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Browsing by Subject "segregaatio"

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  • Luotonen, Ari (2020)
    The aim of this study is to clarify where socio-economic well-being and socio-economic deprivation accumulates on municipal level in the region of Päijät-Häme between years 2000-2016. In addition to this, purpose is also explore accumulation of socioeconomic well-being and disadvantage on detail 250 m x 250 m- areal level in Lahti and Hollola during years 2004, 2009 and 2016. Map-analysis on municipal level are done during years 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2016. This study carried out partly as order by the regional council of Päijät-Häme, where the results of this study are used to needs of regional planning. Established theories of segregation and general factors which are influencing on it are providing background for the results of this study. Materials of this study are consisted of statistical data of both Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL) and Statistics Finland (StatFin). This study is empirical and methods that have been used are GIS-analysis and statistical principal component analysis. As results this study showed that on municipal level socio-economic disadvantage as form of low incomes accumulated in municipality of Hartola, while socio-economic well-being as form of higher percentage of persons with university degree, higher income level and lower rate of unemployment accumulated in municipality of Hollola. Based on the analysis of 250 m x 250 m- areal level socio-economically disadvantaged people in Lahti city tended to segregate more than socio-economically well-off, which wasn’t similar with research results from Europe and United States. This study discovered that between 2004-2016 the share of socio-economically disadvantaged people in Lahti and Hollola increased, and in Lahti this increase was significant. In Lahti the increase of the share of socio-economically well-off people was slight during same time period, while in Hollola the share of socio-economically well-off people decreased a bit. Based on map analysis about Lahti and Hollola, the locations of socio-economically disadvantaged population 250 m x 250 m- neighborhood areal units and strong-level areal appearance of socio-economically disadvantaged population dimension were not the same. In Lahti for socio-economically well-off population the locations of neighborhood areal units and strong-level areal appearance of socio-economically well-off population dimension were equal, but in Hollola that was not the case. Observations of the socio-economically well-off and disadvantaged population dimensions, which were analysed by principal component analysis showed up that in Lahti during years 2004 and 2009 the socio-economically disadvantaged population dimension was after all socio-economically priviledged by high percentage of people with university degree education level, which was the case also in Hollola during year 2016.
  • Ståhlberg, Micaela (2023)
    The aim of this study was to identify the challenges that teachers of special education face in their work in a heterogeneous classroom with pupils with special needs and different learning difficulties. The goal was to identify the challenges they experience on a daily basis and what things bring joy to their work as teachers of special needs children. I also wanted to find out how special education teachers justify the need for special education and whether it should be developed or do they think that special needs education should be discontinued entirely and pupils should be transferred to ordinary classes in primary schools. The study selected teachers working in Swedish speaking schools in Finland with pupils in grades 7.–9. in special education. Methods. The study was conducted as both a quantitative and a qualitative study. The quantitative study was conducted using a structured e-questionnaire, which I sent by email to the target respondents. The e-survey form asked at first questions about the background information of the special education teachers, then the form was divided into four sections: (1) the respondents' experiences of their daily work and whether they feel their knowledge and professionalism are sufficient to teach pupils with special needs, (2) what kind of issues are part of their daily work, (3) what are the challenges related to pupils and finally (4) questions related to collaboration. I analyzed the quantitative data using IBM SPSS Statistical data editor version 28 software. In the last two questions of the questionnaire, the respondents were free to write their opinions about what things bring them joy in their work and how special education teachers justify the need for special education.I analysed the responses using qualitative data-driven content analysis. Results. I received 39 responses to the e-questionnaire, of which 61 % had a special education teacher’s qualification and the rest had a special education teacher’s qualification, other pedagogical qualification, or other qualification. The results of the survey showed that special education should be continued but practical changes should be made to ensure that special education is appropriate and that pupils in special education receive the support they are entitled to. The special education teachers provided many suggestions for improvement, many of which were profitable and even feasible without additional financial supp
  • Ståhlberg, Micaela (2023)
    The aim of this study was to identify the challenges that teachers of special education face in their work in a heterogeneous classroom with pupils with special needs and different learning difficulties. The goal was to identify the challenges they experience on a daily basis and what things bring joy to their work as teachers of special needs children. I also wanted to find out how special education teachers justify the need for special education and whether it should be developed or do they think that special needs education should be discontinued entirely and pupils should be transferred to ordinary classes in primary schools. The study selected teachers working in Swedish speaking schools in Finland with pupils in grades 7.–9. in special education. Methods. The study was conducted as both a quantitative and a qualitative study. The quantitative study was conducted using a structured e-questionnaire, which I sent by email to the target respondents. The e-survey form asked at first questions about the background information of the special education teachers, then the form was divided into four sections: (1) the respondents' experiences of their daily work and whether they feel their knowledge and professionalism are sufficient to teach pupils with special needs, (2) what kind of issues are part of their daily work, (3) what are the challenges related to pupils and finally (4) questions related to collaboration. I analyzed the quantitative data using IBM SPSS Statistical data editor version 28 software. In the last two questions of the questionnaire, the respondents were free to write their opinions about what things bring them joy in their work and how special education teachers justify the need for special education.I analysed the responses using qualitative data-driven content analysis. Results. I received 39 responses to the e-questionnaire, of which 61 % had a special education teacher’s qualification and the rest had a special education teacher’s qualification, other pedagogical qualification, or other qualification. The results of the survey showed that special education should be continued but practical changes should be made to ensure that special education is appropriate and that pupils in special education receive the support they are entitled to. The special education teachers provided many suggestions for improvement, many of which were profitable and even feasible without additional financial supp
  • Välttilä, Emilia (2016)
    In this thesis I investigated previous research about gender differences in the vocational choice of kids and adolecents. The main focus was segregation which is a complex phenomenon in the world of work. It causes inequality and ineffectiveness in the labour market. Segregated structures are also seen in the educational field. The aim of this study was to help being aware of them. A systematic literature review was made from 14 original articles which were publiced in the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance from 2008 to 2016. The review indicates that there are several views to gender differences in the vocational choice of kids and adolecents. For example occupational aspirations, intrests and barriers are discussed. Segregated structures and traditional gender roles are also presented in previous research. Therefore the review indicates that the significance of gender should be considered in the work among young people in educational and vocational fields.
  • Pursimo, Katariina (2021)
    Tutkielma käsittelee COVID-19-epidemiaa ja valmiuslain 93-95 §:n nojalla annettujen hoitajien perusoikeuksia rajoittaneiden asetusten soveltamista Suomessa kevään 2020 poikkeusolojen aikana. Asetusten poikkeusvaltuudet koskivat lepoaikoja, ylitöitä ja vuosiloman antamista koskevia säännöksiä, irtisanomisajan pidennyksiä ja työvelvollisuutta. Tutkielma nivoo hoitajien oikeuksien rajoittamisen osaksi koronaviruspandemian sukupuolittuneita vaikutuksia ja yhteiskunnallista kontekstia, jossa on kyse hoiva-alan naisvaltaisuudesta, sukupuolisegregaatiosta ja työvoimapulasta kärsivästä matalapalkka-alasta. Tutkielman aineisto käsittää muun muassa valmiuslain nojalla annettujen asetusten eduskuntakäsittelyn asiakirjoja, kuten asetusehdotuksia, valiokuntien mietintöjä ja lausuntoja sekä asiantuntijalausuntoja. Perustuslakivaliokunta ja työelämä- ja tasa-arvovaliokunta olivat saaneet tietoonsa valmiuslain toimivaltuuksien väärinkäytöksiä. Tutkielman tulokset käsittävät ensinnäkin havainnon, ettei valtioneuvosto seurannut ja raportoinut eduskunnalle perustuslakivaliokunnan edellyttämällä tavalla valmiuslain 93 ja 94 §:n toimivaltuuksien käyttöä. Toiseksi, työsuojeluviranomainen ei aineiston perusteella ollut tietoinen valvontavastuustaan poikkeusoloissa, mikä heikensi työntekijöiden oikeussuojaa. Lisäksi, valmiuslain toimivaltuuksien käyttöönottovaiheessa ei eritelty ja arvioitu eri toimien vaihtoehtoisuutta eikä valmiuslain eri soveltamisvaihtoehdot käyneet riittävällä tavalla ilmi asetusten perusteluista. Asetusehdotuksissa ei tuotu esille muun sääntelyn, kuten KVTES:n, mahdollistamien toimien vaihtoehtoisuutta suhteessa valmiuslain toimivaltuuksiin. Valmiuslain käyttö pandemiassa ei voi automaattisesti tarkoittaa hoitajien perusoikeuksien rajoittamisen tarvetta. Tutkielman johtopäätöksinä esitetään muun muassa tarve selvittää sekä työnantajien poikkeusvaltuuksien väärinkäytökset että keinot työntekijöiden oikeusturvan vahvistamiseksi. Valmiuslakia uudistettaessa tulee ottaa huomioon hoitajien oikeudet. Hoiva-ala tulee myös nostaa varautumisen keskiöön.
  • Pursimo, Katariina (2021)
    Tutkielma käsittelee COVID-19-epidemiaa ja valmiuslain 93-95 §:n nojalla annettujen hoitajien perusoikeuksia rajoittaneiden asetusten soveltamista Suomessa kevään 2020 poikkeusolojen aikana. Asetusten poikkeusvaltuudet koskivat lepoaikoja, ylitöitä ja vuosiloman antamista koskevia säännöksiä, irtisanomisajan pidennyksiä ja työvelvollisuutta. Tutkielma nivoo hoitajien oikeuksien rajoittamisen osaksi koronaviruspandemian sukupuolittuneita vaikutuksia ja yhteiskunnallista kontekstia, jossa on kyse hoiva-alan naisvaltaisuudesta, sukupuolisegregaatiosta ja työvoimapulasta kärsivästä matalapalkka-alasta. Tutkielman aineisto käsittää muun muassa valmiuslain nojalla annettujen asetusten eduskuntakäsittelyn asiakirjoja, kuten asetusehdotuksia, valiokuntien mietintöjä ja lausuntoja sekä asiantuntijalausuntoja. Perustuslakivaliokunta ja työelämä- ja tasa-arvovaliokunta olivat saaneet tietoonsa valmiuslain toimivaltuuksien väärinkäytöksiä. Tutkielman tulokset käsittävät ensinnäkin havainnon, ettei valtioneuvosto seurannut ja raportoinut eduskunnalle perustuslakivaliokunnan edellyttämällä tavalla valmiuslain 93 ja 94 §:n toimivaltuuksien käyttöä. Toiseksi, työsuojeluviranomainen ei aineiston perusteella ollut tietoinen valvontavastuustaan poikkeusoloissa, mikä heikensi työntekijöiden oikeussuojaa. Lisäksi, valmiuslain toimivaltuuksien käyttöönottovaiheessa ei eritelty ja arvioitu eri toimien vaihtoehtoisuutta eikä valmiuslain eri soveltamisvaihtoehdot käyneet riittävällä tavalla ilmi asetusten perusteluista. Asetusehdotuksissa ei tuotu esille muun sääntelyn, kuten KVTES:n, mahdollistamien toimien vaihtoehtoisuutta suhteessa valmiuslain toimivaltuuksiin. Valmiuslain käyttö pandemiassa ei voi automaattisesti tarkoittaa hoitajien perusoikeuksien rajoittamisen tarvetta. Tutkielman johtopäätöksinä esitetään muun muassa tarve selvittää sekä työnantajien poikkeusvaltuuksien väärinkäytökset että keinot työntekijöiden oikeusturvan vahvistamiseksi. Valmiuslakia uudistettaessa tulee ottaa huomioon hoitajien oikeudet. Hoiva-ala tulee myös nostaa varautumisen keskiöön.