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Browsing by Subject "opettaja"

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  • Salovuori, Anton (2018)
    Mindfulness has become a popular method for practicing the mind. Research literature provides strong evidence of its welfare effects and it is increasingly being used in stress management. In this thesis mindfulness is considered as a resource for teachers to respond to stress. Work-related stress among teachers is a growing problem for education. The thesis explains how teachers can take advantage of mindfulness in their profession. The thesis has been carried out in accordance with the literature review method, therefore the aim has been to increase the theoretical understanding of the mindfulness concept and its possibilities in managing the stress of teachers. First, the concept of mindfulness is examined aiming to make its features visible. Secondly, stress and mindfulness’s usefulness to reduce stress are considered. Third, a review is made of the effect of the method on the teacher's work-related stress. Mindfulness is seen as an influential way of addressing stress factors and changing the cognitive assessment of stressful situations. This method helps to ease the psychological plight and emotional experience of stress. Practicing mindfulness was associated with reduced stress. With mindfulness, teachers can expand their resources to face the everyday stress-factors in the classroom.
  • Tyynilä, Salla (2020)
    Lasten mielenterveysongelmat vaikuttavat olevan jatkuvassa kasvussa. Koululla, ja erityisesti opet-tajilla, on tärkeä rooli edistää ja tukea lasten mielenterveyttä. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman aihe pohjautuu tämän roolin merkitykseen. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tehdä katsaus 2010 -luvulla tehtyihin tutkimuksiin mielenterveyden tukemisesta koulussa. Tavoitteena on kartoittaa, mitkä eri seikat vaikuttavat opettajien mahdollisuuksiin tukea alakouluikäisten lasten mielenterveyttä koulussa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Kirjallisuuskatsausta varten tutustuttiin 2010 -luvulla tehtyihin tutkimuksiin. Tutkimusartikkelit on julkaistu Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa, Australiassa ja Yhdysvalloissa. Tutkimuksiin perehdyttiin huolellisesti, minkä jälkeen niistä eriteltiin esiin nousseita teemoja. Oppilaan mielenterveyden tukemiseen vaikuttavana tekijänä mainittiin useassa tutkimuksessa opettajien aiheeseen liittyvän koulutuksen puute. Opettajien haasteet oppilaiden mielenterveyden tukemisessa liittyivät suuressa osassa tutkimuksista liian vähäisiin koettuihin tietoihin ja taitoihin sekä oireiden tunnistamisessa että mahdollisissa tukemisen tavoissa. Tiivis yhteistyö nähtiin tärkeänä mielenterveyden edistämisessä, mutta monipuolisempaa yhteistyötä kaivattiin lisää. Opettajat kokivat, etteivät selkeät toimintamallit leviä koulujen käytäntöön asti. Tutkimuksen ja käytännön välillä vaikutti vallitsevan suuri ero, jota tulisi pyrkiä jatkossa pienentämään.
  • Malmi, Aino (2022)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia ja selvittää opettajan mahdollisia keinoja kohdata ja tukea ujoja oppilaita koululuokassa. Aiemman tutkimuksen mukaan opettajat eivät ole aina tietoisia siitä, miten luokan vetäytyvät ja hiljaiset oppilaat tulisi kohdata. Tässä tutkielmassa erittelen niitä keinoja, joiden avulla opettaja voi työssään huomioida ujot oppilaat yksilötasolla sekä ryhmätasolla. Tutkimustehtävät ovat 1) Mitä keinoja opettajalla on huomioida ja tukea ujoja ja hiljaisia oppilaita yksilöllisesti luokkahuoneessa oppitunnilla? ja 2) Mitä keinoja opettaja voi käyttää ujon tukemiseksi ryhmätasolla? Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoiksi valikoitui seitsemän empiiristä tutkimusta sekä yksi katsausartikkeli. Käytin teoriaohjaavaa analyysitapaa tarkastellessani aineistoja ja kiinnitin huomioita niihin teemoihin, jotka käsittelivät ujouden käsitettä kouluissa. Ryhmittelin löytämäni tulokset alakategorioihin. Ujo oppilas tarvitsee arkeensa riittävän turvallisuuden tunteen. Opettaja voi edistää turvallisuutta luomalla luokkaan positiivista ja kannustavaa ilmapiiriä. Myös lämmin vuorovaikutussuhde oppilaan ja opettajan välillä oli yksi merkittävä tekijä ujon kokeman turvallisuuden tunteen luomiseksi. Lämmintä vuorovaikutussuhdetta pyrittiin rakentamaan tekemällä itsestä helposti lähestyttävä sekä ottamalla itse kontaktia ujoon oppilaaseen. Hiljaisten oppilaiden osallistumista tunnilla voidaan mahdollistaa myös muilla tavoin kuin viittaamalla ja puhumalla, ja erilaiset pelit ja leikit voivatkin rohkaista ujoa oppilasta puhumaan vähitellen. Opettajan on tärkeä miettiä myös etukäteen, keiden kanssa ujo oppilas sijoitetaan samaan ryhmään pienryhmätyöskentelyssä, varmistaen turvallisuuden kokemus. Oppilaan arkeen on hyvä myös yrittää luoda rutiineja ja ennustettavuutta käymällä läpi päivän tulevat tapahtumat sekä noudattamalla tiettyjä toistuvia rutiineja koulussa.
  • Ghribi, Sonia (2017)
    The study examines the occurance of Islamophobia in kindergarten and/or school communities. This subject has been examined in Finland a little but a similar research was made in Canada recently, which shows that Muslim teachers encounter Islamophobia in schools. The aim of this study was to investigate the appearance of Islamophobia in Finnish educational institutions. In addition, the goal was to study what kind of experiences the Muslim teachers faced in kindergarten and / or school communities, as well as what kind of effects these experiences had in their professional identity, as well as in their work in educational institutions. The study is a qualitative research. The data collection method used in the study was made by semi- structured face-to-face interviews with three Finnish Muslim teachers. Two of them were class teachers and one a kindergarten teacher. The participants were all females and originally native Finnish converts to the Islamic faith. They all have been working in the field of Education for more than seven years. The study revealed that the participants experienced Islamophobic attitudes in many diverse ways. They experienced Islamophobia by colleagues and children's parents and also in the context of re- cruiting process for hiring. Media biases and misrepresentation of Islam and Muslims, and general ignorance regarding Islam as a religion were seen as primary reasons for Islamophobia. These nega- tive experiences had a direct impact on their professional identities. However the study also revealed that Muslim teachers encounter positive experiences regarding their religion as well. The participants were seen as a strengthening asset, especially in multicultural educational institutes. Based on this study one can draw a conclusion that the Muslim teachers truly face Islamophobia in school and kindergarten environments, however, less than in their free time. In an increasingly globalized world, particularly employees in educational institutions should be aware of Islamophobia and try to counter it and guide children to critical thinking.
  • Metsämuuronen, Tuua Maria (2014)
    The study focuses on the Nepalese 8 grade Mathematics, Nepali language and Social study teachers' confidence to teach their own subject. Every skill, such as teaching skills, brings with uncertainty and insecurity creates a need for security. The aim of the master's thesis is to research how substance knowledge, the teacher's personality, pedagogical knowledge and classroom management, and their components are connected to each other. In addition, has been researched how much personality, pedagogical knowledge and classroom management, explain the teacher's self-perceived competence assurance to teach. Altogether, 1224 of Nepalese teachers responded to the survey. The survey sample was stratified. The questionnaire, teachers were asked to assess their teaching confidence in their teaching subject and its sections, on a scale of 1 to 4. Many studies have been done about teaching and the teacher's impact on learning outcomes. That has been considered as a possible cause of Finnish students' good learning achievements. Since the schools have small differences between them, it is easier to study the teachers and the teaching effect of the student's achievements in a country, where the school differences are considerable bigger. According to Hattie (2003, 2), the teacher effect is 30% of the student learning achievements, in Nepal the corresponding figure is 68% (Acharya, Metsämuuronen and Metsämuuronen 2013, 281 316). The study examined by tree-analysis how personality, pedagogical knowledge and classroom management elements are linked to educational confidence and by regression analysis how much these independent variables explain together the effect of the phenomenon. According to regression analysis, there are age, teaching years, assessment, professional development over the last two years, and the curriculum understanding and using, as well as the school equipment shortages. The study found that the most confident were those teachers who were under the age of 30 teachers; who had teaching experience five years or less; who used the project work as assessment; who experienced that they understood the objectives of the school curriculum, and in addition they experienced to implement it successfully. This study was empirical and explorative work and the results obtained on the regression model shows that the model explains 9.5% of teacher's confidence to teach their own subjects. As regression model explains less than 10% certainty, is the teacher's teaching confidence and competence a good follow-up research object. Another good object would be to compare the self-perceived reliability and the validity of the comparison of the measured whether teachers' own experience of the same qualifications as a measurable skill.
  • Kalliokoski, Ella (2016)
    Tutkielman aiheena ovat ruotsinopettajien käyttämät eleet ja artefaktit (esineet) tehtävänantotilanteessa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, millä tavoin ruotsinopettajat tukevat sanallisia tehtävänantojaan multimodaalisin keinoin. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan pääosin laadullista, mutta myös määrällisiä menetelmiä on käytetty. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii sosiokulttuurinen näkökulma opetukseen ja oppimiseen. Sosiokulttuurisessa näkökulmassa kulttuurisilla välineillä, kuten artefakteilla, kielellä ja eleillä on tärkeä rooli välittävinä tekijöinä ihmisen ja ympäröivän maailman välillä. Aineisto on kerätty peruskoulussa ja lukiossa ja se koostuu viidestä videoidusta ruotsin kielen oppitunnista. Analyysimenetelmänä on multimodaalinen vuorovaikutusanalyysi, jossa nonverbaalisen vuorovaikutuksen merkitys tulee esille. Tuloksista käy ilmi, että opettajat käyttävät eniten deiktisiä (osoittavia) eleitä. Näillä he osoittavat joko oppilaita, artefakteja tai paikkoja. Osoittavat eleet voivat olla myös abstrakteja, jolloin niillä viitataan joko abstrakteihin asioihin tai konkreettisiin, ei-läsnäoleviin asioihin. Toiseksi eniten opettajat käyttävät kuvittavia eleitä, jotka tyypillisesti koostuvat katkeamattomasta liikkeestä ja joilla useimmiten myös kuvataan liikettä. Symbolisia eleitä (embleemejä), joilla on vakiintunut merkitys, kuten nyökkäys, käytetään vain harvoin. Artefaktit ovat läsnä kaikissa tutkimuksen tehtävänantotilanteissa. Opettajat viittaavat niihin paitsi eleiden avulla, myös käytännöllisten toimintojen kautta, kuten nostamalla ilmaan työvälineitä, joista puhuvat. Opettajien käyttämät eleet vahvistavat sanallisia viestejä, ohjeita, tarjoamalla niille toisen kanavan tavoittaa oppilaiden ymmärrys. Opettajien käyttämät eleet vahvistavat ja selkeyttävät viestiä, helpottavat oppilaiden ymmärrystä ja tarjoavat opettajalle keinon ilmaista itseään tehokkaammin. Hyödyntämällä eleiden käyttöä kieltenopetuksessa ja tehtävänannossa voitaisiin tukea oppilaan vieraan kielen ymmärrystä ja näin toimien pyrkiä lisäämään kohdekielen määrää luokkahuoneessa.
  • Mäkikokko, Mira (2019)
    Aims. Listening to adults reading aloud has in many researches been found to have several benefits to child’s linguistic development. There are many ways to perform reading aloud such as interactive reading, dialogic reading and text-talk method which are all developed by researchers. The aim of this study is to discover new information about primary school teachers reading aloud: for what purposes teachers perform reading aloud, what are the main features of reading aloud by teachers and what attitudes teachers associate toward reading aloud. Methods. This study is based on the Lukuklaani research project data. The research project conducted an online survey to map out the literacy education of the Finnish primary schools. The survey was answered during November and December in 2017. The survey had total of 58 questions including closed and open questions. Some closed questions had the possibility to be answered with open specification. Total number of answers from teachers were 885 from which 722 answered teachers worked for the signed up research project schools and 163 for random sample schools. From the complete research project data the answers to the open questions regarding reading aloud were reviewed and then themed and furthermore categorized by answer type in line with my study. The research method in this study was data based qualitative content analysis with elements of theory driven analysis. Results and conclusions. This study showed that for some teachers reading aloud was a regular routine. Some teachers used it for calming, motivating to read or to support learning of their students. Reading aloud also had a role in other learning methods of literacy education such as book circles. Reading aloud by teachers showed aspects from many different methods such as performance reading and several researcher developed methods. Almost 90 percent of teachers participating in the Lukuklaani research project read aloud to their students. At the same time the answers showed concern about reading being in lesser role as a hobby and homes showing less support for reading. This study revealed more information of reading aloud habits of teachers. According to this study those habits play a major role in teaching yet they haven’t been studied widely in Finland.
  • Kukkola, Merja (2020)
    Lähes kaikki kiusaamisteot täyttävät jonkin rikoksen tunnusmerkistön ja ne loukkaavat kiusatun perusoikeuksiin sidottuja oikeushyviä, lapsen oikeuksia ja oppilaan oikeutta perusopetuslain mukaiseen turvalliseen opiskeluympäristöön. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sitä voiko opettajalle ja rehtorille syntyä rikosoikeudellinen vastuu, jos he eivät puutu kiusaamiseen. Opettajan ja rehtorin tehtävänä on huolehtia oppilaiden turvallisuuden toteutumisesta. Heidän velvollisuuksiin virkansa puolesta kuuluu tietää ja tuntea alansa määräykset ja siten puuttua kiusaamiseen. Jos opettaja ei noudata tai ei ole selvittänyt velvollisuuksiaan, voi hän syyllistyä tuottamukselliseen virkavelvollisuuden rikkomiseen rikoslain 40 luvun 10 §:n mukaan. Kiusaamiseen puuttumiseksi ei ole annettu yhtenäistä ja selkeää ohjeistusta. Jos virkavelvollisuus on määritelty epäselvästi, rikosoikeudellisen vastuun perusteet voivat jäädä syntymättä laillisuusperiaatteen perusteella. Opettajalla ja rehtorilla on virkansa puolesta myös erityinen oikeudellinen suojelu- ja valvontavelvollisuus suhteessa oppilaisiin. Jos he laiminlyövät velvollisuutensa, voivat he syyllistyä rikoslain 3 luvun 3 §:n 2 momentin mukaiseen epävarsinaiseen laiminlyöntirikokseen niissä tapauksissa, joissa laiminlyönnin seurauksena on rikoslain 21 luvun 10 §:n mukainen vammantuottamus. Jos tuottamuksellinen virkavelvollisuuden rikkominen ei laillisuusperiaatteen takia tule kysymykseen, voi rikosoikeudellinen vastuu kuitenkin syntyä epävarsinaisena laiminlyöntirikoksena. Ympäröivän yhteiskunnan muuttuessa oikeusjärjestelmä ei välttämättä sisäistä kovin nopeasti uusia arvoja ja periaatteita, joita esimerkiksi lapsen oikeudet ilmentävät. Tällöin voi odotusten ja todellisuuden välille syntyä jännitteitä. Jos opettajan ja rehtorin piittaamattomuuteen kiusaamistapauksissa ei puututa rikosoikeuden keinoin, voi se rikkoa oikeudenmukaisuuteen kohdistuvia odotuksia sekä horjuttaa luottamusta kouluinstituutioon. Tilannetta selkiyttäisi, jos kiusaamisen käsitteen määrittely lisätään perusopetuslakiin, tarkennetaan opettajan ja rehtorin virkavastuun sisältöä kiusaamistilanteissa sekä lisätään kaikkien viranomaisten niin opettajien kuin tuomareiden ymmärrystä ja tuntemusta lasten perusoikeuksista ja YK:n lapsen oikeuksien sopimuksen velvoittavuudesta.
  • Kukkola, Merja (2020)
    Lähes kaikki kiusaamisteot täyttävät jonkin rikoksen tunnusmerkistön ja ne loukkaavat kiusatun perusoikeuksiin sidottuja oikeushyviä, lapsen oikeuksia ja oppilaan oikeutta perusopetuslain mukaiseen turvalliseen opiskeluympäristöön. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sitä voiko opettajalle ja rehtorille syntyä rikosoikeudellinen vastuu, jos he eivät puutu kiusaamiseen. Opettajan ja rehtorin tehtävänä on huolehtia oppilaiden turvallisuuden toteutumisesta. Heidän velvollisuuksiin virkansa puolesta kuuluu tietää ja tuntea alansa määräykset ja siten puuttua kiusaamiseen. Jos opettaja ei noudata tai ei ole selvittänyt velvollisuuksiaan, voi hän syyllistyä tuottamukselliseen virkavelvollisuuden rikkomiseen rikoslain 40 luvun 10 §:n mukaan. Kiusaamiseen puuttumiseksi ei ole annettu yhtenäistä ja selkeää ohjeistusta. Jos virkavelvollisuus on määritelty epäselvästi, rikosoikeudellisen vastuun perusteet voivat jäädä syntymättä laillisuusperiaatteen perusteella. Opettajalla ja rehtorilla on virkansa puolesta myös erityinen oikeudellinen suojelu- ja valvontavelvollisuus suhteessa oppilaisiin. Jos he laiminlyövät velvollisuutensa, voivat he syyllistyä rikoslain 3 luvun 3 §:n 2 momentin mukaiseen epävarsinaiseen laiminlyöntirikokseen niissä tapauksissa, joissa laiminlyönnin seurauksena on rikoslain 21 luvun 10 §:n mukainen vammantuottamus. Jos tuottamuksellinen virkavelvollisuuden rikkominen ei laillisuusperiaatteen takia tule kysymykseen, voi rikosoikeudellinen vastuu kuitenkin syntyä epävarsinaisena laiminlyöntirikoksena. Ympäröivän yhteiskunnan muuttuessa oikeusjärjestelmä ei välttämättä sisäistä kovin nopeasti uusia arvoja ja periaatteita, joita esimerkiksi lapsen oikeudet ilmentävät. Tällöin voi odotusten ja todellisuuden välille syntyä jännitteitä. Jos opettajan ja rehtorin piittaamattomuuteen kiusaamistapauksissa ei puututa rikosoikeuden keinoin, voi se rikkoa oikeudenmukaisuuteen kohdistuvia odotuksia sekä horjuttaa luottamusta kouluinstituutioon. Tilannetta selkiyttäisi, jos kiusaamisen käsitteen määrittely lisätään perusopetuslakiin, tarkennetaan opettajan ja rehtorin virkavastuun sisältöä kiusaamistilanteissa sekä lisätään kaikkien viranomaisten niin opettajien kuin tuomareiden ymmärrystä ja tuntemusta lasten perusoikeuksista ja YK:n lapsen oikeuksien sopimuksen velvoittavuudesta.
  • Kankainen, Taru (2017)
    Studies shows that that there is strong a connection between teacher approval and disap-proval behaviour and behaviour of the student. Researchers have examined teacher’s ap-proval and disapproval behaviour since 1970. First studies show that frequency of teacher disapproval is higher than rate of approval. Studies made after 1980 shows that frequency of approval is higher. The purpose of this systematic literature review is examine approval and disapproval behaviours of the teachers in the 2000’s. The frequency of teacher’s ap-proval and disapproval behaviours towards students’ academic and social behaviours was analysed. Teachers approval and disapproval behaviour towards student with special need was also examined. The study used method of systematic literature review. Through the review, six peer re-viewed studies were found as the research material. This study shows that teacher showed more disapproval behaviour than approval behaviour. Teachers showed more disapproval behaviour towards student’s social behaviour. Teachers approved more student’s academic behaviour that social behaviour. In inclusive classroom student with special need received more disapproval feedback than peers without special need. Teachers showed more ap-proval behaviour in special education classrooms than in general education classrooms.
  • Tauriainen, Pinja (2023)
    Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää opettajan työhyvinvointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkielmassa myös määriteltiin työhyvinvointia sekä siihen liittyviä käsitteitä työuupumus, hyvinvointi sekä työn imu. Tutkielmani aihe valikoitui sen yhteiskunnallisen merkittävyyden takia. Aikaisempia tutkimuksia opettajan työhyvinvoinnista on tehty useita. Usein kuitenkin tutkimukset keskittyvät vain työssäjaksamisen negatiivisiin tekijöihin. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset eivät ole antaneet varmoja tuloksia siitä, millaiset tarkat tekijät voisivat ylläpitää opettajan työhyvinvointia nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Tämä tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto koostui pääosin suomalaisesta kirjallisuudesta ja tutkimuksista, mutta mukana on myös muutama kansainvälinen lähde. Aineistot on haettu hyödyntäen Googlea ja erityisemmin Google Scholaria. Työhyvinvoinnin ylläpitäminen on tärkeä osa työssäjaksamista. Työhyvinvoinnille on erilaisia määritelmiä tutkijan mukaan. Työhyvinvointi voidaan nähdä henkilön psyykkisenä ja fyysisenä olotilana, johon vaikuttaa työn, työympäristön sekä vapaa-ajan muodostama kokonaisuus. Työhyvinvointi on aina yksilön subjektiivinen kokemus. Tutkimusten mukaan opettajan työhyvinvointiin vaikuttavat erityisesti työn mielekkyys, esimies, kollegat, oppilaiden kanssa tapahtuva vuorovaikutus sekä henkilökohtainen hyvinvointi. Tutkimusaineistosta nousi vahvasti esille opettajien kokema stressi ja uupumus muuttuvasta koulumaailmasta. Opettajalta vaaditaan tänä päivänä liikaa, mikä puolestaan aiheuttaa riittämättömyyden tunnetta opettajissa. Pyrin tutkielmallani nostamaan esille erilaisia työhyvinvoinnin tekijöitä, jotka pystyisivät edistämään opettajan työhyvinvointia.
  • Kankainen, Taru (2020)
    In this Master thesis my aim is to research how teachers give verbal feedback. Giving verbal feedback is big part of teaching. Therefore, it is important that teachers evaluate their own way to give feedback. I examined how much teachers are giving feedback during lessons and what type of feedback. I also examined how much teachers are giving positive feed-back. For the analyse I am using Hattie´s and Timperley`s (2007) Model of feedback. Ac-cording this model feedback effect on four different levels. These include the level of task performance, the level of process of understanding how to do a task, the regulatory or met-acognitive process level, and/or the self or personal level. On this research I have created account of one teacher´s way to give verbal feedback during lessons. I have also examined how pupil`s behaviour effect on teacher way to give feedback. The purpose of this study is pay attention to teacher’s way to give feedback and therefore encourage to teachers evalu-ate their own ways to give feedback. My study is qualitive research and my target group is one fifth class from Helsinki. I filmed data on three different days. In the transcript of the data I included only the past where teacher was giving verbal feedback. The first and the second research question were analysed with theory-based content analysis. The third research question was analysed with data-based content analysis. The result shows that most of the teacher´s feedback is directed to the task level. Second most-used feedback was targeted to the process level third most to the self-regulation level and none of the teacher’s feedback was directed to the personal level. Most of the teacher´s feedback was positive. When pupils were working on task most used was positive task level feedback. When pupil’s behaviour was disruptive teacher was giving feedback on self-regulation level.
  • Kankainen, Taru (2020)
    In this Master thesis my aim is to research how teachers give verbal feedback. Giving verbal feedback is big part of teaching. Therefore, it is important that teachers evaluate their own way to give feedback. I examined how much teachers are giving feedback during lessons and what type of feedback. I also examined how much teachers are giving positive feed-back. For the analyse I am using Hattie´s and Timperley`s (2007) Model of feedback. Ac-cording this model feedback effect on four different levels. These include the level of task performance, the level of process of understanding how to do a task, the regulatory or met-acognitive process level, and/or the self or personal level. On this research I have created account of one teacher´s way to give verbal feedback during lessons. I have also examined how pupil`s behaviour effect on teacher way to give feedback. The purpose of this study is pay attention to teacher’s way to give feedback and therefore encourage to teachers evalu-ate their own ways to give feedback. My study is qualitive research and my target group is one fifth class from Helsinki. I filmed data on three different days. In the transcript of the data I included only the past where teacher was giving verbal feedback. The first and the second research question were analysed with theory-based content analysis. The third research question was analysed with data-based content analysis. The result shows that most of the teacher´s feedback is directed to the task level. Second most-used feedback was targeted to the process level third most to the self-regulation level and none of the teacher’s feedback was directed to the personal level. Most of the teacher´s feedback was positive. When pupils were working on task most used was positive task level feedback. When pupil’s behaviour was disruptive teacher was giving feedback on self-regulation level.
  • Tiala, Ilona (2020)
    Aim of the study. Students and their difficult behavior are, according to several studies, one of the most significant burdensome factors in teaching work. In the field of research on teacher well-being at work or stress and burnout, this aspect is often emphasized. The im-portance of the teacher-student relationship for teacher well-being, job satisfaction, and commitment to work is well known. This study aims to look at the teacher-student relation-ship as a resource for teaching work. In my research, I try to find out what kind of teacher-student relationship promotes teacher well-being. Also, the study examines the extent to which the teacher-student relationship protects the teacher from risks to their well-being in terms of managing workload. Methods. The research approach was hermeneutic-phenomenological, aiming to understand and interpret an individual’s experiences and their associated meanings. The study was a qualitative interview study, the material of which consisted of interviews with six (6) classroom teachers. The body of the interview was a semi-structured interview. The inter-views were recorded and transcribed, after which they were analyzed. The method of anal-ysis was content analysis, typical of qualitative research. Results and conclusions. Based on my research material, I have divided the factors of the teacher-student relationship that promote teacher well-being, into those related to the teacher's professional skills, as well as those relating to the student's willingness and ability to participate in building the teacher-student relationship. The results showed that the teacher-student relationship is, to the greatest extent possible, a resource for teaching work. A warm teacher-student relationship was perceived as a significant and meaningful factor in teachers' work. However, it does not appear to protect teachers from overwork, and interviewees reported that other approaches are required to manage their workload and to protect themselves from exhaustion. The role of the teacher leans heavily towards interpersonal work, and the ability to tailor approaches to different students to build relationships is important. Attention is often paid to the teacher-student relationship only when problems arise, even if it would be beneficial for both the teacher and students' well-being to focus on building successful teacher-student relationships.
  • Tiala, Ilona (2020)
    Aim of the study. Students and their difficult behavior are, according to several studies, one of the most significant burdensome factors in teaching work. In the field of research on teacher well-being at work or stress and burnout, this aspect is often emphasized. The im-portance of the teacher-student relationship for teacher well-being, job satisfaction, and commitment to work is well known. This study aims to look at the teacher-student relation-ship as a resource for teaching work. In my research, I try to find out what kind of teacher-student relationship promotes teacher well-being. Also, the study examines the extent to which the teacher-student relationship protects the teacher from risks to their well-being in terms of managing workload. Methods. The research approach was hermeneutic-phenomenological, aiming to understand and interpret an individual’s experiences and their associated meanings. The study was a qualitative interview study, the material of which consisted of interviews with six (6) classroom teachers. The body of the interview was a semi-structured interview. The inter-views were recorded and transcribed, after which they were analyzed. The method of anal-ysis was content analysis, typical of qualitative research. Results and conclusions. Based on my research material, I have divided the factors of the teacher-student relationship that promote teacher well-being, into those related to the teacher's professional skills, as well as those relating to the student's willingness and ability to participate in building the teacher-student relationship. The results showed that the teacher-student relationship is, to the greatest extent possible, a resource for teaching work. A warm teacher-student relationship was perceived as a significant and meaningful factor in teachers' work. However, it does not appear to protect teachers from overwork, and interviewees reported that other approaches are required to manage their workload and to protect themselves from exhaustion. The role of the teacher leans heavily towards interpersonal work, and the ability to tailor approaches to different students to build relationships is important. Attention is often paid to the teacher-student relationship only when problems arise, even if it would be beneficial for both the teacher and students' well-being to focus on building successful teacher-student relationships.
  • Kruus, Niina (2020)
    The aim for this study is to investigate primary school teachers’ and lower secondary school teachers’ reading habits and describe teachers’ recreational reading habits. Earlier research indicates that even thought the majority of teachers enjoy reading and they are unanimous about the importance of reading, it doesn’t necessarily mean that teachers use their leisure time to read. Teachers are important reading models to their students. By modeling they can demonstrate to students that reading is an important skill to know and a fun recreational activity. With the help of this study, information about finnish teachers as readers can be obtained. It is also possible to portray what kind of reading model teachers give to students at school. This study was conducted as a part of the Lukuklaani-project. The data was part of a survey that was sent to primary school teachers and lower secondary school teachers. Over 1800 primary school teachers, mother tongue and literature teachers from lower secondary school and other subjects’ teachers from lower secondary school answered the questions that are part of this study. The data was analyzed with quantitative methods. The majority of teachers read more than one book in a year. When compairing different teacher groups, mother tongue and literature teachers from lower secondary school read on average a little bit more than other teachers. Teachers read variety of different kinds of books, but a novel was by far the most read genre. The other subjects’ teachers from lower secondary school read more non-fiction than other teachers. Recreational reading habits were investigated also by asking about the respondents’ participation in literary circles, because increasing the use of communal reading emphasizing literary circle method in primary schools was one of the aims of the Lukuklaani-project. Most of the teachers didn’t participate in literary circles. The most popular type of literary circle, within those who took part in one, was friend group’s literary circle. The survey also investigated, what teachers had last read. Those who read a lot and those who read a little weren’t different from each other when looking at the book they last read. There were no great differences between different teacher groups’ recreational reading habits. However there were more teachers that were a part of a literary circle within the teachers that read more than within the teachers that didn’t read that much. The study indicates that teachers read quite a lot, especially fiction. Therefore they have a chance to give a good model of recreational reading to students.
  • Kruus, Niina (2020)
    The aim for this study is to investigate primary school teachers’ and lower secondary school teachers’ reading habits and describe teachers’ recreational reading habits. Earlier research indicates that even thought the majority of teachers enjoy reading and they are unanimous about the importance of reading, it doesn’t necessarily mean that teachers use their leisure time to read. Teachers are important reading models to their students. By modeling they can demonstrate to students that reading is an important skill to know and a fun recreational activity. With the help of this study, information about finnish teachers as readers can be obtained. It is also possible to portray what kind of reading model teachers give to students at school. This study was conducted as a part of the Lukuklaani-project. The data was part of a survey that was sent to primary school teachers and lower secondary school teachers. Over 1800 primary school teachers, mother tongue and literature teachers from lower secondary school and other subjects’ teachers from lower secondary school answered the questions that are part of this study. The data was analyzed with quantitative methods. The majority of teachers read more than one book in a year. When compairing different teacher groups, mother tongue and literature teachers from lower secondary school read on average a little bit more than other teachers. Teachers read variety of different kinds of books, but a novel was by far the most read genre. The other subjects’ teachers from lower secondary school read more non-fiction than other teachers. Recreational reading habits were investigated also by asking about the respondents’ participation in literary circles, because increasing the use of communal reading emphasizing literary circle method in primary schools was one of the aims of the Lukuklaani-project. Most of the teachers didn’t participate in literary circles. The most popular type of literary circle, within those who took part in one, was friend group’s literary circle. The survey also investigated, what teachers had last read. Those who read a lot and those who read a little weren’t different from each other when looking at the book they last read. There were no great differences between different teacher groups’ recreational reading habits. However there were more teachers that were a part of a literary circle within the teachers that read more than within the teachers that didn’t read that much. The study indicates that teachers read quite a lot, especially fiction. Therefore they have a chance to give a good model of recreational reading to students.
  • Käräjäoja, Ella (2016)
    Objectives: The purpose of this study is to gather the insights of the mexican elementary school teachers on their career selection, as well as their status in the Mexican society. In addition, the purpose of the study is to describe the role of teachers in Mexican society. The theoretical background is to enlighten, what kind of education system and teacher training Mexico has. It also helps one to get acquianted with the concepts of cultural studies. Methods: 11 mexican elementary school teachers participated in this qualitative case study via e-mail inquiry. The participants come from different parts of Mexico and they are of very different ages. The material was analyzed by the means of material-based content analysis. Results and conclusions: Concerning the career selection of the teachers, five different themes emerged: the impact of the teachers in the family, the desire to teach and to help the children learn, the opportunity to have an impact on the pupils, attachment for working with the children, and economical reasons. In addition, more than half of the participants had selected teacher´s profession as a first career option. All the participants thought that the status and the role of the teachers in Mexico is low. The teachers told about several factors impacting on their low status; the government, the media, the parents of the children, the salary, and incompetent teachers. However, despite the low status, teachers are thought to have important role as educators and good examples as citizens
  • Panula, Sini (2021)
    Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tarkoituksena oli kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin tutkia opettajien asenteita inkluusiota kohtaan. Tarkempana tutkimustehtävänä on selvittää, mitkä tekijät yhdistetään aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella opettajien myönteisiin ja kielteisiin asenteisiin inkluusiota kohtaan. Kasvatusta ja opetusta kehitetään inkluusioperiaatteen mukaisesti tavoitteena kaikille lapsille yhteisen koulun mahdollistaminen. Täten inkluusio koskettaa jokaisen opettajan työnkuvaa. Tärkeä lähtökohta tutkielmalle on, että opettajien asenteiden nähdään olevan keskiössä inkluusion onnistumisen kannalta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimuskysymys on 1) Millä tekijöillä on todettu olevan yhteys opettajien myönteisiin ja kielteisiin asenteisiin inkluusiota kohtaan? Tutkielma toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto kerättiin EBSCOhost- tietokannasta ja se muodostui kymmenestä vertaisarvioidusta tieteellisestä artikkelista. Tutkimusaineisto koostui englanninkielisistä julkaisuista vuosilta 2010-2019. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttämällä teorialähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimuskysymyksen tulokset taulukoitiin ja teemoiteltiin. Tulkinnat aineistosta tehtiin suhteessa tutkielman teoreettiseen taustaan. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulosten mukaan opettajien myönteisiin asenteisiin oli yhteydessä opettajan nuori ikä sekä vähäinen työkokemus, esiopetuksen opettajan pätevyys, erityisopettajan pätevyys, osallistuminen täydennyskoulutukseen, lisätuen mahdollisuus luokassa ja korkea pystyvyyden tunne. Kielteisiin asenteisiin artikkelien perusteella oli yhteydessä puolestaan opettajan vanhempi ikä, aineenopettajan pätevyys, yleisopettajan pätevyys, riittämätön koulutus, liian suuri hallittava oppilasmäärä luokassa ja heikko pystyvyyden tunne. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat tarvetta etenkin koulutuspoliittisiin muutoksiin, kuten opettajankoulutuksen kehittämiseen.