of 27 results. Of these, the articles covering both aesthetic sports and eating disorders were read in more detail. There was a total of 12 articles that met the criterion. Five articles focusing on the risk factors for eating disorders were selected for this literature review. Results and conclusions. The studies in this literature review supported the findings of previous research that aesthetic sports are associated with an increased risk of developing eating disorders compared to other sports. The significant risk factors for eating disorders in aesthetic sports were social pressure to be thin, sports pressure, desire to be leaner to improve sports performance, and body dissatisfaction. The risk of eating disorders seemed to increase if athletes’ dieting wasn’t supervised and if athletes believed that their sports performance could be enhanced through weight regulation. The results of these studies highlight the importance of coaches in the prevention of eating disorders because they can influence the thoughts of young athletes about dieting and weight loss. These results can be useful when trying to identify aesthetic athletes at risk for eating disorders and in the prevention of their eating disorders
  • Järviö, Johanna (2016)
    Uuteen neurokirurgiseen toimenpiteeseen johtava postoperatiivinen hematooma (POH) on harvinainen mutta vakava toimenpiteen jälkeinen komplikaatio, joka liittyy selvästi lisääntyneeseen morbiditeettiin ja mortaliteettiin. Kirjallisuudessa postoperatiivisten hematoomien esiintyvyys on vaihdellut eri toimenpideyksiköiden välillä, antaen keskimääräiseksi esiintyvyydeksi 1.1%-2.2%. Tutkimuksessamme on retrospektiivinen asiakirjatutkimus, tavoitteenamme oli selvittää HUS:n neurokirurgian yksikön uuteen toimenpiteeseen johtavien postoperatiivisten hematoomien esiintyvyys eri neurokirurgisissa toimenpidetyypeissä vuosina 2010-2012. POH todettiin 0.64%:lla kaikista potilaista. Kraniotomioissa POH:n esiintyvyydeksi saimme 0.55% (n=26/4726) ja spinaalikirurgiassa 1.05% (n=30/2870). Eniten postoperatiivisia vuotoja havaittiin dekompressoiduissa kraniektomioissa (7.87%) ja kranioplastioissa (3.57%). Spinaalikirurgiassa POH:n esiintyvyys oli 1.1% kaularanganalueen ja 2.1% rintaranganalueen toimenpiteissä. Postoperatiivista hypertensiota havaittiin 64%:lla kaikista POH:n saaneista potilasta ja 85%:lla kraniotomiapotilaista. Kaikista potilaista, joilla todettiin intrakraniaalinen hematooma, 41%:lla evakuaatioleikkauksen jälkeinen lopputulos oli huono (GOS 1-3) ja 22% potilaista menehtyi kuuden kuukauden seurannan aikana. Neurokirurgian haastavuudesta huolimatta postoperatiivinen hematooma on harvinainen komplikaatio, jonka ehkäisemiseksi on oleellista tunnistaa suuremman riskin toimenpidetyypit ja mahdolliset vielä tuntemattomat verenvuodon riskitekijät
  • Lång, Esko (2016)
    Objective. The purpose of this review is to gather information on what is known today about the psychology of stalking; its background, psychological consequences to the victim and coping strategies. Methodology. The review is based on recent finnish and international research literature. Findings. The most usual motive for stalking is desire to form an intimate relationship with the victim. Victim is typically stalkers ex- partner or close acquaintance. Mental health disorders are common among stalkers, especially delusional disorders and cluster B personality disorders. Experiences of being stalked are common, especially women are at risk of being stalked at some point in their lives. Typical psychical symptoms caused by stalking include anxiety and depressed mood, which can accumulate into diagnosable mental health disorders. Coping skills used by victims have been studied, but their efficiency has not been researched. Main goal for future research is to find out efficient ways to reduce stalking and psychical consequences caused by it.