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Browsing by Subject "härkäpapu"

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  • Koskikallio, Hilkka (2020)
    Härkäpavun (Vicia faba) viljely ja käyttö rehuna lisää tilan valkuaisomavaraisuutta. Biologisen typensidonnan ansiosta härkäpapu sitoo ilmakehän typpeä maaperään ja, sitä kautta sillä on hyvä esikasviarvo viljelykierrossa. Se on kiinnostava vaihtoehto nautojen ruokintaan suuren biomassantuottopotentiaalin ja suuren raakavalkuaispitoisuuden ansiosta. Härkäpavun puutteita märehtijöiden rehukäytössä ovat valkuaisen suuri pötsihajoavuus ja valkuaisen niukka metioniinipitoisuus. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää nurmisäilörehun osittaista korvaamista härkäpapusäilörehulla, ja sen vaikutuksia maitotuotokseen, maitorauhasen aminohappoaineenvaihduntaan sekä rehuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöön. Lisäksi tutkittiin voiko pötsisuojattu metioniinilisä parantaa härkäpapuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöä maidontuotannossa. Tutkimus toteutettiin toistettuna 4 x 4 latinalaisena neliönä Helsingin yliopiston Viikin opetus- ja tutkimustilan navetassa 28.9.-20.12.2019. Kokeessa oli 8 ayrshire -rotuista lypsylehmää. Tutkimuksessa oli faktoriaalinen 2 x 2 koeasetelma, jonka tutkittavina tekijöinä olivat säilörehun kasvilaji ja härkäpapuvalkuaisen täydennys pötsisuojatulla metioniinilla. Koeruokinnat pohjautuivat 1. sadon timotei-nurminatasäilörehuun (Phleum pratense ja Schedonorus pratensis, Nurmi, D-arvo 664 g/kg ka) ja seokseen, jossa 2/3 timotei-nurminatasäilörehun kuiva-aineesta korvattiin härkäpapusäilörehulla (HP, D-arvo 593 g/kg ka). Väkirehun osuus koeseosrehujen kuiva-aineesta oli 40 % ja se koostui ohrasta, kaurasta, härkäpavusta sekä kivennäisestä. Seosrehuruokinta oli vapaata. Ohutsuolesta imeytyvän metioniinilisän määrä oli koeruokinnoissa 0 tai 20 g/vrk. Metioniini annettiin yhdessä melassileikkeen (1 kg/vrk) kanssa lypsyjen yhteydessä. Kuiva-aineen syönti lisääntyi HP-ruokinnassa verrattuna Nurmi-ruokintaan. Pötsisuojattu metioniini ei vaikuttanut kuiva-aineen syöntiin. Pötsisuojattu metioniinilisä vähensi maitotuotosta Nurmi-ruokinnassa lähes 2 kg/vrk, mutta HP-ruokinnassa maitotuotos pysyi samana. Metioniinilisän vaikutuksesta maidon laktoosipitoisuus väheni ja valkuaispitoisuus (sekä suuntaa-antavasti rasvapitoisuus) lisääntyi säilörehun kasvilajista riippumatta. Energiakorjattu maitotuotos lisääntyikin HP-ruokinnassa metioniinilisän vaikutuksesta, mutta väheni Nurmi-ruokinnassa. Maidon ureapitoisuus oli HP-ruokinnoissa suurempi kuin Nurmi-ruokinnoissa. Metioniinilisä tehosti rehutypen hyväksikäyttöä maitovalkuaiseksi HP-ruokinnassa ja heikensi sitä Nurmi-ruokinnassa. Valtimoplasman glukoosipitoisuus väheni Nurmi-ruokinnassa ja lisääntyi HP-ruokinnassa metioniinilisän myötä. Metioniinilisä lisäsi rikkipitoisten aminohappojen (Met, Cys) ja tauriinin pitoisuutta plasmassa. Rikkipitoisten aminohappojen pitoisuus oli suurempi Nurmi-ruokinnoissa verrattuna HP-ruokintoihin. Tutkimuksen perusteella osa nurmisäilörehusta voidaan korvata härkäpapusäilörehulla ilman, että maitotuotos heikkenee. Metioniinilisä oli tarpeeton Nurmi-ruokinnassa ja aiheutti negatiivisia tuotosvasteita. Metioniinilisällä voi kuitenkin olla positiivisia vaikutuksia maidon koostumukseen ja rehuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöön ruokinnassa, joka sisältää härkäpapua sekä säilörehuna että valkuaisrehuna.
  • Koskikallio, Hilkka (2020)
    Härkäpavun (Vicia faba) viljely ja käyttö rehuna lisää tilan valkuaisomavaraisuutta. Biologisen typensidonnan ansiosta härkäpapu sitoo ilmakehän typpeä maaperään ja, sitä kautta sillä on hyvä esikasviarvo viljelykierrossa. Se on kiinnostava vaihtoehto nautojen ruokintaan suuren biomassantuottopotentiaalin ja suuren raakavalkuaispitoisuuden ansiosta. Härkäpavun puutteita märehtijöiden rehukäytössä ovat valkuaisen suuri pötsihajoavuus ja valkuaisen niukka metioniinipitoisuus. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää nurmisäilörehun osittaista korvaamista härkäpapusäilörehulla, ja sen vaikutuksia maitotuotokseen, maitorauhasen aminohappoaineenvaihduntaan sekä rehuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöön. Lisäksi tutkittiin voiko pötsisuojattu metioniinilisä parantaa härkäpapuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöä maidontuotannossa. Tutkimus toteutettiin toistettuna 4 x 4 latinalaisena neliönä Helsingin yliopiston Viikin opetus- ja tutkimustilan navetassa 28.9.-20.12.2019. Kokeessa oli 8 ayrshire -rotuista lypsylehmää. Tutkimuksessa oli faktoriaalinen 2 x 2 koeasetelma, jonka tutkittavina tekijöinä olivat säilörehun kasvilaji ja härkäpapuvalkuaisen täydennys pötsisuojatulla metioniinilla. Koeruokinnat pohjautuivat 1. sadon timotei-nurminatasäilörehuun (Phleum pratense ja Schedonorus pratensis, Nurmi, D-arvo 664 g/kg ka) ja seokseen, jossa 2/3 timotei-nurminatasäilörehun kuiva-aineesta korvattiin härkäpapusäilörehulla (HP, D-arvo 593 g/kg ka). Väkirehun osuus koeseosrehujen kuiva-aineesta oli 40 % ja se koostui ohrasta, kaurasta, härkäpavusta sekä kivennäisestä. Seosrehuruokinta oli vapaata. Ohutsuolesta imeytyvän metioniinilisän määrä oli koeruokinnoissa 0 tai 20 g/vrk. Metioniini annettiin yhdessä melassileikkeen (1 kg/vrk) kanssa lypsyjen yhteydessä. Kuiva-aineen syönti lisääntyi HP-ruokinnassa verrattuna Nurmi-ruokintaan. Pötsisuojattu metioniini ei vaikuttanut kuiva-aineen syöntiin. Pötsisuojattu metioniinilisä vähensi maitotuotosta Nurmi-ruokinnassa lähes 2 kg/vrk, mutta HP-ruokinnassa maitotuotos pysyi samana. Metioniinilisän vaikutuksesta maidon laktoosipitoisuus väheni ja valkuaispitoisuus (sekä suuntaa-antavasti rasvapitoisuus) lisääntyi säilörehun kasvilajista riippumatta. Energiakorjattu maitotuotos lisääntyikin HP-ruokinnassa metioniinilisän vaikutuksesta, mutta väheni Nurmi-ruokinnassa. Maidon ureapitoisuus oli HP-ruokinnoissa suurempi kuin Nurmi-ruokinnoissa. Metioniinilisä tehosti rehutypen hyväksikäyttöä maitovalkuaiseksi HP-ruokinnassa ja heikensi sitä Nurmi-ruokinnassa. Valtimoplasman glukoosipitoisuus väheni Nurmi-ruokinnassa ja lisääntyi HP-ruokinnassa metioniinilisän myötä. Metioniinilisä lisäsi rikkipitoisten aminohappojen (Met, Cys) ja tauriinin pitoisuutta plasmassa. Rikkipitoisten aminohappojen pitoisuus oli suurempi Nurmi-ruokinnoissa verrattuna HP-ruokintoihin. Tutkimuksen perusteella osa nurmisäilörehusta voidaan korvata härkäpapusäilörehulla ilman, että maitotuotos heikkenee. Metioniinilisä oli tarpeeton Nurmi-ruokinnassa ja aiheutti negatiivisia tuotosvasteita. Metioniinilisällä voi kuitenkin olla positiivisia vaikutuksia maidon koostumukseen ja rehuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöön ruokinnassa, joka sisältää härkäpapua sekä säilörehuna että valkuaisrehuna.
  • Luoto, Annika (2021)
    Legume cultivation is of growing interest in Finland, but legume viruses have been mapped and studied relatively little in our country. The changing climate also creates new types of threats to legume production. Studies around the world provide an opportunity to assume that there are still undetected virus species and genera around Finnish legume production that pose a potential threat to legume production in Finland now and in the future. The aim of this study was to map the viruses present in Finnish legumes. Detected legume viruses from wild plants were characterized by deep sequencing and test plants were inoculated for virus detection. In addition, viruses from experimentally cultivated pea samples as well as faba bean, pea and fodder galega samples collected from Helsinki area were studied by deep sequencing. Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) was detected in a wild plant sample by deep sequencing. The aim was to ensure the first occurrence of SbDV in Finland by PCR and sequencing. Another aim was to sequence the genome of a possible novel closterovirus detected in a wild plant sample. To identify the closterovirus genome, we utilized the deep sequenced information and designed PCR primers tailored to the virus. To detect closterovirus infectivity, pea and soybean samples were experimentally cultured and inoculated with the closterovirus using the original plant sample. The SbDV detected in deep sequencing and possible novel closterovirus allowed the hypothesis that there are viruses present in Finnish legumes that had not been previously detected or studied.
  • Luoto, Annika (2021)
    Legume cultivation is of growing interest in Finland, but legume viruses have been mapped and studied relatively little in our country. The changing climate also creates new types of threats to legume production. Studies around the world provide an opportunity to assume that there are still undetected virus species and genera around Finnish legume production that pose a potential threat to legume production in Finland now and in the future. The aim of this study was to map the viruses present in Finnish legumes. Detected legume viruses from wild plants were characterized by deep sequencing and test plants were inoculated for virus detection. In addition, viruses from experimentally cultivated pea samples as well as faba bean, pea and fodder galega samples collected from Helsinki area were studied by deep sequencing. Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) was detected in a wild plant sample by deep sequencing. The aim was to ensure the first occurrence of SbDV in Finland by PCR and sequencing. Another aim was to sequence the genome of a possible novel closterovirus detected in a wild plant sample. To identify the closterovirus genome, we utilized the deep sequenced information and designed PCR primers tailored to the virus. To detect closterovirus infectivity, pea and soybean samples were experimentally cultured and inoculated with the closterovirus using the original plant sample. The SbDV detected in deep sequencing and possible novel closterovirus allowed the hypothesis that there are viruses present in Finnish legumes that had not been previously detected or studied.
  • Valtonen, Mia (2020)
    Palkokasveilla voidaan vähentää lannoitetypen käyttöä ja seoskasvustona nurmien tai viljojen kanssa, voidaan palkokasveilla parantaa säilörehun raakavalkuaispitoisuutta sekä kokoviljasäilörehun sulavuutta. Tutkimuksia palkokasvisäilörehujen tuotantovaikutuksista lihanautojen ruokinnassa on kuitenkin vähän saatavilla. Tämän maisterintutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää palkokasvisäilörehujen vaikutukset liha- ja maitorotuisten sonnien rehun syöntiin, kasvuun ja teurastuloksiin. Tutkimuksessa oli kaksi osakoetta, jotka toteutettiin Luonnonvarakeskuksen (Luke) Ruukin toimipisteen tutkimusnavetassa Siikajoella 2014. Tutkielman aineisto oli osa Edistystä luomutuotantoon – hanketta. Molemmissa kokeissa oli kolme koeruokintaa, joilla oli 20 sonnia, 10 aberdeen angus-rotuista (ab) ja 10 ayrshire-rotuista (ay). Sonnit saivat vapaasti seosrehuja, jotka sisälsivät säilörehua 65 % kuiva-aineesta ja litistettyä ohraa 35 % kuiva-aineesta. Ensimmäisessä kokeessa alsikeapilasäilörehu (D-arvo 603 g/kg kuiva-ainetta (ka), raakavalkuaista (rv) 164 g/kg ka) korvasi timoteisäilörehusta joko 50 % tai 100 %. Toisessa kokeessa verrattiin härkäpapuvehnä- ja hernevehnäsäilörehujen (D-arvot 608 g/kg ka ja rv 154–174 g/kg ka) tuotantovaikutuksia timoteisäilörehuun. Timoteisäilörehu (D-arvo 629 g/kg ka, rv 129 g/kg ka) oli sama molemmissa kokeissa. Timoteisäilörehun korvaaminen palkokasvisäilörehuilla ei vaikuttanut merkitsevästi sonnien rehun syöntiin tai kasvuun. Palkokasvisäilörehut lisäsivät sonnien valkuaisen saantia, mutta heikensivät valkuaisen hyväksikäyttöä, koska sonnit saivat tarpeeksi valkuaista jo timoteisäilörehupohjaisesta ruokinnasta. Sonnit söivät enemmän härkäpapusäilörehua kuin hernesäilörehua, mutta sonnien kasvussa ei ollut eroa. Näin ollen rehun hyväksikäyttö oli heikompaa härkäpapu- kuin hernesäilörehulla. Alsikeapilan lisääminen ruokintaan vähensi hieman ruhojen rasvoittumista verrattuna timoteisäilörehuun. Erot teurastuloksissa ruokintojen välillä olivat kuitenkin pieniä. Molemmissa kokeissa ab-sonneilla oli odotetusti paremmat kasvu- ja teurastulokset sekä tehokkaampi rehun hyväksikäyttö kuin ay-sonneilla. Tulosten perusteella palkokasvisäilörehut sopivat lihanautojen ruokintaan korvaamaan timoteisäilörehua. Palkokasvien suuresta raakavalkuaispitoisuudesta johtuen niiden käyttöä lihanautojen ruokinnassa kannattaa kuitenkin rajoittaa, ettei typen hyväksikäyttö heikkenisi ja ylimääräistä typpeä menetettäisi virtsan mukana.
  • Valtonen, Mia (2020)
    Palkokasveilla voidaan vähentää lannoitetypen käyttöä ja seoskasvustona nurmien tai viljojen kanssa, voidaan palkokasveilla parantaa säilörehun raakavalkuaispitoisuutta sekä kokoviljasäilörehun sulavuutta. Tutkimuksia palkokasvisäilörehujen tuotantovaikutuksista lihanautojen ruokinnassa on kuitenkin vähän saatavilla. Tämän maisterintutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää palkokasvisäilörehujen vaikutukset liha- ja maitorotuisten sonnien rehun syöntiin, kasvuun ja teurastuloksiin. Tutkimuksessa oli kaksi osakoetta, jotka toteutettiin Luonnonvarakeskuksen (Luke) Ruukin toimipisteen tutkimusnavetassa Siikajoella 2014. Tutkielman aineisto oli osa Edistystä luomutuotantoon – hanketta. Molemmissa kokeissa oli kolme koeruokintaa, joilla oli 20 sonnia, 10 aberdeen angus-rotuista (ab) ja 10 ayrshire-rotuista (ay). Sonnit saivat vapaasti seosrehuja, jotka sisälsivät säilörehua 65 % kuiva-aineesta ja litistettyä ohraa 35 % kuiva-aineesta. Ensimmäisessä kokeessa alsikeapilasäilörehu (D-arvo 603 g/kg kuiva-ainetta (ka), raakavalkuaista (rv) 164 g/kg ka) korvasi timoteisäilörehusta joko 50 % tai 100 %. Toisessa kokeessa verrattiin härkäpapuvehnä- ja hernevehnäsäilörehujen (D-arvot 608 g/kg ka ja rv 154–174 g/kg ka) tuotantovaikutuksia timoteisäilörehuun. Timoteisäilörehu (D-arvo 629 g/kg ka, rv 129 g/kg ka) oli sama molemmissa kokeissa. Timoteisäilörehun korvaaminen palkokasvisäilörehuilla ei vaikuttanut merkitsevästi sonnien rehun syöntiin tai kasvuun. Palkokasvisäilörehut lisäsivät sonnien valkuaisen saantia, mutta heikensivät valkuaisen hyväksikäyttöä, koska sonnit saivat tarpeeksi valkuaista jo timoteisäilörehupohjaisesta ruokinnasta. Sonnit söivät enemmän härkäpapusäilörehua kuin hernesäilörehua, mutta sonnien kasvussa ei ollut eroa. Näin ollen rehun hyväksikäyttö oli heikompaa härkäpapu- kuin hernesäilörehulla. Alsikeapilan lisääminen ruokintaan vähensi hieman ruhojen rasvoittumista verrattuna timoteisäilörehuun. Erot teurastuloksissa ruokintojen välillä olivat kuitenkin pieniä. Molemmissa kokeissa ab-sonneilla oli odotetusti paremmat kasvu- ja teurastulokset sekä tehokkaampi rehun hyväksikäyttö kuin ay-sonneilla. Tulosten perusteella palkokasvisäilörehut sopivat lihanautojen ruokintaan korvaamaan timoteisäilörehua. Palkokasvien suuresta raakavalkuaispitoisuudesta johtuen niiden käyttöä lihanautojen ruokinnassa kannattaa kuitenkin rajoittaa, ettei typen hyväksikäyttö heikkenisi ja ylimääräistä typpeä menetettäisi virtsan mukana.
  • Kallio, Veronika (2022)
    Palkokasvien siemenet sisältävät erityisen paljon vesiliukoista folaattia ja rasvaliukoisia tokoleja eli tokoferoleja ja tokotrienoleja (α-tokoferoli on E-vitamiinia). Palkokasveista kuten härkäpavusta, herneestä sekä lupiinista valmistetaan jauhoja sekä erittäin proteiinipitoisia konsentraatteja ja isolaatteja. Konsentraatit (proteiiniosuus 60 %) valmistetaan kuivafraktiointitekniikalla ja isolaatit (proteiiniosuus 90 %) märkäfraktioinnilla. Palkokasvien proteiinikonsentraateista ja -isolaateista voidaan valmistaa liha-analogeja märkäekstruusiolla käyttäen pitkää jäähdytyssuutinta. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa oli havaittu kuivaekstruusion aiheuttavan vitamiinien hävikkiä, mutta märkäekstruusion vaikutusta vitamiinien säilymiseen ei ole tutkittu. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia palkokasvivalmisteita kuten jauhoja, proteiinikonsentraatteja ja -isolaatteja folaatin ja tokolien lähteinä sekä märkäekstruusion vaikutusta folaatin ja tokolien pysyvyyteen. Folaatin määrityksessä näytteet uutettiin, folaatti vapautettiin matriisista entsyymikäsittelyillä, puhdistettiin ja konsentroitiin käyttäen affiniteettikromatografiaa. Uutteesta analysoitiin folaatin eri vitameerit erittäin suuren erotuskyvyn nestekromatografisella menetelmällä (UHPLC). Tokolien määrityksessä näytteiden rasvaliukoinen osa uutettiin nopeutetulla liuotinuutolla (ASE-uuttomenetelmä) ja tokoferolit ja tokotrienolit määritettiin käyttäen normaalifaasinestekromatografista menetelmää (HPLC). Tämä tutkimus osoitti, että palkokasveista valmistetut proteiini-isolaatit ovat usein huonompia folaatin ja tokolien lähteitä kuin vastaavat jauhot tai konsentraatit. Lisäksi osoitettiin hernevalmisteiden sisältävän vain niukasti folaattia. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella todettiin myös, että konsentraattien valmistus kuivafraktioinnilla säilyttää rasvaliukoisia tokoleja, mutta isolaattien valmistaminen märkäfraktioinnilla aiheuttaa folaatti- ja tokolipitoisuuksien pienentymistä. Tutkittaessa märkäekstruusion vaikutusta vitamiinien pysyvyyteen märkäekstruusion todettiin aiheuttavan palkokasviraaka-aineseosten folaatti- ja tokolipitoisuuksien pienentymistä. Härkäpapuvalmisteiden ekstruusio pienensi folaattipitoisuuksia 39–58 % ja tokolipitoisuuksia 10–27 %. Herneproteiini-isolaatti-beetaglukaanikonsentraattiseoksen ekstrudaateissa havaittiin 5–60 % pienemmät folaattipitoisuudet ja 4–61 % pienemmät tokolipitoisuudet kuin raaka-aineissa. Lupiinivalmisteiden ekstruusiossa folaattipitoisuudet pienenivät hyvin vähän, 0–4 %, mutta tokolipitoisuudet pienenivät paljon, 40–56 %.
  • Pitkänen, Olli (2021)
    Faba bean (Vicia faba) is considered as promising protein plant for increasing protein self-sufficiency. Still, raw faba bean has not been as good protein feed for dairy cows as rapeseed meal. This experiment was conducted to test industrially heat-treated and dehulled faba bean as replacement for rapeseed meal in dairy cows either alone or with rumen-protected methionine. The experiment was designed as three times repeated 4 × 4 latin square. Cows were fed ad libitum total-mixed-ration, which consisted of timothy and meadow fescue silage, cereal based concentrate, and isonitrogenous protein component. The four feedings were control feeding without protein concentrate, rapeseed meal feeding, faba bean feeding, and faba bean feeding with rumen-protected methionine. Feed and nutrients intake and apparent whole-tract digestibility, milk yield and its composition, ruminal pH, volatile fatty acids and ammonia, and plasma amino acids and metabolites were measured. Results were statistically analysed using the Mixed-procedur of SAS-program. Protein feeds increased dry matter intake 1.3 kg/d and milk yield 1.2 kg/d compared to control feeding (dry matter intake 22.5 kg/d and milk yield 30.7 kg/d), and they increased milk protein concentration and protein and fat yields compared to control. Substitution of rapeseed with faba bean decreased dry matter intake but milk yield and milk protein and fat concentration remained unchanged. Rumen-protected methionine increased milk protein concentration but did not have any effect on milk, protein or fat yields. Amino acid intake increased when protein feeds were fed, and cows given rapeseed had higher amino acid intake compared to those given faba bean. Essential amino acid concentration in plasma was higher with increased feed protein level but there were no differences between rapeseed and faba bean diets despite difference in amino acid intake. Rumen-protected methionine increased plasma methionine concentration (30.8 mmol/l compared to 18.2 mmol/l) but had no effect on concentrations of other amino acids. According to this study industrially heat-treated faba bean would be comparable protein feed to rapeseed meal but the results should be interpreted cautiously due to low production responses to protein supplementation. Rumen-protected methionine had quite small impact on milk yield, and more information is needed concerning its use to balance amino acid supply on cows fed faba bean.
  • Pitkänen, Olli (2021)
    Faba bean (Vicia faba) is considered as promising protein plant for increasing protein self-sufficiency. Still, raw faba bean has not been as good protein feed for dairy cows as rapeseed meal. This experiment was conducted to test industrially heat-treated and dehulled faba bean as replacement for rapeseed meal in dairy cows either alone or with rumen-protected methionine. The experiment was designed as three times repeated 4 × 4 latin square. Cows were fed ad libitum total-mixed-ration, which consisted of timothy and meadow fescue silage, cereal based concentrate, and isonitrogenous protein component. The four feedings were control feeding without protein concentrate, rapeseed meal feeding, faba bean feeding, and faba bean feeding with rumen-protected methionine. Feed and nutrients intake and apparent whole-tract digestibility, milk yield and its composition, ruminal pH, volatile fatty acids and ammonia, and plasma amino acids and metabolites were measured. Results were statistically analysed using the Mixed-procedur of SAS-program. Protein feeds increased dry matter intake 1.3 kg/d and milk yield 1.2 kg/d compared to control feeding (dry matter intake 22.5 kg/d and milk yield 30.7 kg/d), and they increased milk protein concentration and protein and fat yields compared to control. Substitution of rapeseed with faba bean decreased dry matter intake but milk yield and milk protein and fat concentration remained unchanged. Rumen-protected methionine increased milk protein concentration but did not have any effect on milk, protein or fat yields. Amino acid intake increased when protein feeds were fed, and cows given rapeseed had higher amino acid intake compared to those given faba bean. Essential amino acid concentration in plasma was higher with increased feed protein level but there were no differences between rapeseed and faba bean diets despite difference in amino acid intake. Rumen-protected methionine increased plasma methionine concentration (30.8 mmol/l compared to 18.2 mmol/l) but had no effect on concentrations of other amino acids. According to this study industrially heat-treated faba bean would be comparable protein feed to rapeseed meal but the results should be interpreted cautiously due to low production responses to protein supplementation. Rumen-protected methionine had quite small impact on milk yield, and more information is needed concerning its use to balance amino acid supply on cows fed faba bean.
  • Mäkinen, Henna-Maria (2016)
    In order to increase protein self-sufficiency and food production, it is necessary to study new protein feeds. Faba bean (Vicia faba) is a nitrogen-fixing plant, and thereby a good choice for versatile rotation of crops. Faba beans contain less crude protein and considerably more starch than rapeseed meal. Most of the faba bean protein degrades in rumen and it contains less methionine than rapeseed meal protein. Microalgae contain plenty of crude protein and their production requires less surface area than cultivation of field crops. Microalgae can also be grown in harsh climate conditions. However, microalgae have, in some of the earlier studies, reduced palatability of the diet. Aim of this Master’s Thesis was to compare rapeseed meal, faba bean seeds and Spirulina microalgae effects on feed intake and milk production of dairy cows. Hypothesis were decreased feed intake when Spirulina was added to the diet; lower milk production with faba bean diet than with rapeseed diet; and increased milk production when a part of faba bean protein was replaced with Spirulina protein. The study was conducted at Viikki research farm at Helsinki during the spring of 2015. Eight multiparous ayrshire dairy cows were used. At the beginning of the study, on average 113 days were passed since calving of the cows. The study design was a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square. Cows of the other square were rumen fistulated. Treatments (rapeseed, rapeseed + Spirulina, faba bean, faba bean + Spirulina) were isonitrogenous. In microalgae treatments protein from Spirulina was used to substitute half of the protein from rapeseed or faba bean. Total mixed ration (TMR) included in addition to protein feeds grass silage, barley, molassed sugar beet pulp and vitamins and minerals. Cows received TMR ad libitum. There were no differences in dry matter intake (DMI) between rapeseed and faba bean treatments. According to the hypothesis, DMI was decreased with Spirulina diets. Hypothesis regarding milk production were also realised. Milk, energy-corrected milk, fat, protein and lactose yields were lower with faba bean than with rapeseed treatments. Adding Spirulina to diet increased milk yield in faba bean treatment, but decreased it in rapeseed treatment. Adding Spirulina to diet did not affect energy-corrected milk yield significantly. Spirulina did not affect fat yields, and it lowered the protein and lactose yields in rapeseed treatment, and increased them in faba bean treatment. Based on the findings of the study, faba bean and Spirulina are inferior protein feeds compared to rapeseed meal in grass silage and grain based diets. Faba bean protein’s high rumen degradability and low methionine concentration probably limit milk production. Spirulina and faba bean combined meet dairy cow’s amino acid needs better than faba bean alone. However, Spirulina’s negative impact on DMI may restrict its usage as a protein feed for dairy cows.
  • Mäkinen, Henna-Maria (2016)
    In order to increase protein self-sufficiency and food production, it is necessary to study new protein feeds. Faba bean (Vicia faba) is a nitrogen-fixing plant, and thereby a good choice for versatile rotation of crops. Faba beans contain less crude protein and considerably more starch than rapeseed meal. Most of the faba bean protein degrades in rumen and it contains less methionine than rapeseed meal protein. Microalgae contain plenty of crude protein and their production requires less surface area than cultivation of field crops. Microalgae can also be grown in harsh climate conditions. However, microalgae have, in some of the earlier studies, reduced palatability of the diet. Aim of this Master’s Thesis was to compare rapeseed meal, faba bean seeds and Spirulina microalgae effects on feed intake and milk production of dairy cows. Hypothesis were decreased feed intake when Spirulina was added to the diet; lower milk production with faba bean diet than with rapeseed diet; and increased milk production when a part of faba bean protein was replaced with Spirulina protein. The study was conducted at Viikki research farm at Helsinki during the spring of 2015. Eight multiparous ayrshire dairy cows were used. At the beginning of the study, on average 113 days were passed since calving of the cows. The study design was a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square. Cows of the other square were rumen fistulated. Treatments (rapeseed, rapeseed + Spirulina, faba bean, faba bean + Spirulina) were isonitrogenous. In microalgae treatments protein from Spirulina was used to substitute half of the protein from rapeseed or faba bean. Total mixed ration (TMR) included in addition to protein feeds grass silage, barley, molassed sugar beet pulp and vitamins and minerals. Cows received TMR ad libitum. There were no differences in dry matter intake (DMI) between rapeseed and faba bean treatments. According to the hypothesis, DMI was decreased with Spirulina diets. Hypothesis regarding milk production were also realised. Milk, energy-corrected milk, fat, protein and lactose yields were lower with faba bean than with rapeseed treatments. Adding Spirulina to diet increased milk yield in faba bean treatment, but decreased it in rapeseed treatment. Adding Spirulina to diet did not affect energy-corrected milk yield significantly. Spirulina did not affect fat yields, and it lowered the protein and lactose yields in rapeseed treatment, and increased them in faba bean treatment. Based on the findings of the study, faba bean and Spirulina are inferior protein feeds compared to rapeseed meal in grass silage and grain based diets. Faba bean protein’s high rumen degradability and low methionine concentration probably limit milk production. Spirulina and faba bean combined meet dairy cow’s amino acid needs better than faba bean alone. However, Spirulina’s negative impact on DMI may restrict its usage as a protein feed for dairy cows.
  • Tarsia, Essi (2016)
    Lots of protein feeds are imported to Europe. In Finland at most 25 % of all protein feeds used are home-grown. Legumes and single-cell protein are of interest to replace imported protein feeds. The aim of this study was to explore faba bean (Vicia faba) and Spirulina-algae (Spirulina platensis) as protein source for dairy cows. The study design was replicated 4 x 4 Latin square with four diets and four periods of three weeks. The experiment was 2 x 2 factorial. Rapeseed meal and rolled faba bean were compared as protein sources. The partial replacement (half) of rapeseed meal and faba bean protein with Spirulina-algae was also investigated. All the protein supplements were isonitrogenous. In this study, effects of protein supplements on dry matter intake, milk yield and milk composition, production of microbial protein in the rumen, plasma amino acids and mammary uptake of amino acids and nitrogen partitioning were examined. This study was made at the research farm of the University of Helsinki in 21.2.–15.5.2015. There were eight multiparous Finnish ayrshire dairy cows at mid-lactation. The cows were divided in two blocks the other block having rumen fistulated animals. All the total mixed ratios contained grass silage of good quality, barley, sugar pulp and minerals supplemented with different protein sources. Cows were offered total mixed ratios ad libitum. Replacing rapeseed meal and faba bean with Spirulina-algae reduced dry matter intake. The milk yield was 1,4 kg/d greater on rapeseed meal diets compared with faba bean diets. Mixing Spirulina-algae with faba bean increased milk, protein and lactose yields, but when mixed with rapeseed meal decreased them. Both milk urea and rumen ammonia concentrations were higher in faba bean diets than in rapeseed meal diets. The concentration of several essential amino acids in plasma and mammary uptake of histidine and methionine were lower in faba bean diets than in rapeseed meal diets. Replacing faba bean partially with Spirulina increased AV-difference of essential amino acids. Nitrogen balances were positive in all experimental diets. There were no differences in nitrogen intake. Feeding faba beans reduced nitrogen secretion in milk and faeces compared to rapeseed meal diets. Replacing rapeseed meal and faba bean partially with Spirulina increased the proportion of nitrogen secreted in urine and lowered nitrogen balance. According to this study replacing rapeseed meal completely with faba bean seeds reduce milk and protein yields on diets based on grass silage and cereals. Mixing Spirulina with faba bean increased milk, protein and lactose yields, but decreased them when mixed with rapeseed meal. Protein of faba bean and Spirulina probably completed each others. More research is needed with high levels of micro algae on dry matter intake, animal performance and degradability of microalgal protein in rumen.
  • Tarsia, Essi (2016)
    Lots of protein feeds are imported to Europe. In Finland at most 25 % of all protein feeds used are home-grown. Legumes and single-cell protein are of interest to replace imported protein feeds. The aim of this study was to explore faba bean (Vicia faba) and Spirulina-algae (Spirulina platensis) as protein source for dairy cows. The study design was replicated 4 x 4 Latin square with four diets and four periods of three weeks. The experiment was 2 x 2 factorial. Rapeseed meal and rolled faba bean were compared as protein sources. The partial replacement (half) of rapeseed meal and faba bean protein with Spirulina-algae was also investigated. All the protein supplements were isonitrogenous. In this study, effects of protein supplements on dry matter intake, milk yield and milk composition, production of microbial protein in the rumen, plasma amino acids and mammary uptake of amino acids and nitrogen partitioning were examined. This study was made at the research farm of the University of Helsinki in 21.2.–15.5.2015. There were eight multiparous Finnish ayrshire dairy cows at mid-lactation. The cows were divided in two blocks the other block having rumen fistulated animals. All the total mixed ratios contained grass silage of good quality, barley, sugar pulp and minerals supplemented with different protein sources. Cows were offered total mixed ratios ad libitum. Replacing rapeseed meal and faba bean with Spirulina-algae reduced dry matter intake. The milk yield was 1,4 kg/d greater on rapeseed meal diets compared with faba bean diets. Mixing Spirulina-algae with faba bean increased milk, protein and lactose yields, but when mixed with rapeseed meal decreased them. Both milk urea and rumen ammonia concentrations were higher in faba bean diets than in rapeseed meal diets. The concentration of several essential amino acids in plasma and mammary uptake of histidine and methionine were lower in faba bean diets than in rapeseed meal diets. Replacing faba bean partially with Spirulina increased AV-difference of essential amino acids. Nitrogen balances were positive in all experimental diets. There were no differences in nitrogen intake. Feeding faba beans reduced nitrogen secretion in milk and faeces compared to rapeseed meal diets. Replacing rapeseed meal and faba bean partially with Spirulina increased the proportion of nitrogen secreted in urine and lowered nitrogen balance. According to this study replacing rapeseed meal completely with faba bean seeds reduce milk and protein yields on diets based on grass silage and cereals. Mixing Spirulina with faba bean increased milk, protein and lactose yields, but decreased them when mixed with rapeseed meal. Protein of faba bean and Spirulina probably completed each others. More research is needed with high levels of micro algae on dry matter intake, animal performance and degradability of microalgal protein in rumen.
  • Päkkilä, Liisa-Maria (2016)
    The aim of this study was to investigate effect of faba bean on amino acid, glucose, NEFA, BHBA, acetate and insulin concentration in plasma. In addition, AV-difference, extraction, and uptake of nutrients by mammary gland was investigated. The primary purpose of this study was to examine suitability of faba bean as protein feed for dairy cows. Firstly, faba bean was compared to grain based control feed, which did not contain any protein supplement, and it was fed with restrictively fermented silage. Secondly, faba bean was compared to rapeseed meal and mixture of rapeseed meal and faba bean as isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets. Eight multiparous cows in the experiment were divided into two blocks and replicated 4 × 4 latin square design was used. Concentrates were fed at a rate of 14 kg/d and silage was fed ad libitum. Cows were approximately 100 days in milk in the beginning of the experiment. Rapeseed meal did not increase silage intake as much as expected according to results of earlier experiments. When rapeseed meal was replaced with faba bean, milk production, energy corrected milk production, protein production and fat production increased quadratically. When protein content of the concentrate increased, concentration of essential amino acids increased in plasma. When rapeseed meal was replaced with faba bean, concentration of non-essential amino acids increased linearly. Concentration of histidine in plasma was high on all treatments compared to results of earlier experiments. Concentration of methionine in plasma was at the same level as results of earlier experiments. Extraction of methionine was exceptionally high when rapeseed meal was fed, but uptake rate of methionine by mammary gland was bigger than output rate. Concentration of glucose in plasma was high compared to results of earlier experiments on every treatment. Relative and absolute uptake of glucose by mammary gland was especially high when mixed protein feed was fed. Supply of energy and amino acid profile corresponded well to cows needs with mixed protein feed.
  • Päkkilä, Liisa-Maria (2016)
    The aim of this study was to investigate effect of faba bean on amino acid, glucose, NEFA, BHBA, acetate and insulin concentration in plasma. In addition, AV-difference, extraction, and uptake of nutrients by mammary gland was investigated. The primary purpose of this study was to examine suitability of faba bean as protein feed for dairy cows. Firstly, faba bean was compared to grain based control feed, which did not contain any protein supplement, and it was fed with restrictively fermented silage. Secondly, faba bean was compared to rapeseed meal and mixture of rapeseed meal and faba bean as isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets. Eight multiparous cows in the experiment were divided into two blocks and replicated 4 × 4 latin square design was used. Concentrates were fed at a rate of 14 kg/d and silage was fed ad libitum. Cows were approximately 100 days in milk in the beginning of the experiment. Rapeseed meal did not increase silage intake as much as expected according to results of earlier experiments. When rapeseed meal was replaced with faba bean, milk production, energy corrected milk production, protein production and fat production increased quadratically. When protein content of the concentrate increased, concentration of essential amino acids increased in plasma. When rapeseed meal was replaced with faba bean, concentration of non-essential amino acids increased linearly. Concentration of histidine in plasma was high on all treatments compared to results of earlier experiments. Concentration of methionine in plasma was at the same level as results of earlier experiments. Extraction of methionine was exceptionally high when rapeseed meal was fed, but uptake rate of methionine by mammary gland was bigger than output rate. Concentration of glucose in plasma was high compared to results of earlier experiments on every treatment. Relative and absolute uptake of glucose by mammary gland was especially high when mixed protein feed was fed. Supply of energy and amino acid profile corresponded well to cows needs with mixed protein feed.