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  • Vihantomaa, Krista (2020)
    Objectives. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the Innovative School model, which takes a holistic view of school development factors. The purpose of the study was to find out what kind of experiences the school staff have with working in an innovative school and to what extent the school studied represented the dimensions of the innovative school. The study looked at the school staff's experiences and perceptions of the role of the innovative school, orchestration of school activities and cooperation networks. The aim of the study is to increase understanding of the policies that have been developed in the school to support school development and the learning of 21st century skills, and to form a coherent picture of the school culture. Methods. The study is a qualitative case study, which research material consisted of nine semi-structured thematic interviews. The research context was a school, which has been a learning center and development community for many years. The research participants worked in different positions at the school. The research material was analyzed with theory-guided approach using the ATLAS.ti software as a technical aid. Results and Conclusions. According to the results, the main task of the school was to teach students 21st century skills. Team teaching and different learning environments supported this goal. Another task of the school was to build partnership with the parents. School development was identified as important for the school's operations. A significant part of the development took place in the school’s daily operational processes. The results show that the school's practices were based on a collaborative, team-based, way of working. School leadership was based on distributed leadership and the results highlighted the positive experiences associated with it, such as participation in decision-making. The results show that parents and other stakeholders were key part of the collaborative networks. However, the results indicated that not all opportunities for out-of-school stakeholders had yet been identified. This was a topic that requires development. Relying on community resources advances the development of the school. Individuals have different knowledge, ideas and expertise that can evolve by working together.
  • Luoma, Henna (2022)
    Tarkastelun kohteeksi tutkimuksessani valikoitui tunneäly sekä johtajuus, sillä olin kiinnostu-nut kyseisten tekijöiden yhteydestä sekä vaikutuksista. Aihe on myös hyvin pinnalla työelämään liittyvässä keskustelussa, joten tavoitteenani oli koota näyttöä sen tärkeydestä. Aiempi teoria on osoittanut, että tunneälykkäällä ihmisellä on kyky ymmärtää omia sekä muiden tunteita ja hallita niitä. On myös tuotu ilmi, että johtaja on tärkein työyhteisön ilmapiirin lähde. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat seuraavat. 1.) Minkälainen yhteys on havaittu tunneälyllä sekä johtajuudella? 2.) Miten johtajan tunneäly vaikuttaa työyhteisöön? Kyseessä on kandidaatin tutkielma, jonka olen toteuttanut integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistooni valikoitui yhdeksän (9) vertaisarvioitua tutkimusta, joiden pohjalta analysoin tutkimuskysymyksiäni. Tutkimukset olivat kaikki empiirisiä tutkimuksia. Aineiston analyysin toteutin sisällön analyysina valittujen tutkimusten osalta. Kävin kirjallisuudesta läpi oman tutkimukseni kannalta olennaisimmat tulokset sekä käsitteet. Molempien tutkimuskysymysteni tulokset puolsivat etenkin aiemman teorian havaintoja. Tutkimukseeni valikoiduissa aineistoissa kävi ilmi, että tunneälyn ja johtajuuden välillä voidaan havaita positiivinen yhteys, sekä tunneäly yhdistetään osassa tutkimuksissa erilaisiin johtamisen tyyleihin. Tutkimuksissa kävi useimmiten ilmi, että johtajan tunneäly yhdistettiin muutokseen pyrkimiseen. Johtajan tunneälyllä huomattiin olevan vaikutuksia työntekijöihin etenkin työsuorituksen, työtyytyväisyyden sekä luovuuden osalta. Myös vaikutus työyhteisön ilmapiiriin nostettiin esiin.
  • Kaihovaara, Minna (2019)
    This Master's thesis examines the Yrityskylä learning concept from the point of views of the 21st century skills, and conceptions of leadership professions. The aim of this study is to examine the ways of the 21st century skills appear on the theme of applying a job on Yrityskylä learning concept for the sixth-graders. The definitions of the 21st century skills by Binkley et al. (2012) were especially used as a framework for the study. The research material was collected during the spring of 2018. Research material consisted of Yrityskylä’s own teaching materials and interviews of six teachers who participated in the Yrityskylä learning concept. From teaching materials, job advertisements were chosen which represented the Yrityskylä learning environment’s miniature companies. In addition, one chapter was included which addresses with applying for a job from student’s exercise book. The research materials were analysed by adapting either with a theory-driven content analysis or with a theory-driven content analysis and a dialogical thematization analysis. Chapters which described the appearance of the 21st century skills on the learning concept were formed analysing the materials and reflecting on earlier studies. The results of the study indicated that the 21st century skills appeared as a part of the learning concept. The 21st century skills appeared especially as “Ways of Thinking”, “Skills of Acting”,” Skills of Working” and “Skills of Expression”. While examining the conceptions of leadership professions, leadership was not separated in the student’s exercise book. The 21st century skills that were aimed at leadership profession contained especially skills of express and conceptions of leadership qualities. According to this study the 21st century skills also seem to include individuals’ active role and have control over one’s role. As a result of this study, a figure is displayed to support the understanding of the 21st century skills. The results of this study can be used, for example to develop Yrityskylä learning concept.
  • Kaihovaara, Minna (2019)
    This Master's thesis examines the Yrityskylä learning concept from the point of views of the 21st century skills, and conceptions of leadership professions. The aim of this study is to examine the ways of the 21st century skills appear on the theme of applying a job on Yrityskylä learning concept for the sixth-graders. The definitions of the 21st century skills by Binkley et al. (2012) were especially used as a framework for the study. The research material was collected during the spring of 2018. Research material consisted of Yrityskylä’s own teaching materials and interviews of six teachers who participated in the Yrityskylä learning concept. From teaching materials, job advertisements were chosen which represented the Yrityskylä learning environment’s miniature companies. In addition, one chapter was included which addresses with applying for a job from student’s exercise book. The research materials were analysed by adapting either with a theory-driven content analysis or with a theory-driven content analysis and a dialogical thematization analysis. Chapters which described the appearance of the 21st century skills on the learning concept were formed analysing the materials and reflecting on earlier studies. The results of the study indicated that the 21st century skills appeared as a part of the learning concept. The 21st century skills appeared especially as “Ways of Thinking”, “Skills of Acting”,” Skills of Working” and “Skills of Expression”. While examining the conceptions of leadership professions, leadership was not separated in the student’s exercise book. The 21st century skills that were aimed at leadership profession contained especially skills of express and conceptions of leadership qualities. According to this study the 21st century skills also seem to include individuals’ active role and have control over one’s role. As a result of this study, a figure is displayed to support the understanding of the 21st century skills. The results of this study can be used, for example to develop Yrityskylä learning concept.
  • Koskinen, Tytti (2020)
    Työelämän muutosten myötä valmentava johtajuus on yleistynyt etenkin asiantuntijaorganisaatioissa keskittyen kokonaisvaltaisesti yksilöiden osallistamiseen ja kehittämiseen heidän omista tarpeistaan ja lähtökohdistaan käsin. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli koostaa tietoa valmentavaa johtajuutta käsittelevistä tutkimuksista sekä selvittää, miten se ilmenee organisaatioissa. Tutkielman tutkimuskysymykset ovat 1) mitä valmentavalla johtajuudella tarkoitetaan, 2) millai-sina käytänteinä valmentava johtajuus ilmenee ja 3) mitä hyötyjä valmentavalla johtajuudella voidaan saavuttaa yksilöiden ja ryhmien kannalta? Tämä tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Työn aineisto muodostui 21 tieteellisen artikkelin sekä kahden kokonaisteoksen pohjalta. Kaikki hyödyntämäni artikkelit löytyivät pääosin Helka-tietokannasta, tai jo löytyneiden artikkelien lähdeluetteloita selailemalla. Aineiston valinta tehtiin tarkastelemalla artikkelien ja teosten sisältöä suhteessa työn tutkimuskysymyksiin. Näin ollen keskeisimmäksi aineiston valintaa ohjaavaksi kriteeriksi muodostui aineiston sisältö. Tulosten perusteella valmentava johtajuus voidaan määritellä lukuisilla eri tavoilla eri näkökulmista käsin. Kyseessä on kokonaisvaltainen, osallistava, ihmisarvoon ja potentiaaliin uskova tapa johtaa yksilön kehitystä työssä suoriutumisen paranemiseksi sekä yksilön ja organisaation tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Aineistossa valmentava johtajuus toteutuu lähinnä esimiehen ja alaisen välisessä dialogissa erilaisina vuorovaikutuksellisina käytänteinä. Näitä käytänteitä ovat muun muassa kuunteleminen, palautteenanto, tavoitteiden asettaminen ja kysymysten esittäminen. Katsaus osoitti, että valmentava johtajuus tuottaa hyötyjä niin yksilö- kuin ryhmätasolla lisäten muun muassa roolien selkeyttä, itsetietoisuutta, työtyytyväisyyttä, ryhmien suoriutumista sekä lievittäen stressiä.
  • Nikula, Venla (2020)
    A prerequisite for high-quality early childhood eduction is high-quality early chidhood leadership. There is no formal qualification training for becoming a leader of an early childhood education unit, which is why the researchers have been worried about the unbalance between the level of education and the demands of the job. Starting a new job is burdensome, but how to tackle the challenges that a new leader of the early childhood education unit could come across without any training for the job. The purpose of this study is to provide a general overview of starting as a novice leader of an early childhood education unit, and also to examine the received and required forms of support in the induction phase (of the career). In the field of early childhood education, the induction phase has been researched mainly by teachers’ point of vies; the studies concerning the leaders of the early childhood education units are few. Therefore, this study tries to describe and identify the subject as well as to awaken the interest for further investigation of the subject. This study is a qualitative case study that examined the induction phase and perceived support of the careers of early childhood unit leaders using a narrative research approach. The research material was collected as individual case reports and semi-structured thematic interviews. The interviews were conducted as telephone interviews. The research material consisted of five telephone interviews with the leader of early childhood education unit, which were conducted in the spring of 2020. The material was analyzed using narrative content analysis and theory-driven content analysis. According to the research results, the leaders of the early childhood education units explained that they had generally done well in the induction phase of their careers. Self-initiative and activity in applying for support were seen as a prerequisite for success at work. Leaders said they had generally received support, but had to be active in advancing it. The issues that leaders said they received support included training, various forms of mentoring, other actors in the work community and experience. In particular, training seems to be strongly linked to working as a unit leader. Leaders who had applied for leadership-related studies on their own initiative found the studies as a strong form of support, while leaders who had not attended leadership-related studies longed for them. Based on this results, it would be necessary to consider the training or coaching of unit leaders. The positivity of the results is contradictory with the discussion on the media which is why it is important to look critically at the image constructed by the media.
  • Nikula, Venla (2020)
    A prerequisite for high-quality early childhood eduction is high-quality early chidhood leadership. There is no formal qualification training for becoming a leader of an early childhood education unit, which is why the researchers have been worried about the unbalance between the level of education and the demands of the job. Starting a new job is burdensome, but how to tackle the challenges that a new leader of the early childhood education unit could come across without any training for the job. The purpose of this study is to provide a general overview of starting as a novice leader of an early childhood education unit, and also to examine the received and required forms of support in the induction phase (of the career). In the field of early childhood education, the induction phase has been researched mainly by teachers’ point of vies; the studies concerning the leaders of the early childhood education units are few. Therefore, this study tries to describe and identify the subject as well as to awaken the interest for further investigation of the subject. This study is a qualitative case study that examined the induction phase and perceived support of the careers of early childhood unit leaders using a narrative research approach. The research material was collected as individual case reports and semi-structured thematic interviews. The interviews were conducted as telephone interviews. The research material consisted of five telephone interviews with the leader of early childhood education unit, which were conducted in the spring of 2020. The material was analyzed using narrative content analysis and theory-driven content analysis. According to the research results, the leaders of the early childhood education units explained that they had generally done well in the induction phase of their careers. Self-initiative and activity in applying for support were seen as a prerequisite for success at work. Leaders said they had generally received support, but had to be active in advancing it. The issues that leaders said they received support included training, various forms of mentoring, other actors in the work community and experience. In particular, training seems to be strongly linked to working as a unit leader. Leaders who had applied for leadership-related studies on their own initiative found the studies as a strong form of support, while leaders who had not attended leadership-related studies longed for them. Based on this results, it would be necessary to consider the training or coaching of unit leaders. The positivity of the results is contradictory with the discussion on the media which is why it is important to look critically at the image constructed by the media.
  • Leppäkoski, Alexander (2021)
    Tämä tutkielma on laadittu ymmärtämään ja havainnollistamaan johtajuutta osana ohjelmistokehitystä, sekä erityisesti virtuaalisen ohjelmistokehitystiimin johtamista. Tutkielmassa käydään läpi hyvän ohjelmistokehityksen johtamisen määritelmä. Tutkielman menetelminä on käytetty systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta aiheeseen liittyvistä teksteistä. Systemaattiset haut on tehty IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library ja Scopus -tietokannoista. Lisäksi systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta on laajennettu erikseen valituilla lähteillä. Tutkielman tuloksina tunnistettiin useita ohjelmistokehityksen haasteita niin lähityöskentelevässä ohjelmistokehitystiimissä, että virtuaalisessa ohjelmistokehitystiimissä. Tutkielma käy tunnistettuja ohjelmistokehityksen johtajan rooleja ja hyviä ominaisuuksia sekä peilaa niitä kohdattuihin haasteisiin. Tutkielmassa käydään läpi myös virtuaalisen ohjelmistokehityksen tunnuspiirteitä. Tutkielman tuloksena nähdään, että ohjelmistokehityksen johtajalla on saatavilla olemisen lisäksi oltava runsaasti tiimin rakennuksen, motivoinnin, viestinnän, vaikuttamisen ja päätöksentekokyvyn taitoja. Virtuaalisessa ohjelmistokehityksessä johtajan tärkeinä ominaisuuksina korostuvat edellä mainittujen ominaisuuksien lisäksi kyky koordinoida, kommunikoida, sekä olla läpinäkyvä ja yhteistyökykyinen.