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  • Nikula, Natalia (2019)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka yleistä on se, että asioimistulkki joutuu toimimaan jommankumman asiakkaansa avustajana. Avustajana toimimisella viittaan siihen, kun tulkkia pyydetään tekemään hänen rooliinsa kuulumattomia asioita, kuten täyttämään lomakkeita, saattamaan asiakasta taksille, antamaan kulttuuriin liittyviä neuvoja ja niin edelleen. Periaatteessa avustamisena voidaan pitää kaikkea, mikä ei ole tulkkausta. Väitän, että asioimistulkki joutuu usein sijoittumaan varsinaisen tulkin roolinsa ulkopuolelle ja toimimaan asiakkaidensa avustajina. Tämä johtuu asioimistulkkauksen erikoisesta luonteesta, ympäristöstä ja siitä, että tulkkaustilanteeseen vaikuttavat kaikki tulkatun keskustelun osapuolet. Näin ollen pidän asioimistulkkien ammattisäännöstöä ja sen roolia säätelevää 8. kohtaa ideaalisena, liian normatiivisena ja todellisuuden kanssa ristiriidassa olevana. Tutkimus kohdistuu venäjä–suomi–venäjä -kieliparissa toteutettavaan tulkkaukseen. Tutkimuksessa käytän Asioimistulkkien ammattisäännöstöä. Tämän lisäksi lähteenä on muun muassa Cecilia Wadensjön tutkimuksia asioimistulkin nykyisestä roolista ja Andersonin artikkeli roolin muodostumista ja tunnistamista vaikeuttavista tekijöistä. Tämän lisäksi hyödynnän tutkielmassa muutamaa samaan aiheeseen liittyvää pro gradu -tutkielmaa, jotka on julkaistu 2000-luvulla, ja näin ollen niissä on tuoretta tutkimustietoa asioimistulkin roolista. Tutkimusmetodina on tutkimushaastattelu, johon osallistuu viisi eri-ikäistä ja -taustaista venäjä–suomi–venäjä -kieliparissa toimivaa asioimistulkkia. Teoriataustan ja haastattelujen tulosten avulla selviää, että avustaminen on kiinteä osa asioimistulkkausta ja tulkit joutuvat usein avustamaan asiakkaitaan. Tämä johtuu siitä, että viranomaiset ovat epätietoisia tulkille kuuluvista tehtävistä ja siitä, että toisinaan olosuhteet pakottavat tulkkeja tarjoamaan apuaan. Toisinaan käy niin, että tulkki on ainoa, joka voi auttaa ja näin ollen suostuu siihen, sillä inhimillisyys on tärkeä tekijä asioimistulkkauksessa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimuksesta selviää, että tulkin venäläinen tausta voi vaikuttaa avustamisen yleisyyteen. Vaikka haastatteluun osallistuneet tulkit pitävät säännöstöä hyödyllisenä, haastatteluista kuitenkin selviää, ettei siihen pysty vetoamaan aina. Näin ollen se ei välttämättä toimi haluamalla tavalla.
  • Heinilä, Anni (2017)
    Objective of the study. The objective of this study was to find out what kind of cooperation with teaching assistants is ideal from a teachers' point of view. Furthermore the research covers teachers' experiences about teaching assistants' roles and status. In addition, the study compared how teachers and school assistants perceived the ideal of cooperation as well as the role and role of the assistants by using previously collected material. Methods. The study was conducted in spring 2017 by interviewing four teachers. All the interviewees worked at the same school in Southern Finland. Two of them worked in general education and two of them worked in special needs education. Their work experience was between five and thirty-five years. The data was analyzed by a qualitative content analysis. The previously collected material was collected in spring 2015 for the Bachelor's Thesis. It included four interviews of school assistants' who worked at the same school as the teachers. Conclusions. The teachers experienced that ideal cooperation requires explicit common rules, clear roles, interaction, trust in another and commitment to the work. The school assistants underlined target-oriented teamwork and the need for teacher's guidance more than the teachers. Both the teachers and the teaching assistants wanted more time to discuss. Both professions admitted that they have some hierarchy between them in some situations, but they also felt as equal colleagues. Hierarchy was not considered only as a bad thing either. The teachers underlined, that the most important thing in school assistant's job is to support the pupils. Both the teachers and the school assistants admitted that even though a school assistant gets plenty of responsibility at their job, all of the teachers can't make most of the assistant's potential. The school assistants had to suffer more lack of appreciation than the teachers. Luckily they also got respect for what they did at work.
  • Heinilä, Anni (2017)
    Objective of the study. The objective of this study was to find out what kind of cooperation with teaching assistants is ideal from a teachers’ point of view. Furthermore the research covers teachers’ experiences about teaching assistants’ roles and status. In addition, the study compared how teachers and school assistants perceived the ideal of cooperation as well as the role and role of the assistants by using previously collected material. Methods. The study was conducted in spring 2017 by interviewing four teachers. All the interviewees worked at the same school in Southern Finland. Two of them worked in general education and two of them worked in special needs education. Their work experience was between five and thirty-five years. The data was analyzed by a qualitative content analysis. The previously collected material was collected in spring 2015 for the Bachelor’s Thesis. It included four interviews of school assistants’ who worked at the same school as the teachers. Conclusions. The teachers experienced that ideal cooperation requires explicit common rules, clear roles, interaction, trust in another and commitment to the work. The school assistants underlined target-oriented teamwork and the need for teacher’s guidance more than the teachers. Both the teachers and the teaching assistants wanted more time to discuss. Both professions admitted that they have some hierarchy between them in some situations, but they also felt as equal colleagues. Hierarchy was not considered only as a bad thing either. The teachers underlined, that the most important thing in school assistant’s job is to support the pupils. Both the teachers and the school assistants admitted that even though a school assistant gets plenty of responsibility at their job, all of the teachers can’t make most of the assistant’s potential. The school assistants had to suffer more lack of appreciation than the teachers. Luckily they also got respect for what they did at work.
  • Laakso, Taru (2023)
    Parenthood is very gendered, and it shows when we talk about lone parents. Lone fathers usually gets praises when they are taking care of their own children. Lone mothers on the other hand gets mainly judged about everything. In media lone mothers economical difficulty is very discussed topic. In this thesis I focus on lone mothers own experience about their parenthood. My material is lone mothers writings from their blogs and I have picked seven different writings that I will analyze. All these writings are written in 2018-2022. I will use in my analysis Erving Goffmans dramaturgical sosiology, which has an idea about roles that all individuals uses when they are interacting with others. I also use concept of identity from discourse analysis. In my analysis I noticed how in all those writings are used very similar roles. For example lone mothers wanted to tell how much work it requires to keep up with everything. They also writed about how much joy and happines they experience.
  • Laakso, Taru (2023)
    Parenthood is very gendered, and it shows when we talk about lone parents. Lone fathers usually gets praises when they are taking care of their own children. Lone mothers on the other hand gets mainly judged about everything. In media lone mothers economical difficulty is very discussed topic. In this thesis I focus on lone mothers own experience about their parenthood. My material is lone mothers writings from their blogs and I have picked seven different writings that I will analyze. All these writings are written in 2018-2022. I will use in my analysis Erving Goffmans dramaturgical sosiology, which has an idea about roles that all individuals uses when they are interacting with others. I also use concept of identity from discourse analysis. In my analysis I noticed how in all those writings are used very similar roles. For example lone mothers wanted to tell how much work it requires to keep up with everything. They also writed about how much joy and happines they experience.