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  • Ostrovskij, Tommi (2022)
    Tutkielmassa syvennytään siihen, miten ulkomaalaiset tutkinto-opiskelijat kokevat osallisuuden yliopistoyhteisöön. Tämän pohjalta avataan, minkälaiset tekijät vaikuttavat ulkomaalaisten tutkinto-opiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin ja sitoutumiseen yliopistoyhteisössä. Kiinnostuksen kohteena on opiskelijoiden oma toiminta yhteisössä. Kysymykseksi nousi myös, millaisia seurauksia osallisuuden tavoittelusta yliopistossa on. Tutkimuksella on tarkoitus haastaa yliopistoyhteisöjä miettimään, mitä he kansainvälistymisellä ja inkluusiolla tarkoittavat ja kuinka sitä voidaan edistää. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kahtatoista Aalto-yliopiston ulkomaalaista tutkinto-opiskelijaa. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktivistisen aineistolähtöisesti. Laadullisesta aineistosta muodostettiin havaintoja kuvaavia kategorioita ja kehitettiin malli kuvaamaan osallisuuden prosessia yliopistossa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä hyödynnettiin opiskelijoiden sitoutumisesta tehtyä tutkimusta, itseohjautuvuusteoriaa ja näiden yhdistämiseen käytettyä osallisuuden käsitettä. Tulokset antavat kokonaiskuvaa ulkomaalaisten opiskelijoiden osallisuuden kokemuksista. Tähän vaikuttaviksi tekijöiksi havaittiin ympäristöön sopeutuminen, sosiaaliset verkostot, yliopistotoiminta, kohdatut asenteet, sosioekonominen asema sekä kielellisen saavutettavuuden kysymykset. Nämä saattoivat niin edistää kuin haitata osallisuuden kokemusta. Esille nousi myös, kuinka ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat itse tavoittelevat osallisuutta. Tätä varten hyödynnettiin asennoitumisen, mukautumisen, hakeutumisen ja vaikuttamisen strategioita, joiden onnistunut käyttö edisti osallisuuden kokemusta, mutta toisaalta väärin käytettyinä ne haittasivat sitä. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa nousee etenkin kriittistä näkökulmaa ulkomaalaisten opiskelijoiden osallisuuden mahdollisuuksiin. Tutkimus tekee ymmärrettäväksi ne prosessit, joiden myötä ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat ovat kokeneet suomalaisia enemmän osattomuutta ja loppuun palamista. Tulokset esittävät, kuinka ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat kokevat erityisiä haasteita suomalaisessa yliopistossa ja yhteiskunnassa toimimisessa. He joutuvat näkemään erityistä vaivaa haasteiden ylittämiseksi, eikä heillä ole välttämättä samalla lailla resursseja niiden ratkomiseen kuin suomalaisilla opiskelijoilla. Tämän voi nähdä tekevän heidät erityisen haavoittuvaisiksi niille haasteille, joita opiskelijat voivat yliopistossa opiskelunsa aikana kokea. Tutkimustulosten avulla voidaan tunnistaa niitä epäkohtia, joihin tarvitsee jatkossa kiinnittää enemmän huomiota.
  • Ostrovskij, Tommi (2022)
    Tutkielmassa syvennytään siihen, miten ulkomaalaiset tutkinto-opiskelijat kokevat osallisuuden yliopistoyhteisöön. Tämän pohjalta avataan, minkälaiset tekijät vaikuttavat ulkomaalaisten tutkinto-opiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin ja sitoutumiseen yliopistoyhteisössä. Kiinnostuksen kohteena on opiskelijoiden oma toiminta yhteisössä. Kysymykseksi nousi myös, millaisia seurauksia osallisuuden tavoittelusta yliopistossa on. Tutkimuksella on tarkoitus haastaa yliopistoyhteisöjä miettimään, mitä he kansainvälistymisellä ja inkluusiolla tarkoittavat ja kuinka sitä voidaan edistää. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kahtatoista Aalto-yliopiston ulkomaalaista tutkinto-opiskelijaa. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktivistisen aineistolähtöisesti. Laadullisesta aineistosta muodostettiin havaintoja kuvaavia kategorioita ja kehitettiin malli kuvaamaan osallisuuden prosessia yliopistossa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä hyödynnettiin opiskelijoiden sitoutumisesta tehtyä tutkimusta, itseohjautuvuusteoriaa ja näiden yhdistämiseen käytettyä osallisuuden käsitettä. Tulokset antavat kokonaiskuvaa ulkomaalaisten opiskelijoiden osallisuuden kokemuksista. Tähän vaikuttaviksi tekijöiksi havaittiin ympäristöön sopeutuminen, sosiaaliset verkostot, yliopistotoiminta, kohdatut asenteet, sosioekonominen asema sekä kielellisen saavutettavuuden kysymykset. Nämä saattoivat niin edistää kuin haitata osallisuuden kokemusta. Esille nousi myös, kuinka ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat itse tavoittelevat osallisuutta. Tätä varten hyödynnettiin asennoitumisen, mukautumisen, hakeutumisen ja vaikuttamisen strategioita, joiden onnistunut käyttö edisti osallisuuden kokemusta, mutta toisaalta väärin käytettyinä ne haittasivat sitä. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa nousee etenkin kriittistä näkökulmaa ulkomaalaisten opiskelijoiden osallisuuden mahdollisuuksiin. Tutkimus tekee ymmärrettäväksi ne prosessit, joiden myötä ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat ovat kokeneet suomalaisia enemmän osattomuutta ja loppuun palamista. Tulokset esittävät, kuinka ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat kokevat erityisiä haasteita suomalaisessa yliopistossa ja yhteiskunnassa toimimisessa. He joutuvat näkemään erityistä vaivaa haasteiden ylittämiseksi, eikä heillä ole välttämättä samalla lailla resursseja niiden ratkomiseen kuin suomalaisilla opiskelijoilla. Tämän voi nähdä tekevän heidät erityisen haavoittuvaisiksi niille haasteille, joita opiskelijat voivat yliopistossa opiskelunsa aikana kokea. Tutkimustulosten avulla voidaan tunnistaa niitä epäkohtia, joihin tarvitsee jatkossa kiinnittää enemmän huomiota.
  • Vilkman, Minna (2022)
    Goals. The purpose of this dissertation was to explore the effects of class background on individual’s educational path, especially university studies, and entering academic workforce. Previous research show that students with non-academic background experience university as defining and alien, but also that gained university degrees alienate them from the members and values of their original class background. According to research the impact of social class has not decreased: the concept of class order covers historical and cultural climates which still influence current approaches, although diversity within classes has increased and general workforce changed. In this dissertation I explore social class as an individual lived experience with the concepts of inscription, respectability, and legitimation by Beverley Skeggs. I set two research questions: 1) How do inscription, respectability, and legitimation entangle with educational path and attending academic workforce? 2) In my data, what similar or divergent lived experiences of class transitions were described by the women with non-academic family background? Methodology. The data contain biographic interviews of four women, which were themed by periods of educational path and finding employment in academic field. The analysis of data was theory-based, that is inscription, respectability, and legitimation by Skeggs were the premise. Results and conclusions. The results showed that social class background affected on integrating academic education and work force by shutting individuals out: studies slowing down because of work or aimless wandering were part of educational paths, and upper middle-class values typical to academic world were not experienced as inclusive. However, interviewees did not experience themselves as victims, but active agents who found studying and taking degrees pleasurable and meaningful. Devotion to educate themselves, as well as succeeding in studies, stood out in the interviews. This dissertation extends previous research with the observation of the importance of guidance, especially during general secondary education and university studies. Offspring of non-academic families had no knowledge of educational or work opportunities, their own competence or how to compile their university studies, and they found institutional guidance lacking. Also, family support was highlighted, as well as families’ ignorance in the ways to support their school-thriving child or how to take advantage of schooling system in order to benefit educational path.
  • Vilkman, Minna (2022)
    Goals. The purpose of this dissertation was to explore the effects of class background on individual’s educational path, especially university studies, and entering academic workforce. Previous research show that students with non-academic background experience university as defining and alien, but also that gained university degrees alienate them from the members and values of their original class background. According to research the impact of social class has not decreased: the concept of class order covers historical and cultural climates which still influence current approaches, although diversity within classes has increased and general workforce changed. In this dissertation I explore social class as an individual lived experience with the concepts of inscription, respectability, and legitimation by Beverley Skeggs. I set two research questions: 1) How do inscription, respectability, and legitimation entangle with educational path and attending academic workforce? 2) In my data, what similar or divergent lived experiences of class transitions were described by the women with non-academic family background? Methodology. The data contain biographic interviews of four women, which were themed by periods of educational path and finding employment in academic field. The analysis of data was theory-based, that is inscription, respectability, and legitimation by Skeggs were the premise. Results and conclusions. The results showed that social class background affected on integrating academic education and work force by shutting individuals out: studies slowing down because of work or aimless wandering were part of educational paths, and upper middle-class values typical to academic world were not experienced as inclusive. However, interviewees did not experience themselves as victims, but active agents who found studying and taking degrees pleasurable and meaningful. Devotion to educate themselves, as well as succeeding in studies, stood out in the interviews. This dissertation extends previous research with the observation of the importance of guidance, especially during general secondary education and university studies. Offspring of non-academic families had no knowledge of educational or work opportunities, their own competence or how to compile their university studies, and they found institutional guidance lacking. Also, family support was highlighted, as well as families’ ignorance in the ways to support their school-thriving child or how to take advantage of schooling system in order to benefit educational path.
  • Cornér, Timo (2019)
    According to Tinto’s (1975) interactive model, higher education students’ integration socially and academically affects on the level of commitment and through that to the students’ deci-sion of dropping out or continuing the studies. For the last 40 years student integration has been actively studied, but rarely the focus is on the individual reasons behind it. Thus the in-dividual reasons behind it are in the center of this study. The objective of this study is to find out is there a connection between the peer teacher-student-interaction and the students’ integration. And which are the ways the peer teachers affect on the students’ integration. Third objective is to explain how the students perceive the role of the peer teachers in the program. The data of this study consists of 40 qualitative texts and 40 pictures and 59 quantitative Lik-ert-scale items. The data was collected from students of University of Helsinki’s environmen-tal bachelor study program in Viikki, Helsinki 2017. The quantitative data was analyzed with SPSS-statistics exploring the correlation between the variables, the qualitative text data through a method called Inductive category development and the pictures by a Thematic analysis. Because of the data variation, the results were interpreted together with a method called Sequential explanatory. It was found out that the peer teachers’ interaction with the students correlated with students’ social integration and with the student identification of the program. The students felt that the peer teachers affected on their integration by sharing important information and personal ex-periences concerning the studies. The peer teachers were often seen as a part of the stu-dent group, helping and supporting the students in beginning of their studies more often than as a superior.
  • Cornér Timo (2019)
    According to Tinto’s (1975) interactive model, higher education students’ integration socially and academically affects on the level of commitment and through that to the students’ deci-sion of dropping out or continuing the studies. For the last 40 years student integration has been actively studied, but rarely the focus is on the individual reasons behind it. Thus the in-dividual reasons behind it are in the center of this study. The objective of this study is to find out is there a connection between the peer teacher-student-interaction and the students’ integration. And which are the ways the peer teachers affect on the students’ integration. Third objective is to explain how the students perceive the role of the peer teachers in the program. The data of this study consists of 40 qualitative texts and 40 pictures and 59 quantitative Lik-ert-scale items. The data was collected from students of University of Helsinki’s environmen-tal bachelor study program in Viikki, Helsinki 2017. The quantitative data was analyzed with SPSS-statistics exploring the correlation between the variables, the qualitative text data through a method called Inductive category development and the pictures by a Thematic analysis. Because of the data variation, the results were interpreted together with a method called Sequential explanatory. It was found out that the peer teachers’ interaction with the students correlated with students’ social integration and with the student identification of the program. The students felt that the peer teachers affected on their integration by sharing important information and personal ex-periences concerning the studies. The peer teachers were often seen as a part of the stu-dent group, helping and supporting the students in beginning of their studies more often than as a superior.
  • Jussilainen, Rosa (2022)
    Objective of the study. Due to technological development, online learning and online learning environments have made significant strides forward, and online interaction between students has become an important feature in learning. The Toward better learning course, arranged by the University of Helsinki, centers around promoting students’ study skills and comprehensive well-being. There is a demand for it, as students’ mental well-being has declined during the 21st century. The pedagogical methods utilized during the course are personal reflections, group discussions and peer support. The focus of this thesis is the peer-to-peer online communication in the university context. The aim is to examine what kind of interaction and peer support the course enables, and how students perceive them. Methods. The qualitative research material consisted of two parts: the group discussions and the students’ final reports of the course held in the fall of 2020. The online discussion contained 645 individual messages and the final reports were personal reflections written by the students at the end of the course. The study group comprises the groups in which every student (n=32) gave their permission for the research. The material was analysed using data-driven content analysis. Results and conclusions. The online interaction between the students was appropriate, positive, and encouraging – although, occasionally, the discussions remained rather inactive. Non-interaction, conversations with strangers, superficial messages, scheduling, and group size caused challenges, but the conversations enabled peer support, sharing tips, getting to know one other, and broadening one’s perspective. Although students’ experiences of the meaningfulness and usefulness of the online interaction varied, the interaction could be considered partially successful. Online interactions as a part of online learning are here to stay, but further research would be needed to ascertain how students’ online interaction and peer-to-peer support could be developed and supported both qualitatively and quantitatively in the university context.
  • Jussilainen, Rosa (2022)
    Objective of the study. Due to technological development, online learning and online learning environments have made significant strides forward, and online interaction between students has become an important feature in learning. The Toward better learning course, arranged by the University of Helsinki, centers around promoting students’ study skills and comprehensive well-being. There is a demand for it, as students’ mental well-being has declined during the 21st century. The pedagogical methods utilized during the course are personal reflections, group discussions and peer support. The focus of this thesis is the peer-to-peer online communication in the university context. The aim is to examine what kind of interaction and peer support the course enables, and how students perceive them. Methods. The qualitative research material consisted of two parts: the group discussions and the students’ final reports of the course held in the fall of 2020. The online discussion contained 645 individual messages and the final reports were personal reflections written by the students at the end of the course. The study group comprises the groups in which every student (n=32) gave their permission for the research. The material was analysed using data-driven content analysis. Results and conclusions. The online interaction between the students was appropriate, positive, and encouraging – although, occasionally, the discussions remained rather inactive. Non-interaction, conversations with strangers, superficial messages, scheduling, and group size caused challenges, but the conversations enabled peer support, sharing tips, getting to know one other, and broadening one’s perspective. Although students’ experiences of the meaningfulness and usefulness of the online interaction varied, the interaction could be considered partially successful. Online interactions as a part of online learning are here to stay, but further research would be needed to ascertain how students’ online interaction and peer-to-peer support could be developed and supported both qualitatively and quantitatively in the university context.
  • Suuniitty, Aino (2020)
    Tutkielmani käsittelee yliopistojen ja yhteiskunnan välistä vuorovaikutusta ja yliopistojen tuottaman tutkimuksen yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, miten yliopiston ja yhteiskunnan suhde on muotoutunut, millaisia tehtäviä yhteiskunta yliopistolle on asettanut ja miten yliopistojen tuottaman tutkimuksen yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttavuus toteutuu. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostivat yliopistoja koskevat lakisäädökset ja yliopistouudistus sekä tutkijoiden kokemuksia tarkastelevat tutkimukset ja julkaisut. Aineisto kerättiin Helka- ja Doria- tietokannasta, akateemisista julkaisulehdistä sekä opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön ja valtiovarainministeriön sivustoista. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että yliopistojen tehtävä on muotoutunut yhdessä yhteiskunnan tarpeiden mukaisesti. Teknologian nopea kehitys ja liike-elämän tulosohjauksen soveltaminen julkiseen hallintoon ovat asettaneet yliopistolle velvollisuuden osoittaa toimintansa yhteiskunnallisen hyödyn tiedon ja osaamisen tuottajana sekä innovaatioiden, taloudellisen ja sosiaalisen hyvinvoinnin tuottajina. Yliopistojen tehtävänä yhteiskunnallisen vuorovaikutuksen ja yliopistojen yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttavuuden edistäminen, joiden toteutuminen ilmenee yliopistojen ja opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön yhteisissä strategisissa tavoitteissa ja niiden toimeenpanemisessa. Tutkimuksen vaikuttavuutta mitataan yliopiston soveltamien mittaristojen avulla, joiden tuloksista yliopisto on velvollinen raportoimaan ministeriölle rahoitusta vastaan. Yliopistojen tuloksia arvioivat mittarit on koettu riittämättömiksi mittaamaan tutkimuksen yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta ja yhtäaikaisesti huomioimaan tieteenalojen välisiä eroja. Yliopiston tutkijat kokevat yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttamisen velvollisuutenaan sekä sisäisen motivaation ylläpitäjänä yhdessä henkilökohtaisen kiinnostuksen kanssa. Kuitenkin yliopiston hallinnon harjoittama tulosohjaus, rahoituksen kilpailutus ja määrälliseen julkaisuun perustuva arviointi tuottavat ylimääräisiä paineita. Yliopistoille toivotaan hallinnollisia uudistuksia, jotka kannustaisivat luovuuteen ja sisäiseen motivaatioon.
  • Pikkarainen, Paavo (2022)
    Aims. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many changes around the world, including an impact on university students. Remote teaching has had a significant influence on students’ daily lives. In this study I will investigate the motivation of university students’ during the pandemic. Motivation is examined using person-oriented approach and expectancy-value theory. The aim of this study was to investigate what kinds of motivational profiles can be identified among university students. Another aim was to investigate the relationships between these motivational profiles, stage of studies, and future study desires. Methods. Data were collected as part of the “University students’ well-being during the COVID- 19 pandemic” -research project in the spring of 2021. In total, 1718 students from three Finnish universities took part in the study. Analyses concerning the structural validity of all scales were first conducted using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Using a person-oriented approach and two-step cluster analysis (CA), students with similar patterns of expectancy-value-cost dimensions were identified. Crosstabulations were performed to investigate the relationships between motivational profile and both the stage of studies and the desired organization of future studies (i.e., remote or contact teaching). Results and Conclusions. Five distinct motivational profiles were identified: weakly motivated, struggling (30.3%), moderately motivated (24.6%), struggling utility-oriented (16.1%), utility- oriented (15.7%) and positively ambitious (13.2%). Students who were weakly motivated and struggling were underrepresented in academically younger student groups. It was typical for the positively ambitious students to prefer continuing in remote teaching, whereas weakly motivated and struggling preferred hybrid- or contact teaching. The discovered profiles were consistent with previous research while also providing interesting new information about university students’ expectancies, values, and costs during remote teaching. The findings of this study can be used to design the future of university studies as well as ways to support students' motivation.
  • Pikkarainen, Paavo (2022)
    Aims. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many changes around the world, including an impact on university students. Remote teaching has had a significant influence on students’ daily lives. In this study I will investigate the motivation of university students’ during the pandemic. Motivation is examined using person-oriented approach and expectancy-value theory. The aim of this study was to investigate what kinds of motivational profiles can be identified among university students. Another aim was to investigate the relationships between these motivational profiles, stage of studies, and future study desires. Methods. Data were collected as part of the “University students’ well-being during the COVID- 19 pandemic” -research project in the spring of 2021. In total, 1718 students from three Finnish universities took part in the study. Analyses concerning the structural validity of all scales were first conducted using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Using a person-oriented approach and two-step cluster analysis (CA), students with similar patterns of expectancy-value-cost dimensions were identified. Crosstabulations were performed to investigate the relationships between motivational profile and both the stage of studies and the desired organization of future studies (i.e., remote or contact teaching). Results and Conclusions. Five distinct motivational profiles were identified: weakly motivated, struggling (30.3%), moderately motivated (24.6%), struggling utility-oriented (16.1%), utility- oriented (15.7%) and positively ambitious (13.2%). Students who were weakly motivated and struggling were underrepresented in academically younger student groups. It was typical for the positively ambitious students to prefer continuing in remote teaching, whereas weakly motivated and struggling preferred hybrid- or contact teaching. The discovered profiles were consistent with previous research while also providing interesting new information about university students’ expectancies, values, and costs during remote teaching. The findings of this study can be used to design the future of university studies as well as ways to support students' motivation.