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  • Maugliani, Julia (2021)
    Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien koke-muksia kiusaamisen ilmenemisestä, havaitsemisen haasteista ja ehkäisykeinoista esiope-tuksessa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä keskitytään kiusaamisen määritel-mään, muotoihin, havaitsemiseen, rooleihin ja kiusaamisen ehkäisyyn. Tutkielman tutkimus-kysymykset ovat 1) Millä tavoin kiusaamista ilmenee esiopetuksen arjessa? 2) Miten haas-tavaa kiusaamisen havaitseminen on? 3) Millä menetelmillä kiusaamista ehkäistään pienten lasten kanssa? Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin avoimella kyselylomakkeella, mikä laitettiin suljettuun Facebook ryhmään. Tutkimukseen osallistui 12 varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa, ja kyselylomakkeen kysymykset luotiin pohjautuen tutkielman teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin teoriasidonnaisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksesta ei voida tehdä yleistettäviä johtopäätöksiä. Tutkielma osoitti, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat havaitsivat pienten lasten parissa esiintyvän kiusaamisen ilmenevän usein hiljaisena ja sanallisena, muttei aina fyysisenä ilmiönä. Yleisin kiusaamisen tyyppi mitä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat havaitsivat, oli leikistä ulkopuolelle jättäminen. Aineistosta ilmeni kiusaamista tapahtuvan useimmiten silloin kun aikuinen ei ollut paikalla, eli yleisimmin leikin ja vapaan leikin aikana. Opettajat kokivat kiusaamisen havaitsemisen osittain haastavana, ja vastauksissa korostui havaitsemisen olevan vaikeaa erityisesti siksi, ettei aikuinen pystynyt olemaan läsnä joka tilanteessa hektisessä päiväkodin arjessa. Aineiston varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat käyttivät monenlaisia ehkäisykeinoja kiusaamisen ehkäisyyn ja keinot vaihtelivat lapsiryhmien välillä. Jokainen varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja kertoi tukevansa lasten vertaissuhdetaitoja osana kiusaamisen ehkäisyä.
  • Tavasti, Matilda (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia keinoja on ennaltaehkäistä kiusaamista ja miten kiusaamista ilmenee varhaiskasvatusympäristössä. Tarkoitus oli tutkia, oliko ennaltaehkäisy kiusaamiseen liittyen pienten lasten kanssa avainasemassa. Tutkimuksen tavoit-teena oli luoda käsitys siitä, mikä on kiusaamisen ennaltaehkäisyssä keskeistä varhaiskasvatuksen piirissä. Hypoteesina on, että varhaiskasvatuksessa on kiusaamista ja siihen puuttuminen on erityisen tärkeää varhaisessa vaiheessa. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että aikuisen rooli kiusaamisen ennaltaehkäisyssä korostuu. Lisäksi aikaisemmat tutkimukset osoittivat, että kiusaamista voidaan sanoa piilolliseksi ilmiöksi eli se alkaa usein huomaamatta. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset toivat esille sen, että pienten lasten yleisin kiusaamisen muoto on psyykkinen kiusaaminen, mutta myös fyysistä kiusaamista esiintyy. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen periaatteiden mukaisesti. Tiedonhaku suoritettiin Arton, Luc-Finnan, Finnan sekä Helsingin yliopiston Helkan tietokannoista että manuaalisesti. Tarkemman tutustumisen jälkeen valitsin neljä tutkimusta, joista 3 oli väitöskirjaa ja 1 kehittämishanke/projekti. Tulosten analysoinnissa käytin aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä, koska käytössä on jo valmiiksi tutkittu aineisto. Tuloksista ilmeni, että kiusaamisen ennaltaehkäisyssä käytäntöjen tulisi riippua ryhmästä ja ryhmän lapsista. Vanhempainilloissa vanhempien tietoisuutta ja ymmärrystä tulisi lisätä koskien kiusaamista ilmiönä. Kiusaamisen ennaltaehkäisyssä tärkeää olisi, että jokainen aikuinen sitoutuisi ja osallistuisi kiusaamisen vastaiseen työhön. Tavoitteellinen ja tietoinen toiminta olisi tärkeää. Kirjallisen suunnitelman laatiminen koskien kiusaamisen ennaltaehkäisyä nousi merkittäväksi asiaksi. Ryhmätilat ja ryhmän toiminta vaikuttavat lapsen kokemukseen siitä, että hän voi tuntea olevansa tasa-arvoinen ja mukana oleva ryhmän jäsen. Täydennyskoulutuksen antaminen vaikuttaa aikuisen kykyyn puuttua kiusaamiseen ja sen ennaltaehkäisyyn. Aikuisen tehtävänä on vahvistaa lapsen henkilökohtaisen motivaation löytämistä kohti prososiaalista käyttäytymistä.
  • Kämäräinen, Virpi (2023)
    Tavoitteet Koulukiusaaminen on tänä päivänä hyvin yleistä nuorten keskuudessa. Kiusaaminen on muuttunut yhä fyysisemmäksi ja psyykkinen kiusaaminen on siirtynyt myös sosiaaliseen mediaan. Kiusaamisesta puhutaan paljon ja kiusaamista on myös varhaiskasvatuksessa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet kiusaamisen määrittelemisen ja kiusaamisen tunnistamisen voi varhaiskasvatusikäisten lasten keskuudessa olla haastavaa varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstölle. Tutkimukseni tarkoitus on tuoda varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön tietoisuuteen mitä kiusaaminen on varhaiskasvatuksessa, miten se ilmenee ja mitä kiusaamismenetelmiä tutkimukset toivat esiin ja miten esimerkiksi sukupuoli vaikuttavat kiusaamien ilmenemiseen. Yhtenä tärkeimpänä ja yleisimpänä yksittäisenä kiusaamismuotona halusin nostaa poissulkemisen vertaisryhmässä, mikä on yleisin yksittäinen kiusaamismuoto. Halusin myös tutkia miten haasteet vertaisvuorovaikutuksessa näkyvät kiusaamisen ilmenemisessä. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus on laadullinen integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus, mikä menetelmänä tiivistää kuvauksen aineiston sisällöstä. Aineiston hankinnassa käytin hakupalvelimina Google Scholaria, Helsingin yliopiston kirjastoa, Helmet-kirjastoa, Finnaa, E-thesis ja Jultikkaa. Hakusanoina käytin muun muassa kiusaaminen, varhaiskasvatus, vertaissuhteet, bullying AND daycare Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä käytin aineistolähtöistä sisällön analyysiä, jossa ensin koodasin aineiston ja jonka jälkeen käytin teemoittelua löytääkseni vastauksia tutkimusongelmaani. Analysoitava aineisto muodostui kuudesta julkaisusta, jotka olivat artikkeleja ja väitöskirjoja. Tulokset Tutkimuksen tuloksissa käy ilmi kiusaamisen määrittelyn haasteet, kiusaamisen esiintyvyys ja muodot varhaiskasvatuksessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksissa vertailtiin eri sukupuolten eroja kiusaamisen ilmenemisessä sekä kiusaamista ryhmäilmiönä. Erillisenä nostona toin esiin poissulkemisen lasten välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Haasteet lasten vertaisvuorovaikutuksessa näkyivät tutkimuksessa kiusaamisen ilmenemiseen. Kiusaaminen varhaiskasvatuksessa on erittäin vakava asia ja se tulee tunnistaa ja siihen pitää puuttua mahdollisimman pian. Lasten vertaisvuorovaikutuksen haasteellisiin tilanteisiin ehkäisevästi puuttumiseen, havainnointiin ja kiusaamiseen puuttumiseen tarvitaan varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstölle konkreettisia menetelmiä ja koulutusta..
  • Merikallio, Tuuli (2019)
    The aim of this study is to find out how classroom relationships have been studied before and what kind of methods have been used. The aim of this study is also to find out how teacher-student relationship and peer relationship impact one another. There have been some international studies that have examined the link between teacher-student relationship and child’s sociometric status, but only a few studies on the subject have been conducted in Finland. This study is a literature review. The material used in this study were scientific articles, research reports and other science-based publications. The literature used for finding out more about the link between teacher-student relationship and child’s sociometric status examines the subject from slightly different points of view. Peer relationships have been studied as a part of ethnographic research and with many sociometric methods. Sociometric methods can be used to make children’s sociometric positions visible. According to multiple studies teacher-student relationship and child’s sociometric positions seem to impact one another. It seems like a good teacher-student relationship predicts a better sociometric position for the student. However not all studies support this finding.
  • Sallamaa, Susanna (2018)
    Objectives. The aim of this study is to examine sixth graders’ perceptions of economic inequality and its different forms in children’s everyday life. Furthermore, the aim is to gain an understanding of children’s agency in relation to economic inequality. Only a few Finnish studies consider the issue from a child’s viewpoint, namely the studies of Hakovirta and Rantalaiho (2011, 2012), Hakovirta and Kallio (2014) and reports conducted by the organizations Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (2010) and Save the Children (2015). More research has been done in Sweden (e.g. Olsson, 2007; Harju, 2008), Great Britain (e.g. Ridge, 2002) and the United States (e.g. Pugh, 2009). Economic inequality has increased in Finland over the past three decades and since it can affect the population in several ways, for instance through unequal distribution of health and education, children’s points of view in relation to the issue should not be disregarded. Methods. The material for this thesis was obtained through 29 empathy-based stories and 9 focused interviews conducted in two sixth grades in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. The study was conducted in the frameworks of childhood studies and phenomenography. Both narrative and thematic strategies were applied in the process of analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the sixth graders, economic inequality is connected to children’s everyday life through consumption and peer relationships. Challenges in consumption caused by deprivation could have a negative effect on peer relationships and result in discrimination and feelings of shame. Children understood economic inequality mainly through outward appearances, like clothing and other materia. It was more challenging for the participants to consider the effects on inward characteristics, such as mood and behavior followed by it. The sixth graders believed that children can endeavor to better situations of economic inequality by saving money, helping a friend economically and showing support to people who suffer of deprivation. In the end, however, relationships with friends and family were seen as the most important buffer against economic inequality. Children’s conceptions of inequality as a social issue varied: some believed it is an unfair phenomenon which divides people, while others saw it as a normal part of society. As economic inequality seems to appear and have a profound effect in children’s lives, awareness of the issue should be raised. Adults working with children should also be able to recognize the issue, the complexities behind it and discuss it with children.
  • Sallamaa, Susanna (2018)
    Objectives. The aim of this study is to examine sixth graders’ perceptions of economic inequality and its different forms in children’s everyday life. Furthermore, the aim is to gain an understanding of children’s agency in relation to economic inequality. Only a few Finnish studies consider the issue from a child’s viewpoint, namely the studies of Hakovirta and Rantalaiho (2011, 2012), Hakovirta and Kallio (2014) and reports conducted by the organizations Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (2010) and Save the Children (2015). More research has been done in Sweden (e.g. Olsson, 2007; Harju, 2008), Great Britain (e.g. Ridge, 2002) and the United States (e.g. Pugh, 2009). Economic inequality has increased in Finland over the past three decades and since it can affect the population in several ways, for instance through unequal distribution of health and education, children’s points of view in relation to the issue should not be disregarded. Methods. The material for this thesis was obtained through 29 empathy-based stories and 9 focused interviews conducted in two sixth grades in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. The study was conducted in the frameworks of childhood studies and phenomenography. Both narrative and thematic strategies were applied in the process of analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the sixth graders, economic inequality is connected to children’s everyday life through consumption and peer relationships. Challenges in consumption caused by deprivation could have a negative effect on peer relationships and result in discrimination and feelings of shame. Children understood economic inequality mainly through outward appearances, like clothing and other materia. It was more challenging for the participants to consider the effects on inward characteristics, such as mood and behavior followed by it. The sixth graders believed that children can endeavor to better situations of economic inequality by saving money, helping a friend economically and showing support to people who suffer of deprivation. In the end, however, relationships with friends and family were seen as the most important buffer against economic inequality. Children’s conceptions of inequality as a social issue varied: some believed it is an unfair phenomenon which divides people, while others saw it as a normal part of society. As economic inequality seems to appear and have a profound effect in children’s lives, awareness of the issue should be raised. Adults working with children should also be able to recognize the issue, the complexities behind it and discuss it with children.
  • Männistö, Anna (2018)
    The aim of this study was to describe difficulties in kids self-regulation and define multiple things that cause it in day care interaction situations. The research questions are 1. How difficulties in self-regulation appear in interaction, 2. What are the causes that effect to self-regulation, and 3. What pedagogical methods are applied concerning self-regulation in day care groups in this research. Stress is closely related with self-regulation. When faced with a stimulus, people become alerted. That elevates stress level and calls for self regulation. Self-regulation is considered as dependent on circumstances and interaction. Difficulties in self-regulation often coexist with difficulties in peer relations. People have inborn abilities to regulate emotions and behavior, but self-regulation skills are also learned in interaction with others. Human is considered to be pro-social by birth, and to be favoring helping others. Interventions concerning self-regulation has been developed, to enhance pedagogical sensitivity among day care teachers. Pedagogical sensitivity reduces stress and helps children to self-regulate. Two day care groups from Helsinki participated in this research. Research groups had children with special needs integrated. The data was collected by videotaping and observing the interaction in normal daily activities in spring 2015, two days in a row. Interesting clips were chosen from the videotapes to be shown to day care teachers together with the interviews. In interviews, the teachers commented about the situations from the videoclips and answered open questions about self-regulation. Observations from the videotapes and transcribed interviews were analyzed according to methods of qualitative content analysis. According to research findings, difficulties in self-regulation appear in interaction with unique ways. Children seem to have their own individual ways to react in face of a stress and in need of self-regulation. Difficulties in self-regulation appeared in behavior merely described with three concepts: ”fight, flee or freeze”. Difficulties were either active and extraverted, or passive and introverted. The causes that effect self-regulation in this research were distinctive and dependent on the situation. Children had very different abilities to face day care interaction situations. Self-regulation was effected with multiple, also random causes, and because of that self-regulation cannot be seen linear from its causes and effects. Causes were classified as 1. abilities to regulate, 2. causes that strain and challenging interaction situations. These three causes can be found in all research situations that had self-regulation difficulties. Adult support, well-planned, structured day care environment and customs, that have been formed together, were the main causes that supported self-regulation in this research. In research day care groups self-regulation difficulties were prevented in many ways. Teachers had good knowledge and know-how about self-regulation. To support development of self-regulation in wider perspective knowledge should be increased. Children should have opportunities to train their self-regulation skills in their natural interaction situations, for example, with adult supported play, and interventions that enhance emotion-regulation and interaction skills.
  • Männistö, Anna (2018)
    The aim of this study was to describe difficulties in kids self-regulation and define multiple things that cause it in day care interaction situations. The research questions are 1. How difficulties in self-regulation appear in interaction, 2. What are the causes that effect to self-regulation, and 3. What pedagogical methods are applied concerning self-regulation in day care groups in this research. Stress is closely related with self-regulation. When faced with a stimulus, people become alerted. That elevates stress level and calls for self regulation. Self-regulation is considered as dependent on circumstances and interaction. Difficulties in self-regulation often coexist with difficulties in peer relations. People have inborn abilities to regulate emotions and behavior, but self-regulation skills are also learned in interaction with others. Human is considered to be pro-social by birth, and to be favoring helping others. Interventions concerning self-regulation has been developed, to enhance pedagogical sensitivity among day care teachers. Pedagogical sensitivity reduces stress and helps children to self-regulate. Two day care groups from Helsinki participated in this research. Research groups had children with special needs integrated. The data was collected by videotaping and observing the interaction in normal daily activities in spring 2015, two days in a row. Interesting clips were chosen from the videotapes to be shown to day care teachers together with the interviews. In interviews, the teachers commented about the situations from the videoclips and answered open questions about self-regulation. Observations from the videotapes and transcribed interviews were analyzed according to methods of qualitative content analysis. According to research findings, difficulties in self-regulation appear in interaction with unique ways. Children seem to have their own individual ways to react in face of a stress and in need of self-regulation. Difficulties in self-regulation appeared in behavior merely described with three concepts: ”fight, flee or freeze”. Difficulties were either active and extraverted, or passive and introverted. The causes that effect self-regulation in this research were distinctive and dependent on the situation. Children had very different abilities to face day care interaction situations. Self-regulation was effected with multiple, also random causes, and because of that self-regulation cannot be seen linear from its causes and effects. Causes were classified as 1. abilities to regulate, 2. causes that strain and challenging interaction situations. These three causes can be found in all research situations that had self-regulation difficulties. Adult support, well-planned, structured day care environment and customs, that have been formed together, were the main causes that supported self-regulation in this research. In research day care groups self-regulation difficulties were prevented in many ways. Teachers had good knowledge and know-how about self-regulation. To support development of self-regulation in wider perspective knowledge should be increased. Children should have opportunities to train their self-regulation skills in their natural interaction situations, for example, with adult supported play, and interventions that enhance emotion-regulation and interaction skills.
  • Pitkänen, Sini (2024)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten varhaiskasvatusikäiset lapset käyttävät neuvomista vertaisten välisissä vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Kiinnostuksen kohteena olivat 5–6-vuotiaat lapset. Aiempi tutkimus ei vastaa kysymykseen lasten tuottamista neuvoista, mutta aiempi tutkimus on osoittanut taitoja ja elementtejä, joista neuvominen syntyy ja joita selkeään neuvomiseen tarvitaan. Tutkielmassa etsitään lasten toiminnasta neuvomista, ja neuvomisen määritteleviä elementtejä, ja pyritään vastaamaan kysymykseen, miten lapset neuvovat ver-taisiaan. Menetelmät. Tutkimus on laadullinen empiirinen tutkimus. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet lapset ovat 5–6-vuotiaita, aineisto kerättiin kahdesta varhaiskasvatusryhmästä videoimalla. Tutkimus toteutettiin havainnoimalla videoaineistoa. Aineisto rajattiin lasten vapaaseen leikkiin, joissa ei esiinny aikuisia. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin aineistolähtöisesti ja sitä analysoitiin multimo-daalisen vuorovaikutusanalyysin avulla, joka mahdollistaa myös eleiden ja ilmeiden tulkinnan osana tutkimusongelmaa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksen merkittävin tulos oli, että lapset neuvoivat toisiaan sekä puheen, että nonverbaalien eleiden avulla. Neuvonta ja vuorovaikutus oli myös näiden yhdistelmää. Nonverbaalit eleet neuvomisen tukena olivat huomattavan yleisiä verrattuna ai-noastaan puheen kautta annettuihin neuvoihin. Lapset käyttivät suurimmaksi osaksi yleisesti neuvontaan liitettyjä taitoja ja elementtejä esittäessään neuvoa vertaisilleen, mutta eivät esi-merkiksi perustelleet omia mielipiteitään neuvon vastaanottajalle. Varhaiskasvatuksessa tuli-sikin pyrkiä ohjaamaan lapsia oman mielipiteensä ilmaisuun sekä sen perusteluun, sillä tämä tukee myös lasten osallisuuden mahdollisuuksia.
  • Peltola, Reetta (2017)
    Objectives. Previous studies show that social relationships affect the development and well-being of the child. The main purpose of this study is to describe, analyze and interpret what kind of relationships between children in a pre-school group are and how the kindergarten teacher supports them. The purpose was to find out how the kindergarten teacher supports the formation of friendships between children and prevents the challenges in the peer rela-tions. One of the targets was also to find out what kind of children are at risk of being left out or excluded from the peer group. Methods. This research was conducted as a qualitative research. The research material was collected by using semi-structured interviews. Three kindergarten teachers were inter-viewed for individual interviews. The material analysis method used was data-based content analysis. Results and conclusion. The interviewees felt the support of the relationship being an im-portant task that was done by investing in group formation, child group and play observation, as well as planned small group activities. By conversation and play groups, those who were being interviewed reported that they were affecting the formation of friendships between children. Interviewees of peer relations reported experiencing thorough analysis of the conflict situations and teaching them the necessary skills and preventing difficulties by condemning violence, bullying and fighting others. To be rejected in peer relations, a child may be subject to poor self-esteem, because the child is more likely to run into conflict sit-uations. The withdrawing child was described as a bit of wary and quiet, with difficulties in playing skills.
  • Ohraluoma, Outi (2016)
    The focus of this research is to view kindergarten teachers’ opinions of MiniVerso-programme which is a peer mediaton programme made for children in kindergartens for age 3-6 years. The purpose of this research is to find experiental information of a method how to deal with children’s conflicts in kindergartens. The research questions are: 1) How kindergarten teachers feel about using MiniVerso programme? 2) How is MiniVerso programme shown in everyday life in kindergarten? 3) How kindergarten teachers feel that children experience the use of MiniVerso programme? This qualitative research data was collected by themed interview. There is a phenomenologial perspective in the research. The data was collected by interviewing three kindergarten teachers who worked in kindergartens in Helsinki. The staff in the three kindergartens were trained for the use of MiniVerso programme. The interviews were recorded and transcribed and after that the results were analyzed through content analysis of qualitative research and by the themes that refer to the research questions. The research results pointed out that two of the three kindergartenteachers thought that MiniVerso-programme is a good method in dealing with children’s conflicts. They used the method regurarly and also in challenging conditions applied. One of the kindergarten teachers on the other hand felt that MiniVerso is not a viable method for everyday use in kindergartens. However, she also uses some modes of operation for handling conflict situations with children. Two kindergarten teachers felt that children experience MiniVerso programme as a positive method that purifies air after a conflict and after mediation the fun can continue as before. One of the kindergarten teachers had no experience of how children could experience MiniVerso because the method was not fully used in her group of children. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that MiniVerso programme is a functional method for dealing with conflicts between children. The method develops children’s communication skills and inclusion because the child can be part of their own solution to a conflict situation.
  • Sarliker, Elinor (2023)
    Inklusiivisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa lapset toimivat vuorovaikutuksessa ja luovat vertaissuhteita keskenään. Jo varhaiskasvatusryhmissä voidaan kuitenkin nähdä, miten vertaisryhmän hyväksyntä vaikuttaa vertaissuhteisiin. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että lapset, joilla on tuen tarvetta saattavat olla alttiimpia vertaissuhteissa esiintyville haasteille, eikä sosiaalinen osallisuus toteudu tukea tarvitsevien lasten osalta yhtä hyvin kuin ei tuen tarpeisten lasten osalta. Vertaissuhteet ja sosiaalinen osallisuus ovat kuitenkin merkittäviä lapsen hyvinvointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli koota tietoa ja saada ymmärrystä tuen tarpeisten lasten vertaissuhteista inklusiivisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli kerätä tietoa siitä, millä tavoin tuen tarpeisten lasten vertaissuhteita voidaan tukea. Tutkielmassa nostetaan esille ja kootaan tutkimustietoa tuen tarpeisten lasten vertaissuhteista inklusiivisissa ympäristöissä. Tutkimuskysymyksiin etsittiin vastauksia integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen muodossa. Aineistonkeruussa hyödynnettiin systemaattisia menetelmiä ja lopullinen aineisto koostui 12 vertaisarvioidusta englanninkielisestä kansainvälisestä tutkimusartikkelista vuosilta 2014–2022. Aineiston analyysissä hyödynnettiin aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä ja tutkimusartikkelien analyysin tuloksena muodostui neljä aineistolähtöistä alaluokkaa, joiden mukaan muodostettiin lopullinen tulosten käsitteellistäminen. Tutkimustuloksissa korostui tuen tarpeisten lasten vertaissuhteiden vähäisyys ja riski sosiaaliselle torjunnalle. Toisaalta yhteinen kiinnostus tuki vertaissuhteiden syntymistä ja vertaisten vaikutus oli merkityksellinen juuri tuen tarpeisille lapsille. Aineiston analyysissä nousivat esille aiemman tutkimustiedon kanssa yhtenäiset riskiryhmät, joilla esiintyi haasteita vertaissuhteissa. Varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaisten tietoisuus tuen tarpeisten lasten vertaissuhteista ja heidän asemastansa vertaisryhmässä osoittautui tutkimuksissa rajalliseksi. Tutkimuksissa painotettiin yksilöllisiä sekä aikuisohjattuja interventioita kuin myös lasten vertaissuhteiden tukemista erilaisissa ryhmissä osana toimintaa. Tutkimuksen mukaan varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaiset ovat avainasemassa tuen tarpeisten lasten vertaissuhteiden ja sosiaalisen osallisuuden tukemisessa.
  • Kauppinen, Kristiina (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Tavoitteenani oli saada selville, miten lapsen osallisuus näyttäytyy päiväkodin vapaassa leikissä sisätiloissa. Halusin selvittää asiaa, sillä osallisuus on jäänyt minulle hieman epäselväksi, vaikka on kovin tärkeä asia varhaiskasvatuksessa. Teoriaosuudessa avasin osallisuuteen liittyviä termejä ja asetin ne varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstiin. Tutkimuskysymykseni syntyivät, miettiessäni kuinka tulevassa työssäni voin varmistaa, että lapsi kokee osallisuutta leikissä. Leikin kontekstin valitsin siksi, koska leikki on hyvin tärkeää varhaiskasvatuksessa ja laadukas leikki tukee myös lapsen oppimista. Aiempia tutkimuksia oli vähän, mutta löysin kaksi samaan aikaan tehtyä tutkimusta ja tutkimuksissa oli käsitelty osin samoja asioita. Haluan tuoda tietoa muillekin varhaiskasvatuksessa työskenteleville sekä opiskelijoille osallisuudesta ja varsinkin vapaassa leikissä. Toteutin tutkimukseni teoreettisen pohdinnan avulla. Lähteinä käytin kirjoja ja aiempia tutkimuksia. Teoreettista tietoa löytyi hyvin osallisuudesta ja leikistä, mutta tutkimuksia vähän juuri vapaan leikin kontekstista. Tutkimusmenetelmäni on lähellä integroitua kirjallisuuskatsausta ja lopussa yhdistän teoriasta ja tutkimuksista saadut tiedot yhteen. Tutkimusten ja teoriatiedon pohjalta lapsen osallisuuden havaitsemiseen aikuiselta vaaditaan tarkkaavaisuutta ja tietoa osallisuudesta. Osallisuuden tunnistamisen keskeisimpiä tunnusmerkkejä vapaassa leikissä on lapsen sitoutuneisuuden taso, leikin mielekkyys lapselle, motivaatio leikkiin, keskittyminen leikkiin sekä energioiden nouseminen ruumiillisesti ja henkisesti leikissä. Myös lapsen vaikuttaminen leikkiin sekä neuvottelu leikissä on osallisuudelle ominaisia piirteitä. Kasvattajalla on paljon vaihtoehtoja leikin tukemiseksi. Hän voi ihan alussa ottaa lapset leikkipaikkojen suunnitteluihin mukaan ikätasoa vastaavalla tasolla, jolloin leikkipaikoista tulee juuri sen ryhmän lasten näköiset ja heille sopivat. Aikuinen voi toimia leikissä sivusta tarkkailijana, leikin rikastuttajana, auttaa lapsia pääsemään mukaan leikkiin tai mennä tarvittaessa leikkiin mukaan lasten ehdoilla. Leikin havainnointi ja arviointi on tärkeää.
  • Terho, Outi (2015)
    The purpose of this thesis is illustrate, analyse and construe how children think about their own actions when their strive for playing together with peer have been rejected. This thesis find out associations between action strategies both age and gender. The associations between action strategies and child-specific evaluation made by kindergarten teachers are also subject of the review. There are only few previous research of children's own thoughts about their actions in rejection situations altough injurious impacts of rejection and signification of positive peer relationships is known a lot. The aim of this study is add knowledge about thoughts of rejection in equal peer relationships by children under school age and stimulate conversation of how to prevent rejection and what good peer relationships significance to every children. The data used in this thesis is part of the large and international "Orientaatio projekti" research project material. The data has been collected in 2010 from different kinds of day care centres and 8 Councils of Central Uusimaa. The material has been collected by interviewing children and having the teachers evaluate the children's different skills on a five point scale. There was total 411 answers by children the age of 1-7. This thesis was a mixed methods research where qualitative research was complemented by quantitative data and quantitative analysis methods. Research results were obtained by data-driven content analysis, cross tabulation, Chi-Square- and Cramer's V tests. The SPSS software was used resource of analysis. According to this thesis most popular action strategy was adaptive (48,8%). Other action strategies in rejection situations were retiring (15,8%), resourting to adults (7,1%), interactive (9%), emotional (2,6%), dominant (4,5%) and uncertain (5,6%). The eight category was composed of the non-respondents (4,1%). The impact of gender was slight. Only resourting to adults were considerably more common in girls. The association of age was statistically significant between adaptive, retiring, uncertain and non-respondents. Several claims in child-specific evaluation and action strategies based on children's answers has statistically significant association. However there was no association between categories and claims that directly descriptive them. According to this children's own estimates doesn't correspond to kindergarten teachers' evaluation of children's abilities. Based on the results children should be supported in the development of social skills whereupon interactive action strategy become more common. In this way experiences of continual rejection stay more likely occasional.
  • Terho, Outi (2015)
    The purpose of this thesis is illustrate, analyse and construe how children think about their own actions when their strive for playing together with peer have been rejected. This thesis find out associations between action strategies both age and gender. The associations between action strategies and child -specific evaluation made by kindergarten teachers are also subject of the review. There are only few previous research of children`s own thoughts about their actions in rejection situations altough injurious impacts of rejection and signification of positive peer relationships is known a lot. The aim of this study is add knowledge about thoughts of rejection in equal peer relationships by children under school age and stimulate conversation of how to prevent rejection and what good peer relationships significance to every children. The data used in this thesis is part of the large and international ”Orientaatio projekti” research project material. The data has been collected in 2010 from different kinds of day care centres and 8 Councils of Central Uusimaa. The material has been collected by interviewing children and having the teachers evaluate the children´s different skills on a five point scale. There was total 411 answers by children the age of 1-7. This thesis was a mixed methods research where qualitative research was complemented by quantitative data and quantitative analysis methods. Research results were obtained by data -driven content analysis, cross tabulation, Chi-Square- and Cramer`s V tests. The SPSS software was used resource of analysis. According to this thesis most popular action strategy was adaptive (48,8%). Other action strategies in rejection situations were retiring (15,8%), resourting to adults (7,1%), interactive (9%), emotional (2,6%), dominant (4,5%) and uncertain (5,6%). The eight category was composed of the non-respondents (4,1%). The impact of gender was slight. Only resourting to adults were considerably more common in girls. The association of age was statistically significant between adaptive, retiring, uncertain and non-respondents. Several claims in child -specific evaluation and action strategies based on children`s answers has statistically significant association. However there was no association between categories and claims that directly descriptive them. According to this children`s own estimates doesn`t correspond to kindergarten teachers` evaluation of children`s abilities. Based on the results children should be supported in the development of social skills whereupon interactive action strategy become more common. In this way experiences of continual rejection stay more likely occasional.
  • Huusko, Liinu (2018)
    Social exclusion of children and adolescents is a topical problem that has been increasingly noted by media and political conversation in Finland. Prevention of social exclusion is one of the most prioritized issues worldwide. Social exclusion is usually a result of accumulation of multiple different problems that have negative influence for persons wellbeing. Factors that can cause social exclusion are for example unemployment, mental health-problems, financial troubles or lack of education. It`s often difficult to return from social exclusion and extreme result can be convicting person for criminal behavior. There is also different risk-factors that can predict social exclusion of children and adolescents, for example behavioral problems, learning difficulties and negative circumstances in family. The aim for this study is to find different ways for teacher to prevent social exclusion of children. This study has been implemented as a literature review. Material of this review has been collected systematically from University of Helsinki library`s database. Material includes 4 different social exclusion of children and adolescents related peer-reviewed articles and one doctoral thesis. As result of this study I found multiple different ways for teacher to prevent social exclusion of children. Improving social relationships between children was mentioned in every article. Warm and confidential relationship between teacher and pupils was also seen important factor to decrease exclusion. Strengthening and encouraging of positive behavior, instead of forbidding and punishing, is seen more efficient way to improve school atmosphere and learning results. It was seen important that teacher truly respects and cares for pupils. Also including pupils to making rules and planning classes was mentioned in many of the articles.
  • Hiltunen, Aino (2017)
    In this thesis, I give a critical look for discourse and the ideals of community in Finnish national core curriculum for basic education 2014. I compare the results with students’ reported experiences of peer community. Communal learning, the active role of a student and practices that highlight peer learning have been the latest trends in Finnish education. In earlier studies these learning theories have been addressed separately with the study of peer relations and dynamics. As there has been a swift change in the nature of education from teacher centered towards communal learning practices, it is important to understand the circumstances where the communal learning takes place. Previous research has shown that for the children gaining popularity among the peers is often more important than succeeding academically. That emphasizes the need to study the relationship between school’s social aims and peer relationship power dynamics in order to adjust the goals and pay attention to possible challenges to them as well as social equality in social learning practices. This study was a critical discourse analysis. The general parts of the Finnish national core curriculum for basic education served as data for the analysis. The focus of the analysis was on the themes of communality and students’ engagement and participation in it. The themes were created based on theory and previous studies. The analysis was executed through careful reading, utilizing methods of rhetoric discourse analysis. The research tradition used was critical so the focus was on the power dynamics and revealing inequalities. The results showed that the Finnish national core curriculum has set up high expectations for communal practices. However, they were idealistic when comparing the dynamics in peer relationships. They did not pay attention to the effect of pupil’s social status which affects pupil’s possibilities to participate. That creates a change of inequality in communal practices as the curriculum favors pupils that already have strong social skills, high status and ability to affect others. The results are not applicable to represent the reality but give an idea and critic to the challenges of the nature of curriculum in this social context of peer relationships. Further research is needed to test these hypothesis.
  • Dey, Mira (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät edistävät oppilaiden kuuluvuuden tunnetta koulussa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että koulussa muodostetut suhteet vaikuttavat kuuluvuuden tunteen kokemiseen. Ensimmäisen tutkimuskysymys koski tekijöitä, jotka edistävät kuuluvuuden tunnetta koulussa oppilaiden kokemana ja toinen tutkimuskysymys tekijöitä, jotka edistävät oppilaiden kuuluvuuden tunnetta koulussa opettajien ohjaamina. Tutkimuksessa etsitään konkreettisia keinoja, joiden avulla esimerkiksi opettajat voivat edistää oppilaidensa kuuluvuuden tunnetta. Tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, ja tutkimusaineistoksi valikoitui viisi vertaisarvioitua ja englanninkielistä artikkelia vuosilta 2013–2019. Artikkelit valittiin tietyin valintakriteerein esimerkiksi aiheen rajauksen myötä syntyneiden hakusanojen avulla. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysimenetelmällä hyödyntäen Bronfenbrennerin (1979) ekologista systeemiteoriaa. Tutkimustulokset luokiteltiin yksilötason, sosiaalisen tason ja luokkatason tekijöihin. Tulokset osoittivat, että yksilötasolla kuuluvuuden tunnetta koulussa edistivät oppilaiden kokemana heidän sisäiset kokemuksensa, henkilökohtaiset ominaisuutensa sekä osallisuuden kokemukset ryhmässä. Sosiaalisella tasolla puolestaan akateeminen ja emotionaalinen yhteys vertaisiin sekä opettajiin edistivät kuuluvuuden tunnetta oppilaiden kokemana. Oppilaiden kuuluvuuden tunnetta edistäviä tekijöitä opettajien ohjaamina olivat emotionaalinen ja akateeminen tuki, joista emotionaalinen tuki voidaan jakaa psyykkiseen tukeen sekä vuorovaikutukseen ja akateeminen tuki verbaaliseen, sosiaaliseen sekä muuhun tukeen. Nämä tuen muodot kuuluvat luokkatason tekijöihin. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että opettajilla on merkittävä rooli oppilaidensa kuuluvuuden tunteen edistämisessä koulussa.
  • Viitikko, Susanna (2016)
    In this thesis, I want to raise awareness, visibility and the importance of R & T play. About R & T play, I discuss in more detail in following aspects; R & T play or aggression, boys' and girls' R & T play and the benefits of R & T play. In addition, I deal briefly with peer relationships and a sense of community. My research questions have been formed on researchers' studies and based on my own experiences. My thesis theoretical framework is a socio-constructivist view of learning, including learning community, as well as building of knowledge sharing and processing it with others. The research questions are: what types of situations R & T play get started? What is the structure of R & T play in different situations? How R & T play, rampage and aggressiveness differ? The theoretical part is composed on the basis of written R & T play research articles. There is no research articles about R & T play in Finnish language. In my research I videotaped twelve, one integrated special group, 4 to 5 year old children's play situations. Research material consisted of video episodes that had a total of 38. Research material I collected in late autumn 2014 and spring 2015. Total video material was 253.91 minutes. About 10 Video-file episodes I did content logs. Content logs I described of molecular- and the molar level. Molar level I analyzed about the script point of view. It is important to allow children's play in different situations and locations. Fun mode has a big impact on what kind of play is chosen and how it is formed. State attracts a certain kind of play and thus the direction of children's ideas of play. Playing is vital and all forms of play, also R & T play, produces joy to children and strengthen their social skills. With the help of the video-episodes, I tried to show that also R & T play is important. However, R & T play is only a tiny part of the whole play-flame. I think adults need "RTP-eyeglasses", see R & T play first and second, allow it. Children with special needs, challenge and / or puzzles play skills, are unable mutual R & T play. There are needed a good playing skills to RTP.
  • Häkkinen, Piia (2017)
    Objectives: The aim of this study was to find out how Mind UpTM -curriculum effects to the children's development in the early childhood education. This study is the part of the Pieni Oppiva Mieli – research project in the University of Helsinki. Program executes Mind UpTM curriculum, which develops children's relaxing, concentration and emotional regulation in the Finnish early childhood education. The focus in this study was to find out how Pieni Oppiva Mieli –intervention (POM) effects to emotional control, social confidence and prosocial skills in the peer relations. According to former studies prosocial behaviour among each other is children's congenetial feature. The peer relations are formed in a quite early phase in the toddlerhood and the lack of social skills might lead to a risk of social rejection. Exercises where children relax and adjust their behaviour together in the peer group effects to the stress regulation, social emotional skills and school achievements in the school age. Methods: The study was conducted in autumn 2015. There were 463 children from three to seven years of age from 30 kindergarten groups taking part in the study in the Helsinki capital area. Children were divided into intervention groups (N=387) and to control groups (N=76). In the interventions groups the execution of the Mind UpTM curriculum was a daily routine for 30 weeks. Core in the curriculum were POM -exercises (brain brakes) three times per day where children were learning relaxation, concentration and recognition of their body sensations. The study data was gathered from KTA scale, which is based on the international Preschool Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale -method of evaluation of the strengths. The data was analyzed with repeated measures variance analysis and with non-parametric Kruskall-Wallis test (SPSS version 23). Results and conclusions: The result of the study indicates that Pieni Oppiva Mieli –intervention has positive effects to the children's emotion regulation skills. Non-parametric analysis noted effects of intervention also in social confidence and prosocial development. Review of the background variable in the whole data demonstrates that teachers estimated more strengths to girls than the boys in the emotion control and behavioural skills. Children with special needs have fewer strengths in all parts of the evaluation than other peers. It is important in the early childhood education to support children's emotional regulation and prosocial development and via that way prevent negative group phenomenon like bullying and social exclusion in the peer group.