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  • Seppälä, Tiiu (2018)
    Objectives. The objective of this empirical research was to describe, analyze and interpret the experience of the parents of the children who attend day-care, how and why an active employee instils trust in the parents’. The co-operation between a parent and a day-care worker is essential to early-childhood education. As a mandatory document National Core Curruculum for Early Childhood Education and Care 2016, describes early childhood edu-cation as the all encompassing advancement of upbringing, development and education of a child whilst co-operating with the parents of the children at day-care. Trust between the parents and the day-care workers is a foundational starting point for a working co-operation. Trust can be seen as a habit which is based on feelings. That habit is our natu-ral way to relate to other people. There has not been made a lot of researches about par-ents’ trust towards day-care workers but for example employees’ sensitivity have been seen as a fact that increases the feelings of trust Methodology. The study conducted was qualitative research, and the research assign-ment was defined as one question and was complemented by two clarifying questions. For this research 4 parents were interviewed february of 2018 in a focused interview whose children were in the care of the day-care center. All The interviews had been tran-scribed and the material was analyzed through the theory guiding qualitative content anal-ysis. Results and Conclusion. The parents had taken into account the information the worker provided for their child as strengthening factor of their trust. In addition the parents seeing the day-care workers in action not just with their children also left a remarkable impact on their trust towards the workers. Also the parents mirrored their trust towards the cay-care workers on the basis of how their child enjoyed the day-care and reacted to each day-care employee. Based on the results of this research the methods or practices of the day-care worker was a significant factor that impacted the parents’ trust experience towards the day-care worker.
  • Mäkinen, Anna (2019)
    Objective. The proportion of clients with immigrant background among clients receiving speech therapy has grown following an increase in immigration to Finland over the past few decades. Today, parents’ role in a child’s speech therapy is considered significant thus examination of their views is important for developing the services. In the city of Espoo, children’s habilitation services have discovered that there’s a need for surveying the views of the immigrant parents concerning therapy. The objective of this study was to investigate what kind of experiences and perceptions immigrant parents have about the speech therapy which their child has received in the city of Espoo’s habilitation services for children. In addition to the entirety of speech therapy, the study focused especially on the speech therapy material and the guidance in using the material and to support child’s speech and language development. Furthermore, the study investigated parent’s experiences and perceptions about cultural sensitivity in speech therapy and multi-professional cooperation between parents, speech therapist and personnel in early childhood education. Additionally, parents’ wishes and suggestions for development concerning the above-mentioned themes were examined. Moreover, parents’ experiences and perceptions of child’s speech and language development and difficulties related to them were investigated. Method. This study used a semi-structured theme interview as the data collection method. The interviewees were first generation immigrants whose children had received speech therapy in the city of Espoo’s habilitation services for children. The interview process included seven separate interviews and six of these required interpreters. Recorded interview data was transcribed, and the data was analyzed with inductive content analysis method with the help of the ATLAS.ti 7 software. Results and conclusions. Parents were mainly satisfied with speech therapy and speech therapy material as well with the guidance in using the material and supporting child’s speech and language development. Parents considered speech therapy as culturally sensitive. They experienced multi-professional cooperation mainly as functional and important. Parents had very little information about the cooperation between speech therapist and personnel in early childhood education, but they didn’t express a need for additional information concerning the cooperation. Parents emphasized the importance of wide social environment in child’s speech and language development and didn’t underline their own role as much. Parents expressed very little wishes and suggestions for development. Most of all they suggested utilizing technology in providing speech therapy and in speech therapy exercises. They also expressed a wish about using an interpreter in speech therapy, who would know the same language and dialect than the child. Parents also wished more social contacts for their children in their spare time, which would improve child’s speech and language development. This study indicates that immigrant parents would also benefit from information related to speech therapy and child’s speech and language development emphasizing especially the parents’ role in the development of child’s mother tongue.
  • Mäkinen, Anna (2019)
    Objective. The proportion of clients with immigrant background among clients receiving speech therapy has grown following an increase in immigration to Finland over the past few decades. Today, parents’ role in a child’s speech therapy is considered significant thus examination of their views is important for developing the services. In the city of Espoo, children’s habilitation services have discovered that there’s a need for surveying the views of the immigrant parents concerning therapy. The objective of this study was to investigate what kind of experiences and perceptions immigrant parents have about the speech therapy which their child has received in the city of Espoo’s habilitation services for children. In addition to the entirety of speech therapy, the study focused especially on the speech therapy material and the guidance in using the material and to support child’s speech and language development. Furthermore, the study investigated parent’s experiences and perceptions about cultural sensitivity in speech therapy and multi-professional cooperation between parents, speech therapist and personnel in early childhood education. Additionally, parents’ wishes and suggestions for development concerning the above-mentioned themes were examined. Moreover, parents’ experiences and perceptions of child’s speech and language development and difficulties related to them were investigated. Method. This study used a semi-structured theme interview as the data collection method. The interviewees were first generation immigrants whose children had received speech therapy in the city of Espoo’s habilitation services for children. The interview process included seven separate interviews and six of these required interpreters. Recorded interview data was transcribed, and the data was analyzed with inductive content analysis method with the help of the ATLAS.ti 7 software. Results and conclusions. Parents were mainly satisfied with speech therapy and speech therapy material as well with the guidance in using the material and supporting child’s speech and language development. Parents considered speech therapy as culturally sensitive. They experienced multi-professional cooperation mainly as functional and important. Parents had very little information about the cooperation between speech therapist and personnel in early childhood education, but they didn’t express a need for additional information concerning the cooperation. Parents emphasized the importance of wide social environment in child’s speech and language development and didn’t underline their own role as much. Parents expressed very little wishes and suggestions for development. Most of all they suggested utilizing technology in providing speech therapy and in speech therapy exercises. They also expressed a wish about using an interpreter in speech therapy, who would know the same language and dialect than the child. Parents also wished more social contacts for their children in their spare time, which would improve child’s speech and language development. This study indicates that immigrant parents would also benefit from information related to speech therapy and child’s speech and language development emphasizing especially the parents’ role in the development of child’s mother tongue.
  • Smids, Saskia (2018)
    The purpose. The purpose of the reseach was to study the experiences of immigrant parents about cooperation with kindergartens in Helsinki. Very little research has been done on this topic in Finland, so my research questions are focused on a fairly wide research field. The background literature focuses on the prevalence of immigrant families in Finnish kindergartens, how the Early Childhood Education Act and the national Early Childhood Education Plan guide and enforce co-operation with parents, and why kindergartens should seek open and confidential co-operation with immigrants. In addition, I have presented the social psychology theories, such as the cognitive categorical schemas, prejudiced attitudes, stereotypes, intergroup relations, social identity and ethnic identity. Methods. The data corpus of this qualitative research consists of five thematic interviews. I interviewed five parents, two fathers and three mothers. Four of them had lived in Finland for less than five years. I found them from three different kindergartens. They had an experience in total of nine different kindergartens in Helsinki. The data corpus has been analyzed using the thematic-analysis method. I analyzed data corpus first time with a data-based orientation, to answer the first research question; second time I analyzed my data corpus with a theory-based orientation, to answer the second research question. Theory-based analysis was premised by the social psychology theories, which were presented in the third chapter. Results and conclusions. According to the parents' experiences, kindergartens had not taken into account their different needs in collaboration with them. However, an interpreter was ordered for annual discussion sessions and start-up discussions. The time while parents were not able to speak in Finnish, they practically did not have the opportunity to communicate with the kindergartens' educators on daily bases. It seems that being able to communicate in Finnish language has become a condition that allows and encourages the inequalities and isolation of immigrant parents. Finnish speaking skills should be a technical problem in itself, but it is used as a pretext for exclusion. Meeting the needs of this early age education customer group is a very timely problem. I think that the necessity for new arrangements and new cooperation structures are the responsibilities of the party who provides the services.
  • Smids, Saskia (2018)
    The purpose. The purpose of the reseach was to study the experiences of immigrant parents about cooperation with kindergartens in Helsinki. Very little research has been done on this topic in Finland, so my research questions are focused on a fairly wide research field. The background literature focuses on the prevalence of immigrant families in Finnish kindergartens, how the Early Childhood Education Act and the national Early Childhood Education Plan guide and enforce co-operation with parents, and why kindergartens should seek open and confidential co-operation with immigrants. In addition, I have presented the social psychology theories, such as the cognitive categorical schemas, prejudiced attitudes, stereotypes, intergroup relations, social identity and ethnic identity. Methods. The data corpus of this qualitative research consists of five thematic interviews. I interviewed five parents, two fathers and three mothers. Four of them had lived in Finland for less than five years. I found them from three different kindergartens. They had an experience in total of nine different kindergartens in Helsinki. The data corpus has been analyzed using the thematic-analysis method. I analyzed data corpus first time with a data-based orientation, to answer the first research question; second time I analyzed my data corpus with a theory-based orientation, to answer the second research question. Theory-based analysis was premised by the social psychology theories, which were presented in the third chapter. Results and conclusions. According to the parents' experiences, kindergartens had not taken into account their different needs in collaboration with them. However, an interpreter was ordered for annual discussion sessions and start-up discussions. The time while parents were not able to speak in Finnish, they practically did not have the opportunity to communicate with the kindergartens' educators on daily bases. It seems that being able to communicate in Finnish language has become a condition that allows and encourages the inequalities and isolation of immigrant parents. Finnish speaking skills should be a technical problem in itself, but it is used as a pretext for exclusion. Meeting the needs of this early age education customer group is a very timely problem. I think that the necessity for new arrangements and new cooperation structures are the responsibilities of the party who provides the services.
  • Manninen, Hanna-Mari (2020)
    The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe the experiences of parents with highly sensitive children's schooling and support need. The first research question was to find out in what way parents experience highly sensitivity to be present in the child's school running. Second question of research was how the dialogue and understanding between parents and the school has gone. The third question of research was what kind of support highly sensitive children should receive and the fourth research question was what kind of information should be given to schools on the basis of parental reportedly. The study is empirical, which explores the experiences of the parents of highly sensitive children. They were approached from the Facebook Highly Sensitive group and the dossier was collected from them by email. The survey was answered in the form of a questionnaire and a free-form writing. The purpose of the study was to highlight the experiences and aspirations of parents, how should children's individual differences be reflected in the school's everyday life. After collecting the material, I used method of thematic analysis of research. I highlighted the points of interest in research, encode and theme material through different themes and similarities and differences. As an auxiliary tool for describing the analysis, I used the Matrix table. The results showed that parents were longed for schools to increase their general knowledge about highly sensitivity and related sensory processing sensitivity. Half of respondents hoped for more understanding of schools to see individual differences between their highly sensitive children. In conclusion, it seemed that for example, schools would benefit from leaflets, which describe the main issues of highly sensitivity. Also, increasing emotional education in schools would probably be beneficial. In addition, operating therapy was significant help, especially in sensory processing sensitivity. This supports the idea of schools to increase co-operation with therapy, bringing valuable operational expertise to the the aim of strengthening learning and active participation of children and young people in the everyday life of schoolwork.
  • Nordlund-Spiby, Rut Ann-Mari (2012)
    Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera hur familjen och föräldrarna som har ett barn med ADHD och/eller uppmärksamhetsstörning har upplevt diagnostiseringsprocessen av sitt barn och hur de upplever att ha blivit bemötta av omgivningen. Hur beskrivs händelserna kring diagnostiseringen av barnet samt hur upplever föräldrarna det då deras barn får en diagnos? Dessutom utreds huruvida föräldrarna anser eller upplever att deras barn och de själva är negativt särbehandlade eller stigmatiserade, i vilka situationer de upplever det samt hur de handskas med upplevelser av detta slag. Med föräldraperspektiv avses att utreda föräldrarnas synpunkt på familjens liv och deras syn på familjen, barnet och processen kring diagnostiseringen samt hur de blir bemötta av olika aktörer i samhället. Genom att ge röster till föräldrarna lyfts en helhetsbild av familjernas vardagsliv fram. Målgruppen i forskningen är föräldrar som har barn som har ADHD eller aktivitets- och uppmärksamhetsstörning. En del barn kan även ha tilläggsdiagnoser av olika slag. Sammanlagt sju föräldrar, varav sex mammor och en pappa, med barn som har ADHD eller aktivitets- och uppmärksamhetsstörning har blivit intervjuade och berättat om hur de själva upplever att de blivit bemötta i samhället. Studien utfördes i Helsingforsregionen och barnen var i åldern 5-18 år. Detta är en kvalitativ studie med halvstrukturerade temaintervjuer där tilläggsfrågor har ställts längs med samtalet. Frågorna indelades i fem teman gällande familjen, händelseförloppet kring barnets utveckling, bemötandet/omgivningens attityder, nuläget med föräldrarnas/familjens situation idag, samt frågor som behandlar föräldrarnas syn på vad ADHD beror på samt eventuell stigmatisering och hur familjen i så fall handskas med det. Teoretiskt bygger avhandlingen på olika perspektiv på funktionshinder och teorier om stigma. Föräldrarnas upplevelser när de har blivit negativt särbehandlade eller mött stigmatisering i familjens liv visade sig uppkomma både i samhället och bland släktingar och vänner. Även i skola och dagvård blev föräldrarna negativt bemötta. Bland släktingar och vänner uppstod situationer med kränkningar och negativ kritik som ledde till en minskad social kontakt. Det fanns ett klart uttalat missnöje med barnrådgivningens agerande. Föräldrarna efterlyste mera stöd i ett tidigare skede. Den långa väntetiden mellan remiss och tid till utredning var svår att förstå. Föräldrarna fick kämpa för att få del av olika stödformer. Föräldrarna efterlyste även mera information från de olika instanserna till föräldrarna. Däremot beskrev föräldrarna sina erfarenheter av bemötandet på utredningsinstanserna som goda, även om de påpekade det svåra i upplevelsen av att få en diagnos och inte få tillräckligt stöd och redskap att jobba med. Resultaten visar att det kritiska kring diagnostiseringsprocessen var ta reda på information helt själva. Vardagen och byråkratin kring diagnostiseringen kändes tung. Föräldrarna kände sig utelämnade och utan stöd. Samtidigt var bemötandet i omgivningen icke stödande. Detta har konsekvenser för barnfamiljernas officiella nätverk, såsom barnrådgivningen, barndagvården och skolan. Kunskapen ger dessutom utmaningar och möjligheter till intresseorganisationerna inom området och deras politiska arbete. Förhoppningen är att den kunskap som denna undersökning kommit fram till skall kunna användas som hjälp då de personer, institutioner och instanser som arbetar med familjer som har barn med ADHD utvecklar sin verksamhet.
  • Ilmola, Riina (2017)
    Aim. According to earlier research, motivation is closely related to many issues in sports, such as success, enjoyment, persistence and intensity. The self-determination theory (SDT) was chosen as the theoretical framework of the present study. According to the SDT, motivation is divided into intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation. In the present study, an attempt was made to examine the effects of motivation on dropout from organized ice hockey among adolescent boys. In addition, the purpose was to examine the effects of motivation on success in ice hockey and how parental support and pressure affect players' motivation. Method. Participants (n=671) of the study consisted of 14- and 15-year-old boys participating ice hockey. They completed a survey questionnaire which included Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) and Parental Involvement Sport Questionnaire (PISQ). The player license information was collected from the Finnish Ice Hockey Association. Motivational profiles were developed using cluster analysis. In order to examine motivational differences and differences among parental involvement in clusters, the Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted. Results and conclusion. Based on cluster analysis, four different motivational subgroups were identified: 1) high amotivation, 2) low intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, 3) high intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and 4) high intrinsic motivation. The participants in group 1 were more likely to drop out from ice hockey and were less successful than the participants in other groups. When it comes to parental involvement, the participants in group 4 reported more support from parents than the participants of groups 1 and 2. The participants in group 4 also reported less pressure from parents than the participants in other groups. The present findings appear to support previous research on the role of motivation in the prediction of dropout. The current findings highlight the importance of supporting young athletes' motivation for their sport participation. It is recommended that the sport practitioners should invest more on supporting especially the development of athletes' intrinsic motivation.
  • Ilmola, Riina (2017)
    Aim. According to earlier research, motivation is closely related to many issues in sports, such as success, enjoyment, persistence and intensity. The self-determination theory (SDT) was chosen as the theoretical framework of the present study. According to the SDT, motivation is divided into intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation. In the present study, an attempt was made to examine the effects of motivation on dropout from organized ice hockey among adolescent boys. In addition, the purpose was to examine the effects of motivation on success in ice hockey and how parental support and pressure affect players’ motivation. Method. Participants (n=671) of the study consisted of 14- and 15-year-old boys participating ice hockey. They completed a survey questionnaire which included Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) and Parental Involvement Sport Questionnaire (PISQ). The player license information was collected from the Finnish Ice Hockey Association. Motivational profiles were developed using cluster analysis. In order to examine motivational differences and differences among parental involvement in clusters, the Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted. Results and conclusion. Based on cluster analysis, four different motivational subgroups were identified: 1) high amotivation, 2) low intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, 3) high intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and 4) high intrinsic motivation. The participants in group 1 were more likely to drop out from ice hockey and were less successful than the participants in other groups. When it comes to parental involvement, the participants in group 4 reported more support from parents than the participants of groups 1 and 2. The participants in group 4 also reported less pressure from parents than the participants in other groups. The present findings appear to support previous research on the role of motivation in the prediction of dropout. The current findings highlight the importance of supporting young athletes’ motivation for their sport participation. It is recommended that the sport practitioners should invest more on supporting especially the development of athletes’ intrinsic motivation.
  • Simola, Saija (2022)
    Päiväkoti on yleisin varhaiskasvatusmuoto Suomessa. Päiväkodin valinta on vanhemmille suuri päätös, johon vaikuttaa niin käytännön asiat kuin tunteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää millä perusteella vanhemmat valitsevat päiväkodin lapsilleen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää mitkä taustatekijät vaikuttivat päiväkodin valintaan. Tutkimuksessa haluttiin myös selvittää tavoittaako ja vaikuttaako palveluohjaus vanhempien valintaan. Kuntien velvollisuutena on järjestää vanhemmille varhaiskasvatuksen palveluohjausta. Parhaimmillaan palveluohjaus vastaa vanhempien tarpeita ja toiveita. Niiden ymmärtämisellä voidaan parantaa palveluohjauksen laatua ja tavoittaa vanhemmat entistä paremmin. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella suomalaisen moni-kansallisen yrityksen työntekijöille ja heidän puolisoilleen. Kysely kohdennettiin sellaisille vanhemmille, joiden lapsi oli joko menossa tai oli jo valitussa päiväkodissa. Kysely toteutettiin suomen- ja englanninkielisenä. Aineiston analysointi tehtiin ristiintaulukoimalla Khiin neliö -testiä käyttäen. Analysointi toteutettiin SPSS-ohjelmalla. Päiväkodin valintaan vaikutti useimmiten päiväkodin sijainti, joka on noussut esiin myös muissa tutkimuksissa. Sijainti koettiin myös erittäin tärkeäksi valintaan vaikuttaneeksi tekijäksi. Lisäksi päiväkodin kieli vaikutti valintaan usein, mutta sitä ei koettu yhtä tärkeäksi tekijäksi. Tärkeimmiksi valintaan vaikuttaneiksi tekijöiksi koettiin sijainnin lisäksi ystävien suositukset, sisarusten saaminen samaan päiväkotiin sekä muut yksilölliset tekijät. Nämä tekijät vaikuttivat kuitenkin harvemman valintaan. Päiväkodin valintaan vaikuttaa niin käytännölliset puolet, kuten sijainti, mutta myös henkilökohtaisesti tärkeät asiat, kuten ystävien suositukset ja yksilölliset tekijät. Vain pieni osa vastaajista oli käyttänyt palveluohjausta ja vain joka neljäs oli siitä edes tietoinen. Kaikki palveluohjausta käyttäneet vanhemmat olivat muun kuin Suomen kansalaisia. Palveluohjauksen tietoisuutta tulisi lisätä, jotta se tavoittaisi vanhemmat paremmin ja voisi tukea vanhempia heidän valinnassaan.
  • Ahti, Tiina (2021)
    Vanhemmuutta pikkulapsiperheissä kuvataan usein intensiivisenä ajanjaksona. Kilpailuyhteiskunta ja suorituskeskeisyys heijastuvat lapsiperheisiin, kuten vanhempien itselleen asettamiin vaatimuksiin. Vanhemmuuteen ja lapseen liittyvät huolet ovat yleisiä. Suomessa lapsiperheitä tuetaan eri tavoin. Lapsiperhepalveluiden painopistettä halutaan yhä enemmän siirtää ongelmien ennaltaehkäisyyn sekä huolten varhaiseen tunnistamiseen ja puuttumiseen. Lapsiperheitä kuormittavien tekijöiden tiedetään näkyvän perheiden palvelutarpeissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, miten vanhempien masennusoireilu, yksinäisyys ja vanhemmuuden stressi sekä vauvan pitkäaikaissairaus tai terveysongelma, univaikeudet ja negatiivinen tunneilmaisu olivat yhteydessä lapsiperhepalveluista saatavan tuen tarpeeseen ja saadun tuen riittävyyteen. Aineisto kerättiin Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin alueella osana Lapsen uni ja terveys (Child-Sleep) -pitkittäistutkimushanketta. Tutkimuksen perusjoukkoon kuuluivat perheet, joihin oli syntynyt lapsi 1.3.2011–12.2.2013 välisenä aikana. Tutkimuksessa käytetty aineisto on kerätty vanhempien ja lapsen terveyttä ja hyvinvointia kartoittavilla kyselylomakkeilla lapsen ollessa kahdeksan kuukauden ikäinen. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana 1292 vauvaa ja heidän vanhempaansa. Aineiston analysointiin käytettiin Khiin neliö -testiä sekä binääristä logistista regressioanalyysiä. Runsas kolmannes äideistä (36,4 %) ja isistä (36,0 %) tarvitsi vähintään jonkin verran tukea lapsiperhepalveluista. Äidin masennusoireilu ja vanhemmuuden stressi sekä vauvan univaikeudet olivat yhteydessä siihen, että lapsiperhepalveluista tarvittiin vähintään jonkin verran tukea. Isillä vanhemmuuden stressi oli yhteydessä lapsiperhepalveluista saatavan tuen tarpeeseen. Noin joka kymmenes äiti (10,0 %) ja isä (8,0 %) koki lapsiperhepalveluista saamansa tuen jokseenkin tai täysin riittämättömäksi. Äideillä vanhemmuuden stressi sekä vauvan pitkäaikaissairaus tai terveysongelma ja vauvan univaikeudet olivat yhteydessä lapsiperhepalveluista saadun tuen riittämättömyyteen. Isillä yksinäisyys, vauvan pitkäaikaissairaus tai terveysongelma ja vauvan univaikeudet olivat yhteydessä palveluista saadun tuen riittämättömyyteen. Vanhemman iällä, ansiotuloilla, lasten lukumäärällä ja läheisten tuella havaittiin myös olevan yhteys palveluista saatavan tuen tarpeeseen ja saadun tuen riittävyyteen. Etenkin läheisten tuki nousi esiin tuen tarpeeseen ja riittävyyteen yhteydessä olevana tekijänä. Lapsiperhepalveluissa on tärkeää huomioida masennusoireita ja vanhemmuuden stressiä kokevien vanhempien mahdollisesti kasvaneet tuen tarpeet sekä tarjota tukea vauvan uniasioissa. Lapsiperhepalveluissa on tärkeää tiedostaa, että perheessä olevat kuormitustekijät ovat yhteydessä lisääntyneeseen kokemukseen palveluista saadun tuen riittämättömyydestä. Jatkossa tulee selvittää tarkemmin, minkälaista tukea vanhemmat tarvitsevat lapsiperhepalveluista sekä palvelutyytyväisyyteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Myös jatkossa on tärkeää tutkia äitien ja isien kokemuksia lapsiperhepalveluista erikseen.
  • Ahti, Tiina (2021)
    Vanhemmuutta pikkulapsiperheissä kuvataan usein intensiivisenä ajanjaksona. Kilpailuyhteiskunta ja suorituskeskeisyys heijastuvat lapsiperheisiin, kuten vanhempien itselleen asettamiin vaatimuksiin. Vanhemmuuteen ja lapseen liittyvät huolet ovat yleisiä. Suomessa lapsiperheitä tuetaan eri tavoin. Lapsiperhepalveluiden painopistettä halutaan yhä enemmän siirtää ongelmien ennaltaehkäisyyn sekä huolten varhaiseen tunnistamiseen ja puuttumiseen. Lapsiperheitä kuormittavien tekijöiden tiedetään näkyvän perheiden palvelutarpeissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, miten vanhempien masennusoireilu, yksinäisyys ja vanhemmuuden stressi sekä vauvan pitkäaikaissairaus tai terveysongelma, univaikeudet ja negatiivinen tunneilmaisu olivat yhteydessä lapsiperhepalveluista saatavan tuen tarpeeseen ja saadun tuen riittävyyteen. Aineisto kerättiin Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin alueella osana Lapsen uni ja terveys (Child-Sleep) -pitkittäistutkimushanketta. Tutkimuksen perusjoukkoon kuuluivat perheet, joihin oli syntynyt lapsi 1.3.2011–12.2.2013 välisenä aikana. Tutkimuksessa käytetty aineisto on kerätty vanhempien ja lapsen terveyttä ja hyvinvointia kartoittavilla kyselylomakkeilla lapsen ollessa kahdeksan kuukauden ikäinen. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana 1292 vauvaa ja heidän vanhempaansa. Aineiston analysointiin käytettiin Khiin neliö -testiä sekä binääristä logistista regressioanalyysiä. Runsas kolmannes äideistä (36,4 %) ja isistä (36,0 %) tarvitsi vähintään jonkin verran tukea lapsiperhepalveluista. Äidin masennusoireilu ja vanhemmuuden stressi sekä vauvan univaikeudet olivat yhteydessä siihen, että lapsiperhepalveluista tarvittiin vähintään jonkin verran tukea. Isillä vanhemmuuden stressi oli yhteydessä lapsiperhepalveluista saatavan tuen tarpeeseen. Noin joka kymmenes äiti (10,0 %) ja isä (8,0 %) koki lapsiperhepalveluista saamansa tuen jokseenkin tai täysin riittämättömäksi. Äideillä vanhemmuuden stressi sekä vauvan pitkäaikaissairaus tai terveysongelma ja vauvan univaikeudet olivat yhteydessä lapsiperhepalveluista saadun tuen riittämättömyyteen. Isillä yksinäisyys, vauvan pitkäaikaissairaus tai terveysongelma ja vauvan univaikeudet olivat yhteydessä palveluista saadun tuen riittämättömyyteen. Vanhemman iällä, ansiotuloilla, lasten lukumäärällä ja läheisten tuella havaittiin myös olevan yhteys palveluista saatavan tuen tarpeeseen ja saadun tuen riittävyyteen. Etenkin läheisten tuki nousi esiin tuen tarpeeseen ja riittävyyteen yhteydessä olevana tekijänä. Lapsiperhepalveluissa on tärkeää huomioida masennusoireita ja vanhemmuuden stressiä kokevien vanhempien mahdollisesti kasvaneet tuen tarpeet sekä tarjota tukea vauvan uniasioissa. Lapsiperhepalveluissa on tärkeää tiedostaa, että perheessä olevat kuormitustekijät ovat yhteydessä lisääntyneeseen kokemukseen palveluista saadun tuen riittämättömyydestä. Jatkossa tulee selvittää tarkemmin, minkälaista tukea vanhemmat tarvitsevat lapsiperhepalveluista sekä palvelutyytyväisyyteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Myös jatkossa on tärkeää tutkia äitien ja isien kokemuksia lapsiperhepalveluista erikseen.
  • Sinisaari, Hanna (2017)
    Aims. The purpose of this study is to describe the means families utilize to secure the after-school-time their young children spend without adult supervision. The statutory after-school care for 1st and 2nd graders offers the working parents flexibility when organizing the work and family time. Yet the families of as young as nine-year-olds are left with no organized after-school activities. This study relies on previous studies on after-school-program quality, flexible working time arrangement, family time management, digitalization and Anglo-American after-school programs. The main research questions are: 1. How does the after-school care appear in everyday family life? 2. What are the means parents use to secure the child's after-school time? 3. How do parents utilize digital technologies in securing the after-school time? Methods. The data for this study were collected in two separate sets. The first data set consists of 5 texts describing everyday life of families with young school children. The texts were provided by working mothers of children entitled to after-school care. The second set of data was collected through semi-structured interviews of 9 working mothers of children no longer entitled to after-school care. The interviews were conducted to include data on the strategies families choose to secure the after-school time when adult supervision is no longer organized by the community. The data were analyzed using content analysis and cross-sectional qualitative data analysis. This method allows to emphasizing the common nominators of the various data sources instead of the experiences of one family. Results and Conclusions. The after-school care could be related to various every day elements of a household. The main elements were safety, nutrition and care and social environment. Parents use several strategies to ensure the well-being and safety of a child without adult supervision. Of mobile technologies, digital communication was recognized as part of parental control but not as ethically debatable surveillance. Parents highly appreciate the school-organized after-school programs and wish to see more activities of that type for their children.
  • Ruoho, Jenni (2015)
    A Choice of Waldorf Kindergarten, Good Upbringing and Values is a qualitative case study about early educational views and values of Waldorf parents (N=23). Good upbringing means in this case upbringing into goodness and passing on something of value. Values mean things that people value as important, that are desirable and that guides one's choices. The study was meant to describe, explain and understand reasoning behind the choices of daycare, good upbringing and values derived from those. Also this research tried to find out whether Tapio Aaltonen's tool for unveiling values is an applicable instrument in scientific study and which kind of results can be obtained with it. Research materials were comprised of modified Aaltonen's question form and both record and written information of group conversations by the parents (n=12). An analyse was made by a data-based and a theory-directed content analysis. The issue is related to current value process in this particular unit and also in national curriculum frame work of Waldorf Pedagogy. This study is reckoned as the science of descriptive ethics, which is based on moral values and norms of empirical research. The study was approached partly from a view of social sciences and philosophical ethics, more specifically from a view of axiology (=value theory) and partly leaning towards Waldorf pedagogy. Value theoretical frame of reference was based on Schwartz' and Aaltonen & Junkkari's models for values. Waldorf pedagogy was examined for Steiners concept of ethical individualism and three prerequisite of human growth, which are understanding humanity, love and will power. Parents most important criteria in selecting day care were associated with nature, environment and peaceful rhythm. It was emhasized in the answers that waldorf kindergarten is seen as natural, humane in individualism and communality and as a place where a true childhood is cherished – childhood should be protected so that children have time, possibility and peace to grow up with one's own pace towards one's essence. Selecting Waldorf day care is adapted from typical features of Waldorf early education and western romantics of natural philosophy. In upbringing parents valued most truthfulness, tenderness , love, individualism and communality. These values can be seen more as a part of Waldorf pedagogy and Steiner's 1919 curriculum than as of Finnish curriculum in early education. Parents most important values were, truthfulness, dignity, individualism, nature, freedom and communality. In general parents upbringing values are similar as in Western-European countries that value openness to change and self-enhancement. In the results there is an exception concerning security which is one of the conservative values and crucial in early education. Based on the results in this study the research tools can be concluded to serve the purpose of revealing upbringing values of parents. Aaltonen's value-tool is applicable, not only for subjective value evaluations, but also for scientific data gathering, in this context in qualitative case study.
  • Ruoho, Jenni (2015)
    A Choice of Waldorf Kindergarten, Good Upbringing and Values is a qualitative case study about early educational views and values of Waldorf parents (N=23). Good upbringing means in this case upbringing into goodness and passing on something of value. Values mean things that people value as important, that are desirable and that guides one's choices. The study was meant to describe, explain and understand reasoning behind the choices of daycare, good upbringing and values derived from those. Also this research tried to find out whether Tapio Aaltonens tool for unveiling values is an applicable instrument in scientific study and which kind of results can be obtained with it. Research materials were comprised of modified Aaltonen's question form and both record and written information of group conversations by the parents (n=12). An analyse was made by a data-based and a theory-directed content analysis. The issue is related to current value process in this particular unit and also in national curriculum frame work of Waldorf Pedagogy. This study is reckoned as the science of descriptive ethics, which is based on moral values and norms of empirical research. The study was approached partly from a view of social sciences and philosophical ethics, more specifically from a view of axiology (=value theory) and partly leaning towards Waldorf pedagogy. Value theoretical frame of reference was based on Schwartz' and Aaltonen & Junkkari's models for values. Waldorf pedagogy was examined for Steiners concept of ethical individualism and three prerequisite of human growth, which are understanding humanity, love and will power. Parents most important criteria in selecting day care were associated with nature, environment and peaceful rythm. It was emhasized in the answers that waldorf kindergarten is seen as natural, humane in individualism and communality and as a place where a true childhood is cherished – childhood should be protected so that children have time, possibility and peace to grow up with one's own pace towards one's essence. Selecting Waldorf day care is adapted from typical features of Waldorf early education and western romantics of natural philosophy. In upbringing parents valued most thruthfulness, tenderness , love, individualism and communality. These values can be seen more as a part of Waldorf pedagogy and Steiner's 1919 curriculum than as of Finnish curriculum in early education. Parents most important values were, thruthfulness, dignity, individualism, nature, freedom and communality. In general parents upbringing values are similiar as in Western-European countries that value openness to change and self-enhancement. In the results there is an exception concerning security which is one of the conservative values and crucial in early education. Based on the results in this study the research tools can be concluded to serve the purpose of revealing upbringing values of parents. Aaltonen's value-tool is applicable, not only for subjective value evaluations, but also for scientific data gathering, in this context in qualitative case study.
  • Latva-Kiskola, Raija; Latva-Kiskola, Raija (2018)
    Tiedekunta - Fakultet – Faculty Kasvatustieteellinen Laitos - Institution – Department Lastentarhanpettajankoulutuslaitos Tekijä - Författare – Author Raija Latva-Kiskola Työn nimi - Arbetets titel Tourette-lasten vanhempien ja varhaiskasvattajien yhteistyö Title Oppiaine - Läroämne – Subject Kasvatustiede Työn laji/ Ohjaaja - Arbetets art/Handledare - Level/Instructor Kandidaatintutkielma / Jaana Pesonen Aika - Datum - Month and year Syksy 2018 Sivumäärä - Sidoantal - Number of pages 45 sivua + 2 liitettä. Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Tässä tapaustutkimuksessa tarkastellaan vanhempien kokemuksia heidän Tourette-lapsensa päiväkodissa saamasta tuesta ja yhteistyöstä päiväkodin työntekijöiden kanssa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on myös selvittää, onko päiväkodin tuki ja tietämys Tourettesta riittävää. Tutki-muksen tarkoituksena on myös kuvailla ja ymmärtää Touretten oireyhtymää ilmiönä sekä sitä, miten tämä oireyhtymä vaikuttaa lapsessa. Tutkimukseen tutustuminen lisää Tourette-tietoutta ja saattaa auttaa TS-lapsia, heidän vanhempiaan arjessa ja päiväkodin henkilökuntaa työs-sään. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin laadullisin menetelmin sosiaalisen median avulla Tourette-lasten vanhempien Facebook-sivuston kautta lähettämällä yhteydenottopyyntö Tourette-lasten vanhemmille. Tutkimukseen ilmoittautuneille Tourette-lasten vanhemmille lähetettiin haastattelukysymykset sähköpostitse. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua kyselylomaketta, joka sisälsi strukturoituja ja avoimia kysymyksiä. Vastauksia saatiin seitsemältä vanhemmalta. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin laadullista sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimuksen uskottavuutta pyrittiin parantamaan alkuperäisaineiston sitaateilla. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan näyttäisi siltä, että päiväkodin henkilökunnalla on yleensä vähäiset tiedot Touretten oireyhtymästä. Vanhempien ja varhaiskasvattajien yhteistyö voi olla haasta-vaa, kun lapsella on erityispiirteitä. Tourette-tietoisuuden lisääminen auttaa vanhempia ja päi-väkodin henkilökuntaa jaksamaan paremmin erityislapsen kasvattajana. Varhainen Tourette-diagnoosi saa tukitoimet alkamaan hyvissä ajoin ja samalla Tourette-lapsen kanssa työskente-leviä voidaan informoida tuen tarpeista ja tukitoimista. Avainsanat – Nyckelord Touretten oireyhtymä, tic-oireet, päiväkodin tuki, vanhemmat, yhteistyö Keywords Säilytyspaikka - Förvaringsställe - Where deposited Helsingin yliopisto Muita tietoja - Övriga uppgifter - Additional information Tiedekunta - Fakultet – Faculty Behavioural Sciences Laitos - Institution – Department Kindergarten Teacher Education Tekijä - Författare – Author Raija Latva-Kiskola Työn nimi - Arbetets titel Title The co-operation between parents of the Tourette-children and kindergarten teachers Oppiaine - Läroämne – Subject Education Työn laji/ Ohjaaja - Arbetets art/Handledare - Level/Instructor Bachelor`s Thesis / Jaana Pesonen Aika - Datum - Month and year October 2018 Sivumäärä - Sidoantal - Number of pages 45 pp. + 2 appendices Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract This case study describes parents´ co-operation with the kindergarten teachers and par-ents´ experiences of the support their Tourette-child receives in kindergarten. In addition, the aim is to find out if the kindergarten staff´s knowledge about Tourette is sufficient; and if the child gets the support needed in kindergarten. This case study aims to describe and comprehend Tourette syndrome as a phenomena and Tourette´s effects on the child. This case study increases awareness of Tourette syndrome and helps Tourette children and their parents in their everyday life and kindergarten teachers in their work. Research data was gathered by qualitative method; the research subjects were contacted by a Facebook message in Facebook group for parents with Tourette children. The inter-view questions were sent by e-mail to the parents who volunteered for the research. The methodology used to collect the data was a semi-structured questionnaire including struc-tured questions and open-ended questions. Seven parents answered the questionnaire. Qualitative method was used in analysis of the data. The credibility of the research was ap-proved by using quotation of the original data. The study revealed that the kindergarten personnel seem to have little knowledge of Tou-rette syndrome. The co-operation between parents and the kindergarten personnel can be challenging when the child has special needs. Increasing the awareness of Tourette syn-drome helps parents and kindergarten personnel in their educational work. The Tourette diagnosis in an early stage connives in getting the proper support for the Tourette child. Avainsanat – Nyckelord Keywords Tourette syndrome, tics, parents, co-operation, support Säilytyspaikka - Förvaringsställe - Where deposited City Centre Campus Library/Behavioural Sciences/Minerva Muita tietoja - Övriga uppgifter - Additional information
  • Mikkola, Heidi (2020)
    This thesis presents parents’ thoughts about software solution for communication, Wilma, as a collaboration tool between home and school. The research questions are: 1. What do parents think about Wilma as a collaboration tool between home and school and 2. What kind of expectations and development proposals parents have to improve Wilma and it’s use. This thesis presents a qualitative research which was conducted using an open-ended survey. 15 parents who were using Wilma took part in the e-survey. The data was collected in January 2016. The analysis was conducted using theory-guided content analysis that contained seven categories. The categories were 1) communication and interaction, 2) support for learning and growth, 3) the student’s active role, 4) cooperation and community, 5) behavior and practices, 6) usability, and 7) guidance and training The parents were generally satisfied with communication and interaction via Wilma. They experienced increased interaction between home and school. Parents wanted to get a variety of information of their child and school. They experienced different types of practices how teachers used Wilma and they hoped mutual practices in schools. In the future it would be interesting to study what teachers and students think about Wilma and how they would develop Wilma as a collaboration tool and its use between home and school in general.
  • Mikkola, Heidi (2020)
    This thesis presents parents’ thoughts about software solution for communication, Wilma, as a collaboration tool between home and school. The research questions are: 1. What do parents think about Wilma as a collaboration tool between home and school and 2. What kind of expectations and development proposals parents have to improve Wilma and it’s use. This thesis presents a qualitative research which was conducted using an open-ended survey. 15 parents who were using Wilma took part in the e-survey. The data was collected in January 2016. The analysis was conducted using theory-guided content analysis that contained seven categories. The categories were 1) communication and interaction, 2) support for learning and growth, 3) the student’s active role, 4) cooperation and community, 5) behavior and practices, 6) usability, and 7) guidance and training The parents were generally satisfied with communication and interaction via Wilma. They experienced increased interaction between home and school. Parents wanted to get a variety of information of their child and school. They experienced different types of practices how teachers used Wilma and they hoped mutual practices in schools. In the future it would be interesting to study what teachers and students think about Wilma and how they would develop Wilma as a collaboration tool and its use between home and school in general.
  • Vähäkangas, Johanna (2017)
    The objectives. The subject of this study was the digitalisation of teaching in the Finnish school system. The purpose of this thesis was to bring forward what parents perceive as the objective of the digitalisation of teaching and also how parents feel the digitalisation has contributed to teaching and learning. In addition, the challenges the parents recognise in connection with the school digitalisation was also an interest of this study. Methods. Two parents of elementary school students in Vantaa were interviewed for this thesis. The data collection was carried out as semi-structured theme interviews conducted by Helsinki University teacher education students in the spring 2015. This was a qualitative study, and the data was analysed using thematic and content analysis. Results and Conclusions. According to the results, the parents felt that the purpose of the digitalisation of schools was to diversify teaching, learn 21st century skills and to decrease expenditure. Parents saw the new digital learning environments and teaching methods as a means to strenghten the ownership of knowledge of the pupil. The new kind of knowledge ownership was seen to increase the pupils motivation. Digital technology was considered an inherent part of shool routines and the everyday life of pupils. Parents also identified challenges in the adoption of digital teaching practices, namely in pedagogical decisionmaking, establishing ground rules for digital methods and practices, furthering co-operation between school and parents and in ensuring adequate funding. The results of this thesis suggest that digitalisation versifies teaching methods and enhances the pupils motivation to learn more. Even so, in order for digitalisation to reach its full potential in elevating teaching and learning, securing adequate funding is important, but significant efforts from the educational decisionmaking and teachers individually are imperative.
  • Mikkola, Heidi (2016)
    This thesis presents parents’ thoughts about software solution for communication, Wilma, as a collaboration tool between home and school. The research question is: What do parents think about Wilma as a collaboration tool between home and school and what kind of expectations and development proposals parents have to improve Wilma and it’s use? This thesis presents a qualitative research which was conducted using an open-ended survey. 15 parents who were using Wilma took part in the e-survey. The data was collected in January 2016. The analysis was conducted using theory-guided content analysis that contained seven categories. The gategories were 1) communication and interaction, 2) support for learning and growth 3) behavior and practices 4) usability 5) cooperation and community 6) guidance and training and 7) the student’s active role. The parents were generally satisfied with communication and interaction via Wilma. They experienced increased interaction between home and school. Parents wanted to get a variety of information of their child and school. They experienced different types of practices how teachers used Wilma and they hoped mutual practices in schools. In the future it would be interesting to study what teachers and students think about wilma and how would they develop Wilma as a collaboration tool and it’s use between home and school.