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Browsing by Subject "kotitalousopetus"

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  • Purolinna, Ronja (2021)
    The study examines the subject didactic development reports produced as the final work of the course ’Teacher as a researcher’ which is part of home economics teacher’s pedagogical studies. These reports have not previously been analyzed as research data. The aim of the study was to find out what content areas and learning theories students use in their teaching experiments. The aim was also look at how the comprehensive learning goals, stated in the National curriculum are manifested in teaching experiments. Thus, this study examines the directions in which students are taking the subject-didactic development work. The scientific literature of the study relies on research-based teacher education and comprehensive learning goals as part of the National curriculum. The data includes 66 development reports prepared in 2013-2020. The reports were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The learning theories applied in the teaching experiments were analyzed as based on the framework summarizing these theories. The emphasis on the various content areas of home economics was searched for on the teaching methods used and for on the topics selected. These contents were again further processed into a table format. The comprehensive approach (based on the curriculum) in the experiment was searched by using three-step criteria. One report per content area per year was evaluated for further examination. According to the study, the content area of ‘Food competence and food culture’ proved to be the most used. The content area of ‘Consumer and financial expertise’ proved to be the second most popular and the area ‘Living together’ the least utilized. Students reflected little influence on the choice of content areas, as teaching experiments were mainly conducted at the same time as teaching practice. Learning theories that emphasized interactive learning proved to be popular. Comprehensiveness was manifested primarily through fulfillment of comprehensive goals and the selection of thematic contents that support the formation of a broader understanding. The usefulness of the course ’Teacher as a researcher’ leans strongly in experimentation of new methods and the use of digital technology in teaching. Such skills have been proven necessary as the COVID-19 pandemic has changed teaching practices in schools.
  • Purolinna, Ronja (2021)
    The study examines the subject didactic development reports produced as the final work of the course ’Teacher as a researcher’ which is part of home economics teacher’s pedagogical studies. These reports have not previously been analyzed as research data. The aim of the study was to find out what content areas and learning theories students use in their teaching experiments. The aim was also look at how the comprehensive learning goals, stated in the National curriculum are manifested in teaching experiments. Thus, this study examines the directions in which students are taking the subject-didactic development work. The scientific literature of the study relies on research-based teacher education and comprehensive learning goals as part of the National curriculum. The data includes 66 development reports prepared in 2013-2020. The reports were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The learning theories applied in the teaching experiments were analyzed as based on the framework summarizing these theories. The emphasis on the various content areas of home economics was searched for on the teaching methods used and for on the topics selected. These contents were again further processed into a table format. The comprehensive approach (based on the curriculum) in the experiment was searched by using three-step criteria. One report per content area per year was evaluated for further examination. According to the study, the content area of ‘Food competence and food culture’ proved to be the most used. The content area of ‘Consumer and financial expertise’ proved to be the second most popular and the area ‘Living together’ the least utilized. Students reflected little influence on the choice of content areas, as teaching experiments were mainly conducted at the same time as teaching practice. Learning theories that emphasized interactive learning proved to be popular. Comprehensiveness was manifested primarily through fulfillment of comprehensive goals and the selection of thematic contents that support the formation of a broader understanding. The usefulness of the course ’Teacher as a researcher’ leans strongly in experimentation of new methods and the use of digital technology in teaching. Such skills have been proven necessary as the COVID-19 pandemic has changed teaching practices in schools.
  • Hietanen, Josefina (2020)
    Objectives. The purpose of this study is to build a picture of the ways difficulties in self-regulation can be observed among pupils in home economics classes. The research questions are: 1. How do difficulties in self-regulation appear in interaction within home economics classes, and 2. Which factors are connected to either well-functioning self-regulation or difficulties in self-regulation? Self-regulation can be defined as the control of one’s behaviour in order to align it with the demands of a environment. The successful self-regulation is one of the most important skills in any line of work or area of life in general. Self-regulation has been studied especially in special education and in early childhood education. However, these themes have not been studied thoroughly in the context of home economics classes or in basic school education. The learning process of self-regulation abilities is however entwined with the praxis-type activities of home education classes. Additionally, the educational goals of home economics classes include skills in interaction and cooperation, which require self-regulation. Methods. The data for this study was formed by observation of six home economics classes. All the classes were taught by the same teacher. The students were from all upper elementary grades (7th, 8th and 9th) with one class from each grade. The observations were written down and then selected for closer inspection by the relevance to research questions. The final amount of observed significant instances of interaction was approximately 280 pieces. Additionally, an observation diary was kept throughout the data collection phase. The data was analysed and thematized by the means of a qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. Several kinds of instances of both communal and individual difficulties in self-control can be seen in the data. In many instances, the difficulty was an individual way of reacting to a challenging situation. The instances in failure of self-regulation can be classified in the fight-or-flight or freezing. They manifested either outwardly or passively inwardly. A relevant factor in supporting self-regulation were the actions taken by the teacher. Knowledge and understanding of self-regulation abilities and the biological basis of behaviour should be enforced in the education of home economics teachers in order for them to better understand pupils with behavioural challenges
  • Tillander, Tessy (2021)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata yhdeksäsluokkalaisten kokemuksia kotitalousopetuksen käytännön toimintataitotavoitteiden toteutumisesta. Kotitalousopetuksen tavoitteita ja niiden toteutumista on aiemmin tutkittu sekä kvalitatiivisesti että kvantitatiivisesti vain vähän. Lisäksi tutkimus on keskittynyt lähinnä vain opettajien näkökulmaan. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin käyttämällä laadullisia menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin keväällä 2021. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui viidestä yhdeksäsluokkalaisen yksilöhaastattelusta. Haastattelut litteroitiin ja litteroitu aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimus perustuu teoreettisesti kotitalousopetukseen, sen tavoitteisiin sekä kokemuksen käsitteeseen. Kotitalousopetusta määrittää opetussuunnitelma, joka sisältää sekä oppiainekohtaisia tavoitteita että muitakin tavoitteita. Käytännön toimintataitotavoitteet ovat yksi kotitalousopetuksen erityistavoitekategoria, jota opetetaan oppilaille kolmen sisältöalueen kautta. Käytännön toimintataidoiksi luokitellaan esimerkiksi taitoa tehdä käsillä sekä taitoa toimia turvallisesti. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään tavoitteiden toteutumista oppilaiden kokemusten pohjalta. Kokemusta luonnehditaan ajalliseksi prosessiksi, joka sisältää sekä yksilön että hänen ympäristönsä. Siihen vaikuttaa useat eri tekijät, kuten esimerkiksi muisti. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että kotitalousopetuksen käytännön toimintataitotavoitteet toteutuvat oppilaiden kokemusten mukaan lähes kokonaisuudessaan opetussuunnitelman mukaisesti. Oppilaat tunnistavat tavoitteiden mukaista toimintaa jokaisen tavoitealueen kohdalla, pieniä poikkeuksia lukuun ottamatta. Tuloksista voidaan kuitenkin huomata, että tavoitteiden sisällöt eivät välttämättä toteudu kaikilla oppilailla samalla tavalla. Oppilaiden kokemukset sisältävät esimerkkejä pääosin vain kotitalousopetuksen ensimmäisestä sisältöalueesta: ruokaosaamisesta ja ruokakulttuurista. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että oppilaiden kokemuksia tavoitteiden toteutumisesta ja tavoitteisuudesta olisi hyvä tutkia myös laajemmin muissa ympäristöissä, esimerkiksi eri kaupungeissa tai sitä, miten asia ilmenee kotona. Jatkotutkimuksilla voidaan saada lisää tärkeää tietoa siitä, millä tavoin tavoitteiden mukainen opetus toteutuu. Jo aiemmin on todettu, että kotitalousopetuksella on yhteiskunnallinen vaikutus ja siksi onkin tärkeää saada lisää ajankohtaista tietoa ilmiöstä, jotta opetusta voitaisiin toteuttaa entistä paremmin.
  • Lehosvuo, Suvi Kristiina (2018)
    The aim of the study is to research the students’ views about optional home economics as a subject and its teaching at the junior high school level. Previ-ous studies have examined home economics teachers´ and students´ perceptions of the sub-ject, its future perspectives and what determines good teaching. The research material was collected during spring 2015 from one junior high school´s opti-onal courses of home economics. The material consisted of short essays about the subject of home economics written by the students. In total, there were 84 papers given: 42 from stu-dents at 8th-grade level and 42 from students at 9th-grade level. The study was conducted as a qualitative research and the material was analysed using the qualitative content analysis method. The students´ views of home economics as a subject and the teaching of home economics were mainly positive. The students experienced that home economics as a subject was in-spiring and something that brought variety to their normal school day. Teamwork and practi-cality were seen as positive factors and food and working with the food were seen as interest-ing activities. Teacher´s positive and motivated attitude, approachableness and encouraging feedback were also important. A peaceful class environment was seen as an essential factor to a good learning experience. The study showed how home economics is a popular optional junior high school subject. Teamwork and practicality are teaching methods that interest students and the positive and motivated attitude of the teacher encourages students to perform well in the class. The re-sults showed how the subject of home economics is an important and topical part of the na-tional core curriculum in the times when social changes are more present in the school world than ever.
  • Niemelä, Emmi (2015)
    The curriculum divides pupil assessment in primary teaching into assessment during the course of studies and final assessments. This research focuses on the former, which aims to guide and encourage pupils along with improving their self-esteem and metacognitive skills. The study is aiming to present the various assessing methods the teacher use in the field of home economics. It was assumed that researching teachers' implementation of formative assessment brings up teachers' views of learning theory as well as helps them to improve their pedagogic evaluative thinking. The research questions focus on the assessment practices, the connection between assessment and learning theories, and the connection between assessment and students' learning outcome. The research was carried out as a qualitative research. The empirical data were collected from interviews with seven home economics teachers, who had been working from 4,5 to 28 years. Each interviewed teacher was working in different cities. The interview data were analysed using qualitative content analysis clarified with mind-maps. The results show that teachers who actively reflect their work also develop their assessment methods diversely and examine pupil equality in assessing. Implementing formative assessment varies widely; the content and quality depends on teacher's work ethic and view of learning theory. Equality between pupils requires the assessing fundamentals to be well known for both teacher and pupil; it increases pupil's autonomy and points where teachers and pupils should put their efforts in. Assessing the personality blends easily to assessing the knowledge. Establishing the new curriculum demands teachers to examine their methods of pupil assessing. The results of the study help teachers to find the crucial points in developing formative assessment to support the socio-cultural learning theory; assessment as learning.
  • Niemelä, Emmi (2015)
    The curriculum divides pupil assessment in primary teaching into assessment during the course of studies and final assessments. This research focuses on the former, which aims to guide and encourage pupils along with improving their self-esteem and metacognitive skills. The study is aiming to present the various assessing methods the teacher use in the field of home economics. It was assumed that researching teachers´ implementation of formative assessment brings up teachers’ views of learning theory as well as helps them to improve their pedagogic evaluative thinking. The research questions focus on the assessment practices, the connection between assessment and learning theories, and the connection between assessment and students’ learning outcome. The research was carried out as a qualitative research. The empirical data were collected from interviews with seven home economics teachers, who had been working from 4,5 to 28 years. Each interviewed teacher was working in different cities. The interview data were analysed using qualitative content analysis clarified with mind-maps. The results show that teachers who actively reflect their work also develop their assessment methods diversely and examine pupil equality in assessing. Implementing formative assessment varies widely; the content and quality depends on teacher´s work ethic and view of learning theory. Equality between pupils requires the assessing fundamentals to be well known for both teacher and pupil; it increases pupil´s autonomy and points where teachers and pupils should put their efforts in. Assessing the personality blends easily to assessing the knowledge. Establishing the new curriculum demands teachers to examine their methods of pupil assessing. The results of the study help teachers to find the crucial points in developing formative assessment to support the socio-cultural learning theory; assessment as learning.
  • Viljaala, Mirva (2020)
    The main purpose of this research is to observe the home economics teachers in comprehensive school as multicultural educators. The goal of this research was to clarify how the home economics teachers experience multiculturalism in their work and how multicultural education can be included in home economics lessons. The Finnish society becomes more multicultural all the time and the teachers are working with the diverse groups of pupils every day. The teachers’ multicultural skills are important especially in the home economics class where students learn new information and skills for their own life and home. This research has a qualitative method. The research material was collected by using the theme interview method. Seven home economics teachers who work in different comprehensive schools took part in the interviews and all the interviews were carried out in January 2020. Three different themes were handled during the interviews. The themes were derived from the research questions in this study. The themes were teaching and multiculturalism, home economics teachers work and multiculturalism along with diversity in school’s everyday life. The interview recordings were transcribed word for word and analyzed using the content analysis. According to my results, multiculturalism enriches the home economics lessons in comprehensive schools. The discussions about food, cooking and eating create good opportunities to learn something new about diverse cultures and tolerance. Home economics teachers strive for equality when meeting the students in the home economics classroom and try to teach tolerance during the lessons. According to this research, the challenges with multiculturalism are mostly connected with students’ weak knowledge of the Finnish language. Home economics teachers consider warm and approving atmosphere in the home economics classroom very important. The home economics teachers’ own multicultural skills increase especially when working with diverse students and outside the school through their own experiences and interests.
  • Viljaala, Mirva (2020)
    The main purpose of this research is to observe the home economics teachers in comprehensive school as multicultural educators. The goal of this research was to clarify how the home economics teachers experience multiculturalism in their work and how multicultural education can be included in home economics lessons. The Finnish society becomes more multicultural all the time and the teachers are working with the diverse groups of pupils every day. The teachers’ multicultural skills are important especially in the home economics class where students learn new information and skills for their own life and home. This research has a qualitative method. The research material was collected by using the theme interview method. Seven home economics teachers who work in different comprehensive schools took part in the interviews and all the interviews were carried out in January 2020. Three different themes were handled during the interviews. The themes were derived from the research questions in this study. The themes were teaching and multiculturalism, home economics teachers work and multiculturalism along with diversity in school’s everyday life. The interview recordings were transcribed word for word and analyzed using the content analysis. According to my results, multiculturalism enriches the home economics lessons in comprehensive schools. The discussions about food, cooking and eating create good opportunities to learn something new about diverse cultures and tolerance. Home economics teachers strive for equality when meeting the students in the home economics classroom and try to teach tolerance during the lessons. According to this research, the challenges with multiculturalism are mostly connected with students’ weak knowledge of the Finnish language. Home economics teachers consider warm and approving atmosphere in the home economics classroom very important. The home economics teachers’ own multicultural skills increase especially when working with diverse students and outside the school through their own experiences and interests.
  • Haaranen, Anniina (2021)
    Tavoitteet ja keskeiset käsitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten tekstiilienhoito näyttäytyy kotitalouden oppikirjoissa 1950-luvulta 2010-luvulle. Pyykinpesu ja tekstiilienhoito ovat olennainen sisältöalue kotitalousopetuksessa ja lisäksi tärkeitä arjen taitoja. Tarkastelussa on, millaisia käsitteitä kirjoissa tekstiilienhoitoon ja pyykinpesuun liitetään ja missä järjestyksessä aiheita käsitellään, sekä mitä samankaltaisuuksia kirjoista löytyy. Keskeiset käsitteet ovat tekstiilienhoito, pyykinpesu, kotitalousopetus ja oppikirja. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen oppikirja-analyysi ja toteutustapana on teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimii seitsemän kotitalouden oppikirjaa yksi kultakin vuosikymmeneltä. Sisällönanalyysin tukena on käytetty analysointitaulukkoa, johon on teemoitettu kotitalouden oppikirjojen sisällöt tekstiilienhoidon osalta. Oppikirjoista nousi tutkittaviksi teemoiksi vaatehuolto, pyykinpesu sekä pyykin esikäsittely ja jälkikäsittely. Käsitteitä ja teemoja avataan tarkemmin teoriaosassa, sekä tutkimustuloksissa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tekstiilienhoito näyttäytyy oppikirjoissa selvästi omana sisältöalueenaan. Sisältöalueen suuruus vaikuttaa joiltain osin siihen, miten laajasti tekstiilienhoidon eri teemoja on oppikirjoissa käyty läpi. Sivujen määrä ei kuitenkaan ole suorassa yhteydessä sisällön monipuolisuuden kanssa. Tämän tutkimuksen rajauksena käytetyt neljä teemaa löytyvät kaikista kirjoista. Eniten eroavaisuuksia löytyy vaatehuollon sisällöstä. Pyykinpesu, pyykin esi- ja jälkikäsittely näyttäytyvät melko samanlaisina kaikissa oppikirjoissa. Pyykinpesukoneiden yleistyminen muokkaa kirjojen sisältöä pyykinpesun osalta, mutta esi- ja jälkikäsittelyn työvaiheet eivät juuri muutu vuosikymmenten edetessä. Jotkut käsitteet jäävät pois ja uusia tulee tilalle, mutta pääosin sisältöalueet pysyvät samana.
  • Léman, Loviisa (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Kasvisten käyttö ja kasvispainotteinen ruokailu on ollut Suomessa kasvussa. Viime vuosien aikana on oltu myös entistä kiinnostuneempia sekä ruokavalintojen ympäristö- että terveysvaikutuksista. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä kasviksista ja kasvisruoista tuodaan esille peruskoulun kotitalouden oppikirjoissa 1980- ja 2020-luvun alun välisenä aikana. Tällä ajanjaksolla on ollut voimassa viidet eri opetussuunnitelman perusteet, joiden mukaisesti oppikirjojen sisällöt on laadittu. Myös kasvisten suositeltavat käyttömäärät ravitsemussuosituksissa ovat muuttuneet ajanjaksolla. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen aineistoksi valikoitui viisi peruskoulun kotitalouden oppikirjaa, jotka on julkaistu tutkimusajanjaksolla eri vuosikymmeninä. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin mukaisesti luokittelemalla ja teemoittelemalla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kasvisruokaohjeiden suhteellinen määrä oppikirjoissa lähes kaksinkertaistui tutkimusajanjaksolla. Myös kasvisruokaohjeissa käytettyjen raaka-aineiden valikoima monipuolistui etenkin 2000-luvulta lähtien. Kirjoista nousi esille kuusi teemaa: yleistä tietoa kasviksista, säilytys, terveys ja ravitsemus, kasvisten turvallinen käsittely ja valmistaminen, aistittavat ominaisuudet ja kestävä kehitys. Eniten kirjoissa käsiteltiin kasvisten säilytystä, turvallista käsittelyä ja valmistamista sekä kasviksiin liittyviä terveys- ja ravitsemusasioita. Teemat osoittautuivat olevan osittain päällekkäisiä. Kirjoissa oli kuitenkin eroa siinä, kuinka paljon eri teemoja käsiteltiin ja mitä asioita eri teemoista tuotiin esille. Esimerkiksi 2000-luvulta lähtien kasviksia käsittelevissä oppikirjateksteissä tuotiin esille entistä enemmän myös kestävän kehityksen näkökulmia esimerkiksi kasvisten kotimaisuuden ja sesonkien käsittelyn yhteydessä. Se, mitä kasvisten suositeltavasta käytöstä kirjoissa todettiin, vaihteli sen mukaan, mitkä ravitsemussuositukset ovat olleet voimassa. Koska oppikirjat ovat pysyneet vuosikymmenten ajan käytetyimpinä oppimateriaaleina peruskoulussa, niitä koskevalle tutkimukselle voisi olla tarvetta kotitaloustieteessä. Ravitsemussuositukset ja laajemmin koko yhteiskunnassa tapahtuneet muutokset heijastuvat tämän tutkimuksen mukaan kotitalouden oppikirjoihin.
  • Kukkonen, Sara (2023)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella, kuinka Ramadan näkyy kotitalousopetuksessa. Teemaa lähestytään erityisesti kotitalousopettaja näkökulmasta keskittyen siihen, kuinka opettajat suunnittelevat ja toteuttavat kotitalouden opetusta Ramadanin aikana, tuoko Ramadan mukanaan haasteita tai mahdollisuuksia kotitalousopetukseen ja kaipaavatko kotitalousopettajat tukea paastonaikaiseen opetukseen. Aiemmat tutkimukset aiheeseen liittyen ovat keskittyneet muun muassa monikulttuurisuuteen tai uskontojen vaikutukseen kotitalousopetuksessa, joten tämä työ tarjoaa uuden näkökulman keskittyen Ramadaniin. Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisena eli kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin pääkaupunkiseudun kotitalousopettajilta haastatteluin. Osallistujista (n=5) neljä vastasi sähköpostitse ja yksi kasvotusten. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällön analyysin avulla. Tulokset osoittavat, että osa opettajista ei tee erityisjärjestelyitä kotitalousopetukseen Ramadanin tai paaston aikana, mutta tunneilla aikaansaannokset kuten leivonnaiset voi jokaisessa koulussa pakata halutessaan mukaan kotiin. Opettajien kokemat Ramadaniin liittyvät haasteet kotitalousopetuksessa vaihtelivat koulujen välillä, mahdollisuuksiksi mainittiin erityisesti Ramadania noudattavien oppilaiden mahdollisuus käydä aiheesta avointa keskustelua. Ramadaniin liittyvien käytäntöjen tutkiminen kotitalousopetuksessa auttaa ymmärtämään opetusta moninaisuuden tukemisen näkökulmasta. Jatkotutkimuksena aihetta olisi tärkeää tutkia myös Ramadania noudattavien oppilaiden näkökulmasta.
  • Kettunen, Minni (2022)
    Viralliset ravitsemussuositukset päivitetään Suomessa noin kahdeksan vuoden välein perustuen Pohjoismaisiin ravitsemussuosituksiin. Ravitsemussuositusten tavoitteena on edistää terveyttä. Opetushallitus määrittää kotitalous- oppiaineen olevan yksi arjen ja kestävien valintojen takana oleva taito- ja taideoppiaine, jolla on myös yhteiskunnallinen merkitys. Kotitalousopetuksen tavoitteet (T3, T13) liittyvät kestävään elämäntapaan ja yhdessä kotitalousoppiaineen sisältöalueessa (S1 ruokaosaaminen ja ruokakulttuuri) painotetaan muun muassa ruoan ja syömisen valintojen tärkeyden perustamista ravitsemussuosituksiin. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten päivittyneet ravitsemussuositukset näkyvät kotitalouden oppikirjojen sisällöissä vuosien 1999–2021 välillä. Tällä ajanjaksolla ravitsemussuositukset ja perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmat ovat muuttuneet Suomessa kolme kertaa. Oppikirjojen tarkastelu on tärkeää, koska oppikirjat ovat eniten käytettyjä opetusmateriaaleja ja täten merkityksellisiä oppituntien sisältöjen kannalta. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisin menetelmin. Aineistoksi valittiin kolme kotitalouden oppikirjaa, jokainen eri kustantajalta. Jokainen oppikirja on julkaistu kunkin ravitsemussuosituspäivityksen jälkeen. Aineisto analysoitiin teorialähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä ryhmittelemällä. Aineistosta etsittiin ravitsemussuositusten mukaisia sisältöjä pääruokaohjeiden sekä ravitsemussuositusten mukaisten kuvien (lautasmalli, ruokaympyrä/pyramidi/kolmio) osalta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että tutkielman aineistoksi valituissa oppikirjoissa oli seikkoja, jotka eivät tukeneet voimassa olleita ravitsemussuosituksia. Jokaisessa oppikirjassa oli punaista lihaa sisältäviä pääruokaohjeita huomattavasti enemmän, kuin kala-, kasvis, - tai kanaruokaohjeita. Tämä ei vastannut silloisten ravitsemussuositusten mukaisia sisältöjä, sillä jokaisessa ravitsemussuosituksessa korostettiin punaista lihaa sisältävien tuotteiden vähentämistä. Lisäksi tarkasteltavien kuvien sekä niihin liitettyjen tekstiosuuksien osalta oli havaittavissa eroavaisuuksia virallisten valtion ravitsemusneuvottelukunnan laatimien ravitsemussuositusten kuvien kanssa, sillä osa lautasmalleista, ruokapyramideista ja -kolmioista oli puutteellisia tai puuttuivat oppikirjasta jopa kokonaan. Näiden oppikirjojen osalta lisäopetusmateriaalin käyttö kotitalousopetuksessa on ollut tarpeellista, jotta voimassa olleiden ravitsemussuositusten mukaiset sisällöt ovat toteutuneet oppitunneilla.
  • Roell, Jonna (2020)
    Objectives. Equality is not achieved in many areas. The aim of this thesis is to describe how the gender system determines the agency of students despite the seemingly achieved equality and gender neutrality. I seek to describe how the gender system is passed down from generation to generation and often affects us as subconscious beliefs. Gender-based beliefs and gendered ways of agency have roots far in history. Therefore, I will also briefly describe the history of the home economics subject. Previous research shows that boys do not reach the same level of performance in school as girls do. Also in the home economics subject. The difference between the skills of girls and boys has been studied extensively, and the reasons behind the difference are seen in the girls' natural motivation towards studying, the female dominance of teacher work force or the more active nature of boys, to name a few. All findings are partially true. The aim of this study is to consider what might be the cause behind these observations and present the tools for change. Analyzing the data, I describe the differences in agency in the topics of the home economics. Methods. The data used in this study is part of the material The Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Home Economics (2014). The data consists of 3541 9th grade pupils' background survey answers, especially the sections describing household hobbies, perceived competence and the importance of the subject. Using quantitative methods, the differences between girls and boys in doing household and especially housework were described. Results and conclusions. According to results there is apparent difference in household agency between genders. The results show that girls do more housework than boys do. Girls also think that they perform better in housework chores than boys. In addition, girls feel that knowledge of household-related knowledge and skills will be more important to them in the future than boys do. According to the results, custodians of girls consider household skills more important than custodians of boys. The differences were very significant measured by statistical methods, and the systematic nature of the results can be considered meaningful. The results imply that housework is still associated with female-like activities. From the point of view of equality in education, the importance of a gender-conscious approach is emphasized. Awareness of societal beliefs about gender stereotypes, especially in school, can erase barriers of one's agency and thus increase equality in school and society.
  • Roell, Jonna (2020)
    Objectives. Equality is not achieved in many areas. The aim of this thesis is to describe how the gender system determines the agency of students despite the seemingly achieved equality and gender neutrality. I seek to describe how the gender system is passed down from generation to generation and often affects us as subconscious beliefs. Gender-based beliefs and gendered ways of agency have roots far in history. Therefore, I will also briefly describe the history of the home economics subject. Previous research shows that boys do not reach the same level of performance in school as girls do. Also in the home economics subject. The difference between the skills of girls and boys has been studied extensively, and the reasons behind the difference are seen in the girls' natural motivation towards studying, the female dominance of teacher work force or the more active nature of boys, to name a few. All findings are partially true. The aim of this study is to consider what might be the cause behind these observations and present the tools for change. Analyzing the data, I describe the differences in agency in the topics of the home economics. Methods. The data used in this study is part of the material The Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Home Economics (2014). The data consists of 3541 9th grade pupils' background survey answers, especially the sections describing household hobbies, perceived competence and the importance of the subject. Using quantitative methods, the differences between girls and boys in doing household and especially housework were described. Results and conclusions. According to results there is apparent difference in household agency between genders. The results show that girls do more housework than boys do. Girls also think that they perform better in housework chores than boys. In addition, girls feel that knowledge of household-related knowledge and skills will be more important to them in the future than boys do. According to the results, custodians of girls consider household skills more important than custodians of boys. The differences were very significant measured by statistical methods, and the systematic nature of the results can be considered meaningful. The results imply that housework is still associated with female-like activities. From the point of view of equality in education, the importance of a gender-conscious approach is emphasized. Awareness of societal beliefs about gender stereotypes, especially in school, can erase barriers of one's agency and thus increase equality in school and society.
  • Tepponen, Terhi (2023)
    Objectives. Financial capability is an important civic skill needed for managing one's own finances and money matters, as well as for functioning in society in a way that promotes its economic well-being. Consumer and financial literacy is a key content area in home economics education and an important life skill. The purpose of this study is to examine the content of home economics textbooks used in basic education from the 1980s to 2010s, regarding financial capability and to find out the themes of financial capability presented and emphasized in these textbooks. The second objective of the study is to examine the objectives of the Finnish National Agency for Education (FNAE) in the national core curriculum for basic education (NCCBE/POPS) related to financial capability and how these goals are reflected in home economics textbooks from different decades. Methods. This study was a qualitative research and theory-guided content analysis was used as the analytical method. Analysis tables were used as a support for content analysis, where themes found in the textbooks were recorded. The four-part model of financial capability developed by Atkinson, Mc Kay, Kempson and Collard (2006) was used as an analysis tool. The data consisted of eight (8) home economics textbooks published between 1986 and 2017. The content areas related to financial capability, as well as their main text, images, captions various information boxes, summaries, and exercises was included in the analyses. Results and conclusions. The results were divided into the following areas based on the four-field framework: managing money, planning, choosing products and staying informed. All four areas were presented both in home economics textbooks and National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (NCCBE/POPS). The results of the study show that the most addressed themes of financial capability in home economics textbooks were related to managing money and choosing products. The themes of managing money and staying informed were emphasized in the goals of the NCCBE/POPS.
  • Orhala-Halminen, Heli (2022)
    This thesis examines how sustainable food education in schools can make the pupil more aware of food waste if there are there appropriate teaching materials to support teaching about food waste. Previous home economics educational research shows the potential of school meals, home economics and class teaching in supporting students' food waste skills through sustainable food education. In addition, from the perspective of the home economics education phenomenon, it can be stated that teaching material on food waste can be found to support teaching, but textbooks on food waste as part of sustainability education are still scarce. The aim of this thesis is to examine teaching and teaching material on food waste through ethnographic methods. The research material has been obtained by observing and interview-ing classroom teachers and home economics teachers. The observation took place in a prod-uct development workshop for classroom and home economics teachers, where teaching ma-terials on food waste were devised to support teaching. The observation material consisted of documents and a text diary. Interviews were conducted as semi-structured theme interviews with three classroom teachers and three home economics teachers. The views of classroom teachers and home economics teachers about food waste and its teaching materials were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Sustainable food education related to food waste was seen as an essential part of school meals and home economics in primary education. Pupils’ food waste skills can be promoted by taking appropriate teaching materials of food waste and its use in teaching into account. Collaboration between the school staff as food educators and motivating, age-appropriate teaching materials were considered to play a key role in teaching about food waste. However, the multidimensional definition of food waste and the lack of appreciation of food can be seen as a challenge to evolving pupils’ food waste skills as part of sustainable development.
  • Orhala-Halminen, Heli (2022)
    This thesis examines how sustainable food education in schools can make the pupil more aware of food waste if there are there appropriate teaching materials to support teaching about food waste. Previous home economics educational research shows the potential of school meals, home economics and class teaching in supporting students' food waste skills through sustainable food education. In addition, from the perspective of the home economics education phenomenon, it can be stated that teaching material on food waste can be found to support teaching, but textbooks on food waste as part of sustainability education are still scarce. The aim of this thesis is to examine teaching and teaching material on food waste through ethnographic methods. The research material has been obtained by observing and interview-ing classroom teachers and home economics teachers. The observation took place in a prod-uct development workshop for classroom and home economics teachers, where teaching ma-terials on food waste were devised to support teaching. The observation material consisted of documents and a text diary. Interviews were conducted as semi-structured theme interviews with three classroom teachers and three home economics teachers. The views of classroom teachers and home economics teachers about food waste and its teaching materials were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Sustainable food education related to food waste was seen as an essential part of school meals and home economics in primary education. Pupils’ food waste skills can be promoted by taking appropriate teaching materials of food waste and its use in teaching into account. Collaboration between the school staff as food educators and motivating, age-appropriate teaching materials were considered to play a key role in teaching about food waste. However, the multidimensional definition of food waste and the lack of appreciation of food can be seen as a challenge to evolving pupils’ food waste skills as part of sustainable development.
  • Heldén, Merja (2020)
    The objectives. The purpose of this study is to describe how home economic teachers experience the changes in their work as information and communication technologies become part of teaching. The research questions are: 1. How do home teachers experience that information and communication technologies are changing their jobs? 2. What factors influence the use of ICT in teaching? 3. What challenges and opportunities does ICT bring to teaching? Methods. This is a qualitative study carried out using an on-line questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to members of the Finnish Home Economics Teachers´ Association all over Finland. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. Teachers felt that ICT facilitated their work on the one hand, and increased the amount of work on the other. Often working days were stretched and it was difficult to separate work and leisure time. Teachers also needed networking and further training. Teachers´own perceptions and experiences are relevant to the extent of using information and communication technology in their teaching. Challenges were perceived as mobile phones caused disruptions during lessons. Functionality of equipment: equipment availability and non-functioning network connections were also perceived as a challenge. It was seen as an opportunity to facilitate the documentation and demonstration of various outputs and activities. Information retrieval has also become easier with the help of information and communication technology.
  • Heldén, Merja (2020)
    The objectives. The purpose of this study is to describe how home economic teachers experience the changes in their work as information and communication technologies become part of teaching. The research questions are: 1. How do home teachers experience that information and communication technologies are changing their jobs? 2. What factors influence the use of ICT in teaching? 3. What challenges and opportunities does ICT bring to teaching? Methods. This is a qualitative study carried out using an on-line questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to members of the Finnish Home Economics Teachers´ Association all over Finland. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. Teachers felt that ICT facilitated their work on the one hand, and increased the amount of work on the other. Often working days were stretched and it was difficult to separate work and leisure time. Teachers also needed networking and further training. Teachers´own perceptions and experiences are relevant to the extent of using information and communication technology in their teaching. Challenges were perceived as mobile phones caused disruptions during lessons. Functionality of equipment: equipment availability and non-functioning network connections were also perceived as a challenge. It was seen as an opportunity to facilitate the documentation and demonstration of various outputs and activities. Information retrieval has also become easier with the help of information and communication technology.